Entertainment "A fun trip with a matryoshka" for children of an early age group. Synopsis of a complex developmental lesson with young children "matryoshka" Nod in an early age group funny nesting dolls

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Subject: Big and small. Matryoshkas

Demo material:

- a tape recorder with a recording of cheerful music;

- 2 trucks - large and small;

- several five-seat nesting dolls filled with various knick-knacks (key chains, beans, bottle caps, etc.);

- 4 houses cut out of cardboard (blue - large, green - smaller, yellow - even smaller, red - the smallest) with pasted white doors of different sizes and doors of the corresponding colors and sizes.


- wooden spoons;

- beautiful handkerchiefs;

- details of a plastic designer (blue and red), 2 buckets of the same colors can be used;

- plasticine balls of red or blue color, modeling board;

- nesting dolls cut out of red or blue cardboard.

Organizing time

Meet the children, say hello to each child. Notice what color they are wearing.

Physical education "Matryoshka"

Draw nesting dolls with the words of the poem.

We are funny nesting dolls,

Sweeties, sweeties. Children clap their hands.

We have boots on our feet. They bounce.

Sweeties, sweeties. They clap their hands.

In our colorful sundresses, Spinning in place.

almonds, almonds, They clap their hands.

We are like sisters They touch the head.

Sweeties, sweeties. They clap their hands.

Musical game on wooden spoons

Develops a sense of rhythm and hand motor skills.

Children stand in a circle. Give the children wooden spoons. Show how to knock with spoons. Knock loudly, then softly and stop knocking altogether. Again loudly, then softly and stop knocking completely. And so several times.

Musical game "Matryoshkas are dancing"

Promotes the development of physical activity.

Give the children beautiful handkerchiefs. Put on fun music and invite them to dance with headscarves. As soon as the music is turned off, the children freeze. Talk funny.


Dance and dance

Your legs are good.

Round dance "Matryoshka"

Helps to create a good mood, promotes the development of well-coordinated movements.

Start a round dance with words to the music with nesting dolls.

We walk, we walk in a round dance

Before all honest people.

sat down, They sit down.

got up, Get up.

They showed themselves. jumped, They jump.

stomped, They stomp.

We clapped our hands. Clap.

Didactic game "Matryoshka"

Teaches to open nesting dolls, compare them in size, line them up and put them into each other again.

Two trucks pull into the room. On a larger car there are large nesting dolls, on a small one - small nesting dolls.

Educator. Look who came to us - big and small nesting dolls. Big matryoshkas are carried by a big car. Let's drop them off.

Children help to neatly arrange nesting dolls on the table. Then small matryoshkas are unloaded. Invite the children to look inside the nesting dolls and see what they brought us. Children take nesting dolls, pour out the contents, study. Then the contents are again removed inside the nesting dolls and closed.

Performance "Matryoshka"

Staging develops emotionality, fosters interest in toys.

Show the children a short play. Play the situation as if the biggest nesting dolls are moms (take them away). They are looking for their daughters. Let the children help you find little nesting dolls and arrange them near their mothers. Leave only one family. Play with her. Mom takes her children for a walk - move them around the table one after another. Matryoshkas are dancing (dance with nesting dolls). They lead a round dance (spin nesting dolls around the table in a round dance), etc.

Physical education "Teach a nesting doll"

Develops arbitrary attention and the ability to imitate the words of a poem.

Give each child a small nesting doll. Invite the children to teach them different movements: let the nesting dolls bounce (the child holds the nesting doll in his hand, raises and lowers it), spin (the child spins the nesting doll in his hand), roll on the floor (rolls on the floor).

Didactic game "Big and small nesting dolls"

Teaches you to pay attention to the size of objects and understand the words "big - small".

Two cars come for nesting dolls. Children help you to seat nesting dolls. Big ones for a big truck, small ones for a small one. Matryoshkas go home.

Didactic game "Red - Blue"

Forms the ability to distinguish homogeneous objects by color (red and blue).

caregiver. Matryoshkas went home. Large nesting dolls live in blue houses, and small ones live in red ones. Let's find blue and red building blocks for them, and then build houses.

Give the children 2 buckets each (it is possible without buckets) and the details of the designer - blue and red. Offer to arrange in 2 piles (or 2 buckets) depending on the color.

Construction from a plastic constructor "Houses for nesting dolls"

Teaches how to build a wall-house on the model.

Children build houses (walls) for nesting dolls from two piles of blue and red constructor. When the houses are finished, nesting dolls reappear and the children settle them: big ones - in blue houses, small ones - in red houses.

Didactic game "Pick the doors to the houses"

Teaches to distinguish objects by size, to select details of a certain size.

