Is the parent obligated? Should parents attend parent-teacher conferences at school? How is this issue regulated at the legislative level?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Another thing is surprising: our state does not dare to force parents to worry about their own children. And in other countries they do exactly the opposite - they oblige parents to pay alimony until the age of 21, or for the entire time the child is studying. They believe that the desire to learn should be encouraged, and it is the parents who are obliged to pay for the education of their offspring. Our deputies, apparently, argue like this: if parents have money, they will not be stingy anyway, they will allocate funds for study. And if there is no money, then force it - don’t force it, and there is nothing to pay alimony. Maybe this is true. In fact, practice shows that in Russia, parents, having 18-year-old children, for the most part do not leave them to their fate and help them get a profession. But perhaps not all and not always. The law of the Russian Federation remains on the sidelines and does not oblige them to worry about the education of their own children. At least for now.

Do parents have to provide for children over 18?

Maintenance obligations in this case can be removed from the parents only if the student or student enters into a legal marriage and creates his own family. It should also be noted that Russian legislation in many cases provides for various forms of financial support to families for an adult student or full-time student until they reach 23 or even 24 years of age (for example, a standard tax deduction for children, a survivor's pension, etc.). ).

Why this rule still does not apply to the payment of alimony is not entirely obvious. Taking into account the above circumstances, on September 7, 2015, a bill 876581-6 was registered in the State Duma, which provides for additions and amendments to the Family Code in terms of strengthening the child's guarantees for receiving maintenance payments from their parents until the end of full-time education.

Alimony after 18 years


This option is possible only if the child had the status of a disabled person before reaching the age of majority and after reaching this age confirmed the existence of grounds for registering a disability. In this case, it is enough to prove the disability of the child and the need to care for him.

Often, these children are cared for by their parents, and therefore the second parent will need to pay maintenance for him as well. Parents of children with disabilities of the first group have the right to such allowance.
The second category of such citizens are those children who are engaged in full-time education. But here it is necessary to prove several features - the impossibility of employment and the need for these funds.

Is alimony for a child after 18 if he is studying? legal advice

In these cases, the same rules apply to students as to minor children, but there is an obvious gap in the alimony legislation in this area. For convenience and quick orientation in the laws, you can use the table: Question Law Article Obligation to pay alimony up to 18 years of the RF IC Art.
80 Alimony for adult disabled children of the RF IC art. 85 Acquisition of legal capacity of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 2, art. 21, paragraph 1 of Art. 27 Form of claim Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Art. 131 State duty of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, Clause 14, Art. 333.19, part 2, paragraph 1, art. 333.36 Liability in case of refusal to pay maintenance obligations of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Art. 157 Several years ago, the State Duma registered a draft law providing for inclusion in the Family Code in terms of providing children with guarantees of parental assistance until graduation (Draft Law No. 876581-6).

Alimony after 18 if the child is studying


If he is a student

  • 3.2 2. If he is a student
  • 4 Does the country need an educated population?
  • 5 Attempts to introduce child support after 18 for students
  • 5.1 Author of the publication
  • 5.2 Vladimir Nikolaevich Malkin

The age of the child exempts the father from alimony The law does not oblige parents to support their adult children. Exemption from alimony may occur before the age of majority:

  • when the child is officially married before the age of 18;
  • in the event that he has personal income from work under a contract, or, for example, from his own entrepreneurship.

Despite the fact that the parents of an 18-year-old child are no longer required to pay child support, no one forbids them from providing financial assistance to him further.

Conscious fathers continue to do this even after 18.

Is it possible to collect child support after 18 years in 2018

The parent will only be able to obtain a court order for enforcement and submit it to the employer. When to apply to the court The judicial procedure for the recovery of maintenance payments is applied in the event that a settlement agreement has not been concluded between the parents.
This design option will be cheaper - since you do not need to pay a notary for registration of the agreement. In this case, there are a number of nuances:

  • payments are formed based on the minimum indicators - if the parent wants to pay more, this will not be taken into account and the payment will be made separately from the main one;
  • payment schedule is set monthly;
  • placement in a fixed amount or based on a change in the size of a person's salary is possible.

List of required documents

  1. Child ID.

Paying child support after age 18 if the child is studying at a university, school or college


Alimony payments may relate to different categories of citizens. They are accrued to both children and parents, wives. But every decision on recovery has an expiration date.

Therefore, you need to know whether it is possible to collect alimony after 18 years in 2018. After all, you need to take into account certain features of the procedure and deadlines for registration. Important aspects Alimony is collected for minor children - to ensure their existence. This is an important element of the maintenance of any child whose parents live together or separately. The law allows you to collect funds even if you live in the same territory and are legally married. But there are restrictions in terms of age for receiving payments. Because parents provide for children only until they reach the age of 18. In the future, you need to have substantial grounds for receiving funds for alimony.

Do I have to pay child support after the age of 18 if the child is studying?

At the same time, not only the financial situation of the parents is taken into account, but the amount of expenses necessary for the maintenance of the child. The payment of alimony is made in the order of deduction, indicated by the judge, from the income of the parent, to which the legislator refers.

Parent meetings are an integral part of the school life of parents and teachers. The school regularly organizes meetings for teachers and parents, during which many serious issues are resolved. Organization of excursions, extra-curricular activities, general recommendations for mastering educational material, catering for students - these and many other issues are discussed at the parent meeting together with parents. The need for such meetings is obvious. However, parents quite often have the question of whether they should attend parent-teacher meetings at school? Many moms and dads think they know everything about their child, so there is no need to waste time going to meetings. Parents should remember that the child's words about academic performance, relationships with teachers and peers may not always be objective. In order to be reliably informed about the life of your child in an educational institution, it is necessary to systematically attend parent meetings and be in contact with the class teacher.

