Scenario of the holiday "February 23 in the second junior group." Scenario of the holiday "February 23 in the second junior group" Scenario on February 23 for the 2nd junior group

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Children enter the hall to the music, rebuild into links.
1st child
Why are we in this room
Did everyone get together very well?
2nd child
March is playing. Our parade
The kids are starting!
3rd child
Today is our Army Day.
She is not stronger in the world!
Hello defenders of the people!
Russian Army...
Children (in chorus). Hey!!!
Song about the army.
4th child
Educators are like mothers
Lined up neatly in a row.
And, like generals,
Accept our parade.
Leading. Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the birthday of the Russian Army with the whole country. The Russian people love their army. It protects the peaceful labor of the country, stands guard over the world. Many fearless commanders and our ordinary soldiers showed themselves as heroes during the Great Patriotic War. The whole country knows their names. All of Russia is proud of them! After all, defenders must be strong, courageous, smart. Courageous - so as not to be afraid of the enemy, strong - to defeat him, and smart - to properly handle weapons. In honor of our army, we are starting the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday.
The children walk in a marching step around the hall and sit on the chairs.
Rides ahead of the parade
Childish cavalry.
All with sharp blades
In weekdays with stars.
Competition "Tournament of riders"
10-12 people participate in the competition. Children are divided into two teams.
The first children are given a “horse” each and shown to which chair (border) they must jump from their outpost. Each rider on the team must ride to the chair, take 1 pin and, returning to his team, pass the horse to the next player. The competition continues until all the pins are taken from the chairs by the riders. The team that collects the pins first wins.
Leading. Guys, what are we doing in the morning?
5th child.
I will wake up early in the morning.
I am charging!
I squat and jump.
I want to be an astronaut!
Leading. In order to be strong and courageous, you need to play sports.
Children are doing a sports workout.
Leading. I see you are growing strong, dexterous and courageous. Do not be afraid if they launch you on a rocket into space?
6th child.
To control a rocket
You need to be brave and strong.
The weak are not taken into space.
After all, flying is not easy work.
7th child.
Astronaut, fly ahead
It will be my turn.
I'm still training
To take off for the clouds!
Leading. Guys, we remembered the astronauts for a reason. After all, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the flight of the first man into space. It was Yuri Gagarin. In order to become an astronaut, he tempered himself from childhood and went in for physical education like you do. Who knows, maybe one of you will also fly to the stars in the future. Well, in the meantime, we will practice on the ground.
Game "Flight to the Moon".
2 children participate in the game. Children stand at a distance from each other, facing the audience. On command, each child must quickly rotate the stick, winding the rope around it, thereby bringing the moon closer to him. Whoever winds the rope on a stick faster, then flew to the moon faster. The game is played 2 times.
Leading. Guys, who guards our sky?
8th child.
Our hero pilots
The sky is vigilantly guarded
Our hero pilots
Protect peaceful work.
The game "Pilots, to the airfield!"
Boys take part in the game. They sit down at the central wall on their right knee - this is an airfield. Arms bent at the elbows are at chest level. To the music, children slowly begin to perform the “motor” movement in front of them with their hands. Then the children rise to their feet, open their straight arms to the sides, depicting the wings of an airplane, and easily run in one direction around the hall. At the end of the music, the children return to the airfield, drop to their right knee and put their hands down. The game is played 2 times.
Or the relay game "Whose squadron will line up faster?"
Children are divided into three links, the squadron commander is in front. Mod music children scatter around the hall freely. At the end of the music, the children return and take their places one after another. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Leading. Every boy will definitely become a defender of the Fatherland. Today at our holiday there are dads and grandfathers of our children. They have already served in the army and know everything about the soldier's service. Our guys have prepared congratulations for them.
9th child.
I want to be like my dad
I want to be like a dad in everything.
How is he to wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart
Don't be lazy
And do everything like him - for five!
And don't forget to get married!
And ... take our mother as a wife.
10th child.
Dad got up in the morning
I ate every bit,
I didn’t drop, imagine, cups,
Never ripped shirts
And don't run barefoot
And he didn't click his tongue
And he was not friends with the mongrel -
Very boring dad lived!
11th child.
Gently hugging you by the neck
Happy to be your daughter!
I'll do more than I can even
If only you could be proud of me!
12th child.
He can play checkers
Might even wash the cups
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me
My best dad!
Song about dad.
Leading. And now we will hold a competition called "Real Man".
Task 1 "Dad is the owner."
Dad runs, wakes up the child, puts on a jacket, hat, scarf, and together they run to the “kindergarten”.
Task 2 "A real man must be dexterous."
Who will spin the cord around him faster, moving forward.
