A hobby for boys, or channel the energy in the right direction. Hobbies of teenage boys How to captivate a 12-year-old boy

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A person of any age can have a hobby and enjoy it. Any interesting activity for adolescents and adults is considered a useful pastime, unless it is associated with harm to health or others. The benefit of a hobby is that it is one of the ways of self-realization along with a career. At work, we cannot always fully realize our desires, since we often do not what we want, but what allows us to earn a livelihood in the desired volumes. It is a hobby that makes it possible not to give up on what you truly love, as well as to level out stress and fatigue from not so desirable, but necessary activities in life.

"The best job is a high-paying hobby" Henry Ford
If for an adult a hobby is an unambiguously secondary business, which may not exist at all, then a hobby for a 13-year-old boy will be perceived by him much more seriously. The fact is that a teenager is in an active search for himself, his interests are formed, abilities and predispositions are revealed. He prepares to make a choice, to define his identity: who I am, what I do. On such fertile ground, false values ​​may arise, the child may prefer a dangerous direction or go headlong into the first occupation that comes across, sometimes to the detriment of studies and other important matters, may overestimate his abilities or with contempt for valuable and promising areas of development. These are all typical symptoms of the transition period, the best cure for them is time. However, by focusing on the child's hobby process, there is much that parents can do for their future.

Is it important to have a hobby

A difficult period is called difficult because it is associated with the risks of a teenager falling under bad influence. The psychology of a child in adolescence is characterized by a sharp change in authority. He no longer perceives parents as an infallible source of any knowledge, and everything they say is an immutable truth. The teenager challenges everything he has learned before, tries everything that he rejected or feared before. What the tests will lead to is the main question. The least chance of getting a negative experience in a child who is busy with something and is in the field of view of adults, that is, has an additional activity in addition to the main study. This activity should be voluntary, so that the teenager does not stare at peers loitering around, but is absorbed in the process and enjoys it. Try to get your child interested by offering him interesting hobbies for teenagers aged 14-15. What gives a teenager a hobby:
  • energy output;
  • creative self-realization;
  • experience and skills (depending on the occupation, this can be a professional skill, life, social or emotional experience, etc.);
  • the opportunity to spend your free time with benefit;
  • a society of peers united by a useful hobby.

Simple ideas for an interesting hobby

To offer the best hobby for a teenager, which he will definitely not give up, you need to determine the direction that interests him. It is worth making a reservation that such "interesting directions" as computer games, the Internet or a fashionable subculture, it is better to put it aside: they can be endured, but definitely should not be encouraged. However, even in games and subcultures, you can find echoes of children's interests - just take a closer look at them. For example, emo: their main "trick" is working with appearance. A child actively creating his own image can appreciate the courses of designers or fashion designers.
"I am never as busy as during my leisure hours" Cicero
Computer games are focused on the type of activity (shooters, races, RPGs, strategies, adventure quests, etc.). Usually the child chooses a game that gives what is lacking in life. A shooter lover will appreciate sports shooting or airsoft, a "racer" will enjoy go-karting, horse riding or cycling, a roller-skater lover will appreciate the performing arts, for example, acting courses at VGIK or classes at the Benefis theater school. It's important to be mindful of the little things and not be afraid to suggest hobbies for teen girls and boys.

Unusual hobbies

If you're the type of hobbyist for hunting, stamp collecting and cross stitching, brace yourself for a hit parade of surprises. These three amazing hobbies proved to the whole world that a person's hobby is not limited by anything except the limits of his own imagination.
  1. Ball of paint. It all started when decorator M. Carmichael decided to paint a baseball in 1977. Today, the number of paint coats is close to 23,000, and the ball itself weighs more than 1.5 tons. Despite the strangeness of the hobby, he has many imitators around the world.
  2. Palaces of cards. B. McLain has been building cards all his life, at the age of 5 he built the first five-story house. His main achievement was the construction of an exact copy of the royal high-rise complex commissioned by the government of Saudi Arabia. The entire composition took 4351 decks of cards, the length of the complex is 15.3 m, the height is 3.5 m, the cost of the order is 1.5 million dollars.
  3. Lead carving. American artist D. Getty became famous for carving miniature figures and compositions on the lead of a simple pencil. His most difficult work is two parts of one pencil, connected by a chain made of a solid lead without gluing. This is a real chain, which differs from the usual iron chain only in size and material of execution. It's hard to believe that her links never came apart.

