Works for children on the theme of the defenders of the fatherland. Consultation for educators "Stages, forms and methods of patriotic education of children of senior preschool age

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

February 23 - holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is an important and solemn day. Why is it considered as such? Because on this day we honor the defenders of the Motherland, people who are ready to defend its borders at any moment.

On this day, we congratulate all those who defended the Motherland from enemies, war veterans, those who served and are serving. We also congratulate the boys - the future defenders of the Fatherland. It is to them that the honorable mission will pass - to defend the Motherland. On February 23, we traditionally congratulate all men: colleagues at work, in service, grandfathers, dads, the young generation who will stand up for the Motherland.

Motherland is sacred, it is our land, where we were born, grew up, where children and adults live. Where people work, grow bread, study... This is a holy piece of land. “Know how to defend the Motherland”, “Whoever fights for the Motherland, double strength is given to him.”

Today, the holiday on February 23 has a name - Defender of the Fatherland Day. But he was not always called that. You can recall its previous names:

- Day of the Red Army and Navy,

- Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

Currently, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation (1995), the holiday is referred to as "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

On the eve and on the holiday of February 23, it is customary to visit memorable places, places of past battles, listen to the stories of veterans, honor the memory of those who laid down their lives defending the Fatherland.

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. “It is always useful to study military affairs”, “A brave fighter is well done in training and in battle.” Those who are currently defending the borders of our Motherland have a special responsibility. It is these people who are now guarding peace, peace on earth.

Ludmila Kustova

Course passport project.

Section of the program Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers


Topic Expansion and enrichment of knowledge and ideas of children about the Russian army, military branches.

Thematic field Expansion and enrichment of children's knowledge and ideas about the Russian army.

Name project"Defenders of the Fatherland"

A type project Information and creative.

Problem Insufficient level of knowledge about the Russian army; formation of gender identity;

Lack of desire in the future to become defender of the fatherland.

Goal 1. To form in preschool children a sense of patriotism

Tasks 1. Develop children's interest in the history of their native fatherland

3. Bring up defenders.

5. Involve the family in patriotic education of children.


Direct educational activity.

Didactic games.

Role-playing games.

Sports and musical entertainment.

Working methods and techniques



Result Formation in children of love for the Motherland;

defenders of the fatherland;


Criteria Attention focus, duration perception, the presence of physical activity, the desire to listen to poems and stories, the ability to speak out about what they read, the presence of favorite works, preferences.

Resources Technical means (video and audio equipment)

Attributes for the game


Exhibition of drawings

mini museum

Forms of presentation Festive sports and musical entertainment "Day Defender of the Fatherland»


1. Currently education of patriotism, citizenship is a rather difficult task, the solution of which requires patience and tact. Sometimes in modern families such issues are not considered important and deserve due attention.

2. The problem of moral patriotic education children of preschool age, is one of the paramount for modern society. Our children no longer dream of becoming valiant warriors and do not consider protection their homeland - a sacred duty. Day Defender of the Fatherland no longer associated with the armed forces. This holiday gradually turned into a gender holiday, equivalent to International Women's Day. Unfortunately, few people know the history of the holiday - February 23, in connection with which it was established.

3. Practice shows that children no longer dream of becoming valiant warriors and do not consider protection his homeland - a sacred house, and the day Defender of the Fatherland is not associated with the armed forces, because in modern families such issues are not considered important and deserving of due attention.

4. This one project is a great opportunity bring up a sense of pride for one's people, for the army, for the Motherland. Arouse the desire to be like the brave and brave warriors of their country.

Target project:

1. To form a feeling in preschool children patriotism, pride and respect for the Russian army.

2. Systematize children's knowledge on this topic through organized educational activities and educational areas in the daily routine and free activities.


1. Develop children's interest in the history of their native fatherland to the history of the formation and formation of the Russian army.

2. To acquaint with various types of troops and military equipment.

3. Bring up in girls, respect for boys as future defenders.

4. Promote the physical development of children and the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.

5. Involve the family in patriotic education of children /

View project:

Information and creative.

Medium duration.

Implementation period: 08.02.16- 20.02.16

Members project:

Children preparatory group

caregiver: Kustova L.P.

Musical director

FC instructor

Estimated result:

Formation of high moral personal qualities: responsiveness, justice, courage, desire to develop physical qualities and a healthy lifestyle.

