Speech therapy matinees in kindergarten. Scenario - New Year's party (preparatory speech therapy group) - New Year's party

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

New Year's party (preparatory speech therapy group) - New Year's party

The music of PI Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" is played.

Children run into the hall, perform a festive rebuilding.

What kind of guest came to us, brought the smell of pine needles?

And on her there are lights, garlands, how smart she is!

Together with her, a winter holiday is coming to us ...

Everything :

New Year!

Hello, forest fir-tree, silvery, thick!

You grew up under the sun and came to us for a holiday!

You dressed up wonderfully so elegantly, so beautifully!

All in toys, lanterns, gilding and lights!

You came to the joy of the children! We will celebrate the New Year with you!

Let's start a song together, let's dance merrily!

We waited for this day for a long time, did not see each other for a whole year.

Sing along, New Year's round dance under the tree.

Song "It's good that every year"

I know one secret, to tell you or not?

Clap your hands together, repeat the count in chorus,

And one of the old fairy tales in this room will come to life!

Let's say together: "One, two, three - a fairy tale come to visit us!"

All children repeat. Enter OLE LUKOYE and the Dwarf.

A long time ago, in one fairy kingdom there lived Ole Lukkoye and an old dwarf. And they had two umbrellas: one black, the other colored. And these umbrellas are not simple, but magical.

The old gnome very, very rarely opens the black umbrella over the capricious and naughty children, and they do not see any miracles. And over smart and obedient children they open a colored umbrella and they see a miracle in the simplest things!

Ole Lukkoye:

I open a colored umbrella and rotate it in front of me.

Wonderful dreams will take you straight to unknown countries,

To the land of Christmas tree wonders, to the New Year's fairytale palace.

Dwarf :

On this New Year's Eve, you will see and hear the most incredible and wonderful story that happens to the girl Masha.

Take a good look my little friend

Take a quick look around! For the one who looks closely, believe me!

Miracles happen suddenly!

Together :

Cribble, crabble, burré, purré, basiliurre !!!

Masha appears with toys, seates them under the Christmas tree.


All day I worked, cut and sewed. I decided to make toys for the Christmas tree.

They turned out to be bright in color. Are they beautifully dressed?

But my toys are silent, it's sad in our big room!

What's up, cute toys? Why are you sad at this hour?

After all, today everyone around is laughing! What upsets you now?

Who will help me in trouble and will be able to revive the toys?

Who will light the Christmas tree and invite us to the ball.

A fairy appears to the music, holding a magic wand.

Fairy :

I am the Snow Fairy, I came to you from a fairy tale, I am all made of snow, silver, I love everyone, good to everyone. On this New Year's Eve, I can fulfill my three most cherished wishes, Mashenka. What is the first, speak!


I want, I want the Christmas tree to light up!

Fairy :

There is nothing easier, Masha! The first miracle begin! Like a ladder on a Christmas tree,

From needle to needle, the lights run down. The tree is lit up.


What a tree, what a marvel! How smart, how beautiful!

All in garlands and balls, in gilding and lights.

Fairy :

And your next wish, I already know, and now I will fulfill it (bell sounds)

Hear the magic ringing, he invites you to the miracle.

I'll touch the toy with my magic wand,

And Machine's desire, I will fulfill it, friends!

Music sounds, a doll appears.

Doll :

I am not an easy doll, I am a clockwork doll!

Dolls open their eyes, they shake their heads.

Dresses are straightened, they are invited to dance.

Dance "Christmas toys". After the dance, the mouse king appears.

Mouse King:

I hate noise and laughter! I hate everything and everyone!

I am the lord of all mice, I am the evil wizard-sorcerer!

I dream to spoil the holiday to my great joy!

Now I will gnaw everything, I will break it, I will destroy it.

Runs around the tree, conjures, "gnaws" the wires,

the lanterns on the tree go out, sits on the throne.


What suddenly happened, why is it dark around?

Maybe someone was joking, put out our tree?

Dwarf :

Oh, Mashenka, don't be afraid! It's just an angry little mouse. Now we will call the steadfast tin soldiers for help.

Comes to the drum under the tree, drumming.

Dwarf :

I’ll drum loudly, I’ll call the soldiers as soon as possible.

So that they build their own detachment under our tree!

Soldiers come out to the music of PI Tchaikovsky "March" from the ballet "The Nutcracker"

1 soldier:

Hey, hussars, march forward, the gnome is calling us.

I will boldly give my life, but I will not give Masha in trouble.

2 soldiers:

The sound of sabers and the clatter of hooves cheers the hussar's heart.

We are in a hurry to fight for you and we will crush the enemy.

3 soldier: Beware of us, evil enemy, we will get even with you!

Dance of the soldiers.

Mouse King:

Oh, how angry I am! I'm ready to rip and break, gnaw and bite!

Fu, how noisy you are. You prevent me from ruling in my mouse kingdom.

It is necessary to prevent - to triumph for good !!! (casts a spell)

Blizzards and blizzards, do services! Run all over them!

Freeze them quickly!

Winds, storms, hurricanes, blow your best!

