Consultation for parents "Developing the cognitive abilities of children", educator IV Chetverova Cognitive development of preschoolers

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Consultation for parents
"We develop the cognitive abilities of children"
Educator: Chetverova I.V.

Recently, much attention has been paid in the education system to the development of the cognitive abilities of preschoolers. The success of his education at school and the formation of his personality as a whole depend on how well the child's cognitive abilities are developed. It is important for a child not only to master the skills of counting, writing, reading, but also the ability to analyze, compare, solve the problem posed, and transform objects.
Cognitive abilities mean such qualities and personality traits on which the successful mastery of any kind of activity depends.
Abilities provide the child with knowledge of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, they are closely related to cognitive processes and are reflected in cognitive interests.
When choosing games and exercises for the development of cognitive abilities, it is important to remember that the child should be interested. For this purpose, surprise moments are well suited (a black box with an object for research inside, which needs to be guessed; a diagram of a room where pirates' treasures are hidden and they need to be found; an unusual thing that needs to be used; a letter sent with a request to help a fairytale hero). If your baby takes the initiative himself, asks questions, is interested in something new, praise him, tell him that he is very attentive, curious, that he has grown up, and therefore can become a real researcher.
Non-standard tasks will help to activate cognitive activity. They make children want to get involved in an active search for a solution to the problem. For example, name as many different ways of using an object well known to children (books, candles) as possible.
Use questions that encourage children to compare, to establish similarities and differences: "What do all objects have in common?" "How do you think they differ?" , "What can be made of paper (iron)."
The children's thinking is activated by questions that encourage them to look for the answer in an imaginary plan: "What will happen if all objects come to life?", "What could the machine say if it came to life?" "Can a tram float on water?" Asks to think about how people's lives would change if cars disappeared? Lost electricity? Consider with your child how the damaged item can be used. For example, a teapot with a broken spout can be used as a flower vase or for storing tangles.
Educational games help children develop mental processes that are so necessary for the development of a child's cognitive activity. Use games to develop memory, attention, thinking:
- "What subject is missing" (Put 5-6 objects in front of the child for 1 minute, then ask the child to turn away and remove one object. Question to the child: "What object is missing?"
-Game "Attention" (In this game, show a figure, a clear outline or a conventional sign for a few seconds, and then hide it. The child must draw it).
- "Guess what object is hidden" (The child should describe the subject and its characteristics without naming it).
"Do you know what the item is for?"
- "Name a couple" ( the child must name the subject the progenitor of the modern representative. For example, a vacuum cleaner - a broomstick, an electric kettle - a samovar, etc.).
- "Find a pair" ( find an object with the same method of action or with the same purpose: abacus-calculator)
Labyrinths, puzzles, magic squares, games with matches - aimed at developing the ability to plan a sequence of actions will be of interest to you and your child.
These guidelines, when used systematically, will help your children develop their cognitive abilities and prepare them for school.

Life in all its manifestations is becoming more and more diverse and complex; the further, the more it requires from a person not routine, habitual actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, a creative approach to solving large and small problems. The state, school, preschool institution and parents are faced with a task of extreme importance: to ensure that every child grows up not only as a conscientious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also - necessarily! - proactive, thinking, capable of a creative approach to any business. This is exactly what is indicated in the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. An active life position can have a foundation if a person thinks creatively, if he sees an opportunity for improvement. The path of becoming a creative personality is difficult, difficult. But these great difficulties can also give great joys, and the joys of a higher human order - the joy of overcoming, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity.

Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives high-quality results, if at the same time the person has strong motives, bright, deep, causing a desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, to overcome life difficulties, unfavorable conditions, circumstances, to persistently move towards the intended goal. One of these activities is experimentation. In the works of many domestic teachers it is said that "children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development," and they highlight the main feature of this cognitive activity: the child learns the object in the course of practical activity with him, the practical actions carried out by the child perform cognitive, orientational research function, creating conditions in which the content of the given object is revealed. Experiential - experimental activity allows you to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education, develops observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develops the desire to understand the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, create a creative personality. A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand." Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does it himself. It is on this that the active introduction of children's experimental and experimental activities into the practice of our group is based. In the process of organizing experimental activities, it was assumed that the following tasks should be solved:

v creation of conditions for the formation of the main integral worldview of a senior preschool child by means of a physical experiment.

v development of observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, the development of the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, the establishment of a cause-and-effect relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.

v development of attention, visual, auditory sensitivity.

v creation of prerequisites for the formation of practical and mental actions.