Showing interest in the army and respect for defenders of the fatherland;

Formation in children of love for the Motherland;

Fixing some ideas in the history of our country

Project stages:

Stage 1. Preparatory:

Designation of relevance and topic of the future project

Setting goals and objectives

Work with methodological material, literature on this topic.

Stage 2. Basic:

Conducting conversations: d / i, s / r games, finger games, competition games; viewing albums, reproductions, illustrations

productive activity (drawing, modeling, application, design)

Reading fiction

Participation of parents in the collection of material on the content project;

Joint design of the exhibition "Our defenders of the Fatherland» ;

Conducting consultations and conversations; collecting a parcel for a soldier.

Stage 3. Final:

Holiday fun with children of the preparatory group No. 1(Musical and sports festival)

Decoration of the corner dedicated to the day Defender of the Fatherland

Plan for solving the tasks

1. Organized educational activities.

"Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

Painting: "Cenotaph"

Application: Flowers defenders of the Fatherland

Construction: "Gift for Dad"

Making postcards defenders of the fatherland

modeling: "Border guard with a sheepdog"

modeling: "Making soldiers from plasticine of different branches of the military"

"Cognitive Development"

Familiarization with the subject and social environment "Russian Army"

2. Educational areas in the daily routine and free activities.

"There is such a profession"

"Our army is dear"

"What military professions do you know"

"Soldier on Post"


Illustrations with military clothing

Painting "On the border"

Illustration about the Russian army (arms, ranks, insignia)

Examining the painting "Heroes" V. Vasnetsova

C/r games:

"Military hospital"

"Hospital" (sister of Mercy)


"Shop of military equipment"

"Young Sailors"

"Atelier of military clothes"

Production of attributes for role-playing games

Outdoor games

Competition games: "The most accurate"


"Hit the target"

"We are soldiers"


"Get Over the Obstacle"

finger games: "Boat"


Free games with military equipment and soldiers

D / and games: "What a Soldier Needs"

"Pass the Signal"

"Name the type of troops"

"Whose Form"

"Military equipment"

"Guess the military item"

"Pick up for the road"


"Military equipment" (from counting sticks)

Painting: Coloring coloring pages on a military theme

"Dad's portrait"


"Gift for dad"


"On guard of the motherland"

Russian n/s "Nikita Kozhemyaka"

S. Marshak "February"

E. Blaginina "Overcoat"

Heroic tales

Proverbs and sayings about defenders of the fatherland about courage and heroism

Reading an epic about Ilya Muromets

Poem "Who is needed?"

"The hat does not order" A. Mityaev

R. n. With. "Finist-clear falcon"

3. Interaction with parents

Consultations: "Morally- patriotic education in the family»

Conversation: "How raise a patriot»

Making a photo collage "Our defenders»

Collection of photographic material "Look at the Family Album" and photo album design "My grandfather is a soldier"


1. L. A. Kondrykinskaya "Where does the Motherland begin?"

2. T. N. Kazakova "Visual activity in kindergarten"

3. O. S. Ushakova "Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers"

4. N. V. Aleshina « Patriotic education of preschoolers»

5. E. Stupak "Holiday Gifts"

6. N. F. Tarlovskaya "Teaching design and manual labor"


"Defenders of the Fatherland"

Full name (full name)

Yashchenko Svetlana Petrovna

Place of work





GCD "Cognition: the formation of a holistic picture of the world" with integration into the educational areas "Communication", "Fiction", "Physical development", "Music".


preparatory group

Topic and lesson number in the topic

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

Basic Tutorial

    The purpose of the lesson: Expand the horizons about the heroic past of Russia and the soldiers - the defenders of the Russian land.


    educational: to bring children to the understanding that at all times the people defended their homeland, that people always remember the defenders of the Fatherland, compose songs and poems in honor of the heroes, erect monuments.

    developing: develop an interest in the history of their country.

    educational: to educate children in the spirit of patriotism, love for the motherland, pride in its historical past.

    lesson type - integrated lesson

    Forms of work of students - conversation, d / game, performance of game physical exercises, reading verses.

    Required technical equipment - personal computer, multimedia projector, tape recorder.

    Structure and course of the lesson

Table 1.


Lesson stage

Name of used ESM

(with indication of serial number from Table 2)

Teacher activity

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, demonstration)

Student activities



conversation with children,

e / game "Name",

Slideshow (3,4,5,6,7,8)

Conversation with the teacher

10 min


The teacher's story, game tasks for children.

