What should a 5 year old be able to do? What should a child know and be able to do at the age of five

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Preschool children develop very rapidly. According to the skills that a child acquires, experts draw conclusions about the correspondence of his mental and physical development to age. This allows you to identify and prevent possible problems in time, adjust the development program, paying more attention to areas in which there is a backlog. Similar criteria are set by pediatricians, psychologists, neurologists, it will not be superfluous to know the norms for parents.



Five years is considered the most suitable age when you can start preparing for school: the child has developed cognitive activity as never before, he is able to remember and reproduce a large amount of information. However, psychologists advise not to overload the baby and not go beyond his interests, forced classes will lead to overwork and discourage the desire to learn anything for a long time. The child's abilities are largely determined by the intensity of training with him:

  • knows the numbers from 1 to 10 and more, is able to show a graphic representation of each number, count objects and point to the corresponding number, naming it;
  • some children are able to perform the simplest examples of addition and subtraction, limiting themselves, as a rule, to subtraction and addition within 1-2 units;
  • knows simple and complex geometric shapes, draws them, independently divides them into several equal parts;
  • knows many letters well and can name words that begin with the named letter, find it among the rest, write it yourself;
  • some children at this age can already read by syllables, but this indicator cannot be called the generally accepted norm;
  • knows many colors and some shades, names and shows them;
  • knows the days of the week, the names of the months and seasons, the names of the fingers, but does not always name them in order;
  • solves simple logical problems, riddles, he can compose similar questions;
  • assembles simple puzzles consisting of 8-10 elements, without outside help, as well as simple structures from a designer or cubes according to a model;
  • knows how to make generalizations, establish relationships between objects and phenomena, classify objects according to a common feature, easily finds an “extra” object, explaining his choice.

By the age of 5, logical thinking begins to develop, but the child’s decisions are not always correct: logic at this age is very peculiar. You can correct it, but you should not insist: over time, the child himself will draw the necessary conclusions. It is recommended to read more, while it is better to give preference to children's educational books, encyclopedias, in which environmental phenomena are explained in an accessible language, knowledge about animals and plants, basic information about geography, etc. is given.

Video: Educational games for five-year-olds.

Development of memory and attention

The memory of a five-year-old baby is in a transitional state: from involuntary memorization, he gradually passes to a conscious one. This can be seen in the example of how a child memorizes voluminous poems with unfamiliar words, retells a large passage from prose. It is desirable to explain the encountered unfamiliar words to the baby so that semantic memory also develops:

  • the child is able to concentrate on one lesson for up to 10-15 minutes without a break;
  • holds in the field of view and remembers up to 8 objects, knows the order of their location;
  • can name which of the items is missing, which new item has appeared;
  • finds up to 6 differences in pictures or similar objects, toys;
  • easily remembers children's poems, counting rhymes, short tales, willingly tells them;
  • retells the content of plot pictures;
  • remembers the sequence of events, tells what happened today, yesterday, a few days ago;
  • quickly remembers new words and their meaning, foreign words, does not confuse the words of native and foreign languages.

Speech development

The child's vocabulary is already quite large and diverse, he is able to clearly and clearly express his thoughts without getting confused in words. In his statements, he uses the words of all parts of speech, correctly builds sentences using complex sentences and constructions with appeals, introductory words, homogeneous members. The baby's vocabulary is constantly replenished, and speech skills are improving every day:

  1. Clearly pronounces almost all sounds, the exception may be. At this age, if any sounds are lost, you should think about classes with a speech therapist.
  2. Actively uses all forms of words, including moods and tenses of the verb, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, which are not so easy for kids.
  3. Determines the intonation coloring of the sentence: declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, knows how to give the desired intonation to his statement. The poem is told with expression.
  4. He calls his last name, first name and patronymic and his parents, educator and other familiar people.
  5. Correctly names the full address of residence, including the region and locality.
  6. It is rare that a child at the age of 5 confuses the meaning of the words “yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow”, the names of meals and other concepts, and if he confuses, he is already able to correct himself.

