Download face replayer for skyrim. Full retexture of beautiful female faces and bodies

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Here is an assembly from the author of Navetsea, who decided to convert the main body textures Vanilla, CBBE and UNP to a more detailed version. He is widely popular among the CWE bodies and the author of these bodies himself, praises Navetsea for his work and works closely with him. Please note, this is not a full-fledged replayer, but an addition to the main ones that it requires. Whatever body structure you choose from the main CVE or UNP replacers, the mod will work on them without any problems, this also applies to regular Vanilla.

The mod contains a lot of naked screenshots, so you can see all the delights of the assembly inside the archive.

What's included in this build:

  • - this is a retexture of the forge robe for the female, which is closely related to the mod "". Install this add-on if you use retexture from ". And so, the video camera gives a very good one. You will see a screenshot in the mod's archive.
  • CBBE-UNP skin texture v.1.9- This is the author's main addition, which includes muscular detailed skin for all races, without the support of Argonians and Khajiit. It includes presets of female faces that serve to customize your F GY. Included are separate textures for Vanilla bodies and options that allow you to make smooth arms to remove excess muscle, pubic hair options are available and of course plump lips and makeup settings. (at the request of many, this was not enough for many users of CVE)
  • Female face retexture v.1.8- This is a retexture for the detailing of female faces without the support of Argonians and Khajiit. Basically, it adds plumper lips and removes extra lines on faces and allows you to customize makeup. The author removed the presets for the "CBBE-UNP skin texture v.1.9" mod from it, so that they are closely related and similar options are possible in terms of setting faces. Before installing it, make sure you don't have another face replayer installed.
  • - Replaces the facial features of all housecarl women with a more attractive, more detailed and expressive look. The screenshots on them here are not very good, but I can say that the faces will be very similar from the mod
  • - This is a retexture of vanilla long male and female hair. There are 2 versions added and a screenshot for comparison. Set to your taste if you use vanilla hairstyles. Minor option, only improves some vanilla hairstyles.

Required: (pictures are clickable)

  1. First of all, you should install " CBBE-UNP skin texture v.1.9". Each folder contains its own ReadMe (RUS) with explanations of each part of the mod and options + screenshots with the result of what you get so that you don't get confused. Everything is put in principle in the Skyrim\Data folder for replacement.
  2. Then set as desired Female face retexture v.1.8". Check out his ReadMe (RUS), there are explanations of what folder means and screenshots are given, what result will give you. If you use your own face replayer, then this add-on is ignored. Seams are possible with other replayers, keep in mind.
  3. Then it's better to put " Non Whory Looking Housecarls v.1.0", gives a very good result for the faces of housecarls, making them more expressive. There are only textures. If you use a separate replayer or appearance for housecarls, then this addition is skipped.
  4. And finally" Straight hair retexture v.1.2", if you use vanilla hair with an addition with others, then this option will slightly improve the display of long vanilla hair for men and women. We put what you like. If you use a mod that replaces completely vanilla hairstyles, then this addition do not use.
  5. Explain by " CBBE female distressed blacksmith retexture v.1.0"I don't see the point, it serves as an addition to fashion"

Skyrim women have a lot of unfinished products for different types of appearance, but this mod will make them more attractive, more beautiful and more diverse. One of the many replayers of its kind that globally change the appearance. Skyrim body mod for women to turn the body into more sexy, better breasts, beautiful waist, slender legs and many other changes you will replace after installing this changer. It is also not the beautiful seams on the bodies that are disguised, but the improved animation of the movement will make women more realistic. In the archive there is a variant of naked bodies, the setting is only for +18, it is called "Nude". If you want to see more magnificent forms of women, set "Curvy", if you like slender figures then "Slim", and if you want to return the standard look, then we take it from the "Vanilla" folder. There will be one folder "Nevernude" - this is a simple non-nude appearance. In the "ReadMe" file you will find all the answers to your questions, if you have them of course. You'll see, Skyrim's female models are very detailed in appearance. See screenshots only for +18 players.