Slideshow (9 -24)

game exercises,


Examination of visual material

15 minutes


conversation with children,

staging guide.


Participation in the play.


10 min

Table 2.


Resource name

Type, type of resource

Information submission form(illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.)



Presentation "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Preliminary work:

    Examination of the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Heroes".

    Examination of the painting "Battle of Borodino".

    Reading works about the Great Patriotic War, about the defenders of the Fatherland, excerpts about epic heroes: “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”.

    Memorizing poems about the Great Patriotic War

    Listening to the recording of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Finist the Clear Falcon", "Nikita Kozhemyak", "Serpent Gorynych", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", "The Tale of Tsar Soltan".

    Visit to the museum of military glory.

    Excursion to the monuments to the heroes of the war of 1812.

    Learning songs, dances with a military theme.

    Artwork on the topics: "Weapons of heroes", thematic drawing for the "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Greeting cards for Victory Day"


Personal computer, multimedia projector, illustrations of heroes of Ancient Russia.

Dictionary activation:

Bogatyr, Russians, epics, hussars, commander, commander in chief, battle, veterans, Reichstag.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Children, on February 23, our country celebrates a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. You know that our country very often had to repulse the attack of enemies. After all, Russia is rich, beautiful, and many would like to own it, (slide 3)

Even in ancient times, enemy raids were a great danger to Russian lands. They ravaged villages and cities in Russia, took women and children captive, took away the looted wealth with them.

And every time the Russian people stood up to defend their homeland - the Rusichi, as in ancient times they called our ancestors - the Slavs, (slide 4) The Rusichi were famous for their heroic strength, courage and courage. Songs, fairy tales and epics were composed about their exploits and strength.

Do you guys know Russian heroes? Name them (slide 5)

Children's answers:

In what fairy tales (cartoons) do we meet heroes? (slide 6, 7, 8)

Children's answers:

Many glorious deeds were accomplished by the Russian people, protecting their land from enemies. Back in 1812, the army of the French emperor Napoleon attacked Russia. Napoleon decided to conquer Russia. Napoleon's army was very strong and conquered many countries. But Napoleon considered the capture of Moscow to be his main goal, (slide 9)

Napoleon said that if he took Moscow, he would hit Russia in the heart. But when his army entered our land, the entire Russian people rose to fight against it. Commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov headed the Russian army. (slide 9)

Kutuzov skillfully fought. In battles, the Russian army showed the greatest stamina and determination, but Napoleon nevertheless advanced towards Moscow.

On August 26, 1812, Kutuzov decided to give battle to Napoleon's army near the village of Borodino. This battle went down in history as the Battle of Borodino, (slide 10)

Only the dark night stopped the fight! Napoleon said: "The most terrible battle of all the battles was near Moscow, here I saw that the Russians are invincible!"

But the losses of Russian soldiers were huge, and then Kutuzov ordered to retreat in order to save the troops, and then hit the enemy again.

Proudly Napoleon entered Moscow and began to wait for the Russians to appear, but no one came to bow. Moscow was empty. The inhabitants have left. The city was on fire. Napoleon looked at burning Moscow and was ready to sign peace, but no one offered him peace, (slide 11)

Napoleon had no choice but to leave Moscow. Near the village of Tarutino Kutuzov defeated the French army. The last battle was given on the Smolensk road. Thus ended the invasion of Napoleon, (slide 12)

Educator: d \ and "Guess"

Guys, guess which of these soldiers took part in the Battle of Borodino? (slide 13)

Children's answers: picture number 4

Educator: To defend the Motherland, a warrior must be able to do a lot, and most importantly, be strong. How to become strong?

Children's answers: Do sports, temper, do exercises in the morning, etc.

Physical education minute (slide 14)

This is what he is a hero: (show a strong man)

He is strong, he is healthy

He shot with a bow

Accurately threw a club (imitation of actions)

stood on the border

Vigilantly, vigilantly observed

We are growing up, look

Let's become like heroes

Educator: Many years later, another war began - the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. War with Nazi Germany. Hitler, like Napoleon, wanted to conquer the whole world, to conquer our Russia, Moscow, (slide 15) sound

But the dreams of the enemies were not destined to come true. Our people have won.

