How much does a real ruby ​​cost and where can you buy it? The most valuable stone is ruby ​​and its properties. Ruby jewelry and care for them.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Many people believe that the most expensive and valuable jewelry stone is a diamond. But experts know that some others are valued higher than it, first of all, ruby. This bright red, richly colored stone costs significantly more than diamonds. And there are many reasons for this.

Contrary to popular belief, the cost of cut diamonds can be significantly lower than the price of rubies. One of the reasons for this is the rarity of the latter. Large rubies are very rare; over the past 100 years, only about a few pure stones weighing more than 200 carats have been discovered, and about 300 diamonds of the same size have been discovered. There are even fewer flawless ones among them. So, after two carats, the price of a cut ruby ​​is higher than that of a diamond of the same size and quality. And the larger the stone, the greater the discrepancy.

Like emeralds and sapphires, rubies are valued primarily for their color. For them, brilliance and play are not as important as for a diamond; the cost is determined by the beautiful tone. The ideal stone should be deep red or scarlet. The medium tone is valued the most, followed by pale stones, while dark stones are valued the least.

Shades are also important. A slight purple hue adds value to the ruby, but it should not be dominant. Orange and brown impurities significantly reduce its cost. It is very important that the color is even. Areas of more or less intense color are undesirable.

The second indicator that affects the price of a ruby ​​is the presence of inclusion. A small amount, giving the characteristic silky shine to the stone, can only increase its attractiveness in the eyes of jewelers, but multiple inclusions of other minerals, reducing the transparency and color of the stone, cracks and other defects immediately affect the cost. On the other hand, the complete absence of impurities and defects indicates the artificial origin of the stone.

The place where the ruby ​​was found is of great importance. These stones are found on all continents, perhaps with the exception of Antarctica, but Asian rubies are most valued, especially those found in Burma. They are the ones that have the most valuable color – deep red, with a slight purple tint. It was this shade that received the figurative name “pigeon blood color.”

Ruby history

It is believed that ruby ​​was one of the first stones that people began to mine and use. Very hard, deep red stones simply could not be ignored. They were deified and considered one of the best talismans of almost everything in the world.

The ancient Greeks covered statues of gods and goddesses with them. They talk about the figure of Hera installed in one of her temples. They were completely covered with gold and decorated with precious stones, the main one of which was a large ruby.

They enjoyed no less love in ancient India. Here the ruby ​​even earned the loud name “lord of all gems.” Indeed, it could often be found in the decorations of rajas and statues of temple complexes.

No matter what people you take, you can one way or another find references to rubies. They were found in the treasures of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, who is mentioned in the Bible.

They knew and loved him in Rus'. It is interesting that, not knowing about the close relationship between sapphires and rubies, our ancestors called both of these stones by the common name “yakhont”, specifying only the color - red or blue. By the way, rubies are also found in one of the most famous historical works of jewelry - the Monomakh cap.

But only in the nineteenth century did scientists begin to study the chemical composition and structure of ruby, determining that its twin was sapphire. Together with some other stones, it is classified as corundum. Thus, ruby ​​is one of the most valuable varieties of corundum, and not an independent stone. But, not knowing about the chemical and physical properties of ruby, people have always been aware of its special, magical abilities.

Healing and magical properties of ruby

This blood-red stone has always been one of the symbols of power. He was loved by the rulers of all times and all peoples. It is not surprising that it has always been endowed with special properties.

It is believed that wearing a ruby ​​should be worn by people who are insecure, weak, and subject to the influence of others. He will help them become stronger, get rid of complexes and doubts that interfere with achieving their goals. He will help you overcome all obstacles and always achieve what you want.

It is believed that ruby ​​best helps people who strive for great things - achieving new heights in science, art, and sports.

People associated the red color of the stone with blood, which means vitality, energy, sexuality, and fertility. It was advised to be worn by men so that they would never know what impotence is, and by women so that they could conceive and give birth to a child without any problems.

Another interesting property of ruby ​​is its reaction to poison. If it is brought near poisoned food or drink, it will lose its shine or change color. It is not surprising that ruby ​​rings were highly valued among the powers that be.

Like many precious stones, ruby ​​has the ability to have a positive effect on the human nervous system. Stress, mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia, nervous pathologies, such as epilepsy - ruby, if not eliminate all these problems, will at least alleviate them.

Fake ruby

It is worth noting that ruby ​​is one of the most frequently counterfeited stones. Zircon, red spinel, garnet - there are specimens that are so similar to rubies that only a specialist can distinguish them, and even then only with special equipment.

