How to use incense sticks from India. How to burn incense sticks

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Clean indoor air is the dream of any housewife. Along with aerosol and gel, liquid air fresheners have become very popular. Let's try to figure out whether they are as harmful as their "brothers" or whether it is still safe to purify and freshen the air in a room.

The composition of the liquid freshener

Manufacturers do not want to advertise the ingredients that go into air fresheners. After all, unfortunately, for them in the first place is business, and only then - the consequences for human health. Therefore, at best, on the label of a liquid air freshener you will read the name of some essential oil or mixture of oils and the word "fragrance". This is exactly where lies what can significantly harm a person.

What is a perfume and why is it used? This is a synthetic chemical compound that gives the substance in which it is included a persistent aroma. Unlike natural substances, fragrances have a low cost. That is why, in the chemical and perfume industries, they are used to enhance a certain smell.

Important! Perfumes are a mixture of synthetic substances that are stronger in their severity than natural ones. As part of air fresheners, they are used to “kill”, “disguise” unpleasant odors in the apartment.

In addition, some air fresheners, consisting of not one, but a whole bouquet of aromas, include musk. Many do not wonder what plant this flavor comes from. We hasten to disappoint you, this is not a plant, but a synthetic component. Once, back in ancient India, the substance was extracted from the reproductive organ of the animal musk deer. Over time, it was revealed that other animals, insects, birds emit a similar aroma. Due to ethical norms of morality and law, the destruction of animals to obtain a substance was prohibited. Today, plant-derived musk is used in the fragrances of some French perfumes, which, of course, “weights” their price. All other smells called "musk" have nothing to do with its natural origin.

Important! Musk of animal origin, today, does not exist, vegetable - expensive, synthetic - can minimally cause allergic reactions, and maximally - serious diseases. Therefore, if musk is positioned as part of a liquid freshener, it is recommended not to purchase it.

Liquid air freshener with sticks: how does it work?

If you want to purchase a freshener that contains only natural ingredients, remember that this is not a cheap product. Be sure to pay attention to the composition, which should not contain fragrances, but only natural ingredients.

The device is a container made of thick glass or ceramics with a liquid freshener. The container is called an aromatic diffuser, in a non-working state, the contents are tightly closed with a cork. The set includes ceramic, plastic sticks made of porous rattan, reed or bamboo wood. How to use the freshener:

  • Open the vial by removing the stopper from it.
  • Insert some sticks. The kit usually comes with 8-12 pieces, depending on the volume of liquid in the diffuser.
  • Install the device in a place where there is air movement.
  • The more sticks inserted into the container, the more intense the aroma. Its intensity is regulated by adding or reducing the number of sticks.
  • To set the desired odor intensity, the number of sticks is changed after an average of 4 hours.
  • You can increase the intensity of the aroma by turning the sticks over time.

After using the aromatic mixture, the container is filled with another composition or a replaceable filler is used. Sticks made of wood, ceramic or plastic can be used many times.

Important! Do not install a freshener in a room with air conditioning. In such a room, evaporation will take place not only from the sticks, but also from the surface of the liquid, which will shorten the life of the device.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fresheners

The main advantages of liquid air fresheners include:

  • Possibility of long-term use.
  • Elimination of odors depending on the essential oil used. A beneficial effect on the body, up to a cure for certain diseases, headaches, and increased immunity.
  • An air freshener with bamboo or rattan sticks works more effectively, as the fragrance quickly permeates the wood capillaries and rises and disperses throughout the room.
  • Unlike sprays, it does not have volatile substances harmful to health, and from candles - combustion products.
  • Economic use.
  • Variety of flavors.
  • Possibility to make your own.

The disadvantage of such air fresheners is their high cost. But, unfortunately, it does not give a 100% guarantee that natural ingredients were used in the manufacture of the flavored mixture. The most important drawback that no manufacturer will tell about is that odors are not destroyed, but are masked by more pronounced, synthetic ones.

Air freshener - sticks in oil: DIY

Air fresheners using essential oils can be easily made by hand. This will be cheaper and healthier as you will know exactly what ingredients are in your product.