Task 3 "A real man must have skillful hands."
Dad collects a meat grinder, the child tightens the nut.
Leading. Well done dads and boys! We successfully completed our tasks.
Music sounds.
Leading. Guys, who is coming to our party?
To the music, a cook-cook (a child of the preparatory group) enters the hall with a saucepan and a spoon.
Leading. Yes, this is a military cook. Without his tasty and wholesome food, the soldiers would be thin and serve their homeland poorly.
I'll cook semolina for lunch,
I will fill it with water.
Soon the porridge will boil
You see, it puffs in the cauldron.
There will be porridge without lumps
For soldiers, my sons!
The lid jumps ringing,
Come all learn
Cook for me.
Leading. Dear chef, today we have gathered here in honor of the holiday - the day of the Russian army. Are there holiday meals in the army?
Festive dinner not in vain
On the red day of the calendar.
Lollipops for a snack
Cheer up all the fighters!
The cook passes and distributes sweets to everyone.
Leading. This is the end of our holiday dedicated to our defenders - Russian soldiers.
It's time to end our holiday
Let's say the Army...
Children. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Children march out of the hall.
Defender of the Fatherland Day
"Glory to the native army!"
(preparatory group)
To the music, children enter the hall in two columns, line up in a column of four.
Leading. Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the birthday of the Russian Army with the whole country. The Russian people love their army. It protects the peaceful labor of the country, stands guard over the world. Strong, brave and smart people serve in the army. Courageous - so as not to be afraid of the enemy, strong - to defeat him, and smart - to properly handle weapons. In honor of our army, we begin the holiday "Glory to the native army!"
1st child.
Russian army holiday
Coming in February.
Drives, drives a sharp wind
Snow prickly on the ground.
2nd child.
He sweeps snowdrifts,
Maple shakes at the gate.
Kindergarten welcomes guests
And hello soldier's helmet!
3rd child.
The winds blow in February
Howling in the pipes loudly.
Snake rushes along the ground
Light snow.
4th child.
Above the Kremlin wall
Aircraft links.
Glory to the Army
On her birthday!
Song about the army.
Children march along the hall and sit on chairs.
Leading. Guys, do you think our army is big? (Children answer). What types of troops do you know? (Answers of children).
Who is more important in the Russian troops?
Pilot or tanker?
Maybe an artilleryman?
Maybe still a communicator?
But the guys say:
(Children on the left side.)
"What matters most is the sailor!"
And the guys on the right are arguing:
(Children on the right side.)
"What is more important than infantry in the field."
Let's figure it out now
Which one of you guys is right?
And we'll start in order...
5th child.
Past the house, past the garden
He steps - one, two, three ...
On a Russian soldier
Look with respect.
Hat with Russian symbol
Warms in the cold and in a blizzard,
Soldier's leather belt
Holds an overcoat in his belt.
Leading. Many boys dream that when they grow up, they will become the defenders of our Motherland, that is, soldiers. Infantry are important troops. They carry out any task set by the commanders. Now we will do the relay.
Relay "Obstacle Course"
Children are divided into two teams of 6 people. At the command of the host, the 1st child gets up and walks along the bridge, crawls into the gates, steps over the bricks and crawls through the pipe on his knees. After leaving the pipe, the child quickly returns to his team, touches the next player and stands at the end of the column.
Leading. Guys, answer my question, does our country consist of one land or not? (Children answer). Right. Our Russia is washed by several seas. What troops protect our seas? (Answers of children). That's right, sailors. Therefore, these troops are called the Navy.
6th child.
Out into the blue seas
reliable outpost,
And the people say for good reason:
"Glory to the Marine Fleet!"
He protects from war
The world of the shores of the native country.
Children perform the dance of sailors.
Leading. Guys, now we will hold a competition "Boat swims". Imagine that warships are not far from the coast, in a neighboring bay. Your task is to reach them on boats as quickly as possible.
The game "Boat swims".
Children are divided into 2-3 sailors from each crew, take places in boats - inflatable circles. They sit inside the circle and, pushing off with their arms and legs, move at maximum speed to the opposite side of the hall.
Leading. There is a huge blue sky above our Motherland. Guys, who do you think is protecting our Russian sky space? (Children answer). That's right, military pilots.
7th child.
We are brave pilots
We want to become faster.
On Russian planes
Let's fly into the sky.
They won't block our way
Gray clouds.
We dream of becoming pilots
At least we're going to the garden.
Leading. This means that the Air Force is also a very important force. Just imagine for a moment, guys, that an enemy aircraft appeared in our airspace. What troops will help bring it down? (Children answer). That's right, rocket troops.
8th child.
No time to play today
We are busy with other things.
paper rockets
We work together.
We painted them brightly
Let them fly now!
The brave astronauts
Playing kindergarten!
Leading. And now we will check which of you is the most accurate.
Game Hit the Target.
2 children play, line up in a designated place. Each child receives three shells (balls). Their task is to hit the target by hitting the ball in the basket. For each accurate hit, the child receives a star.
Leading. We found out that the missile forces are also important and we cannot do without them. Guys, does Russia need tank troops?