The situation got even worse when chemists learned to grow synthetic rubies. By the way, they were the first precious stones that were learned to be obtained in laboratory conditions. At a certain point, there were a lot of artificial rubies on the market, much cheaper than natural ones. For example, most jewelry with rubies made in the Soviet Union includes stones of artificial origin.

The cost of a real ruby, clean, free of defects and inclusions, large in size, can reach 3-5 thousand dollars per carat. Few people can afford such jewelry, but they will be passed down in the family for centuries, each time increasing in price.

Ruby products

Brooch with inserts of small rubies

A figurine of an imperial eagle decorated with rubies

Antique brooch decorated with rubies and diamonds

Rose decorated with small rubies

Ring with ruby ​​insert, dedicated to the 1980 Olympics

Set of large necklace, earrings and brooch, decorated with rubies

Set of brooches and earrings decorated with small rubies

Translucent ruby ​​pendant

Rubies can be divided into natural And synthetic. The price of artificial ruby, according to a study of the Russian market by the Gemological Center of Moscow State University, is low: 60-100 rubles. The price of natural stones is an order of magnitude higher and starts from 6,000 rubles per 1 carat to several million rubles per carat and above.

In terms of molecular composition, it is corundum, aluminum oxide Al 2 O 2 with inclusions of chromophoric elements: chromium, which determines the red color, and iron, which gives mustard shades. The process of crystallization of rubies at the stage of their origin was extremely slow, took place under stable conditions, and as a result, very large gems were formed. The process of birth of precious stones in the depths of the Earth led to some peculiarities: the presence of inclusions and possible heterogeneity of the crystal.

The main factors in determining the price of ruby

Significant factors in pricing are:

  1. Instance weight.
  2. Corundum color.
  3. Information about processing to improve the quality of the stone.
  4. Purity.
  5. Shape cut and polished.
  6. Availability of a certificate from a specialized laboratory.

The weight of a ruby ​​increases its value. Moreover, it grows nonlinearly with increasing size.

In terms of spectrum, the most expensive of the large specimens are bright scarlet rubies; they are extremely rare and are often kept in royal treasuries. In Russia, a scarlet weighing 250 carats is currently in the Diamond Fund. It, cut in the shape of a bunch of grapes, was presented by King Gustav Adolf to Catherine II in 1777. The price of similar examples “with history” offered at closed auctions from private collections will be simply incredible.

The value of small red specimens has recently declined in part due to the appearance of rubies from Mozambique on the markets.

The most significant of the commercial ones are the carmine red jewels of the shade "pigeon blood". As a rule, these are small stones mined in Burma, near Mogok. Their value on the market is only growing: alluvial placers are being depleted. Large rubies of this color are quite rare. In the price series, the price for dark red rubies, brownish and pink-red rubies from Tajikistan decreases.

Secondary and indirect factors

Factors that have less influence on the price are the presence of inclusions and information about the ruby ​​deposit. A good specialist may well be able to find out about the origin of a ruby ​​(even taking into account the fact that even stones found nearby can be quite different). Siamese rubies are duller due to the presence of iron, they may contain inclusions in the form of broken thin crystal plates and cavities, while Burmese rubies often contain oriented rutile crystals and hollow channels.

Beautifully arranged rutile needles give Burmese rubies a silky sheen. They will create the effect of a cat's eye in cabochons. And the most valuable asterism is the figure of a pointed star, sliding along the surface of the cabochon as it turns in the so-called star ruby. If the inclusions are insignificant or have created a beautiful pattern, they will not affect the price, but ideal transparency is a sign of its synthetic origin.

Heat treatment, “healing” cracks and filling cavities reduce the price of the product by half. However, visually such a stone can be simply magnificent. For example, the procedure of filling cracks and cavities with flint glass is also used for star rubies. But it should be borne in mind that stones refined in this way will require special care.

Recently, there has been a tendency to abandon any of these procedures, since defects only emphasize the naturalness of the stone.

It is hardly possible to assess the color of a ruby ​​from a photo; trainings are conducted among novice jewelers on practical assessment of the color of stones. For example, at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, where they can also teach you how to distinguish it from red spinel and almandine garnet and talk about methods for determining the dichroism of ruby. There is a special GIA color classification system that allows you to navigate the class of ruby ​​by description when choosing an auction.

Approximate ruby ​​price range

  • Low quality ruby ​​(low weight, low color) from 4 thousand rubles. up to 210 thousand rubles. per carat.
  • Good quality from 80 thousand rubles to 600 thousand rubles.
  • Ruby quality is above average from 300 thousand rubles to 2 million rubles.
  • Excellent ruby from 600 thousand rubles.