Lay out 4 colorful cardboard houses in front of the children and invite them to choose the appropriate doors for each house. Then you can settle nesting dolls in these houses, depending on growth.

Sculpting "Decorate nesting doll"

The task teaches to act with plasticine, develops fine motor skills of the fingers.

Children are given blue or red nesting dolls and plasticine balls of the same colors. Children decorate nesting dolls with plasticine balls.

Read to the children the beginning of S. Marshak's poem.


Eight wooden dolls

Chubby and ruddy

In multi-colored sundresses

On the table we live -

Encourage parents to answer “I” or point to themselves when asked, “Who will drink milk?” (“I” or points to himself with a finger.)


Synopsis of directly open - educational activitiesfor young children 2-3 years old

Topic:"Matryoshka's Birthday"

Target: acquaintance of kids with folk crafts of the Russian people - a matryoshka toy.

OO: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development,

speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.


    To acquaint children with Russian folk craft (matryoshka toy.)

    Enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns (matryoshka, holiday, apron, gift, birthday, loaf); promote the use of learned words in independent speech. Continue to develop the ability to repeat simple phrases after the teacher.

    Develop fine motor skills.

    Fix color names.

    Cultivate accuracy, interest in working with plasticine.

    Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards toys, a desire to help them.

    To develop aesthetic perception, drawing the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding objects (matryoshka toys).

    To form interest in the lesson, to contribute to the emergence of a positive emotional response to works of art

(handicrafts - matryoshka)


    Surprise box.


    Blanks of cardboard nesting dolls according to the number of children.

    Plates with multi-colored peas made of plasticine.


    Craft basket.

Preliminary work:

    guessing a riddle about a matryoshka.

    examining matryoshka, playing with it.

    learning finger gymnastics "Cam",

    physical education minutes "We are funny nesting dolls",

    round dance game "Loaf".

    Sculpting lessons.

    Individual molding work.

Lesson progress:

The lesson takes place in a group room, which is divided into 2 parts. In part 1, along the edge of the carpet, chairs are arranged in a semicircle according to the number of children. At a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from the children's chairs there is a low table for demonstration material. The group is divided into 2 parts by a double-sided easel.

In the 2nd part of the group there are tables for children's productive activities. On the tables are laid out according to the number of children: napkins for modeling, plates with pre-prepared colored peas from plasticine. The teacher brings a surprise box to the group. In the box: a toy - nesting doll, a train with blanks of cardboard nesting dolls according to the number of children, a plate with colored plasticine peas, a napkin for modeling. The teacher enters, dressed in a matryoshka costume - a “live” nesting doll.


I was going to the guys

For a long, long time dressed up.

I look, our guys,

Everyone in the world became more beautiful.

I am a cheerful Matryoshka.

Everyone was bored at the window.

I don't want to be bored!

Can I dance with you?

Matryoshka: More than anything in the world, I love to dance a dance about nesting dolls.

Blow into pipes, beat into spoons,

Matryoshkas went to dance!

Children get up, approach the “live” Matryoshka, and dance “We are funny nesting dolls” with her.

We are funny nesting dolls, Children make a "spring"

almonds, almonds, Clap your hands

We have boots on our feet. Alternately put forward the foot on the heel

Sweeties, sweeties. Clap your hands

We tied scarves Tilt to the side of the head at

Sweeties, sweeties. Clap your hands

Our cheeks blushed. Stroke cheeks with palms

Sweeties, sweeties. Clap your hands

In our colorful sundresses, Hands holding the hem of the dress (put hands on belt)

Sweeties, sweeties. Clap your hands

We are like sisters Turn their faces to each othersmile

Sweeties, sweeties. They clap their hands.

Matryoshka: Yes, well done, children, I felt so much fun, so good!

I was going to visit you, and dressed up beautifully.

My sundress, bright, red.

The handkerchief is yellow.

Apron with beautiful patterns.

Its flowers are yellow and red.

Children are looking at the matryoshka outfit.

They pass, sit on chairs, Matryoshka sits down near the children,shows the box.)

Matryoshka: Guys, a beautiful toy was hidden in this box, and try to guess which one.

Growth different girlfriends

All are similar to each other.

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy.


After the children guess the riddle, I take out the nesting doll, open it, put all the nesting dolls in order on the table. I draw the attention of children to their coloring.

Matryoshka: On the head of the matryoshka is a red scarf. The matryoshka's sundress is long, decorated with red and yellow flowers. An apron is put on the sundress, it is also decorated with flowers.

I ask the children what color the patterns drawn on the nesting dolls are. I collect nesting dolls into one toy, accompanying the collection with a repetition of the riddle.

