DIY yarn toys. Making crafts from threads

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You can not only knit from yarn, but also create interesting crafts for decoration and entertainment.

Take the time to make your own thread toy - a charming ostrich that will delight children and make an excellent gift. The bird turns out to be active - it can move and even follow the owner’s commands! This master class does not require any special skills; even a child can handle the task, but it’s even better if you get to work together and spend a couple of hours with your child.

Preparation of materials and tools

To create a bird from threads, take:

  • skein of white yarn;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • two beads with a diameter of 1cm;
  • two wooden planks.

The craft is based on balabons, even if you have never made such fluffy balls, don’t be afraid, there is nothing complicated about it. Just learn!

Master class on making ostrich

From hard cardboard, make a template for creating the body of an ostrich - the first balabon. To do this, use a pencil to draw two circles with the same center and diameters that differ by half.

Unwind two meters of yarn and fold it in half. Secure the thread by pulling it through the loop and begin to wind it evenly onto the template, applying the same force.

Measure another two meters and secure the yarn to the template, folding it in half.

Pull several threads at least one meter long through the center of the cardboard.

Do not limit yourself to the amount of yarn - you need to weave the legs and neck of the bird.

Braid the hair on the threads stretched through the center.

Cut the threads by inserting scissors between two pieces of cardboard.

Secure the balabon by tying it tightly between the templates.

Cut the cardboard and remove it.

Make the bird's legs out of thread by winding a skein.

Wrap it around the end of the leg braid and secure the beginning of the foot.

Tuck the threads from the braid to the foot. Wrap the resulting tassel several times with separate yarn. Fasten off the yarn. Divide the brushes into three equal parts.

Also wrap each part with thread. In this way, make three toes on the ostrich's foot.

To create the head, make a skein twice as long as for the feet.

Fold it into a spiral.

Braid the remaining long ends for the neck into a braid. Secure the spiral skein at the end of the neck.

Connect the ends of the spiral into a beak, wrapping them with yarn.

Glue on the beady eyes. To make a movable toy made of threads for children, fold two wooden planks in a cross and fasten them. Tie thin threads to the ends of the planks. You can use a fishing line, then the bird will move as if on its own.

Tie the fishing line of one strip to the head and body of the ostrich, and the second strip to the feet. You can adjust the length of the manipulators by winding them around the ends of the bars.

When you have achieved a harmonious arrangement of the bird's limbs, once again fasten the yarn at the ends of the slats and display the charming toy made of threads to the public.

Do you want to practice your thread technique more? Then make or turn a jar into a . Even more handicraft master classes await you in the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies”, which we regularly update with fresh ideas!

Sewing thread is found in every home, even the most notorious bachelor has it in a cookie box. You can ask your grandmother if she has a braid of floss or a bag of yarn lying around on the mezzanine. Grandma will be happy to give them to you. In a needlewoman’s workshop, there are sometimes even too many of these leftovers. Recycling illiquid items is the principle of our handmade knitting thread crafts.

Threads can be new or used. If you got your grandfather's old multi-colored sweater, this is happiness for the needlewoman. But you need to work with him first.

Preparing threads for work

Unravel the sweater by wrapping each color of thread into a separate ball. If you use them right now, nothing good will come of it, because for now the loose thread resembles a cardiogram of a healthy person.

To straighten it out, you need to arrange a Russian steam bath for her. It's good if you have a double boiler. Then, instead of manti, place your balls in it and cook for half an hour until ready. But even without a double boiler, you can use a simple colander or a metal sieve, holding the threads over boiling water in a pan. After the bath, the balls should be dried well. This can be done even on a battery. As long as there is no finished product, we are not afraid of deformation or shrinkage of the thread.

Making toys from pompoms

Crafts made from woolen threads for children can bring a lot of joy, requiring a minimum investment of money and time. In order for the child to get more joy from recognizing the figure, you need to choose an animal or bird that the child knows well. In this case there will be chicken.

To create crafts from knitting threads with your own hands, you must first learn how to make pom-poms.

Classic way

It is too labor-intensive and inconvenient; it is unlikely that it will be possible to involve a child in the manufacturing process. The procedure is as follows:

Another method described below in the DIY thread crafts master class is much better suited. Children of any age can take part in making a pompom, because it does not pose any danger.

