Makeup for deep-set eyes. Group Dungeons (ESO) makeup rules for deep-set eyes

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Deep-set eyes are quite common. Among the star beauties, Kate Moss, Keira Knightley, Claudia Schiffer, Cate Blanchett and Eva Green have such eyes. With such a feature of the structure of the face, the eyes seem to be sunken, “pressed” inward, and the upper movable eyelid almost completely disappears from sight. Therefore, the main task when creating makeup for deep-set eyes is to “bring” them to the fore. In no case do not add dark shades of shadows to the crease of the eyelid, this will only aggravate the situation. Follow the basic shading scheme below.

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Apply a light shade of shadows with a shimmer to the entire moving eyelid up to the outer corner of the eye, as well as to the area under the eyebrow. This will help visually "push" the eyes a little (use the same technique for small eyes).

Shade the shadows of the so-called intermediate shade in the area above the crease and along the orbital line.

Apply the darkest shade of shadow along the upper lash line, as well as in the outer corner of the eye. You can also bring the mucous contour of the lower eyelidto "open" the look a little. And never darken the lower eyelid!

10 makeup rules for deep-set eyes

What can not be done when creating makeup for deep-set eyes, and without what actions, on the contrary, the image will not work? Remember these tips to always look perfect.

Use eyeshadow primer

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Deep-set eyes always have an overhanging eyelid, so all that are relevant for this form of the eyelid should also be observed by girls with deep-set eyes. The most important tip is to always use a primer that will prevent shadows and eyeliner from being imprinted on a fixed eyelid. By the way, another thing follows from this rule: try to buy persistent eye makeup products.

Don't Forget Concealer

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“Bruises” or dark circles under the eyes can ruin any makeup, but in the case of deep-set eyes, the correction stage cannot be ignored in any case: such imperfections can “drown” the eyes even deeper.

Give preference to light shades

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The easiest way to make deep-set eyes more prominent is to distribute one light shade of eyeshadow throughout the upper eyelid, capturing both its parts - both mobile and stationary. Or just add some subtle shimmer eyeshadow to the inner corners of your eyes: this simple technique will help draw attention away from the shape of the eye and draw it into their color.

Apply dark shades only to the outer corners.

Of course, you are not forbidden to use dark shadows, but it is important to apply them to the correct area. Distribute them at the outer corners of the eyes, without going to the lower eyelid and without touching the crease, and blend well. If you want to make a smokey eye makeup, give up jet black or dark gray shadows, it is better to create a softer version of the "smoke".

Set your eye makeup with powder

Apply a little on the eyelids so that the eyeliner and eye shadow stay in place for as long as possible.

Choose the right eyebrow shape

First of all, when choosing a suitable eyebrow shape, you should focus on, but in your case, the shape of the eyes should also be taken into account. Eyebrows with a high arch (“raised in surprise”) are not your option at all. Strive to keep the eyebrow line as even as possible, and that they are not set too low. Also, the eyebrows should not be too thin or too thick: in the latter case, you risk getting a frown.

Be careful with eyeliner

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If you draw arrows, they should start from the middle of the eyelid, and not from the inner corner. Otherwise, the eyes will look smaller. But if you focus on the outer corners of the eyes, it will play into your hands. Also try to draw as thin lines as possible and as close to the lash line as possible.

Do not emphasize the crease of the eyelid

We already mentioned this rule in the first section of the article, but it will not be superfluous to recall: dark shadows in the crease of the eyelid will make your eyes even more sunken, as well as those added to the lower eyelid.

Don't forget bright lipstick

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The easiest way to divert attention from this feature of the facial structure is to make neutral eye makeup and brighter lip makeup.

Use mascara correctly

Mascara is your best friend. You can thickly paint your eyelashes in several layers, but you should pay more attention to the outer corners of the eyes, and not the inner ones. If your bottom lashes are naturally long, you can also tint them a little to make your eyes look more voluminous. By the way, you are also strongly recommended: long eyelashes perfectly "pull out" the eyes.

How to choose shadows for deep-set eyes?

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The choice of shadows is primarily influenced not by the shape of the eyes, but by their color. So focus on the shades that best suit brown, green, gray or blue eyes - we wrote more about this. But still, a few tips can be given especially for girls with deep-set eyes.

