Butterfly origami lesson in the preparatory group. Abstract of the lesson "butterfly in the technique of origami"

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Lesson: Origami "Butterflies" followed by coloring.

Purpose: To teach children to fold square paper in different directions, carefully iron the fold lines; to teach children to use the hint scheme, to develop constructive abilities, fine motor skills of hands. To consolidate knowledge about insects, to form an aesthetic taste; strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

Materials: illustrations with multi-colored butterflies, origami butterfly scheme, white paper square, brushes, gouache, watercolor, water in a non-spill bottle, napkins.

Lesson progress:


velvet wings,

Enchanting flight.

Butterflies lead the dance

Magic round dance.

Motley dresses

Sit on a leaf.

Touch and spin again

Fluttering flower.

Today we will talk about butterflies.

1. Guys, raise your hands who saw butterflies?

Butterflies are insects with complete metamorphosis. Their species is very diverse, and their representatives can be found almost anywhere in the world. Let's see with you photos of butterflies, what colors they are (children's answers).

What are the benefits of butterflies? (pollinate flowers)

And how to take care of butterflies so that they always delight us with their beauty (you can’t trample, catch them for collection, you can’t grab them by the wings)

Today I invite you guys to create your own unique butterfly. And this will help us a sheet of paper, paint and our imagination.


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

(body to the right, to the left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(torso in front, back.)

Moved, stretched

(hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew

(hands up, right, left.)

The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly spinning, winding.


And now let's try to make a butterfly with our own hands.


1. What material will we work with in class?

Abstract of an open lesson

on the design of paper origami technique.

(familiarization with the environment + origami)

Theme: "Neighbours on the planet." Butterfly in origami technique.

Target: Continuing education in the technique of origami, consolidating skills in working with paper, developing logical thinking, spatial representation, design and creative abilities, fostering industriousness and respect for nature.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal - conversation, story, dialogue, explanation;

Effective - practical work, emotional impact;

Visual - showing samples.

Equipment :

Colored paper rectangle;

Paintings depicting a meadow;

Course progress.

Oddly enough, but in the age of the information boom, we still know so little about the world around us. How often we not only cannot recognize a bird that has fluttered in a forest or park, but also name a flower, the most common grass at our feet, or an insect.

Today we will talk with you about those who live next to us, namely about neighbors, but not ordinary, but special.

Question: - Why is the theme of the lesson "Neighbors on the planet"?

Animals, birds, insects…….They fill our world, make it unique and beautiful. Their life, habits delight us, make us see and marvel at the beauty of the world around us again and again. The animal world of our planet is very diverse.

Half of the animal kingdom is made up of insects. They differ in appearance and lifestyle. Attention to the screen.

Video "Insects"

Guys, what insects did you recognize?

Who are insects and why are they called that?

These are well-known butterflies, beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers, bees, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and many others. The body of insects consists of three distinctly separated parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. All parts of the body are, as it were, notched (divided) into segments, hence the name - insects. All insects have six legs, one or two pairs of membranous wings and two antennae (antennas) placed on the head and serving as sense organs - smell and touch.

Meaning of insects: pollinate flowering plants, are food for other animals, perform a sanitary role, contribute to loosening the soil and supplying it with oxygen.

Interesting facts about insects.

Presentation "Insect Records"

Today we will not only talk about insects, but we will try to make them using paper. But first, let's try to guess the riddle and find out who we will make.

I wove myself a huge vest,
She hid there. Go find a coquette.
... Time passed, suddenly from there
(Who will believe in this miracle?)
A slim lady appears!
Not a caterpillar already, but ...



There are many beautiful legends about butterflies. For example, in ancient Rome, it was believed that butterflies are flowers that have come off the stem. Butterflies are really pretty! They come in different colors and shades. Even the names of butterflies are beautiful: swallowtail, admiral, lemongrass ...

Butterflies are a large detachment of insects, with about 140 thousand species. Butterflies are classified as Lepidoptera because their wings and body are covered with small scales.