Matryoshka: Different girlfriends are tall, they all look alike (I run my hand from the smallest matryoshka to the largest.)

They all sit in each other (I put nesting dolls in one toy.)

And only one toy (I show the children the assembled nesting doll.)

Matryoshka: This nesting doll will now live in our group, and we will play with it. For now, let's put it on the shelf.

I put the nesting doll on the shelf with toys.

Matryoshka: I will give you a lot of new toys - little nesting dolls.

A train enters with cardboard blanks nesting dolls. Show them to the kids.

Matryoshka: My toys - nesting dolls are not so elegant.

Their aprons are white, they need to be decorated so that they become beautiful. Children, let's decorate the aprons of little nesting dolls? (children's answers)

Matryoshka: Children's hands are skillful, dexterous, show what our hands can do, they can make my toys beautiful

The teacher conducts finger gymnastics "Cam".

Finger gymnastics "Cam"

The fist is like a bun, we will squeeze it once.

Clenching, unclenching fists

Knock, knock - I'm knocking, I'm knocking a new house.

They put the cam on the cam, knock them against each other.

Saw, saw, drank faster, we are building a house for children. The edge of one palm is “sawed” along the edge of the other palm.

Matryoshka: And now it's time to get down to business.

The teacher is showing.

And we will decorate like this: with our left hand we hold a nesting doll, and with our right we take one pea each and attach it to the apron so that it becomes beautiful, elegant. When your peas run out, you need to wipe your hands with a napkin, and from toys, we will make a fun round dance.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables on the other side of the easel for productive activities. The teacher moves the finished sample to the easel from the side of the children.

The teacher places the children's work on an easel.

Matryoshka: What skillful hands our guys have, what painted aprons turned out. Now the new toys will be smart. I like your gift.

Matryoshka: I see that all the guys have tried! Matryoshka dolls turned out very beautiful. Thank you kids!

Matryoshka: My girlfriends have a birthday. Guys, let's bake for a loaf, get up all in a circle.

The teacher with the children lead a round dance "Loaf".

Matryoshka: Thank you, children, for the dance, for the gifts, for “baking” the loaf! I really liked your place, but it's time to go home, can I still come to you?

Children say goodbye to nesting dolls. Matryoshka leaves.

Summary of joint gaming activities with children in the first junior group (2-3 years old) “Matryoshka came to visit us”

Prepared by: Naumova Lyudmila Vladimirovna, teacher of the 1st qualification category, MDOU No. 133
Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory.

Material Description: I offer you a methodical development of gaming activities with young children (from 2 to 3 years old) to familiarize themselves with the rules of etiquette when communicating. The material will be interesting and useful for teachers working with young children and their parents.
Topic: "Matryoshka came to visit us"
Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development (music).
Target: To cultivate elementary skills of a culture of behavior (the ability to say hello, thank you, say goodbye).
Tasks: 1.
1. To form the ability to greet and say goodbye, to use the words “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you” and “please” when communicating with others.
2. Promote the development of communication skills.
3. Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards game characters (matryoshka).
4. Develop interest in movements to music.
Methods and techniques: a surprise moment, looking at a toy, a question, a musical game "Matryoshka" (with handkerchiefs).
Materials and equipment: Matryoshka doll, colored handkerchiefs according to the number of children.
Game progress
The teacher brings a matryoshka to the group.
From afar, from afar
Matryoshka came to visit us.
She was going to the guys
Dressed up for a very long time.
Matryoshka: Hello guys.
Educator: Kids, say hello to the nesting doll, say "Hello" to her. (Sasha, say "Hello Matryoshka", Lisa say "Hello Matryoshka").
Children: Hello, matryoshka.
Educator: Kids, look, what nesting doll?
Children: Cheerful, ruddy, smart, beautiful, big (if children find it difficult, help with leading questions).
The teacher summarizes the answers of the children.
Educator: Matryoshka is ruddy, beautiful, elegant. And what did she dress up in, what did she wear (children list: blouse, sundress; specify the color of the clothes). What is in her hand? Do you have handkerchiefs? (Answers of children).
Educator: The kids also have handkerchiefs. Why do we need them? What do we do with them? (Answers of children).
Educator: Yes, the children have a handkerchief, we wipe their nose and mouth with it so that they are clean. And the matryoshka has an elegant, lace handkerchief, you can dance with it.
Educator: Kids, look what this nesting doll brought us in a basket. Yes, these are handkerchiefs! What handkerchiefs? (beautiful, bright, multi-colored - the answers of the children).
Educator: Let's ask the matryoshka to give us handkerchiefs, say "give me, please." Katya ask the nesting doll "give me, please." Andrey ask the matryoshka "give me, please."
Matryoshka distributes handkerchiefs to children. The teacher reminds the children to say “thank you” to the matryoshka.
We'll take the corners
Our bright scarves
And then, then, then
Let's dance together with them!

