Abstract of the nodes in the preparatory group "the kingdom of stones. Lesson Preparatory group "In the Kingdom of Stones" Integration of educational areas

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "In the world of stone"

Tasks: To clarify children's ideas about the stone, its properties (the stone is hard, does not crumble; stones are diverse in color, shape, size). To acquaint with the ways of using stone by man (in construction, sculpture, in the creation of jewelry). To expand the understanding of the professions of people working with stone. To acquaint children with where and how the stone is mined, what tools are used to process it.

To develop the spoken language of children, to expand the active vocabulary.

Cultivate an interest in observations, a desire to do simple experiments. Learn to draw conclusions on your own, build conclusions. Encourage children to express themselves in drawing, develop imagination and creative imagination. To foster a respect for nature.

Preliminary work: reading the stories of P.P. Bazhova "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Mining Master", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain".

Preparation for the lesson:

Materials for experiments:

4 transparent vessels with water, wooden sticks;

4 trays with stones of different color, shape and size; pieces of polystyrene, plasticine, dry clay, wood, chalk, soap, sugar;

Wooden block, stone, hammer, 2 nails.

Illustrative material (photos and illustrations can be presented as a multimedia presentation):

Small sculptures depicting people and animals;

Photos of architectural structures;

Photos of Moscow metro stations;

Photo of the Japanese Rock Garden;

Photos of mountains;

Photos of stone deposits;

Photographs or illustrations of stone processing tools.

Exhibition of stone products (close with a cloth), which presents: a collection of minerals, jewelry, small sculptures, boxes, watches, paintings, dishes, chess.

On a separate drawing table: oilcloths, A3 and A4 paper, colored pencils, sanguine, charcoal, watercolor, gouache, brushes of different sizes, cups of water, rags, palette.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, we recently read the tale of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov "The Malachite Box". And today the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself came to visit us.

An adult dressed as the Mistress of the Copper Mountain enters.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain: - Hello! I learned that in this kindergarten, children know a lot about nature, love it, cherish it, and are well versed in my world - the world of stones. Somehow I do not believe that you know so well what a stone is; what properties it possesses.

Educator: - Yes, our guys know all this very well. Don't hesitate, Hostess, but check it out better!

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain invites the children to split into 4 teams and go to the tables on which there are vessels with water, sticks; distributes a tray of objects to each team.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - And now, guys, take one object from the tray, examine, touch, smell, weigh (heavy or light) in your hand and try to determine what it is. And water will help you with this: dip your object in water and stir it with a wooden stick. See if it sinks or floats on the surface, dissolves, crumbles, stains the water, etc. Make a conclusion: are all objects stones?

Children conduct the experiment, and the Mistress of the Copper Mountain observes the actions of the children, helps with advice, asks questions. In conclusion, he asks what kind of objects they had on the trays; helps children to clarify their properties. Children use it to conclude: stones are varied in shape, size, color; they are solid, do not crumble, do not dissolve in the input, heavy - therefore they sink in water.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain: - Yes, indeed, all of you were able to identify stones among a large number of various objects. They are very solid indeed. Do you want to see how much harder a stone is than wood?

The mistress of the copper mountain takes a block and hammers a nail into it.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Look, the tree is solid, but I can easily hammer a nail into it. Now I’ll try to hammer a nail into this stone. Do you think I can do it? (scores). What happened? The nail is metal, hard, but it bent when it hit the stone.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Guys, we are convinced that the stone is very hard and durable. How do you think people use this property of the stone in their lives? (build buildings, fortresses, roads). For example, Moscow used to be built of stone (Moscow Belokamennaya). People also make stone sculptures. The sculpture sometimes depicts a person, sometimes animals (showing of illustrations).

Why do people create sculpture? Sculpture, like other ancient stone structures, helps us to travel back in time, allow us to look into the past. They are so durable that they have been preserved for centuries, thanks to which we see and know how people lived many centuries ago: what buildings they lived in, what they looked like, what clothes they had, and their hairstyles.

And if you and I go down to the subway, what will we see? Moscow metro stations are decorated with stone: arches, vaults, floors and columns, sculptures, mosaics. The Moscow metro is the most beautiful in the world.

