Making the folder “Piggy bank of good deeds. Corners in kindergarten: design according to the federal state goals The goals of creating and operating corners in kindergarten: the role and importance of corners, the main tasks for all age groups

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Game and research activities are the leading types of children's activity. Through the study of the appearance and properties of objects, ideas about the physical side of the surrounding reality are formed. Games build social competencies and develop communication skills. Creative abilities are manifested in subject and game activities. For the formation of a versatile personality, it is necessary to create a rich and object-spatial environment around the child.

The goals of creating and operating corners in kindergarten: the role and importance of corners, the main tasks for all age groups

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) defines the target of each developing area (cognitive, physical, socio-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic) to encourage the initiative of children's activities (mental or practical), to stimulate independence in the choice of methods of activity and their implementation. Children actively explore the world, rapidly accumulate sensory images. The study of objects and the connections between them in the immediate environment occurs with the help of perception by various senses (vision, hearing, taste and tactile sensations).

In various ways, children study objects in their immediate environment, exploring their qualities and properties.

From the first years of life, the child spontaneously explores material objects: he checks for taste, brittleness, softness, temperature, sonority. During the period of preschool education, conducting classes in a playful way makes it possible to study various tools and objects, the relationship between them. For effective mental, physical and moral development, the child must be in comfortable conditions. The organization of the subject-spatial environment by the teacher begins with the design of the reception room and the placement of the group in such a way that the pupils feel comfortable, because they spend a lot of time here, it is not for nothing that they say that a kindergarten is the second home for kids.

In kindergarten, the child should be comfortable and calm, like at home

Creating corners of various orientations in kindergarten implements the principle of educating a comprehensively developed personality. Here, children acquire initial ideas about the physical properties of objects, get acquainted with art and create crafts, play musical instruments and sing, engage in speech exercises, look at books and listen to the reading by the educator, comprehend the meaning of moral values. Due to the variety of thematic corners, the principle of frequent change of activity is fulfilled: preschoolers quickly get tired, lose interest in one subject and easily switch to another. An individual-personal approach to learning is carried out in providing children with a choice in which center of activity they will be engaged at a particular moment (the possibility of independent activity in productive creativity, play, etc.). Thus, the purpose of organizing corners in kindergarten is to create conditions for the successful development of the abilities of pupils.

The organization of children's activities in the corners implements the principle of the comprehensive development of children, taking into account a personal approach

Tasks of thematic corners in kindergarten

1. Educational tasks:

  • formation and expansion of ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (corners of cognitive orientation, centers of nature, gaming and sports activities);
  • acquaintance with art and its types (art corner, theater and music centers);
  • formation of initial scientific ideas - mathematical, physical, chemical (corner of experimental activity, mathematical center);
  • preparation for teaching reading and writing (book, speech, speech therapy corners, writing center);
  • acquaintance with the social structure, social relationships (corners for role-playing games, a dressing room with costumes of professions).

Pupils study the structure of the Universe, celestial bodies and their properties

2. Developmental tasks:

  • development and improvement of fine motor skills (play corner, experimentation center, creative workshops, water and sand centers);
  • improvement of coordination of movements (sports and labor corners, creative centers);
  • formation and consolidation of the ability of objective actions - operations with various objects, tools and devices (green corner, experimental laboratory, zones of play and productive creativity, musical island);
  • development of mental abilities: forecasting, planning, hypotheses, analysis, generalization, systematization (corners of research and creative orientation);
  • development of oral speech skills (in the center of any activity where children's actions are accompanied by commenting, voicing, especially actively - in book, speech, speech therapy, theatrical corners);
  • development of mental abilities: long-term memory, various types of perception (carried out in the corner of any direction);
  • development of physical qualities: dexterity, endurance (a sports corner, a center for outdoor games);
  • formation and development of self-service skills (a corner of work and duty, play and creative zones, a wildlife center).

In the centers of children's activity, the mental, mental and creative abilities of pupils develop, practical skills are improved

3. Educational tasks:

  • creation of a positive emotional atmosphere in the group and cohesion of the children's team;
  • education of moral qualities (family corner, friendship center, good corner, Orthodox corner);
  • education of love for the motherland (national corner, corner of the native language, corner of the city / village);
  • education of responsibility, including social (safety corner, traffic rules);
  • education of accuracy, teaching the rules of behavior (etiquette corner, work corner, home economics center);
  • the formation of aesthetic taste and a sense of harmony (artistic and aesthetic orientation corners).