The verbal thinking of a five-year-old child becomes visual-figurative when he does not repeat the words and phrases he hears, but reproduces the thoughts that have arisen in his head. Speech is used mainly for communication, therefore the dialogue form of conversation prevails, the baby is not yet capable of long monologues. For the development of speech during this period, it is very important to maintain a dialogue with the child, provoke him to ask questions, and answer them.

Physical development

The child already has well-developed coordination of movements. He managed to learn about all the possibilities of his body and actively uses them, improving every day. The minimum set of what a child should be able to do at 5 years old:

  1. Runs a fairly long distance quickly and without stopping, overcomes obstacles on the way without stopping: runs around small bumps or runs into them, jumps over ditches and pits.
  2. He likes to play with the ball and does it very confidently: he catches the ball and accurately throws it over long distances, without missing, hits it with his hand or foot.
  3. Holds balance well: confidently walks along a narrow board lying horizontally, or along the curb of the sidewalk.
  4. The vestibular apparatus is well developed, so the child enjoys such entertainment as swinging and circling on carousels, somersaults and jumps.
  5. Confidently climbs and descends a vertical ladder, can hang on the upper rungs, holding with two or even one hand.
  6. The arms and legs become so strong that some children are able to not only stay on the rope, but also climb up it a little.
  7. The child is very hardy, he can endure long walks and transitions, especially if he makes new impressions from them.

fine motor skills

Parents need to conduct regular classes aimed at developing fine motor skills, since in a child at the age of 5 years it should already be well developed:

  1. he confidently and correctly holds a pen, pencil and brush, controls the force of pressing them;
  2. paints drawings without going beyond the outline;
  3. draws letters or figures according to the pattern in the cells;
  4. sculpts small parts from plasticine;
  5. ties and unties knots on a cord.

Video: We develop fine motor skills.

Social skills

A child at the age of five plays with interest for a long time alone, but is more attracted to joint games, among which he prefers role-playing and moving ones. A child can learn the rules of the game from adults, other children, or he can come up with them on the go on his own. He loves performances, kindergarten and home, finger and puppet shows, learning his role and playing it without prompting.

The child performs all household skills instilled by parents independently and without reminders:

  • waking up in the morning, he goes to wash and brush his teeth, he carries out the same procedures before going to bed;
  • returning from the street, takes off shoes and outerwear;
  • washes hands before eating;
  • uses all cutlery, including a knife, cutting food into small pieces;
  • bathes independently, carefully rubbing all parts of the body with a washcloth, but you should not leave the child in the bathroom unattended.

emotional development

The main character traits of a small person are practically formed, you can already see what he will be like. Psychologists consider this age to be the calmest: some age crises are behind (and 3 years), others are only to be experienced (7 years).

At the age of 5, a child easily compromises, it is easy to agree with him, he is not capricious, he does not try to prove his opinion, most often he does as his parents say. Almost always he is in a great mood, trying to learn as much as possible new things, and these discoveries really please him.

Preferences appear in communication: some people like it, others do not, and the child may show aggression towards them. The task of parents in this case is to control the emotions of the baby, to explain the rules of behavior. A child of this age should not be shy about approaching a group of children, getting to know them, starting a conversation.

A five-year-old child belongs to the category of older preschoolers. At this age, he is physically developed, knows a lot and constantly improves his skills. During this period, it is important to pay special attention to communication skills, cognitive abilities and intellectual development. It's time to get ready for school.

At this time, the physical and mental development of a boy at the age of 5 does not differ significantly from the development of a girl. Basic skills children of both sexes should perform equally. Features can be manifested by game activities, education and the choice of additional activities.