A mod that adds a female game body replayer and fully adapted armor and clothes for it. Complete adaptation of Dawnguard clothing and armor. Compatibility with other kits.


1. Skyrim version
2. Installed add-on Dawnguard
3. There will be crashes on previous versions of Skyrim!
4. Version v1.4 Dawnguard does not require!


1. Update, all about color alignment between body and head.
Affects all vanilla NPCs and the playable character
2. Minor adjustment of vampires (Serana was left without a hood)
3. Mannequins - became mannequins, instead of vanilla.
4. And some more minor fixes
5. Complete alteration of the female gaming body.
6. High resolution textures.
7. Full adaptation of all clothing and armor to the body.
8. Replay of all NPC bodies (i.e. the new body is used not only by your character, but also by all game NPCs).
9. Several versions of the body, the choice of the player - completely naked and optional:
a- with underwear and decoration on the neck, covering the junction of the body and head;
b- with an intimate hairstyle, which is made entirely in 3D and is not a regular pattern on the body.
10. Leader kit replayer, thieves guild - Bianchi kit from The Witcher 2 game was used.
11. Replayer of the Linvi kit, thieves guild - Triss kit from the game "The Witcher 2" was used.
12. Dark Brotherhood Guild Leader Kit Replayer - "Underworld" kit used.
13. Stormcloak officer's armor replayer - "Dread Knight" set was used.
14. Leather armor set replayer - Scout Armor set used.
15. Breathing animation has been added to the character.
16. Changed idle animation (in a calm position).
17. Optional - fixing a two-handed sword behind the back, the sword does not fall into the body; can be adjusted to any sword (modified skeleton added).

Updates/fixes that are made in version 1.4: (works without Dawnguard)
1. Fix lamellar handcuffs when viewed from the first person.
2. Critical fix Potema (sometimes there were crashes during the passage of the quest).
3. Blade of Woe - the parameters have been changed to the level of a vampiric.
4. Fix Vicious Susanna.
5. Fix Arivania.
6. Included Fix 1.31 for version 1.3
7. Fix ebonite slippers.
8. Improved/increased detailing of the character's back.

And also, some changes in the appearance of vampires:

  • Becoming a vampire, your heroine will still remain beautiful (i.e. - outwardly - the way you created her),
  • The color and tone of the skin does not change, unlike the white color from the Dawnguard developers.
  • Only the eyes will change. They will not glow too brightly, but they will change color, shine and add a non-annoying glow, not as strong as the developers did.


With this mod, Argonians and Khajiit become unavailable to players as playable races! Do not install this mod if you play / want to play animal races. The author strongly recommends that you create a backup copy of all replaced files, in case you don’t like the mod, so that you can delete it and roll back the game to the state before installing the mod. The author also strongly recommends that you back up your saves.

Also, the mod is not compatible with any other body, clothing and armor replayers!


Unzip and copy the files to the Skyrim/Data folder.

- In the "Options" folder there are files with additional versions of the body replayer (version with a bikini, a version with an intimate hairstyle and a fixed position of the two-handed sword behind the back). When installing, first install the entire main package and on top of it - the files from the "Options" folder.

The game Skyrim in the original version is done quite nicely and has good graphics, but for those players who want to make the perfect image of their main character, you can use the face retexture for Skyrim. This face retexture for Skyrim can be downloaded from various sites that provide such an opportunity.

The download does not take much time, but later you can get a really beautiful and unique look of the character. This opportunity is provided to absolutely any player who wants to use this feature.

It is also worth considering that there are different retextures, specifically for male and female characters. In order to download face retexture for Skyrim, just follow a specific link and download this function. It is also worth considering that for the male main character and the female face retexture, there is a separate function, it is also a separate download.

The same work needs to be done if the player wants to create characters of other races.

This feature is very common and also has a lot of downloads. This is due to the fact that in this function the graphics and image, as well as additional features, are done very well, and also have a much better and more natural look than in the original version.