Shimmer shadows help make the eyes more prominent, add shine and volume to them. But you can use matte light shadows if you don't like shiny shadows.

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Use purple and pink shadows with caution. Since in your case the eyes are set deeper, it is much easier to get than usual: there is not enough space to separate the shadows of this color from the eye itself with eyeliner.

Makeup for deep-set eyes: step by step photo instructions

To get beautiful eye makeup with arrows, follow this technique.

With shadows of a medium shade (for example, golden with a strong shimmer), outline the lower eyelid with a strip, starting from the middle towards the outer corner of the eyes and, as it were, continuing the line of the lower eyelid upwards.

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With the same shadows, draw a clear line towards the outer corner of the eye, without leading it far into the crease.

On a hot summer day, the shadow of trees and houses is a salvation from the scorching rays of the sun. It's nice to sit in the cool and shade among greenery and flowers. Even a deep shadow is not a reason for frustration. There are plants for every corner of the garden.

Penumbra and its inhabitants

Penumbra often occurs on the side of the house where the sun rises, or at its western wall. In the morning or evening, it brightly illuminates the entire building and plants. But after two or three hours the situation changes, and the flower beds along the wall of the house remain in the shade for the whole day. The lighting here is sufficient to make almost all plants feel great, except for light-loving ones. Best of all in such conditions develop and delight the eye:

Miniature Canadian spruce Konik. This type of spruce burns out from active sunlight, and in strong shade its beauty is not fully manifested. The best place in the garden for this small but stylish beauty is partial shade.

Blue spruce Glauka Globoza. The shape of this coniferous plant is unusual and resembles a nest. Blue paws do not grow up, but to the sides. Over time, the Christmas tree takes the form of a ball, flattened like our planet. It is in the penumbra that the deep gray-blue color of the needles appears.

Juniper Blue Carpet. Green-blue growth tips on bluish branches in spring at the end of April enliven this small but spectacular bush. This quality manifests itself better than the hot sun.

In semi-shady places, conditions are created for the life of many flowering plants:

  • Rhododendron
  • Hydrangea
  • Digitalis
  • Bell
  • Phlox subulate
  • astilba

When creating a shady flower garden, ground cover plants that form a dense carpet will be useful:

  • Pachysandra
  • Hoof
  • Liverwort
  • Yasnotka
  • periwinkle

The material for creating a spectacular flower garden under the canopy of trees or under the shelter of the wall of the house is definitely hosta with its huge variety of shades of green, yellow and blue.

The composition of the blue spruce Glauka Globoza, two copies of the blue juniper Blue Carpet in the foreground and periwinkle with its green or variegated foliage will harmoniously and unobtrusively decorate the penumbra. In spring, this carpet is decorated with blue or white periwinkle flowers. In summer, the snow-white panicles of the border from the dwarf form of astilba will add charm.

The penumbra design option can be chosen for any style.

Openwork shade from trees and plants for this zone

An example of a light and light shade is a spring deciduous forest. At this time, 80% of the sunlight reaches the earth. After the leaves bloom, the light becomes less. But a light breeze stirs the foliage and the sun's rays freely reach the surface of the earth.

In early spring, until the leaves have fully opened, ephemeroids will decorate the space under the tree:

  • tulips
  • crocuses
  • Scilla
  • daffodils
  • anemones

The development of plants of this group begins early, there is a rapid and bright flowering. Then the plant usually "disappears". But this spring flare really brings the garden to life.

The early spring flowers are being replaced by hostas and withering daffodils and tulips are covered with their growing leaves.

In the spring, when everything wakes up, and there is still very little greenery in the garden, every petal or stem attracts attention. Hosta sprouts look very interesting. It is an incomparable pleasure to see how a plant wakes up. Powerful and thick, like the beak of a large bird, the stems of the most different colors from dark green and purple to light green slowly peck the ground. When they turn into leaves, there is no trace of the purple color.

The queen of the shadow of the hosta deserves a place of her own in the garden. If there is a curly willow in the garden, then its openwork shadow will hospitably accept the host collection. This plant has about 300 varieties in its arsenal. In addition to the usual sizes, this variety has its own babies, which are called "mouse ears", and giants up to one and a half meters high.

It is necessary to plant hostas of regular sizes at a distance of at least one meter.