Activities in the corners contribute to the formation of moral values ​​in preschoolers

The design of the corners is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils. In classes with children 1.5–3 years old, special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements, so sand and water centers, research, play and sports corners will be relevant. By the senior preschool age, children acquire the ability for role-playing games, participate in heuristic conversations, show creative abilities - the subject-spatial environment is enriched with play sets and costumes for the disclosure of social competencies (“Polyclinic”, “In the store”, “Newsstand”, "On the road", etc.), attributes for theatrical games and dramatizations.

Veronika Parfenova

There are many ways folder design"Piggy bank of good deeds". Usually in folder insert gratitude for the participation of parents in various activities in kindergarten, or in a group. I publish such information on my website in the "Thank you" section, so we did not want to repeat ourselves. We decided to go the other way.

Since our group is called "Polyanka", we chose a green folder and decorated it with flowers.

The same flowers were cut out of white and yellow paper.

The names of the families of our pupils were printed on colored sheets. For each case, we glue a flower. It is important to sign for what case. for instance: for ribbons, "Autumn Basket" competition, etc.

As a result:

Each family has its own clearing good deeds;

Children are very happy when we praise their parents;

Parents are encouraged to be no worse than others;

The activity of each family is very well traced.

And two more positive points.

Such folder can be done quickly with minimal investment.

Our " Piggy bank of good deeds"took a worthy place in the dressing room and became a great addition to her design in the same style. But I will tell you about this some other time.

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Corners of mood, solitude, panoramas of good deeds in kindergarten for the development of the emotional sphere of children.


Karimova M. R.

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children (including their emotional well-being).

The behavior, mood of a preschool child depends very much on his emotional state. He has not yet learned to manage his experiences, and therefore his life is highly prone to mood swings.

You can track the emotional state of each child during the day thanks to the “My Mood” corner. We have it presented in the form of a multi-colored flower. Each petal corresponds to a certain emotion: I am calm, I am happy, I am sad, I am angry, I do not want to communicate. Children place their photo magnets on the petals according to his mood. Children thus learnin an accessible form for them to understand their mood, their emotions and feelings, manage them, as well as the feelings and emotions of their peers. Thanks to this, children from a very young age understand that any person has the right to the entire emotional spectrum - from joy and happiness to resentment and anger. Such a corner will help teach you how to deal with negativity and not let it accumulate inside.

During the day, the child can approach and change the position of his photograph on the petals, depending on his mood. This helps the educator to see what the emotional state of each child is and to correct their educational work: offer a game to the child, communicate with him, talk, involve him in the plot game.

Being, all day long in kindergarten, at times, the child gets tired of communicating with his peers, from games, from his environment, so he needs to be given the opportunity to retire in order to take a break from emotional stress.

An important condition for the formation of a child's ability to manage their emotions is the organization of an appropriate environment. And therefore, in our group, we have designed a privacy corner where a child can calm down, relax, play with his favorite toy, look through books, “call” his mother or just dream, just play favorite games with close friends.

Our Corner harmoniously blends into the common group space and is located in the Theater play center. It is a castle, once in which you can get into the world of fairy tales.

The presence of such a play area allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • organize work on the normalization and development of the emotional sphere of children;
  • create a positive emotional climate in the group and ensure a positive attitude of the child towards adults and peers;
  • organize systematic work on the correction and development of the emotional sphere of children;
  • prevent excessive excitement of the child, leading to fatigue of his nervous system;
  • facilitate getting used to kindergarten, to new peers and adults, to a new daily routine.

It was not by chance that we chose a light green range of colors in the design of the Corner, since the green color has the most favorable effect on the emotional state of the child.

Children really like to spend time in this corner, with its help we find solutions to many psychological problems, and it is also a good place for role-playing games.

In order to get to know and reveal the possibilities of each child more deeply, we have created a “Panorama of good deeds” in the group, in which the achievements of children during the week are noted and stimulate the desire of the preschooler to do good deeds, to strive for their peers.

Our panorama is a panel with hearts, where a photo of each child is attached. For any good deed, the child receives a magnet of a certain color (green to help in a corner of nature, on the street; red magnet - helping their peers; blue - help with dining and preparing for classes), which attaches to the panorama.