What a 5 year old should know

There are many criteria for assessing the development of knowledge of a five-year-old child. Generally speaking, children of this age should know:

  • their gender, the gender of adults
  • surname, name and patronymic of their own and their relatives
  • your age, the age of your parents and relatives
  • address, city and country where he lives
  • name professions and how they are distinctive, who relatives work
  • seasons, months, time of day, days of the week, accurately name their sequence
  • basic rules of the road
  • groups of objects and generalizing their characteristics

Also, children at the age of five need to know the numbers at least up to ten, be able to compare numbers, simply count, use numerals, both ordinal and quantitative. It is worth knowing all the geometric shapes, being able to draw or find them, knowing the concepts of burning and subtraction, being able to use them. Also, the child must know the basic concepts of the rules of behavior, and he must also describe the main objects and their location relative to themselves and objects. Must be able to compose stories, describe events and incidents.
Children can control their behavior in relation to the foundations of the family and accepted norms, they understand the difference between a bad and a good deed. They have a sense of compassion and justice, they know how to share, help. At this age, children ask a lot of questions, adult and serious, analyze the answers and draw conclusions from them.

What should a child be able to do at age 5?

By the age of five, children already know how to do a lot, although sometimes they need to be reminded to do something. The basic skills of a child at 5 years old are independent dressing, shoeing, choosing clothes for the season. Children know how to comb their hair, brush their teeth and wash themselves, tidy up the room and make the bed. They can run small errands, maintain discipline, and keep the house in order. They can be instructed to wipe the dust, water the flowers, feed the cat, lay the table for dinner.
There are also special physical skills of a child at 5 years old. A child can run fast without stopping for up to one and a half minutes, run up to 50 meters. Children actively jump on one or two legs - forward or in place, keep their balance on one leg, climb, pull themselves up, somersault. They actively play with a ball or other objects, deftly climb and descend stairs even with objects in their hands, walk along a narrow plank, maintaining balance. Children have flexibility, dexterity, which makes it possible to start playing sports. At this time, children are actively mastering skiing and skating, rollerblading, a two-wheeled bicycle, and a jump rope.
What should a 5 year old boy be able to do? The main skills include role-playing games in cars, “war games”, professions, building predetermined figures or layouts from a constructor with small details. Girls should be able to help their mother around the house, dress and care for dolls, put their clothes and hair in order.

Young children develop character as they grow up. And very often this process is manifested by disobedience to adults. Therefore, the question of why the child ceases to obey his parents, and what to do, is very relevant. The most acute periods of disobedience to adults are noted at about the age of five, when the baby realizes that his behavior can influence them. The whims of a five-year-old child should not be associated with any mandatory age factors. You just need to correctly adjust your behavior by finding out the reasons for children's disobedience.

Causes of child disobedience

When a five-year-old baby begins to show character and ceases to obey adults, there are always certain reasons for this. But at the same time, according to psychologists, there is no crisis of the age of five. In most cases, the disobedience of the child is directly related to the misbehavior of adults. In addition, if the child does not obey, then this may also be due to his inner feelings and state of health.

The most common reason for disobedience in children aged 5 may be a lack of attention from adults. From birth, children on a subconscious level try to attract the attention of the closest people. But only at the age of five, the baby begins to form an understanding that for parents he is the most important thing in life. And for his own approval, a small family member can use any means, including whims for any reason.

As a rule, each specific child intuitively feels how and with what it is possible to attract the attention of adults. But, more often than not, the easiest way is disobedience. The kid needs the attention of adults so much that he seeks to get it, even through a negative attitude towards himself. The desire to attract attention to himself by any means may appear if, at his request to play with him, he constantly hears phrases like: “I have no time” or “Wait”. The lack of communication leads to the fact that the child goes into the category of "difficult" children, as he begins to do everything contrary to the instructions of adults. Indeed, according to his childish understanding, only in this case, they are able to drop everything and rush to the baby, starting to educate him.