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. The vile enemy attacked a peaceful country suddenly, without declaring war on us. The Nazis hoped for an easy and quick victory. They wanted to seize the wealth of our country, and make peaceful people slaves. But they miscalculated. All the people, young and old, stood up to defend the Motherland. (slide 16-19) sound

In those days, such a song appeared - the call "Get up, huge country / Get up, for a mortal battle, / With dark fascist power, / With a damned horde."

(The song “Get up, a huge country” sounds, music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach)

It was a cruel war that brought our country a lot of grief and great destruction. How many of you guys know about this war, heard from adults, seen in the movies? (children's statements)

Tutor :( d \ and "Name and show")

what types of military equipment do you know during the Great Patriotic War (slide 20)

I suggest you answer the quiz questions:

    What awards for services to the Motherland are awarded to the defenders of the Fatherland? (orders and medals)

    What weapon is called a woman's name? (katyusha) (slide 21)

    What title was awarded to the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, and the city of Smolensk for heroism and courage in the Great Patriotic War? (hero city)

    What title was given to our city? (sign of military glory) (slide 22)

    Where was the Banner of Victory hoisted? (in Berlin, above the Reichstag) (slide 23)

    Where was the Victory Parade held? (in Moscow, on Red Square)

    Guess the riddle:

Suddenly from the dark darkness

Bushes grew in the sky.

And they are blue

Crimson, gold

Flowers are blooming

Unprecedented beauty.

And all the streets below them

They also turned blue

Crimson, gold, multi-colored.

(salute) (slide 24)

For a long 4 years, our and other peoples fought against the Nazis. And, finally, on May 9, 1945, they won a crushing victory over the enemy. (slide 25) sound

If you think this happened a long time ago, you are wrong. Those people who participated in these events are still alive. Of course, now they are quite old, but if you go out into the street on May 9, you will definitely see them with orders and medals. (slide 26)

Those who were children during the war will be without military awards, but you will recognize them by a joyful smile - this is also their holiday, they definitely know the price of a peaceful sky above their heads.

But this is also our holiday, because it is the history of the country.

And in order to remember this history, people erect monuments and celebrate holidays. Heroes live among us, and it is not always possible to discern a hero in a humble person. Let's honor the memory of all those who died for our Motherland with a moment of silence.

We come to the square with flowers,

A soldier is standing there,

And the Eternal Flame - our memory -

Always illuminates granite. (V. Gubarev) (slide 27)

In our country, this day is a day off, in Moscow on Red Square and in other large cities military parades are held on Victory Day, in the evening the most peaceful explosions in the world are heard over the whole country - the Victory salute. (slide 28-29)

And, today, in our days, the defenders of the Fatherland defend our Motherland - Russia. Many of our boys, when they grow up, will become military men and serve in the army to defend their homeland. (slide 30)

We play, we play

We are infantry, sailors.

We launch rockets

We love ringing blades.

We dream, we dream

That when we grow up

We will become foot soldiers

And let's go to serve in the Navy.

To the border and to the sappers,

In pilots, in the submarine fleet.

We will grow up very soon

As long as the game is on.

(song “We will serve in the army” music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by V. Malkov)

Thematic lesson for middle and senior preschoolers dedicated to
"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Prepared by: Terekhova Inna Vladimirovna
music director of the first category
GBOU d / s No. 358, Moscow.

Program content:
To educate love and respect of children for the defenders of the Fatherland. To form in children an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards soldiers, which would be expressed in the desire to imitate them in dexterity, speed, courage, in the desire to be like them. To instill patriotic feelings in children, to evoke a sense of pride in our army, its history.
To support the interest of children in the service of soldiers by reading works of art, looking at illustrations, and organizing a dramatization of a poem.
To draw a comparative parallel: the defenders of Ancient Russia and modern warriors - the defenders of the Fatherland.
To form more complete and accurate ideas about sailors, pilots, border guards, etc.
Encourage children to be active in various types of artistic activities: in music - to sing expressively; in artistic speech - to speak about the Russian Army, expressively read poetry, develop a sense of rhythm.

