An event with teachers in the form of a briefing. Pedagogical briefing

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

My teaching credo

(from a speech at the Teacher of the Year competition)

There is a saying in the teaching environment “it is difficult to be God and a teacher”. Modern society poses very difficult educational tasks for us. And how we deal with them will be the spiritual health of our nation.

For centuries, educators - theorists and practitioners have been arguing about whether pedagogy is a science or an art.

“The art of education,” Ushinsky wrote, “has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even an easy thing to others - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically”

There are many wonderful words that could become the pedagogical motto of any educator, but I wanted to express in my own words the essence of my pedagogical activity.

My motto is: Doing? Problems? Everything is empty!

The soul of a child is sacred!

The flower in the soul is still so small!

Have time to water, so as not to wither!

Communication with teachers leaves a huge imprint in the soul of a person for life. And it depends only on us what kind of trace it will be - bright and kind or empty and saying nothing!

How many flowers of a child's soul remain unblown! How often the teacher does not find that life-giving moisture that is capable of planting a blooming garden in the soul of a child! My motto speaks of the desire and ability to set up such a garden!!!

I received such a charge of love and energy in a higher school that is unique in all respects. This is an advanced educational and scientific institution of international class. At the faculties and departments of MEGU, experts in their field have worked and are still working. Just a few names suffice:

Nikolai Khaladzhan, Rector of the University, Member of the National Council of the US Library of Congress

Yuri Senkevich

Alexander Mendeleev (head of journalism at the Academy of Social Sciences)

Nikolay Mansurov

Andrey Golota

Rolan Bykov

Inna Koshevaya, my supervisor, who was nominated for the title of "Woman of the Year" in the USA, in the field of science in 1999.

And there are many other wonderful teachers.

It was here, in communication with such amazingly talented people, that my ideas about my future work took shape.

The class teacher is a very significant figure in the school; the desire or unwillingness of the child to study, his successes, relations with classmates, teachers, interest in different aspects of school life to a certain extent depend on him.

As I said, fate gave me a huge gift of communicating with wonderful people, so my acquaintance with Tatyana Vasilievna Frolova, chief researcher at the Institute of Pedagogical Innovations of the Russian Academy of Education, a member of the editorial board of the Principal of School magazine, resulted in writing an article about class management, which was published in Principal of School magazine in September 2005. And now it is also in the Encyclopedia of Administrative Work at School. It's called The Five Principles of Classroom Leadership.

Over the years of work at the school, I have completed two grades 11 and 9. We still maintain close relations with all our graduates. This miracle of friendship helped me create the principles that guided me in my work.

So, the first principle: voluntarily and joyfully give your spiritual wealth to the disciples. Your hobbies, say, science, music, theater, are an excellent example for the guys, the basis for cooperation with them.

Principle Two: Get to know your students. "If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then she must first know him - also in all respects." This idea of ​​Ushinsky has not lost a drop of its relevance.

Difficult, often dramatically intertwined in our reality are different types of personality - from comprehensively harmoniously developed, creative, humane to ugly adapted only to the consumer function, often pathologically aggressive. And all this is the result of education. What exactly is the subject of knowledge in personality? In a broad sense, personality is an integral integrity of biogenic, sociogenic and psychogenic characteristics. It consists of character and will, thinking and attention, temperament and inclinations, memory and perception, interests and beliefs. The development of personality is influenced by heredity, environment, activity. Armed with such information about your student, you get a chance to avoid mistakes in education.

The third principle: be able to professionally resolve conflict situations. Conflicts cannot be avoided. Ways to resolve the conflict: establishing mutual understanding and eliminating misunderstandings - by the method of empathy, by the method of logical analysis. There are also game methods. In particular, when working with high school students, business psychological games can be used. But in order to be successful in this, the class teacher must discover the game principle in himself - the ability and desire to play.

The fourth principle: friendship is a round-the-clock concept. “Having access to the fabulous palace, whose name is Childhood, I always considered it necessary to become a child in some way. Only under this condition, the children will not look at you as a person who accidentally penetrated the gates of their fairy-tale world, as a watchman who does not care what is happening inside this world, ”said our wonderful teacher Sukhomlinsky. Are you ready at the first call of the student to rush to his aid? Are you ready to be the most reliable friend for each of them? I quite often protected children from rash and sometimes even terrible acts.

Principle Five: Try to engage your students so that they do not have time for idleness. Some families do not pay attention to their children at all, safely leaving this responsibility to the school. Therefore - communication and once again communication. As they say, “a holy place is never empty”, and the vacuum that forms in the soul of a child must be filled before it is filled with the street.

So, the work of a class teacher can become interesting and, most importantly, very important when all these principles work. That's when the position of the class teacher turns into a vocation, a simple executor of job descriptions into a class "class".

I would like to end my speech with the words of the famous English teacher Alexander Neill, who created the unique author's school Summerhill in the UK.

I am not a leader and do not want to be one. My reward is not in praise, not in titles, not in followers, but simply in the joy that the work that I do with soul and energy gives me. And everyone else is able to do the same job if they block the desire to become super-authorities.

Perhaps I have one advantage - I love children very much.

“I consider your large-scale project an important and much-needed initiative. Its implementation contributes to the effective development of the domestic system of preschool education, the widespread introduction of new progressive methods and approaches into practice » V. V. Putin

I. I. Participants of the Competition Participants of the Competition are teachers of preschool educational institutions with a qualification category and work experience of at least five years. Participation in the Contest is voluntary, the consent of the applicant to be nominated for the Contest is obligatory. The winners of the "Educator of the Year" competition do not take part in the competition for the next five years.