The most popular hobbies in Russia and the world

Tops of popular hobbies of modern adolescents of the world and individual countries differ slightly from each other. Moreover, it is almost always the same list, in which only the ordinal numbers of the lessons change. This is due to the extensibility of the concept of "hobby": for some it is the second business of life, for others it is just a variant of leisure. So, many people consider reading books, listening to music, hiking, caring for indoor plants, and so on as a hobby. Inequality arises: one person skillfully carves figures from a pencil lead, and the second watering the agave, but both have a hobby. So the list of hobbies and hobbies for teenagers in Russia and the world includes the following most popular areas:
  • trips;
  • reading;
  • dancing;
  • cooking;
  • cutting, sewing, knitting and other handicrafts;
  • playing sports;
  • hunting and fishing;
  • collecting rarities (from stamps and coins to masterpieces of world painting and ancient weapons);
  • growing plants and caring for pets;
  • literary creation (poems, stories, articles for a personal blog, etc.).
Despite the fact that the listed teenage hobbies are very commonplace and generalized, each of them can become the basis for identifying a much narrower direction.

This period in the life of children is very difficult, to make it easier to cope with changes in mood, it is important that the child is busy and passionate about something, and also receives enough attention from the parents. If it is necessary for a child to be at home, it is important to keep himself busy with a useful or interesting activity.

Naturally, you do not need to impose your desires on what to do with your 11-year-old child at home. Offer your options and give the teenager the right to choose, determine, based on their desires and aspirations. However, do not forget that in addition to his hobbies and activities, he should also have certain responsibilities in the house, and help his parents as much as possible. This will help distract the child from temptations, which are too many today, both on the street and at home. Out of idleness and boredom, children spend hours surfing the Internet, sometimes finding themselves there in dubious companies and clubs.

It is important to organize classes with children 11 years old at home in such a way that the child is carried away by new ideas and activities, he himself wants to play, create or work, and not you forced him to study under the duress. You can interest the child in the development of logical thinking, intellectual improvement. This can be helped by playing chess or checkers, solving puzzles, charades, crosswords, playing monopoly or the like, passing quests. Also, a simple and exciting pastime will be a simple and interesting game of forfeits.

If the child flatly refuses the task you proposed, do not insist. Now he has a special psychological period when he proves his independence and the right to his own opinion. Therefore, you should not change the situation in your favor - you will only make it worse. Offer, but do not insist - perhaps interest will wake up a little later.

How to keep an 11-year-old boy at home

Naturally, children tend to spend all their free time in front of the TV or behind computer screens, buried in gadgets. However, this is not the most suitable pastime, and the boy needs to be occupied with useful and interesting things. First of all, you need to involve him in housework, self-service, cooking or other feasible help. Many boys are interested in helping dad with repairs and minor repairs around the house, let dad involve him in such matters. Taking care of pets, caring for younger children, but without pressure, without forcing, will be no less useful.

It will be useful to be creative, tinker, draw or sculpt, paint, assemble models from constructors. If a child asks you for help, do not refuse. Give him a few minutes to give him advice, help him figure it out, or just be supportive. And it is worth instilling in children a love of reading, this is one of the most rewarding activities for children at home.

How to keep an 11 year old girl at home

Girls also keep up with boys in terms of adherence to modern gadgets and a computer, TV. Therefore, it is important to find useful activities for girls. Naturally, they, like boys, must help around the house - clean up, monitor the condition of their clothes and linen, cook as much as possible, take care of the younger ones, as well as animals and plants. It is useful to instill in girls a love of reading and handicrafts, these are useful skills for any future housewife. Show the girl the basics of sewing and knitting, needlework, perhaps it will inspire and interest her.

What can a girl 11 years old collect?

A hobby at this age helps the child to take free time and find friends with the same interests. At this age, there can be a wide variety of hobbies and hobbies for girls of 11 years old. These are macrame, knitting, beading, collecting toys, figurines, dolls, badges, etc. You can tell your child about your childhood hobbies, this will help a lot to think about your own.

Boys are energetic and very curious people. You can't argue with that. Each has a kind of "perpetual motion machine and jumper". It sometimes gets in the way of concentrating on mathematics or sitting over Russian for a long time.

This inner imp strives to jump, run, turn everything upside down, pull the girls by the pigtails (and why are they hanging out), climb trees and fences ... In short, only trouble for mom and teacher!

To make life easier for all the girls, including mom, grandmother and Marya Ivanovna, the potential knight of our time needs help to channel his seething, bubbling energy into a peaceful channel.

The most effective option is to choose a hobby you like.