We divided the experimental activities in the following areas:

v wildlife: the characteristic features of the seasons of different natural and climatic zones, the variety of living organisms and their adaptability to the environment.

v inanimate nature: air, soil, water, magnets, sound, light.

v man: the functioning of the body, the man-made world, materials and their properties.

The structure of children's experimentation:

Statement of the problem that needs to be resolved;

Goal setting (what needs to be done to solve the problem);

Putting forward hypotheses (searching for possible solutions);

Hypothesis testing (data collection, implementation in actions);

Analysis of the obtained result (confirmed - not confirmed);

Formulation of conclusions.

To implement the entire volume of work, we have created a subject-developing environment that provides an opportunity for conducting experiments, observations, experiments by all pupils of the group. To develop the cognitive activity of children and maintain interest in experimental activities, in addition to traditional corners of nature in the group, we have equipped and constantly equipped with a children's environmental laboratory, where various materials for research are presented:

v helper devices: magnifiers, scales, hourglass, compass, magnets;

v various vessels made of various materials (plastic, glass, metal, ceramics);

v natural material: pebbles, clay, sand, shells, cones, feathers, moss, leaves, etc.;

v recycled material: wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabric, plastic, cork, etc .;

v technical materials: nuts, paper clips, bolts, nails, etc.;

v different types of paper: plain, cardboard, emery, copy paper, etc .;

v dyes: food and non-food (gouache, watercolors, etc.);

v medical supplies: pipettes, flasks, wooden sticks, syringes (without needles), measuring spoons, rubber pears, etc.;

v other materials: mirrors, balloons, oil, flour, salt, sugar, colored and transparent glasses, a sieve, etc.

When equipping the experimenting corner, the following requirements were taken into account:

v safety for the life and health of children;

v sufficiency;

v location availability

The material for conducting experiments in the Experiment Corner changes in accordance with the work plan. Parents provided great help in equipping the environmental laboratory. Based on the results of the survey, this work interested them, which allowed us to bring our positions in the development of children closer together. Fixing the results of experiments and observations. Children record the observed phenomena so that they are better imprinted in memory and can be reproduced at the right time. During observation, the visual memory is mainly functioning. When fixing the observed phenomena, other types of memory are also involved - motor, auditory, olfactory, tactile. Recording what you see, you need to analyze the phenomenon, highlight the main thing in order to reflect it in your diaries.

Classification of fixation methods:

v Weather calendar.

v Nature calendar.

v Observation diary.

v Compilation of an oral story about the object (phenomenon) in question.

v Comparison with objects already known to children.

v Study of reciprocal processes.

v Inclusion in role-playing games.

v Pictures, photographs, schematic sketches.

v 3D pictures or toys.

v Individual letters and words.

v Natural objects.

v Dials.

v Sound recordings.

v Drawing an object.

v Sketching.

v Use of conventional symbols.

v Outline objects.

v Schematic plans.

v Counting the number of objects.

v Forecast pictures.

v Taking photographs.

In the process of experimentation, children form not only intellectual impressions, but also develop the ability to work in a team and independently, to defend their own point of view, to prove its correctness, to determine the reasons for the failure of experimental activities, to draw elementary conclusions. Integration of research work with other types of children's activities: observations during a walk, reading, playing allows you to create conditions for consolidating ideas about natural phenomena, the properties of materials, substances. For example, when acquainting children with such a natural phenomenon as the wind, the reasons for its occurrence, the role in human life, the following methodological techniques were used:

v observing the movement of clouds while walking; experiment "What is the strength of the wind?" "Where does the wind blow from?"

v to consolidate ideas about the movement of warm and cold air, the game "Different wind" (cold, warm);

v reading and discussing an excerpt from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" solving environmental problems, etc.

