Abstract of the lesson in the senior group "Winter. Winter fun"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Raila Usmonova
Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on the topic “Winter. Winter fun»


Classes in the senior group

Topic: « Winter. Winter fun» .

Program content:

Educational tasks:

1. Summarize and clarify children's knowledge about winter and winter fun.

2. Enrich the vocabulary of children at the expense of words-actions, words-signs.

3. Develop coherent speech (composing proposals on the topic classes« Winter. Winter fun» ).

Development tasks:

1. Develop auditory and visual attention, perception, memory, speech hearing.

2. Develop personal quality: activity, curiosity.

3. Develop the prerequisites for training activities: the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate a steady interest in classes, the desire for vigorous activity, independence in decision-making.

preliminary work:

Observations of the weather, snow flakes; winter Games.


Snowflakes; plot pictures; toy - snowman; phonogram "Seasons"; presentation « Winter riddles» .

vocabulary work:

Winter - winter, snowflake, silvery, snow-white, snowballs, snowman; frosty, snowy, windy.

Individual work: activate during Rustam's classes, Daniel Kovalenko.

Lesson progress:

Guys, listen poem:

Ah yes winter - winter

How to decorate the house!

Bleached everything around

All roofs are covered with white fluff.

There will be slides in the yard

On the fun for kids.

Do you guys love winter?

Children - Yes!

- And the girls? And boys?

Children - Yes!

I want to hear what you know about winter. Can you tell me what the weather is like in winter? I propose options:

If it's snowing outside, the weather...

Snow - (snowy);

Freezing - (frosty);

Wind - (windy);

Cold - (cold)

Didactic game "Yes and no"

The teacher offers phrases to the children, and the children determine whether it happens in winter or No: There is snow in the winter. In winter, people bathe in the river. In winter they ride a bike. In winter, people wear fur coats. Etc.

The game "Say a word".

In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with the word "snow".

“Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground. (Snow.)

Silver fluffs are gliding from the sky. (Snowflakes.)

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play. (Snowballs.)

As if dressed in a white down jacket. (Snowman.)


Children, all stand in a circle,

Start the game soon.

(Children stand in a circle).

"Finally came winter, (Children spread their arms to the sides)

The houses became white (fold hands over head)

It's snowing outside (move arms up and down)

Janitor sweeps the street (Imitate)

We're sledding (Squat, hands stretch forward)

We write circles on the rink (Hands are laid behind the back, slowly spinning)

Skiing skillfully, (Imitate)

And we all play snowballs. (Make and throw snowballs)

Well, we have a game again. Let's play kids?

Children - Yes!

The game "Call it sweetly".

Though winter everything froze and swept up, but we love her and affectionately call her what? (Winter).

Freezing - (frost).

Ice - (ice).

Cold - (chill).

Snow - (snowball).

Snowflake - (snowflake).

Christmas tree - (herringbone)

Sled - (sleigh)

Slide - (hill)

Why do we love winter so much? Let's tell you what you can do in winter, how you can have fun.

Making proposals for plot pictures.

(children look at pictures, make sentences, help in case of difficulty)

Breathing exercises.

In winter, a cold wind often blows, and cheerful snowflakes fly in the sky.

"blew winter breeze, the snow flew.

Snow, snow, white snow, it covers you all.”

I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. (Hands out snowflakes)

Do you know how to blow properly? We inhale deeply through the nose, do not raise the shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out the cheeks. (Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them for a long time, watching the snowflakes whirl).

Those are some pretty snowflakes. Let's take a closer look at them ... Each of them is unique. Let's pick up beautiful words for snowflakes. What snowflakes? (Silver, small, airy, sparkling, lacy, snow-white, cold, shiny). Well done, now look at your snowflakes again ...

Exercise for vision correction.

We saw a snowflake, we played with a snowflake. (Children take a snowflake in their hand. You need to stretch the snowflake forward in front of you, focus on it).

Snowflakes flew to the right, eyes looked to the right. (Take the snowflake to the right, follow the movement with your eyes).

Here the snowflakes flew, eyes looked to the left. (Take the snowflake to the left, follow the movement with your eyes).

The wind lifted the snow up and lowered it to the ground (Raise snowflakes up and down).

Children look up and down. Everything! They lay down on the ground. (Turn around and sit down, dropping the snowflake on the floor).