Hostas are getting better every year. If the bush is not disturbed by division, then in two or three years it will turn into a beautiful plant 70-90 cm high and about one and a half meters in diameter. For such a beauty, you need to plan a place in advance so that later the plants do not oppress one another.

In addition to the host, the inhabitants of such a zone can be plants with decorative foliage:

The dream is variegated. This plant naturally spreads over large areas. For gardens, less aggressive cultivars have been developed that look very expressive in the shade.

Brunner. Not inferior to the hosta in decorativeness, modern brunner varieties are good and reliable.

Lungwort sugar. The leaves of this plant are covered with silvery spots. The lungwort blooms in May with purple flowers that look like a funnel. In the presence of space, it forms a large carpet about 20 cm high.

In summer, in a light shade under tall trees, almost all types of plants, except for the most light-loving ones, can bloom profusely.

Plants that like these conditions can be planted on the site even without trees with a spreading crown. It is enough to make a little effort, and you can get such a shadow with your own hands.

To do this, you need to purchase scattering grids. They are sold in gardening stores, have a decorative enough look so as not to spoil the appearance of the site. They can be used not only for plants, but also for organizing a recreation area.

In addition, if you make the structure collapsible, you can cover light-loving plants that have rather delicate foliage or fruits. This will help protect them from the hot midday sun.

First you need to build a support structure, and then pull the grid over it. A simpler option would be to use old curtains or another light, moderately transparent fabric.

deep shadow

According to the degree of need for sunlight, plants are conventionally divided into:

  • Light-loving
  • shade-tolerant
  • Shade-loving

The first two groups of plants grow in light shade and partial shade. Shade-loving species are unique in that they cannot stand the bright sun:

  • Leaves wilt
  • Sunburns appear
  • The plant turns yellow
  • The flower dies

A few species can grow in deep shade:

  • Periwinkle
  • Hoof
  • tenacious creeping
  • Zelenchuk yellow
  • Fragrant violet

In the creeping tenacious Atropurpurea, the color of the leaves depends on the amount of incoming light. In the spring, before the leaves bloom, her “clothes” are burgundy in color. In summer, under the trees, they brighten, become more green. When the leaves fall, they darken again.

If the hosta can be called the queen of the shadow, then the fern is the master of the gloomy realm of deep shading. These mysterious representatives of the most ancient kind are recognized as the primacy in the design of compositions, where the sun's beam does not penetrate. Nature, when creating ferns, has honed its art for millions of years. Each plant is a complex design with a graphic pattern and an exquisite pattern.

Mysterious plants, surrounded by many legends, have no less fantastic names:

Adiantum stopiform. On thin black petioles, it horizontally unfolds the most delicate fan of leaves.

The coniogram is average. The leaves of this rather rare species are about half a meter high and are divided into large lobes.

Osmunda is royal. Large plant 120-150 cm high.

Diplazium sibirica. Its height is about 70 cm. The powerful triangular leaves are cut three times, and the petioles are covered with black scales.

Flowerbed on the lawn

Features of caring for shade plants

A flower garden created in the shade requires an individual approach. To achieve lush greenery and abundant flowering in it, the usual plant care activities are carried out, but the emphasis is different.

Many plants growing in the shade are moisture-loving:

  • hosta
  • bathing suit
  • forget-me-not
  • basil

These plants often lack moisture, especially in late spring when hot weather sets in. At this time, you need to provide them with watering, without waiting for the leaves to wither.

All plants, except wild ones, need to be fed. With a lack of lighting, nitrogen fertilizers must be used carefully. Their excess leads to thickening, stretching of plants.

The soil for the design of the flower garden in such conditions must be prepared. If it is loam, it needs to be lightened by adding sand and peat. In loose soil, shade-tolerant plants will be much easier to absorb moisture. After all, many plants that live shadows have superficial roots.

Shade and moisture can be optimal conditions for the reproduction of pests and diseases. So, in such places, fungal infections are not uncommon, as well as rotting of the roots.

To avoid infection of plants that grow in such conditions, it is necessary to prevent the development of weeds, the accumulation of debris, especially fallen leaves, and not to thicken the plantings. Timely feeding with phosphorus and potassium is important, as this will increase the immunity of plants.

