Summary of a modeling lesson for the second group of early age “Spring grass. Open lesson in May 2013 weed Spring from plasticine

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Lesson summary
Modeling (plasticineography)
Theme: "Spring Landscape"

(Senior group)

Topic:“Spring Landscape” (educational area “Artistic - Aesthetic Development” in integration with the educational area “Speech Development”.

Target: creation of a spring landscape using the plasticinography technique.


Educational: teach how to make a background from plasticine on a plastic or cardboard base and compositions from plasticine on a flat base using junk material.

Developing: to develop an aesthetic perception of the natural world; develop a sense of composition, the ability to harmoniously place the image on the surface of the base.

Educational: foster a love of creativity, benevolence, responsiveness, purposefulness; to form a positive emotional attitude, interest and self-confidence.

Preliminary work: reading works about spring, memorizing poems, observing spring phenomena during a walk, looking at illustrations about spring and talking about their content, talking with children on the theme "Landscape" - one of the types of painting; didactic games.

Materials for the educator: A sample of a spring landscape; white cardboard; plasticine; stacks; pumpkin seeds; napkins; flannelgraph; musical recording by PI Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Spring".

Materials for children: white cardboard; plasticine; stacks; pumpkin seeds; napkins;

Course of the lesson

Part of the lesson:

Introductory part:

Educator:- Guys, a letter from the artist came to our group today. The artist was commissioned to paint a landscape.

- But the artist has a problem: he has run out of paints and pencils, and he does not know what to do.

- Look at the tables, do we have paints or pencils?

- And we don't. How can we help an artist?

- Oh, guys, I know a very interesting technique called plasticine (drawing with plasticine).

- Guys, do we have plasticine?

Children:- There is

Educator:- Can we help the artist?

Children:- Yes we can

Educator:- In order to find out which landscape the artist needs to draw, we need to guess the riddle:

The snowstorm has died down, the winds have stopped,

Fir-trees have little needles glistening.

And Santa Claus sits in the sleigh,

It's time for him to say goodbye to us.

To replace him, majestically

There is a beauty alone.

You know a lot about her,

The name is beauty ...

Children: - Spring

Educator:- Of course, guys, it's spring.

Tell me, what are the characteristics of spring?

Children:- Everything comes to life, the snow melts, the sun is shining, birds arrive, the grass begins to break through and the first flowers appear.

Educator:- Well done boys. I suggest you go to the tables and help the artist complete the order.

Main part:

Educator:- Guys, there is a sheet in front of you, place it horizontally.

- We start creating the spring landscape from the background of the work. Guys, what are we going to paint the landscape with? We will draw with plasticine, like with crayons.

We need to cover the upper part of the sheet with blue plasticine - the sky, and the lower part in two layers: the first layer with brown, and the second with green - the earth

Educator:- Take a piece of blue plasticine and draw straight lines from right to left. And so we paint over the entire upper part.

- Then we take a piece of green plasticine and lead in straight lines from right to left.

And so we paint over the entire lower part. Look closely at the sample.

Then, with your finger, you need to smooth out the formed lumps of plasticine, level the background.

Children:- Smooth the plasticine until an even background is formed

Educator:- In order to find out what objects will be in our landscape, the artist has prepared riddles for you. Are you ready to guess? So 1 riddle:

White sheep

Don't sit on the stove.

And they float from afar

Cumulus ...

Children: - Ready

- Clouds

Educator:- Well done guys, we will perform the clouds in the form of a snail

- We take a piece of plasticine, put it on the board and roll out a long sausage.

- Look carefully how I will do it.

- And now we twist the sausage with a snail. Like this.

- Well done boys. Place the cloud in the sky and flatten it with the index and middle fingers. Here we have got a cloud.

Ready to guess your next object?

Listen carefully to the riddle:

Not high, not low

Not far, not close.

A balloon floats in the sky

Hot as fire

Children: Yes ready

- This is the sun

Educator:- Of course it's the sun.

- What color will we paint the sun? (in yellow)

- We take a piece of plasticine and roll it between the palms in a circular motion.

- Making a ball.

- Then we apply it to the cardboard and press it with our fingers so that we get such a cake.