And in Japan, landscape designers create wonderful compositions - Rock Gardens (photo show). They contain stones of different shapes, sizes, colors. They are located in gardens, on lawns. Why do you think the Japanese create such gardens? They believe that in the Rock Garden you can well relax, rest, reflect, think, dream up. After all, the garden looks different all the time - in the morning, afternoon or evening, in sunny and cloudy weather.

The stones are very diverse. They are not only solid and durable, but also very beautiful. I invite you guys to the exhibition of stone products, see what people make from this material. To create such beautiful things, a lot of people have to work hard. A stone is born in the bowels of the earth; mountains keep huge riches - this is the real treasury of the planet. In Russia, these are the Ural Mountains (photo show). Stones are mined at special deposits, and now special equipment is used for this.

People of different professions work with stone, let's call them together - geologists, sculptors, landscape designers, builders, jewelers, stone cutters, cutters. There are even such doctors - naturopaths - they also work with a stone. Using gemstones of different colors, they treat many diseases.

Many poets and writers have glorified the beauty of the stone. Who can name such authors? And how many proverbs and sayings about the stone:

What do you think the proverb “Water wears away a stone” means? And about what person do they say "He has a stone heart"? And in what cases do they say "Frozen with a stone face" ?.

Here we are, guys, and found out how people use the stone in their lives. And now I suggest you play:

With a friend, we'll go for a walk,

We will find a small river.

(get up in pairs, walk in place)

The river murmurs merrily

And runs over the stones.

We are together across the river

Let's cross the bridge.

(walking in place)

The stone bridge stands

The river murmurs merrily.

(hands forward, "wave" movement)

A house was built of stones,

(cam-on-cam movement)

You and I will enter it.

The stone bridge stands

(fingers connected in front of the chest)

The river murmurs merrily.

(hands forward, "wave" movement)

The house is solid made of stones,

(hands above the head in the form of a "roof")

Always open to friends!

(hands to the sides, palms forward).

Mistress of the Copper Mountain: - I heard, guys, that you are very good at drawing. Do you remember how Danila the master could not create a stone flower for a long, long time? I am very interested in how you imagine a stone flower. Let's dream up! Let each of you come up with your own stone flower and draw it with any of the materials suggested here.

Children choose paper and materials, sit at tables, draw. After the end of the work, everyone will organize an exhibition together, admire the drawings.

Mistress of the copper mountain: - Guys, you surprised me today! What beautiful, different flowers they all turned out! Goodbye guys, I have to go! And if you want to plunge into the wonderful world of stone again, visit the Stone Museum in Moscow. And also - look around you more often, and you will certainly meet the silent inhabitants of my stone kingdom.

Autonomous organization of preschool education of the municipal formation Zavodoukovsky urban district "Child Development Center - kindergarten" Berezka "


cognitive - research activities

on the topic: "In the wonderful world of stone"

(preparatory group)

Educator of AODOMO "Child Development Center - kindergarten" Berezka "

№9 "Dreamers"

Zhumagazhenova F.T.



Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive", "Social and communicative", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Speech".

Types of children's activities:play, cognitive research, communicative, motor, productive.

Target: To acquaint children with the diversity of the world of stones, their properties and characteristics.

Educational tasks:

1. To update the knowledge of children about the planet Earth, its bowels, stones.

2. To form elementary ideas about animate and inanimate nature.

3. Maintain interest in the study of stones, exercise in classifying them according to various criteria (color, shape, size, weight, temperature, buoyancy).

4. To consolidate the ability to grammatically correctly construct your answers to questions, the ability to ask questions, to follow the logic of your statement, the ability to build an evidence-based speech, to teach how to compose a story based on the results of research work.

5. To give an idea of ​​the areas of use of stones; that musical instruments can be created using natural materials.

Developmental tasks:

1. To develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.

2. To develop research skills: (accept and set a goal, highlight essential features and connections, put forward various hypotheses, select funds and materials for independent activity, carry out an experiment, draw certain conclusions and conclusions).

3. Develop curiosity, attention, observation, fine motor skills, imagination, logical thinking, speech.

Educational tasks:

1. To acquaint with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults in joint activities.

2. To form the skill of safe behavior with laboratory equipment.

3. To cultivate respect for inanimate nature.

Dictionary work.

Hard, dense, rough, rough, strong, hard, cold, uneven, smooth, heavy, shiny, transparent, light, dark, firm.