It is known that no educational or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family and complete mutual understanding between parents and the teacher. In individual conversations, consultations, at parent-teacher meetings, through various types of visual agitation, we convince parents of the need for daily attention to children's joys and griefs, encouraging the child's desire to learn new things, independently find out the incomprehensible, and delve into the essence of objects and phenomena.

We have developed advice for parents "How to help a little researcher", a card index of elementary experiments and experiments that can be done at home. For example, Colored Ice (ice can be seen not only in winter, but at any other time of the year, if the water is frozen in the refrigerator), Colored Water, Salute in Milk. At the parent meeting, games were proposed that used the results of experimentation, such as "Secret Report" (write a letter with milk on white paper and hold it over steam or iron it; write it with lemon juice, showing a few drops of iodine).

Our children grow up very quickly, but they will be able to live independently and fruitfully if we help them develop their abilities and talents today. Let's awaken interest in ourselves, in the world around us. And as V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return to what he has learned again and again." Only through action will the child be able to cognize the diversity of the world around him and determine his own place in it.

The modern social situation does not always contribute to meeting the needs of preschoolers for emotional experiences, enriching them with vivid impressions, unique images of the world around them. Many family traditions have been lost, giving the child an emotional life filled with deep spiritual meaning. Programs with computer learning are gaining more and more importance, the enthusiasm for which is reduced by live human communication and the emotional and sensory cognition of the environment that is so necessary for a preschooler.

Taking into account the child's emotional interest in the perception of a fairy tale as a specific activity for a given age. In turn, this interest stimulates the child's emotional inclusion in the fairy tale and becomes the basis for identification with its heroes. Thus, a fairy tale becomes a means that allows a child to appropriate norms, meanings, values, behavior patterns in various difficult situations. The identification of the child with the heroes of the fairy tale also helps to understand that others have the same problems and experiences as he does. It is important that the child identifies himself with positive heroes, since their position in a fairy tale, as a rule, is presented more vividly, emotionally. The perception of a fairy tale has a strong impact on the emotional development of children. The process of familiarization with a fairy tale creates real psychological conditions for the formation of a child's social adaptation. At all times, the fairy tale contributed to the development of positive interpersonal relationships, social skills and behavioral skills, as well as the moral qualities of the child's personality, which determine his inner world. At the same time, the fairy tale remains one of the most affordable means for the development of a child, which has been used by both teachers and parents at all times.

A fairy tale is an unsurpassed creation created by folk wisdom. It contains inexhaustible fantasy and wisdom, the foundations of morality and spirituality, ethics, humanism, and tolerance. The power of a fairy tale is to teach a beginner to believe in a miracle, kindness, justice, intelligence. In a fascinating, at the same time in an accessible form, show the child the surrounding life, people, their actions, destinies. It gives an opportunity to "try on" other people's fates and experiences. The perception of a fairy tale, the experience of its moral lesson is a condition for the formation of a harmonious personality of the child and, at the same time, it can act as a tool for influencing the emotional sphere of the child, his imagination.

Fairy tale! How many good memories each of us has associated with her! We all know with what interest a child looks at pictures in a book, listens to an adult. Fairy-tale images are emotionally rich, colorful and unusual and at the same time simple and accessible for children's understanding, believable and realistic.

Tasks that a fairy tale can solve:

─ increasing mental and emotional activity;

─ removal of physical and mental tension;

─ improving speech skills;

─ development of mental processes and creative abilities.

Reading fairy tales to children, I supplement them with elements of my own composition, thereby forming imaginative thinking in children, expanding their understanding of the environment. Gradually, the child becomes involved in the process: first, he examines the pictures, then names the characters with onomatopoeia, says the end of a familiar phrase, and finally retells the tale. Later, he is already able to compare several fairy tales, to characterize the characters, to notice changes in the storyline.

Basic methodological techniques.

Joint storytelling. The teacher pronounces the text and intonationally highlights onomatopoeia, which the child must repeat when retelling the fairy tale together.