Whirlwinds, blizzards and snowstorms play out for the night!

Blow loudly in the clouds, wind above the ground,

Let the drifting snow run in the fields like a white snake.

A "snow storm" is played out (a waltz of snow flakes from the ballet The Nutcracker), the Fairy pacifies the blizzard by waving her magic wand.


Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, everyone ate!

Fairy :

I know the only way to ward off such a disaster from us.

Let's say in chorus: "One, two, three - get out as soon as possible!"

Children repeat the words, Puss in Boots comes out.

Fairy :

Dear Cat! Help our trouble! Could you please eat the King!

Cat :

Sorry, but I don't eat Kings!


Ah, dear Cat! But this is not an ordinary king, this is a mouse king. You alone can save our ball!

Cat :

I am a mouse hunter, and I am always ready to help.

The cat hunts for the King, "eats" him.


Dear Cat! We are very grateful to you! We ask you to stay on our holiday.

Fairy :

Well, everything is in order, we can open the ball.

I will wave my magic wand, I will be the last time and the New Year guests will appear now.

One, two, three - New Year's guest come in!

The Snow Maiden enters, sings a song.

Snow Maiden :

Oh, there are so many children - both girls and boys!

Hello, friends! Winter threats are not terrible, I am not afraid of a blizzard!

Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, I am called the Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus still does not go, but the New Year is coming soon!

It's time for him to come, he was delayed on the way.

Father Frost! Ay, ay! Do you hear me calling you!

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost :

I flew on the wings of the wind for many thousands of kilometers.

Over frozen seas, over forests and fields.

I was in a hurry, guys, to you, my little friends.

The past year was a glorious year, but a hasty time does not wait.

The last leaf of the calendar was torn off, the New Year is marching towards us!

Get started, guys, as soon as possible in a round dance.

We will celebrate the New Year with you with song, dance and fun!

Round dance "Santa Claus is our New Year's guest"

Father Frost :

And why is your Christmas tree not elegant? Doesn't it have lights on it? Disorder! In chorus, say in unison: "One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree!"

Everything :

One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree!

The herringbone lights up.

Father Frost :

Let's go around the Christmas tree, sing a song to the Christmas tree.

The song "Somewhere a tree at the edge - a lonely tree grew"

Father Frost :

Well you all sing, dance, and now everybody sit down

Everything :

We will not sit down, we will not get tired, we would have played with you!

Father Frost :

Played b, good! I'll go out ...

Everything :


Santa Claus, we won't let you out!

The game "Let's not release!"

Father Frost :

How not to let it out! I'll get through here. Well then, I'll jump over here ... Oh, pranksters, oh, rascals.

And I will outwit you and here I will crawl like a mouse ... nothing happens.

Santa Claus! And you play your favorite game with the guys, maybe then you will be able to get out of the circle.

Father Frost :

I have a favorite game! It's called Nose, Floor, Ceiling.

Game "Nose, floor, ceiling"

At the beginning, Santa Claus gives the correct commands.

Then it starts to get confused by showing the wrong movement.

He puts children making mistakes on chairs. The game is going at a fast pace.

You have an interesting game. And you want to listen to poetry.

Reading poems.

Father Frost :

I have lived in the world for many years ... Have I forgotten something, children? What do you like in winter?

Game "What do you like in winter?"

Snow Maiden :

Santa Claus, and we have a song about Winter-Winter, to sing?

Song "Russian Winter"

Snow Maiden :

Grandpa, your holiday is New Year!

And we will give you our Russian dance!

Dance "Valenki", praises children.

Father Frost :

And you know fairy tales (children's answers). Do you want me to tell you an interesting story.

Listen. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother and they had a goat Ryaba ... (the children correct him). I'd rather tell you another one. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother.

Here is the grandfather asks the grandmother: "Bake for me, woman, a ruddy turnip" ... (children correct him). Here is another tale I remembered. Grandfather planted a kolobok and grew a big-big kolobok.

Snow Maiden :

You mixed up all the tales, you better listen to our tale ...

Children sing the song "The deer has a big house"

and perform movements like "Tell poetry with your hands"

Father Frost :

There is still a game for you! I'll start, and you - finish - in chorus, answer in unison!

Santa Claus makes riddles.

1. It's snowing in the yard, the holiday is coming soon…. (New Year)

2. He is kind, he is strict, all overgrown with a beard,

To us is in a hurry now for a holiday, who is it? ... (Father Frost)

3. Needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas tree)

4. In winter, in the hours of Vishu's merriment, I am on the bright spruce.

I shoot like a cannon, my name is ... (firecracker)

5. There is a scream on the ice platform, a student is torn to the gate.

Everyone shouts:

"Puck! Stick! Hit!"

Fun game ... (hockey)

Now, friends, let's play an interesting game:

What we decorate the tree with, I will call the kids.

You listen carefully, And be sure to answer,

If we tell you correctly, Say "Yes" in return.

Well, if suddenly - it is wrong, Say boldly "No!"

Colorful firecrackers? - Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cots? - Gummies, chocolates?

Glass balls? - Wooden chairs? - Teddy bears?

