How to make a plane out of paper origami diagram. Origami paper planes: simple and complex models

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In order to make a paper airplane, you need a rectangular paper sheet, which can be either white or colored. If desired, you can use notebook, copier, newsprint or any other paper that is available.

It is better to choose the density of the base for the future aircraft closer to the average, so that it flies far and at the same time it is not too difficult to fold (on too thick paper it is usually difficult to fix the folds and they turn out to be uneven).

Putting together the simplest airplane figurine

For beginner origami lovers, it is better to start with the simplest airplane model familiar to everyone from childhood:

For those who could not fold the plane according to the instructions, here is a video master class:

If you are tired of this option back in school and you want to expand your paper aircraft building skills, we will tell you how to perform two simple variations of the previous model step by step.

Trucker plane

Step-by-step photo instructions

  1. Fold a rectangular piece of paper in half on the larger side. Bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet. We turn away the resulting corner "valley", that is, towards ourselves.

  1. We bend the corners of the resulting rectangle to the middle so that a small triangle looks out in the middle of the sheet.

  1. Bend the small triangle upward - it will fix the wings of the future aircraft.

  1. Fold the shape along the axis of symmetry, keeping in mind that the small triangle should remain outside.

  1. We bend the wings from both sides to the base.

  1. We expose both wings of the plane at an angle of 90 degrees so that it flies far.

  1. Thus, without spending a lot of time, we get a distant airplane!

Folding scheme

  1. Fold the paper rectangular sheet in half along its larger side.

  1. Bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet.

  1. We wrap the corners with the "valley" along the dotted line. In the origami technique, "valley" is the execution of the fold of a section of the sheet along a certain line in the direction "towards you".

  1. We fold the resulting figure along the axis of symmetry so that the corners are outside. Be sure to make sure that the contours of both halves of the future airplane coincide. It depends on how it will fly in the future.

  1. Bend the wings on both sides of the plane, as shown in the picture.

  1. Make sure the angle between the wing of the aircraft and its fuselage is 90 degrees.

  1. The result is such a fast airplane!

How to make the airplane fly far?

Do you want to learn how to properly launch a paper plane that you just made with your own hands? Then carefully read the rules of its management:

If all the rules are followed, but the model still does not fly as you would like, try to improve it as follows:

  1. If the plane constantly strives to soar up sharply, and then, making a loop, goes down sharply, crashing into the ground with its nose, it needs an upgrade in the form of an increase in the density (weight) of the nose. This can be done by slightly bending the nose of the paper model inward, as shown in the picture, or by attaching a paper clip to it from below.
  2. If during flight the model does not fly straight, as needed, but to the side, equip it with a rudder, bending part of the wing along the line shown in the figure.
  3. If the airplane goes into a tailspin, it urgently needs a tail. Armed with scissors, make it a quick and functional upgrade.
  4. But if, during the tests, the model falls to one side, most likely the reason for the failure is the lack of stabilizers. To add them to the structure, it is enough to bend the wings of the plane along the edges along the lines indicated by the dotted line.

We also bring to your attention a video instruction for the manufacture and testing of an interesting model of an aircraft, which is capable of not only far, but also an incredibly long flight:

Now that you are confident in your abilities and have already gotten your hands on folding and launching simple airplanes, we offer instructions that will tell you how to make an airplane out of paper of a more complex model.

Stealth aircraft F-117 ("Nighthawk")

Bomber plane

Execution scheme

  1. We take a rectangular piece of paper. We fold the upper part of the rectangle with a double triangle: for this, bend the upper right corner of the rectangle so that its upper side coincides with the left side.
  2. Then, by analogy, bend the left corner, aligning the upper part of the rectangle with its right side.
  3. Through the point of intersection of the resulting lines, we make a fold, which in the end should be parallel to the smaller side of the rectangle.
  4. Along this line, fold the resulting side triangles inward. You should get the figure shown in Figure 2. Mark a line in the middle of the sheet in the lower part by analogy with Figure 1.

  1. Draw a line parallel to the base of the triangle.

  1. We turn the figure over to the opposite side and bend the corner towards ourselves. You should get the following paper construction:

  1. Again, we shift the figure to the other side and bend the two corners up, after bending the upper part in half.

  1. Flip the shape back and bend the corner up.

  1. We fold the left and right corners, circled in the figure, in accordance with picture 7. This scheme will allow you to achieve the correct bend of the corner.

  1. We bend the corner away from ourselves and fold the shape along the middle line.

  1. We bring the edges inward, again fold the figure in half, and then over ourselves.

  1. Ultimately, you will end up with such a paper toy - a bomb carrier!

Bomber SU-35

Fighter "Sharp-nosed hawk"

Step-by-step execution scheme

  1. We take a piece of paper of a rectangular shape, bend it in half along the larger side and outline the middle.

  1. Fold back two corners of the rectangle towards ourselves.

  1. Bend the corners of the shape along the dotted line.

  1. Fold the shape across so that the acute angle is in the middle of the opposite side.

  1. Turn the resulting shape over to the reverse side and form two folds, as shown in the figure. It is very important that the folds are folded not towards the midline, but at a slight angle to it.