Dramatization of a fairy tale... During the reading campaign by the teacher, the child should put on the table the figures (pictures) of those characters that are mentioned in the fairy tale, and then with their help play the plot. Dramatization allows the child to psychologically get closer to the hero of the fairy tale, to experience his victories and defeats, happiness and misfortune. This alone pushes the boundaries of the life experience of the preschooler, enriches it.

Articulatory gymnastics. It is carried out with the use of certain qualities of fairy-tale characters. Each character is ascribed a certain movement of the organs taking part in articulation, which clearly characterizes him.

Drawing a fairy tale. Children's drawings made after listening to a fairy tale contain a lot of information. Carefully peering into a child's drawing, analyzing its content, the nature of its image, means of expressiveness, adults can find out which of the heroes evoked an emotional response in the child, he liked it. The more intense the emotional impact that a fairy tale has on children, the more varied their drawings.

Skillful playing of fairy tales allows you to create a joyful mood, establish emotional contact with children, activate verbal communication, organize an unobtrusive educational impact, effectively replenish the stock of knowledge and information about the environment.

Close, well-established contact with the parents is an important aspect. For this, a questionnaire survey of parents is carried out ("Does your child have favorite fairy tales?", "Favorite fairy tale character", "Do you read fairy tales to your child? Which ones?" , “Magic book of fairy tales.” Through playing, reading fairy tales, children express themselves most fully, approaching the world of adults, open their inner world.

Thus, in a fairy tale and through the perception of the fairy world, it is possible to create the necessary conditions for the development of the emotional sphere of the preschooler, coherent speech, and enrich his imagination.

The lessons made it possible to ensure the social adaptation of preschoolers by introducing them into the cultural tradition of folk and author's fairy tales, introducing children to musical and pictorial works based on fairy tales. Also, children's ideas about the world around them were expanded by introducing them into literary and musical culture, which significantly contributed to the emotional development of children, the development of children's speech, the enrichment of the vocabulary, the development of the imaginative structure and skills of coherent speech.



Consultation for parents

"Development of cognitive activity of preschoolers"

Cognitive activity- This is a conscious activity aimed at cognizing the surrounding reality with the help of such mental processes as perception, thinking, memory, attention, speech.

L.S. Vygotsky wrote that mental development expresses something new that is carried out independently by the formation of new qualities of the mind and transfers mental functions from a lower to a higher level of development along the line of arbitrariness and awareness.

In the period of preschool childhood, due to the cognitive activity of the child, the birth of the primary image of the world occurs. The kid is a natural explorer of the environment.

The world opens up to a child through the experience of his personal sensations,

actions, experiences. The preschooler is characterized by

increased interest in everything that happens around.

The family is the most important component of any society, and plays a very important role in the life of every person. It is under the guidance of parents that a child acquires his first life experience, elementary knowledge about the surrounding reality, learns certain behavioral skills, ideas about himself and others, about the world as a whole. Therefore, the upbringing of a child in a family is a responsible task, since the most important thing is the understanding of the child's condition, first of all, by the parents. With the recognition that a child is growing up in the family, the responsibility of the parents increases significantly. They constantly ask themselves the question: what will happen next with our child?

It is necessary to constantly communicate with children, conduct classes, follow the recommendations of the educator, psychologist, speech therapist. More time should be devoted to familiarizing yourself with the world around you: going with your child to the store, to the zoo, on children's holidays, talking more with him about his problems,

to consider books, pictures with him, to involve him in feasible work.

When introducing children to the world around them, use the comparison technique more often. Thanks to a comparison of objects, phenomena of reality, the child also cognizes them, highlights new qualities, properties in them, which makes it possible to take a different look at what seemed to him well familiar. So, on a city street, a child can be offered to compare different types of transport.

It is also important to teach the child play activities and communication skills with children. Cognitive interest is reflected in his games, drawings, stories and other types of creative activity. Therefore, the family should create conditions for such activities. The main thing is that parents should evaluate the child's capabilities and his successes, notice progress (albeit insignificant), and not think that, as he grows up, he will learn everything himself.