The musical game "Matryoshka" (with handkerchiefs) is held.

We are around matryoshka
We stood up in a round dance,
Bright handkerchiefs
Raised high.
It's babies dancing, babies.

It's babies dancing, babies.

We are around matryoshka
Have fun walking
Have fun walking
They walked with their feet.

Chorus: You matryoshka look, look
It's babies dancing, babies.
You matryoshka look, look
It's babies dancing, babies.

And now with matryoshka
Let's play hide and seek
Guess matryoshka,
Where are all the guys?
Chorus: You matryoshka look, look
It's babies dancing, babies.
You matryoshka look, look
It's babies dancing, babies.

And now with matryoshka
It's time for us to say goodbye
It's time for us to say goodbye
Bow low.
Chorus: You matryoshka look, look
It's babies dancing, babies.
You matryoshka look, look
It's babies dancing, babies.

Educator: Well done boys. Matryoshka really liked the way you danced (Children and the teacher clap their hands). Look guys, the nesting doll is waving a handkerchief to us - saying goodbye to us. Let's collect handkerchiefs:
We'll take the corners
Our bright scarves
Let's all go to the matryoshka
And I'll take the handkerchief.
The teacher praises the children (well done neatly folded handkerchiefs).
Matryoshka: Well, it's time for me
Goodbye kids.
Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to the nesting doll: "Goodbye nesting doll" (asks several children to repeat "Goodbye").
Matryoshka says goodbye to the children and leaves.


for kids II early age groups

"Hello, beautiful matryoshka"

Target: Strengthening in children the ability to determine the size of nesting dolls: high, low. Primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Education of friendly relations, the ability to play with each other next to each other, navigate in space.

Material: voluminous nesting dolls, handkerchiefs, a nesting doll costume, a beautiful bag.

Stages of gaming activity:

Educator: Clap your hands loudly - Matryoshka is coming to visit us! Surprise moment: Matryoshka comes in - Hello!

I am ruddy, very fine.

Cheeks are red, eyes are clear.

The adult knows, the baby knows

What is my name ... matryoshka

I did not come to you alone, but brought my girlfriend a matryoshka doll.

See what she is? (beautiful, elegant).

(give children the opportunity to admire the nesting doll, examine her face, eyes, cheeks, clothes, etc.).

(Shows a nesting doll, examines with children).

- Tell me, what kind of eyes do nesting dolls have? (round, black, funny, kind, mischievous). What color is the handkerchief? (red) And what a beautiful sarafan! There is a big flower on it. Show me, Katya, a big flower.

Guys, do you like matryoshka?

And, we guys brought handkerchiefs to you and we want to dance with you.

Here are different handkerchiefs

- Yellow and red

Blue and blue

Look what!

Distributes to children.

You can play with them

You can dance with them.

Slowly spin around

In a word, make friends!

(Game-dance with handkerchiefs)

¾ Guys, we liked to dance with you.

¾ Guys, look how beautiful your handkerchiefs are!

¾ And what color is Danila's handkerchief? Zakhar? Julia? (children's answers)

(Matryoshka invites children to the table)

I have a surprise for you. (The teacher takes out a chest, opens it, there are nesting dolls, for each child).

Growth different girlfriends

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy

In front of each child there is a 3-seater nesting doll, the teacher took them out of a beautiful bag .

Guys, let's open nesting dolls!

Matryoshka, matryoshka, open up a little!

¾ Show which matryoshka is big?

¾ Show me a smaller nesting doll.

¾ Show the smallest matryoshka.

¾ But the trouble is that nested dolls cannot find their house. Let's help the matryoshka find a house? (Children do).

The teacher specifies:

¾ First, let's put, what kind of nesting doll? (large).

¾ Then smaller, and then - small.

¾ Well done guys settled nesting dolls in their house.

¾ Guys, do you like to ride a carousel? (answers aunts)

Now we will ride on the carousels. In order for them to go, we need to help them, to speak words. Hold on, let's have fun.

(mobile game "Carousel").

Barely - barely, barely - barely spun roundabouts.

And then run, run, all around, around, around.

Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two, the game is over.

(Repeat two times).

Matryoshka: Children, did you enjoy riding the carousel?

Children. Yes.

Matryoshka: How glad I am, how glad I am

that I came to visit you

you were playing, having fun

And they marveled at the matryoshka

And now my friends

It's time for me to feed you.

