Greeting card for dad with the day of the border guard. Congratulations on the day of the border guard

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We have great funny and hearty voice cards for border guards. Congratulations for border guards in the voice of V. Putin are especially loved. A private and an officer of the border troops will certainly be happy with such a voice card.
You can choose musical greetings for those who are at the border, even for a former border guard, your audio SMS will be a pleasant manifestation of attention.
Border service is serious, requiring attention and courage. Here you need the ingenuity, courage and loyalty of your comrades. Be sure to send a greeting in verse by phone or a musical card.

"Why are you at the border? You ask the soldiers! They will say - there is a field And beyond the field there is a garden!
And behind the garden there are roads, And in the mists there is dew Protect the rapids And beloved eyes! "

Despite the fact that the border service requires a serious attitude, the guys from the border post are fun lovers.
Great cool calls to the border guard - "The dog is a punisher", "Where is he carrying you? Left the border?", The song "After all, if there is a border guard in the country!"
You can express gratitude in audio SMS for the good service of those who guard the peace of the country, you can joke, send a poem to your phone or order a song.

Svetlana Kopylova

"The winds blow in February, howl loudly in the trumpets.

A light drift rushes along the ground like a snake.

Rising, flights of aircraft rush into the distance -

It celebrates the February army's birth. "

The holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" is approaching, and as always with the children we draw portraits of dads, prepare for the matinee, compose stories about our dads are strong, brave, how much they can. And of course, we prepare gifts for our closest and dearest people. This year we decided to do with the children cards for dads... From the branches of the troops they chose border troops.

For work we need colored cardboard, glue stick, scissors, colored pencils, blanks with a contour dogs and border guard, strips of green paper 10 by 1.5 cm, red 1 by 8 cm, white rectangles 3 by 8 cm, the inscription "Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day."

Cut along the contour border guard

we paint with colored pencils.

Then fold a sheet of cardboard in half and glue the border guard by the palms and shoes.

In the upper left corner we glue the inscription "Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day", in the upper right corner a painted flag of Russia.

Coloring dog and stick next to border guard, we draw a leash, on the other hand we glue border post.

Our gift is ready.

Happy Holidays, dear dads!

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Modeling in the preparatory group. Game situation "Border guard with a dog" Program content. Strengthen the ability to sculpt human figures.

Postcard for dad to "Defender of the Fatherland Day" For work we need the following materials and tools; Scissors, glue stick, glue.

Dobrova time of day! Dear visitors of the site, I want to bring to your attention a master class on making postcards for dad at 23.

Purpose: To develop the creativity of children; foster love and respect for adults, a sense of patriotism. Objectives: to teach how to make a boat.

Of the materials, the simplest are needed: paper (green, yellow, red, white), scissors, PVA glue, ruler, pencil). Postcard 23.

Happy border guard day, daddy,
You deserve congratulations
I wish you, dear,
So that you live a long life,
Be strong, strong and happy
Overcome all the problems
More often, dad, smile
And you never get sick!

You guarded the border
You protected the country
And me from troubles and evil,
You protected with love!

And today for you
These warm words
You be healthy dad
Forget about all the troubles.

Always be happy
Never be sad
Happy Border Guard Day, kindness,
I wish you dad!

Dear dad, I congratulate you on the Day of the Border Guard and I want to wish that neither wind nor hurricanes could violate the boundaries of your happiness, so that the boundaries of our family are always in reliable safety. May your honor and courage not allow any enemy to break through, may your confidence and perseverance always allow you to reach incredible heights of success.

My dad, you are a border guard
I am very proud of you.
Defend the cordon of power -
A choice made by fate.

On the holiday of your health, strength
I want to wish, father.
Deserved for hard work
You are your laurel crown.

May wishes come true
Happy, dad, be always
Joy and understanding
Never give up.

Daddy my beloved
Nice border guard,
Happy holiday to you today
Your most important.

I admire you
And I'm immensely proud.
I wish to be on horseback
I wish to be the first.

Happy Border Guard Day, daddy,
I congratulate you today
Victories, luck and health
I sincerely wish you.

I'm proud of you, of course
You are my authority
Stronger, better and more worthy
I know, in the whole world, not.

Let health be strong
And bad luck will get around
Let the angel take care of the service
And may you be lucky in everything.

You, my daddy, border guard,
You served with dignity and courage.
I kept the border perfectly,
He was dexterous and very skillful!

I sincerely congratulate you,
I am proud of you infinitely.
And if trouble suddenly, I know
You will stand as a shield at the border!

My dad is the best border guard
And with him the Fatherland is locked,
I wish him to live perfectly
I kept my luck in my fist!

And let the enemy go around
For hundreds of miles our country,
Dad has enough strength and power
Give him a serious rebuff.

Always be happy daddy
Brave, sensitive, fighting,
Invincible, very strong
With a cool male character!

You were a border guard, dad
You were never weak!
Kept the border locked
Peace and silence - in your hand!

I wish you good luck and success
Go to visit your friends,
Let there always be silence on the border
We all have one planet!

My dear father, let
Your service is going well!
Don't let bad people pass
But good, kind - you need!

I wish you, dad, always
To be happy and smile!
Let it be like a star for you
Good luck will ignite!

Daddy accept today
Congratulations from me.
Know that he loves, respects
You are a friendly family.

At the border, his service
Honestly, you always carry
And our country is offended
I know, dad, you won't.

I wish to be healthy
Never back down
And the border, as before,
My good, defend.

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