To participate in the Competition, the following documents and materials are sent to the Organizing Committee: submission in the form (Appendix 1); candidate's personal statement (Annex 2); information card of the participant of the Contest (Appendix 3); competitive materials of the first (correspondence) round of the Competition (Appendix 4); Acceptance of documents and materials is carried out in paper and electronic form from November 9 to November 13, 2015 by e - mail: Bratsk, st. Podbelsky, 33-a, MAU "CRO", Department of Innovative Development Format of documents, see the Regulations on the Competition

The candidate is not allowed to participate in the Competition if: 1. he submitted an incomplete list of documents; 2. inconsistencies of the documents, as well as the information contained in them, with the requirements for their execution were revealed; 3. the application was received later than the deadline;

The competition has the necessary set of tests that allow you to fairly objectively assess the skills of teachers - participants and identify leaders. The competition is held in three rounds. The first round (correspondence) includes three competitive tasks: "Internet portfolio" "Pedagogical discovery" Essay "I am a teacher" Members of the competition committee from November 17 to November 19, 2015 evaluate the correspondence round and, on the eve of the full-time competitive tests, fill out the evaluation sheets. Second round (full-time). The second round includes two tasks: "Pedagogical briefing"; pedagogical event with children Third round: "Master class" Talk show "Professional conversation" The third round is attended by three participants of the Competition who scored the most points in the overall rating based on the results of the first and second rounds. Points scored on the basis of the results of the first and second rounds are not taken into account when determining the Winner of the Contest.

Each stage of the Competition is accompanied by a number of tasks for the contestant, including the following: 1. systematize materials about their own teaching experience; 2. to carry out the analysis and pedagogical reflection of the systematized materials; 3. objectively evaluate your professional level; 4. select materials that most fully reveal the system of their own pedagogical activity; 5. to present the material in an accessible, concise and at the same time complete, taking into account modern educational trends; 6. prepare for the public presentation of your teaching experience.

"Internet Portfolio" Format: Page of the Contest participant on the Internet site of a preschool educational organization, including methodological and (or) other author's developments, photo and video materials reflecting work experience and demonstrating the quality of the presentation of educational information on the Internet. The address of the Internet resource is entered in the information card of the participant (Appendix 3). Only one Internet address is registered.

What should be on the participant's website: general information: full name, education, work and teaching experience, information about advanced training, awards (diplomas, letters of thanks), achievements, hobbies. That is, a kind of "dossier of success", which reflects everything interesting and worthy of what happens in the professional and personal life of the contestant; methodological materials that testify to the professionalism of the teacher: justification for the choice of the educational program, a set of educational and methodological literature, the educational technologies used; reflecting the experience of using ICT in education; developments and recommendations for colleagues and the possibility of their use by them in various educational situations; author's developments reflecting the experience of educational activities; recommendations for parents; articles on a professional topic; forums and (or) other forms of feedback and their activity; site visitor reviews.

"Pedagogical discovery" Methodical development of a lesson with children on a topic chosen by the participant of the Competition. Format: Summary of the lesson using illustrative materials (infographics, photo and video materials) with children, of any orientation and subject. It is presented in printed form in a Word text editor. Font - Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing - single, alignment to the width of the sheet. The volume of work should not exceed 7 pages of A-4 format (excluding the title page).

INFOGRAPHICS from lat. informatio awareness, clarification, exposition; is a graphical way of presenting information, data and knowledge, the purpose of which is to present complex information quickly and clearly. A form of information design Infographics are visualizations of data or ideas that aim to communicate complex information to an audience in a quick and understandable way. In addition to images, infographic tools can include graphs, charts, flowcharts, tables, maps, lists.

Essay "I am a teacher" An essay by a participant of the Competition, revealing the motives for choosing the profession of a teacher of an educational organization implementing programs of preschool education and reflecting his own pedagogical principles and approaches to education and his understanding of the mission of a teacher in the modern world. Characteristic features of the essay: Figurative, aphoristic style with an emphasis on colloquial intonation and vocabulary; Free composition (however, not implying the absence of a composition at all; there are those creating the internal structure: introduction, main part and conclusion).

« Pedagogical briefing » Format: short press-conference with jury members, allowing to evaluate the professional pedagogical experience of the contestant, formed in the course of interaction with all participants of the educational process; innovativeness of the methods and technologies used by him (materials of the correspondence round are taken as the basis for the discussion). Time limit: briefing up to 10 minutes, including the participant's opening speech and questions from the jury members.

"Pedagogical event with children" Format: Pedagogical event with children, demonstrating the practical experience of the participant of the Competition, reflecting the essence of the educational technologies used, declared in the correspondence round of the final stage of the Competition and the first competitive test of the full-time round. Educational activities with pupils of preschool age can be represented in different forms. The age of children is determined by the participant of the final stage of the Competition. Regulations: lesson with children - up to 20 minutes, introspection - up to 5 minutes, questions from the jury members - up to 10 minutes.

When preparing a pedagogical event, one should: 1) think over: teaching aids, the content of the developing subject-spatial educational environment; methods that contribute to the solution of educational problems, the activation of all participants in the event and the creation of a general atmosphere of interest; 2) take into account: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and San PiN; classical didactic principles and the latest achievements of science and practice. 3) provide: integrative links (the relationship of various activities, content); motivation and activation of cognitive activity of children; the emotional component of the event; the connection of the content of the event with the life and personal experience of each child.

Activity with children implies a partner position of the educator, which can be expressed by the motto: “We are all included in activities that are not bound by binding relationships, but only by desire and mutual agreement: we all want to do this.” The main characteristics of partnerships: 1. Organization of the workspace (children voluntarily join the activity, it is necessary to think over and create a problem situation). 2. Free movement. 3. Communication of children. 4. The end of the lesson is open.

"Master class" The theme of the "Master class" is determined by the participant independently. Format: a public presentation in front of colleagues and members of the jury, demonstrating a specific methodological technique, method, technology of education, training, development and rehabilitation, reflecting current trends in the development of preschool education. Time limit: 15 minutes for a participant's speech, 5 minutes for jury members' questions.

In terms of content, the master class demonstrates, in the broadest sense of the word, the authorship of the participants. For example, their own educational programs, technologies, methods, or individual forms, methods, techniques - in a word, pedagogical "finds". In the time allotted under the terms of the Competition, each teacher-master goes along with his "students", step by step, the following way: justification for choosing an actual (problem) topic of the master class; search for original and effective ways to solve it; understanding the result; argumentation of the possibility of wide application of the proposed educational tools, reproducibility of the presented experience.

Talk-show "Professional conversation" Format: a talk-show in which the laureates of the Competition discuss the proposed topic. The theme of the talk show and its presenter is determined by the Organizing Committee of the Contest and announced on the eve of the event. Time limit: 1 hour 30 minutes. The topic that is proposed for discussion involves a public discussion of any issue related to education.