Planned results:

Independently draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment, based on previously obtained ideas and their own assumptions.

Materials: a set of drawing schemes, a master's hat, sets of stones, pieces of wood, nails, a hammer, magnifiers, pieces of plasticine, glasses of water, spoons, trays and napkins for each child, research algorithms.

Preliminary work.

Talking with children about mountains, examining illustrations, large paintings with mountain landscapes; series of conversations "Entertaining mineralogy"; reading of PP Bazhov's fairy tales "Stone Flower", "Silver Hoof", NA Ryzhova "What's under our feet"; memorizing L.V. Loginov's poem "The Mountain", viewing the children's encyclopedia I want to know everything "; collecting a collection of stones.

1. Organizational moment: "Welcome"

Educator: Look, we have guests today!

Let us say hello to our guests and everything that surrounds us.

Hello sky (hands up)

Hello earth (squat)

Hello my friends (hands forward)

1,2,3,4,5 (bend the fingers)

Together we are in a circle again (we hold hands)

2 . Surprise moment "Letter".

Educator: Guys, look what I found under the stone, a letter, but from whom it was not written. There is a riddle on the envelope, let's guess it, maybe then we'll find out who it is from.

It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

Heavy, big - you can't lift it alone,

It is unnecessary to lie in the dust on the road,

Who has guessed our riddle now,

Who recognized this subject by signs? (stone)

Educator: A riddle about a stone. I wonder who is this letter from? What do you think? (from the gnomes). Read the letter? (Yes)

The teacher takes out a letter and reads: “Hello dear children!Behind the deep seas, behind the dark forests, there is a lonely mountain. In this mountain, in endless caves, we dwarves live. Day and night we extract different stones. Day and night our hammers are knocking. And the evil greedy Mountain King reigns over us.We learned that you are very curious, observant, admire the beauty of nature, explore it.To get rid of the evil spell of the Mountain King, we must learn all about stones. Help us. Gnomes".

3. Educator: Guys, can we help the Dwarfs? To find out everything about stones, we need to go to the laboratory, where we will conduct experiments with them. And our faithful assistants will help us in this. Name them.

Children: Eyes to watch. Fingers to touch, feel. Ears to listen. Nose to sniff.

Educator : And the mouth, how will it help us? (you can't take anything into your mouth). To work in a laboratory, you need to know some rules of conduct. Which?

Children : behave quietly, do not disturb anyone, be neat and attentive, do not take anything in your mouth, do not wave or throw stones. And here is our laboratory.

4. Experience number 1. Determination of color and shape.

Educator: our eyes are the very first to work. Look carefully at all the stones with your eyes. What color are your stones? Children share their observations of what color their stones are: gray, brown, white, green, yellow, etc. And what shape are the stones? So what conclusion can be drawn?

Children conclude: stones are different in color and shape (the teacher attaches a diagram - a drawing to the board.)

Educator : Guys, what do you think, does the stone change its shape? What are the ways to prove this? (squeeze, hit with a hammer). Let's check. Take a pebble in one hand, plasticine in the other. Squeeze both palms. What happened to the plasticine, did it change its shape? And the stone? Why? (the stone is harder than plasticine).

So which one can be doneconclusion from this experience?The stone is solid, durable.

And now I propose to play. The game is called Good-Bad.

Good-bad game(children name the positive and negative characteristics of the stones).

Guys, stone is good. Why? You can build houses, roads from it. You can play with pebbles, make mosaics, paintings; there are medicinal stones; stones-amulets, talismans; jewelry is made of stones.

The stone is bad. Why? A stone can break glass, a nose, puncture a wheel, and prick a leg in water.

5. Experience number 2. Determination of the size.

Educator: Consider the stones in front of you and say, "Are all stones the same size?" (no) Find and show me the largest stone, smallest, medium Who will make an important conclusion about the size of the stones?

Output : The stones come in different sizes.

The game "Create Musical Instruments".

Educator: Do you think stones can make sounds? Knock them together. What do you hear? These stones talk to each other and each of them has its own voice. Want to play with pebbles. Pour some small pebbles into a plastic box, close and rattle. What does it look like?
(for maracas). We got a real maracas orchestra.

6. Experience No. 3. Determination of the nature of the surface.

For the next experiment, we will need very sensitive fingers.

