Astrid lindgren carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again. Astrid Lindgren - Carlson, who lives on the roof, plays pranks again Carlson, who lives on the roof again

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Karlsson på taket flyger igen

Karlsson på taket flyger igen © Text: Astrid Lindgren

1962/Saltkrakan AB

© Lungina L.Z., heirs, translation into Russian, 2013

© Dzhanikyan A.O., illustrations, 2013

© Design, edition in Russian. Azbuka-Atticus Publishing Group LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (

Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew back

The earth is so huge, and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there is also a very tiny house of Carlson, who lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is sure of it too. As for the Kid, he lives with mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the pipe, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

Surely there will be people who will find it strange that someone lives on the roof, but the Kid says:

- There is nothing strange here. Everyone lives where they want.

Mom and dad also believe that each person can live where he pleases. But at first they did not believe that Carlson actually existed. Bosse and Bethan didn't believe it either. They could not even imagine that a small plump man with a propeller on his back lives on the roof and that he can fly.

“Don’t talk, Kid,” said Bosse and Betan, “your Carlson is just a fabrication.

To be sure, the Kid once asked Carlson if he was a fiction, to which Carlson grunted angrily:

- They themselves are fiction!

Mom and dad decided that the Kid is sad alone, and lonely children often come up with different playmates for themselves.

“Poor Baby,” Mom said. “Bosse and Bethan are so much older than him!” He has no one to play with, so he fantasizes.

“Yes,” Dad agreed. In any case, we should give him a dog. He's been dreaming about her for so long. When the Kid gets a dog, he will immediately forget about his Carlson.

And the Kid was given a Bimbo. Now he had his own dog, and he received it on his birthday, when he was eight years old.

It was on this day that mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw Carlson. Yes, they saw him. Here's how it happened.

The kid celebrated his birthday in his room. His guests were Christer and Gunilla - they study with him in the same class. And when mom and dad, and Bosse, and Bethan heard ringing laughter and cheerful chatter coming from Baby's room, mom suggested:

Let's go and look at them, they are so cute, these guys.

- Went! Dad picked it up.

And what did mom and dad and Bosse and Bethan see when they opened the door ajar and looked in on the Kid?

Who sat at the head of the festive table, smeared to the ears with whipped cream, and ate so that it was a pleasure to look at? Of course, none other than a little fat man, who immediately bellowed at the top of his lungs:

- Hey! My name is Carlson, who lives on the roof. You seem to have not yet had the honor of knowing me?

Mom nearly passed out. And my dad got upset too.

“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” he said, “listen, not a word to anyone.

- Why? Bosse asked.

And dad explained:

- Think for yourself what our life will turn into if people find out about Carlson. It will, of course, be shown on TV and filmed for newsreels. Climbing the stairs, we will stumble over the television cable and the wires of lighting devices, and every half an hour correspondents will come to us to photograph Carlson and Malysh. Poor Kid, he will turn into "the boy who found Carlson, who lives on the roof ...". In a word, in our life there will no longer be a single calm moment.

Mom, and Bosse, and Bethan realized that dad was right, and promised not to tell anyone anything about Carlson.

And just the next day, the Kid was supposed to leave for the whole summer to his grandmother in the village. He was very happy about this, but worried about Carlson. You never know what he decides to throw out during this time! What if he disappears and never comes again!

- Dear, dear Carlson, will you still live on the roof when I return from my grandmother? Surely you will? asked the Kid.

– How to know? Carlson replied. “Calm, just calm. I'll also go to my grandmother, and my grandmother is much more like a grandmother than yours.

- Where does your grandmother live? asked the Kid.

- In the house, but where else! Do you think she lives on the street and rides at night?

So the Kid did not manage to find out anything about Carlson's grandmother. And the next day, the Kid went to the village. Bimbo he took with him. For whole days he played with the village children and hardly thought about Carlson. But when the summer holidays ended and the Kid returned to the city, he asked, as soon as he crossed the threshold:

- Mom, during this time have you ever seen Carlson?

Mom shook her head.

- Never. He won't come back.

- Do not say that! I want him to live on our roof. Let him fly again!

“But you now have a Bimbo,” Mom said, trying to console the Kid. She believed that the moment had come to put an end to Carlson once and for all.

The kid stroked Bimbo.

– Yes, of course, I have a Bimbo. He is a world dog, but he does not have a propeller, and he cannot fly, and in general it is more interesting to play with Carlson.

The kid rushed to his room and opened the window.

- Hey, Carlso-oh-he! Are you up there? Respond! he yelled at the top of his voice, but there was no answer.

And the next morning the Kid went to school. He is now in the second grade. After dinner, he went to his room and sat down to study. He never closed the window, so as not to miss the buzzing of Carlson's motor, but from the street came only the roar of cars and sometimes the rumble of an airplane flying over the roofs. But the familiar buzzing was still not audible.