Among other reasons that can explain why a five-year-old child ceases to obey, psychologists distinguish the following:

  • Baby's self-assertion. This factor can explain the disobedience of children from wealthy families who are not deprived of parental attention. The child does not obey, because on a subconscious level he resists the strict control of adults over his every step.
  • Revenge for any serious offense. In this case, disobedience can be associated both with an unfair punishment for an act that the child did not commit, and for an unfulfilled promise.
  • Loss of faith in yourself. As a rule, the baby begins to act contrary to adults when they often scold him and choose bad words for this, for example: “Leaky hands” or “bad head”. In this case, the child loses faith in himself and becomes notorious, and at the subconscious level, he ceases to obey adults.

How to get a 5 year old to obey

Having figured out why a five-year-old baby does not obey, you should definitely try, as soon as possible, to change the situation. That is, the child must be forced to act as adults say, but at the same time it is absolutely impossible to shout and punish him. If you decide that the reason for disobedience was a lack of communication with you, you need to try to make sure that the baby stops feeling unwanted.

Even if you are a very busy person, agree with the baby that every evening you will communicate with him on any topic that interests him or play for at least half an hour. When you do this regularly, this will already be enough for a 5-year-old child to realize how important it is for parents. It should be remembered that any given promise must be fulfilled, because a child at this age will not understand any postponing of communication with relatives “for later” and harbor resentment in his soul.

Sincere obedience to a five-year-old child can only be achieved on the basis of a trusting relationship. The kid must understand that he can ask any questions in the process of communication and get answers to them without fear of causing irritation. According to psychologists, physical contact with the child helps to restore the lost psychological contact. You need to try to touch him as often as possible, because in this way you can convey the fact that you are very interested in him. For example, every time you ask a 5-year-old kid for something, you need to go up to him and hug him.

If you understand that the child does not obey, because he is spoiled by the attention of all family members and, thus, expresses his protest, you need to give him more freedom. Maybe you need to do it more often so that he performs certain tasks alone and then shares the results of the work done with adults. Appropriate and very effective in such cases is the phrase: "What a fine fellow you are, that you did it yourself." In addition, you need to make it clear to the baby that he is an equal member of the family and everyone is ready to listen to his opinion. For any reason, you need to ask such a question as often as possible: “What do you think is the best thing to do?”

If your child’s protest in the form of disobedience arose against the background of an undeserved punishment or an unfulfilled promise, then in no case should you punish the child or scold him. Even if you force him to repent, he will hold a grudge in his soul, which will soon again lead to the fact that the baby will no longer obey. Moreover, in this way, the parents themselves are pushing their crumbs to the fact that he begins to lead a double life. The child will simply wait for an opportunity to act contrary again, in his own way, avenging an undeserved insult.

What needs to be done in such cases should be decided individually, depending on the situation. Of course, it is unlikely that you should explicitly ask for forgiveness from the crumbs for your behavior, even if you were wrong. Perhaps the best way to solve the problem would be such a behavior that will allow the baby to forget his grievances. You can try, ask your child more often to do something for you. And at the same time, you must not forget to thank him every time for the service rendered. Warm words will make the baby believe that his parents love him very much, and he will quickly forget the grievances inflicted on him.

What not to do when the child does not obey

All parents face the disobedience of children at the age of 5, even when they strive to pay maximum attention to the baby and listen to the advice of psychologists. Therefore, it is important not only to understand why the baby does not obey, but also to know what not to do. First of all, in no case should you negotiate with a child to obey using bribes in the form of toys and sweets. Absolutely anti-educational and wrong is the phrase: "If you do not obey, then I will not buy you ...". Also, you can't:

  • To scare the baby with something or someone, in case of his disobedience. This can shake the psyche of a child in its infancy.
  • Show the crumbs their own impotence, which can be expressed by commanding actions such as: "Immediately and now."