  1. We bend the resulting corner towards ourselves and at the same time turn the corner forward, which, after all the manipulations, will be on the back of the layout. You should get a shape as shown in the picture below.

  1. We bend the figure in half away from ourselves.

  1. We lower the wings of the airplane along the dotted line.

  1. We bend the ends of the wings a little to get the so-called winglets. Then we spread the wings so that they form a right angle with the fuselage.

The paper fighter is ready!

Fighter "Gliding Hawk"

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper and mark the middle by folding it in half along the larger side.

  1. Bend the two upper corners of the rectangle inward to the middle.

  1. We turn the sheet over to the reverse side and bend the folds towards ourselves towards the center line. It is very important that the top corners are not bent. You should get such a figure.

  1. We fold the upper part of the square diagonally towards ourselves.

  1. Fold the resulting figure in half.

  1. We outline the fold as shown in the figure.

  1. We fill the rectangular part of the fuselage of the future airplane inside.

  1. We bend the wings down along the dotted line at a right angle.

  1. The result is such a paper airplane! It remains to see how he flies.

Fighter F-15 Eagle

Airplane "Concorde"

Following the given photo and video instructions, you can make an airplane out of paper with your own hands in a few minutes, playing with which will become a pleasant and entertaining pastime for you and your children!

Who, tell me, did not make paper airplanes as a child? We did everything. True, then we did not yet know that this occupation even has a definite name - aerogues. Some managed to launch them in the most unexpected places. And the coolest thing was if the airplane could fly far away. How to make an airplane out of paper so that it flies further, and even longer - read and see in our article different master classes with step-by-step descriptions that will be understandable even for beginners. Videos with lessons are attached at the end of the article.

It is not difficult to make an airplane. You should start with the usual version, just to get your hands on and learn, although it is also considered the same "origami". Fold your first figure according to the scheme:

Step by step:

It's even easier - here:

However, this will not fly well, but it is suitable for beginners.

Origami planes

Origami plane, which is easy to make yourself according to the instructions. More details:

  • 1 and 2 - The sheet is folded 4 times.
  • 3 and 4 - Wrap the corners, as in the previous method, in step 2. Only here, since the leaf is folded 4 times, it is necessary to wrap it on both sides, that is, as a result, 4 corners, but alternately. As a result, it all collapses inward.
  • 5 and 6 - Fold in half again.
  • 7 and 8 - bend the wings to the sides.

1 2
5 6

Making a plane with a long flight

Indeed, as soon as you learn how to make simple paper airplanes, a kind of excitement will appear - how to contrive so that your craft is the best and flies farther than others. Step-by-step instructions in the "origami" technique in the next MK.

Arrange A4 sheet in landscape and mark the middle with a fold. Decorate the wings as shown in Figures 1 and 4.

Above the middle, bend your nose down. And now - up, along the center line. 6. - 8. In half. On the dotted line - the fold, these will be the wings. 9. and 10. Similar to paragraphs 3. - 5. form the flaps. A real military man, albeit made of paper, the plane is ready with your own hands!

Making a plane with a long flight

The next paper airplane design will allow you to launch it for a longer time. A short master class in the photo:

Paper fighter plane

Assembly diagrams of various models of paper fighter airplanes by aerogues.

If you have already gotten used to assembling simple airplanes, then additional explanations will not be needed:

You can make an airplane in another way:

And a few more ways in the style of "origami", if anything - "Model No. 1" illustrates the very first way in the article.

Making a glider plane

A glider is a model for tricks and so that a paper airplane can do interesting tricks and flips, here's a way:

Fast flying origami airplane

A fast plane will turn out like this: we make a blank according to the points already known to you. Bend the sides, then remove the lapels inward from the outer and reverse sides. Then the wings are made.

Wings: first down, then perpendicular. Peel back the anti wings.

Look at what the final result should be, such a model will fly much faster than others:

Airplane with paper propeller

Idea: To make your origami plane even more responsive, attach a propeller to it. Don't worry, it won't be heavy because it is made from the same material. It will be completely clear from the photo.

Turn the left corner to the right. Fold it in half again and fold it back; do the same for the right corner.

Grab the left edge again. See how it bends - its corner has been bent back:

Bring the triangle back. Return the right side to the position from clause 3:

Bend the left, and the corner - inward:

From the second side - the same thing. And all together - turn over to the right:

Bend outward, and then back, but slightly not along the same lines - you should get wings:

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Who has not made an airplane from a notebook sheet? Indeed, depending on the circumstances, it can become a vehicle for a love note, a means to calm the crying of a child, or a shell in a gambling competition. Until recently, few people knew that making such three-dimensional figures was part of a surprisingly ancient ritual art that arose in China immediately after the invention of paper.

Origami is the name of a handcrafted technology that offers a master class on airplanes in which you can learn new techniques that improve their appearance and flying ability.