“It’s all clear, he didn’t come back,” the Kid repeated sadly to himself. “He will never fly again.

In the evening, going to bed, the Kid thought about Carlson, and sometimes, covering himself with a blanket, he even quietly cried at the thought that he would no longer see Carlson. Days passed, there was a school, there were lessons, but Carlson was not and was not.

One afternoon, the Kid was sitting in his room, fiddling with his stamp collection. In front of him was an album and a whole bunch of new stamps that he was going to sort through. The kid diligently got down to business and very quickly pasted all the stamps. All except one, the best, which I purposely left for last. It was a German stamp with Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, and the Kid really, really liked it. He placed it on the table in front of him and admired it.

And suddenly the Kid heard some kind of weak buzzing, similar to ... - yes, yes, imagine - similar to the buzzing of Carlson's motor! And in fact it was Carlson. He flew through the window and shouted:

- Hi baby!

Hello Carlson! the Kid yelled back and jumped up.

Astrid Lindgren

Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew back

Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew back

The earth is so huge, and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there is also a very tiny house of Carlson, who lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is sure of it too. As for the Kid, he lives with mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the pipe, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

Surely there will be people who will find it strange that someone lives on the roof, but the Kid says:

There is nothing strange here. Everyone lives where they want.

Mom and dad also believe that each person can live where he pleases. But at first they did not believe that Carlson actually existed. Bosse and Bethan didn't believe it either. They could not even imagine that a small plump man with a propeller on his back lives on the roof and that he can fly.

Don't talk, Kid, - Bosse and Betan said, - your Carlson is just a fiction.

To be sure, the Kid once asked Carlson if he was a fiction, to which Carlson grunted angrily:

They themselves are fiction!

Mom and dad decided that the Kid is sad alone, and lonely children often come up with different playmates for themselves.

Poor Baby, said Mom. - Bosse and Bethan are so much older than him! He has no one to play with, so he fantasizes.

Yes, dad agreed. - Anyway, we should give him a dog. He's been dreaming about her for so long. When the Kid gets a dog, he will immediately forget about his Carlson.

And the Kid was given a Bimbo. Now he had his own dog, and he received it on his birthday, when he was eight years old.

It was on this day that mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw Carlson. Yes, they saw him. Here's how it happened.

The kid celebrated his birthday in his room. His guests were Christer and Gunilla - they study with him in the same class. And when mom and dad, and Bosse, and Bethan heard ringing laughter and cheerful chatter coming from Baby's room, mom suggested:

Let's go and look at them, they are so cute, these guys.

Went! Dad picked it up.

And what did mom and dad and Bosse and Bethan see when they opened the door ajar and looked in on the Kid?

Who sat at the head of the festive table, smeared to the ears with whipped cream, and ate so that it was a pleasure to look at? Of course, none other than a little fat man, who immediately bellowed at the top of his lungs:

Hey! My name is Carlson, who lives on the roof. You seem to have not yet had the honor of knowing me?

Mom nearly passed out. And my dad got upset too.

Just don’t tell anyone about this,” he said, “listen, not a word to anyone.

Why? Bosse asked.

And dad explained:

Think for yourself what our life will turn into if people find out about Carlson. It will, of course, be shown on TV and filmed for newsreels. Climbing the stairs, we will stumble over the television cable and the wires of lighting devices, and every half an hour correspondents will come to us to photograph Carlson and Malysh. Poor Kid, he will turn into "the boy who found Carlson, who lives on the roof ...". In a word, in our life there will no longer be a single calm moment.

Mom, and Bosse, and Bethan realized that dad was right, and promised not to tell anyone anything about Carlson.

And just the next day, the Kid was supposed to leave for the whole summer to his grandmother in the village. He was very happy about this, but worried about Carlson. You never know what he decides to throw out during this time! What if he disappears and never comes again!

Dear, dear Carlson, will you still live on the roof when I return from my grandmother? Surely you will? asked the Kid.

How to know? Carlson replied. - Calm, just calm. I'll also go to my grandmother, and my grandmother is much more like a grandmother than yours.

Where does your grandmother live? asked the Kid.

At home, where else? Do you think she lives on the street and rides at night?

So the Kid did not manage to find out anything about Carlson's grandmother. And the next day, the Kid went to the village. Bimbo he took with him. For whole days he played with the village children and hardly thought about Carlson. But when the summer holidays ended and the Kid returned to the city, he asked, as soon as he crossed the threshold:

Mom, have you ever seen Carlson during this time?

Mom shook her head.

Never. He won't come back.

Do not say that! I want him to live on our roof. Let him fly again!

But now you have a Bimbo, - said Mom, trying to console the Kid. She believed that the moment had come to put an end to Carlson once and for all.

The kid stroked Bimbo.