We close our eyes (Close your eyes with your hands). The eyes are resting.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Presentation starts « Winter riddles» .Children sit on chairs and guess riddles.

Well done boys! How well and attentively you know how to listen and solve riddles.

What did we do today? What did you like? (children's answers, I summarize, I draw a conclusion).

Related publications:

Sanke-sleigh. Liza - skis, Kolka - clubs and skates. The blessed days have come for the kids. Snow in the forest and on the alley, And the river was covered.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group "Storytelling based on the painting" Winter Fun " Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 49", Syktyvkar SUMMARY OF THE INTEGRATED lesson.

Synopsis of musical and educational activities in the senior group "Winter Fun" Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", "Music", "Reading fiction", "Health", "Artistic.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group. Drawing up a story based on the illustration "Winter Fun" Purpose: To improve the compilation of a story based on an illustration, supplementing it with your own assumptions, guesses. Develop connected speech.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the first junior group "Winter Fun" Examination of plot pictures specially created for kindergartens is an effective means of developing coherent speech. Storytelling training.


Educational area "Cognition"

  • Clarify and expand children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature.
  • Fix the signs of winter.
  • To expand children's knowledge about winter games and entertainment.
  • Introduce new words (skates, hockey).
  • Develop auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity.

Educational area "Communication"

  • Activate and enrich the subject, verbal dictionary on a lexical topic.
  • Develop connected speech.
  • Teach children to solve riddles.
  • Develop explanatory speech.
  • Learn to agree nouns with adjectives.
  • Develop general and fine motor skills in children.
  • Follow the correct pronunciation.
  • Learn how to form adjectives from nouns.

Educational area "Physical culture"

  • Learn to coordinate movements with speech.
  • Develop skillregulate the strength and accuracy of movement in the game with the ball.

Educational area "Socialization"

  • To form a positive attitude of children to participate in the lesson, the ability to work in a team.

Educational area "Health"

  • Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children through physical exercises, the use of brain gymnastics, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Integrative qualities of children:to form curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, adequate use of means of communication, command of dialogical speech, the ability to control one's behavior.


Subject: winter, snow, snowman, snowballs, skiing, slide, sled, ice, skates, ice rink, ice, hockey, stick, puck.

Qualitative: slippery, icy, high, fast, sharp, wooden, plastic, children, adults, big, snowy, beautiful, funny.

Verbal: sculpt, throw, ride, pour, score (goal).

Methods and techniques: greeting ritual, educator's questions, riddle, looking at plot pictures, surprise moment (meeting with a toy snowman), didactic games "Choose words", "Collect a picture", result-encouragement.

Health-saving technologies:gymnastics for the brain ex. "Elephant", physical minute.Individual work:involve inactive children in the conversation: Mark, Vanya, Christina.

Material: toy snowman, plot pictures, ice cube, ball, envelopes with split pictures.

Lesson progress

Welcome Ritual:

Educator: - Guys, let's join hands. Let's smile at each other to create a good mood. In order to learn a lot of interesting things in our lesson, you need to be attentive, not shout out from your seat, raise your hand, listen to each other.

Organizing time:

- Guess the riddle:

“He was not raised - he was blinded from the snow.

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot,

Eyes-embers, lips-bitch.

Cold, big. Who is he?

Children: - This is a snowman.

Educator: - Well done, right. This is a snowman.

(The teacher shows a toy snowman)

Educator: -He saw how cheerfully you ran to the kindergarten in the morning and decided to drop by to meet you. He is in a very good mood because now is his favorite time of the year. And what?

Children: - Winter

Educator: -Right. Why is winter the snowman's favorite season?

Children:- A snowman is made from snow, in summer the snowman will melt.

gymnastics for the brain ex. "Elephant"

Bend your knees, press your head to your shoulder, stretch your hand forward (the one with which you write). Draw a lazy figure eight in the air, at the same time extend the upper body following the arm, moving the ribs. Look beyond your fingers. Repeat the same with the other hand.

Main part

Educator: -Guys, the snowman wants to play with you on the street, but he has not come to visit us for a long time and forgot what games you can play in winter. Let's remind him of these games.

So, what games do you play outside in winter?

(Children answer, the teacher alternately exposes plot pictures with winter entertainment)

Educator: -Look at these guys, what are they doing?

Children:- Making a snowman.

Educator: -Right. What else can be sculpted from snow?

Children:- You can make snowballs out of snow.

Educator: -Look at the picture of how children play snowballs?