There is much that the family can do to develop a child's cognitive abilities. Who, if not parents, grandmother, grandfather, observing the child every day in different situations, can notice peculiar indicators of abilities, what the child has a special interest in, what kind of activity does the child show a tendency to? Taking care of the upbringing of broad, stable interests, highlighting among them the central ones, reflecting the main aspirations, the child's inclinations for any activity means already contributing to the creation of important prerequisites for the development of his abilities. It is important to help the child get involved in the process of active cognition of reality. If you, for example, bought your son a new construction set, do not rush to immediately explain, show how to operate with it. Give your child the opportunity to experiment on their own first. The child found a beetle. What kind of beetle is this - a May beetle, a swimming beetle or someone else? Wait with the answer, observe it with your child. Wide use

Problematic issues, experimentation, elementary

research even in the conditions of a house, a personal plot,

in the yard, allows the child not only to independently discover new important qualities of objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature, but also stimulates the development of cognitive abilities and orientation.

It is not surprising that the creation of interest, the development of abilities for a certain type of activity in a child is facilitated by the atmosphere of enthusiasm in the family. That is why so often in a family where they are fond of music, the child also shows an interest in it, in a family of enthusiastic biologists - in nature, in a family where an atmosphere of enthusiasm for technology prevails, children also show a penchant for design activity.

The role of the family is also great in the formation of a child's propensity to work. Thinking about the future of the child, showing concern for the development of his abilities, parents should take care of the formation of his industriousness, the ability to persistently, systematically work, overcome laziness, if she had time to put down roots. In an effort to develop the child's abilities, it is necessary to think about the formation of his imagination, without which creativity is impossible. A child's abilities are related to his skills, abilities. It is necessary to help the kid master the performing, "working" part of the activity - a certain drawing technique, modeling techniques, construction from paper, natural material, dance movements, etc. Take your time for this. The task of parents is to create conditions in the family for the all-round development of abilities. Possession of skills and abilities will have a beneficial effect on the further development of the abilities of your son, daughter; their absence makes the abilities wingless, deprives the child of the means to realize his plan.

Counseling for parents:

"Development of cognitive activity of children"

The process of cognition of a small person is different from the process of cognition of an adult. Adults learn about the world with their minds, small children - with emotions. The cognitive activity of a 2-3-year-old child is expressed, first of all, in the development of perception and meaningful objective activity.

Cognitive development is an ongoing process. It begins immediately after birth and ends with the last breath. Every second a person receives some new information for himself, compares it with the already known, analyzes, remembers.

The mental and mental development of a child is impossible without cognitive activity. Each age has its own capabilities, as well as individual needs for learning about the world. Everything that the baby gets to know at this stage of life plays an important role for him in the future. The new information received is transformed into knowledge and, therefore, into experience.

There are two important components to consider in a child's cognitive development.
First, the actual information that the child receives from the outside world. Secondly, the child's attitude to the information he receives. In the first case, to improve the cognitive development of the child, it is important to analyze the following:

a) what kind of information the child receives : Does it meet his cognitive needs? is it completely new, or does it coincide with what the child already knows, or does it change existing knowledge?

b) how exactly the child receives information : in the course of your own activity or from the words of others? who or what is the authoritative source of information for the child?

c) how a child knows how to operate with information ? Depending on his age and level of development, relevance and comprehensibility of information, a child can remember or forget it, systematize or analyze ...

The cognitive development of a child can be divided into two stages: obtaining new information and forming a personal attitude of the child towards it.

Each new skill gives the child the opportunity for new discoveries and, the older the young researcher, the more intensively the development of cognitive abilities occurs. If up to two years of age the cognitive process mostly occurs through movement, then later vision begins to prevail: the child learns to consider objects, gradually connecting other ways of perception (smell, hearing, touch). By the age of five, the child accumulates a fairly voluminous baggage of knowledge. Speech mastery plays an important role in the cognitive activity of the child. The larger the vocabulary of the kid, the more new information he is able to accept and understand. You can stimulate the development of cognitive activity through play and fun activities. A baby can learn new things everywhere: on a walk, in public transport, in a clinic. The main thing is that adults can competently tell about something new and have the imagination to come up with an interesting task for the child. For example, on the way to kindergarten, you can tell what you saw. Ask the child: "What kind of transport do you see?", "Count how many cars are white", "And what happens to be white in nature?"