Auctions, shops and purchasing features

Gem Guide magazine can be your guide to the world of prices for colored stones if you decide to make a ruby ​​a serious investment. You can ask for starting prices for stones at the specialized online auction of diamonds and colored gemstones “DGTS.RU”.

When purchasing natural rubies in Russian jewelry stores, make sure they have a certificate from the Center for Gemological Expertise and Certification, the number of which can be checked on the website. Purchasing precious stones over the Internet is prohibited by presidential decree; all existing sites are an online showcase for purchases in the office. And if you decide to purchase remotely from foreign auctions, please note that shipment is only possible in the form of finished products.

Rubies have been known since ancient times. This stone is associated with fire, blood and mad passion. Ruby is one of the most valuable stones in the world. Interestingly, a perfect Burmese ruby ​​will cost more than a diamond. This situation has arisen because very few natural minerals of perfect forms have been discovered.

A story with a touch of magic

Whatever names have been assigned to ruby ​​during its existence. Among the Slavs it bore the name “yakhont”, some Roman connoisseurs called it carbunculus, the Greeks gave the stone the nickname anthrax, and in ancient Sanskrit the ruby ​​was dubbed the king of gems. It is believed that the owner of the stone will gain control of power and strength in order to improve their destiny.

But there are two important points: you cannot wear a ruby ​​all the time, as it can become an energy vampire in relation to the owner; A person who has reached a certain status in life is worthy of owning a stone safely.

To this day, natural ruby ​​is credited with magical and healing properties:

  • help in overcoming obsessive fear;
  • confrontation with the forces of darkness;
  • arousal of irresistible passion;
  • treatment of hypotension;
  • presence of hemostatic function;
  • the ability to invigorate and prevent loss of strength;
  • tonic properties.

For your information: the legendary Paracelsus made attempts to treat cancer tumors using ruby.

So where did the magic stone come from, and what color can a ruby ​​be? This is evidenced by scientific facts and many years of geological research.

Ruby bloodline

A long time ago, a majestic stone was born in agony from the bowels of the earth. This process occurred during the mutual movement of tectonic layers: crust and magma. The resulting substance, later called aluminum oxide by scientists, came out in the form of a crystal. The value of rubies is due to the fact that their genus is too ancient, and the mystery of the appearance of red minerals goes far into the past. In our time, such movements of the earth's layers do not exist, so the chance to find scarlet stones is only in rock strata about half a million years old.

Distinctive features of the king of stones

What color is ruby ​​in nature? This indicator is affected by chromium inclusions. The ruby ​​color palette ranges from hot pink to purple-red. The richest oxblood colored rubies are the most valuable in the world. They seem to glow from within, captivating with their cold beauty.

As for the physical characteristics of the stone, its structure is one of the densest in nature and has an original, shimmering shine: these qualities add to the ruby's resemblance to a diamond. In the old days, it was mined and stored only in India and Burma, but gradually developing trade relations allowed the precious mineral to travel to Egypt, Greece and the great Rome. In addition to healing various ailments, the ruby ​​is famous for the fact that, according to legend, it was given the honor of decorating the ring of the wise King Solomon. In addition, the luxurious stone was an indispensable attribute of royal regalia and symbols of dominance, however, not forgetting to decorate graceful fingers

Ruby: features of species

Deposits of these stunningly beautiful stones are localized in many countries, including Sri Lanka, India, African countries, Madagascar, and some Asian regions. And each type has its own strengths and unique appearance.

Guest from Burma

The flagship in the ruby ​​sea is undoubtedly a stone from Burma. The famous Mong Shu Mountain conceals in its belly Burmese rubies of the highest grade. These are very valuable stones, characterized by transparency and color saturation. To find out what color a natural ruby ​​mined in Upper Burma is, you need to conjure up a blood-violet hue that does not lose its shine in any light. From the outside it looks very expensive. Looking at a product with a ruby, you can guess its grade and origin by the color of the stone. Mogok Valley ruby ​​ranges in color from light to dark red, but it is important to remember that intense saturation is the hallmark of the Burmese ruby.

Prices for such stones range from $50 per carat, with this being the minimum cost. A further increase in price depends on the color of the ruby, and its quality characteristics are also taken into account. Determining the authenticity of a Burmese ruby ​​is quite difficult. This is done by well-known laboratories that have received the right to issue appropriate certificates.

Siamese gift

Rubies mined in Thailand and Vietnam are considered second-class stones, but this does not make them any less beautiful. Thai ruby: what color is it and what are its differences? The stones of this region are characterized by a rich palette and sometimes truly unique, valuable samples are found, costing several thousand dollars per carat. But for the most part, these stones are rather unevenly colored and are not large in size.