Standard model

Almost any paper is suitable as a material for work: office or drawing sheets, and thinner ones - notebook or newspaper. The folding process itself does not take much time, and you can practice on various textures and sizes.

Before making a plane with your own hands, you need to learn the main rule of classic origami - folds should be neat and sharp, surfaces should be perfectly smooth.

We take a rectangular sheet and begin step-by-step actions:

  • Fold the paper in half, parallel to the long edge.
  • We put the workpiece in a house and straighten it with an edge outward.
  • We bring two corners to the axial fold and fold them into triangles. It turns out a figure that looks like a house with a roof.
  • We fold the lower corners of the roof so that the ribs are in the middle, closely adjacent to each other.
  • We fold the layout along the fold that was made in step N1, we also fix the folds, and the airplane body is already looming in front of us.
  • We make the wings: symmetrically on the right and left sides, we lower the upper ribs close to the axial fold.
  • Spread the wings 90 degrees to the body.

Jet flying model

This is a more complex origami model: a template is pre-made with various types of folds, which outline the edges of the structure, creating a kind of scheme for folding surfaces at certain angles.

For work, you need a square blank, while it is better to use special origami paper. The term "deep fold" refers to a double fold: fold, unfold, and fold in the opposite direction.

Step-by-step instructions for folding origami flying jet plane template:

We make a middle deep fold. We bring parallel sides to the center with ordinary folds, so as to divide the workpiece into 4 identical rectangles.

We make a middle deep fold crosswise. We fold the sides to the axis. 16 identical squares are marked on the unfolded workpiece. Turn the paper over and fold it diagonally.

Having set the diagonal vertically, bring the left corner of the rhombus to the center and bend it with a triangle.

Then we apply another corner fold on the left segment, collecting the other half of the rhombus along the previously marked folds so that you end up with a trapezoid. In order to correctly complete this and the subsequent stages of constructing the wings and tail of an aircraft, it is worth using photo and video illustrations of this origami model.

Airship, hang glider, and helicopter

Small flying objects can be crafted from lightweight paper with additional details for balance. It is a modular version of origami that is also used in complex 3D aircraft models. In this case, several individual blanks are cut out of paper according to geometric patterns and joined without the use of glue.

The simplest device for starting from a high position can be made from a strip of paper 20 cm long and 2 cm wide.After 2 cm from the edges, you need to make two cuts of 1 cm so that you can insert them into each other, and get a figure similar on the fish.

For the wings of a hang glider, you need a rectangle with a ratio of width and length ¼. If you take a standard paper clip as a weight, then the dimensions of the workpiece are 5x20 cm.

We draw and cut out a uniform arc along the entire length of the rectangle, make a 1 cm wide fold on a straight edge and straighten the cuff at a right angle. We fix the weight on the roundness of the wing in the middle, and placing the surface of the wings parallel to the floor - launch it.

For a helicopter with two blades, you need to make a drawing of two rectangles 10x8 and 8x3. The smallest of them should be docked in width, located in the middle of the larger one.

At the junction, we make a fold, and form a leg at a right angle. Then we divide the large part in half and cut along the fold, forming 2 blades on the right and left. We fix the weight on the lower leg and launch it from a height.

Origami aircraft photos

Many made them in childhood and were happy to launch them at home or on the street. If the model is folded correctly, then it can fly several meters and smoothly descend to the ground.

There is nothing tricky or complicated in making paper airplanes. The main thing is accuracy, attentiveness and a desire to master the art of origami. There are many options for children and adults. Let's stop at three today. This is enough to learn how to make airplanes and send them flying.

Origami paper airplanes - three models

Let's remember how a classic paper airplane is folded, or let's learn for the first time. To do this, take a rectangular or square piece of paper. Fold it in half along a vertical line and straighten it again.

Fold the top side corners towards the center so that they converge to form a triangle. Point it upside down. Fold the sides towards the center again. They should be symmetrically positioned. Bend the tip upward to lock them in place.

Fold the craft in half along the longitudinal line. Fold back the wings. A simple origami airplane is ready.

Wide nose model

Let's try to slightly change the assembly method and we will get a new type of airplane. Let's start in the same way as in the previous time, sketching a central vertical line and bending the upper corners towards it.

Flip the workpiece over and fold to the center again. Bend the particles of the parts to the outer surface to form a rhombus at the top.

Fold the shape in half from top to bottom. Fold the plane in half along the center longitudinal line and form the wings on the sides. He's ready to fly.

Complicated model

The latter option is also simple to execute and differs from the first two in more complex wings and tail. Start as before, bending the top corners of the rectangle towards the center. Repeat the action again, directing the same sides to the middle of the sheet.

Fold the workpiece along the longitudinal line inward. Mark the right angle of the resulting triangle in different directions along the oblique. Bend the section inward along the intended fold to form a tail protruding from above.

Bend the wings on both sides and bend their edges upward. Move the sharp end of the bow inward. That's all.

You can also try to collect origami or any of the three proposed models. It will definitely not be boring!

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