Of the pests in such conditions, slugs are often found. Moreover, they can arrange their nests in such corners. If they are already wound up, then you need to remove all the garbage, and then sprinkle the area under the plants with ashes. Also, we recommend mechanical harvesting and setting traps.

As traps, you can use a board smeared with sour jam. Put it in a pest habitat and by evening there will be a lot of slugs under it. It is important to remember that they can not only spoil the fruits, but also completely eat the roots of plants, which will lead to the death of ornamental crops.

While watching the video, you will learn about which plants can live in the shade.

Material from the site

Group Dungeons

There are 20 group dungeons in the game: five in each alliance, in Coldharbour, two in the Imperial City, and two in Shadowfen, added with the Shadows of the Hist expansion. They are intended for a group of maximum 4 people. The monsters inside will be much more difficult than the monsters in the public dungeons, and if you go there alone, you will encounter them alone, since these dungeons are instances that can only have one group inside.

Each dungeon has a veteran version. They become available at level 50 and unlock veteran content. They have the same cards and monsters, but they have more health, deal more damage, and require group coordination. Such dungeons are much more difficult, and you can also get certain achievements in them.

The eight dungeons have two storylines (I or II) that can be selected upon entry. They may have a similar map inside, but the monsters will be different, as well as the mechanics. Tasks of the II version continue the plot of I.

All stats are based on a character with 160 Champion Points and legendary equipment.

Aldmeri Dominion

The Banished Cells
Name Exiled Dungeons I Exiled Dungeons II
Bosses Shadowrend, High Kinlord Rilis Maw of the Infernal, Keeper Imiril, High Kinlord Rilis
1 item 129 units
2 items: Shadowrend
5 % chance to summon Shadow Clanfear for 15 sec. Clanfear's basic attacks deal 3440 units physical damage and inflict Minor Maim on any enemy hit for 3 seconds, reducing its damage by 15 15 sec.
1 item 1064 units
2 items: Maw of the Infernal
When you deal damage with normal or power attacks, you gain 10 % chance to summon a fire-breathing Daedroth for 15 sec. Daedroth's normal attacks deal 4257 units physical damage. This effect can only occur once per 6 sec.
Elden Hollow
Name Elden Hollow I Elden Hollow II
Bosses Akash gra-Mal, Chokethorn, Canonreeve Oraneth Dark Root, Murklight, Bogdan the Nightflame
1 item: Magicka recovery is increased by 129 units
2 items: Chokethorn
When you use a healing ability, you gain 15 % chance to summon a Strangler Sapling that heals you and your ally for 19565 health during 4 10 sec.
1 item: Max. health is increased by 1064 units
2 items: Nightflame
When you heal an ally, you gain 3 % chance to summon a totem on 6 seconds, healing you and your allies within 5 meters for 3483 health once a 1 sec. This effect can only occur once per 6 sec.
City of Ash
Name Ash City I Ash City II
Bosses Infernal Guardian, Warden of the Shrine, Razor Master Erthas Horvantud the Fire Maw, Ash Titan, Valkyn Skoria
1 item 967 units
2 items: Infernal Guardian
When casting a shield, you gain 50 % chance to fire 3 mines at the furthest enemy for 2 sec., inflicting 5500 units fire damage to all enemies within 5 meters of the epicenter of the explosion. This effect can only occur once per 6 sec.
1 item: Max. health is increased by 1064 units
2 items: Valkyn Skoria
When you deal damage over time, you gain 8 % chance to summon a meteor that deals 8896 units target's fire damage and 3954 units fire damage to all other enemies within 5 meters. This effect can only occur once per 5 sec.
Tempest Island
Bosses Valaran Stormcaller, Stormfist, Storm Magistrate Neidir
1 item 129 units
2 items: Stormfist
When you deal damage, you gain 10 % chance to unleash a Thunder Fist on an enemy, dealing 1500 units electrical damage every 1 sec. during 3 sec. to all enemies within 4 meters and an additional 8000 units physical damage when the fist closes. This effect can only occur once per 8 sec.
Selena's Web (Selene's Web)
Bosses Longclaw, Foulhide, Selene
1 item 967 units
2 items: Selene
When you deal direct melee damage, you gain 15 % chance to summon a primal spirit that deals 12000 units physical damage to an enemy closest to you. This effect can only occur once per 4 sec.