Primers and books? - Multicolored beads? - Are the garlands light?

White cotton wool snow? - Satchels and briefcases? - Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons? - Are the candies shiny? - Are the tigers real?

Are the cones golden? - Radiant stars?

Grandfather Frost, and our guys also want to ask you riddles.

"We stood in a circle under the tree" (to the music "Stand up children, stand in a circle")

We performed under the tree! Only a wonderful guest, kind Grandfather Frost, did not dance!

Children ask you to dance together now for us!

Santa Claus: I love to dance! Make way, round dance, Santa Claus will dance!

Dance of Santa Claus.

Father Frost :

Something felt hot to me, I'm not used to living in warmth.

I can melt all that cold you have?

The presenter offers to drink water and reminds of the gifts.

Santa Claus opens his bag and discovers snowflakes and a letter from the Mouse King instead of gifts, reads

Father Frost :

My dreams have come true: you won't be forgiven!

I have cruelly revenged on you the gifts I turned into snow!

Father Frost! What to do now? Will children be left without gifts?

You're a magician, do something.

Santa Claus takes his magic staff, conjures over the well, plays with a bucket of gifts and gives them to children.

Children thank Santa Claus.

Father Frost :

Now it's time for me to go, I stayed with you.

I wish you to grow and not get bored. Moms and grandmothers should not be upset at all.

And always ask for forgiveness for any grief.

We wish you to harden, and grow wiser,

And never get sick for a whole year! Goodbye!!!

Santa Claus leaves.

A speech therapy matinee is one of the forms of conducting a final lesson for preschoolers with speech disorders. The event is held at the end of the remedial education course. The participants of the matinee are: children of the preparatory group for school, a speech therapist teacher, educators, a music director. Children of the senior group, parents, preschool teachers are invited as guests.

A speech therapy matinee is a great opportunity to take stock of correctional work in a relaxed, festive atmosphere. This is, first of all, a holiday where children proudly demonstrate their achievements, receive a positive emotional charge, and show creative potential and personal qualities.

A speech therapy matinee allows you to:

  • to consolidate the acquired speech skills and abilities and demonstrate them in various speech situations;
  • to activate the skills of self-control over speech;
  • develop public speaking skills (thereby contributing to the successful socialization of the child);
  • foster interest and love for the native language;
  • foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

A speech therapy matinee has become a traditional form of work for speech therapists in our preschool educational institution. I offer a script for a speech therapy matinee in a group for children with OHP (from personal work experience).

"The holiday of correct speech, or an old tale in a new way" (Scenario of a speech therapy matinee)

  • consolidation of speech skills and abilities,
  • fostering interest in the native language,
  • formation of skills of mutual assistance and work in a team.

Equipment: costumes for heroes, toys, balloons, flowers, colorful ribbons, table, chair, easel, a poster with words, a poster with an encrypted proverb for reading, musical recordings (PI Tchaikovsky "Seasons", "Waltz of Flowers" ; Russian folk song "Vesnyanochka", music from the animated film "Plasticine Crow")

Preliminary work: making costumes for heroes, arranging invitations for guests, learning poetry, dances.

Characters: adults - presenter (teacher-speech therapist), Confusion; children, Princess, Professor, 12 months.

The course of the speech therapy matinee:

(The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, toys. There is a table, chair, easel near the wall. The presenter enters - a speech therapist teacher)

Host: - There are many different holidays in the world. Our children also came up with a holiday - the Day of Correct and Beautiful Speech.

(To the music from the cartoon "Plasticine Crow" children run into the hall, stand in a free order)

1 child: Congratulations on the holiday of speech,
2 child: Sit quietly, we are starting. ... ...
3 children: One simple tale,
4 child: Or maybe not a fairy tale,
5 child: Or maybe not simple
6 child: We want to tell you.
7 child: We remember her from childhood,
8 child: Or maybe not from childhood,
9 child: Or maybe we don't remember
10 child: But let's remember. ... ...

(The children sit down, the Princess and the Professor remain)

Professor: - Your Royal Highness, if you please sit down. Let's start studying. We will learn to speak correctly and beautifully.

Princess: - Nice? I like it!

Professor: - Please repeat after me: dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.

Princess: - From stomping ... pata ... tapa ... No, I can't, it's difficult!

Professor: - Sorry, Your Highness. If you please take a pen, we will learn to write.

Princess: - I hate to write! All fingers in ink!

Professor: - You are absolutely right, Your Highness. However, I dare to ask you to write just two lines.

Princess: - Okay, dictate.

Professor: - The grass turns green, the sun shines, the swallow flies to us in the spring in the canopy.

Princess: - It's very long. I will only write "the grass turns green." (Writing) The grass is turning green. ... ... grows land. ... ... I won’t write, I don’t know letters well!

Host: - Oh, Your Highness, teaching is difficult for you. When our children came to our garden, it was also difficult for them. But they tried, learned to speak correctly, and they began to do a lot.

1 child:

Who wants to talk
He must pronounce
Everything is correct and intelligible,
So that everyone understands.

2 child:

We will talk
And we will pronounce
So correct and intelligible
So that everyone understands.