When reading books, it is very important to talk about what the child has heard, ask questions about the illustrations. The older the child is, the more difficult the questions and tasks are within his power, and the more complex topics he is interested in.

In solving problems of sensory development, an essential role is played by the selection of toys and aids of different colors, shapes, materials. You should select items that are contrasting in one of the signs, but similar in others (for example, balls, cubes of the same color, but different in size). The variety of objects and their properties attracts the attention of children, and the emphasized difference and similarity of features deepens, clarifies the perception.

If in early infancy, the baby is distinguished by unbridled curiosity and "responds" mainly to external effects, such as brightness of color, unusual shape, novelty of details, "originality and power of sound, then in the 3rd year the child is carried away by the" hidden "properties of objects. It is important to note that he discovers the "hidden" properties by purposeful research actions: stroking, tapping, applying to the ear, etc. The kid, as it were, “studies” the object, discovering its properties, “hidden” in its design, and the more “surprises” the research activity presents to him, the more interesting the situation itself is for him. The passion for research also forms such a remarkable quality ascuriosity ... The world awakens the excitement of the "discoverer" in the kid. He wants to experience everything himself (and what will happen?), To be surprised at the unknown, to learn new things in the familiar. This is how it beginsexperimentation ... Search situations lead children to experiment, i.e. the activity that allows the child to model in his mind a picture of the world based on his own experience and observations. Curiosity is necessary to make the process manageable. With the help of games with elements of experimentation, it is possible to:

    Continue to instill in the child a cognitive interest in the world around him. To develop his curiosity, understanding of the simplest cause-and-effect relationships in the "action-result" system.

    To foster the cognitive activity of the baby, the desire to learn new things, observe, remember, compare, experiment. To translate the actions of game experimentation into a useful channel, forming a respectful attitude towards the environment.

    To foster aesthetic feelings, the desire to protect and create beauty.

    To practically acquaint the child with some phenomena of living and inanimate nature, to form ideas about some properties of objects, things, relations of the objective world (volume, mass, movement, speed, time, space is hollow, through, closed, etc.).

    Teach your baby to express his impressions in words.

    Enrich the child's impressions with works of poetry and folklore.

"Colored balls"

Target : Use a play situation to familiarize the kid with such properties of water as the possibility of its coloring (it takes the color of paint, for example, when drawing with a brush).

Material : Gouache and special cups, 1/3 filled with clear water; white paper, stencil of a balloon in the form of a bag with a slot for colored inserts / I8x15cm /.

An adult pays attention to the fact that he has several colors, for example, red, green, blue, yellow and on his sheet of white paper "tries" each paint, names the color, tries to arouse a keen interest in the child, washes the brush in a glass of water ... The leaf becomes multi-colored. The child remembers the names of each paint. The child then acts independently under the guidance of an adult. First, the baby is encouraged to work, for example, with red paint. A child applies red paint on a white sheet, an adult shows the paint blurring technique. The child paints over the entire piece of paper. His attention is drawn to the fact that the water in the glass turned red, especially after the brush was washed. The red leaf is set aside to dry. A jar of colored water is placed next to it. Familiarization with other paints is similar. After all the leaves are dry, they can be put into a bag on which an image of a balloon (stencil) with a dark thread is cut out. An adult pulls out the leaves one by one, and the "balls" change their color: "What color is the ball?", "And what is this one?" etc.

"Magic colors"

Target: Show how the three primary colors are mixed to create different colors. So, for example, the combination of yellow and blue gives green, red and yellow - orange; red and blue - Purple (lilac); red and black - brown, etc.Material : Gouache, brushes, 4-5 empty clear glasses.