On various forums, sites and media, you can find quite a lot of positive comments that this feature is really very good and can allow the player to create a unique look for his character. The texture for the face is done very well and also has additional hairstyles and improved graphics.

When using such a function, the clarity of the image of the character's face will be very well done to the smallest detail, which greatly affects the image as a whole.

Also, this function can provide any player with a new choice of different, interesting hairstyles and types of different
parts of the face.

For the female player, namely the female protagonist, there are quite a few different hairstyles that were not in the original version. Also, do not miss the fact that the hair in this function is done very accurately, namely to the smallest detail.

Under such circumstances, you can see that the hair itself will be done, as in reality, and will correspond to a more beautiful and interesting image of the entire main character.

Men's hairstyles are also done quite well, beautifully and aesthetically. It is also worth considering that new types of hairstyles for male characters have been added to this feature. Under what circumstances can you create a really good, beautiful and appropriate to your image of the main character, namely the one that the player wants in Skyrim.

The nose, lips, cheeks, cheekbones, various scars and similar details that can greatly affect the overall image of the protagonist are done quite naturally in this feature and have very good graphics.

Under such circumstances, any player can create a really beautiful, unique and interesting kind of character that will meet his desires.

When downloading this mod and function, it should be borne in mind that the main character, or rather the character, may have a seam on his neck, which will mean the use of this mod.

Under such circumstances, it is also worth considering that there are mods for the body, and so that this seam is not too intrusive and does not catch the eye of the player, it is possible to use additional mods that are aimed specifically at tricking and honing the entire body of the character.

Under such circumstances, it is possible to achieve that the face and body are not done well enough to compare with the shade of the head and torso.

The function is quite common and has a lot of downloads and also a lot of different positive reviews.

Under such circumstances, when a person downloads mods with advanced features when creating the face of the main character, he can ensure that the main character in the skyrim game will correspond to the desires of the player and will also be more real in terms of his external parameters.

CVE is a replacer that replaces the standard female bodies with more detailed and appetizing versions. This mod will satisfy all lovers of HGEC textures from TES4: Oblivion. Its creators have done a great job of removing seams from standard textures like the head, arms and legs. The mod completely replaces the usual body textures (vanilla) with specially designed ones. It also makes some changes to body animations.

You can fully customize body meshes. The replayer kit includes modified normal maps, as well as custom structures. The weight meshes have also been redesigned to offer more detailed deformations in various poses.

CBBE includes three main forms of naked (Nude) bodies: lush (Curvy), slender (Slim) and standard (Vanilla). They are also included in the Nevernude option. Caliente's Texture mod allows you to consider other options for the future.

Expansion Composition

    Standard (Vanilla)- basic body structures that have undergone refinement from SVVE. The lowered and reshaped breasts now look more realistic in sizes C-E, are endowed with a more “typical” shape of the pelvic region compared to others, and also have a thicker waist compared to other types of CBVE.

    Lush (Curvy) is the "standard" on which CBVE is based. Has a large chest D-H, as well as narrow or wide hips for the user's choice.

    Slim (Slim) - a version that has a lean body type with small hips and chest A-C.

    Not nude (Nevernude)- Vanilla variant. Curvy and Slim with underwear.

    Body Editor (BodySlide)– an application that allows you to change and select various parameters included in the CEE. In it, you can change the shape of the body, making it as lush or slender as possible. Also included is a tool that allows you to make a "super huge" chest or waist. The app also contains a pack of 20 presets containing identical female replacers from Skyrim and Oblivion like ADEC, HGEC, etc.

    Official face pack (CBBE Official Face Pack)- an added option that allows you to replace the dirt on the face with moles. In the face pack you will find 5 different packs of moles. In each of them there are 3 moles to choose from.

Installing the mod

To install, you must use (Nexus Mod Manager). To install mods manually, read the ReadMe file with instructions from the archive.

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