You should also remember that you cannot punish your child even for the worst misconduct in the following cases:

  • when the baby eats;
  • if there are strangers in the house;
  • immediately after waking up;
  • during the game, when the baby is very passionate;
  • when the baby expresses a desire to help you.

Disobedience of children can be expressed in different ways. But at the same time, psychologists say that a child of 5 years old, most often, does not obey when it comes to following certain instructions. In each such situation, an adult can get around the crumbs' disobedience in a very reasonable way, without focusing on it.

Very often, a five-year-old baby, after being put to bed, gets out of bed, not responding to the requests of adults. Instead of raising your voice, scaring the child with something, you can simply tell him before putting him to bed: “I hope that you will listen to me and you won’t get out of bed again.”

Sometimes the protest of the child is expressed in the fact that he refuses to eat the food you have prepared, and it is very difficult to make him do this. In any case, threats that the baby will not be allowed to get up from the table until he has finished eating are unlikely to work. Such behavior can only cause tears and hysteria. It will be more effective in this case to remind him that after dinner there will be no more snacks, even when he is hungry, so it is better to eat everything.

Quite often, children at the age of 5 tend to express their protest in crowded places. Very often, the baby does not obey in the store, which, of course, causes great irritation to parents. It is categorically impossible at such a moment to switch to screaming, because your child is exactly what he is trying to achieve in order to attract attention to himself. Also, in no case should you threaten the child with the fact that you will not allow him, for example, to watch his favorite cartoons in the evening. It will be much more effective to divert the attention of the baby by turning to him with such a request: “Help me find your favorite yogurt on the shelves of the store.”

When trying to accustom a 5-year-old child to homework, you constantly meet his resistance, you should not get annoyed and turn to reproaches. And it’s completely stupid to say in this case a phrase like: “Until you put away the toys, you won’t get dinner.” In such cases, another phrase has been proven to work great: “I ask you to collect toys. When can you do it - before dinner or after? It is advisable to make such a request to the baby, embracing him by the shoulders.

Very often, a child at the age of 5 begins to act up for no apparent reason. Of course, this can be explained by a bad mood and not noticed. But in the absence of attention from adults, a simple whimper can turn into hysteria, and it will be very difficult to calm the child. Threats from adults, for example, to throw away toys or not to go to the zoo, will also not lead to anything good. It would be best at such a moment to put aside everything, go to the whimpering baby, hug him and say: “I would love to listen to you, but, unfortunately, I can only understand when you speak in a normal voice.” After this, the baby will soon calm down and it will be possible to talk on abstract topics.

Before school, the development of the child is extremely rapid. Sometimes, we cannot keep track of how quickly a little man acquires new knowledge and skills. On the basis of some tests, specialists determine how physically and mentally developed a child is and whether the indicators correspond to his age.

Education and development of a child of 5 years.

The upbringing and development of children 5 years old gradually approaches the preparation for the tests that await him at school.

At this age, cognitive activity almost reaches its peak, the child can memorize and reproduce a large amount of various data.

Child development at age 5.

  • One of the main criteria for the mental and intellectual development of a child is the development of memory, because it contributes to the assimilation of new information, knowledge of the world. The more time is devoted to the development of different types of memory, the higher the potential of the child.
  • At the age of 5 years, several objects can fall into the field of view of the child at once. He can control attention at once on all interested objects. Parents' main help for development of attention in children is that he had educational toys: puzzles, cubes, constructors, pyramids.
  • The preschool child is very active. This is facilitated by the increased development of the musculature of the system, which consumes a large amount of oxygen. The variety of movement is small. Therefore, preschool age is one of the main goals for parents.
  • will open up the opportunity for the child to think and make decisions in a unique way, not like everyone else. And this feature will add new colors to your baby's life. At the age of 5, the elements of preparing skills that are necessary in schooling (fantasy, talents, imagination) come into play.
  • Music lessons affect the comprehensive development of the individual. Being engaged in daily activities, the child is accustomed to systematic work, developing laudable qualities of a worker, cultivating patience, willpower, which helps to form a worldview and aesthetic taste.
  • Social factors also influence preschool children. The child’s conversational skills are formed by imitating adults, the more competently the parents speak, the more competent the child’s speech will be, which copies intonation, expressiveness and literacy.
  • In the psychological upbringing and development of a 5-year-old child, plot-role-playing (game) activity plays an important role, it is the basis of this time period. In the game, the baby is aware of the variety of social relationships and functions in different situations. Played scenes from the life of adults acquire special properties for a child. He learns to replace objects by imagining the functions of the real object. Also, the baby actively takes on a role in his staged scenario.