9th child.
Tankers rush along the road,
The tanks came out on alert,
The commander was ordered
Be on duty at the same time!
The crew is fearless.
Protects peaceful labor
And the tankers in the round tower
Enemy tanks will give battle.
Leading. We have learned that tank troops are also very important for Russia. Guys, do you know that our huge country has a border. Who guards the border? (Children answer). That's right guys. The border is guarded by border guards.
10th child.
At the very border, in secret,
I carry out vigilant service,
For every hillock in the answer,
For every Christmas tree in the forest.
Leading. To learn more about the everyday life of border guards, let's play a game. The game will be called "Border guards and violators." The boys join hands and form a circle. Girls also stand in a large circle, but behind the backs of the boys. The boys are border guards, and the girls are local residents. When the boys raise their hands up, it means that the border is open, and the girls are free to run in and out of this gate. But as soon as the word "Patrol" sounds, the boys give up, and those who are in the inner circle will be temporarily detained, because there may be border violators among them. Detainees need to be checked. This is not a quick matter - all the detainees are eliminated from the game. See how well our borders are guarded.
The game "Border guards and violators."
Leading. Well done boys. They showed skill and vigilance. Civilians can be calm: the enemy will not pass!
Leading. Guys, how many troops we remembered and named today! So what are the most important and important troops? (Children answer). And I think that all the troops of our Motherland are the most important. Whatever you name, everyone is responsible for the security of the country.
Our own army
And brave and strong.
Nobody, without threatening
She protects us.
That's why we love from childhood
This holiday is in February.
Glory to the Russian army,
The most peaceful on earth!
Leading. Guys, dads are present at our holiday dedicated to the birthday of the Russian army. They are helpers in everything to you and mothers, defenders of the weak. Your dads also served in the army, so we congratulate them. Dads are always an example for their children. Dad is loved because he is smart and kind. Here's what sons and daughters tell about their beloved dads.
Children get up from their seats, stand freely around the hall.
11th child.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He's on the shoulder
Even a difficult one.
12th child.
He is also a naughty
A mischievous and a prankster.
With him every day
Turns into a holiday.
13th child.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
14th child.
And bored without dad
Ride on sleds.
Nobody can
Laugh so loud.
15th child.
My dad is a wizard
He is the nicest.
He instantly turns
For what you ask.
16th child.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But the best
He knows how to be a dad.
17th child.
I will hug him
And quietly whisper:
My daddy
I love you hard!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!
Song about dad.
Leading. I wonder guys, do your dads remember how they served in the army? Let's play the game "Papa Vseved" in a military way, and dads will help us.
The game "Papa Omniscient".
The boys break up into 3 people, dads come up to them in turn and ask: “Tell me, where were you, how did you serve in the army?”. The boys answer: “We won’t tell how we served, but we’ll show what we did.” Boys perform various commands, and parents try to guess.
Variants of the demonstrated movements.
Look through binoculars, listen. (Standing at the post.)
They brush their teeth, shave, comb their hair, look in the mirror. (Putting themselves in order after getting up).
They stand at attention, salute. (Submit a report.)
Lift weights, push up. (Do physical training).
Leading. We learned about the army service that your dads went through. But how do the boys prepare for the future service? Do they ask their dads a lot of questions about her? And how many people already know? Let's check. To do this, we will hold a tricky contest called "Military Secret".
Competition "Military secret".
3-4 couples participate - dads with their children. The members of each pair stand with their backs to each other. All of them have signal cards. After that, as the presenter asks a question, the contestants show the cards. Green means yes and red means no.
Everyone decides for himself how to answer - "yes" or "no". The reward for the correct answer - an asterisk - is received by a married couple, if both father and son answered correctly.
Variants of questions for the competition.
To be on duty does it mean to be on patrol? (Yes).
Is a diver always looking for treasures? (Not).
Patrol - a conditional secret word? (Not).
A veteran is an old and experienced warrior? (Yes).
Is a compass a device for measuring distance? (Yes).
"Katyusha" is a car named after all the girls named Katya? (Not).
Headdress of paratroopers - takes? (Yes).
Papakha is the headdress of all popes who served? (Not).
Leading. Well done! Both dads and sons turned out to be worthy rivals friends!
It remains to wish that you always remain the same cheerful and friendly. Male friendship is great!
In male friendship
Many words are not necessary.
A look is enough
An honest look.
Leading. On this holiday, dedicated to the birthday of our Russian army, came to an end. We are glad that our children grow up strong, dexterous and courageous. They will grow up and become brave warriors of the Russian state. Congratulate, guys, once again at home on the holiday of your dads and grandfathers. Wish them health and happiness! Goodbye!
The song "Adults and children" sounds.
The children leave the room.