Modern simplified method

We will need to find or make a template in the shape of the letter “P” with the distance between the “legs” equal to the diameter of the desired pompom. You can make it out of stiff cardboard, find a metal frame in your dad's garage, or use a picture frame, since they come in all sorts of sizes. An ordinary fork is great for small pumps. The main condition is that there must be a gap between the two horizontal edges.

To make a pom pom, follow this plan:

From a ball of thread you can easily make an egg from which our miracle chicken will hatch.

Now that you have learned how to make thread balls, you can start creating a toy out of thread with your own hands.

Master class on creating a chicken

In addition to the pompom, we will need:

Pompoms are the most waste-free method for recycling threads..

Crafts made from cotton threads

From soft and fluffy toys, you can move on to crafts made from threads and glue with your own hands. Here we just need:

  • Grandma's stash of floss or bobbin thread. Threads should be cotton, hygroscopic.
  • The cheapest inflatable ball.
  • PVA glue.

The principle of making unique openwork products is very simple - take a mold and make a cast using it. Only our cast will not be monumental and plaster, but airy and threadlike.

Candy bowl as a gift for grandma

She can stand in the center of her table so that you can always treat yourself to some candy.

And don’t forget to fill the vase with the most delicious sweets before giving it to grandma. Then she will immediately run to put the kettle on. And then, with genuine delight, he will recognize his threads, which, most likely, would continue to gather dust in the closet. But your skillful hands came to the rescue.

Attention, TODAY only!

Useful tips

From ordinary threads you can make a large number of beautiful and useful crafts .

You can decorate your home or workplace with such works, as well as give them to someone or use them as an addition to a gift.

Here are some interesting ideas on how else you can use threads and what interesting works you can make from them:

How to make a wall decoration with your own hands from threads

You will need:

Small book or notepad


Wooden dowel or straight branch.

1. Wrap the thread around a book or notepad about 30 times. Tie the ends in a double knot.

2. Cut the wrapped thread on the side opposite the double knot.

3. Cut a small piece of thread and tie it at the top of the folded threads (see image).

4. Cut off any excess threads. You have one of several blanks for wall decoration.

If the thread is white, it can be dyed, but this is not necessary. You can use threads of different colors.

5. Tie each piece to a wooden dowel or branch.

6. Tie a piece of string to a pin so that the craft can be hung.

How to make a simple pompom from threads

You will need:

Piece of cardboard (15 x 15 cm)

3 skeins of thread


Thread and needle and a blanket or pillow (if desired).

1. Start wrapping the thread around the cardboard as shown in the image. Wind until you reach the desired thickness. For this craft, the thread was wound 55 times.

2. Cut a small piece of thread and, having hooked this piece under it, tie it around the wound thread. Move this knotted piece of string to one of the edges of the cardboard.

3. Place the scissors under the thread on the opposite end of the cardboard and cut the wound thread.

4. Cut another piece of thread and tie it slightly below the top of the bunch of threads.

5. Cut another piece of thread and tie it slightly lower than the previous piece.

6. Use scissors to trim the bottom of the craft.

You can make several similar crafts and, if desired, use a thread and a needle to decorate a blanket or pillow with these pom-poms.

How to make a rug from pompoms

How to make a simple DIY wall decoration from threads

The circle for this craft can be made from thick wire or you can use a hoop.

You will also need:

Threads of different colors (3-4 colors)


1. Cut threads of different colors into long lengths (see image). You will have to cut a lot of thread, so be patient.

2. Bend all the threads in half and start attaching them to the circle. You just need to hang the thread on the circle and thread one end of the folded thread into the other.

3. Attach the threads in a circle, alternating colors in any order.

4. When the entire circle is covered with threads, tie another piece of thread to it so that you can hang your craft.

Here's another similar craft:

Original DIY thread crafts: wigwam

You will need:

5 small branches

Several threads of different colors

Simple pencil

Hot glue (if necessary).

1. Tie three sticks.

2. Cut a small circle from cardboard. Make 5 small cuts along the edge of the circle for the branches.

3. Insert the cardboard between the three tied sticks.

4. Use hot glue to secure the sticks in place.

5. From top to bottom, start wrapping threads around the three connected sticks until you go a couple of centimeters below the junction of the sticks. Add 2 more sticks, tie them and continue wrapping the teepee as shown in the image.