Princess: - I also want to speak correctly and beautifully, help me, please!

Host: - Guys, can we help the Princess? Every day, every month brings us something new, we learn a lot of interesting things. Today 12 months will come to visit us and, I hope, they will teach us something useful and good.

(Three winter months are included)

month: - Hello, we are the winter months, we have come to you with riddles.

There are many sounds in the world:
Rustle of leaves, splash of waves.
And there are sounds of speech
You should know them exactly.

My name starts with the sound "d". What is my name? (December)

Month 3: - My seat is between December and February. Who am I? (January)

1 month: - I am the last winter month. What's my name? How many syllables are in this word? (2)

Host: - And how do all the winter months end? (b)

(The "months" sit down)

I don’t understand myself:
It was just winter.
What happened here all of a sudden?
Everything melted around!

Children: - Spring has come!

(Three spring months come out)

The first March came
The snow has taken away from the fields.

And then April -
Led drops.

And after him and May -
Walk as much as you want!

Host: - Indeed, in the spring I just want to have fun, listen to birdsong, sing a funny song.

(Children sing the Russian folk song "Vesnyanochka", perform movements to the music - whirl, wave their hands, lead a round dance)

Host: - Something is getting hot. I guessed - it is June, July and August rushing to us.

(Three summer months come out)

A name is given to everything -
Both the beast and the object.
There are a lot of things around - full,
And there are no nameless ones.

And all that can
See the eye
Above us and below us
And all that we have in our memory is
We will call it words.

August: - In our language there are words that look like matryoshka dolls. It seems that one word, but if you look more attentively, you will see that other words are hidden inside.

(A poster is hung out. Children read the words and find others in them: beads, a fishing rod, a duck, a scythe, a car, a fisherman, slippers)

Host: - Dear months, our children have prepared a gift for you.

(Children line up for the ribbon dance)

A meadow, just like a chintz one,
All colors, shawl, -
You won't understand where the butterfly is
Where is the living flower.
Forest and field in greenery,
Blue river, white, fluffy clouds in the sky.

(A musical piece by P. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop" is played, children are performing a dance with ribbons)

(Music enters Confusion)


Hello kids, here I am
Did you recognize me, did you?
I am a hilarious Confusion.
I came to you for a holiday,
To amuse you friends!

Host: - Generally, Confusion, we have no time to amuse ourselves, we are busy with serious business here.


Well, the people went with us:
Classes, things to do!
Everything is in work, but in care,
So, look, and life will pass!

Host: - You're right, Confusion, let's have some fun!

(Confusion reads a poem by A. Shibaev, children correct mistakes)


It is not known how it happened
Only the letter got lost:
Popped into someone's house
And - he is the boss in it!
But I barely entered there
The letter is mischievous,
Very strange things
They started to happen ...

The hunter shouted: - “Oh!
The doors are chasing me! "

Snow is melting. A stream flows.
The branches are full of doctors.

Mama went with the barrels
On the road along the village.

In full view of the kids
Painters paint the rat.

Misha didn't cut the wood,
He stoked the stove with caps.

The bug didn't finish the booth:
- Reluctance, tired. ... ...

There are no roads in the swamp
I am a gallop and a gallop on cats.

(Confusion praises children)

Confusion: - Now guess the riddles:

What's at the beginning of the "book"? (sound "k")

What is the tongue hiding in the mouth behind? (behind the teeth)

If you throw a red stone into the Black Sea, what will it become? (wet)

If a rooster lays an egg, who will get it? (the cock does not lay eggs)

How to turn a drop into a heron? (the sound "k" is replaced by "ts")

Confusion: - Well done, guys. It's time for me to leave.

Guys, I'll tell you honestly:

I go to a speech therapist.
Sounds "r" and "l", friends,
They will always be useful to me.
I will raise my tongue up -
"Boat", "lilies of the valley" I will say.
If you blow it well,
You can growl right away.
I will try very hard
To study sounds, letters.
I want to wish you:
Work for everyone, do not be lazy,
So that at school you can
Learn on five! (says goodbye, leaves)

Host: - In my opinion, the rain is starting. So the time for the autumn months has come.

(Fall months enter)


Anyone who wants to know a lot
To achieve a lot
Must read
I must learn.

There is great power in the letters,
When can we read them.

November: There is a proverb hiding here, read it.

(The proverb “Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness” is encrypted on the poster, the children read it)

Host: - What other proverbs and sayings do you know about the importance of learning?

(Children call: "Live and learn", "ABC - a step to wisdom", etc.)

(Princess comes out)

Host: - Your Highness, did we help you?


Oh thank you so much
I speak beautifully now.
I promise not to be lazy
Learn on five! (leaves)

Host: - Our holiday is coming to an end. But what a holiday without beautiful music and dance?

Together with good music
Magic comes to us
Careful, careful
We could not frighten him off!
Let it whirl you now
Delicate and beautiful waltz!

(The "Waltz of Flowers" by PI Tchaikovsky sounds, children are dancing a waltz)

(Children are free in the hall)

Speech therapy leisure

(preparatory group)


Consolidation of the knowledge of children gained during training in speech therapy classes.