In the beautiful name of the Man Courage and become, The ability to think and dream, To be inspired for no reason. Know how to love, know how to give.
To leave, then to return. To be so fickle, to seem like such a support. Protect his fate from lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be supportive, Give life full, without flaw. And let the words intertwine, About the only, beloved, Whom nature called the Beautiful name - MAN.
Leading. Congratulations to all men, defenders of the Motherland on the holiday of February 23. This is a holiday for all grandfathers, dads, older brothers.
They protect our country so that we can live in peace, study under a peaceful sky. Our warriors are courageous and brave and you guys
Of course you want to be like them.
Congratulations to all the military on this day! And when we grow up, we will serve the Motherland!
I really, really dream of becoming a soldier as soon as possible. To protect my mother And Russia!
In our army, the Pope protects the country. At the border, he does not let war into our house. Soon I will grow up big, I myself, like a dad, will become.

That's when I'll stand with him On the border.
Let them not yet take the child into the army, But can I protect Our kitten.

Today, together on the street, we combine sports and fun.

We are with you this glorious holiday. Dedicated to great games

Each soldier must be very strong, hardy in order to be a defender. And today I would like to test our dads in dexterity, courage, dexterity.
Their children will help them with this.
In order to become a defender, to fulfill the duty of a soldier, you need to be strong, strong, be friends with physical education.
Warm up
Our warriors go-one-two, one-two, (walking in place)
The drums are beaten loudly: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta ("drum")
Our ships are at sea: today here, tomorrow there! ("rocking chair")
Long floated in the distance on the seas, on the waves! (circular hand movements)
Border guard at the post: who is coming? who goes? (walking in place)
Tanks are moving across the bridge: trr-forward, trr-forward! ("motor")
Airplane over the ground: woo, woo! (hands to the side)
Missiles allowed to take off: Uuh, uh! (squat, palms folded in front of the chest, get up, raise their hands up) Our guns hit exactly: bang, bang! ("boxing")
Salute to our army! (raise hands up) Hurrah! Hooray!

We are starting our fun holiday of military balloons dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland Day!
We are glad to see strong, courageous, vigorous children ready to take part in the holiday. We are glad to see our parents, who are just as cheerful and cheerful!
For a friendly greeting, we shout loudly “Hurrah! » The host reads out the “Order on the upcoming fun exercises”: “Order of the Commander-in-Chief
holiday balloons. In connection with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, I order:
1. Conduct fun exercises in which children of the 2nd junior group of the Skazka kindergarten will take part.
2. Divide the cheerful army into two air teams. "Pilots"

3. All teams with a cheerful mood go to fun combat exercises

Let's start with a warm-up for the mind for kids
1. Is our army strong? - Yes!
2. Does she protect the world? - Yes!
3. Will the boys go to the army? - Yes!
4. Will I take the girls with me? - Not!
5. Does Pinocchio have a long nose? - Yes?
6. Was he a sailor on the ship? - Not!
7. Is the pilot lying on the border? - Not!
8. Does it fly higher than a bird? - Yes!
9. Are we celebrating a holiday today? - Yes!

10. Mom, congratulations to the girls? - Not!
11. Peace is the most important thing in the world? Yes!
12. Even children know this? - Yes!
Presenter: Guys, what good fellows you are! And now we will check our dads! Let's give them riddles.
Riddles for parents:
1. Is a veteran an old, experienced warrior? - Yes!
2. Is the major higher in rank than the captain? - Yes!
3. Is a compass a device for measuring distance? - No!
4. To be on duty does it mean to be on patrol? - Yes!
5. An out-of-order outfit is a promotion? - Not!
6. Patrol is a conditional secret word? - Not!
7. Is the hospital a hospital for the military? - Yes!
8. "Katyusha" - a car named after all the girls named Katya? - Not!
9. Papakha is the headdress of all the popes who served? - Not!

10. Why does a soldier carry a rifle? - Over the shoulder.
11. Why do soldiers wear boots? - On the ground.
12. What do wood and a rifle have in common? - Trunk.
13. What does a soldier do when a sparrow sits on his cap? - Asleep.

Well, now let's show our skill. There are many branches of the military in the army. (Children and parents call the troops) Scouts must quickly deliver a report to the commander.
Competition "Obstacle Course"
Children and adults crawl into hoops, run like a snake. Send a "package". Shooting Riders Competition
Dads carry the children on their backs to the basket, the child takes the ball and throws it into the basket, the father returns with the child on his back.

And our brave soldiers can take any other fortress.

Fortress Contest.
With balls from a dry pool, you need to knock down the roofs of the fortress (or skittles standing on the fortress), which is built from modules (or is it a model of the fortress,
made from suitable materials).
Parents participate in the competition on an equal basis with children, and also provide assistance to the teacher, collecting balls during the "taking".
At the end of the competition, the children-participants also help to collect equipment. The winning team is awarded a flag.
That's how well-aimed shooters gathered in teams! Soldiers must not only work, but also rest.
Poems for children.
I want to be like dad, I want to be like dad in everything. Be strong, smart, don't be lazy. And do everything like him - for five!

Let's read the congratulations, Let's sit on dad's lap. There are many men in the army, And there is only one like him!
- My daddy, I love you
I love it hard!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!
I know that my dad, too, once Was a very good and brave soldier I love dad, and he will certainly

I want to congratulate you on this military holiday ...
Oh, the pole path Winds, does not end, We will sing ditties to you Let dads smile.

You don't hide hardworking pens in your pockets Come to the children's group Repair toys.

Do not sit at home dads Come to kindergarten, And then daughters and sons Will soon forget you.

Either work, then study, then a business trip. Children with mothers are always At any party.

We are talking about daddies about our sang many times. Pro. that we do not care to sing Well, but they are pleased.

And now, guys, this is the task: we will train attention!
Flags will help us in this, they will tell you what to do: a green flag - stomp and
clap, yellow - be silent, red "Hurrah!" shout out loud.
The game "Multi-colored flags" is being played.

Carlson appears.