  • Take an example from Hollywood actors. Some in their free time from filming knit on the needles. And what! Do you know how it soothes? If you don't like knitting, try beading or other handicrafts.
  • If knitting is not to your fidget, try painting, sculpting or tinkering- what the fantasy will tell. Here, for sure, no one will reproach that this is not a man's occupation.
  • Drama classes can be a great hobby., football, basketball, tennis, karate, swimming, chess, music lessons, fishing ... Life is wonderful! There are so many interesting things around! If your child is a "jet plane" - there will be where to accelerate. If a shy baby elephant - a hobby will help you forget about it.
  • Start collecting and organizing something. Help your child get interested in collecting. In addition to numerous magazines with ready-made exhibits, you can opt for something less expensive, but also interesting.

For example, why not collect a collection of bird feathers, pebbles or shells? You can collect buttons, postcards, badges, figures from kinder surprises and even smiles, funny sayings of cartoon characters.

If we return to Hollywood idols, then we will stumble upon some very unusual hobbies. Many celebrities collect weapons(all sorts of daggers and daggers), and some people like to collect bells.

David Lynch, for example, is not averse to dead flies (ugh, how disgusting!). You can't sell them to anyone, of course, but you can get rich on something more valuable. One stamp collector (stamp collector) traded his own life for his collection during the war. This is how it happens!

If your child is terribly afraid of something, tell him about Johnny Depp. His amazing collection doesn't consist of dogs, butterflies, or even spiders.… “I hate these painted freaks, there is something repulsive and terrible about them. For family holidays, I never invite them to us ... ”- says the actor. Whom? Clowns!

Yes, Johnny is terribly afraid of clowns, but realizing his fear, he found the courage to collect them. Also, Depp collects skeletons and stuffed animals. We can safely say about this celebrity that he has a lot of skeletons in his closet !!

  • Another fashionable hobby today is(exchange of postcards around the world). Here, of course, you will need the help of adults, because you need to register on the site, sign a postcard in English ... But how interesting it is to learn something new about those countries where you have never been! This can be the beginning of a "foreign" friendship and captivate the whole family.

If your tomboy has an exciting hobby, you can calmly exhale, and not worry that he spends a lot of time in front of the TV and "lives" in computer games of dubious content.

Natalia Kolesnikovich

Dear Readers! What is your child's hobby? Or maybe you know some other interesting hobby for boys? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

Adolescence is the age of psychological maturation. It was during this period that the child's inner world undergoes serious changes. The child is looking for new friends, his interests and hobbies change. At this stage, the main task of parents is to correctly assess the usefulness of the teenager's new hobby. Often, it is at a transitional age that children fall under the influence of asocial personalities.

Therefore, parents must constantly keep their hand "on the pulse" of events, know: what worries the child, what he is passionate about, with whom he communicates, what new interests he has. Here are the hobbies that may interest a child in adolescence, and we'll talk today. But first, let's decide - is it good to have a hobby?

For adolescence, according to psychologists, a frequent change of interests is characteristic. And this is quite natural, because the child is experimenting, trying to "find himself." Some of the famous educators said that adolescence without a hobby is like childhood without games. Sometimes parents are intimidated by the presence of too many different hobbies in a child. But you should not be afraid of this, because the teenager is in search. Psychologists believe that any hobby is very useful for its all-round development. Of course, we do not mean dangerous or criminal hobbies. A hobby is a kind of bridge to the big world. Having an interesting activity at the age of 13-17 is one of the ways of self-expression.

But what should parents do if their child is absolutely not interested in anything. All attempts to captivate and interest him in something - ended in complete failures. What should I do? The main thing is not to give up. Suggest several options for the most unusual hobbies. Perhaps one of the following hobbies will not leave your child indifferent.


Ebru is an ancient technique for painting on water. The impression from the water surface is transferred to paper or fabric in one step.

An unusual technique was brought to Europe from Istanbul in the 16th century. There are several methods for performing such an unusual pattern. One of the most common is considered to be Battal ebru. It is the simplest one. With its help, even a beginner can create a graphic drawing. Paint is sprayed onto the prepared surface of water, then the drawing is transferred to a cloth or sheet of paper. The unique Ebru technique allows you to create not only abstract canvases, but also intricate ornaments.


Needlework has always been considered a very exciting activity that can interest not only teenagers, but also all family members.

According to child psychologists, the process of paper rolling (quilling) is very useful for adolescents. Thanks to such an unusual hobby, the child will be able not only to develop his creative abilities, but also to train memory and attention. Crafts made using the quilling technique are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty and uniqueness.

In recent years, greeting quilling cards have become especially popular in our country. This hobby is not expensive. Rolling kits are available online.