Daggerfall Covenant

Name Spindleclutch I Spindleclutch II
Bosses Swarm Mother, The Whisperer Blood Spawn, Praxin Douare, Vorenor Winterbourne
1 item: Stamina recovery is increased by 129 units
2 items: Swarm Mother
When you block an attack from an enemy within 5 meters of you or further away, you release strands of spider silk that pull them towards you. This effect can only occur once per 2 sec.
1 item: Stamina recovery is increased by 129 units
2 items: Blood Spawn
6 % chance to recover 15 units ultimate ability, as well as increase physical resistance and spell resistance by 6450 during 6 sec. This effect can only occur once per 6 sec.
Wayrest sewers (Wayrest Sewers)
Name Wayrest Sewers I Wayrest Sewers II
Bosses Investigator Garron, Varaine Pellingare, Allene Pellingare Malubeth the Scourger, Garron the Returned, Allene Pellingare and Varaine Pellingare)
1 item 129 units
2 items: Slimeclaw
Grants Minor Berserk, increasing your damage dealt by 8 %.
1 item: Max. health is increased by 1064 units
2 items: Scourge Harvester
When you take damage, you gain 6 % chance to create a beam that abducts 5805 target's health for 4 sec. The beam disappears if the target moves more than 8 meters away. While the beam lasts, your healing received is increased by 30 %. This effect can only occur once per 6 sec.
Crypt of Hearts
Name Crypt of Hearts I Crypt of Hearts II
Bosses Archmaster Siniel, Death's Leviathan, Ilambris-Zaven and Ilambris-Athor Ruzozuzalpamaz (Ruzozuzalpamaz), Amalgam Ilambris (Ilambris Amalgam), Nerien "et (Nerien" eth)
1 item: Max. Magicka increases by 967 units
2 items: Ilambris
When you deal Fire or Shock damage, you gain 10 % chance to trigger a meteor shower that deals 1300 units damage of the selected type to all enemies within 4 meters every 1 sec. during 5 sec. Each effect can trigger no more than once per 8 sec.
1 item: Max. health is increased by 1064 units
2 items
When dealing direct damage, you gain 10 % chance to summon a Lich Crystal that explodes after 3 sec., inflicting 7335 units magic damage to all enemies within 4 meters. This effect can only occur once per 3 sec.
Bosses Quintus Verres, Tremorscale, Volenfell Construct
1 item: Max. strength is increased by 967 units
2 items: Tremorscale
When taunting an enemy, you gain 50 % chance to summon a dunoroy that jumps out of the ground at the target, dealing 6500 units physical damage to all enemies within 4 meters and reducing their movement speed by 70 % during 8 sec. This effect can only occur once per 4 sec.
Blackheart Haven
Bosses Atarus, Roost Mother, Captain Blackheart
1 item: Resist. physical attacks increased by 1935 units
Resist. magic is increased by 1935 units
2 items: Pirate Skeleton
When you take damage, you gain 6 % chance to turn into a skeleton and get Major Protection and Minor Defile on 12 seconds, reducing damage dealt to you by 30 %, but also reduces healing received by 15 %. This effect can only occur once per 15 sec.