Practice shows that forced studies lead to the complete destruction of the desire to learn new things. However, a minimum of knowledge must be present. What does a 5 year old know? And what skills does he have according to statistics?

What a 5 year old should know.

  1. Numbers from 1 to 10. He must be able to recognize the graphic representations of the numbers presented.
  2. Solve simple addition and subtraction problems. It should be limited to 1-2 units.
  3. Knows what geometric shapes look like, and can independently reproduce them on paper and in imagination, as well as divide them into equal parts.
  4. At this age, the child is able to reproduce the vast majority of letters, as well as name a word that begins with a particular letter. The best situation is when the baby can write the letter himself.
  5. Reading by syllables cannot be called a generally accepted norm. This is rather an exception to the rule, a certain positive deviation.
  6. Knowledge of primary colors and the ability to distinguish between them is welcome.
  7. At 5 years old, the average child should know: the days of the week, the names of the months and seasons, and the names of the fingers. A situation is allowed when he calls them out of order.
  8. Can solve simple riddles.
  9. Without your help, he collects a puzzle consisting of 10 elements.
  10. Finds an "extra" object from the group, reveals the relationship between events and objects.

Peculiarities of raising children of 5 years.

In matters of raising children 5 years old, there are some features. It is important for parents to understand that upbringing and development of a child of 5 years involves working with some stereotypes of behavior.

  • He knows a lot and knows how, still scattered. At this stage, you will constantly have to remind him that he must wash his face in the morning, brush his teeth, make the bed, etc. Be patient, you need to develop a sequence of household actions.
  • At the age of 5 years logical thinking is just beginning to emerge. Decisions may not always be correct, it is worth understanding that in this case the logic is very peculiar. You need to correct him if he makes mistakes. Over time, he will learn everything.
  • At this stage of development, experts recommend reading as much as possible to your child, give your preference to educational literature for kids.
  • At this age, the child is very sociable: he shares toys with friends, easily makes new acquaintances. Unfortunately, sometimes specialists As soon as the fact is revealed, it will be necessary to understand the reasons and work them out correctly. Of course, the question does not apply to situations when you need to fight back.
  • At the age of 5, children should learn to accept self-reliance.

    but any solutions. At the same time, parents can control this process, leaving the choice within certain limits. For example, do not ask the child if he wants something or not, but give an option between one and the other.
  • Features of raising children of 5 years old shows that the “carrot and stick” method will be especially effective. "Gingerbread" is simple. The kid is behaving well - encouragement. But with the "whip" is more difficult. Not all parents are fully aware of how to use it correctly.
  • It is recommended in most cases to resort to psychological influence in the form of punishment. An excellent solution would be an expression of unwillingness to communicate with the child. "You don't listen to me and I won't." In this case, the child himself will quickly make contact, realizing his mistake. Considering the peculiarities of raising children of 5 years old, it is worth resorting to in exceptional cases, so as not to violate

Diet for a 5 year old child.

At this age, the child is very mobile, respectively, and nutrition should be more balanced and replenish the energy spent during the day.

Diet for a 5 year old child has many differences from the menu of young children. It is worth gradually bringing it closer to the diet of an adult. But it should be borne in mind that the digestive system is not yet sufficiently developed. Spicy, spicy, bitter and very fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Canned food can be given carefully and as infrequently as possible. Let's take an expert opinion.