Carlson: What is happening here? Why are you here today?
Host: And we are not just gathered here. We celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Carlson: I know this holiday, because I also served in the army. And he was the most accurate shooter. For such a case, I have an interesting game.
"Sniper". Dads will make snowballs for the kids, and you guys should try to hit me with a snowball.
Carlson: (Carlson sits on a chair). I can't do it anymore, I'm wounded.

Presenter: guys, dads need to treat Carlson. I'm sure dads teach their kids first aid.
Competition "Honey brother". Dads and boys are divided into two teams. Dads take turns taking children on sleds, having reached Carlson you need to
stick a plaster on it and return to the team passing the baton.
Carlson: Now I'm fine. It’s just that my propeller rattled for some reason, it needs to be lubricated, and it wouldn’t hurt me to refresh myself.
What do I love the most? (Raspberry jam). Right. Right now, I'll fly to the kitchen and find jam there. And you guys take an example in everything from your dads.
They are so strong and brave. Goodbye.
Host: You see guys, even Carlson noticed how strong your dads are, and they love you very much.
Dads, your kids are the best in the world. Now they will be able to provide first aid. And difficulties can be overcome.
Let me conclude that you are very good parents and raise worthy children.

I will congratulate dad on February 23! I really look forward to this date: Dad is the best for me. Dad, happy holiday to you, February 23! I wish, as always: Please mom and me.

Presenter: Well done, our fun sports and gaming holiday has ended. Did you guys like to play with dads (Yes).
And your dads are the best, the strongest (Yeah) What do we say to our dads. (Thank you! Dad, I love you, and I take an example from you!)

Children of senior preschool age enter the hall to the military march, divide into two teams and line up on both sides of the hall. Then turn left.

Presenter: Hello our dear dads and grandfathers, hello our guests, small and big, hello guys.

Today our holiday is dedicated to February 23 - this is the holiday of the Army and the Navy, and this holiday is also called Defender of the Fatherland Day. According to a good tradition, on this day they congratulate all the military, and in general all men and boys - former and future soldiers - defenders of the Motherland. Soldiers and commanders of the Russian Army protect our peaceful life. You can't call their service easy. You have to be strong so as not to get tired, courageous so as not to be afraid, and skillful in order to handle weapons without mistakes. In the meantime, we are still preschool children, and our boys are far from the time when they will be drafted into the army - we play and learn, compete in dexterity, strength and ingenuity. Today at the celebration you will demonstrate it to us, right?

Children: Yes!

Leading: And our children will show how they can sing, dance and have fun. So, let's start our musical and sports holiday.

The holiday begins with a song - the children sing: “About the border guard”

Leading: Our guys prepared the song "About the Border Guard" music by Bugoslavsky, words by Vysotsky.

Children sing a song.

Leading: Our guys want to congratulate their dads, grandfathers on the holiday and give you wonderful poems.

Child 1

The holiday of all our soldiers -

That's what this day means!

Day of brave defenders

Yes, and just all the guys!

Child 2

After all, each of them dreams

Protect children, family,

Conquer at least something in the world

And find your destiny!

child 3

Congratulations dad

Happy men's holiday:

In my youth, I know

Served in the army.

Child 4

So also a warrior

At least not a commander.

Worthy of a holiday

Protected the whole world!

Child 5

For me, you are the main one.

Don't let me fall

I am the glorious homeland

Small part.

Child 6

The pavement trembles and the motor howls -

This is our chauffeur dad.

An airplane flies across the blue sky.

They are piloted by their father.

Child 7

Friendly walks with the military in a row

Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Who is the record holder in the all-around?

We answer:<Папа-спортсмен!>

Child 8

Coal chopping is not tired in the depths of the mountains

Soot-black papa miner.

Steel is melting, steam is pouring out of the boiler -

Dad is a worker, he is a steelworker.

Child 9

Heals thousands of broken hands

In a children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

The crane will install, clean the blockage

Dad is a plumber or fitter.

Child 10

Who performs on stage for an encore?

This is a famous artist dad.

“There is no unnecessary profession in the world!” —

Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.

Leading: Well done guys, thanks, have a seat. Oh, look, it looks like someone is running.

Music sounds and Antoshka enters the hall with a large spoon.


Antoshka has come to visit you!
Here's my big spoon!
I like to have fun, especially to eat,
Lie on the grass and watch a cartoon!
What kind of holiday do you have here, disputes and unrest?
Where is the cookie, where is the cake, where is the treat?


Actually, we're here
Do not drink tea with jam,
And show your prowess!
To grow strong
To join the army!
I explain in order:
We start the day with a workout.


Charger? What's this? Yummy?
Pies with cabbage?
Compote or jelly?
I love everything, believe me!


Well no! Antoshka, now the guys will tell you what exercise is!

1st child:

Today we went out for exercises together, in order
And with special pleasure we perform exercises!

2nd child:

After all, today is a special day for boys and men -
For the defender of the Fatherland - every citizen knows!

3rd child:

So that the children have good health,
After all, the boy is a future soldier!

4th child:

To be enduring in training and in battle,
Protect your beloved Motherland!

5th child:

We walk bravo left and right,
Because all the soldiers were also preschool children!
Hurry up to grow up to join the army!