At the end of the week, 3 children who have collected the largest number of magnets of a certain color take an honorable central place on the Stars of the Week panel. For educators and parents, such a “Panorama of Good Deeds” is a method of monitoring the development of the child, his achievements, his good deeds (the child learned to tie shoelaces, zip up his jacket, feed the birds on a walk, help the kids collect the portable material in the basket, and then rise up the stairs to the group, set the table for lunch, and many, many other good deeds). Parents, of course, are interested in seeing the activities of children in kindergarten and be proud of their child - an assistant!

Our pedagogical activity should be based on the belief that every child has the right to be the way he is, and that every child has enough potential strength to develop and be happy ...

And our task is to normalize, correct and develop the emotional sphere of children.

Summary of the lesson "What is kindness" for children of the preparatory group

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: the material may be of interest to educators of senior preschool age, teachers of additional education.

PURPOSE: To generalize the idea of ​​children about kindness as a valuable quality of a person, to develop social feelings, mutual assistance.
- Form friendly relationships;
- to reveal the essence of the concepts of "good" and "kindness", "good deeds";
- activate children's vocabulary (kindness, joy, happiness, care, attention);
- develop logical thinking, imagination and attention in children, instill interest in a new form of play activity;
- to form an idea in children about kindness, to cultivate good feelings for people around them, to help children understand that everyone needs love and a benevolent attitude.
Preliminary work: viewing illustrations, reading poems, proverbs about kindness, memorizing, watching cartoons, reading fairy tales about kindness.
At home, a task was given to complete a drawing, an application, a craft on the topic: “What is kindness?”

Educator: What is kindness?
Wash the cat's bowl
Water the flower
(He's terribly lonely)
Fix sister's toy
Let the old lady go ahead
Sadness to treat love with words,
Help a tired mom
And a girl unknown
Carry the briefcase to the house.
From warmth and kindness,
Flowers are blooming,
She warms everyone
Like a ray from a window.
(I. Polyushko)
Educator: Guys, did you like the poem? What do you think we are going to talk about today?
Educator: What is kindness?

Educator: many writers, scientists wrote a lot of wonderful lines about kindness. Listen to some of them.

Educator: I want to read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and complete the task on the poem.
Physical pause:
If we frown in the morning,
Kindness will help us.
Well, children, get together,
And smile at each other.

Educator: It's good that you all smiled. I want to invite you to devote the whole day to good deeds. To begin with, we will conduct such a lesson in our group.
Child: In a group on a winter day in the morning,
There was a lesson in kindness.
Everyone studied hard
And today among themselves
Didn't share sweets
And share kindness.
All insults are forgotten
Peace was made by the whole group.
And decided - from now on,
There will be no quarrels.
In order not to close in,
Let's all stick together
Let's succeed as a group
Everyone help each other.
In the lesson of kindness
There was so much warmth
What from this warmth,
All flowers have blossomed!
(N. Anishina)
Educator: What are good deeds?
Educator: Guys, let's play the game "Good deeds". List some good deeds you can do as a preschooler? Who will remember more and name such things that you did? In turn, the children name the cases and each child bends his finger (counts his completed tasks)

Educator: And what is needed in order for people to become kinder, so that kindness is everywhere? How should you start your day?
Answers: with kind words and good deeds.
Educator: What kind and polite words do you know?

Educator: Well done, you remembered the words, but you already say them all a day a hundred times. I invite you to come out on the rug, we all stand in a circle, let's play the game "Proverbs about kindness." I pass the bunny toy, and everyone takes turns calling proverbs and passing the toy to each other.

Educator: And let's remember the rules of kindness?

Educator: Our next task is the most difficult, let's digress a little and do gymnastics.
I go and you go - one, two, three (step in place)
I sing and you sing - one, two, three (we conduct with our hands)
We go and sing - one, two, three (we walk in a circle in one direction)
We live very friendly - one, two, three (we go in a circle in the other direction)
We do not grieve, and we are friends with everyone (we walk in a circle, holding hands and hugging each other)
Educator: Guys, the kids asked you to make nesting dolls from salt dough so that they can decorate them and then play with them. Now I suggest you fashion nesting dolls from salt dough (which I prepared in advance), and after sleep we will take the nesting dolls to our little friends.
While you are sculpting nesting dolls, I will ask you to start verses about kindness and good deeds. And you can also tell these verses to the kids in the evening.
Child: Kindness is for all people
May there be more good ones.
They do not say in vain when they meet
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
And it is not for nothing that we have
Wish "Have a good time."
Kindness - it is from the century
Human decoration...
Child: It's not easy to be kind
Kindness does not depend on growth.
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.
If kindness shines like the sun
Adults and children rejoice.
Child: I want everyone to laugh
So that dreams always come true
For children to have happy dreams.
To have a good morning
To keep mom from being sad
So that there is no more war in the world.
Child:- Good day! - you were told
- Good day! - you answered.
How two strings are tied
Warmth and kindness.