Self-massage: We will rub each finger, we will knead our hands.

We will now stroke each pebble in turn. Are the stones the same or different? Which? (children share their discoveries). Show the smoothest stone and the roughest, roughest. Does the stone smell?

Output: the stone can be smooth and rough, it does not smell.

7. Experiment No. 4. Examination of stones through a magnifying glass.

To see the surface of the stones even better, we will use magnifying glasses (children look at all their stones).

Educator: what interesting things did you guys see? (specks, paths, indentations, dimples, patterns, etc.) Well done, very attentive children.

8. Experiment No. 5. Determination of weight.

Educator: Guys, I have an interesting proposal for you to become weights for a minute. What do weights do? Yes, they are weighed. Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone. Take the heaviest stone in your right hand, and the lightest in your left hand.

Output: stones by weight are different: light, heavy.
Guys, what do you think about a person they say “He has a stone heart”?

Children: about the evil, cruel, ruthless; a person devoid of compassion.

Educator: Guys, for the next experiment we need a lot of stones, let's collect them.

9. Phys. minute:

We went along the path and found a lot of stones.

We went to the right, we found gray stones,
We sat down, collected, went on.
So we went to the left, found colorful pebbles,
And they went down the hill - they found white stones,
They all brought them with them.

10. Experiment number 6: Determination of temperature.

Educator : Guys, now put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. What table? And the cheeks? Our skin can quickly detect temperature. Now we will have a very interesting experience. Among your stones, you need to find the warmest and coldest stone. Found it? How to warm a cold stone?

Children suggest ways of action: put in hot water, put on the cheek, squeeze in a fist, warm with hot breath, put in the sun. Take a cold stone and warm it in any way.

Educator : Has the stone become warmer?

Breathing exercises... And now I invite everyone to warm the cold stone together with their warm breath.

Children take a cold stone, put it on their palms, inhale with their nose, and exhale through their mouths, lips with a tube (3 times).

Output: stones can be warm or cold.

11. Experiment No. 7. Buoyancy.

The teacher draws the attention of children to vessels with water. Children (two children) mark the water level in both vessels with a special pencil. Educator: What do you think will happen if we put all the stones in the water? (children's answers). Let's put stones in water and watch what happens (leave one stone dry).

Each baby puts his pebble in one vessel. The water level in the vessel rises. Children express their opinions.

Output : stones do not dissolve in water, do not absorb water, they sink in water because they are heavy and dense. The water is pushed out.

The teacher concretizes the children's answers with the phrase: “Stones do not absorb water. They push her out. "

Now let's get the stone out of the water. What has he become? (wet). Compare to the stone on the napkin. What is the difference? (color, wet stone is darker.) Which stones do you like best, wet or dry? (wet brighter).

Educator: Guys, please look at the board. We got an unusual letter about stones. Writing in pictures and diagrams. Who wants to become a real scientist, put on a master's hat and make an important conclusion about the properties of stones? (One child concludes about all the experiments done).

So we helped, the Dwarves will get rid of the evil spell of the Mountain King by talking about the properties of the pebble. The dwarves thank us.

12. Musical game "Mountain".

There is an old mountain, (raise their hands up)

Top of the head up to heaven (reaching out on tiptoe)

Its wind blows(fan themselves with their hands)

It pours rain on it (shake hands)

There is a mountain, it suffers, (they put their palms to their cheeks and shake their heads)

And loses pebbles (children slowly step back)

And every day and every night

They roll, roll (at the signal of the teacher, the children scatter to the sides).

The pebbles away.

Pebbles rolled, and since that time, (they put their palms to their cheeks and shake their head)

There is nothing left of our mountain (they point to an empty place with two hands).

13. Educator: Guys, we said that stones are needed to build houses, roads, bridges, etc., what else can you do with them? (Children's answers)

14. You can also draw on the stones. Let's try to turn an ordinary stone into an amazing one with the help of paint and a brush (children draw with different art materials).

Reading of V. Shipunova's poem "Pictures from a Puddle".

Mammoth with a trunk from a puddle

Blue water scored

And on unnecessary stones

I painted cornflowers.

On a rock - a patch of sky,

There is a moth on the path.

It's a pity that the puddle is too small

It is a pity that the puddle is not a river.

When the pebbles are dry, we'll create a mini-exhibit.