- Guys, what is missing from our sun? (Luchikov)

- We draw small rays along the edges of the sun with the index finger.

- And in order for our sun to be beautiful, we will make cuts at each ray with a stack.

- Look carefully.

- And now the sun invites you to play a little. Do you want to play with the sun?

Psycho-gymnastics "Sunny Bunny"

The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further across the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, gently stroke, so as not to frighten off, neck, tummy, arms, legs, he climbed into the collar - stroke him there. He is not a mischievous person, he loves and caresses you, and you stroke and make friends with him. Take it in your palm, stroke it, release it into the forest.

I have the following riddle for you:

Tall and green

She will be mown

Sheep, goats and cows

There is always her ready.

Children: - Grass

Educator:-Our landscape lacks young green grass.

- What color do we need plasticine for the image of grass? (in green)

- That's right guys. Take a piece of green plasticine and pinch off 4 pea-sized pieces. Roll out small sausages. It will be weed

- We place 2 blades of grass in the foreground (closer to us). And the rest are in the background (closer to the horizon). Now we smear each sausage with the thumb up.

- In the foreground, the grass is high, and in the distance it is small. Draw the blades of grass in a stack. Take a close look at the sample.

Educator: - Well, what a spring without the first spring flowers.

- A riddle will help us to guess what flowers we will draw:

With a pale white head

Straight from under the snowdrifts

Is born

Little flower!

Children: - Snowdrop

Educator:- Well done boys. When spring comes, snowdrops make their way through the grass and reach for the sun.

- Since the snowdrops have just begun to break through the grass, we can see small buds of snowdrops with you

- We will make a bud from 3 pumpkin seeds.

- Take the first seed and place it in the grass. And so we place snowdrops in each blade of grass.

- Here we have such a beautiful landscape. Guys who did it, sign your work on the back.

Final part

Educator:- Guys take work and go out on the carpet.

- Tell me, what did we do today?

- Landscape of what time of year?

- What techniques did you use?

- Did you cope with the task?

- Well done boys. You have got good work, neat and most importantly beautiful.

- Now I suggest that you organize an exhibition, for this, go to the dressing room, and I will fix your work on the stand.

- Thank you for your help and responsiveness. You are not only kind and helpful, but also very neat. Please show how you know how to put everything in its place (each tidy up his workplace)

Title: Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group "Spring Landscape"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, modeling, Senior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten "Cinderella"
Location: the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region

Natalia Banina

Summary of a modeling lesson for the second group of early age« Spring grass»

Target: to acquaint with the poem by A. Plescheev "Rural song", teach to coordinate words in a sentence, develop memory; continue to teach how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, roll sticks out of them, carefully lay them on a board, distinguish between green colors, and develop the ability to work collectively.

Material: green plasticine, boards for sculpting, illustrations for the poem.

Preliminary work: The teacher with the children at the window observes changes in nature.

Spring has come. The sun is shining brightly on the street. The days are warmer. The snow melted and began to sprout through the ground grass.

Hear how spring is described in a poem by Alexei Pleshcheev "Rural grass»

The grass turns green,

The sun is shining;

Swallow with spring

In the canopy flies to us.

The sun is more beautiful with her

And spring is sweeter.

Tweak out of the way

Hello to us soon!

I will give you grains;

Sing a song

What from distant countries

I brought it with me.


Children, about what time of year did I read you a poem?

What colour grass?

What color is the sun?

Who flew in the poem?


Educator: Guys today we will sculpt a meadow. Remember what grows on the meadow?

Children:(grass, flowers)

Educator: What colour grass?

Children: (green).

Educator: So what color do we need plasticine?

Children: (green).

Educator: What does it look like grass? Let's take a look at the picture with the picture herbs... If you look closely blade of grass, then you can see that it looks like a thin stick. Do you remember how to make a wand?


Educator: Show. (children perform straight movements with their palms)... That's right, this is how we will sculpt blade of grass... The teacher shows the techniques of rolling the stick, drawing the attention of the children to the fact that you need to get a thin blade of grass.

Physical education "The wind blows over the fields"

The wind blows over the fields

And sways grass. (Children gently shake their hands over their heads.)

A cloud floats above us

Like a white mountain. (Stretching - arms up.)