Experts believe that the diet is approximately 1980 kcal per day. The norm of proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be in the ratio 1:4:1. The ideal number of meals per day is 4. It is allowed to diversify the menu with a variety of tastes, let the child explore the world further.

In weight, the daily diet of a 5-year-old child should be approximately 1800 grams of healthy foods. Accordingly, it must be divided by the number of meals.

The digestion process in a five-year-old child is approximately 3.5 hours, so the normal diet of a 5-year-old child looks like this:

  • 8-00 breakfast - 25% of daily calories
  • 12-00 lunch - 40% of daily calories
  • 15-30 afternoon snack - 10% of daily calories
  • 19-00 dinner - 25% of daily calories

Meat should be on the menu every day. vegetables, fruits, butter. Fish and egg can be given 2 times a week. Once a week, you can treat your child to pizza and burgers.

The diet of a 5-year-old child is a special approach. If you want your baby to grow up healthy, strong and smart, follow these recommendations!

5 year old child size interests parents when they pick up clothes for him. Of course, you should know the dimensions. To understand if your baby is normal. The statistics show the following numbers:

  • height from 104 to 113 cm;
  • weight from 17 to 20 kg;

Hello my dears! Each of our meetings is, first of all, a lesson in understanding the world of children. And only on this basis we can help our crumbs, we can teach them something. This is what distinguishes our conversation from everything that has existed so far. Why is this introduction necessary? Lest we forget that everything we want to teach our baby should be like a game! Fascinating, funny and one that he will remember. Today our goal is to find out not only what to teach a child at 5 years old, but also to understand how to do it.

All comments, knowledge gained through experience and through reading smart books are more than ever welcome today! I even hope for a heated discussion, because this topic is very, very important to all of us!

There is a special age in a person's life. It was then that he seemed to turn into a sponge, greedily absorbing all the information that is within his reach. He is fed by any "food" - what the people around him talk about, what he sees, and even the possibilities of his own body discovered in himself. During this period, a person can be taught very, very much.

  • But what is the necessary minimum program, and what will make it happy and creatively fruitful?
  • How to teach correctly?
  • And how to understand in what direction to develop his talents and abilities?

All this is important to know, because 5 years happens once in a lifetime, and if parents are not ready to work hard during this period, much will no longer be possible to change.

What is important and useful to teach

First of all, what should a child know and be able to do at the age of 5? By this age, the mental, mental and physical abilities of the baby have prepared. All 5 years he mastered this world and learned to recognize himself. What should your baby already know and be able to do? I will give a short list, you can note that he already knows what is worth pulling up, and what is not named in the list:

  • Knows enough words to retell an event or convey information accurately enough;
  • At home, he will easily call the right left side;
  • If asked, he can briefly describe the object (material, size, color, accessory, purpose, etc.);
  • Developed creative abilities (can sculpt, sing, draw);
  • He understands time intervals, respectively, with this he can tell or draw a story;
  • In some ways, he shows independence (he knows how to play, fall asleep, invent things for himself);
  • Perhaps he knows letters and can count.

All this is the basis on which we will build the subsequent education.

Required Program

My friends, what would you call in this paragraph? Probably, you proceed from the fact that the baby is a preschooler. So, it is worth focusing on the curriculum in order to give the kid a head start and help him “join” the educational process, minimizing the crisis of the first years at school. And this is the right approach. Hence the conclusion, we develop its features in different areas, the baby must be able to:

  1. Memory. Freely memorize poems, pictures, tongue twisters.
  2. Attention. Find differences in (almost identical) pictures, notice how objects lie on his play area, repeat after you (drawings, movements, words).
  3. Maths. A boy or girl should be able to freely determine the shape of the figures, be able to count them, and even know how the figures can be divided into 2 or 4 parts.
  4. General knowledge. The five-year-old knows his own and his family's first and last name, where someone works, and the address where he and his parents live.
  5. Speech. By this age, it is best to prepare the little ones in advance so that they already know the alphabet. This is a minimum, since before school the baby must master speech more deeply, he must be able to write at least the simplest words. What else? Read and describe pictures.
  6. Thinking. Can you imagine? This age frees you from many childish whys. The kid should know the answer to this question in many ways. If you ask him why mom went to the store, he will explain, he will even be able to argue his choice regarding the toy.