Tips that will allow you to succeed: express your opinion clearly, with reason, do not miss the opportunity to show off erudition, but do not be overly emotional; do not "spread your thoughts along the tree", but strictly adhere to the topic; a sense of humor is welcome. it is desirable that the participant be brief, bright and convincing, suggesting ways to solve the problem. The general erudition of the contestant, his knowledge of modern educational trends, and communication culture are evaluated.


Participants of the Competition Participants of the Competition are pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions who have a qualification category and work experience of at least five years. Participation in the Contest is voluntary, the consent of the applicant to be nominated for the Contest is obligatory. The winners of the competition "Educator of the Year" do not take part in the competition for ... ... the following years.

To participate in the Competition, the following documents and materials are sent to the Organizing Committee: submission in the form (Appendix 1); candidate's personal statement (Annex 2); information card of the participant of the Contest (Appendix 3); competitive materials of the first (correspondence) round of the Competition (Appendix 4); Acceptance of documents and materials is carried out in paper and electronic form from November 9 to November 13, 2015 by e-mail: [email protected] Bratsk, st. Podbelsky, 33-a, MAU "CRO", Department of Innovative Development Format of documents, see the Regulations on the Competition

The candidate is not allowed to participate in the Competition if: 1. he submitted an incomplete list of documents; 2. inconsistencies of the documents, as well as the information contained in them, with the requirements for their execution were revealed; 3. the application was received later than the deadline;

The competition has the necessary set of tests that allow you to fairly objectively assess the skills of the teachers - participants and identify leaders. The competition is held in three rounds. The first round (correspondence) includes three competitive tasks: "Internet portfolio" "Pedagogical find" Essay "I am a teacher" . Second round (full-time). The second round includes two tasks: "Pedagogical briefing"; pedagogical event with children Third round: "Master class" Talk show "Professional conversation" The third round is attended by three participants of the Competition who scored the most points in the overall rating based on the results of the first and second rounds. Points scored on the basis of the results of the first and second rounds are not taken into account when determining the Winner of the Contest.

Each stage of the Competition is accompanied by a number of tasks for the contestant, including the following: 1. systematize materials about their own teaching experience; 2. to carry out the analysis and pedagogical reflection of the systematized materials; 3. objectively evaluate your professional level; 4. select materials that most fully reveal the system of their own pedagogical activity; 5. to present the material in an accessible, concise and at the same time complete, taking into account modern educational trends; 6. prepare for the public presentation of your teaching experience.

As practice shows, the winner is the contestant who works and shares his experience in accordance with the requirements of the Competition, while maintaining his individuality, acting in the logic of his pedagogical paradigm.

"Internet Portfolio" Format: Page of the Contest participant on the Internet site of a preschool educational organization, including methodological and (or) other author's developments, photo and video materials reflecting work experience and demonstrating the quality of the presentation of educational information on the Internet. The address of the Internet resource is entered in the information card of the participant (Appendix 3). Only one Internet address is registered.

What should be on the participant's website: general information: full name, education, work and teaching experience, information about advanced training, awards (diplomas, letters of thanks), achievements, hobbies. That is, a kind of "dossier of success", which reflects everything interesting and worthy of what happens in the professional and personal life of the contestant; methodological materials that testify to the professionalism of the teacher: justification for the choice of the educational program, a set of educational and methodological literature, the educational technologies used; reflecting the experience of using ICT in education; developments and recommendations for colleagues and the possibility of their use by them in various educational situations; author's developments reflecting the experience of educational activities; recommendations for parents; articles on a professional topic; forums and (or) other forms of feedback and their activity; site visitor reviews.

"Pedagogical discovery" Methodical development of a lesson with children on a topic chosen by the participant of the Competition. Format: Summary of the lesson using illustrative materials (infographics, photo and video materials) with children, of any orientation and subject. It is presented in printed form in a Word text editor. Font - Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing - single, alignment to the width of the sheet. The volume of work should not exceed 7 pages of A-4 format (excluding the title page).

INFOGRAPHICS from lat. informatio awareness, clarification, exposition; is a graphical way of presenting information, data and knowledge, the purpose of which is to present complex information quickly and clearly. A form of information design Infographics are visualizations of data or ideas that aim to communicate complex information to an audience in a quick and understandable way. In addition to images, infographic tools can include graphs, charts, flowcharts, tables, maps, lists.

Essay "I am a teacher" An essay by a participant of the Competition, revealing the motives for choosing the profession of a teacher of an educational organization implementing programs of preschool education and reflecting his own pedagogical principles and approaches to education and his understanding of the mission of a teacher in the modern world. Characteristic features of the essay: Figurative, aphoristic style with an emphasis on colloquial intonation and vocabulary; Free composition (however, not implying the absence of a composition at all; there are those creating the internal structure: introduction, main part and conclusion).

« Pedagogical briefing » Format: short press-conference with jury members, allowing to evaluate the professional pedagogical experience of the contestant, formed in the course of interaction with all participants of the educational process; innovativeness of the methods and technologies used by him (materials of the correspondence round are taken as the basis for the discussion). Time limit: briefing up to 10 minutes, including the participant's opening speech and questions from the jury members.

"Pedagogical event with children" Format: Pedagogical event with children, demonstrating the practical experience of the participant of the Competition, reflecting the essence of the educational technologies used, declared in the correspondence round of the final stage of the Competition and the first competitive test of the full-time round. Educational activities with pupils of preschool age can be represented in different forms. The age of children is determined by the participant of the final stage of the Competition. Regulations: lesson with children - up to 20 minutes, introspection - up to 5 minutes, questions from the jury members - up to 10 minutes.

When preparing a pedagogical event, one should: 1) think over: teaching aids, the content of the developing subject-spatial educational environment; methods that contribute to the solution of educational problems, the activation of all participants in the event and the creation of a general atmosphere of interest; 2) take into account: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and San PiN; classical didactic principles and the latest achievements of science and practice. 3) provide: integrative links (the relationship of various activities, content); motivation and activation of cognitive activity of children; the emotional component of the event; the connection of the content of the event with the life and personal experience of each child.

Activity with children implies a partner position of the educator, which can be expressed by the motto: “We are all included in activities that are not bound by binding relationships, but only by desire and mutual agreement: we all want to do this.” The main characteristics of partnerships: 1. Organization of the workspace (children voluntarily join the activity, it is necessary to think over and create a problem situation). 2. Free movement. 3. Communication of children. 4. The end of the lesson is open.