Ruby Breath of Tanzania

Minerals worthy of attention are mined in Tanzania. What color is a ruby? A photo of a Tanzanian stone indicates a bright crimson hue, which is impossible to tear yourself away from contemplating. This is what the stones look like after cutting, and what color is a natural ruby ​​from the depths of Tanzania? Cloudy, but often transparent, pink or garnet minerals with pronounced internal defects, but jewelers give them stunning attractiveness with the help of their skill, extracting fiery highlights from the stone heart.

Ruby mining is also organized in Kenya, Madagascar, India, Afghanistan and other countries, but in value they are significantly inferior to Siamese and Burmese types. For example, what color is a ruby ​​from the Kenyan depths? Surprisingly, such minerals have And Malagasy stones are distinguished by orange and pink reflections with a pronounced internal silkiness.

Star effect rubies are especially prized: stunningly beautiful, transparent stones, often of intense color. Their cost depends on the saturation of the shade, the degree of clarity and clarity of the outline of the star inside the mineral. They are assessed very subjectively, relying more on one’s own taste than on quality parameters.

Characteristics of natural stone

Based on this, rubies differ in different color saturation and transparency. If a so-called young ruby ​​occurs, what color is it? As a rule, such stones are watery-light, with a pink or lilac tint. In general, rubies in nature are not completely transparent, without foreign inclusions, internal defects and too large a size. Experts can say with confidence what color a real ruby ​​is: the mineral contains shades from light scarlet to dark red. Also, natural stones have a dull shine, and some have a silky sheen.

Determining authenticity

A synthetically grown stone will not have the same miraculous properties that a genuine ruby ​​has. In addition, real jewelry is very expensive, so deception and scams often flourish in sales.

How to distinguish imitation from natural stone?

Among other things, there are several important points that you should pay attention to first. So, the price of the issue. Real rubies are rare and therefore, due to their exclusivity, are quite expensive. The low price of a large stone should be especially alarming - such specimens are too rare and very valuable.

And lastly: color. If the buyer’s eyes hurt from contemplating a sparkling, bloody ruby, then he must remember that such stones are rare in nature. In other words, the client is faced with either a fabulously valuable Burmese ruby ​​or a blatant fake.

There are several simple ways to identify the authenticity of a stone:

  1. Ultraviolet test. A fake ruby ​​turns orange.
  2. White bubbly inclusions. In natural rubies, bubbles are extremely rare and are identical in color to the stone itself. Whereas in fake minerals the circles are light in color or hollow.
  3. Natural stone is usually cold and heats up with great difficulty, unlike its artificial counterparts.
  4. If you place a ruby ​​in a glass of milk, it will turn the liquid pink.
  5. Natural stone looks different from different angles.
  6. If a crack is found in a stone, then in a natural mineral it will be uneven and will not shine, as in a counterfeit one.

Therefore, when choosing an expensive ruby, you should definitely consult with a knowledgeable jeweler or gemologist.

Rubies are natural creations that will take your breath away when you look at them. It doesn’t matter what color the ruby ​​is: they are used to create talismans for different zodiac signs, amulets that can protect against the forces of evil. They are credited with magical properties and endowed with healing characteristics. And finally, ruby ​​makes magnificent jewelry worthy of decorating royal houses. A natural mineral of such a high class is an excellent choice of real sybarite.

A stone of passion and frantic energy. Perhaps it's all about the color, but this is one mineral that you can't take your eyes off. It is possible that this is precisely why the royals of many kingdoms turned their gaze to the “scarlet flower” of the bowels of the earth.

Majestic rubies adorned the royal regalia of many states. How much is the “Polish Eagle” hairpin, which is kept in the Louvre, worth? Or Elizabeth II's ruby ​​Burmese tiara? And the majestic “Monomakh’s Cap”? It is decorated with 8 large rubies on each of the plates.

In the old days, rubies were called, in the European manner, yakhont. And the older our world becomes, the more attractive the stone seems to us.

Yakhontovye mines

The main deposits are considered to be India, Thailand, Vietnam, Tazania, Sri Lanka and Australia.

But the most valuable are those mined in the mines of Myanmar. Imagine not just a dark red transparent ruby, but with a bluish tint - called “pigeon blood color”.

Gold earrings with rubies and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Dark rubies of a noble burgundy color are found in a mine in the city of Mogou. And near the city of Mong Shu, gemstones are mined with amazing purple, blue and black colors at the core, with red ruby ​​edges.

In India, you can come across star-shaped rubies - if you hold one up to the light, you can see a star. Pink, like ripe raspberries, specimens can be found in Sri Lanka. And minerals that shimmer in the light are mined in Africa.