Ebonheart Pact

Mushroom grotto (Fungal Grotto)
Name Mushroom Grotto I Mushroom Grotto II
Bosses War Chief Ozozai, Kra "gh the Dreugh King" Gamyne Bandu, Spawn of Mephala, Vila Theran
1 item: Increases Physical Penetration by 1935 units
2 items: Kra"gh
When you deal damage, you gain 10 % Summon ghostly limbs of a dreugh that create shockwaves in front of you, inflicting 1300 units physical damage every 0.4 sec. during 1.2 sec. This effect can only occur once per 3 sec.
1 item: Max. health is increased by 1064 units
2 items: Spawn of Mephala
When you deal damage with fully charged power attacks, you create a web for 10 sec., inflicting 1044 units poison damage every 1 sec. and reduces the movement speed of enemies in it by 50 %. This effect can only occur once per 10 sec.
Darkshade Caverns
Name Deep Shadow Caverns I Deep Shadow Caverns II
Bosses Foreman Llothan, The Hive Lord, Sentinel of Rkugamz Transmuted Hive Lord, Grobull the Transmuted, The Engine Guardian
1 item 2 %
2 items: Sentinel of Rkugamz
When you heal an allied target, you gain 10 % chance to summon a Dwarven Spider that heals for 1049 health and recovery 524 stamina for you and your allies within 5 meters once every 1 sec. during 8 sec. This effect can only occur once per 8 sec.
1 item: Health recovery is increased by 129 units
2 items: Engine Guardian
When using abilities, you get 10 % chance to summon a Dwarven Automaton that restores 1204 health, stamina and magic once a 0.5 sec. during 6.5 sec.
Arx Corinium (Arx Corinium)
Bosses Ganakton the Tempest, Sliklenia the Songstress, Sellistrix the Lamia Queen
1 item: Max. strength is increased by 967 units
2 items: Sellistrix
When you deal damage, you gain 10 % chance to cause an earthquake under an enemy that erupts through 2 sec., inflicting 3870 units physical damage to all enemies within 4 meters and stunning them for 3 sec. This effect can only occur once per 5 sec.
Direfrost Keep
Bosses Guardian of the Flame, Iceheart, Drodda of Icereach
1 item: Crete. spell damage is increased by 688 units
2 items: iceheart
When you deal critical damage, you gain 20 % chance to gain a shield that blocks 8500 units damage during 6 sec. While the effect is active, you deal 750 units frost damage to all enemies within 5 meters every 1 sec. This effect can only occur once per 6 sec.
Holy Crucible (Blessed Crucible)
Bosses Nusana, Kayd at-Sal, Dynus Aralas, Snagg gro-Mashul, The Beast Master, The Lava Queen
1 item: Healing inflicted is increased by 2 %
2 items: Troll King
When healing an allied target while you have less 60 % health, your health recovery is increased by 1548 during 10 sec.
Cradle of Shadows
Bosses Khefidaen, Dranos Velador, Velidreth
1 item 129 units
2 items: Velidreth
When you deal damage, you gain 20 % chance to spawn 3 disease spores in front of you that deal 10320 units disease damage to the first enemy hit. This effect can only occur once per 10 sec.
Ruins of Mazzatun
Bosses Mighty Chudan, Xal-Nur the Slaver, Tree-Minder Na-Kesh
1 item 1376 units
Resist. physical attacks is increased by 1376 units
2 items: Mighty Chudan
Grants Major Ward and Major Resolve, which increase your physical and spell resistance by 5280 .
Max. health is increased by 1064 units

Neutral zones

Vaults of Madness
Bosses Ulguna Soul-Reaver, Grothdarr, Iskra the Omen, Mad Architect
1 item: Max. Magicka increases by 967 units
2 items: Grothdarr
When you deal damage, you gain 10 % chance to create lava pools around you, dealing 2000 units fire damage to all enemies within 8 meters of you every 1 sec. during 5 sec. This effect can only occur once per 10 sec.
White-Gold Tower
Bosses The Adjudicator, The Planar Inhibitor, Molag Kena
1 item: Weapon damage is increased by 129 units
Spell damage is increased by 129 units
2 items: Molag Kena
When dealing damage 2 successive normal attacks activates Overkill on the 6 sec., increasing weapon and spell damage by 516 , but increases the cost of your abilities by 33 %.
Imperial City Prison
Bosses Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor, Flesh Abomination, Lord Warden Dusk
1 item: Resist. magic is increased by 1935 units
2 items: Lord Warden
When you take damage, you gain 50 % chance to summon a Shadow Orb for 10 seconds, which increases the Physical and Spell Resistances of you and nearby allies within 5 meters for 3870 . This effect can only occur once per 10 sec.


Oaths of the Undaunted are daily quests available from level 45 in the Undaunted enclave in the capital of the alliance, the purpose of which is to clear one of the dungeons. It is possible to complete up to 3 vows per character per day. Vows are issued by Maj al-Ragath, Glirion the Redbeard, and Urgarlag Chief-bane, each one per day. Oaths are given in a fixed order, and certain dungeons are associated with certain Undaunted, as listed below. The three vows are the same for all characters in the game; they change every day.

Completing a vow on Normal or Veteran difficulty will reward 1 key, while completing a vow on Veteran Hard Mode will reward 2 keys. The maximum number of keys that can be obtained from vows is obviously six. Any key can be used for any chest in the enclave. Each chest will definitely contain a shoulder from the monster set.