"Master class" The theme of the "Master class" is determined by the participant independently. Format: a public presentation in front of colleagues and members of the jury, demonstrating a specific methodological technique, method, technology of education, training, development and rehabilitation, reflecting current trends in the development of preschool education. Time limit: 15 minutes for a participant's speech, 5 minutes for jury members' questions.

In terms of content, the master class demonstrates, in the broadest sense of the word, the authorship of the participants. For example, their own educational programs, technologies, methods, or individual forms, methods, techniques - in a word, pedagogical "finds". In the time allotted under the terms of the Competition, each teacher-master goes along with his "students", step by step, the following way: justification for choosing an actual (problem) topic of the master class; search for original and effective ways to solve it; understanding the result; argumentation of the possibility of wide application of the proposed educational tools, reproducibility of the presented experience.

Talk-show "Professional conversation" Format: a talk-show in which the laureates of the Competition discuss the proposed topic. The theme of the talk show and its presenter is determined by the Organizing Committee of the Contest and announced on the eve of the event. Time limit: 1 hour 30 minutes. The topic that is proposed for discussion involves a public discussion of any issue related to education.

Tips that will allow you to succeed: express your opinion clearly, with reason, do not miss the opportunity to show off erudition, but do not be overly emotional; do not "spread your thoughts along the tree", but strictly adhere to the topic; a sense of humor is welcome. it is desirable that the participant be brief, bright and convincing, suggesting ways to solve the problem. The general erudition of the contestant, his knowledge of modern educational trends, and communication culture are evaluated.


Target: the formation of the teacher's knowledge about the upbringing and development of children, the establishment of emotional contact between teachers, parents, children; give an idea of ​​the modern family, derive the formulas of parental pedagogy; exchange of opinions between teachers and parents.

Conduct form:"Pedagogical briefing".

The plan of the teachers' council

  1. Brief presentation of projects on the topic:

"The amazing world of art and artistic words"

(all teachers)

  1. Introductory speech - head of the MBDU Varenik N.A.
  2. Report "Parents and educators - two banks of the same river" -

senior teacher Leshukova A.N.

  1. Presentation on the topic: "Methods of working with parents of preschool educational institutions"

Educators: Tikhonyuk A.M., Tantseva E.M., Turbovskaya I.S.

  1. "Briefing" between teachers and parents.
  2. Watch the video "Priceless Commandments".

7. The decision of the teachers' council. Memos - booklets.

The course of the teachers' council:

  1. The floor is given to the head of the MBDU "Solnyshko"

Varenik N.A.

— Good afternoon, dear colleagues and parents! A new meeting and a new topic for our teachers' council. Our lives are constantly becoming more complex.

It is no longer enough to get an education and work in a specialty. You have to learn something all the time. The need for knowledge penetrates into all spheres of life - professional, family. The modern family needs pedagogical, psychological, legal knowledge. Most parents trust their life experience based on the experience of their own parents. This often leads to family disharmony: there are no examples of how to cope with today's problems in the upbringing and development of children. Working with the family should take into account modern approaches to this problem.

Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without prejudice to the development of the child's personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.

To ensure favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop the close connection and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education was reflected in a number of legal documents, including the "Concept of preschool education", "Regulations on preschool educational institutions", the Law "On Education", etc.

So, in the law "On Education" it is written that "parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age."

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with the family is also changing. Each preschool educational institution not only educates the child, but also advises parents on the issues of raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

Interaction with the family is the education of parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Our senior educator will now tell you about the features of cooperation with a modern family

Report of the senior educator on the topic:

"Parents and educators are two banks of the same river"

“Working with families is hard work. It is necessary to take into account the modern approach to working with the family. The main trend is to teach parents how to solve life problems on their own. This will require a lot of effort from the teacher.

Both the educator and the parent are adults who have their own psychological characteristics, age and individual traits, their own life experience and their own vision of problems. Teachers and the musical director of the MBDU "Solnyshko" united their efforts in helping families

The priority in raising a child, no doubt, belongs to the family. Kindergartens are family helpers. All of this, of course, is built on trust.

slide number 1

In accordance with the Law "On Education" and the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution, one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child."

Therefore, an active course is needed to create a single space for the development of the child, both in the preschool educational institution and in the family.

The family is a cell of society, therefore, its functioning is influenced by all socio-economic and cultural processes.

Family - a group of related marriages or kinship, which provides for the upbringing of children, and to satisfy other socially significant needs.

The separation of the institution of the family from other institutions of society and its careful study are not accidental.

slide number 2

Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future.

But does the kindergarten and the family always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. Misunderstandings between the family and the kindergarten bear the brunt of the burden on the child.

And some parents simply withdraw from raising children.

How to change this situation?

How to interest parents in the work of the kindergarten, to help them realize the importance of the common requirements of the family and the kindergarten?

slide number 3

  • family education

- Its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.

Wears more emotional character , howrational .

-They develop their own individual system of education, aimed at a particular child, specific goals have been set, what they want to see in the future of their child.

- The educational system is not so scientific, it is based on everyday ideas about the child.

  • Public education:

- Scientific, substantiated, systematic and purposeful.

It is more rational than emotional.

subordinated to the “order” of society for the education of the members it needs.

In modern families, there is a decrease in the "educational resources" of parents per child. There is a decrease in the quality and quantity of verbal communication, a change in parental attitudes. Parents become more authoritarian and selfish towards their child.

An alarming trend observed in modern families - the upbringing of small children, caring for they are entrusted to grandparents. Many children live with their grandparents. This leads to irreparable loss of spirituality in the relationship of children with their parents.

slide number 4

Slide #6

Even N.K. Krupskaya in her "Pedagogical writings" wrote: "The question of working with parents is a big and important issue. Here you need to take care of the level of knowledge of the parents themselves, help them in self-education, equip them with a known minimum, attract them for kindergarten work. An essential side of the interaction between the kindergarten and the family, N.K. Krupskaya repeatedly emphasized, is that the kindergarten serves as an "organizing center" and "influences ... on home education", therefore it is necessary to organize the interaction between the kindergarten and the family in raising children as best as possible . "... In their commonwealth, in mutual care and responsibility, there is a huge strength." At the same time, she believed that parents who did not know how to educate should be helped.