15. Reflection: Guys, what new have you learned today? What surprised you the most? What do you especially remember?

Today we have learned a lot about stones. And also helped the dwarves get rid of the spell of the Mountain King. Thank you.

Summary of GCD lessons in the preparatory group "Amazing stones".

Educator: Bondareva A.S

Tasks: To acquaint children with the diversity of the world of stones and their properties. Build research skills. To expand the knowledge of children about the profession of a geologist.

Promote the development of aesthetic taste. Develop logical thinking, memory, auditory perception, observation.

To foster a respect for natural resources.

Equipment: Mineral stones, magnifiers, building blocks, white and blue cloth, illustrations, jewelry box, container with water, tables, scales, lamp, chalk, coal, pencil.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales: "Magic stone" (Kalmyk), "Bear stone" (Japanese), "Chowder from stones" (Italian), "The secret of three stones" (Kazakh), "The tale of a gnome and a stone - a rainbow", Bazhov "Stone flower ”, Ryzhova“ What the stones are whispering about ”, examining illustrations, talking about the profession of a geologist, stones.

Stroke: With a hammer through the mountains

It passes here and there

And I am sure “I will find

There is iron ore here. " (Geologist).

Today we will talk about the profession of a geologist and about the features of this profession.

Now I'm going to read you a verse about geologists:

Geologist studies the earth

And he knows everything about the treasures

About those that mother earth keeps

And jealously conceals in the depths.

Diamonds and gold, oil and rubies -

All the secrets will be revealed by these men. (Photo)

What do you know about geologists. (Geologists are people who travel to different places and study the bowels of the earth. They look for minerals, work in laboratories, make maps).

What they traveled with. (With a backpack)

What does a geologist have in his backpacks? (Geological hammer, shovel, ruler, compass, measuring tape, magnifying glass, sample bags, cotton wool, wrapping paper, and more).

What a geologist should be (Strong, courageous, able to find the way by compass and map, a faithful friend).

Do you want to go to the mountains in search of stones. Then close your eyes and repeat:

There are many interesting things in the world

We are sometimes unknown.

There is no limit to the world of knowledge.

So, hurry up friends for the cause!

Be careful everyone

Active and diligent.

On the table is a mountain of building material, covered with a blue cloth, and the top with a white cloth. There is a treasure box in front of the mountain.

What is it? (Box with stones).

Yes, but these are not simple stones. but precious. They are used to decorate jewelry (Photo).

What are the jewelry (Rings, earrings, pendant, necklace, bracelets).

In ancient times, different gems differed only in their colors. The name "ruby" was given to stones with red color. All green stones are emerald.

In which piece was the emerald city? (“The Wizard of the Emerald City).

The value of a stone depends not only on its color and luster, but also on its hardness. What is the hardest stone? (Diamond).

What is made of diamond? (Precious jewelry, drills, knives, watch parts, grinding wheels).

While traveling we can come across unusual stones. Stones with which to write. Which ones do you know? (Chalk, coal). (Photo)

Yes, you can really draw with them on the asphalt. How do we draw on paper? (With a pencil).

Traveling, we find ourselves in a laboratory where we can conduct scientific experiments. But before we start exploring, we need to rest.

Physical minutes:

1 experiment: "What is seen on the stone?" Examine through a magnifying glass.

2 experience: "Drowning does not sink." What happens if we put a stone in water? (He's heavy, so he'll drown.)

3 experience: "Cold or warm". If we hold a stone in our hand, it will warm up. And if you hold it under the lamp: what will change?

4 experience: "Weigh the stones." We need to put stones on the scales. Which is harder, which is easier.

5 experience: "Smooth, rough". Stroke the stones with your hand.

Now we are going to play the game "What's gone?" (Lay out stones that are different. Please remember. Close your eyes. We remove one stone. Children must determine which stone was removed).

And now it's time for young geologists to return to D / s.

Game "Mountain and Pebbles".

There is a mountain old woman

Top of the head to heaven - rise on your toes.

The wind blows around her - they fan themselves with their hands.

Its rain pours down - shake hands

There is a mountain suffering - palms to cheeks

Loses pebbles - shake their heads.

Here we are in the d / s.

Outcome: - Who did we talk about today? - What kind of geologists should be? - What do geologists need? - What stones do you know? - How are they similar, how are they different? - What did we do today?