Yes, of course, I have Bimbo. He is a world dog, but he does not have a propeller, and he cannot fly, and in general it is more interesting to play with Carlson.

The kid rushed to his room and opened the window.

Hey Carlso-o-he! Are you up there? Respond! he yelled at the top of his voice, but there was no answer.

And the next morning the Kid went to school. He is now in the second grade. After dinner, he went to his room and sat down to study. He never closed the window, so as not to miss the buzzing of Carlson's motor, but from the street came only the roar of cars and sometimes the rumble of an airplane flying over the roofs. But the familiar buzzing was still not audible.

Everything is clear, he did not return, - the Kid repeated sadly to himself. - He will never fly again.

In the evening, going to bed, the Kid thought about Carlson, and sometimes, covering himself with a blanket, he even quietly cried at the thought that he would no longer see Carlson. Days passed, there was a school, there were lessons, but Carlson was not and was not.

One afternoon, the Kid was sitting in his room, fiddling with his stamp collection. In front of him was an album and a whole bunch of new stamps that he was going to sort through. The kid diligently got down to business and very quickly pasted all the stamps. All except one, the best, which I purposely left for last. It was a German stamp with Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, and the Kid really, really liked it. He placed it on the table in front of him and admired it.

And suddenly the Kid heard some kind of weak buzzing, similar to ... - yes, yes, imagine - similar to the buzzing of Carlson's motor! And in fact it was Carlson. He flew through the window and shouted:

Hi baby!

Hey Carlson! the Kid yelled back and jumped up.

Beside himself with happiness, he looked at Carlson, who flew around the chandelier several times and landed awkwardly. As soon as Carlson turned off the motor - and for this it was enough for him to press the button on his stomach - so, as soon as Carlson turned off the motor, the Kid rushed to him to hug him, but Carlson pushed the Kid away with his chubby hand and said:

Peace, only peace! Do you have any food? Maybe meatballs or something like that? A piece of cake with whipped cream will do.

The kid shook his head.

No, mom didn't make meatballs today. And the cake with cream happens with us only on holidays.

Carlson pouted:

Well, you have a family! “Only on holidays”… And if a dear old friend comes along, whom he had not seen for several months? I think your mother could try for such an opportunity.

Yes, of course, but we didn’t know ... - the Kid justified himself.

Karlsson p? taket flyer igen

First published in 1962 by Rab?n & Sj?gren, Sweden.

All foreign rights are handled by The Astrid Lindgren Company, Liding?, Sweden.

© Text: Astrid Lindgren, 1962 / The Astrid Lindgren Company

© Lungina L.Z., heirs, translation into Russian, 2019

© Dzhanikyan A.O., illustrations, 2019

© Design, edition in Russian.

LLC Publishing Group Azbuka-Atticus, 2019

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew back

The earth is so huge, and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there is also a very tiny house of Carlson, who lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is sure of it too. As for the Kid, he lives with mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the pipe, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

Surely there will be people who will find it strange that someone lives on the roof, but the Kid says:

- There is nothing strange here. Everyone lives where they want.

Mom and dad also believe that each person can live where he pleases. But at first they did not believe that Carlson actually existed. Bosse and Bethan didn't believe it either. They could not even imagine that a small plump man with a propeller on his back lives on the roof and that he can fly.

“Don’t talk, Kid,” said Bosse and Betan, “your Carlson is just a fabrication.

To be sure, the Kid once asked Carlson if he was a fiction, to which Carlson grunted angrily:

- They themselves are fiction!

Mom and dad decided that the Kid is sad alone, and lonely children often come up with different playmates for themselves.

“Poor Baby,” Mom said. “Bosse and Bethan are so much older than him!” He has no one to play with, so he fantasizes.

“Yes,” Dad agreed. In any case, we should give him a dog.

He's been dreaming about her for so long. When the Kid gets a dog, he will immediately forget about his Carlson.

And the Kid was given a Bimbo. Now he had his own dog, and he received it on his birthday, when he was eight years old.

It was on this day that mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw Carlson. Yes, they saw him. Here's how it happened.

The kid celebrated his birthday in his room. His guests were Christer and Gunilla - they study with him in the same class. And when mom and dad, and Bosse, and Bethan heard ringing laughter and cheerful chatter coming from Baby's room, mom suggested:

Let's go and look at them, they are so cute, these guys.

- Went! Dad picked it up.

And what did mom and dad and Bosse and Bethan see when they opened the door ajar and looked in on the Kid?

Who sat at the head of the festive table, smeared to the ears with whipped cream, and ate so that it was a pleasure to look at? Of course, none other than a little fat man, who immediately bellowed at the top of his lungs:

- Hey! My name is Carlson, who lives on the roof. You seem to have not yet had the honor of knowing me?

Mom nearly passed out. And my dad got upset too.

“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” he said, “listen, not a word to anyone.

- Why? Bosse asked.