Great importance in the family is attached to the role of a woman, since it is on her actions that the moral and social strength, which is the basic foundation of the family, depends.

In most cases, children are part of the family. And this forms another group of relationships in the family.

Since ancient times in Russia, the upbringing of the child was carried out by the family. The child lived one life with his parents, absorbed their experience, their wisdom. Adopted their way of life. This order of things allowed the child to learn the following concepts: the value of the family, respect for elders, love for the motherland. Assimilate naturally and immutably. This order of things was normal. It was considered abnormal when a family could not raise a child. This child was considered an orphan. The community took care of him.

At present, when the vast majority of children are "orphans" with living parents, essentially deprived of communication with their own family. Parents not only do not have time to raise their own children, but often do not want to seek out this time. This is not because children are not among their priorities. It's just that at the moment we are dealing with the third, or even the fourth generation of people who, for the most part, have grown up outside the family structure. There are not families, but collections of individuals.

Modern parents have an equally vague idea about the family and how to create it.

Often there are reasons for misunderstanding between teachers and parents.

Slide number 8

Every year, the kindergarten keeps a record of information about its pupils.

Information is taken into account when building educational programs, methodological developments of the work plan. This information is important. Each kindergarten team has at its disposal social questionnaires. Consider the social profile of the family at your tables.

Family social profile

1. Surname, name of the child enrolled in kindergarten ___________________________________________, his age ____________

2. Age of mother ______________________, father _______________________

3. Education of mother ______________________, father _______________________

4. Place of work and position of mother _________________, father __________________

5. Who is in your family? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. How many children are there in the family? ______________________

7. What age? ___________________________

8. Does the family have separate housing? Well no (we live with parents, husband, wife, in a shared settlement, other, _______________ underline, enter as necessary).

9. Does the child have his own room? Yes, no, different. _____________________________

10. Does your child go to school other than kindergarten? Where and what? ___________________________________________________________________________

Supplement to the speech of educators.

It has long been revealed how effective it is to organize parent-teacher meetings. Usually they consider topical issues, current needs and plans for the near future. Usually just read the report. But this is not the best way to interact with parents.

It is better to hold the meeting in such a way that a productive dialogue is carried out, which allows the parents themselves to be activated and involved in the upbringing process. If you still need to convey some information in the form of a report, then you need to get rid of the habit of reading it from a sheet of paper without taking your eyes off the text.

It is important to introduce new methods, creative approaches to the disclosure of material. The teacher should look for new illustrative examples, try to activate the thinking of parents in such a way that it would be interesting for them to listen, help them rethink their own methods of upbringing in the family.

Parents have a need to acquire new knowledge in the field of pedagogy. So, the main task is to turn parents from passive listeners into active participants in the parent meeting. This will help questions on the point of view, illustrative examples, a joint analysis of conditional pedagogical situations, joint viewing of videos of how classes were conducted with children. In order to generate interest, it is important to introduce a problem into the designation of the topic.

At this modern stage, parent-teacher meetings should be held in new dynamic and interactive forms. For example, hold a meeting in the form of "KVN", "Field of Miracles" or the game "What? Where? When?". This allows you to establish strong informal ties with parents and introduce them to the life of the kindergarten.

Any non-traditional methods of working with parents should be aimed at providing them with comprehensive information about the characteristics of the psychological and physical development of their children at a given age, and provide them with educational methods.

There are various forms of cooperation. This can include festive theatrical performances, and joint work on the production of newspapers and magazines, and the organization of a game library, and the creation of parent clubs, and the organization of trainings, and quizzes with competitions.

In fact, the flight for fantasy is unimaginably wide. The main thing is the active involvement of parents in the educational process.

Consider another common form - the organization of theatrical holidays. Theatrical activity of children allows you to introduce many ways of developing speech into this process. In order to prepare this large-scale event, it is important to involve parents. Children at home, together with their parents, learn the lyrics of songs, fairy tales or poems, and also practice actions for staging.

Each of the forms of interaction with parents described above sets its own tasks and goals. The variety of forms used, their systematic application makes it possible to activate parents and involve them in the process of raising their own children, provides them with all the necessary information and methods of work for this. This improves the pedagogical culture of parents.


Traditions unite the family, allow them to preserve those grains of the reasonable and kind that were found earlier by the older members of the family, and make them the property of the younger generation. Family traditions play an important role in the reproduction of culture and spiritual life, in ensuring the continuity of generations, in the harmonious development of society and the individual.

In our MBDU "Solnyshko" and in each group, small traditions have also formed:

  • on his birthday, the birthday boy is in the spotlight all day long: they dance for him, pay special attention,
  • every Monday is "Morning of joyful meetings!". The older guys in the group talk about interesting events that happened to them over the weekend: a book they read, a cartoon they saw, etc., and the little ones get into an atmosphere of warmth and love.
  • Another wonderful tradition is that parents and children participate in various competitions, exhibitions, promotions.
  • Family traditions and relationships leave their mark on the formation of the moral qualities of the child. No wonder folk wisdom says : “A child learns what he sees in his home. Parents are an example to him.

Therefore, it is very important to bring to the consciousness of every parent about the revival of family traditions in every family.

In your opinion, who has the leading role in raising a child - the family or the kindergarten? (Hear the parents' answers)

The priority in raising a child, no doubt, belongs to the family. Kindergartens are family helpers. All of this, of course, is built on trust. Maintaining trust in the family is another good tradition. Trust is the ability to honestly and directly discuss any, even the most complex, topics with each other. Maintaining mutual trust in the family is one of the most important tasks of parents.

Briefing between teachers and parents "Business game"

So we come to the most important thing - the game of "Briefing". All members of our teachers' council participate.

Target: formation of skills for a differentiated approach to the organization of work with parents; optimal ways to resolve conflicts; search for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents; acquisition of experience of joint work of the teaching staff.

Game progress.

They are divided into 3 teams according to the principle:

1 team "Baby" (educators of nursery and younger groups)

2 team "Fidgets" (teachers of the middle, senior and preparatory groups)

Team 3 "Creators" (parents)

№ 1. Greeting "let's get to know each other"

№ 2. Game exercise "Modern family - what is it like?"