All this will help the baby not only study well, but quickly get used to the new team.

Additional development course

The development of kids involves not only classes in mathematics, but also no less necessary lessons. For example, you can show how to make a rough schedule for the day, how to observe nature, etc. .

Is it necessary to teach the crumbs fight, how do you think? Many parents do not do this so that the baby can swing his fists at full speed, although, as a physical activity, this is very useful. But also in order for the little one to be confident in himself when someone tries to offend him. Although sometimes protection with a word is much more effective.

Swim and dive- also very necessary skills that will come in handy more than once to the little one in adulthood. And when to master this science, if not at the age of 5, when there is no longer fear of water, and the baby is in excellent physical shape.

Can your baby tie shoelaces? Did you introduce him to the fact that two "hare ears" are intertwined, and one "dives" under the other, forming a knot? Here, I'm already smoothly moving on to how to teach. Or rather, what games are interesting and understandable to a child of 5 years of age

How to train a baby

Only in the game will children be able to learn something new, fix this useful information in their memory and help them fall in love with the skills they have acquired.

How do you approach the form of information transfer? What are you using for this? Share! Everyone is interested not only in new and innovative methods, but also in long-tested ways of learning!

And now let's use the game to teach a lesson in reading to a toddler. He already knows the names of the letters. It remains to understand how to teach the baby to pronounce them in a single word.

2 basic rules of any game:

  1. Little ones are interested in small, 10-15 minute classes! Learn it!
  2. And yet, it is not always easy for a baby to concentrate. Therefore, it is important to engage only with his consent.

Do you know what crumbs need most at this age? Despite all their desire for independence, children will be delighted if you put them in your arms, put a large and colorful book in front of him and, moving your or his fingers along the lines, read slowly and clearly.

Do not rush to close the book, let the baby see how great it is that a story is made from letters. If possible, read it again, syllable by syllable.

After a couple of classes, the baby, where from memory, where, because he understood the mechanism of the interaction of letters and sounds, he will read himself. And he will be interested! Take your time, practice as if it were a game of letters. And be sure to move in stages, from simple words to longer ones.

One more thing! Look for a book with large letters and short text per page.

Talent Search

I say more than once that all children are talented! And their gift is important to develop. This is not necessarily an investment in finding a future profession for the crumbs, but it will definitely help him to be self-confident and happier from realizing the beauty of this world.

Traditionally, all parents teach their kids to draw, play an instrument or sing. Sometimes you can try to find talent in logical activities, such as chess. Or in sports; it can be both home workouts and in sports sections.

The main thing is that all classes should take into account the desires and personal characteristics of children. No need to look up to other little ones. Only those things are worth doing that will truly captivate your baby! And the level of the lesson program should also be selected individually.
For example, What should a five year old be able to draw? Simple figures, houses and people. His pen and eye can already clearly draw even small details. If you show the advantages of pencils, felt-tip pens and paints, the child will be very interested in drawing.

Your child is your Gold, Treasure and Joy. And he will remain so for the rest of his life. But how to make a child a useful member of society? How can all his talents help to open up? That's what was and remains important for us. This article is just useful and timely information. But the most important thing, namely, the implementation of this knowledge into practice, is up to you! And for my part, I can give you a hint! Come visit, subscribe, invite your friends, always get useful information, be aware of all the events in the world of children! And I will help you with this!

And today I have to say goodbye!

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