Dungeon Shoulders are tied to the character making the vow. Those. if you want a shoulder of Molag Kena, then you can, having a key (obtained from anyone), try to open the chest of Urgarlaga and get a shoulder of Molag Kena from there. Along with this, there is a chance to get a shoulder from another dungeon set also associated with this character (i.e. the shoulder of the Mighty Chudan, Lord Guardian or Velidreth). Similarly for the chest of Maj and Glirion.

Vows marked with an icon can only be completed if the player has the appropriate add-on. However, you can get this task without having these add-ons. All vows are given in that order.

Vows of Maj al-Ragat

  • Pledge: Spindleclutch II
  • Pledge: Prisons of the Exiles I
  • Pledge: Mushroom Grotto II
  • Pledge: Spindleclutch I
  • Pledge: Deep Shadow Caverns II
  • Pledge: Elden Hollow I
  • Pledge: Wayrest Sewers II
  • Pledge: Mushroom Grotto I
  • Pledge: Prisons of Exiles II
  • Pledge: Deep Shadow Caverns I
  • Pledge: Elden Hollow II
  • Pledge: Wayrest Sewers I

Vows of Glirion the Redbeard

  • Pledge: Strongfrost I
  • Pledge: Vaults of Madness I
  • Vow: Crypt of Hearts II
  • Pledge: Ash City I
  • Pledge: Storm Island I
  • Pledge: Haw Blackheart I
  • Pledge: Arx Corinium I
  • Pledge: Web of Selene I
  • Pledge: City of Ashes II
  • Vow: Crypt of Hearts I
  • Pledge: Volenfell I
  • Vow: Holy Furnace I

Almost on any ennobled area there are places where the shadow dominates. For example, under the crowns of trees, near deaf fences or the northern walls of buildings. The sun here appears extremely rarely and quickly leaves, leaving no chance for most garden plants to manifest their decorative qualities. Therefore, many gardeners think that planting decorative, and even more flowering plants in a flower bed in the shade is the height of recklessness. Lilies do not bloom in the shade, roses look frail and get sick. So what? There are others, albeit not so luxurious and catchy, but resistant to the lack of bright lighting, plants that can create the basis for a shady flower bed.

Flowerbed with shade-loving perennials near the fence

Initially, if you decide to break a flower bed in the shade, you need to assess the degree of illumination of the selected area. It's one thing if the future flower garden is located on the north side of the house, where there is no direct sunlight, but scattered - more than enough. And it is completely different if we consider a thick shade under a tree, where even grass grows with difficulty.

The gradation of zones according to the degree of illumination is rather arbitrary, in some sources (including foreign ones) it is presented as follows:

  • sunny area - more than 6 hours of direct sunlight, several of which fall at noon;
  • penumbra - 4-6 hours of direct sunlight received in the morning or evening;
  • shade - 1-4 hours of direct sunlight. The same niche can include areas to which the sun penetrates through the foliage of trees (openwork shade), or does not penetrate at all, but there is a lot of diffused light (for example, near the north side of the house);
  • deep shade - up to 1 hour of direct sun.

Shadow representatives of the plant world

The most difficult conditions for the existence of plants planted in the zones "shade" and "deep shade". Therefore, the flower beds here are decorated not with rapidly flowering perennials, but with more modest decorative leafy plants. They are not so spectacular, but they have the most important advantage - shade tolerance.

All plants for shady areas can be divided into 2 groups:

  • shade-loving- in the sun they develop worse than in the shade: their leaves burn easily, change their natural shade. This includes most varieties of hostas, ferns, periwinkle, dodecatheon;
  • shade-tolerant- these comrades only put up with the absence of light. That is, it is not against receiving a greater degree of insolation, but you have to be content with what you have. Bright representatives of this group: aquilegia (catchment), astilba, viola.

Choosing Plants for Deep Shade

The most difficult thing is to break a flower garden in deep shade: under old trees or between buildings. Shade-loving plants for flowerbed No. 1 are ferns . They are absolutely undemanding to the quality and duration of lighting, do not need scrupulous care. Ostrich, shield, female kochedyzhnik - all these forms of ferns, creating a voluminous background, will be perfectly combined with ground cover, spring ephemera, primroses, hosts.