Children go to the chairs to the music


To grow strong
To join the Army!
Let's start our competition
Games and competitions.
And we will start our competition with relay races

Presenter: Do you think it's a stick? (shows a horse on a stick)

It's a horse!
Sit down with me
Hold on tight!


Give us a ride, horse,
Not just once, but many times.

Antoshka shows how to ride a horse ("snake" around the spaced "pills" - modules from "Alma")


Leading: The teams are ready to start. The task of the team is to ride on their horse with a snake, and run back to the start. The team that completes the task the fastest wins!

Leading: Well done, jump from the heart!

Host: Antoshka, look around our little guests are completely bored, let's play and take pictures!

Antoshka: Ah yes, well done, they jumped from the heart.


To be distinguished by enviable health,
Need to practice more!
And now we will conduct a visual lesson:
Which of you is the most accurate shooter.
A sharp eye is the key to success, any soldier will tell you,
So that the desired victory completes the right fight.

Leading: Antoshka, let's check how accurate our guys are! We announce the relay race "Strelka". Teams to get started!


Leading: Each team has balls, your task is to score as many balls as possible, we throw in turn, carefully, do not push.

Leading: Well done team, go to your chairs. And now let's see what clever dads we have! Guys, which one of you wants to play with your dad or grandpa. Invite them to start.

A team of PAPs and a team of CHILDREN are being created

Leading: We played great, well done our dads, everyone sit down in their places.


You need to cross the swamp log!
A soldier must be resourceful and dexterous,
Attentiveness and accuracy will not hurt him!

Leading: I announce the next relay race "Swamp"


Leading: Teams at the start, your task is to cross the swamp, with the help of rafts - hoops, rearrange them one by one in front of you, when you get to the shore, take the rafts in your hands and run to the start. The team that gets to the other side the fastest wins!

Antoshka: And I want to play with my little friends!

Leading: Okay, let's invite them to the start then.

Leading: Well done guys, sit down!


Well, the warm-up was a success!
The teams are ready to fight!
In battle wins for sure
The one who knows how to hold on to a friend!
To take the enemy by surprise, use ingenuity.
And sports training will not be superfluous here.
Presenter: And I announce the next relay race "Jumpers".


Antoshka, chooses a child and is the first to hold a competition

(children stand in a circle and try to push each other out with the help of pillows).

Leading: The task of each team, sitting on the balls, to jump to the chip, and run back to the start, the team that finishes the competition faster wins.

Leading: Antoshka will play with our little guests, and the guys from the older group will support them with applause!

A team is created from the children of the middle group.

Leading: Well done guys, they did a good job, sit down in your seats and continue our holiday.


Well, the relay was a success!
It's time to relax and sing!
Our guys know proverbs and sayings about a soldier.

1-child: The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.

2nd child: The soldier warms himself with smoke - he shaves with an awl.

3rd child: And on occasion, he will cook porridge from an ax.

4th child: A soldier is hard in learning, easy in battle.

5th child : And there is a proverb: the soldier sleeps, and the service goes on.

Musical break: song performed by children "Soldiers, bravo guys"

Leading: Now the guys of the senior group will sing the song, “Soldiers, bravo guys”

Presenter: Thanks guys, have a seat.


Today and always I help my mother,
All toys, after playing, quickly clean up.

Presenter: Antoshka, our guys also clean up toys after they play, so now they will show you. After all, if they want to be future soldiers, then they need to know that in the army, soldiers have to clean the premises, the so-called barracks. And I'm announcing the next competition, "Cleaning", the teams are more likely to start!


Leading: Each team has its own pile of garbage that needs to be cleaned up. We take a broom and sweep our garbage, a cube, to a bucket, we don’t help with our hands, put garbage in a bucket with a scoop and run back to the start, the team that finishes cleaning faster wins.

Leading: Well done guys got the job done quickly.

Leading: Antoshka, our little viewers are also very neat, and they love to help their dads, let's play with them too.

Leading: Well done guys, you did a great job.

Presenter: You know, Antoshka, I would also like to check how strong our future warriors are.


Yes, and I wouldn't mind!
You are a future soldier!
How do you keep the machine?
Strong muscles are needed
Strong hands are important!

I even came up with a competition for them, “Who will do more push-ups on the ball”

Host: How is that? (Antoshka shows)


Antoshka: It is necessary to put your feet on the ball and do push-ups, whoever does the most push-ups wins.

Leading: Then let's announce a competition of captains! Captains, I ask you to start.

Leading: And now let's ask our dads to show how they can do push-ups, and their children will help them, hold their feet on the balls. Guys, invite your dads to the start.


Leading: Our captains are good, let's check the whole team, for this we have a rope. I announce a tug-of-war competition. Start teams. Get ready, attention march to the start!

Leading: Guys, let's check how strong our dads are, well, get up dads, hold on to the rope as soon as possible.

A PAP and REBET team is being created.

Presenter: Well, Antoshka, you and I made sure that our boys and dads are the strongest, the most enduring, the most dexterous and disciplined. And our boys know how to dance.

Musical number: dance "Apple"

Leading: Invite the boys to the musical number "Apple".

Presenter: We rested a bit, and now it's time to play the final game.