And dad explained:

- Think for yourself what our life will turn into if people find out about Carlson. It will, of course, be shown on TV and filmed for newsreels. Climbing the stairs, we will stumble over the television cable and the wires of lighting devices, and every half an hour correspondents will come to us to photograph Carlson and Malysh. Poor Kid, he will turn into "the boy who found Carlson, who lives on the roof ...". In a word, in our life there will no longer be a single calm moment.

Mom, and Bosse, and Bethan realized that dad was right, and promised not to tell anyone anything about Carlson.

And just the next day, the Kid was supposed to leave for the whole summer to his grandmother in the village. He was very happy about this, but worried about Carlson. You never know what he decides to throw out during this time! What if he disappears and never comes again!

- Dear, dear Carlson, will you still live on the roof when I return from my grandmother? Surely you will? asked the Kid.

– How to know? Carlson replied. “Calm, just calm. I'll also go to my grandmother, and my grandmother is much more like a grandmother than yours.

- Where does your grandmother live? asked the Kid.

- In the house, but where else! Do you think she lives on the street and rides at night?

So the Kid did not manage to find out anything about Carlson's grandmother. And the next day, the Kid went to the village. Bimbo he took with him. For whole days he played with the village children and hardly thought about Carlson. But when the summer holidays ended and the Kid returned to the city, he asked, as soon as he crossed the threshold:

- Mom, during this time have you ever seen Carlson?

Mom shook her head.

- Never. He won't come back.

- Do not say that! I want him to live on our roof. Let him fly again!

“But you now have a Bimbo,” Mom said, trying to console the Kid. She believed that the moment had come to put an end to Carlson once and for all.

The kid stroked Bimbo.

– Yes, of course, I have a Bimbo. He is a world dog, but he does not have a propeller, and he cannot fly, and in general it is more interesting to play with Carlson.

The kid rushed to his room and opened the window.

- Hey, Carlso-oh-he! Are you up there? Respond! he yelled at the top of his voice, but there was no answer.

And the next morning the Kid went to school. He is now in the second grade. After dinner, he went to his room and sat down to study. He never closed the window, so as not to miss the buzzing of Carlson's motor, but from the street came only the roar of cars and sometimes the rumble of an airplane flying over the roofs. But the familiar buzzing was still not audible.

“It’s all clear, he didn’t come back,” the Kid repeated sadly to himself. “He will never fly again.

In the evening, going to bed, the Kid thought about Carlson, and sometimes, covering himself with a blanket, he even quietly cried at the thought that he would no longer see Carlson. Days passed, there was a school, there were lessons, but Carlson was not and was not.

One afternoon, the Kid was sitting in his room, fiddling with his stamp collection. In front of him was an album and a whole bunch of new stamps that he was going to sort through. The kid diligently got down to business and very quickly pasted all the stamps. All except one, the best, which I purposely left for last. It was a German stamp with Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, and the Kid really, really liked it. He placed it on the table in front of him and admired it.

And suddenly the Kid heard some kind of weak buzzing, similar to ... - yes, yes, imagine - similar to the buzzing of Carlson's motor! And in fact it was Carlson. He flew through the window and shouted:

- Hi baby!

Hello Carlson! the Kid yelled back and jumped up.

Beside himself with happiness, he looked at Carlson, who flew around the chandelier several times and landed awkwardly. As soon as Carlson turned off the motor - and for this it was enough for him to press the button on his stomach - so, as soon as Carlson turned off the motor, the Kid rushed to him to hug him, but Carlson pushed the Kid away with his chubby hand and said:

"Calm, just calm!" Do you have any food? Maybe meatballs or something like that? A piece of cake with whipped cream will do.

The kid shook his head.

– No, mom didn’t make meatballs today. And the cake with cream happens with us only on holidays.

Carlson pouted:

- Well, you have a family! “Only on holidays”… And if a dear old friend comes along, whom he had not seen for several months? I think your mother could try for such an opportunity.

- Yes, of course, but we didn’t know ... - the Kid justified himself.

- "Did not know"! Carlson grumbled. You should have hoped! You must always hope that I will visit you, and therefore every day your mother has to fry meatballs with one hand and churn cream with the other.

"We're having fried sausage for dinner tonight," said the ashamed Kid. - Do you want sausages?

- Grilled sausage, when a dear old friend comes to visit, whom he had not seen for several months! Carlson pouted even more. - Clear! If you get into your house, you will learn how to stuff your belly with anything... Go ahead, bring your sausage.

The kid rushed to the kitchen as fast as he could. Mom was not at home - she went to the doctor - so he could not ask her permission. But Carlson agreed to eat sausage. And on the plate just lay five slices left over from dinner. Carlson pounced on them like a hawk on a chicken. He stuffed his mouth with sausage and shone like a copper penny.