Butterflies are the champions of nature. In terms of color variety, they are unrivaled. They also differ in size. The wingspan of the largest butterfly (Brazilian Agripina) is 30 cm; the smallest (Acetozea from England and Radiculosis from the Canary Islands) - 2 mm.

Folk sign:If butterflies flutter over a person - to good news, happiness.

Goal for children: Make an origami butterfly..

And our clearings are ready, only they are not very busy.

When beautiful butterflies appear on them, our clearings will change.

Examining the sample.

Let's take a closer look at the butterfly.

What technique will we use to make a butterfly?

What material is the butterfly made of?

What do we need to create a butterfly? (paper) and DISCIPLINE!!!

Repetition of safety regulations.


Our butterfly shook
She smiled and stretched.
Once - she washed herself with dew.
Two - gracefully circled.
Three - bent down and sat down.
And ate the nectar.

And so let's get started....

Butterfly making.

The butterflies are ready, and now we will boldly release them into the clearings.

Children glue butterflies.


What did you learn in class today?

What have you learned?

Anna Shumkova

Target: Teach children to fold square paper in different directions, carefully iron the fold lines; to teach children to use the hint scheme, to develop constructive abilities, fine motor skills of hands. To consolidate knowledge about insects, to form an aesthetic taste; strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

materials: illustrations with multi-colored butterflies,scheme origami butterflies, a square of white paper, brushes, gouache, watercolor, water in a non-spill, napkins.

Lesson progress:


velvet wings,

Enchanting flight.

They lead in the dance butterflies

Magic round dance.

Motley dresses

Sit on a leaf.

Touch and spin again

Fluttering flower.

Today we will talk about butterflies.

1. Guys, raise your hands who saw butterflies?

butterflies These are insects with complete metamorphosis. Their appearance is very

diverse, and their representatives can be found almost anywhere

planets. Let's see the photos butterflies what colors are they (children's answers).

And what benefits do butterflies(pollinate flowers)

How should you take care of butterflies so that they always delight us with their beauty (you can’t trample on them, catch them for collection, you can’t grab them by the wings)

Today I invite you guys to create your own, unique butterfly. And this will help us a sheet of paper, paint and our imagination.


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

(body to the right, to the left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(torso in front, back.)

Moved, stretched

(hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew

(hands up, right, left.)

The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly is spinning, winds.


Now let's try to do handmade butterfly.


1. What material will we work on


2. What technique will we use in our work?

3. What is origami?

So let's get started.

And now we are all with our butterflies let's fly to the flower meadow on our site!

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Hello my dear friends and colleagues! I am very glad to meet you! I worked at the rehabilitation center in Omsk, where I was undergoing treatment.

ABSTRACT GCD "Butterfly"
Purpose: To develop in children the ability to tell from pictures close to the text, answer questions about a fairy tale, perform coordinated actions when performing a physical minute. Recall the order of execution of the basic form of a triangle, to consolidate knowledge about sharp corners. Teach children to bend corners in different directions, clearly ironing the fold lines. Develop visual perception, attention, creative design. To cultivate respect for comrades, patience, accuracy in the performance of work.
Material: pictures of butterflies, K. I. Chukovsky's fairy tale "The Tsokotukha Fly",
handout: for each child, 1 square of any color, scraps of colored paper, glue stick, oilcloths.
Preliminary work: viewing a set of pictures "Butterflies"
Course progress.
- Today in our lesson, I want you to remember the wonderful fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “The Tsokotuha Fly”. And we will remember by looking at the illustrations for the fairy tale. I'll start, and you help. (remember the whole tale from the illustrations).
- Now tell me, what kind of guests came to the fly?
- What do you think, which insect was the most beautiful? (butterfly)
- I also think that the butterfly was beautiful. Remember how the fly talks about her (“the butterfly is beautiful ..”)
- What else can you say about a butterfly? (children's answers)
- Now let's rest.
Slept flower
(starting position: sit down, hiding your head in your knees, and clasping your knees with your hands)
And suddenly woke up.
(raise your head, straighten your arms; then lower your arms along the body)
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stretched.
Soared up and flew.
(straighten your back, rise; sway slightly to the right and left; take your hands back - “wings grow”)
The sun will only wake up in the morning
Butterfly circles and curls.
("fly", imitating the movements of a butterfly)
- Look how beautiful butterflies are. (Illustration display)
Let's make the same butterflies.
- Take a square and make a triangle.
(ask the person who will do it quickly to explain how he did it)
-Smooth the fold line strongly. Find sharp corners and fold them. Clearly iron the fold line. Now be careful! Lay the resulting triangle with the fold line towards you. Bend the sharp corner towards you, and iron the fold line. Turn the workpiece over and do the same with the other corner.
- And the butterfly is ready. Guys, what do you think, what is missing a butterfly? (pattern)
- Come up with a pattern, cut out what you want and stick it on the butterfly. While you are doing the pattern, I will prepare the antennae.
(children fantasize a pattern and glue antennae)
- What beauties turned out.
Lives, decorating the Earth with itself,
Fluttering from petal to petal!
And without breaking the silence,
She herself is a flying flower!
- Let's hang our butterflies in a group and remember the summer.