Children:- Children throw snowballs at each other and hide behind a snow wall.

Educator: -Right. And the kids have a lot of fun because the snowballs hit the wall, not them.

Guys, let's remember what you can ride in the winter.

Pay attention to the following picture, where are the children skiing?

Children:- Through the snow and down the hill.

Educator: -What else can you ride in the snow and down the hill?

Children: On a sled.

Educator: -Right. Look, I have an ice cube in my hands. Why do I need it?

Children: - To ride down the hill.

Educator: What should be done to make the slide slippery?

Children: - You need to fill the slide with water.

Educator: - You guys are smart. The hill is filled with water and in the cold it is covered with ice. So what is the hill?

Children: - Ice.

Educator: -Well done. I suggest you get some rest.

PHYSMINUTKA "Winter fun"

Snow, snow, white snow(Children do the SNOW exercise)

He sleeps us all!

Together we got up on skis(Imitate the movements of a skier)

And ran through the snow

And then they got on the sled, (Squat, then stand up and clap their hands)

Boldly flew down the hill!

Educator: -Guys, you can still skate on the ice. Repeat:"skates"

(Children repeat)

Educator: -Look at the picture. What are the children doing?

Children: - Ice skating.

Educator: -Where do the kids ride?

Children: - On the rink, on the ice.

Educator: -You can also play hockey on ice skates. Repeat:"hockey"

(Children repeat)

Educator: -Look at the picture, the boy is scoring the puck into the goal with a stick.

Guys, is it possible to play these games in the summer?

Children: - No.

Educator: - Why?

Children: - For such games you need snow and ice.

Educator: -Right. Let's play a ball game.

Didactic game "Pick up the words"

What kind of skates? (Fast, sharp)

What kind of skis, if made of wood? (Wooden)

If plastic? (Plastic)

What are children's skis called? (Baby)

And for adults? (Adults)

What snowman? (Big, snowy, beautiful, funny)

What is the hill? (Icy, high, slippery)

Educator: -Well done boys. Oh, look, our Snowman is upset and crying! He says winter gave him icy pictures of winter activities, but they cracked. The snowman asks you to help him, collect pictures and remind him about the games again.

Didactic game "Collect a picture"

(Children do the task)

Educator: - Well done, guys! The snowman thanks you for your help and treats you with "snowflakes" - (meringues).

Lesson topic:"Winter Fun"

Tongue twister of the day:

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled.

Sledge skok - Senka from his feet, Sanka to the side,

Sonya in the forehead. All in a snowdrift.

Purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with winter sports and Russian folk amusements.

Equipment and materials: Pochemuchkin doll, drawing for coloring, cards for playing forfeits, equipment for the winter relay race.

preliminary work

Reading the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts". Discussion, who is warm in winter: the one who wraps up, or the one who works, moves?

Part I. Both on sleds and on skis

Goals: speech development; formation of spatial representations, counting skills and comparison of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of objects; work according to instructions.

Pochemachkin comes to visit the children. He wants to invite them for a walk and teach them to play folk games. But Pochemuchkin's "pochemuchkin's disease" began again. The teacher distributes the drawings to the children.

Task "Find, count, color." The essence of the “treatment procedure” is known to children: you need to ask questions and answer them. Everything about which the question is asked can be colored. In order for the “disease” to pass faster and the children, along with Pochemuchkin, to be able to go for a walk, you need to try to diversify the questions.

Questions about drawings

What is the weather like in the picture?

Who went outside on a winter day?

How do the guys spend their time, what do they do?

What are the names of athletes who play hockey (skiing, skating)?

How many boys and how many girls are in the picture?

Who has more - boys or girls?

How many children make a snowman?

Who is more - skiers or skaters?

How many children are there to the right (left) of the tree?

Let's make a general story with numbers. For example: “On a fine frosty winter day, five boys and six girls went out into the street. Three children - two boys and one girl are making a snowman together ... ”(Etc.)

Fanta game "Winter Fun" . The teacher invites the children to take turns pulling fantas (cards with a picture) out of the hat. The rest of the players need to come up with a task and answer the teacher’s question: “What should this phantom do?” Children can answer: "Tell what he is doing" or "Show what he is doing." In the first case, the player who took out the phantom needs to be told about his actions. For example: "I take a stick and a puck, put on my skates and go out on the ice." In the second case, pantomime is shown. The rest of the players need to guess what the driver represents.