- Well, sausage is sausage. And you know, she's not bad. Of course, you can’t compare it with meatballs, but you can’t demand too much from some people.

The kid perfectly understood that “some people” are him, and therefore hastened to transfer the conversation to another topic.

Did you have fun at grandma's? - he asked.

So much fun I can't say. Therefore, I will not talk about it, ”Carlson answered and greedily bit off another piece of sausage.

“I had fun too,” said the Kid. And he began to tell Carlson how he spent time with his grandmother. “My grandmother, she is very, very good,” said the Kid. “You can’t even imagine how happy she was with me. She hugged me tightly.

- Why? Carlson asked.

Yes, because she loves me. How can you not understand? The Kid was surprised.

Carlson stopped chewing:

"Don't you think my grandmother loves me less?" Don't you think she didn't throw herself at me and hug me so tightly that I turned blue all over? That's how my grandmother loves me. And I must tell you that my grandmother has small hands, but an iron grip, and if she loved me even a little more, then I would not be sitting here now - she would simply strangle me in her arms.

- Blimey! - Kid was surprised. “So your grandma is a hugging champion.”

Of course, Baby's grandmother could not compare with her, she did not hug him so tightly, but still she also loved her grandson and was always very kind to him. This Kid decided to explain to Carlson again.

“But my grandmother is sometimes the most grouchy in the world,” added the Kid, after a minute of thinking. “She always grumbles if I get my feet wet or fight Lasse Janson.

Carlson set aside his empty plate:

“Don’t you think my grandmother is less grouchy than yours?” Let it be known to you that when she goes to bed, she sets her alarm clock and gets up at five in the morning only to complain to her heart's content if I get my feet wet or fight with Lasse Janson.

– How do you know Lasse Janson? asked the Kid in surprise.

“Fortunately not,” Carlson replied.

“But why is your grandmother grumbling?” – the Kid was even more surprised.

“Because she is the most grouchy in the world,” Carlson snapped. – Finally understand! Since you know Lasse Janson, how can you say that your grandmother is the most grouchy? No, where is she up to my grandmother, who can grumble all day long: "Don't fight with Lasse Janson, don't fight with Lasse Janson ..." - although I have never seen this boy and there is no hope that I will ever see.

The kid was lost in thought. It turned out somehow strange ... It seemed to him that when his grandmother grumbles at him, it's very bad, and now it turns out that he must prove to Carlson that his grandmother is grumpier than she really is.

“I only have to wet my feet a little, well, just a drop, and she is already grumbling and pestering me so that I change my socks,” Baby Carlson convinced.

Carlson nodded in understanding.

“Don’t you think my grandmother doesn’t require me to change my socks all the time?” Do you know that as soon as I come to a puddle, my grandmother runs to me as fast as she can through the village and grumbles and mumbles the same thing: “Change your socks, Karlssonchik, change your socks ...” Don’t you believe me?

The kid cringed:

- No, why...

Carlson shoved the Kid, then seated him on a chair, and he himself stood in front of him, resting his hands on his hips:

No, I see you don't believe me. So listen, I'll tell you everything in order. I went out into the street and slapped myself through the puddles ... Can you imagine? I'm having fun. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a grandmother rushes and yells at the whole village: “Change your socks, Karlssonchik, change your socks! ..”

“And I say: “I won’t change clothes, I won’t! ..” - because I am the most naughty grandson in the world,” Carlson explained. I jumped away from my grandmother and climbed a tree so that she would leave me alone.

“And she must have been confused,” said the Kid.

“It’s immediately obvious that you don’t know my grandmother,” objected Carlson. “She didn’t lose her head at all, but climbed after me.

How about a tree? - Kid was surprised.

Carlson nodded.

“Don’t you think my grandmother can’t climb trees?” So know: when you can grumble, she will climb anywhere, not just up a tree, but much higher. So, she crawls along the branch on which I am sitting, crawls and mumbles: “Change your socks, Carlson, change your socks ...”

- What about you? the Kid asked again.

“There was nothing to do,” Carlson said. - I had to change clothes, otherwise she would not have gotten rid of it. High, high on a tree, I somehow perched on a thin branch and, risking my life, changed my socks.

– Ha-ha! You lie everything, - the Kid laughed. “Where did you get socks on the tree to change clothes from?”

- And you're not a fool, - said Carlson. "So you're saying I didn't have socks?"

Carlson rolled up his pants and showed his little plump legs in striped socks:

- What is it? Maybe not socks? Two, if I'm not mistaken, a sock? And why couldn’t I sit on a knot and change them: put the sock from the left foot on the right, and from the right to the left? What do you think I couldn't do it to please grandma?

“He could, of course, but your feet didn’t get dryer from it,” said the Kid.

“Did I say that they did?” Carlson was indignant. – Did I say that?

- But then ... - and the Kid even stumbled from confusion, - after all, then it turns out that you changed your socks for nothing.