It is worth wrapping it so that you still have the entrance to the wigwam. Select two sticks that will play the role of door leaves and wrap them around one leaf, then back to the other and so on until the entire wigwam is covered with threads.

* You can trim off any excess cardboard.

How to make a dream catcher from threads

You will need:

Hoops of different sizes

Acorns, branches, leaves.


1. This may seem like a complicated craft, but in reality you will be using the same knot over and over again.

2. You need to weave the thread around two pairs of hoops in a figure eight - go around the top of one circle and then the bottom of the other. Repeat the same movements until you have covered both circles with thread as shown in the image.

3. Tie the threads to the decorative pieces and attach them to the hoop.

4. To learn how to weave a “web” inside a craft, pay attention to the diagram:

How to weave a dream catcher (video)

How to make a chandelier from threads

You will need:

Hoops or circles made of wire (you can make it yourself)


1. Tie two pieces of thread to the hoop in a cross pattern.

2. To hang the chandelier, you need to cut off another piece of thread and tie it to the place where the threads cross from step 1.

3. Cut many pieces of thread and attach them to the hoop.

4. If necessary, trim the hanging threads so that they hang evenly.

Doll made of threads

You will need:

Any cardboard piece (such as a toilet paper roll or piece of cardboard box)


1. Wrap thread around cardboard. The length of the cardboard depends on the length of the doll you want to make.

2. When you have wound enough times, remove the thread from the cardboard and cut with scissors at one end so that you get several threads of the same length.

3. To make the head, fold the threads in half, cut a small piece of thread of the same color and tie it around a bunch of cut threads, just below the fold.

4. Now you need to divide the bundle of threads into 3 parts - 2 parts will become the handles, and the third part - the more magnificent one - will become the waist and legs. Cut 2 more pieces of thread and tie them just above the center of the workpiece.

5. Now you need to twist or braid the doll’s “hands”. The lower part will act as a skirt.

6. If you want to make legs for your doll, you should also divide the threads into two parts and weave a “leg” from each.

How to make a doll from threads with your own hands (video)

Decorating bottles with threads

You will need:

Threads of different colors (the thicker the thread, the less it will be needed to decorate the bottle)


PVA glue.

1. Start wrapping the bottle with thread from the bottom up. Add glue little by little so that the thread does not unravel.

2. When you decide to change the color of the thread, start a new thread exactly from the same place where the previous one ended.

How to make a mandala from threads (video)

Various options for crafts made from threads

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at threads is knitting. But you can make very beautiful products from any threads without using a hook or knitting needles.

This could be various jewelry in the form of earrings, hair clips or scarves, as well as items for your home interior that will make it special.

I offer some interesting ideas for things that you can make from threads with your own hands.

Accessories made from threads

Thread hairpin

Most girls go to many stores to find a beautiful and unusual hair decoration. Hairpins and elastic bands are the most popular jewelry for women's hair.

In order to make this accessory yourself you will need:

  • threads;
  • buttons;
  • rubber;
  • decorative elements.

Preparation method:

Wrap the thread around two fingers. Choose the thickness of the ball yourself. Once you have decided, rewind it once or twice in the middle. You should now have a bow. Glue a button in the middle. Its size should harmoniously fit into the size of the bow. Attach the resulting braid to an automatic or hair elastic. If desired, you can take several types of threads. Also suitable for decoration are beads and artificial pearl sequins.

Wrist bracelets

If you have old bracelets that have lost their appearance, do not throw them away. You can make interesting new products from them. Such decorations will only be available in one copy.

To work you will need:

  • bright threads;
  • glue;
  • beads or other decorative elements.

Manufacturing process:

To make a new design, use threads of the desired color. Wrap them so that the base is not visible between the steps of the material. Secure the ends of the weave with super glue. But so that they are not visible. Decorate with beads, shiny sequins or decorative flowers.


We all know that knitted scarves are very beautiful and stylish. For those who do not know how to knit, you can make a scarf with your own hands without knitting needles. If you need it only as a decoration, then this option is exactly what you need. Take the thickness of the thread that interests you and weave it into a thick braid. Try to keep the bindings the same distance. The weaving should not be very tight. Otherwise, the final result will be a loss of volume of the product. This type of scarf will not warm your neck in cold weather, but it will look amazing. There is another option that is more complicated.