Pochemuchkin concludes that children are well aware of the various winter games that modern children play. Are they familiar with the games and amusements that were accepted in Russia in ancient times?

Part II. Fun for the strong, brave and skillful

(taken on a walk)

Goals: development of coordination of movements, speech, attention; indirect preparation for writing.

Whychkin. Winter loves the brave and strong, dexterous and resourceful! And she does not like lazy and boring people. In an instant such frost will grab, will prick and pinch. Like in the fairy tale "Two Frosts", remember?

(Children's answers.)

In ancient times, the frost kept for a long time. Here, in order not to lose heart and not to freeze, our ancestors came up with various games and fun.

Mobile game "Tracks" . Two paths of different shapes are drawn on the snow. Children are invited to walk along them, repeating all their curves as accurately as possible. If the zigzags on the paths are made sufficiently pronounced, then the child can walk along them with his eyes closed, guided by the prompts of his comrades.

You can run along the paths, developing coordination and agility, warming up. You can also walk quietly, concentrated, trying not to make noise, calming down.

Mobile game "Snowballs" . The game differs from ordinary tags in that the driver can not only catch up and knock over the players, but also hit them with a snowball.

Mobile game "Corners" A large square is drawn on the snow, in the corners of which the players are placed, and in the center is the leader. At the command of the driver, the players need to change places, and the driver must try to take the place of one of them. If this worked out, the player and the driver change roles.

Team game "Snow Fortress" ". Children are divided into two teams. For the allotted time, each of them needs to build a fortress. The consistency of actions, diligence and ingenuity of the players will determine how high, durable and comfortable the fortress will be, where they will hide from the shelling of snowballs from rivals

Answering Pochemachkin's questions, the children tell what games each of them liked.

Follow-up work. Remembering winter fun, you can invite children to perform various tasks aimed at preparing their hands for writing, training attention, and visual perception.

Hit the target with a snowball - draw a line without taking your hand off.

Go through the snow labyrinths.

Who will fly faster? The trace of the aircraft in the frosty sky must be circled as quickly and accurately as possible.

Circle all the snowflakes, and cross out the ice.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the senior group “Winter. Winter fun»

Educational: Learn to make sentences on models; plot story based on the picture. Activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Winter". Enrich ideas about seasonal changes in nature in winter.

Developing: To develop the logical thinking of children and the evidence-based form of a monologue in children's speech.

Educational: Cultivate patience in conversation and the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative".

Preliminary work.

Observation of winter weather. Reading fiction on the winter theme. Participation in winter games, fun.

Materials and equipment.

Picture and graphic plan on the theme “seasons”, the painting “Winter. Winter fun" with slits, envelopes with plot pictures on a winter theme.


1 part. The teacher makes riddles

Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead

Only the ice creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who carries me…. (skates)

Are there apples on the branches in winter?

Rather collect!

But suddenly the apples fluttered -

After all, this is ... (bullfinches).

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over the earth

Soft fluff -

White ... (snowflakes)

I wasn't raised

Blinded from the snow

Instead of a nose deftly

Inserted a carrot

Eyes are coals. Hands are bitches.

Cold, big, who am I? (snow woman)

Not scratchy, light blue

Hanging on the bushes ... (hoarfrost).

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

And if the sun bakes her -

She will cry and run. (icicle)

The teacher asks about what time of the year all these riddles?

2 part. Didactic game "Fix the mistake"

1. Winter has come because the bear is sleeping in a den

2. It became cold because people put on fur coats and hats.

3. Ice formed on the road because the pedestrian suddenly fell.

4. The skating rink opened because Vanya took the skates.

5. December ended because we began to celebrate the New Year holiday.

6. Soft snow fell because the children decided to build a snowman.

7. It snowed all night because people took out snowplows.

8. Ice formed because the janitor sprinkles sand on the road.

3 part. The teacher offers to make sentences about winter,

Winter came.

The sun (shines, but does not warm, cold)

Sky (gray, blue, cloudy, overcast, low clouds)

Ground (white, covered with snow, large snowdrifts)

Trees (standing naked, covered with frost, snow flakes on the branches)

People (put on warm clothes, clear roads, heat houses, celebrate the new year)

Animals (a bear, a hedgehog are sleeping; a squirrel, a hare have changed their skins to warmer and more inconspicuous ones).