Before proceeding with the manufacture, it is necessary to clearly understand what the freshener will be used for. Either to destroy unpleasant odors (in the toilet, in the kitchen), or to fill the air with the aromas of flowers, herbs, trees. Also, people living with you should not be allergic to certain smells.

To make a freshener, you will need a small vase, bottle, jar, of such a height that sticks 20-25 cm high are stably installed in it. Fill the container: 100 ml of odorless oil, 2 tablespoons of vodka, up to 5-7 drops of essential oil or mixture oils. Mix everything thoroughly, insert wooden sticks. Don't forget to turn them over after a while. Vodka is used for better penetration of the combination into the capillaries of the sticks.

Another recipe. For him we take the same accessories. By the way, sticks are used not only purchased, rattan or bamboo. You can make them yourself. Several branches, corresponding in thickness and length to traditional ones, cut from trees sprouting in your area, peeled. We take the same composition for filling, except for vodka.

For the intensity of the aroma, the amount of essential oils is increased by 2-3 times. This is important if it is necessary to achieve room air disinfection from the air freshener during respiratory diseases. For these purposes, tea tree, pine, bergamot oil is suitable. It must be remembered that if a combination of several flavors is used, they should not interrupt each other. Therefore, first study compatibility.

Important! When purchasing natural essential oils, ask the seller for a certificate. It should state for what purposes they are used. The words "reconstituted" or "restructured" mean that the oil is not natural, but is a product of chemical production.

By choosing the right incense sticks, you can attract love and wealth to your home. The Eastern Feng Shui teaching knows a lot about this, because almost no advice on improving energy can do without incense.

Incense is a permanent attribute of any oriental home. Eastern culture uses them to scare away evil spirits, as well as to positively influence various zones and Qi energy.

Incense Sticks for the Wealth Zone

The wealth zone in any house is by default located in the southeast direction. To attract wealth by activating Qi energy, it is better to use scented incense sticks. sage, cinnamon, basil, cedar, pine or orange. These scents will help attract money and good luck into your life. As already mentioned, it is better to light them on the southeast side of the apartment.

All broken items or debris must be removed from the southeast area. Nothing superfluous should be there so as not to scare off positive energy, otherwise the ignition of the sticks simply will not work.

You can even use a combination of flavors, without giving preference to just one. Everyone will be able to find sticks to their taste, because the range of smells to attract money is very extensive.

Incense sticks that attract love

The best fragrance of love and erotica is rose petals. Incense sticks based on roses can transform your mood. They relax, tone up, awaken the senses and normalize the aura. Roses will help relieve stress, improve mood and tune in to a love mood.

Rose is the queen of all flowers - she is respected in almost all cultures, revered as the patroness of love and feelings. In feng shui, the southwest side of the house is considered the love zone. By burning incense in this zone, you will activate love energy, which will help you find your soul mate or achieve harmony in existing relationships. The love zone loves red, which can be used to enhance it. It is best to place joint photos in it, paired figurines in the form of butterflies or sweets donated by the second half.

In addition to roses, you can use scented incense sticks. geranium, bergamot, jasmine, lavender or chamomile. It will not be superfluous sometimes to use a combination of smells, and not any specific smell. Beware of placing unused items and antiques in the feng shui love zone. Get out there more often - dirt and dust attract negative energy, which destroys the aura of love.

The best quality are Indian and Thai incense sticks, which can be bought online. An excellent choice would be Chinese incense, which is made specifically for Feng Shui fans. The most expensive and exotic are Japanese incense - they will also be very effective in attracting love and money. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Sandalwood - a fragrance of spirituality, depth and sensuality

sacred aroma of meditation, brings you closer to the divine, reveals from the inside, restores the aura, relieves stress and depression, gives a feeling of well-being, aphrodisiac, increases sensuality, excites passion, cools after meditation, cleanses the room

Sandalwood famous for its woody, resinous, rich aroma, with a misty musky undertone. The fragrance of sandalwood is not strong, not flashy, without harsh notes, but very persistent. It has practically no analogue in nature. This is a classic, erotic, expensive fragrance. In India, everything that is most beautiful, expensive, the best is called a word. "chanda", those. "sandal".