It happens that class teachers require the obligatory presence of parents at the meeting. To what extent this is legally justified, we will consider from the point of view of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

Art. 44 of the Law assigns rights and obligations to the parents of students.

In particular, parents have the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the content of education, the methods of education and upbringing used, educational technologies, as well as with the assessment of the child's progress (clause 4, part 3, article 44 of the Law).

This right of parents is fully realized through familiarization with the information at the parent meeting. This is especially true when moving from one level of education to another. Parents of first-graders, for example, it is important to get acquainted with teachers, information about the training program, the requirements of the teacher, etc. is always interesting.

2. Receive information about all types of planned examinations of the student and give consent to conduct such an examination (clause 5, part 3, article 44 of the Law).

To date, many monitorings are being carried out that reveal the level of readiness of children for school, the attitude of children to the educational process, the level of formation of certain competencies, etc.

3. Take part in the management of the organization (clause 6, part 3, article 44 of the Law).

Based on the results of each meeting, the results are summed up and those decisions are made that are made by the entire team of parents present. Such decisions often concern the management of an educational organization.

On the one hand, parents should participate in the process of raising and educating children. On the other hand, the Law does not provide for attending parent meetings as a duty of parents. Parent meetings, open days, open lessons for parents are a form of exercising the rights of parents to participate in the management of an educational institution, to receive information about the educational process.

If for some reason you cannot attend the parent meeting, inform the teacher and arrange a meeting at another time. If parents are unable to attend meetings, they can obtain the necessary information by attending individual consultations. Each teacher has scheduled hours during working hours for individual conversations with parents. During such individual meetings, issues that relate directly to the child's school life, his education and behavior are discussed.

When coming to school, parents must remember that they are obliged to comply with the internal regulations of the educational institution, respect the honor and dignity of the employees of the educational organization (part 4 of article 44 of the Law).

If parents do not systematically attend parent meetings, are not interested in the school life of their child, then this situation should alert the teacher. In this case, the teacher reports such a situation to the competent authorities.

Can grandparents attend parent meetings?

It often happens that parents, due to being busy at work, cannot attend the meeting in person. Grandparents are often active participants in the upbringing and care of children. There are no legal grounds to refuse grandparents to be present at the parent meeting. However, signatures on documents, certificates, questionnaires that are filled out during the meeting must be certified by the parents. It is the parents who are the official representatives of the child, only they have the right to resolve certain issues that arise in the process of discussion with the parents and the teacher. If parents warn the class teacher that a grandparent will come to the meeting instead of them, then this is quite possible.

Many issues, conflict situations can be resolved thanks to the explanations of the teacher at the meeting. If the meeting was organized professionally and competently, then parents will not have questions about the need for such a form of interaction between a teacher and a parent at school. It is worth remembering to respect the ethics of communication. The result of joint work at the meeting can be the confidence of parents that they can turn to their teacher in resolving any issues.

Are parents required to do homework with their children?

Are parents required to do homework with their children? This question is asked by many parents whose children attend school.

Parents are required to ensure that homework is completed by students, as it is assessed and affects the student's assessment. Failure to fulfill this duty can lead to negative consequences for parents, and here's why.

Let's try to look at this issue from the side of the law.

Legal regulations

Article 43 of the Russian Constitution establishes that basic general education is compulsory. Parents or persons replacing them ensure that children receive basic general education (clause 4 of the article).

The Family Code of the Russian Federation specifies the above provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Part 2 of Art. 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation of parents to ensure that their children receive a general education. Parents have the right to choose an educational organization, form of education and training, taking into account the views of children.

According to the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive a general education.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains article No. 5.35, where failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations for the education of minors entails punishment - a warning or a fine.

From this we can conclude that the failure of parents to fulfill the obligation to educate children violates the rights of the child guaranteed by law, which is punishable.

So are parents obligated to do homework with their children?

But, in order to answer the question of whether it is the responsibility of the parent to do homework with the child, it is necessary to understand the following.

Does a parent violate the child's right to education by refusing to do homework with the child?

The actions of parents aimed at:

  • free access to school
  • providing the child with material and technical supplies
  • solving other issues that impede education

At the same time, it is intentional actions that impede learning that will be a violation of a child's education.

Time for homework

There is an order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1015 regarding the procedure for educational activities. The document establishes the volume of homework assignments - their completion should not exceed in time (in astronomical hours):

  • in grades 2 - 3 - 1.5 hours,
  • 4th - 5th grades - 2 hours,
  • 6th - 8th grades - 2.5 hours,
  • in grades 9-11 - up to 3.5 hours.

School subjects that require a lot of time to complete homework should not be grouped on the same day. This order is mandatory for organizations engaged in educational activities.

By the way, according to this order, in the first grade, education is conducted without grades. Homework assignments can only be assigned to students from the second grade.

Progress control

The development of the general education program is accompanied by ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students. The form, frequency and procedure for conducting control are determined by the educational organization independently.

final examination

We can draw the following conclusion. It is the indicators of the final assessment that demonstrate whether the child masters the general education program. In turn, the final assessment determines whether the child will be transferred to the next grade.

It is no secret that the results of the final certification take into account the marks that the student receives in the course of the educational process. Well, since homework is also evaluated, its failure to complete it can lead to a situation where the student may not be certified.

Lack of attestation, in turn, can lead to leaving "for the second year", the issuance of a certificate of study, which is not a certificate. The certificate may indicate the provision of secondary education for children.

At the same time, special rules have been established for persons with learning disabilities.


Thus, we are talking about the duty of parents to ensure that their children receive a general education, which includes the completion of “homework”.

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