Birds (migratory birds flew to warmer climes, wintering birds remained: sparrows, tits, pigeons)

In winter, you can ski, sled, skate, ride a snowman, play snowballs, build snow fortresses.

Good in winter! I love winter because...

4 part. Physical education minute

Snow, snow, white snow. (Children wave their hands in front of them)

He showers us all.

The children all got up on skis ("Get up" on skis)

And they ran through the snow. ("Run")

Today from the snow (D. walk in a circle, “roll” a snowball)

Wet coma

We made a snowman near the house. (Draw three circles in the air with hands)

Our woman is standing at the very gate.

No one will pass, (They threaten with index fingers)

Nobody gets through.

She is familiar to all the kids. (Walk in circles)

And the bug keeps barking "Alien in the yard."

5 part. Picture assignments.

6 part. The teacher hangs out a large picture “Winter. Winter fun" with slots for small pictures. Pictures from the tables are attached to the big picture after each answer of the children.

Look, a slide is drawn here. What can you do to get off the hill? (Sledging)

Who is skiing for? (For skiers)

What are the kids doing at the rink?

Whom do children feed in winter?

And here the children will sculpt a snowman.

What a wonderful picture. Let's make a story about it.

Children make up a story based on a picture.

7 part. Outcome.

What new did you learn today? What have you learned? Whose story did you like best and why?

Physical culture leisure "Winter fun" (on the street)

(Senior group)


Kozlova T.S.

Saratov 2015

Target: children the attractiveness of the winter months of the year; develop interest in winter sports through games and relay races.

Tasks: consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes; develop the speed of motor reaction; to develop in children attention, the ability to act in concert in a team, courage, a sense of self-confidence; achieving a positive emotional state.

Equipment and inventory: sled - 2 pcs., 2 sticks, 2 pucks, 6 cones, 2 hoops, 2 brooms, snowballs according to the number of children.

Event progress:

Children go to the playground. Line up in 2 lines.

Instructor: Hello kids! Girls and boys! Today, teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and smart guys have gathered. Why are we here? (children's answers).

Our favorite time of the year is winter!

Circled above the earth

Again winter is its round dance!

May health, joy, strength

Winter sports will bring us.

We all say: "No!" cold,

We don't mind frost.

We will be friends with skates,

With stick puck and ball.

I ask the teams to take their places. (representation of teams) -

1 team - "Shustriki"

Team 2 - "Bystriki".

Instructor: I wish success to both teams in the upcoming competitions. But before you start the competition, you need to do a mental warm-up.

Game Yes, No.

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He comes at 7 sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus came to you, right?

He brought gifts, right?

The trunk is good in the forest by the Christmas tree, right?

Was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?

What a beautiful tree, right?

There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the answers are given to the questions,

You all know about Santa Claus!

Instructor: So you have proved that you are quick-witted and smart guys. But whether you are dexterous and fast, now we'll see. And 1 relay race is called “Oh, you sleigh, my sleigh!”

Relay "Oh you sleigh, my sleigh"

1 player carries 2 players on a sled, runs around the cone. The children change places and go back. Pass the sled to the next pair.

Relay "Turtles"

Two children are sitting on a sled, with their backs to each other and kicking off the snow with their feet. They go around the cone and go back, pass the sled to another pair.

Relay "Hockey players"

1 player leads the puck with a stick "snake" between the cones and back. Passes the stick to the next player.

Instructor: Our teams are a little tired, I suggest you solve riddles.

Instructor: Well done, you got it all! So let's continue our competition. And the next relay is called: "reindeer teams"

Relay race "Reindeer teams"

1 player puts on a hoop, 2 player holds on to the hoop - “teams”, run around the cone, change places and run back, pass the hoop to the next pair.

Relay race "Broom racing"

1 player sits on a broom, runs around the cone. Without hitting him. Runs back, passes the broom to the next player.

Relay "Hit the target"

1 player takes a snowball and throws it into the basket opposite. After 1 throw goes to the end of the column. The next player throws. (The number of snowballs in the basket is counted.

Instructor: Here, guys, we saw that you are not only quick-witted, but also strong, dexterous, courageous, friendly guys. (to be summed up). Awarding teams with medals.

And now I propose to stand in a common circle and play the game "Carousel"

Carousel game

Instructor: Run, jump,

Worked up an appetite?

Now to refresh

It won't hurt you at all.

In groups, treats are waiting for you. The children go into groups.

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