Here gifts are not simple,

Such colorful ones.

(Matryoshka treats the children with gifts)

I tried today

Please guys

It's just my time, baby

Sorry to leave.

Matryoshka says goodbye, leaves!

By fine arts activities

Synopsis of GCD in the early age group
"On a visit to the Russian matryoshka"

Petrovicheva I.S., educator II qualification category MDOU d / s No. 12, Shchekino

Target: introduce children to the most famous Russian toy - matryoshka; arouse interest in drawing with various techniques.



  1. To intensify interest in Russian arts and crafts.
  2. Teach children to listen to an adult and answer questions.
  3. Strengthen the ability to work with various drawing techniques.
  4. Practice in the technique of drawing with gouache paints: combine different shapes and lines, choose your own color scheme.
  5. Fix colors.


  1. Activate the speech of children.
  2. Develop attention and memory.
  3. Develop fine motor skills.
  4. Develop creativity and aesthetic sense.


  1. Cultivate kindness towards each other.
  2. Develop children's social skills.

In the course of activities, the listed tasks are implemented in the following educational areas.

1. "Artistic creativity":

Development of productive activities of children (Painting).

The development of children's creativity.

2. "Communication":

Development of free communication with adults and children.

The development of all components of children's oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities.

3. "Socialization":

Introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.

4. "Knowledge":

Formation of sensory representations.

Expanding the horizons of children.

5. "Health":

Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Equipment: doll - matryoshka, tinted patterns of nesting dolls for drawing, cotton swabs, gouache paints (blue, yellow, red, green), demonstration samples to explain the creative task, Mittens Theater dolls, wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

  1. Examining nesting dolls, comparing their differences in colors.
  2. Drawing using didactic exercises with artistic content.
  3. Examination of illustrations in books: Solovieva L. "Russian Matryoshka" 1997, Novikov E. "Semyonov's souvenir."

Course progress.

Children enter the group where they are met by a matryoshka (tutor).

Matryoshka: Hello guys. You recognized me?

I am Matryoshka - painted,

Yes, what a fun one.

Waiting for you to visit

And the sun called.

The sun shines brighter and my outfit becomes brighter (circling). I invite you to visit me (in a circle).

finger game "And the sun is clear".

And the sun is clear (arms to the sides, palms)

It's hot, it's hot.

And gold everywhere (hands up, down, flashlights)

Rough, rough.

Streams on the street (goes for a nesting doll, stomp in a circle)

All murmur, all murmur.

The cranes are chirping (waved their arms, running on toes in a circle)

And they fly and they fly.

Matryoshka: So the guys came to my house. And here my girlfriends are mischievous, nesting dolls are painted.

The teacher brings the children to the table, where there are various nesting dolls.

Educator: Look how many nesting dolls! What are they?

Children: Big, small, beautiful, bright.

Educator: Which matryoshka do you like the most? Let's take a closer look at it.

The teacher asks the children leading questions, prompting them to answer. (matryoshka size, color, outfit).

Matryoshka: Did you like my nesting dolls?

Children: Yes!

Matryoshka: Would you like to have such friends?

Children: Yes.

Matryoshka: But here's the problem! I have nesting dolls for you, but they are without a bright outfit, help me decorate them. Come to my workshop and dress up a nesting doll (the teacher shows the children how to choose colors for a scarf and sundress, painting techniques and decorating clothes).

Children sit down at the tables and begin to draw decorations on clothes on tinted matryoshka templates with cotton swabs.

Educator: Well done, what wonderful nesting dolls you have turned out. While they are drying, we will play with you. Come up to me, get in the circle and have fun with my girlfriends.

Low mobility game with help Mittens Theatre, Matryoshkas.

1. They put a matryoshka doll on their hand (flashlights),

The children's hands twirled quickly.

Like this, like this.

2. Little crumbs (circling, stomping).

Like this, like this.

Russian nesting dolls.

3. A cute matryoshka greets all guests

And tilts his head down.

Like this, like this (circling, bowing)

4. We hid a cute nesting doll behind our backs.

The crumbs will play hide and seek with us.

Like this, like this (hide behind back).

5. A cute nesting doll closes its eyes.

Little crumbs fall asleep quickly.

Bye, bye, bye, bye, crumbs fall asleep.

Bye, bye, bye, bye. Russian nesting dolls are sleeping.

Educator: Children, our nesting dolls fell asleep, let's not disturb them. Your drawings are already dry, and I suggest you make an exhibition of them.

The teacher fixes children's work on the board.

Educator: Look what beautiful matryoshka dolls you have turned out. And now I invite you to tea!

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