To get cut, stones are most often sent to Europe, Thailand and Israel. Jewelers have a difficult job; a ruby ​​is rarely pure, without inclusions of other materials. These inclusions are removed, the cracks are glued together, and the voids are filled with glass melt.

The price of ruby ​​passion

Rubies are not only the brightest stones, but also one of the most expensive, surpassing even diamonds in value. If we are talking about a high-quality, pure and transparent ruby, then the price can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars and more.

The most expensive example, called Sunrise, was sold at Sotheby’s for almost $30.5 million. That is, approximately a little more than 1 million per carat! And today this is a record.

The second record holder is the largest ruby ​​- its size is 440 carats. Found quite recently in Greenland. It is still unnamed, but it is not difficult to guess that such a stone will be given a name to match.

There are also cheap, low-quality rubies, these are often sold in Indian markets. Their cost is about 25 rupees per carat (that's less than 1 dollar). A bracelet made from such stones will cost about 2,000 rupees (about $30).

The magic of red stones

Fiery red stones may have been the eyes of a dragon in the past, as an ancient Eastern legend says. Fascinating, hypnotizing - if huge snakes existed, they would definitely look at the world with two ruby ​​drops.

Already 2000 years ago, people began to attribute magical properties to rubies. For example, it was believed that ruby ​​enhances the good and bad qualities of nature: an evil and powerful person with such decoration can become an even greater tyrant, and vice versa.

Ruby is still used as a talisman to protect against the evil eye, envy and slander. The red mineral will help those who are overcome by doubts and uncertainty, and will restore harmony, peace and vitality. It is a stone of health, prosperity, greatness and success.

For Aries, such an amulet will restore mental strength and help get out of a depressive mood. This stone will give Scorpio confidence and push them to new beginnings. Gemini will be given flexibility and restraint. Ruby color will help Leos achieve their goals. But Aquarius and Virgo need to be careful with such a stone: they may not be able to withstand its power.

Synthetic ruby

The first synthetic ruby ​​was created by the French scientist Mark Houdin back in the 19th century.

Now artificial stones are produced on an industrial scale. Rubies are grown from a mineral called corundum.

Silver necklace with cubic zirconia and synthetic rubies (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

This ruby ​​looks like a natural one, and the chemical composition is similar. It’s just that the product is initially transparent, and then it is painted with chrome particles.

How to choose a ruby

The price is affected by both weight (carats) and color. Shades of ruby ​​can range from burgundy to crimson. But the standard and most expensive stone is a pure red stone (Pigeon’s Blood), which contains a lot of chromium and little iron.

SL RUBY jewelry collection (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

To understand the purity of a stone, look at it with a magnifying glass and pay attention to the structure: it should be heterogeneous, interspersed. Cracks and cloudy areas are formed due to crystalline inclusions (zircon, apatite, boehmite, rutile). A perfectly clean sample should make you wonder: is it a fake?

By the way, specialized homology centers carry out professional testing and certification of precious stones: GRS, AIGS, GIA, SSEF, IGI, AGTA, EGL, HRD.

How to spot a fake

No matter how much you want to quickly leave with a decoration dear to your heart, take a few minutes and:

  • Look carefully at how the stone shines and what color it is. At different angles it should change from dark to light;
  • move the stone across the glass. If a reddish mark remains, the stone is most likely artificial;
  • try scratching the ruby ​​itself, for example, with a coin. Don't be afraid, real natural stone will not be damaged;
  • lower the sample into the glass: highlights should appear in it. And if you pour milk into a glass, it will turn pinkish;
  • look at the cracks: are they straight and shiny? Here is a synthetic; in natural stone they are zigzag and matte;

Garnet, tourmaline, rubellite and spinel can also be passed off as rubies. Mineral reserves are decreasing, which means that there are more fakes and the price of rubies will only increase. So it's a good investment.

Ruby (lat. rubens, rubinus - red; obsolete sardis, lal, red yakhont), Al2O3 - mineral, a type of corundum, belongs to the class of oxides, trigonal system. Hardness – 9 on the Mohs scale, density 3.97–4.05 g/cm³, for more details see corundum. Has optical anisotropy. We can distinguish it from red spinel by the shape of its crystals, in other cases with great difficulty, for example under a microscope. The red color is given by an admixture of chromium. Red corundums are called rubies, blue ones are called sapphires. Light-colored sapphires or colorless corundum of jewelry quality are called leucosapphire. “Star-shaped” varieties of ruby ​​and sapphire with a well-defined asterism effect are processed as cabochons.