Each group is given a set of magazines, base paper, glue, scissors. The task of teachers: to depict a modern family in the form of a collage using any illustrations.

1 team "Karapuzy" - a prosperous modern family through the eyes of a teacher

2 team "Fidgets" - a dysfunctional modern family

Team 3 "Creators" - a modern family through the eyes of parents.

After 15-20 minutes of joint work, each group of teachers talks about their idea of ​​the family.

(The leader of the pedagogical council sums up the work done, emphasizing the valuable and unique vision in each microgroup)

№3 Parent-Child Exercise.

Instruction: agree which of you will be - A, and which - B. At the beginning, let A stand, and B sit on the floor at his feet. Talk to each other in this position. What do you feel about it? Discuss how pleasant it is to have a conversation in these positions. There was a time when we always felt like we were in the position of a person who was sitting on the floor while everyone else was standing. This is the position of a small child. Again, take positions A and B. Try to really feel and determine for yourself what caused the sensations in your body. The one who is sitting should look up. After 30 seconds, his neck and shoulders will start to hurt, his eyes will feel tight and tired. You may experience a headache. Whoever is standing will be forced to bend over and look down. This exercise helps to understand the internal state, needs and feelings of the child. The physical discomfort you experience while in this position negatively affects your feelings and relationships. However, this influence is not always recognized. When communicating with a child, eye contact is very important. Therefore, it is advisable to talk to him while squatting or placing the child on a small stool.

№4 Exercise "Dialogue of the Sides of My Self".

Two chairs are placed in the center of the circle.

Instruction: This game will help us to reveal the positive and negative character traits of each of the participants. In any person there are two opposite principles and he cannot reasonably combine them - one or the other predominates. So, on the first chair you need to portray an affectionate, gentle and attentive mother, who always fills her relationship with the child with warmth and care, who loves him. This mother is never annoyed by the ineptitude of the child, his slowness and awkwardness. She never yells at him, and even more so she never uses corporal forms of punishment ...

On the second chair, demonstrate your behavior in the same situation, but with opposite qualities, the qualities of a strict mother (playing situations is carried out using routine moments - getting up, dressing, having breakfast, doing homework, etc.).

Group discussion:

  • What did you feel in the first and second situations?
  • In what situation did you feel more comfortable?

What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?

№5 .Drawing on the topic: "The image of yourself and the child."

The image of a girl is a girl, the image of a boy is a man.

On a piece of paper, draw the image of a tree that occurs to you when you think of yourself as a mother (draw). Nearby draw an image of your child (present or future) - a tree.

After drawing, answer two questions: “Why were these images chosen?”, “Did they turn out the same?”.

Output: thinking about these questions is the first step towards realizing that the child is not you, he is different.

№6 Solving pedagogical situations.

Purpose: game modeling of the teacher's behavior in situations of resolving conflicts between the teacher and parents.

While getting ready for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took out a note from his coat pocket, addressed to the teacher of the group, asking the mother not to harden her child after a daytime sleep. The reason was not specified. Would you comply with a parent's request? What will be your next steps?

The teacher decided to talk to the mother of a five-year-old child about the boy's pugnacity. How will you start the conversation?

The educator invited all parents to the subbotnik, placing information about it on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is dissatisfied. Saturday had to be postponed. What can explain what happened? What to do next?

In the afternoon, a car with sand for children's sandboxes drove up to the kindergarten. The sand was unloaded onto the asphalt near the entrance. "In the evening, ask your parents to move the sand," the head teacher suggested to the teachers. How will you ask your parents for help? And if they refuse, what will be your actions?

The decision of the pedagogical council

  1. To enrich, expand the pedagogical experience of parents, monthly post news from the life of the group and kindergarten on the website of the preschool educational institution.

Deadline: monthly. Responsible: senior educator., group educators, site moderator.

2. To intensify the work of educators in the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of creativity and professional activity among teachers.

Deadline: permanent. Responsible: senior educator.

3. Continue work to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils, the formation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle for children and parents in kindergarten.

Deadline: permanent. Responsible: group educators.

  1. To intensify the work of educators to increase the interest in visiting preschool educational institutions based on performance indicators,

organize joint activities with parents in various types of kindergarten activities.

Deadline: permanent. Responsible: educators

"Pedagogical Briefing"

This competitive test takes place as a short press conference with the jury members, which allows to evaluate the professional pedagogical experience of the contestant.

When preparing for a competitive test, it must be remembered that the format of a speech at a pedagogical briefing is close to a public speech. Therefore, a performance will be successful, in which the contestant will not only provide information, but also demonstrate the ability to direct the perception of the audience along a certain path that is beneficial to the speaker, the ability to manage their impressions and emotions.

Effective means to keep the attention of the audience can be: visibility (example, detail, comparison), image (metaphor), appeal (exclamation), opposition, etc.

A typical mistake of speaking at a pedagogical briefing is its insufficient information content. For example, missing:

    • a specific description of the technologies used, techniques and methods of work that ensure the development of preschool children, taking into account their psychological, age and individual characteristics;

    • analysis of personal professional competencies and opportunities and, as a result, the achievements of pupils, providing a social situation for the development of their personality;

    • the contribution of the contestant to the organization of a developing educational environment in a preschool educational organization.
Another common mistake is the lack of logic in the speech, the sequence of thought development. As a result, it is difficult for the audience to perceive the content of the speech, to follow the course of the contestant's reasoning. Therefore, in a speech, it is important to observe the basic rule of composition - the logical sequence and harmony of the presentation of the material.

Of particular difficulty for the contestant is the preparation of the beginning and end of the performance.

In the process of perception of oratorical speech, the “law of the region” operates and what is given at the beginning and end of the speech is better remembered. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider these compositional parts of the performance; their text should be related to each other.

At the beginning of the speech, the contestant should formulate the purpose of the speech not only for himself, but also for the audience. A clear statement of the target setting facilitates the perception of speech, sets the audience.

A convincing and vivid conclusion is remembered by the audience, leaves a good impression of the speech. On the contrary, an unsuccessful conclusion sometimes ruins a good speech.

Sometimes speakers at the end of a speech begin to repeatedly apologize to the audience for the fact that they did not have enough time to prepare a speech, so they did not manage to speak well, that they probably did not tell the audience anything new. This should not be done.