Carlson nodded.

- Now you finally understand who has the most grouchy grandmother in the world? Your grandmother is simply forced to grumble: without this, how can you cope with such a nasty grandson as you? And my grandmother is the most grouchy in the world, because she always grumbles at me in vain - how can I get this into your head?

Carlson immediately burst out laughing and lightly poked the Kid in the back.

- Hi baby! he exclaimed. “Enough arguing about our grandmothers, now is the time to have some fun.”

Hello Carlson! - answered the Kid. - I think so too.

“Maybe you have a new steam engine?” Carlson asked. “Remember how much fun we had when that old one exploded?” Maybe they gave you a new one and we can blow it up again?

Alas, the Kid was not presented with a new car, and Carlson immediately pouted. But suddenly his eyes fell on the vacuum cleaner, which my mother forgot to take out of the room when she finished cleaning. Crying with joy, Carlson rushed to the vacuum cleaner and grabbed it.

Do you know who is the best vacuum cleaner in the world? he asked and turned on the vacuum cleaner at full power. “I’m used to everything around me shining with cleanliness,” said Carlson. - And you spread such dirt! Not without cleaning. How lucky you are to have attacked the best vacuum cleaner in the world!

The kid knew that his mother had just cleaned his room properly, and told Carlson about it, but he only laughed caustically in response.

- Women do not know how to handle such delicate equipment, everyone knows that. Look how you need to get down to business, ”said Carlson and directed the hose of the vacuum cleaner to the white tulle curtains, which, with a slight rustle, immediately disappeared halfway into the pipe.

“Don’t, don’t,” shouted the Kid, “the curtains are so thin ... Don’t you see that the vacuum cleaner sucked them in!” Stop!..

Carlson shrugged.

“Well, if you want to live in such a barn, please,” he said.

Without turning off the vacuum cleaner, Carlson began to pull out the curtains, but in vain - the vacuum cleaner resolutely did not want to give them away.

- In vain you rest, - Carlson said to the vacuum cleaner. - You're dealing with Carlson, who lives on the roof - with the world's best curtain puller!

He pulled even harder, and he managed to finally pull them out of the hose. The curtains became black, and besides, they had a fringe.

Oh, look what they look like! the Kid exclaimed in horror. - They're completely black.

“No,” Kid admitted.

Carlson picked up the hose and moved towards the Kid.

Oh, those women! he exclaimed. - They clean the room for hours, but they forget to process such a dirty thing! Let's start with the ears.

The Kid had never been vacuumed before, and it was so ticklish that the Kid groaned with laughter.

And Carlson worked diligently and methodically - he started with the ears and hair of the Kid, then set to his neck and armpits, walked along his back and stomach, and finally took up his legs.

“That’s exactly what is called “general cleaning,” Carlson said.

- Oh, how ticklish! squealed the Kid.

“In fairness, my work requires remuneration,” Carlson said.

The kid also wanted to do a "general cleaning" of Carlson.

“Now it's my turn,” he said. “Come here, first I’ll vacuum your ears.”

"There's no need for that," Carlson protested. I washed them last year in September. There are things here that need cleaning far more than my ears.

He looked around the room and found the stamps lying on the table.

- You have some multi-colored pieces of paper scattered everywhere, not a table, but a garbage dump! he was indignant.

And before the Kid could stop him, he vacuumed up the stamp with Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf. The kid was in despair.

- My brand! he yelled. - You sucked Little Red Riding Hood, I will never forgive you for that!

Carlson turned off the vacuum cleaner and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Forgive me,” he said, “forgive me for the fact that I, such a sweet, helpful and clean little man, want to do everything the best way. Sorry about that…

It looked like he was about to cry.

“But I’m trying in vain,” said Carlson, and his voice trembled. - I never hear words of gratitude ... only reproaches ...

Oh Carlson! - said the Kid. - Don't be upset, understand, it's Little Red Riding Hood.

“Who is this Little Red Riding Hood that you made such a fuss about?” Carlson asked and immediately stopped crying.

“She was featured on a stamp,” Shorty explained. “You see, it was my best brand.

Carlson stood in silence - he thought. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he smiled slyly.

– Guess who is the best game inventor in the world! Guess what we will play! .. Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf! The vacuum cleaner will be the wolf, and I will be the hunter who will come, rip open the belly of the wolf, and from there - ap! - Little Red Riding Hood jumps out.

Carlson looked around the room impatiently.

- Do you have an axe? After all, the vacuum cleaner is hard as a log.

The Kid did not have an ax, and he was even glad of that.

- But you can open the vacuum cleaner - as if we ripped open the belly of a wolf.

“Of course, if you mess around, then you can open it,” Carlson muttered. “It’s not my style to do that when you happen to rip open the belly of wolves, but since there are no tools in this miserable house, I’ll have to somehow get out of the situation.