The child chooses the color of paint with which he wants to paint; washes the brush in a glass, thus creating a colored water. “Then the kid paints with a different paint and rinses the brush in another glass, and in the second glass water of a different color appears. The child draws with all the paints one by one, each time rinsing the brush in a new glass. If the kid repeatedly turns to any paint, then he washes the brush in a cup of the corresponding color. An adult collects all the glasses on one tray and invites the kid to show "trick", pours into a clean glass, say, red water and adds yellow water there. “What did we do? What color is the water? - Orange. This color is the sun, orange, tangerine, flowers. " Similarly, an adult gets purple, green, brown, etc.Note ... Three colors are considered the main ones: red, yellow, blue. It is when they are combined that all other colors of the spectrum are obtained. Shades (blue, pink, light green and other colors) are obtained by combining primary colors with whitewash. At the end of the game, they examine the drawing, the child tells what he drew.

"Colored ice floes"

Target : In the process of experimenting, show the child how water turns into ice (frozen water) when cooled.

Material : Plastic molds for playing with sand (5-7 pcs.); box of chocolates; a jug with clear water; colored water in cups.Note ... This activity can become the logical conclusion of the game situation described in the previous two games.

An adult talks with a child about winter, asks about its signs (snow, ice, cold). Emphasizes that in the cold, water turns into ice: "We will make ice floes with you." Places the molds on the table. In front of a childpours clear water into some molds, and colored water into others. "When we go for a walk, we will take them out into the cold and see what we can do." In the second part of the experiment, a candy box is used to make beads. Colored water is poured into the molding packaging in the presence of children (it is advisable to alternate contrasting colors, for example, blue, yellow, green, red, purple, etc.). Then, a thick thread should be put in the filled molds, which should freeze into the ice in the cold. On a walk, an adult invites the kid to see what happened to the water. When the time comes for a walk, an adult, in the presence of a child, takes out colored "string beads" and decorates a Christmas tree, paths or a snowman with them on the street.

"Find the bell"

Target : Teach to find a given subject by auditory perception.

Material : Boxes (3-4 pcs.), In which sounding objects are laid, for example, a bell, pebbles, a rattle. One box remains empty.

An adult shows the kid the closed boxes, says that there are different objects in three boxes, but in one there is nothing. He asks to find a box in which there are no items. Suggests how this can be done: "Twist the box, listen: is there something?" The kid finds a box that does not make a sound. “So it’s empty,” the adult explains. In the second part of the lesson, the child determines by ear what is in which box: the bell rings, the rattle rattles, and the pebbles are knocking. If the baby is at a loss, the adult helps. Subsequently, the child will develop more subtle differentiation into sounds. The kid learns that the contents of the box can be identified by hearing. After experimentation, the game with the found objects unfolds situationally, i.e. as conceived by the child.

"Sunny Bunny"

Target: Show how you can reflect a sunbeam using a mirror, causing glare on walls or on grass, road, water.

Material : Small mirror (7-10 cm in diameter)

The game is played indoors or outdoors on a sunny day. A ray from a mirrored surface is called a "sun bunny"; it is suggested that the kids watch how the bunny "runs" on the grass (on the street), how it plays hide and seek (in the room). The game unfolds situationally at the request of the children: they can simply watch the sun bunny gallop and ask them to play with the mirror themselves; the baby wants to catch a sun bunny and tries to pick it up; an adult and a child make "sun bunnies" at the same time, each with their own mirror: one bunny "catches up" the other, etc.

"Where does the sun spend the night?"

Target : Draw the baby's attention to the fact that the sun changes its position in the sky during the day. The rising of the sun can be observed through one window, and in the evening the setting of the sun can be seen from the other side, through another window.

In the morning, on a sunny day, an adult invites the children to “say hello” to the sun and offers to hold out his palms to the sun: “Hello, hello, sun!
And now the toys will greet the sun: the stutter, the Bear, the doll Nastya, and all, all our beloved friends, everyone says: "Hello, Sunny!" During the day, if the children remain interested in observation, the adult draws his attention to the fact that the sun is no longer where it was; the sun "walks". In the evening, an adult shows the sunset and says: the sun goes away, "sets", hides behind the horizon, goes "to sleep", to rest. “You see, in a completely different direction, you can observe it in the opposite window (from the western side). "Let's say to the Sun:" See you tomorrow. " We will meet the Sun again in the morning! " - explains the adult.

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