Physico-chemical characteristics of ruby

  • Ruby is a variety of corundum.
  • The chemical formula of ruby ​​is Al2O3.
  • Cleavage – imaginary, apparent or absent.
  • The syngony is trigonal.
  • The habit of the crystals is in the form of hexagonal flattened tablets, also columnar.
  • The color of ruby ​​is due to impurities that isomorphically replace aluminum (chrome, iron, titanium): red, pink-red, purple-red, different saturations - less bright, more bright.
  • Transparency – translucent, transparent.
  • The shine is glassy.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale – 9.
  • Density – 3.97 – 4.05.
  • Light refraction or refractive period is 1.766 – 1.774.
  • The fracture is conchoidal, uneven, the crystal is fragile.
  • Dense samples are resistant to mechanical stress.


The origin of this stone is in association with feldspars, biotite, garnet or hydrothermal metasomatic in secondary quartzites in association with endalusite, quartz, hematite.

Deposits are river placers in India, Thailand, Kenya, Tanzania, Burma and Afghanistan. In general, ruby ​​has been known since ancient times and is used for inserts in jewelry. For a long time it was mined and stored in Burma and India, but with the development of trade relations it began to reach Egypt, Greece and Rome. Almost all of these stones ended up in jewelry and regalia of the highest nobility, royal dynasties, clergy, and nobles of the court.

The first information about rubies dates back to the 6th century. BC, to the ancient legends of India and Burma. Ancient Indian texts dating back to 2300 BC call the ruby ​​the king of gems.

In the Mediterranean countries, the ruby ​​was also known and appreciated - it is mentioned in the Bible. The Greeks called it anthrax, the Romans called it carbunculos. By the tenth century AD. in Rus', colored varieties of corundum began to be called yakhonts.

general characteristics

Ruby is one of the most expensive jewelry stones. It is a type of corundum, aluminum oxide. It ranks second in hardness after diamond. The color of the stone is associated with an admixture of chromium. Corundums colored in other colors are called sapphires. Can be confused with less hard zircons, garnets and spinel (the latter being a precious but less expensive stone). In Rus', all red stones were called yakhonts. Today, artificial rubies from dark pink to red and deep red (corundum), which, unlike natural rubies, have ideal transparency, even color, large size, absence of cracks and foreign inclusions, are very popular. Like sapphire, natural ruby ​​is star-shaped: rutile mineral inclusions parallel to the crystal faces sometimes intersect at an angle of 60 degrees, forming a 6-pointed star (clear rubies with a star are very expensive, opaque ones are cheaper).

From a mineralogist's point of view, ruby ​​is a red variety of the mineral corundum, a common natural compound of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Nature has created a very perfect structure in the corundum crystal lattice. It is built from aluminum and oxygen ions in such a way that the oxygen ions are arranged layer by layer in a dense hexagonal packing, like billiard balls in a box, and between the layers of oxygen - in the voids - aluminum ions are placed, filling two-thirds of all existing voids. This is one of the most perfect and dense mineral structures. And it is no coincidence that the properties of pure precious corundum are so close to the properties of diamond. The famous color of a candle flame appears when chromium replaces some of the trivalent aluminum ions in the mineral lattice. The Cr2O3 content in red rubies is about 2%, in red-black rubies it is about 4%. Ultraviolet and infrared rays “excite” trivalent chromium ions, charge them with energy, and they themselves begin to emit visible light - to luminesce. Their red color is truly luminous.

Record breakers

Large rubies are rarer than diamonds and are more expensive today. For 1870-1970 Over 300 diamond crystals weighing more than 200 carats were found, and only a few of the same optically pure rubies were found. Pure rubies weighing more than 30 carats are very rare. On the world market, a two-carat ruby ​​costs twice as much as a diamond of equal size. As the value increases, the price discrepancy becomes even greater. In the East, ruby ​​has been considered the most valuable jewelry stone since ancient times. Until 1800, some other red stones were also called rubies: Cape rubies - garnets from South Africa, bale rubies - Burmese spinel, Colorado and Arizona rubies - garnets from pcs. Colorado and Arizona (USA), Brazilian rubies - pink topazes of Brazil, Siberian rubies - rubellites (tourmalines) of Siberia.

The secret of color

The red color of ruby ​​is determined mainly by the admixture of chromium ions; the Cr2O3 content in densely colored samples can reach 4%. Pink stones are not rubies, as they are titanium-colored corundums (sapphires). The color shades are affected by impurities: a brownish tint is associated with an increase in the impurity content of iron ions, violet - vanadium, etc. The intensity and shades of the color of rubies can vary greatly. Burmese rubies are blood red in color. The best rubies of this variety are found only in Burma. Color

Siamese rubies range from violet to brown-red, Ceylon rubies range from light to violet-red. The most valuable stones are red with a slight purple tint. Increased violet and the presence of orange tints reduce the cost of the stone. The least valuable stones are those with a brown tint. In terms of intensity of any color, the medium-dark tone has the highest cost, followed by light and dark tones. Uneven coloring also reduces the cost of the stone.