Carlson leaned his stomach on the vacuum cleaner and clutched at its handle.

- Bolvan! he shouted. Why did you suck in Little Red Riding Hood?

The kid was surprised that Carlson, like a little one, plays such childish games, but it was still funny to look at it.

- Calmness, only calmness, dear Little Red Riding Hood! shouted Carlson. “Hurry up and put on your cap and galoshes, because I will let you out now.”

Carlson opened the vacuum cleaner and poured everything that was in it right onto the carpet. It turned out to be a large pile of gray-black dust.

“Oh, you should have put it all on the paper!” - said the Kid.

- To the newspaper? .. Is it so said in a fairy tale? Carlson was indignant. “Does it say that the hunter spread the newspaper before ripping open the wolf’s belly and releasing Little Red Riding Hood into the world?” No, answer!

“Of course, it doesn’t say so in the fairy tale,” the Kid had to admit.

- Then shut up! Carlson said. - You invent something that is not in a fairy tale! So I don't play!

He could no longer add anything, because the wind rushed in through the open window, threw up dust, it clogged Carlson's nose, and he sneezed. From his sneezing, the dust flew up again, a small multi-colored square circled above the floor and fell at the feet of the Kid.

- Oh, look, look, here she is, Little Red Riding Hood! shouted the Kid and rushed to pick up the dusty stamp.

Astrid Lindgren

Carlson, who lives on the roof, is playing pranks again

Everyone has the right to be Carlson

Waking up one morning, Baby heard excited voices coming from the kitchen. Mom and dad were obviously upset about something.

Well, wait! - said dad. - You just look at what is written in the newspaper. Well, read it for yourself.

Terrible! Mom exclaimed. - Just some kind of horror!

The kid jumped out of bed instantly. He couldn't wait to find out what was terrible. And he found out.

On the front page of the newspaper, in huge letters, was the headline:

And under the title is the article:

“A strange unidentified object is flying over Stockholm. Eyewitnesses report that lately they have repeatedly seen a certain flying object in the Vazastan region, resembling a small beer keg. It makes sounds similar to the hum of a motor. Representatives of the Airline could not tell us anything about these flights. Therefore, there was an assumption that this is a foreign spy satellite launched into the airspace for reconnaissance purposes. The mystery of these flights must be revealed, and an unidentified object must be caught. If he really turns out to be a spy, he must be handed over to the police for investigation.

Who will reveal the flying secret of Vazastan?

The editorial office of the newspaper assigns a reward of 10,000 crowns. Whoever is lucky enough to catch this mysterious item will receive a bonus of 10,000 crowns. Catch him, bring him to the editorial office, get money!”

Poor Carlson, who lives on the roof, - said my mother. Now the hunt will begin.

The kid was frightened, and angry, and upset at the same time.

Why can't Carlson be left alone! he shouted. - He's not doing anything wrong. He lives in his house on the roof and flies back and forth. Is Carlson somehow to blame?

No, - said dad, - Carlson is not to blame for anything. Only he… how should I put it… well, somewhat unusual, or something…

Yes, to be sure, Carlson is somewhat unusual, with this the Kid was forced to agree. Is it usual when a little plump man lives in a house on the roof, and even with a propeller on his back and a button on his stomach?

But Carlson was just such a little man. And he was Baby's best friend. Yes, it was Carlson, and not Christer and Gunilla, whom the Kid also loved very much and played with when Carlson suddenly disappeared somewhere or was simply busy.

Carlson insisted that Christer and Gunilla were no match for him, and every time he got angry when the Kid talked about them.

Put these little ones on the same board with me! Carlson was indignant. - With me, such a handsome and moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life! How many stupid boys are lucky enough to have a best friend like me? Well answer!

No, no, only me alone, - said the Kid, and every time his heart sank with joy. How lucky he was that Carlson settled on the roof of his house! After all, Vazastan is full of such old, ugly houses, like the one in which the Svanteson family lived! What luck that Carlson accidentally ended up on his roof, and not on any other!

True, Malysh's mom and dad were not at all delighted at first that Carlson appeared in the house. Both Bosse and Bethan initially disliked him too. The whole family - with the exception of the Kid, of course - believed that Carlson was the most absurd, the most impudent, the most insufferable mischievous person in the world. But gradually everyone got used to it. Now, perhaps, they even liked Carlson, and most importantly, they understood that the Kid needed him. After all, Bosse and Bethan were much older than him, so the Kid could not do without his best friend. And although he had a dog - an amazing puppy Bimbo - Carlson was absolutely necessary for him.

I think that Carlson cannot do without the Kid, - said my mother.

But from the very beginning, mom and dad decided not to tell anyone about Carlson's existence. They perfectly understood what would happen in their house if they found out about Carlson on television, and newspapers and magazines wanted to print articles about him, say, under the heading: "Carlson at home."