8. GAME "THROW THE BALL OVER THE NET" -children throw a large inflatable ball over the net, whose team will throw it faster. The team on whose side there is no ball left after the whistle wins.

Leading: Well done team. Antoshka invite the middle group to play.

Antoshka: Of course!

Leading: Well done guys, great game.

Antoshka: Guys, let's check how fast, dexterous and friendly our DADES we will throw the ball to them, and they will give us as long as the music is playing.

Presenter: Well done! So our competition is over. The most solemn moment of our holiday has come - the rewarding. Teams, to reward the captains step march!

Children are built in a semicircle in one line.

Girls together:

We congratulate the boys
And we wish them good health!
To grow big
And they were excellent.

1st girl:

Our pugnacious half
We send our congratulations.
There are reasons for congratulations:

Girls together: "Hooray!" defenders of the countrygirls give gifts to the boy).


We wish everyone strength
huge talents,
Health of the strongest heroes,
Perfect mind, like Plato,
And reach the growth of a giraffe sooner.

Leading: Well done! Everyone did an excellent job. I want to give you these medals, even if they are chocolate, but it was the medal for courage that was the most valuable award for a soldier.

(presentation of medals to the participants of the matinee).

Leading: So our holiday has come to an end, it's time for us to say goodbye.

Congratulations on your holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We wish you health, and may the sky over Russia and over the whole world always be blue and clear!

Children go in a column one by one through the hall, then to the exit.

Description: The script will be useful for educators and music directors to prepare for the holiday on February 23 with children of three years old (Younger group)
Purposes of the holiday:
rally the children's team,
create an atmosphere of joy and celebration for children.
education of moral, patriotic qualities.

- to involve children in participation in a holiday;
- to develop the communicative qualities of children;
- develop artistic abilities.

Educational areas:"Cognition", "Music", "Communication"
Materials and equipment:
Pilots and sailor caps for boys, bows for girls
2 flags for each child
For games - hoops, "horses"

Holiday progress:

To the music of A. Filippenko "Good Soldiers" children enter the hall. Flags in the hands of children. Children stand in a circle.
Music sounds, sings,
He invites us all to the parade.
Soon the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to arrange a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade!

1 We are still preschool children,
And we walk like soldiers
Let's love the motherland
We will serve in the army.

Dance with flags (music by Alekseev)
Collect the flags after the dance
Each soldier must be very strong, hardy in order to be a defender. Arrange a warm-up for future warriors.
Warm up
Our warriors go-one-two, one-two, (walking in place)
The drums are beaten loudly: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta ("drum")
Our ships are at sea: today here, tomorrow there! ("rocking chair")
Long floated in the distance on the seas, on the waves! (circular hand movements)
Border guard at the post: who is coming? who goes? (walking in place)
Tanks are moving across the bridge: trr-forward, trr-forward! ("motor")
Airplane over the ground: woo, woo! (hands to the side)
Missiles allowed to take off: Uuh, uh! (squat, palms folded in front of
chest, stand up - raise your hands up)
Our guns hit exactly: bang, bang! ("boxing")
Salute to our army! (raise hands up)
Hooray! Hooray!

Children sit down

Cavalry warriors begin our parade (I put on budenovkas for children who came out to recite poems)
2 Hop-hop! - on a horse.
I have a star on my hat
Behind the machine, Because I'm a soldier!
3 Gave me a horse
Mom on her birthday.

I have a wonderful horse -
Direct lookout!
I'm proud of my horse
He flies like the wind.
I overtake on it
All horses in the world!
Let's see how fast our cavalrymen are, and how fast their horses are. Let's play the game "Bring the letter"
Game "Bring the letter"
Two envelopes, two horses, two chairs. Children on command should run to the chair, take the letter, return to the starting position. You can play 2-3 times.

Our fast cavalry. And their horses are fast. And planes have already appeared in the sky at our parade (children reciting poetry come out)
4 What kind of birds are in the blue sky
High, high.
It's the planes rushing Far, far away.
5 I want on a plane
Fly, fly.
And to your city in flight
Look, look.
Do you want to fly airplanes? Are you girls? Then get ready!
Poem with movements "Airplane"
Airplane-airplane hands to the sides, swing them.
Takes off for flight.
They started the engine - rrrr! rotate the fists in front of the chest,
The engine rumbled - rrrr! growl
The motor purred - rrrr!
The plane buzzed - wow! hands to the sides, buzzing
And went flying - woo! running in circles
The plane landed
That's the end of the flight. squat down on one knee

After such a serious flight, you need to arrange a halt.
Soldiers, you rest.
Look at the merry dance.
Our dolls will dance
Puppet dance
How our dolls dance: put out a sock
Look, look.
All socks pull together
One, two, three, one, two, three!

All you have to do is put your hand to your ear with this song
Hear, hear.
Our puppets start spinning
Dance, dance.

Our dolls are having fun "Lanterns"
And they sing and they sing.
And clap their hands very loudly
They beat together, they beat together.

Soldiers live together, have fun,
Cheerful songs all sing together.