1. To consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis, syllabic analysis, word coordination.

2. Exercise in the correct use of grammatical categories, in the composition of a word from letters, syllables.

3. Develop logical thinking, mental processes, develop the ability to work in a team.

4. To develop visual memory, articulatory and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

5. To foster in children a culture of verbal communication, interest in classes.

Equipment: tape recorder, multimedia installation, subject pictures, puzzles.

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall with cheerful music, are divided into 2 teams and take their places.

Hello dear guys. Today we will play with you, compete and find out who will bear the proud title of "Graduate"

So we begin.

The captains represent their teams.


Command: "SPEAKERS"

Motto: "We are a team of talkers, we speak without hesitation"

Team: "UMEYKI"

Motto: "We will speak beautifully, it will be easy for us to win"

Warm up

Articulation gymnastics with elements of bioenergoplastics:

"Smile" - "Tube", "Spatula", "Comb", "Swing", "Watch", Horse "," Fungus "," Pancake ".

We need to repeat the phrases for us,

To speak clearly and beautifully.

(with movements)

CA, CA, CA - a wasp is sitting on the table

CA, CA, CA - a wasp bit in the nose

So, so, so - my nose became like a wheel

Su, su, su - chase the wasp, wasp

Ra, ra, ra - very fun in the morning,

Ro, ro, ro - we arrived in the subway.

Let's say together:


Became an obedient tongue!

I hold a letter in my hand,

But from whom I do not find it.

Here are the pictures I have,

We learn the name from them.

This letter is from Dunno, he asks to help you become literate and educated, he prepared assignments. Let's help Dunno?


Look at the picture

Identify the first sound

Write this letter

Collect the word quickly.

Subject pictures: watermelon, hare, drum, snail, pencil.


COMPETITION for captains.

Ball game "Say the other way around" (antonyms)

day Night

bad good


funny - sad

worth it




PHY. A minute

"Everyone has their own home"

The fox in the deaf forest (Children depict habits

There is a hole - a safe house. animals. Application.

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter (audio recording "Sounds of Nature")

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce.

Under the bushes of a hedgehog prickly

Rakes leaves into a heap.

From the branches, the roots of the bark

Beavers make huts.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

Until spring he sucks his paw.

Speech therapist: We continue our games!

Moving forward.

What are you guys

Amazing people!


Don't bother your mom

Don't ask your grandmother:

"Please read, read."

No need to beg your sister:

"Well, read another page."

No need to call, no need to wait

Bukovkina song

You have to be literate

We need to learn the alphabet.

I'll put my mom next to me

Let him help the baby.

So you need to know the letters

I'll put my mom next to me

Let him help the baby.


"What are the leaves"

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up

And they look sadly

Bare bushes.

What leaves fell from the trees:

With oak - ... ..oak

Maple -... maple

From birch - ... birch

From aspen - ... aspen

Linden - ... linden

From poplar - ...


Letters and numbers have become friends,

But the numbers scattered

And the letters are lost.

2 3 1 4 5 4 3 1 2 5 3 4 1 2 5

o sh k l and v k b u a s k d o a


Game "Correct sentences".

"The grandfather is in the oven, and the firewood is on the oven."

"There are boots on the table, cakes under the table."

“The bug didn’t finish the booth (roll): reluctance, tired.

“My uncle was driving without a vest (ticket) - he paid a fine for that.

“The snow is melting, the stream is flowing. The branches are full of doctors (rooks).

“A young tooth (oak) has grown in a forest clearing.

“Fedot is sleeping under the bed, Vaska the cat is on the bed.


Once upon a time the syllables played

They stood out of order in the word,

But how can they find a place?

Words cannot be understood at all

And the syllables cry loudly, together,

Who will arrange us the way we need it?

Cards with syllables. (Ba-ran, ba-nan, cat, mouse)


"Name your neighbor affectionately"

The child affectionately calls the neighbor by name and any positive qualities.


"Vegetables fruits. Find out by description "

There is a fruit or vegetable in the basket. The child on the team looks into the basket, then describes it to the guys on the team.

But now, our entertainment has come to an end.

We all hope that you have become a little smarter,

After all, the day was not wasted in vain, I wish you all good luck!

Summing up, rewarding


correct speech

The hall is designed like a children's room. In the center, the leader (mother) sits on a chair, and next to her on the rug is a daughter, a girl (daughter). Mom reads to her daughter N. Nosov's book "Dunno in the Solar City": "Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such kids in life. But no one says that they happen in life. In life it is one thing, but in a fairytale city it is quite another. Everything happens in a fabulous city. "
MOTHER. Well, Regina. Enough for today, we'll finish the rest tomorrow.
REGINA. Mom, can I take a little look at the pictures in the book?
MOTHER. Only for a little while, otherwise it’s time to go to bed.
Mom gets up and leaves, and Regina continues to look at the pictures in the book for a while. After a while, Regina begins to yawn and falls asleep, resting her head directly on the book. The lights go out in the hall. Music sounds quietly. The curtain opens.
Regina has a dream. It seems to her that she and her mother will end up in a sunny city. A light comes on in the hall. Regina opens her eyes and looks around in surprise.
Dunno runs out.