The wind carries dust over the field.

The ears are leaning -

Left and right, back and forth,

And then vice versa. (Tilts left and right, back and forth.)

We're climbing the hill (Walking in place.)

We'll have a little rest there. (The children sit down.)

Educator: Children start to sculpt spring grass... And I will turn on calm, beautiful music for you, it will help you to reveal your creativity and cheer up and lift your mood.

Children start to sculpt, in the process sculpting the educator provides assistance to children in difficulty.

Educator: This is how much we blinded blades of grass... A whole meadow turned out. I just want to run on it, like barefoot in the summer. Well, nothing, a little more time will pass and grass will grow on our site, in the park in the meadow.


Asking the kids liked to sculpt blade of grass? Whose work did they like and why? To tactfully pay attention to the mistakes of the guys, suggest on the next do not allow them to be molded, try.

We lay out the work on the board.

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Synopsis of educational activities on modeling in the first junior group on the topic "Snowdrops".

Software content: Arouse interest in the awakening spring nature, introduce you to spring primroses. Continue to acquaint children with non-traditional image techniques - plasticine, to consolidate the ability and skills in working with plasticine - rolling and flattening. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Material for the lesson: blue cardboard; green, white plasticine; modeling board; wet wipes for hands; presentation "Snowdrops".

The course of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.

Educator: Guys come here to me. Now we will join hands and inflate a big bubble. ( While I read the poem, the children perform movements along the text)

Let's join hands together,

And let's smile at each other!

To a friend on the right, a friend on the left!

Now it's time to get down to business!

And to find out what we are going to do now, listen to the poem:

Plasticine I took it in my hands
Crumpled, crushed, twisted, blinded.
I smeared all their hands with them,
He conquered by his own will.
Everything seems to be so easy
Took a piece, then another,
Connected them together
So I got something.
Ironed, improved shape,
Where he corrected unevenly,
I wiped my hands, appreciated
Finally finished.

Educator: So what are we going to do?

Children: Sculpt.

Educator: That's right And what we are going to sculpt you will find out when you watch the cartoon and listen to the poem. ( I show a presentation and at the same time read a poem).

Snowdrop came running

Into the March forest

Snowdrop peeped in

Into a clear trickle. And, seeing myself,

Shouted: "Here they are! I didn't even notice that spring had come."

Educator: In early spring, in open places, where there is no longer snow, the first flowers of snowdrops appear. Their delicate flowers are like bells, they are liked by everyone who sees them. Take a look and smell them guys. ( Showing a bunch of living snowdrops). And now we will turn into the first spring flowers of snowdrops and show how they appear on the ground.

Phys. minute "Spring has come"

Spring, spring! Spring came!

(Claps of your hands).

It brought warmth on the wings.

(Short flapping of the arms-wings).

And here in the very sun

With a proud head held high

(Look at the ceiling).

The blue snowdrop has blossomed.

(Hands up and to the sides)

He's all fluffy, silvery,

(Hands on the belt exercise "Spring").

The little one stands in the sun.

(Exercise "Stompers")

He is a reliable messenger of spring,

(Torso bends).

He is not afraid of cold weather.

Other flowers will come for him,

(Circling around yourself).

He is the primrose among flowers.

Educator: Oh children, look, while we were playing, all our snowdrops disappeared somewhere. Probably - these are the tricks of winter. Well, nothing now we will take plasticine and make a "wonderful meadow" with delicate white snowdrops. Sit down at the tables, we'll get to work now. And so first we take green plasticine and roll up a long "sausage" between our palms - this will be the stem ( children roll out, during work I come up and help everyone). Who rolled the "sausage" wait for me, don't do anything with it, I will now lay out a stalk for a snowdrop from it on a cardboard for each of you, and you will fix it by flattening it. Well, the stalk for the snowdrop is ready, let's start making the leaves. To make the leaves, roll up small plump green "sausages" and I will help you put each of them one by one on a cardboard box near the stem, and you will flatten them. To make a flower, first roll up a green ball and fix it, ( during work, I put all the blanks that the children make on the cardboard myself. Children only roll out the necessary parts and flatten) slightly flattening (children perform). Next, we start making snowdrop petals: roll up tiny white sausages. Who did sit wait for me, I will now lay out a flower for each of you from the finished petals, and you will flatten them. Just don't flatten them too much. (children perform). Here the snowdrop is ready! Look what beautiful flowers we got. ( Children together admire their flowers with me) Ah, now I suggest you play the game "Snowdrops".