For it you will need:

  • threads;
  • glue;
  • fabric or leather;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

Take a chair. Wrap the threads around its back several times. Tie in three or four different places with a small piece. These places need to be covered with small pieces of fabric or leather. It is best to attach them with glue. For greater individuality, you can sew sequins in certain places.

Christmas tree decoration

To make interesting hats for the New Year tree, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • bright threads;
  • scissors.

Preparation method:

Cut the cardboard into small rings. Next we will wrap them with threads. Before this, the threads must be cut to a length of 20-25 centimeters. Weaving must be done very tightly. After the surface is covered, we pull both ends of the thread into the ring. They should come out the other side. We tie the elongated ends with the same thread color. Your DIY Christmas tree decoration is ready. To get a larger figurine size, use the cardboard from the box, but it will need to be glued together.


This is already more troublesome work. It will take several hours of your personal time. But the result will please you. After all, I always wanted to see such a bird, and now I have the opportunity to watch it all the time.

To make it you will need:

  • threads of three colors: gray, black and yellow;
  • cotton wool for filler or padding polyester;
  • a small piece of cardboard, approximately 14 by 20 centimeters.

Manufacturing process:

In advance, form a ball from cotton wool or soft filler, the diameter of which will be up to five centimeters. Then we begin to wind black threads onto the cut out cardboard. If your threads are thick, then 50 turns will be enough. If thin, then do more. After the threads are wound to the end, cut them completely on one side. You should end up with a ball of thread that is bent on both sides. Thus, we make gray and yellow threads.

Take a yellow and black bunch. They need to be placed at right angles. In the middle of the thread you need to intertwine so that you get a loop. Let's move on to the gray beam. We must bandage it in the middle with the same color. To form the body, you need to take a gray bun and a ball, which you did earlier. We wrap the threads around the cotton wool. They need to be stretched so that the tit's belly is the same. To form a tail, you can tie the tip with the same color of thread.

The back and head will be made from yellow and black skeins. This is a very delicate job, so you need to do it carefully. Yellow - you need to stretch it evenly on the sides. We also tie the ends. They can be cut off or left. On the upper part, in the middle, we stretch the thread that will form the head. The tit's neck does not stand out very much, so there is no need to tighten the weaving much.


Another option for using threads could be a vase. More precisely, its design.

For this work you need:

Process :

Thread rugs

To work you will need:

Production process:

Making such rugs does not require a lot of time and money. We take the grid as a basis. If it is not possible to purchase such material, rugs can also be made on burlap. You need to cut out the required shape and size from it.

Next, you need to select the appropriate threads for the rugs. It is better if they are thick and soft. They need to be cut about 10 centimeters long and attached to one side of future rugs. To do this, fold the thread in half, grab the resulting loop with a crochet hook and pull it from one hole to another. After this, insert the tail of the thread into the loop and tighten it tightly. These handmade rugs are very soft and beautiful.




Video: how to make a rug from threads with your own hands

A real housewife will not waste even a piece of thread. She will always find a use for them. Using our methods, your guests will be delighted with what they see. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and stylish than handmade products. Try, experiment and only then will you be the happiest person.


Oksana Andronova

Every child has toys. You can buy some in the store whatever: any size, color, from teddy bears to newfangled minions. But a toy made by mother or father’s hands has a special charm in the eyes of a child. I suggest making a bird from thread. Having mastered simple techniques, you can do it at home with your child. You can play with it, decorate the interior of your home, or give it as a gift.

So let's get to work.

We need three colors of yarn, seeds for the beak, beads for the eyes, 20x14 cardboard, newspaper and glue.

1. We wind yarn of one of the colors (your choice) on the long side of the rectangle. This will be the bird's head. We make about forty turns.

2. For the wings and hooters, choose a different color and wind the yarn on the short side of the cardboard.

3. Cross the yarn for the head and wings.

4. We tie the yarn for the breast in half.

5. From a sheet of newspaper, crumple a ball approximately five cm in diameter.

6. Wrap it with breast yarn.

7. We lay the crossed yarn on top, tie it at the bottom - this is the tail.

8. All that remains is to glue the beak made of seeds and eyes made of beads.

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