The song "We are soldiers" (boys sing)

We continue our parade. And we meet future cosmonauts, future rocket scientists.
6 To control a rocket,
You have to be strong and courageous.
The weak are not taken into space:
After all, flying is hard work!
7 Cosmonaut - fly forward!
It will be our turn.
I'm still training
To take off under the clouds!
Fast rockets are waiting for us
To travel to planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one.
But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers.

Game "Take a seat in the rocket"
8-10 hoops - rockets, there are more children than rockets. To the music, the children walk in a circle. With the end of the melody, you need to take a place in the rocket. Next - 1-2 hoops are removed.

Well done to our future astronauts. Fast, active. But the main thing is that all future soldier soldiers must be very friendly.

Speech game "We must live together in the world"
- We need to live together in the world. Friendly?
- Friendly!
- Do adults and children need to know this?
- Need to!
- If a quarrel happens, is it bad?
“We need to make peace right now, right?
- Right!
And then, when we get older ourselves,
Our friendship will grow together with dreams!
What a wonderful parade we had: cavalrymen, pilots, astronauts, rocketmen performed. Let's arrange salutes for our soldiers, defenders.
The trumpets sing loudly
Our army...
All in unison: Salute!
Ships sail into space
Our army...
All in unison: Salute!
On the planet peace and labor,
Our army...
All in unison: Salute!

Children leave the hall to the music of the march.

Children run into the hall with balls in their hands and perform a dance.

Leading: Hello! Here we are gathered in our cozy hall, because today is a special day. We are celebrating celebration- Defender of the Fatherland Day! All of Russia rejoices today and congratulates our dads, grandfathers, brothers on this holiday. And we also congratulate our boys - the future defenders of their homeland. There they are, how smart, beautiful, happy they are today.


Red day of the calendar!

On this day of father and grandfather

Congratulations to the whole family!


Congratulations dad

WITH men's holiday!

In my youth, I know

Served in the army!


About the beloved army

Knows old and young.

And to her, invincible,

Today everyone is happy.

There are soldiers in the army

Tankers, sailors,

All the strong guys

They are not afraid of enemies!


At home outpost

Flying our Russian flag!

Cross the border

The enemy will not dare!


Look, we are pilots

Soldiers, sailors!

We have vending machines

We are not afraid of enemies!


I have an automatic

And the belt is shiny.

And now I'm like a soldier

The real one!

Leading: And now we will sing a song

A song is being performed: "We are soldiers" (music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

children sit on chairs.

Leading: Our future glorious warriors - pilots, sailors, border guards - will show how dexterous and brave they are. So listen riddle:

The plane flies like a bird.

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier...

Children: (in chorus): PILOT!

Leading: Let's sing a song "Airplane"

A song is being performed "Airplane"


And now another mystery.:

He does not serve on earth,

He serves on the ship.

He went out all the seas,

this is our brave ...

Children: (in chorus): SAILOR!

A dance is being performed: "Apple"


Now for the next riddle.:

At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries out his service in secret

On the path, on the shore

Blocks the path of the enemy.

It works great, it...

Children: (in chorus): BORDER GUARD!

Leading: Come on, border guards, who will take the flag faster!

The game is being played: "Who will take the flag faster?"

Leading: Every day in the army begins with drill. The orders of the senior in rank in the army are carried out implicitly. And now "Listen to my command!".

The game is being played "Listen to my command!"

Everyone marches to the music. When the music is interrupted, a command sounds ( "Step march", "Sit down!", "Jump!", "Clap!", "Stomp!", "Scream hooray!", "Sit on a chair).

presenter: Army exercises continue, and now we will play a game "Deliver the ammo!"

The game is being played "Deliver the ammo!" (two teams)

Gotta deliver the ammo (dice - grenades, balls - bombs.) to the firing points. A member of one team takes a cube - a grenade, a member of the other team takes a ball - a bomb located in a hoop on the start line, and runs with it to the finish line (basket). Then they quickly come back.

Leading: Guys, tell me which celebration did we celebrate today?

Yes it holiday dedicated"Defender of the Fatherland Day", it is dedicated to all men.

Leading. This is where our program comes to an end. And we will give all our guests a dance with flags.

Children perform "Dance with flags".

Related publications:

"We will serve in the army." Holiday script for February 23 in the middle group Host: Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Probably, there are defenders of the Fatherland in every family - these are grandfathers, and older brothers, and of course.

Antoshka goes to the Army. holiday script for February 23 in the middle - senior group. ANTOSHKA JOINS THE ARMY. Equipment: Two baskets, rag balls; two shawls (scarves); two telephones, arcs, cubes, skittles; rope. Operating.

Leading. Music sounds, sings, Calls us all to the parade. Soon the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided in our music room.

The script of the holiday on February 23 in the senior group"Baba Yaga escorts Leshachka's granddaughter to the army" (To the music, the girls enter the hall, with balls in their hands, stand on 2 sides of the hall). Girl 1 - Day.

Scenario of the holiday "February 23" in the senior group Under the "Hussar March" children enter the hall. 1. Marching (1 circle). 2. Greet, pass the circle (right hand on the temple, legs keep straight,.

Holiday script dedicated to February 23 in the younger group The scenario of the holiday in the younger group by February 23. To the music "Today is a special day ..." the children enter the hall. Leading. Music sounds.

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