To cultivate pride in one's country, one's people, the desire for mutual assistance;
create a positive emotional mood, a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Lesson progress

M.R: Hello guys! Today we will talk about a holiday that our country will soon celebrate - Defender of the Fatherland Day. But first I want to ask you, how do you understand the word "Fatherland"? (children's answers.) That's right, the fatherland is our Motherland, the country where we were born and live - Russia! So why did such a holiday, the holiday of the defenders of our Motherland, appear?
Our country has always been very rich and large. And the seas, and rivers, and mountains, and deserts, and plains, and dense forests - everything is in Russia, and all this attracted other peoples who did not have all these riches. They attacked our lands, ravaged cities and villages, captured prisoners, and tried to take possession of the Russian expanses. But the Russian people have always courageously defended their homeland and did not let it offend. In the old days, our borders were defended by heroes. They gathered in squads and guarded our lands. The bogatyrs were very strong and dexterous, well kept in the saddle and well wielded weapons. Fairy tales, songs were composed about them, and even they were painted.

video series "Bogatyrs"

Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov painted many paintings related to Russian epics, fairy tales and epics, Russian history. But the painting "Bogatyrs" is certainly the pinnacle of his work. The creation of which the painter gave almost thirty years. It was completed in 1898. This picture is often called "Three heroes", which, of course, reflects the essence of the picture: it depicts three Russian knights, strong, worthy, beautiful, reliable. These fairy-tale characters are well known to us from folk Russian epics. All of them are dressed in military armor, each has a weapon in his hands. They are on patrol somewhere in the hilly fields, looking to see if everything is in order in the Russian land.

Strength, wisdom, youth and luck - this is what this mighty trinity personifies, which came out of ancient legends. We know the names of each of them. In the center is a majestic hero, full of strength, peering into the distance. This is Ilya Muromets. On his left is Dobrynya Nikitich, about whom it is known that he possessed knowledge, ingenuity, and experience. To the right of Ilya Muromets is Alyosha Popovich, a young, cheerful, good-looking young man, lyrical and romantic. It is not for nothing that a harp is attached to the back of his saddle. Each of the heroes has their own weapon, which gives them the opportunity to fight against any enemy. Ilya Muromets holds a spear in his hands. Dobrynya Nikitich draws a sword from its scabbard, and Alyosha Popovich confidently holds a bow. They can protect their land

The heroes showed their strong strength and prowess not only on the battlefield, but also arranged their own competitions - games, where they chose the strongest. Do not forget about the ancient defenders of the Russian land even now. And I suggest you watch the dance of the heroes, which is performed by the boys of our garden.
"Bogatyr strength"
Our country was changing, and so were its defenders: bogatyrs, Peter's marksmen, brave hussars.

Who became a hussar? Rich, noble, highly educated young people of noble origin (estate). Thanks to the education they received, they were fond of music, literature and managed to create a standard of a hussar. At the end of the 19th century, they were the favorites of the public, especially women. What caused these sympathies? Of course, their appearance, hussar suit. Hussars are brave people. No wonder they repeated the words: “Let everything leave me! If only courage did not leave! The hussars were also famous for their mutual assistance: "Die yourself, but help out a comrade!" When the French attacked our land in 1812, all the people rose to defend the Motherland, but the hussar regiments were distinguished by special valor.
The hussars were a model in everything, and now both adults and children are happy to repeat their image. I suggest you look at how your peers portray the march of the hussars. And since they are not adults, but still children, they also use children's music - the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky "March of the Wooden Soldiers"

Video "March of wooden soldiers",

You see how clearly the guys march, how beautifully they rebuild, and how wonderfully they drum. Let us imagine ourselves as hussars marching in a parade.

Children play march drums.

Now I have told you about the defenders of our Motherland, who lived a very long time ago. What do you think, what kind of army is in our country now? (children's answer). That's right, strong, powerful, well-armed, courageous. There are many branches of service in our army. Let's remember together where our defenders serve? (children's answers) That's right, guys, we are guarded by pilots, and infantrymen, and tankers, and landing troops, and gunners, and submariners, and sailors. They all protect our peaceful life so that you can safely grow up, play, study. Our boys, as well as their dads and grandfathers, when they grow up, will also go to the army, but for now they only dream of it.

Boys read poems by N. Ivanova "MILITARY PROFESSIONS"
(slide show)

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,
The tank will pass on tracks
Gun barrel ahead
Dangerous, enemy, stay away!
The tank is heavily armored
And will be able to meet the fight!

He's a metal bird
Lift up into the clouds.
Now the air border
Reliable and strong!

Here's a wonderful picture -
Coming out of the depths
steel submarine,
Like a dolphin!
Submariners serve in it -
They are here and there
circling under the surface of the water,
Protect the border!

Paratroopers per minute
They descend from heaven.
untangled parachutes,
Comb the dark forest
Ravines, mountains and meadows.
Find a dangerous enemy.