The mobile speech game "Snowdrops".

A little snowdrop has grown

(Children rise slowly)

Dissolve the petals.

(In pairs, spread their arms to the sides).

The flower is white, the flower is delicate,

(Stroke each other on the shoulders).

He is, of course, very nice.

(Make turns.)

Primroses, primroses,

(Hold hands, shake them)

They are not afraid of cold weather.

(Back and forth, shake their head).

Sprout from under the snow

(Climbing on tiptoes)

Both in the forest and near the houses.

“Poem by A. Pleshcheev“ Rural Song ”.

Spring grass

Kind of children's activity:play, communication, cognitive research, productive, perception of fiction

Technologies : game, information and communication, dialogue, health-preserving, socio-game, personality-oriented.

Target: Formation of ideas in children about seasonal changes in nature (Spring).




1. Educational:

  • Acquaintance with A. Pleshcheev's poem "Rural Song"
  • Form the ability to coordinate words into sentences
  • Develop memory
  • Give a generalizing concept of "spring"
  • Find green in the surrounding

2. Developing:

  • Pinching off small pieces of plasticine from a large
  • Rolling sticks out of them
  • Laying them out neatly in the picture
  • Develop the ability to work collectively

3. Educational:

  • Greet a guest correctly
  • Respect teammates
  • To love and protect nature

Demo material:

  • Big walking doll Masha in warm clothes
  • Subject picture "Forest Glade"
  • Sprouted herb
  • Weed from thread
  • Decorative plastic grass
  • Sprouted oats


  • Green plasticine


  • Oilcloth
  • Wet wipes

Preliminary work:

  • Observing seasonal changes in nature while walking.
  • Examining illustrations in books and albums

Planned results:

The child shows emotional responsiveness to the appearance of the guest-doll Masha, while reading A. Pleshcheev's poem "Country Song", with interest examines the doll, the plot picture "Spring" performing physical exercises "Our red flowers ...", take an active part in productive activities (sculpting grass in the meadow).

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to a knock on the door and invites the children to go and see who has come to visit them. The door opens and the teacher introduces the walking doll Masha. “Hello children!” Says the doll. The teacher invites the children to say hello to the doll, to touch it with their hands. "What's your name, girl?" - the teacher asks. "Masha!" - the doll answers. Then the teacher says to the doll: “Oh! Masha! Why are you dressed so warmly, after all, it's been spring on the street for a long time! Children, let's remember that in the spring it's already warm and there is no need to wear a warm coat, a warm hat, the leaves have already blossomed on the trees, we see bright flowers on the lawns, and what else can we see on the lawn (a question for the children), let's go to our picture and Let's see what else Spring-Red has made us happy.

Viewing slideshow: “Here are the leaves, here are the flowers, and here is the grass! We consider the plot pictures and answer the questions of the teacher:

  • What season?
  • What's in the picture?
  • What color is the weed in the picture?
  • What color is the sun, the sky?

(Remembering colors, plant names, etc.)

Our red flowers

Connect your palms with a boat in front of you ("prayer pose")

Dissolve the petals

In turn, starting with the thumb, spread the fingers to the sides, leave the wrists connected.

The breeze breathes a little

Blow on your hands - "flowers"

The petals are swaying.

Move your fingers back and forth

Our red flowers

Take turns to fold the fingers, connecting the hands with a boat ("prayer" pose)

Cover the petals

They shake their heads

Swing your palms to the right and left

They fall asleep quietly.