Girls may be interested in this hobby. After all, a kanzashi is nothing more than a hair clip. But the hairpin is unusual. In the classic version, it is a sakura or magnolia stick, decorated at the end with exotic flowers. Flowers are made of expensive materials - silk, organza, satin. If earlier kanzashi assumed the use of only natural materials, then in the twenty-first century, sticks began to be made of plastic. This hobby can bring good income for a teenager, since kanzashi hairpins are in great demand among the fair sex.


Translated from French "decoupage" means "cut". With the help of decoupage, you can turn any thing into a real work of art. This is a very ancient decoration technique, it was used by Chinese peasants in the 12th century.

Decoupage consists of applying applications to any surface. The drawing for decoration is cut from paper napkins, magazines or from special cards. Then it is finalized and laminated. One gets the impression that the thing is decorated with artistic painting or inlay.

Sand painting

Sand graphics are a unique hobby that allows you to make interesting discoveries and develop creatively. For more than ten years now, this hobby has occupied a leading position in the list of hobbies of famous people. Sand graphics are made on illuminated glass (a special table) using a variety of bulk materials. It can be quartz sand, ground coffee, or ordinary clean river sand.

This hobby develops imaginative thinking, calms and relieves psychological stress, develops motor skills of both hands, improves coordination of movements. While drawing, you can meditate with special music.

This hobby does not require large expenses, it is enough to buy a special table for drawing with lighting and sand. The design of the table is quite simple, so you can make it yourself. Paintings are drawn by hand, so there is no need to purchase brushes or pencils.

Soap making

A useful and rather interesting hobby is making soap with your own hands. The base, fragrances, molds and colorants for handmade soaps can be purchased without any problems in numerous specialized online stores. This hobby has become very fashionable in the twenty-first century. Soap making is an exciting activity that makes you feel like a real perfumer. Master classes on making “soapy” masterpieces are held on the Internet. Homemade soap in beautiful packaging is an exotic gift for friends and family.


The art of artistic cutting came to Europe from Southeast Asia. Of course, in order to create a beautiful vegetable or fruit bouquet, a certain skill is required. But if you want to learn carving is not difficult. This hobby does not require special tools. Most fruit or vegetable masterpieces can be crafted using a regular knife. Of course, there are also special tools for professional craftsmen on sale. Almost all fruits and vegetables are suitable for carving: pumpkin, potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, apples, oranges, melons, lemons, etc.

Right hemispheric drawing

According to psychologists, right-brain drawing is an ideal hobby for stressed and insecure teenagers. Scientists believe that the left hemisphere of our brain is responsible for the mind, logic, symbols. The right one is for feelings, emotions. As practice shows, people trust the left hemisphere more, thereby driving themselves into a certain creative framework. Right-brain drawing brings intuition and inspiration to the fore. This method of artistic expression can be learned in just one day. This hobby guarantees a good mood and emotional uplift. Teenagers gain confidence in their abilities, they begin to perceive life positively.


You shouldn't think that crocheting toys (amigurs) may interest only the fair sex ... Nothing like this. In Europe, a fairly large number of men are passionate about this hobby. A little patience, dexterity, diligence and a funny knitted toy is ready! By the way, the founders of this art were the Japanese. In translation, "amigurami" means "wrapped, knitted." On the Internet, you can find master classes conducted by experienced needlewomen. Small, bright toys, knitted with your own hands, will be a wonderful decoration for handbags, backpacks, mobile devices. According to psychologists, this hobby has a positive effect on the psyche of adolescents.


A new and very unusual hobby "Mehendi technique" is rapidly gaining popularity in our country. Mehendi - application of temporary tattoos using henna. This Indian technique allows you to seamlessly improve in the art of drawing all kinds of ornaments. The drawing (temporary tattoo) can be changed quite often. Hobby - reveals the creative potential of a teenager, teaches him patience and perseverance.

Rock climbing

It is an active holiday and wonderful for teenagers. Climbing training should be supervised by an experienced instructor. Training sessions in this sport are held in specially equipped gyms - climbing walls. As a rule, such gyms have different training stands.

Rollersurfing, Segway

This exciting hobby involves buying a two-wheeled skateboard. Skate for girls is called rollersurf. For representatives of the stronger sex, the ripstick board is perfect. These models are available in amateur, semi-professional and professional versions. There are children's models. Roller surfing will be of interest to teenagers who love speed.

Segway - looks like a chariot and is a self-balancing electric vehicle. This sports hobby will interest all fans of unusual driving.

Jumping on the jumper

A hobby for thrill-seekers. A jumper is a device that allows you to perform fantastic jumps and a variety of acrobatic stunts. Of course, this hobby requires constant training and considerable financial resources. To become a skillful boxer, you need to purchase a high-quality and reliable jumper, helmet, and special protective pads. After all, it is unlikely that it will be possible to learn complex acrobatic tricks without falling. But, as life shows, adrenaline lovers are not stopped by this.