In Hinduism, sandalwood is an integral part of religious services and rituals, is used in meditation, “transfers” the believer from the material world to the subtle world, brings him closer to the divine, clears the mind, helps to overcome obstacles on the path to enlightenment, helps to open the “third eye” , directs consciousness inward.

The smell of sandalwood is considered sacred, in Indian culture there has always been a clear connection between sandalwood fragrance and religious life.

According to Indian mythology, Paradise is filled with the aroma of sandalwood, the gods love it, so it was “offered” to the gods during pooja (worship) - they used incense sticks with the smell of sandalwood, added sandalwood oil to smoking lamps. Holy places were cleansed with it, they smoked it in houses to drive away evil spirits. Interestingly, the smell of sandal attracts snakes. In Indian illustrations, one can find the image of sandalwood entwined with snakes.

It is believed that the smell of sandalwood allows the soul of the deceased to reach God, as well as calm the mourners and humble them with the inevitable.

In addition, sandalwood fragrance has excellent antiseptic properties, cleansing the room and killing bacteria and germs.

The scent of sandalwood one of the classic aromatherapy fragrances. This is a complex philosophical smell. It has the following effect:

- on a psycho-emotional level- relieves anxiety, stress, depression, a state of fear, relaxes and warms, makes it possible to open up from the inside, removes barriers, releases the imagination, opens the springs of creativity, helps to adapt to changes, protects against impulsive actions that are not related to the nature of Good and Light, removes obsessive thoughts, gives a sense of well-being, eliminates tearfulness, helps to adequately meet unpleasant life surprises, in stressful situations and conflicts

- at the medical level- normalizes heart rate, nervous system, relieves irritability, gives sound sleep, treats sexual disorders caused by psychological problems, relieves sexual tension, helps to realize any love desires and fantasies, makes sexual intercourse exquisite, increases sensuality, helps with neurotic loss voice, difficulty swallowing, menopause problems, nervous hiccups, skin inflammations, throat and nasopharyngeal irritations, relieves tension after intense mental activity

- on a magical level- excites passion, "spiritual smell" used for meditation and harmony, personifying the balance of day and night, cold and heat, male and female, spiritual depth, develops intuition, restores the aura, gives clear dreams, helps to concentrate during meditation and "cools » after meditation

People burn incense sticks for many reasons - for relaxation, for religious purposes, or simply because they like the smell of incense. It is important to know how to use them correctly.


Part 1

Choice of chopsticks and censer

    Consider purchasing incense sticks with a core. Such sticks consist of a thin wooden rod (usually bamboo) covered (with the exception of 2–3 centimeters from the bottom) with an aromatic substance. The aromatic substance can be both smooth and smooth, and granular in appearance. The aroma obtained during combustion is usually quite intense, consisting of the smell of the aromatic substance itself and the burning wooden core.

    Consider purchasing solid incense sticks. Such sticks consist entirely of aromatic substance and do not contain a core. They have a milder scent, so they work well in smaller spaces like a bedroom or office. Since these sticks do not have a core, their aroma is uniform, without the admixture of the smell of burning wood.

    Find a suitable chopstick stand. These coasters, also called incense burners, come in many different shapes and sizes. The type of stand will depend on which sticks you use, with or without a core. You can purchase an incense burner that fits the chopsticks you use, or you can make your own using household items.

    Consider making your own incense burner. You can make your own chopstick stand out of clay, or use a cup filled with something crumbly and non-flammable. Here are some options:

    • Blind a figured clay incense burner. Take a lump of natural self-hardening modeling clay and roll it into a flat sheet. After that, cut out the desired shape from it, using a craft knife or a pastry knife. You can leave the cut out figure flat, or bend its edges, giving it the shape of a vase. Take an incense stick and stick it into the clay, making a recess in it. Take out the stick and wait for the clay to harden before using it as a coaster.
    • Make an incense burner out of a bowl or cup. Take a vessel large enough to contain the ashes that fall from the burning incense stick. Fill it with grain, rice, salt or sand.
  1. Light the tip of the incense stick. This can be done with a match or a lighter. Bring a flame to the wand and wait until it ignites.