It would be funny, - said Bosse, - if we suddenly see a photograph of Carlson in some magazine ... Imagine, he is sitting in his living room, admiring a bouquet of red roses ...

Shut up! the Kid cut him off. - You know that Carlson has no living room, he has only one little room, and there are no roses there.

Yes, Bosse knew all this himself. Once all of them - and Bosse, and Betan, and mom, and dad - however, only once, saw Carlson's house. They climbed up to the roof through the dormer window - usually only chimney sweeps climb like that - and the Kid showed them a small house behind the chimney.

Mom was a little scared when she looked down from the roof into the street. She even felt dizzy, and she had to grab the pipe with her hand.

Baby, promise me now that you will never climb on the roof alone, she said.

Okay, - muttered the Kid, thinking. “I will never climb the roof alone… once I climb there with Carlson,” he added in a whisper.

But mother, apparently, did not hear his last words; Well, okay, let her blame herself. How can she demand that the Kid never visit Carlson? After all, Mom has no idea how fun it is to sit in Carlson's cramped room, crammed full of all sorts of outlandish and wonderful things.

“And now, after this stupid article, everything will probably end!” - the Kid thought bitterly.

You must warn Carlson, - said dad, - let him be careful. For some time it is better for him not to fly around Vazastan. You can play in your room, then no one will see it.

But if he starts to act outrageously, I’ll quickly put him out, - Mom added and handed the Kid a plate of porridge.

Bimbo also got his portion of porridge. Dad said goodbye and went to work. And my mother, as it turned out, also had to leave.

I go to the travel agency to see if there is any interesting itinerary for us. Dad is going on vacation the other day, - she said and kissed the Kid. - I'll be back soon.

And the Kid was left alone. One with Bimbo, with a bowl of porridge and with his thoughts. And with a newspaper. He pulled her towards him and looked at her. Under the note about Carlson was a photograph of a huge white steamer, which had arrived with tourists in Stockholm and was now anchored in Stremen. The kid looked at the picture for a long time - the white steamer was incredibly beautiful! How the Kid wanted to board this beautiful ship and sail away somewhere far, far away!

He tried to look only at this photo, but his eyes kept slipping down to the large letters of the title:

“What is it: a flying barrel or something else?”

The kid was very excited. It is necessary to talk to Carlson as soon as possible, but this must be done carefully so as not to frighten him, otherwise he will suddenly fly away and never return!

The kid sighed. And reluctantly put a spoonful of porridge into his mouth. But he did not swallow the porridge, but kept it on his tongue, as if he wanted to taste it better. The kid was a small thin boy with a poor appetite - after all, there are many of them. He could sit for hours in front of a plate of food and sluggishly pick with a spoon or fork, but never finish eating.

“Something tasteless porridge,” thought the Kid. “Maybe it will be tastier if you add sugar ...” He reached for the sugar bowl, but at that moment he heard the roar of an engine at the window, and immediately Carlson flew into the kitchen.

Hi baby! he shouted. - Do you know who is the best friend in the world? Also, guess why this friend is here right now!

The kid hurriedly swallowed the porridge he had been holding in his mouth for so long.

The best friend in the world is you, Carlson! But I don't know why you flew in just now.

Chur, guess up to three times! Carlson said. - Maybe because I missed you, stupid boy? Maybe I got here by mistake, but I was going to fly to Queen's Park at all? Or maybe I smelled the smell of porridge in here? One, two three, speak, do not linger! ..

The kid beamed.

Probably because you missed me,” he said embarrassedly.

But no! And I wasn't going to fly to King's Park either. So you have nothing else to guess.

"King's Park! - with horror thought the Kid. - Carlson can't fly there. And in general, he cannot go where it is full of people, where they will see him. He'll have to explain it now."

Listen, Carlson ... - the Kid began and immediately fell silent, because he suddenly noticed that Carlson was clearly dissatisfied with something.

He looked sullenly at the Kid and smacked his lips.

You come hungry like a dog, - Carlson grumbled, - and this one sits as if nothing had happened in front of a full plate of porridge, he has a napkin tied around his neck, and he mumbles under his breath that you need to eat a spoon for mom, a spoon for dad, a spoon for Aunt Augusta...

Hello young writer! It's good that you decided to read the fairy tale "09. Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again" by Astrid Lindgren, in it you will find folk wisdom, which is edified for generations. An important role for children's perception is played by visual images, with which, quite successfully, this work abounds. It is amazing that with sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities in time, all morality, morality and issues remain relevant at all times and epochs. Here, harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters, they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. There is a balancing act between good and bad, tempting and necessary, and how wonderful that every time the choice is right and responsible. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. The fairy tale "09. Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again" Astrid Lindgren to read for free online is certainly useful, she will bring up only good and useful qualities and concepts in your child.

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