The war is long over
But she left a mark
It happens among the beds
Buried shells.
And a sapper will come with the equipment,
To clear the field.
There will be no explosions from now on
Troubles, and tears, and pain!

Soldier at enemy heights
Was wounded early in the morning.
A brave military doctor will save
He will bandage the wounds!
The doctor will extract from the wounds of a soldier
Two small pieces
And he will say: "Don't be discouraged!
Live, brother, long!"

On the mast is our tricolor flag,
There is a sailor on the deck.
And knows that the seas of the country,
ocean borders
Both day and night should be
Under vigilant guard.

They perform the song by Z. Root “The captain is at the helm”

Musical guide: Guys, today we talked with you about the defenders of our Motherland. About those who lived a long time ago and about those who defend our Fatherland now. We are proud of all those who stood in defense of our homeland - our fathers and grandfathers. We believe in our boys - the future defenders of our country! And congratulations to everyone on the upcoming holiday!

On Red Square
Under the sky of the Kremlin
Flowers have blossomed
Middle of February.

Above the Red Square -
colored lights,
Flying on shoulder straps
They are military.

On Red Square
Guns hit:
In honor of our army
Fireworks today.
(V. Stepanov)

Fireworks exercise.
Video clip "Defenders of the Fatherland" for the song of the same name performed by the vocal studio "Vesnushki".

From fiction I will pass to the manual.
"For Children about the Great Victory. Conversations about the Second World War" is a very good informative publication. This is a small children's book about the Great Patriotic War. The material is presented in the form of conversations, the book is understandable to schoolchildren of all ages. In the text you can find poems about war. After each topic, the reader is asked to answer several questions. The book is small, in a thin cover, but the price is modest. I conducted conversations on May 9th with my children on the basis of this pamphlet. The book can also be used by school teachers and kindergarten teachers for thematic lessons and classes.

Unfortunately, there are no books in stores now (at the time of this writing). However, it is often reprinted, so I will leave links to it. Perhaps, at the moment when you are reading this text, the book appeared in stores.


The manual presents classes-conversations on the Second World War and the most important events of the Great Patriotic War: the beginning of the war, the defense of Moscow, the decisive battles, the victory of our country over Nazi Germany, the liberation of the peoples of Europe from fascism.
The proposed material is simple in form, accessible in content and can be used in conducting classes on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers and younger students.
The manual is addressed to preschool teachers, primary school teachers, tutors and parents.

Much more information is presented in the book "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. People and exploits." This edition can rightfully be called an encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War for schoolchildren. The book is not very large, but informative and at the same time affordable. And for the time being it can be found in stores, although not in all.


The book "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. People and Feats" presents a brief history of the war of 1941-1945, tells about the main creators of victories - the Soviet generals, and about those who embodied their plans - about folk heroes. Clear maps will help to trace the course of the war, the sequence of military operations and the movement of troops. Photos of the war years will immerse you in the atmosphere of that time. Colorful illustrations will introduce weapons, equipment, military uniforms and awards of that era. Informative articles, written in simple language and supplemented with interesting facts, will captivate any reader.
The design uses real photographs of the war years, obtained from authoritative archives, which gives factual accuracy even to a fairly brief summary.

Recently, educational publications written by Elena Uleva have been popular. She has published many books. One of them - "Conversations about the war, an encyclopedia for kids".

This book is built in the form of a conversation between a grandfather who went through the war and his grandson Misha, who lives in our time. Grandfather talks about who the Nazis are, how the war began, about the defense of the Brest Fortress, mobilization ... Each conversation is devoted to a separate topic. "Concentration Camps", "Dogs at War", "Concert Brigades", "Second Front", "Evacuation", "The Feat of Ivan Kozhedub", "Nuclear Explosion in Japan" - 91 topics in total. Articles are small, usually begin with a dialogue between grandfather and grandson, followed by a detailed story. There are not very many illustrations, mostly portraits or small thematic pictures - a tank, a walkie-talkie, a medal. But there are more interesting illustrations: types of weapons, military equipment, uniforms and equipment of soldiers and officers.

The book has a lot of topics and a lot of information, while it is presented clearly, in short stories. Perhaps for preschoolers, the book will be a little complicated, as the topics are considered very difficult. But for younger students, such reading will be feasible and useful.

Several different editions of this book are now available for sale.

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