Value of the stone

When processing ruby, facet cutting is used. To reveal the most beautiful violet-red color, when cutting, the ruby ​​is oriented perpendicular to the optical axis. The most important thing about a ruby ​​is not its shine, but its depth and richness of color. The cost of a stone, to a lesser extent than its color, is affected by its defects (cracks, opacities, inclusions) and the quality of the cut itself. Cabochons are made from stones with the effect of an asterism (a star running across the surface) or a cat's eye; such stones are usually not transparent in nature (excessive transparency and high contrast of a star on the surface of a stone may indicate the artificial origin of a given ruby ​​or sapphire).

Healing properties of the stone

Ruby plays a large role in healing various ailments. It helps cure chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine, joints, kidneys, liver, digestive organs, and helps stop bleeding.

  • Ruby prevents epileptic seizures, fever, has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves depression, helps with schizophrenia, insomnia, and drives away nightmares.
  • Ruby is able to heal skin diseases, stomach ulcers, helps with high fever, heart and blood diseases.
  • Doctors note that the red ray of ruby ​​activates the immune system, improves metabolism, suppresses inflammatory processes and regenerates tissue faster. Light emissions from ruby ​​have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and heart, strengthen the immune system, increase vitality and enhance potency.

Mining rubies

There are many deposits of rubies. Red corundum is not mined except in Antarctica. But only 1% of the mined minerals are of jewelry quality.

Until now, rubies are mined using ancient technologies known for many hundreds of years. This labor-intensive process is carried out manually by washing sand and pebbles. Often stones are taken directly from the bottom of rivers.

Rubies of Asian origin are of great value. Burma is considered the oldest deposit. It is Burmese rubies that are valued above others due to their rare coloring. Indian ruby ​​placers are also known, which are also considered very ancient. For many centuries, these stones were used to inlay jewelry of high society. Now, in addition to India and Burma, the main exporters of red corundum are Thailand, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. In Russia, this stone is mined only in the Polar Urals.

Thai rubies have a brownish tint. They are mined in Changvad at a depth of 8 meters. Corundums mined in Sri Lanka are usually a bright strawberry color. Local people call these stones "illam".

Processing of artificial stones

There is a practice for refining stones with defects: excess impurities are removed from the crystal so that it becomes more transparent, and cracks and voids are filled with glass. Such stones are several times cheaper and are available to the general population, not being inferior in beauty to real ones. There is an overwhelming amount of crystals processed in this way on the modern market, more than 90%.

There are also synthetic rubies, the crystals of which are grown artificially. In Soviet times, their production reached an industrial scale, but now natural stones are more valued. Unscrupulous sellers may pass off an artificial crystal as a real one to make more profit. Currently, technologies for growing artificial rubies have reached a high level, and only a specialist can distinguish them from real ones.

Some stones are used to make fakes, for example, garnet (and its members pyrope and almandine) in combination with glass. It should be noted that tourmaline, spinel, topaz, zircon-hyacinth look like real ruby.

Artificial rubies are used in watch movements, solid-state lasers and other technical devices.

Magical properties of ruby

This is a stone of love, it is filled with love. Helps in love affairs, making people more passionate. Those who are not currently in love can rely on him as an intermediary to help them find their soulmate and establish a relationship. The stone has always been associated with love, encouraging passion and intimacy. In ancient times, the red ruby ​​symbolized passion, and its pink variety symbolized tender love. In the old days it was an ideal wedding gift for newlyweds.

As a love stone, it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, allowing one to experience all forms of love, from sensual attraction to the mystical union of lovers. It deepens the relationship between spouses, making them devoted and faithful to each other. It is also a stone of courtly love and admiration from afar.

Among the magical properties of ruby, it is considered a stone of power. It also gives the owner courage and reveals the potential of all the best that is in a person.

Ruby helps to overcome the forces of darkness and fight fear. It is a stone of power, superiority, but also vanity. It attracts happiness and love to the owner. Ruby warns of danger by changing its color. It also protects against evil spirits and evil spells, returns lost strength, drives away melancholy, awakens passion and erotic desires. Placed under the pillow, can ward off bad dreams. As a gift, it is a symbol of friendship and love.

To gain vitality and protection, you need to wear a ruby ​​ring on your left hand. It can be worn in jewelry, but never close to the solar plexus, as the impact of the stone will convey anxiety to the wearer.