Gayane Shvets

Integration of NGOs: "Social and communicative development", "Speech development",

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


Continue to acquaint children with insects (butterflies);

Develop the ability to fold a butterfly out of paper using the origami technique;

To promote the development of memory, attention, constructive thought processes, self-confidence;

Develop fine motor skills, creativity, independence and the ability to work accurately;

To cultivate curiosity, interest and a benevolent attitude towards the world around.

Preliminary work: Examining pictures, illustrations, reading poems, guessing riddles on the topic.


colored paper; scissors;

Glue, a simple pencil;

Butterfly body templates, black cardboard;

Demonstration material: a picture of a butterfly.

1 part. Organizing time.

In front of the children on the easel are paintings depicting insects. The children are looking. The teacher makes a riddle:

Flutters over the flowers

Who doesn't know beauty?

Her wings are painted

Her dances are groovy.

Just very defenseless

Completely harmless.

Don't be afraid to scare her.

The weak must be protected.

Educator: Guess who the riddle is about?

Children: (about a butterfly, butterfly)

2. part. Conversation.

Educator: Guys, tell me, what do you know about a butterfly?

(children's answers: insect, flies, beautiful, there are different colors, etc.)

Educator: Butterflies are very ancient insects and one of the most beautiful creatures living on earth:

The science that studies these creatures is called lepidopterology;

Butterflies are unusually diverse both in size and in color, they include

about 160,000 species of these representatives of wildlife;

Butterflies live all over the world, except for Antarctica;

Of all the representatives of insects, only butterflies have 4 large and bright wings with a magnificent graphic pattern;

Butterflies are Lepidoptera insects. There are many scales on their wings. Very often, the scales are confused with pollen and they try to shake off, clean the wings. You can’t do this, the wings will crumple, the butterfly will not be able to fly and will die;

Butterflies have 3 pairs of legs and a long proboscis, which is a food organ;

They feed on flower nectar, sap from trees, rotten fruits, there are species that feed on the blood of cattle;

They never sleep and are pollinators of plants, like bees;

Their life is short - from a few days to six months, depending on the species;

Butterflies go through 3 stages of development and formation: an adult female lays eggs on tree leaves. Within a few days or months (depending on the species), the caterpillar hatches and begins to actively feed and turns into a chrysalis. And in the spring, when the sun begins to warm, butterflies are born with wet, unspread wings. She grabs a twig with her paws, dries and spreads her wings.

Butterflies fascinate and inspire people. They are very necessary and important in our world around us. These beautiful creatures cannot be destroyed.

3. Practical part. .

The teacher suggests creating an origami butterfly.

to work you need:

children trace the body of a butterfly according to the template and cut it out

fold a square piece of paper diagonally to form a triangle

bent and straightened the triangle in half, outlining the center, then bent the lower corners of the triangle. We outlined a semicircular smooth line with a pencil and cut it out. Thus, cut out all the wings and glue to the body.

4. Final part.

Analysis of finished works and organization of the exhibition.

Educator: Butterflies are like fresh flowers. Each type has its own unique features. They always amaze everyone with their beauty!

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