UNKNOWN. (Makarov D.) Today in the sunny city is the Celebration of Correct Speech! All for a holiday on the Camomile Alley!
REGINA. Dunno, can we come to the holiday?
MOTHER. And you know, Regina, in order to learn how to speak correctly, you need to know the letters very well.
REGINA. Oh, look, and here the little ones are coming!
Children enter the hall, smartly dressed, and sit on high chairs.
Children run out and draw letters with their hands and feet.

1 p. "N" - put on a belt.
2 p. "And" - put on a belt.
1 p. The letter "N" - put on exactly.
2 p. The letter "I" - obliquely.
1 p. Give her a hat
The letter "I" will become short.
3 p. "X" - everything walks, walks, walks,
Doesn't he find a place?
4 p. And like a poker
The letter "G" is humped on the back.
5 p. Friends joined hands
And they said: "You and me, this is us"
6 p. Meanwhile, the letter "M" has turned out.
7 p. "L" kicked the ball off.
8 p. "Ch" wanted to catch him.
Waiting and waiting, tired of waiting
And the ball is still not to be seen.

Children sit on high chairs.
REGINA. What an unusual alphabet and so easy to fill in!
MOTHER. And what did the little guys from Kolokolchikov Boulevard prepare for our holiday?
A group of children perform "Mischievous ditties"
1 p. "K" in the pocket of the fitter - jump,
And in my pocket there are rollers.
From my pocket at the same moment
The rabbits jumped out!

2 p. What a laugh -
"R" fell on the cat.
The cat is not a cat now, but a mole!
He is digging an underground passage!

3 p. The letter "D" at the bottom of the pond
Found crayfish.
Since then, they have always
Every now and then there are fights!
Tsvetik appears. He walks thoughtfully around the stage, composing poetry on the go.
MOTHER. Flower! Flower! What are you doing?
FLOWER. I write poetry ...
MOTHER. Maybe you can read them at our party?
FLOWER. I'm not sure if they are ready, take a look.
MOTHER. Let's see what you get.
Reads poetry. Children laugh.
FLOWER. What? What happened? Why are they all laughing?
MOTHER. It seems to me, Tsvetik, you've got something wrong. Shorty! Let's help Tsvetik read his poems correctly. I will begin, and you continue.

Game "Finish the sentence"
MOTHER. Well, now everything is in order. Sweet little ones! I have prepared a surprise for you too. Do you like solving puzzles?
Guess puzzles.

MMAM. Let's play the Word Crumbled game.
Game "The Word Crumbled"
Dunno runs out.

UNKNOWN. The holiday is over! Time to sleep! Good night, little ones!
A lullaby sounds. Children leave the hall. Regina walks over to the chair with a book and falls asleep with her head on the book. The wings are closed. Mom comes in.
MOTHER. Reginochka, wake up. We are still not in bed.
REGINA. Mom, I had such a wonderful dream about the Sunny City ...
MOTHER. OK! OK! You will tell me about it tomorrow, but now go to sleep as soon as possible ...
Regina walks to the door, stops, calls for mom.
REGINA. Mama! Mama! Look!
Music sounds. Children run into the hall.
MOTHER. Sometimes dreams come true, or maybe it was not a dream? Sweet little ones! How many smiles, laughter and fun are on our holiday! You are so friendly. And this is the most important thing! Let's sing a song about friendship.
A song about friendship. They leave the hall.

Methodological techniques:
1. Mom reads a book to her daughter.
2. Children draw letters.
3. "Mischievous ditties"
4. Game "Finish the sentence"
5. Rebus.
6. Game "Make up a word".
7. Daughter falls asleep and wakes up.
8. A song about friendship.

1. Chair, table, book.
2. Tapes for the letters "H" "I".
3. Card with verses, pen.
4. Rebus.
5. Cubes with letters of the words "HARE" "WOLF", masks of a hare, a wolf.
6. Cards with words and letters "K" + "ROLLERS"
"K" "MOLE"
"D" + "CANCER"

The speech therapy matinee was held on April 15, 2016 with the pupils of the preparatory group for the parents and educators of the preschool educational institution. Purpose: summing up the results of correctional work at the speech center with the pupils of the preparatory group.



A speech therapy matinee is one of the forms of conducting a final lesson for preschoolers with speech disorders. The event is held at the end of the remedial education course. The participants of the matinee are: children of the preparatory group for school, a speech therapist teacher, educators, a music director. Children of the senior group, parents, preschool teachers are invited as guests. A speech therapy matinee is a great opportunity to take stock of correctional work in a relaxed, festive atmosphere. This is, first of all, a holiday where children proudly demonstrate their achievements, receive a positive emotional charge, and show creative potential and personal qualities. A speech therapy matinee allows you to: consolidate the acquired speech skills and demonstrate them in various speech situations; to activate the skills of self-control over speech; develop public speaking skills (thereby contributing to the successful socialization of the child); foster interest and love for the native language; foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Speech therapy matinee has become a traditional form of work for speech therapists in our preschool educational institution

I offer a script for a speech therapy matinee in a group for children with FFN or OHP (from personal work experience)

« A holiday of correct speech, or an old tale in a new way "(Scenario of a speech therapy matinee)

Goals: consolidation of speech skills, fostering interest in the native language, the formation of skills for mutual assistance and work in a team

Equipment: costumes for heroes, toys, balloons, flowers, colorful ribbons, table, chair, easel, a poster with words, a poster with an encrypted proverb for reading, musical recordings (PI Tchaikovsky “Seasons”, dance “Shurshuny”; song "Why Much", "Our Garden", "Game", "Little Country, music from the animated film" Plasticine Crow "), speech flower.