Talismans and amulets

In ancient times, rubies were used as amulets against poison, plague, evil thoughts and evil spirits, to maintain the wearer's health and to make people admire his intelligence. They believed that a ruby ​​amulet was an effective protection against natural disasters and evil forces. With its intense energy, ruby ​​sharpens the mind, bringing it into a state of heightened awareness and excellent concentration.

They help reduce the fear of paranormal phenomena and evil, drive away nightmares, and protect against the machinations of ill-wishers. This is a protective crystal that protects the house from fire and intruders. It's good to wear it discreetly to stay safe at night.

Today it is considered a transformative crystal. It helps transform a situation, change it for the better, whether it concerns relationships, work, money or health. By changing ourselves, we change our lives. The energies of ruby ​​reveal the power of the human mind and allow one to find paths to new horizons. As a talisman, they are well suited for scientists, directors, adventurers, researchers (not only by profession, but also by spirit). A good choice for people of mental work and students.

Fortune telling and dreams

Ruby Stones Meaning: Appreciate your friends and family, even if they don't seem to understand you. Let them know that you can achieve anything, luck will be with you. The stone has the ability to bring prophetic dreams and drive away nightmares. Seeing a ruby ​​in a dream is a sign of future prosperity and good luck. Sometimes it foreshadows an unexpected guest.

Feng Shui

Ruby is related to the element of Fire, which brings energy and joy. He embodies the Yang principle (active masculine). Traditionally associated with the southern part of the house or room (the zone of fame and reputation). Place crystals in your home if you want to increase your social, personal or family status. These red stones attract the power of the Sun and the fire element into your space.

Which zodiac signs are ruby ​​suitable for?

The ancient Egyptians and Arabs, when drawing up horoscopes, considered ruby ​​to be the stone of Sagittarius. Nowadays, jewelers attribute the stone to the constellation Cancer, even though Cancer is a symbol of water. However, both zodiac signs can wear this stone. It is believed that rubies will help Sagittarians gain power and favor from the people around them, and Cancers will help them gain and strengthen love. Ruby neutralizes the bad traits of Sagittarius, so such stones are useful for persistent people who have difficulty establishing contact with people, as well as Cancers, who are distinguished by their stinginess and want to overcome their thriftiness. Often doubting Sagittarians, who sometimes lack decisiveness in making important decisions, and overly modest Cancers, who are tired of hiding

in the shadow of colleagues or friends, ruby ​​will give strength and will to achieve your goals. This stone is in perfect harmony with the energy of Sagittarius and helps to overcome any obstacles in life, and helps Cancers fight with themselves and overcome natural modesty.

How to identify a real ruby?

Method 1. Comparative hardness of ruby

Wash the stone with a toothbrush and dish soap to remove dirt from the surface of the ruby. Try scratching the stone with your fingernail. If scratching with a fingernail didn’t work, we move on. Try carefully scratching a ruby ​​using a 10-kopeck coin. Next you can test with glass, a steel knife and, finally, coarse sandpaper. None of these items should leave marks on the ruby. Only a diamond, sapphire or other ruby ​​can scratch a real ruby. Ruby has very high hardness.

Method 2. Derivative of hardness test

If possible, try drawing a line with the edge of the ruby ​​on the coin. If the ruby ​​leaves a scratch, try it on a piece of glass and a steel knife. Most likely, the ruby ​​will leave a noticeable scratch on all of these items.

Method 3. Checking ruby ​​for chemical dyes

Wipe the ruby ​​with a white handkerchief. If the ruby ​​is real, it will not leave any marks on the scarf. The presence of color or pigment on the scarf indicates that the stone is not natural.

Method 4. Testing ruby ​​with acid

Attention. More than 95% (ALMOST ALL) of cheap rubies undergo a surface treatment procedure. If you want to use acid on a ruby ​​that costs up to $1000, then refrain from doing so. You can destroy your stone.

Drizzle lemon juice onto the ruby. If the ruby ​​is real, then it will not be subject to any changes. If a ruby ​​or part of it is restored using a glass composite, clouds and cloudy spots will begin to appear.

Popular questions about stone

Will I be able to wear a ruby ​​every day?

Yes, sure. Ruby is the second hardest stone after diamonds. And it withstands any impact perfectly.

Is ruby ​​an expensive stone?

Yes, a ruby ​​with good color and clarity is more expensive than diamonds. Rubies that contain inclusions and various “imperfections” are much cheaper. But it’s still worth remembering that a more or less good ruby ​​cannot cost less than 30,000 rubles.

What month is this stone for?

Ruby is a talisman for people born in July.

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