Educator: What wonderful matryoshkas turned out, you worked hard, you deserve a treat. Let's leave our nesting dolls, let them dry out, and we will go to the site and do good deeds there, and breathe some air.

Educator: Please note that in the locker rooms we have an exhibition of your works on the theme - good. All well done, they did wonderful work, and everyone brought a piece of their kindness to our group.

Educator: And in the afternoon, I suggest you draw up our "Tree of Kindness".

Methodological description of the children's project " Piggy bank of good deeds»

    Project name - " Piggy bank of good deeds»

    Full name - Ilyina Natalya Nikolaevna

    Name of educational institution -

GOU SO "Filatov boarding school"

    Year of project development - 2010 - 2011

    Experience of use (degree of distribution) - all groups

    Project problem:

Recently, less and less attention has been paid to moral and spiritual values ​​- kindness, attention, care, mutual assistance, mutual assistance ... I would like the pupils of our school to strive to be kinder, more attentive to each other, take care of their neighbors, benefit others. Sometimes children do not know how to objectively assess their actions and the actions of loved ones. Therefore, the idea arose to create the project “Piggy bank of good deeds”, where each child will have the opportunity to actively express themselves and visually see the accumulation of their personal “good deeds”.

Target: to motivate children to do good deeds, to be able to help loved ones, to be kinder.


    Form of organization of children

    group work


    Leading activity



    Form of products of project activities -

    Creation and replenishment of the corners of the “Piggy bank of good deeds”

    Group report of designers

    How to combine results

Group electronic presentation

    the participants are pupils of the school


    Active participation:

At school events

In exhibitions

In competitions

At fairs

On subbotniks

On holidays

    Giving help:


To kids

sponsored schools

    Summing up the nominations:

    Baby winner

    Group is the winner

Prize giving:

For the victory in the project "Piggy bank of good deeds"

For striving to win the game

The hope of the game "Piggy bank of good deeds"

State educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region for orphans and children left without parental care of the Sverdlovsk region "Filatov special (correctional) boarding school for children with developmental disabilities"

Agreed: Agreed: I approve:

Deputy Director for SD Deputy Director for VR Director of the School

_________________ __________________ _______________

M.B. Gilyazeva L.V. Tsepeleva G.G. Kotelnikova

"__" __________2010 "__" __________2010 "__" __________2010

Social children's project

"Piggy bank of good deeds"

s.Filatovskoye, 2010

Stages of work on the project:


Isolation of problems(gatherings of group collectives)

The project work is divided into six stages

Goals and objectives of the project:

Purpose: to activate children for the manifestation of positive qualities of character.


    The development of students' communicative abilities, adequate positive self-esteem and the opportunity for each child to express themselves and find "his own niche" in the children's team

    Education of a culture of communication with peers and cooperation with adults in the context of educational, project, work activities

    Motivate for active interaction with society

Planned result:

Active participation in the project

Accumulation of good deeds

Making a corner "Piggy bank of good deeds"

Electronic presentation

Members : pupils, educators, class teachers.







    Corner decoration

"Piggy bank of good deeds": general and group (class)

    Accumulation of good deeds.

    Analysis of the work done.

    Presentation of results

(view corners)

    Electronic presentation

(combining results)

    Awarding of active participants of the project.

January February


March, April





pupils, class hands-whether


pupils, class hands-whether



Teachers, pupils

All project participants


    Work with the media

    Search for design options

    Finding a field of activity for good deeds


    Processing of received information

    Conclusions are formed

    The form of the project presentation is selected


    Presentation and protection of the project

    Problem Analysis

    Determining the prospects for further work


    Definition of results, achievements and problems

    Determining the prospects for further research

Support the project - share the link, thanks!
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