Preliminary work: making costumes for heroes, making invitations for guests, making medals for children, learning poetry, dances.

Characters: adults - presenter (teacher-speech therapist), Confusion (educator); children, Princess, Professor, 12 months.

The course of the speech therapy matinee:

(The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, toys. There is a table, chair, easel near the wall.)

(The presenter enters - a speech therapist teacher)

Host: - Hello, dear guests, parents! For 2 years, the children were engaged in speech therapy classes. They learned to pronounce sounds correctly, hear sounds, distinguish similar sounds, learned to speak clearly and clearly. Since there are many different holidays in the world. Our children also came up with a holiday - the Day of Correct and Beautiful Speech.

(To the music from the cartoon "Plasticine Crow", children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle)


1_______ child: Congratulations on the holiday of speech,

2_______ child: Sit quietly, we start. ... ...

3_______ child: One simple story,

4_______ child: Or maybe not a fairy tale,

5 _______ child: Or maybe not a simple one

6 _______ child: We want to tell you.

7 ________ child: We remember her from childhood,

8 ________ child: Or maybe not from childhood,

9 ________ child: Or maybe we don't remember

10 _______ child: But let's remember. ... ...

Leading: But before going into a fairy tale, let's remember the secrets of correct speech, and speechflower will help us.

Speech therapist teacher shows symbols.

Ear - We always listen carefully to the speech therapist and educator.

Language - We play with our tongue, strain, bend.

Lips - We move our lips beautifully, smoothly and unhurriedly.

Correct breathing - Smoothly, exhale for a long time, we get a lingering sound.

Hand - We play with fingers, we develop speech better.

Book - We read different books, in them we learn a lot.

Leading: Well done! You told everything correctly. And now we go to a fairy tale.

(The children sit down, the Princess and the Professor remain)

Professor: “Your Royal Highness, if you please sit down. Let's start studying. We will learn to speak correctly and beautifully.

Princess: - Beautiful? I like it!

Professor: - Please repeat after me: dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.

Princess : - From stamping ... pata ... tapa ... No, I can't, it's difficult! Professor: - Sorry, Your Highness.

If you please take a pen, we will learn to write.

Princess: - I hate to write! All fingers in ink! Professor: “You are absolutely right, Your Highness.

However, I dare to ask you to write just two lines.

Princess: - Okay, dictate.

Professor: - The grass turns green, the sun shines, a swallow flies to us in the spring in the canopy. Princess: - It's very long. I will only write "the grass turns green." (Writes)

The grass turns green. ... ... grows land. ... ... I won’t write, I don’t know letters well!


Oh, Your Highness, the teaching is difficult for you. When our children came to our garden, it was also difficult for them. But they tried, learned to speak correctly, and they began to do a lot.

Do you know who helped them?

Children tell me.

Speech therapist.

The children of our kindergarten composed a song about her.

Let's listen.

Reworked song "Our Garden"

Children stay in a semicircle.

1 child comes forward: Who wants to talk,

He must pronounce

Everything is correct and intelligible,

So that everyone understands.

2 children come forward: We will talk,

And we will pronounce

So correct and intelligible

So that everyone understands.

Princess comes forward:

I also want to speak correctly and beautifully, help me, please!


Guys, can we help the Princess?

Sing for her and all our guests the song "Game"

The children sit down.


Every day, every month brings us something new, we learn a lot of interesting things. Today 12 months will come to visit us and, I hope, they will teach us something useful and good.

(Three winter months are included)


Hello, we are the winter months, we have come to you with riddles. There are many sounds in the world:

Rustle of leaves, splash of waves.

And there are sounds of speech

You should know them exactly.

My name starts with the sound "d".

What is my name? (December)


My seat is between December and February.

Who am I? (January)


I am the last winter month.

What's my name?

How many syllables are in this word? (2)


Guys, how do all the winter months end? (b)

(The "months" sit down)


I don’t understand myself:

It was just winter.

What happened here all of a sudden?

Everything melted around!

Children in chorus:

Spring came!

(Three spring months come out)


The first March came

The snow has taken away from the fields.


And then April

- Brought drops.


And after him and May

Walk as much as you want!


Indeed, in the spring you just want to have fun, listen to birdsong, sing a funny song.

Children go out into a semicircle.

And now the children will sing the song "Why Much"


Something's getting hot.

I guessed - it is June, July and August rushing to us.