    Let the stick burn for about 10 seconds. The flame will go out on its own. When this happens, look at the tip of the incense stick. If a glowing smoldering light is visible on it, the wand burns properly. If the glow is not visible and the tip is covered with ashes, it is necessary to light the wand again.

    Kindle the fire carefully. Fan the fire so that a smoldering fire is visible with a thin column of smoke rising from it; while you should not see the flame. After about 30 seconds, you will feel the aroma coming from the stick. These signs indicate that the stick is burning correctly. If you can't see anything and the tip doesn't glow, having an ashy appearance, it means that the wand is completely extinguished. In this case, light it again. This time cover the tip with the palm of your hand, gently fanning the flame.

    Place the incense stick in the holder. If you are using a stick with a core, place the unscented wooden tip in the stand. If you have a stick without a core, it does not matter which end you fix it in the holder. In most incense burners, the sticks are mounted vertically or at a slight angle. If the stick is at a slight angle, make sure its burning tip is above the stand. If the top tip protrudes beyond the stand, cut the stick or place the censer on a wider fireproof stand.

    • If you are using a bowl or cup filled with grain, rice, salt, or sand as a stand, gently stick the tip of the stick into the loose material so that it stands on its own when you release it. You can stick the stick vertically or tilt it slightly. In the latter case, the top of the stick should not protrude beyond the stand, so that the ashes from it fall on the stand, and not on the table or on the floor.
  2. Wait until the stick burns out to the end. Most incense sticks burn for 20-30 minutes, depending on length and thickness.

    Take precautions. As with other burning objects, do not leave a lit wand unattended. If you need to go away, extinguish the wand by dipping its burning tip in water or pressing it against a fireproof surface. Place the incense burner on a heat-resistant surface, away from curtains, curtains, children and pets.

Part 3

When you can and when you can not burn incense sticks

    Use incense while meditating. Their aroma will allow you not only to relax and distract from extraneous thoughts, but also help you focus on the subject of meditation.

From this article you will learn:

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    How to use church incense

How to use incense? Turning to the study of this issue, a person will discover a lot of important and interesting information. How do scents affect our lives? In what cases can you use certain incense. This article will provide answers to the most popular questions.

What are the types of incense

Aromas have a unique ability to influence our physiology and energy. Plants have a huge supply of energy, which gives them the ability to survive even in poor conditions. All the objects around us have a similar reserve. Fragrances give us this energy, which in turn has a truly magical effect on us.

Aroma molecules penetrate our aura and have a powerful effect: they relieve immune deficiency, help distribute and harmonize energy, improve healing, make the etheric body lighter and denser. In addition, aromas affect physical health and emotions. They can even replace a psychologist. Aromas restore the aura, work with complexes and aggression, help to believe in goodness again. But how to choose and use incense correctly so that it works to its full potential? First of all, you need to focus on Prakriti (in Ayurveda, this concept means the original nature of a person given to him from birth).

Incense is also used for medicinal purposes. In this case, you can get rid of the imbalance of doshas (the so-called vikriti). Having studied the state of prakriti and vikriti, you will be able to choose and use the right fragrance correctly. A variety of materials are used to make incense: a variety of herbs, aromatic trees, special resins. Sometimes incense combines about a hundred different aromatic components.

The extensive classification of incense is due to two factors: a rich variety of varieties and a wide range of applications. Incense is divided according to the following characteristics - composition, application, appearance, country of origin.

Origin incense are:

  • Indian and similar.

This includes Indian, Thai, Ceylon, Malay and Burmese incense. In this group, there are almost no sticks without a base. But only here you can find "cones" and "plasticine" - a great alternative to aroma sticks.

Such incense is the most powerful in terms of energy. Their composition and method of manufacture are kept secret, this knowledge has been passed from generation to generation for many centuries. Herbs are harvested in the highlands of the Himalayas only at certain hours and only by hand. After the raw material is subjected to environmental impact assessment.

Unlike Indian, the composition of Tibetan incense has up to forty ingredients. In addition, due to the absence of a bamboo base, there are no additional foreign odors. They also differ in a more complex composition - during burning, the aroma is revealed gradually.