Some speakers, not meeting the time limit, simply break off the speech, do not say the final words. As a result, the performance effect is significantly lost.

Therefore, it is necessary to work especially carefully on the last words of the speech: repeat the main idea for which the speech is made, summing up the most important provisions, draw conclusions.

Such elements as the correctness of speech, its emotionality, and clarity of presentation have a significant impact on public speaking.
"Master Class"

The purpose of this test is to present and disseminate the results of their own educational activities, reflecting modern trends in development and positive changes in the practice of preschool education, aimed at solving problematic issues in the education of preschool children.

The main mistake in developing the content of the master class is a misunderstanding of the meaning of this concept. Within the framework of this competitive test, it is not enough to prepare only an open event or a presentation of the teacher's achievements.

According to the figurative expression of M. Potashnik, a master class is a pronounced form of apprenticeship with a Master. The master transfers to the "students" his pedagogical skills, a feature of which is the "art" of solving pedagogical problems.

In the time allotted under the terms of the Competition, each competitor must:

    • justify the relevance of the chosen topic (problem);

    • describe original and effective ways to solve it;

    • comprehend the results;

    • to argue the possibility of wide application of the proposed educational tools, presented experience.
Typical mistakes during the master class are the lack of:

    • depth and originality of the content;

    • methodological and practical value of the chosen topic for preschool education;

    • ability to broadcast (transfer) their work experience.
A common mistake when conducting master classes is a reproductive (explanatory and illustrative) approach to presenting one's experience.

A master class conducted in an active or interactive mode (with feedback) is recognized as effective. The art of communication and interaction, as well as pedagogical improvisation, allows you to figuratively, visually and reasonably present your pedagogical skills. Therefore, among the criteria for evaluating this competition task, such an indicator as the ability to interact with the audience is taken into account.
Talk show "Professional conversation"

This competitive test involves a public discussion of any issue related to education, in the form of a discussion.

Therefore, when preparing for the test, it is necessary to take into account the rules for conducting a discussion. The main ones are:

Always remember the purpose of the discussion - to find the truth, the solution, the way out.

Respect the other person's opinion.

Any opinion expressed must be substantiated.

Respect everyone's opinion.

Keep a friendly tone.

Don't argue for the sake of arguing!

Only those who are open to a different point of view and tolerant of a different opinion can participate in the discussion.

Typical mistakes in conducting a professional conversation are the absence of:

    • own position on the topic of discussion;

    • arguments of the participants during the discussion;

    • persuasiveness and brilliance of speech.
When preparing for a professional conversation, it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of the teacher's skills such as:

  • keep the topic of conversation;

  • substantiate the stated position with additional arguments;

  • continue and develop the idea expressed by another contestant;

  • correctly object to another participant in case of a mismatch of positions.
Development of competition materials for winners

regional stageAll-Russianprofessional competition "Teacher of the Year"


Karpova Lidia Sergeevna, educator of the MDOU "CRR - kindergarten" Kolosok s. Ivanteevka, Ivanteevsky District, Saratov Region”, winner of the regional stage of the IV All-Russian Competition of Professional Skills “Educator of the Year in Russia – 2013”
Autumn. Early in the morning, as usual, I go to work in kindergarten. Bright autumn leaves fly from the trees and, blown by a light wind, slowly fall to the ground. Looking at them, I think that the life of every person is like one of these leaves and the brighter and richer it is, the brighter the color of this leaf! And my little pupils are so cheerful, beautiful, unlike each other! They, like leaves, "spin merrily in the air," and their lives are filled with love and joy. As a teacher, their future perception of life depends on me.

I am a teacher, therefore my philosophy of life, as well as pedagogical, will still change, and I know for sure: the main task of philosophy is to identify and study the laws of development of society, nature, consciousness. Each person is a unique microcosm, existing, developing, analyzing, making and correcting his mistakes, striving to achieve heights known to him alone, creating his own philosophy, his own view of the world and the place of man in this world.

World and microcosm. How closely they are connected! In life, there often comes a moment when your microcosm feels an irresistible need to open up. So, in my opinion, people choose the profession of a teacher.

Each person has his own Path - the path that he chooses and follows it all his life. My path - my conscious choice - to be an educator. The profession of an educator is not only a profession, it is a vocation. It is a choice made, perhaps, in the earliest childhood. Sometimes I even think: “Maybe I didn’t choose this profession, but she chose me for a long time, patiently and persistently?”

What attracted and keeps me in it? The curiosity of children's eyes that see in you the whole world, which is still so incomprehensible to them, but so interesting and tempting, or this special childhood atmosphere that you want to return to again and again?

I like the fact that in this profession it is impossible to stop there, here you need to constantly “grow up”, just like children who come to kindergarten grow up. I want my pupils to grow up as kind, honest and sympathetic people, learn to take care of all living things, and know how to appreciate the beautiful and kind. From my point of view, a teacher is a kind, faithful friend, one to whom you can turn for help, just cry or laugh together. I do not know who each of my pupils will become in the future, the main thing is not to suppress their personality in the present.

I can confidently say that I am a happy person. I have a favorite profession. I am constantly in creative search. After all, only a creative educator can infect with his warmth, faith, talent. I am happy because I have the opportunity to discover a new world again and again and absorb new knowledge about seemingly familiar things together with my students.

The Roman poet and philosopher Juvenal said: "Childhood should be given the greatest respect." A teacher who respects the personality in his pupils is always respected and loved. Not imposing myself, but revealing the aspirations and needs of the child, I show that everyone creates himself, shows his originality.

I really want children, like these autumn leaves falling from trees, to be bright and unique! I believe that my students will achieve great success in life, be able to overcome all obstacles and grow up to be good people!


Glazkova Maria Vladimirovna, educator of the MADOU "Kindergarten of a compensating type No. 15" Malvina ", Balakovo, Saratov region, winner of the regional stage of the V All-Russian competition of professional skills "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2014".
The world of childhood is joyful and subtle, like a floating sound of a flute.

While the child laughs at me, I know that I do not live in vain.

Friends repeat: “There are quieter fields,” but I won’t back down for anything:

I love these cute kids like my own children... 1

My professional choice was not made by chance. And today it not only has not lost its attractiveness, but has become a need, a vital necessity. Again and again I am convinced that I have chosen the right profession.