Abstract of GCD for research activities

Topic: Amazing Stones "
Direction. Cognitive.
Age: children 4 years old, middle group
Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creation".
Types of children's activities: play, cognitive research, communicative, productive.
Give an idea about stones and their properties.
Develop children's cognitive abilities and voluntary attention through experimental activities.
involve children in research activities to determine the signs and quality of the stone (multi-colored, round, oval, sharp, smooth, rough, prickly, cold, warm, thundering, durable, strong, hard) and its benefits;
fix the safety rule (throwing stones is dangerous);
Teach children to independently draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment, based on previously received ideas and their own assumptions.
Foster the desire to achieve a good result; develop speech
Expected results: Independently draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment, based on previously obtained ideas and their own assumptions. Methodical techniques:
visual (using pictures, didactic games);
verbal (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children);
encouragement, analysis of the lesson
Visual teaching aids. Cards for the games "Nature is not nature", "Living is not wildlife" hoops,
Materials and equipment: a collection of stones, containers for experiments with water, multi-colored stones according to the number of children.
Individual work. To develop attention, the ability to bring the experience to the end with Danil Sh, Leva Sh, Timur K.
Vocabulary work: stones, clay, rough, wet.
1.Conversation about nature, the game "Nature is not nature"
2. Game "Living - not living nature"
3. Laboratory of researchers.
4 Lesson summary

GCD move.
The teacher and children enter the group and stand in a circle on the carpet.
Educator. Guys, look around, what surrounds us? (items)
And if you and I were in the forest, what would surround us? (trees, grass, flowers, insects) How do you call it all in one word? (nature)
Look, I have objects made by human hands and objects of nature on my cards
-And how can we distinguish what is nature and what is not? (In nature, everything grows, develops, and appears from another plant or animal, and things are made by man, and they no longer change themselves)
We will put pictures with nature on a picture with a butterfly, and pictures of things made by a person on a picture with a person. (children complete the task)
Game "Nature is not nature"
Guys, but nature is also different, is the Grass nature? And the sun? Is the grass alive? Yes, that's right, alive, because it grows, breathes, gives seeds for new herbs. Is the sun alive? No, it's a hot star. This means that nature is alive and inanimate. Let's expand pictures with nature - we put pictures with wildlife in a green hoop, and pictures with inanimate nature in a yellow one.
Game "Living and inanimate nature"
That's right, are stones living or not living nature? They do not grow, do not move, so this is inanimate nature. And in what places are there a lot of stones? (in the sea, in the river, in the mountains)

We will go to the laboratory again today. Let's remember what rules should be followed in the laboratory? (work carefully, take your time, do not interfere with each other) That's right, go to the tables.
Educator: Guys, what are we going to do experiments with? Yes, with stones. I ask you to sit comfortably at the tables. Let's look at the stones that each of you have on the trays.

Experience number 1. Determination of color and shape.
Children share their observations of the color of their stones (gray, brown, white, red, blue, etc.).
Conclusion: stones are different in color and shape (the teacher shows an exclamation mark and a diagram - a drawing, attaches it to the board.)

Experience number 2 Determination of the size.
Are all stones the same size? - No.
Find and show me your largest stone, smallest, medium. Who will make an important conclusion about the size of the stones?
Conclusion: stones come in different sizes.

Experience No. 3. Determination of the nature of the surface.
We will now stroke each pebble in turn. Are the stones the same or different? Which? (Children share their discoveries.) The teacher asks the children to show the smoothest stone and the roughest.
Conclusion: the stone can be smooth and rough.

Experience No. 4. Examination of stones through a magnifying glass.
To see the surface of the stones even better, we will use loupes.
(Children look at all their stones.)

Educator: what interesting things did you guys see? (Specks, paths, grooves, dimples, patterns, etc.). Well done, very attentive children.

Experience No. 5. Determination of weight.
Guys, I have an interesting proposal for you to become weights for a minute. What do weights do? Yes, they are weighed.
Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone.
Conclusion: stones by weight are different: light, heavy.
Experience No. 6 Determination of temperature
Guys, now put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. What table? And the cheeks? Our skin can quickly detect temperature.
Now we will have a very interesting, very difficult experience. Among your stones, you need to find the warmest and coldest stone. Guys, how and what will you do? (Children offer ways of action, conduct an experiment. The teacher asks to show a warm, then cold stone and offers to warm a cold stone.)
Breathing exercises. Children take all the stones, put them on their palms, inhale with their nose, and exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube (3 times).
Conclusion: stones can be warm or cold.