Skateboard, longboard

A lot of pleasure will be delivered to teenagers and skateboarding and longboarding. Skateboard is a roller board mounted on small wheels. Learning to ride the board and perform complex tricks will take hours of practice. Mastering certain riding techniques requires a teenager to be in good physical shape.

Longboard - differs from a skateboard in its quality characteristics. This is a relatively new sport. The longboard skateboard allows you to reach the highest speeds and perform more complex acrobatic stunts.

Roller skis

This device allows ski enthusiasts not to give up their activities even in summer. You don't need snow to inline ski. They are made from polyurethane or rubber.

The choice of model depends on the riding conditions. The skis are equipped with four wheels. The platform has good stability. Roller skiing is an international sport. This projectile is used in summer biathlon. In 2000, the first inline skiing world championship was held.

As loving parents, of course, you are trying in every possible way to help your child get through this difficult period in life: treat his mood swings, suffering and fears, strange thoughts and statements with understanding, try to give good advice, even if he does not want to listen. What else can you help your child with? Help me find a hobby.

A way of expressing yourself

Not all children at this age are keen on sports, have a hobby, follow the example of their father-fisherman (hunter, carpenter, builder ...). At the age of 13-17, adolescents, as a rule, have already “been ill” by computer games and social networks and “withdrawn into themselves” (fenced off from their peers, friends and acquaintances).

And at the same time, a favorite pastime - a business that succeeds “with a bang” - is necessary for a teenager. Passion will give you a sense of success, which is extremely important in adolescence. A hobby helps to find meaning in life, and, as you know, many emotional experiences in adolescence are associated with the search for the meaning of their existence. Having acquired a serious hobby, a teenager will not only take his free time, he will spend it with benefit, find a way of self-expression, enjoy, become convinced of his abilities and capabilities, gain confidence in himself and his strengths, acquire individuality, initiate his professional development and further development.

We offer options for a hobby

Have you tried and failed? The teenager is not interested in anything? Do not give up! You can even reach out to a difficult teenager. And we will show you how to do it.

First of all, suggest several options. The following hobbies for teenagers are considered the most popular:

  • associated with the need to show endurance and willpower, with the achievement of physical results (karate, football, cycling, a girl may like horse riding);

  • collecting (coins, stamps, chips, etc.) - pleasure brings not only the joy of getting an unusual find, but also the flow of information that the child learns while searching for the desired object;
  • associated with active communication (in social networks, for personal growth training);
  • group activities (all kinds of games, for example, quest, mafia, as well as activities in hobby clubs);
  • manual activity, the result of which is a new product assembled from different "ingredients" (for example, carving - carving figures from products, various hand-made directions, reconstruction of historical events and participation in impromptu battles, writing stories, novels, fantasy, creating presentations on computer, constructor, etc.).

Ask yourself: Which of these hobbies is your child more likely to do? The answer will tell you what can be offered in the first place, what in the second.

Not interested in anything?

If the child is not interested in anything? Trying to captivate.

  1. Persuade to go to a trial lesson in some section, circle, visit a club or holiday fair, sign up for a trial lesson of any training course (hairdressing, photography, courses for future makeup artists, web designers, guitar lessons, etc.). etc.).
  2. Show me an example. Demonstrate the result of your work in the kind of hobbies that you think your child will like.
  3. Find out what his friends are interested in. Invite the teenager to try to take up the hobbies of his friends (unless, of course, the hobby is in any way connected with crime and excitement).
  4. Show him your favorite books, many teenagers get addicted to reading if they start reading.
  5. Captivate with a fashionable hobby gadget. For example, an e-book for those who like to read. Tablet with a pen, for those who like to write stories. A sports bracelet for beginner athletes. For a creative teenager, buy a set for creativity, for an inquisitive - an educational magazine of interest.
  6. Ask for help, as if by chance. Offer to do something with your own hands under a plausible pretext, explain that it is important to you and why you need it. Sometimes you have to go for a little deception. If the child succeeds, do not forget to praise and remind him what an IMPORTANT thing he did. Nothing is more stimulated to master new activities than the feeling of success, the joy of achievements (even small ones).

To get carried away with something new and interesting, to go headlong into a useful type of activity is the way to cognition and gaining positive emotions. A keen teenager is a happy teenager.

Your task, as a parent, is to help you find what you love, to embark on the path of self-discovery and self-expression. And approve of the hobby he chooses, even if it seems pointless to you.

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