Sometimes in Tibet, incense is made in the form of a powder with crushed Tibetan herbs. The most popular manufacturers are: Dr. Dolkar Tibetan Medicine Center, Dalai Lama Center, TWYC Center, Tara Tibetan Incense Center of Tashi Choling Monastery, Zonkar Shuud Monastery and others.

Tibetan sticks do not have a base. True, due to their lower density (compared to Chinese and Japanese ones), they crumble a lot and burn out faster.

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There are also Chinese incense. In this group, sticks without a base of sandalwood or flowers are popular. There are also unique incense, for example, incense in the form of a spiral. It is believed that when they burn clockwise, an energy column is created. Thanks to this, higher powers will be able to help a person faster. Noticing small sandalwood and flower barrels, boats, baskets, you will know for sure that their homeland is China.

Chinese sticks are as elegant as their country of origin. The delicate scent of flowers promotes clarity and concentration of the mind. Such incense can be safely used at home. The sticks are thin, but hard, and tinted in various shades.

A more delicate and sophisticated smell of sticks from Japan. True connoisseurs of beauty, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun made sticks with a fragrance that is very difficult to capture. Such incense is pacifying, soothing and can be used by very sensitive people. Just like Chinese and Tibetan chopsticks, Japanese chopsticks are made without a base. Their main feature is beautiful packaging; the Japanese approach its choice with great responsibility. Incense in a neat wooden box decorated with traditional painting will be a wonderful gift.

By shape allocate:

Such incense is common in Tibet and China. They are made in the form of sticks, which are cut off on both sides. For example, Chinese incense resembles a bunch of pasta. Incenses originating from Tibet are thicker and most often tied together with colored thread.

Bulk incense is a special powder or ground herbs. To use them, the powder is placed in an aroma burner, and a burning coal is placed on top. Also, such incense can be sprinkled on a burning stick.

This type of incense is really very similar to plasticine familiar to us. This texture is achieved due to the composition: it most often contains honey and ghee. Due to the plasticity of incense, you can make a variety of shapes. Another feature is a strong rich aroma. Plasticine incense is recommended for use in spacious rooms or outdoors.

5 rules for using incense

First rule- choose a fragrance, focusing on your characteristics: body constitution, date of birth and zodiac sign, character.

Second rule- choose fragrances that will work with your weaknesses and bring the doshas into balance.

Third rule- listen to yourself: whether an allergy is manifested and whether you experience a feeling of disgust after using incense.

Fourth Rule- You need to use only those incense that you really like.

Fifth Rule- experiment. You can use several types of incense at once, mixing aromas with each other.

How to use incense sticks

How to use incense correctly? First of all, you need to purchase incense sticks and a stand in which the ashes will be collected. As soon as the smoke comes out of the incense, place them in the room or in the center of the apartment so that the aroma can envelop the entire room. You can place the wand in any room and open the door - very soon a delicate aroma will reach the most secluded corners of your home.

How to use incense cones

To use this type of incense, you will need a special incense burner. It should be bought together with aromatic cones. Couldn't find? No problem. Take any saucer with a smooth bottom. Then everything is simple: you need to set fire to incense, gradually smoldering, they will spread the exquisite aroma throughout the house. After some time, the cone will completely burn out. Sometimes smokers have a special lid that can be used to extinguish the incense at any time. Aromatic incense in the form of cones can be used to scent rooms and for meditation.

How to use incense according to your zodiac sign

When choosing aromatic incense, you can also focus on your zodiac sign. However, keep in mind that it is quite difficult to make the right choice and predict the result. Don't be discouraged if the listed fragrances don't suit you or if you don't quite agree with the list. This is just a guide that will help you understand the many flavors. Listen to your intuition. So, for each sign, you need to use certain healing herbs and aromas.

ARIES(March 21 - April 20): Pine, Patchouli, Geranium, Rose, Lemon, Musk, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Coriander, Violet, Juniper, Sage.

TAURUS(April 21 - May 20): bergamot, mint, cedar, chamomile, lemon, Myrrh, Neroli, patchouli, Frankincense, rosemary, vanilla, thuja, jasmine, sage, lily of the valley, strawberry, lilac.