Experience number 7 Stones sink in water.
The teacher asks: “Guys, what do you think will happen to a stone if you put it in water? (Children's versions.) Why do you think so? (Children's arguments.) And what needs to be done to find out the truth - the truth? (Children's suggestions.)
The children take a glass of water and carefully place one stone in the water. They are watching. Share the result of the experience. The teacher draws attention to additional phenomena - circles went through the water, the color of the stone changed, became brighter.
Conclusion: stones sink in water because they are heavy and dense.
(The children take out a stone and wipe it off with a small napkin.)

Educator. Let us be builders with you now. And we will build walls from stone for the house. Children try to build walls out of stones, but they crumble.
Educator. The stone is so hard that it is very difficult to shape the walls and hold the stones together. Clay came to the rescue. You can build and sculpt from raw clay, fasten stones together
Lesson summary: What did we do today? What do you remember the most? Would you like to do some more work in the laboratory?
Educator: Guys! Please look at the board. We got an unusual letter about stones. Writing in pictures and diagrams. Who wants to become a scientist, put on a bachelor's hat and make an important conclusion about the properties of stones?



Kindergarten "Zernyshko" village Novopeschanoe

Synopsis of an integrated lesson

on experimental activities

Topic: "Amazing stones"

senior group from 5 to 6 years old

Educator: Alekseeva I.M.

2016 year

Topic: "Amazing stones"

Target: To acquaint children with the diversity of the world of stones and their properties.


Educational: pay attention to the features of the stones. Together with children, classify stones according to the following criteria: size (large, medium, small); surface (smooth, even, rough, rough); weight (light, heavy), buoyancy - sinks in water. To direct children to search and creative activities in kindergarten and at home.

Developing: develop visual and muscle memory, eye, logical thinking. Promote the development of aesthetic taste. Encourage children to verbalize their tactile sensations. Strengthen the skills of working with magnifying devices. Promote the development of auditory perception.

Educational: foster a respectful attitude towards inanimate nature.

Demonstration and handout material:

    Photos, pictures of mountains and mountain landscapes.

    Stones for every child.


    A glass of water, a spoon.

    Large trays.

    The napkins are small.

    The napkins are large.

    Wooden blocks

Preliminary work :

Talking with children about mountains, examining illustrations, large paintings with mountain landscapes. Consideration of the globe, world maps and finding the highest mountains of our planet and our state. Reading of PP Bazhov's fairy tale "Stone Flower".

Vocabulary work: hard, dense, rough, rough.

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the group and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table.

1 Organizing time

There are many interesting things in the world

We are sometimes unknown.

There is no limit to the world of knowledge.

So hurry up, friends, get down to business!

Be careful everyone

Active and diligent.

There is a box on the table with one large stone inside. Next to the box is an envelope with the name of the group.

Educator : Guys, who do you think this letter and package is from? This letter was sent to us by the gnomes, tk. on the envelope their image. Let's read what the gnomes write to us. (is reading).“Beyond the deep seas, beyond the dark forests, there is a lonely mountain. In this mountain, dwarfs live in endless caves. Day and night they mine gold and precious stones. Day and night their hammers knock. And the evil greedy Mountain King reigns over us. He got very angry when he saw our house bright, smart, cheerful. Help us sketch the king's cave. And in order to do this, you need to conduct experiments. Guess what's inside the box?

In mom's earrings it burns with fire,

In the dust on the road, lies unnecessary,

He changes the odds, he changes color,

And in construction it will last for a thousand years.

It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

Heavy, big - you can't lift it alone.

Who, children, will guess my riddle?

Who recognizes this subject by signs?

Children. This is a stone .

Educator. Whether we have guessed the riddle correctly, let's check. What is it? (Opens the box, there are different stones in it).

Educator : Guys, today we will be a little scientists. We will be doing experiments with stones. I ask you to take your seats.

For1 XP you need to take a closer look at the stones and determine their color. Please show me who has a white stone, who has brown, who has gray, etc.

What color can stones have?

Children's answers: multi-colored.