(Three summer months come out)


Name given to everything

- Both the beast and the object.

There are a lot of things around - full,

And there are no nameless ones.


And all that can

See the eye

Above us and below us

And all that is in our memory

- We will call it words.


Our language has words that look like matryoshka dolls. It seems that one word, but if you look more attentively, you will see that other words are hidden inside.

Competition "Find the Word" (words on stage, on a birch tree)

(A poster with the words is hung out. Children read the words and find others in them: beads, a fishing rod, a duck, a scythe, a car, a fisherman, slippers)

Contest "Divide these words into syllables"


Dear months, our children have prepared a present for you.

Child_____________ :

A meadow, just like a chintz one,

All colors, shawl,

You won't understand where the butterfly is

Where is the living flower.

Forest and field in greenery,

Blue river, white, fluffy clouds in the sky.

Dance performance _______________________________

(Confusion enters to the music "__________________")


Hello kids, here I am

Did you recognize me, did you?

I am a hilarious Confusion.

I came to you for a holiday,

To amuse you friends!


Actually, Confusion, we have no time to amuse ourselves, we are busy with serious business here.


Well, the people went with us:

Classes, things to do!

Everything is in work, but in care,

So, look, and life will pass!


You're right, Confusion, let's have some fun!

(Confusion reads a poem by A. Shibaev, children correct mistakes)


It is not known how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Popped into someone's house

And - he is the boss in it!

But as soon as the Letter-mischievous entered there,

Very strange things

They started to happen ...

The hunter shouted: - “Oh! The doors are chasing me! "

Snow is melting. A stream flows.

The branches are full of doctors.

Mama went with the barrels

On the road along the village.

In full view of the kids

Painters paint the rat.

Misha didn't cut the wood,

He stoked the stove with caps.

The bug didn't finish the booth:

Reluctance, tired. ... ...

There are no roads in the swamp

I am a gallop and a gallop on cats.

(Confusion praises children)


Now guess the riddles:

What's at the beginning of the "book"? (Sound "k")

What is the tongue hiding in the mouth behind? (Behind the teeth)

If you throw a red stone into the Black Sea, what will it become? (Wet)

If a rooster lays an egg, who will get it? (The rooster does not lay eggs)

How to turn a drop into a heron? (The sound "k" is replaced by "ts")


Well done boys. It's time for me to leave.

Guys, I'll tell you honestly:

I go to a speech therapist.

Sounds "r" and "l", friends,

They will always be useful to me.

I will raise my tongue

- "Boat", "lily of the valley" I will say.

If you blow it well,

You can growl right away.

I will try very hard

To study sounds, letters.

I want to wish you:

Work for everyone, do not be lazy,

So that at school you can

Learn on five!

(says goodbye, leaves)


I think it's starting to rain.

So the time for the autumn months has come.

(Fall months enter)


Anyone who wants to know a lot

To achieve a lot

I must learn.


There is great power in the letters,

When can we read them.


There is a proverb hiding here, read it.

(The proverb is encrypted on the poster

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness",

children read it)


What other proverbs and sayings do you know about the importance of learning?

Children call:

"Live and learn",

"Alphabet - the wisdom of the step",

"The ABC is a science, but for the kids a beech",

"The ward of the mind, but the mind is not enough", etc.

(Princess comes out)


Your Highness, have we helped you?


Oh thank you so much

I speak beautifully now.

I promise not to be lazy

Learn on five!



So our holiday is coming to an end.

But what is a holiday without a beautiful song?

Children stand in a semicircle

Comes forward Child:

Together with good music

Magic comes to us

Careful, careful

We could not frighten him off!

A converted song to the music "Little Country" sounds

1 child: We sang and danced

2 child: You were told a story,

3 child: Or maybe, in reality, Everything was not so,

4 child: But if you liked it,

5 child: Then you give us a clap,

6 child: And clap and do it like this!

(air kiss)

Children stay in a semicircle.

Host: Dear children, for 2 years you have worked hard to develop your speech. It wasn't that easy. I had to work hard, show patience, will, believe in victory! The guests and parents saw the wonderful result of a great deal of work: how do you correctly pronounce the sounds, follow the pronunciation, easily complete the tasks. I hope you understand how important it is to speak beautifully and clearly. You have had to work hard, but the work is never in vain. So the Princess also learned to write correctly and beautifully and prepared a decree for you. Listen to his "To reward the pupils of the preparatory group with medals for successful work in teaching correct speech." Allow me to present you with medals, as you really became worthy owners of a beautiful and correct speech.

Many thanks to the parents for helping their children, thanks to you the children were able to show their abilities, knowledge and skills.

Presentation of diplomas to individual children.


Lopukhina I. Speech therapy. 550 fun exercises to develop your speech. - M .: Aquarium, 1995.

T.I. Pimenova I want to pronounce ... Correction of deficiencies in sound pronunciation in children. - SPb .: Karo, 2006.

Holidays and fun in kindergarten. - M .: Vako, 2004. Sadovnikova I.N. Written language disorders and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren. - M .: Vlados, 1995.

Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. - M .: Vlados, 1994.

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