Put your head on folded palms

3. Modeling grass in the meadow.

Educator: “Children! Look at the picture! (The teacher shows his unfinished drawing of a forest glade, where there is no grass) Spring is drawn here! Here are trees with small green leaves, here are colorful flowers in the meadow! But what is it! What is not in our meadow? Right! No weed! What color is it? That's right, green! We have plasticine! What colour is he? Right! Also green! This means that you and I can "plant" grass on our drawing, molding it from plasticine! Each of you will roll a plasticine stick, and we will stick it on the drawing, and you will get a green meadow. "

The teacher shows the techniques of rolling small sticks from plasticine - sausages. Children perform the exercise, repeating straight movements with their palms after the teacher. The teacher sculpts sticks with the children, then sticks "grass" with them on the drawing. The teacher during the sculpting draws the attention of the children that everyone sculpts one stick, and the result is lot blades of grass, controls the process of work, modeling techniques, helps children who find it difficult to perform work.

4. Reflection

Educator: That's how many blades of grass you blinded !! A whole meadow appeared. I just want to run on it, like in summer, barefoot!

Across the green meadow

I'm running without slippers!

And the grass tickles

I want to laugh!

But nothing will take a little more time, and the same grass will grow in fields, meadows, parks. In the meantime, let's show our work to the doll Masha! Together we will admire our work and invite Masha to visit us again!


To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it:

Summary of the lesson on visual activity. Bunny grass modeling

Age group: 2 younger group, children 3-4 years of age.

Location: MADOU "Center for Child Development Kindergarten No. 4" KGO, educator Stepanova G.A.

Joint activity form: training session

Organization form: frontal


visual range: grandmother (puppet theater), box, pictures of wild and domestic animals, bunny toy.

Materials: green plasticine, sheets of cardboard with a picture of a bunny, backing sheets, magnets.


Educational: continue to teach children to smear plasticine on cardboard with a pressing movement of the index finger,

continuation of acquaintance with green;

teach to sit upright while sculpting, not to bend over abruptly over the work;

teaching children to compose a composition of certain content.

Developing: to form the ability to differentiate animals by color, habits, external distinctive features;

contribute to the expansion of horizons and the development of ideas about the world around; develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Educational: promote the education of responsiveness and kindness. caring attitude to representatives of wildlife.

Course of the lesson:

Organizational stage:

There is a knock and grandmother appears. She is very sad.

Grandma, why are you so sad? What happened?

Grandma: - I can't find pictures of my favorite animals. They were in this box. And now there are so many photos in the box that I can't find my favorites. Help me please!

Emotional inclusion of children in the course of the lesson. Children take pictures out of the box and choose pictures only with images of pets. The found ones are given to the grandmother, and pictures with wild animals are displayed on a magnetic board. The grandmother thanks the children and leaves.

The main stage:

Conducting the didactic game "Wild Animals"

Methods of interaction between a teacher and pupils. The teacher asks the children questions. Children answer questions and find a corresponding picture. Answers questions.

What animals did we have? (Wild.)

Find a small animal that is stocking itself up for the winter. (Squirrel.)

Who is afraid of the wolf and the fox? (Hare.)

Who sleeps in a den all winter and wakes up only in spring? (Bear.)

Who catches mice? (Fox.)

What animals hunt a hare? (Wolf and fox.)

Who changes their fur coat in the spring? (Fox, hare, squirrel.)

Tell me guys, are all animals the same? (No, they are different.)

How do they differ from each other? (Different tails, ears, paws.)

Are they the same in color and size?

Methods of interaction between a teacher and pupils. The teacher picks up a bunny toy, asks the children to dance with him. Children sing along and perform movements.

The song "Zainka" is played, arranged by N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Zainka turn around, turn gray

Here, so turn around, here, turn around like this.

Zainka stamp your foot, gray stamp your foot,

Here, stamp your foot like this, stamp your foot like this.

Zainka dance, little white dance,

Here, dance like this, dance like this.

Well done guys, you dance like real bunnies.

Methods of interaction between a teacher and pupils. Children speak out

Guys, tell me, what does the bunny eat in the spring?

Let's help our bunny: we will find weed in the forest. We make some weed for him and his friends.

What color is the young grass?

Pinch off a small piece of green plasticine, press it to the sheet and pull it up with your finger.

Methods of interaction between a teacher and pupils. They do the work on their own using the method of plasticineography. The teacher monitors the progress of the work.

The final stage:

That's how much weed we got! All rabbits can be fed.

Organization of an exhibition of children's works, helping children in the placement of works.

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