Output : stones by color aremulti-colored.

Now let's look at the shape of the stones, what can we say there are round stones, and also angular and similar to polygons.

What is the shape of the stones?

Children's answers: different.

Output : stones have different shapes .

For2 XP I suggest that you spread stones from small to large on the table in front of you.

Guys, what size are stones?

Children's answers: miscellaneous.

Output : stones come in different sizes.

(The teacher shows the diagram - a drawing, attaches it to the board).

For3 XP we need a scale. We will put stones in both bowls and compare their weight. Which is the heavier stone, large or small.

Output: stones by weight are different: light, heavy.

(The teacher shows the diagram - a drawing, attaches it to the board).

Experience number 4. Take a stone in your hands. Pet it. How does it feel? Now take another stone and stroke it too, what can we say?Stones are smooth and rough

In one hand you have a stone, and in the other hand take a magnifying glass. Let's look at the stone through a magnifying glass. See what specks, paths, depressions, dimples, patterns on the stones. What beautiful stones! Truth?

Output: the stone can be smooth and rough.

(The teacher shows the diagram - a drawing, attaches it to the board).

Smooth Rough

Experience number 5. Hardness

Educator : Now let's compare stone and plasticine. What do you think, if we burn plasticine in one hand and stone in the other. What will happen? (children's answers).

Educator : I propose to check your assumptions. Take a piece of plasticine in one hand, and any pebble in the other. Squeeze both hands tightly. Open your palms, see what happened. (the plasticine changed its shape, and why (because it is soft, but the stone is not, because it is hard) Guys, you have identified another property of your stones.

Experience number 6

Dip one stone and a block of wood into a container of water. What happened? (a wooden block drowned? (no) Why? (because it is light). And a stone? (drowned because it is heavy). I am posting another hint picture (application), and you formulate the property of the stone that we studied ( the stone is heavy).

Children's answers:

Output : Yes, guys, stones are drowning in water, because they are heavy and dense.

(The teacher shows the diagram - a drawing, attaches it to the board).

. Where stones are used.

Educator : Guys, do you know where a person uses stones? (In road construction, decoration, treatment)

A long time ago, people noticed that some stones are very beautiful, strong, and they used them to build castles, fortresses, churches. In the modern world, stone is more used for decoration: subways, bridges, fountains, balconies, stairs, fireplaces. See how beautiful stones look when designing personal gardens. Stones are used to decorate flower beds, alpine slides, paths.

And geologists consider them in their own way. They know how to use them for the benefit of man.

Coal - it is used as a fuel to start a fire.

Marble - the widest application, got marble in construction in the production of building materials and interior items.

Granite - stone is one of the main elements in building design. It is valued primarily for its durability and strength.

Through a magnifying glass, you can see that it consists of grains of different sizes. Granite is a rock. This stone is very durable, it is used in construction, monuments are made from it. (Shows illustrations.)

There are still stones left. They are called gemstones. Why do you think?

Children. They are bright, multi-colored, shimmer.

Educator. And what are they doing?

Children. Decorations.

Educator ... People have always appreciated stones for their beauty, rarity, durability, they loved jewelry made from them. Beads were made from gems, or they decorated clothes, crowns, icons, bracelets and rings.

Educator : Guys! Please look at the board. We got an unusual letter about stones. The letter is written in pictures and diagrams.

Who wants to tell you about the properties of stones?

(One child makes a conclusion about all the experiments done.)

Do you think a person needs stones?

Does a person use a stone for his needs? How?

Here's how many interesting things we learned about stones! Some help us in the construction of buildings, bridges, others are used in the manufacture of monuments, for decorating metro stations. (

Educator : Guys, let's now ourselves, with our own hands, try to make a sketch of the king's cave. Let the mountain king feel ashamed that he is so angry.

Educator : what do you think the cave looks like from the inside? Today we are going to paint with the sponge wetting method.

Children are doing work.

I think the Mountain King will like it and become a good friend to the dwarves.

Educator: All that you have learned today, tell your friends and parents. All the best

Everything is ready to go.

Compare stones in shape and color.

Stones differ in weight

Consider stones through a magnifying glass

We squeeze plasticine in one hand, and a stone in the other.

We put a stone and a wooden block in a glass of water.

Let's decorate the cave for the Mountain King.

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