Every morning on the way to work - my beloved, I want to note - I see typical pictures from the life of my pupils and adults - their mothers, fathers and grandmothers.

So morning...

Road to work...

Here the mother is in a hurry, and the baby, who was awakened and put on his feet, is still sleeping. He is slow, absent-minded, but my mother walks quickly, pulls her hand and shouts so that she does not lag behind, does not look around, does not stumble ...

The main thing is that she does all this rudely, irritably!

Here comes dad, the smart girl does not have time for him. She almost flies on her father's hand, trying to ask something, show something, just shout: “Dad! I'm tired! Wait for me!"

Here is a grandmother taking her grandson to kindergarten. She is still young, preoccupied with herself, cannot give a hand to the boy: in one is a telephone, in the other is a cigarette. And the child walks behind and hears from time to time: “Well, where are you there?”

I get upset when I see such everyday pictures.

It was in the Pedagogical College that we were told that “a child is a blank slate”, write whatever you want. Not! For my pupils, the rules of life in this big and not always kind world have already been written: family, street, peers ... And I really want to shout: “Wait for me, my preschoolers! I will now meet you in a group, hear your lovely voices and caress each and every one.

And every day, like a premiere,

I enter a silent kindergarten.

I'm not coming here for a career - here every child is happy for me.

I plunge into the thick of various events. I’ll definitely notice that Lenochka has a new dress, I’ll take pity on Lesha’s sick dog, look at Katya’s drawing, wipe Sonechka’s tears and whisper to her that mom will come soon, and now I’ll play with her ... Yes, I want to convey to the children from the bottom of my heart everything I know, surround your little rascals with love and care, attention and kindness. It's great that I can make their morning sunny and kind, bright and affectionate, and the day interesting, useful and full of new events. I can see their faces, enthusiastic during the classes, raised palms: ask me - I know! And what a pleasure it is to look into children's open eyes, where there is a whole sea of ​​​​feelings: delight and joy, grief and resentment and love - for the world, for the sun, for mom and dad and ... for me! For me, the radiance of those eyes is the best reward, "better than any of the praises."

How can others - not teachers - like this, at the end of the working day, shake their hearts from the question: “Will you come tomorrow?” or a quiet whisper: “I love you! Come tomorrow!"?!

My dears, I will definitely come to you tomorrow. I will try to teach you everything that I can and that I know myself: love books and draw, make friends and say polite words, work and play ... I will share with you all sorrows and joys, help and support, explain what is good, what is bad, and I'll tell you how to do it right.

Doesn't this justify the main hopes and tasks in the profession?! To be needed in someone's life, to give love and transfer knowledge, to understand each pupil, to make the world brighter and kinder for him. And constantly study, study ... to become a real professional. And to be able to be friends with colleagues, learn from their experience, comprehend with them the subtleties of pedagogical skills.

These are the simple ideas and priorities of my pedagogical philosophy, about which there is no time to think about.

And again, morning...

I'm going to my favorite job in kindergarten!

I am an educator!

And so for years -

My destiny is childish souls!

There is no better life on earth!


Rubtsova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 81" of the Engels municipal district of the Saratov region, winner of the regional stage VIAll-Russian competition of professional skills "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2015"
How often do we hear the expression "We all come from childhood." But most, having become adults, forget this magical world and do not always understand their own children. The educator remains in the world of childhood forever!

“I am sure that if I had to choose: to live where the children's din does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer the incessant noise to the incessant silence,” wrote Bernard Shaw .

An educator is a person who, by the will of fate, is always allowed to be near our future - with children. People of this profession are allowed to enjoy the world of childhood constantly, step by step, repeating their path, learn something new, give a piece of their soul to children.

The modern educator...

What is he? What kind of teacher do modern children and parents want to see? Or maybe he, the best, is already among us?

The etymology of the Russian word "educator" is interesting. It comes from the stem of the word "nourish". The words “educate” and “nourish” are now often considered as synonyms, not without reason.

In modern dictionaries, an educator is defined as a person engaged in educating someone, taking responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person.

When they ask me the question “When did you decide to become a teacher?”, I confidently answer “When I was a child and went to kindergarten!”. I still remember my teacher, her kind and reverent attitude towards me. Only my mother treated me the way she did. It was then that the thought “I will grow up, I will become an educator!” was born in me. Many years have passed since then, but my opinion has remained unchanged.

Do I consider myself a modern educator?

I think yes. And although it is difficult to evaluate myself objectively, I try to make a number of demands on myself.

  • be cheerful and optimistic so that children see the world in bright colors;

  • be smart and erudite in order to answer the questions of "why";

  • love your Motherland, but it cannot be otherwise, because the country trusts us with the most precious thing - children;

  • do all the work with sincere pleasure, because children always feel lies and falsehood.
"Educator"! For me it has become not a profession, but a way of life. For many years, from year to year, every day I come to kindergarten and discover a lot of new and interesting things. Entering the group, I find myself in a real "anthill", in which everyone is busy with something. The children's eyes closely follow my behavior, the intonation of my voice, they catch my every word. It owes a lot. Finding myself in various situations, I try to remember that the educator must be able to control his character and mood. Children teach me to be patient, restrained. I consider a smile, joy, praise, sincere interest in the problems of a small person, support for children's initiatives to be a necessary condition in working with children. I want every child to be comfortable and cozy with me.

Our profession is often called "ungrateful". It cannot be said that the work of a teacher is a daily holiday, sometimes you just give up, but as soon as the baby smiles, cuddles up to you, and sometimes, having forgotten, call you “mom”, you understand that you will never leave the profession, you will not exchange these minutes for anything . My professional motto: “I came to kindergarten - smile on the threshold! Whatever you give, you get in the end!”

In every period of development of society different tasks are set for the educator, but one always remains the same - the development and education of an independent, physically active and healthy person. We, modern educators, have the opportunity to use all the best that has been created in the field of pedagogy, combine it with innovative methods and technologies, determination, initiative, love and invest in the pure children's souls of children. Children who are trusted by us.

Raising preschool children, I “grow up” with them, improve my professionalism, use advanced pedagogical experience and rejoice when the children accept and let me into their magical WORLD OF CHILDHOOD, full of fairy tales and miracles. And as long as the question comes from the children's lips: “Will you come tomorrow?” - my profession will be needed by society and people all over the world.

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