TWINS(May 21 - June 21): Strawberry, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Orange, Musk, Neroli, Rose, Palmarosa, Frankincense, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, Tulasi .

CRAYFISH(June 22 - July 22): Jasmine, Amber, Bergamot, Pine, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rosemary, Vanilla, Ylang-Ylang, Juniper, Sage.

A LION(July 23 - August 23): Frankincense, coconut, lemon, orange, lemongrass, patchouli, myrrh, rose, gardenia, sandalwood, rosemary, thuja, juniper.

VIRGO(August 24 - September 23): Myrrh, sandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, geranium, orange, lemongrass, Musk, Neroli, Aphrodesia, Frankincense, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, tulsi.

SCALES(September 24 - October 23): pine, rose, lavender, incense, cedar, mint, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, geranium, eucalyptus, orchid.

SCORPION(October 24 - November 22): patchouli, jasmine, tulasi, pine, lemon, rosemary, sandalwood, cinnamon, vanilla, ylang-ylang, magnolia.

SAGITTARIUS(November 23 - December 21): lavender, Musk, lemon, lemongrass, almond, Myrrh, Neroli, patchouli, Frankincense, rose, rosemary, cinnamon, thuja.

CAPRICORN(December 22 - January 20): Amber, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Pine, Lavender, Sage, Carnation, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Frankincense, Rose, Cinnamon.

AQUARIUS(January 21 - February 20): lemongrass, rose, cedar, bergamot, pine, lemon, orange, Frankincense, thuja, thyme, eucalyptus, tulasi, ylang-ylang, hyacinth.

FISHES(February 21 - March 20): Cedarwood, Orange, Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Musk, Myrrh, Neroli, Frankincense, Rosemary, Vanilla, Jasmine, Juniper.

How to use incense for different purposes

A huge number of incense can be used at home every day.

Most often there are incense from India with a base of bamboo. They are easy to buy, they are cheap, and a wide variety of compositions will allow you to find the desired flavor.

If your goal is to improve relationships in the family, pay attention to the following aromas: jasmine, orange, musk, mandarin, coconut, incense, lemon, sandalwood, myrrh, as well as combinations of them. They can be used to improve energy and make the room more comfortable. This is a great choice if you are just starting out in aromatherapy.

Incense from Tibet and Nepal is recommended for various spiritual practices. From the very beginning, they were made to improve physical and mental health. It contains only natural ingredients, often using unique ingredients that are famous for their strong healing and sacred properties. Such incense is not characterized by too sugary and sweet aromas. They are distinguished by an exquisite, calm, deep aroma of herbs that grow in the harsh Tibetan climate.

If you need to create an appropriate atmosphere for meditation, try using incense from China and Japan, especially sandalwood sticks. Among other types of incense, it is worth looking at sandalwood, myrrh, pine, incense, musk, neroli, juniper, rose, rhododendron. These aromas can be used to improve energy and achieve harmony with the outside world.

To communicate with higher powers. The use of incense is an important part of the rites and rituals of many traditions. When choosing incense, a number of factors are taken into account - the tradition that a person is guided by, the tasks that need to be completed. A simple example: for a love ritual, you can use the following types of incense - ylang-ylang, rose, vetiver, jasmine, musk. However, when performing a cleansing ceremony, you need to use completely different aromas - sage, incense, juniper.

By the way, there are a number of universal fragrances that can be used to perform rituals and other magical actions in different traditions. These include frankincense, myrrh and cedar.

For what purposes incense can be used, sometimes you can already find out from the name. For example, "Clean House", "Gold and Silver", "Divine Healing", "Higher Power" and others.

Often, rituals use aromatic resins (incense and mixtures, myrrh, copal, etc.) and herbs (common and white sage, juniper, bison, and others). Many experts prepare aromatic mixtures on their own. True, the choice of incense is very extensive, so you can easily find the necessary composition.

Incense is an indispensable attribute of magic and spiritual practices. They have a beneficial effect on you, the space around you and the result of your practice: they calm you down, promote concentration, and cleanse you of negative energy.

In "Witch's Happiness" there are incense for any ceremony and for everyday use. Not sure which type of incense is right for you? And we are always in touch on Facebook, Telegram, VK and WhatsApp.

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