Another Spartan hoof . It is a ground cover plant with hoof-shaped leaves that develops best under the dense crowns of spruces and aspens. The hoof creates a dense green mat, therefore it is able to quickly mask the "gaps" in the flower garden.

The hoof is an evergreen plant, its leathery green leaves are well preserved under the snow.

Can withstand heavy shade hosts , especially varieties with dense leathery leaves of green or blue hues, for example, "Queen of the Seas", "Deep Blue Sea", "Blue Mouse Ears". Blue hostas cause a real delight: their leaves are covered with a "wax" coating, giving the plant a bluish or ashy hue. At the same time, most variegated hostas are sensitive to lack of light and in deep shade can lose their color and become monochromatic.

In the foreground of the composition are blue hostas with a "wax" coating on the leaf plates.

Plants for the shade zone

The list of plants for this shadow zone is more extensive. In addition to all the shade-loving plants listed above, the most beautiful variegated plants can perfectly take root here. hosts with white, golden, yellow edging on the leaves. In June-August, the hosts become not only decorative and deciduous, but also flowering. On long stems in the center of the bush, flowers open, which can have different colors (white, cream, purple) depending on the variety.

Grows fast under trees periwinkle , covering the ground with dense leaves and small flowers of blue, purple, white, pink, red shades. Among the lush periwinkle carpet, various perennials can be planted, including hostas, ferns, shade-tolerant grasses.

Periwinkle quickly weaves free space, creating an original flowering rug

Likes shade and moist soil dicentra magnificent , blooming with bright pink "hearts" with a white droplet in the center. In a shady flower bed, the dicentra bush often becomes a background element, near which the main flower arrangement is located.

Dicentra magnificent can grow up to 1 m in height

Under the trees that create an openwork shadow, ephemeroid plants are traditionally planted: anemones , Corydalis , crocuses , muscari , blueberries etc. All of them have a short growing season and bloom in spring, at a time when there are no leaves on the trees yet. At this time, even those areas that will become “shady” in summer are sufficiently illuminated by sunlight.

Crocuses and other ephemeroids will decorate the flowerbed under the trees in spring

An openwork sliding shadow under deciduous trees and young pines also suits garden orchids - venus slippers . They try to plant them on moist, nutritious soils with significant shading. No aggressive neighbors, like a periwinkle, can be planted next to delicate shoes. But hostas, astilbes, sedges, tiarellas are best suited for the role of companions.

Venus slippers are a capricious culture. It requires loose, permeable soils and obligatory shading.

tiarelles - forest beauties with a dense bush and cream flowers on high legs. With age, tiarella bushes become more beautiful, so it is not recommended to divide and transplant them often. In combination with hostas and ferns, tiarellas can create a very effective shadow composition.

Tiarella grows rapidly, forming a dense wide ground cover in 2-3 seasons.

Similar to tiarella her close relative - geykhera . Triangular leaves of various colors give the plant a special attraction. In some varieties they are almost white, in others they are red, in others they are dark purple. Often the color of the leaf plate is heterogeneous, due to contrasting veins, color blotches in the center or the original border. Heuchera flowers are small, pink, red or white. Geuchera and tiarella are often used to create a border for a shade-loving flower bed, as they form dense, not falling apart, bushes and retain the shape of a flower arrangement.

Heuchera is valued for its showy leaves of various colors, compact, dense bush form and modest but graceful flowering.

The heroes of a flower bed in the shade can be conifers, for example, cypress trees Lawson. In the open sun, their branches burn, but in the shade they feel great. Many varieties of pea-bearing cypress develop well in shading: Filifera, Squarrosa, Plumosa. Good in shady flower beds dwarf ate , yews and junipers .

Juniper bush among the host and geyher - a worthy decoration of a flower bed near the house

On the verge of light and shadow: plants for semi-shady places

The choice of plants for semi-shady flower beds is quite large. Ideal among them are those that are able to be in the sun for 4-6 hours a day, and the rest of the time in the shade. thrive in such conditions aquilegia , violas , aconites , badan , rhododendron and etc.

Violas are shade-tolerant biennials that bloom all summer even in partial shade.

In a semi-shaded flower bed, you can grow many annuals: petunias , lobelia , fraying , balsams and etc.

Rules for building a shadow flower bed

Since the bulk of shade-tolerant plants do not have bright inflorescences, the main emphasis when placing them in flower beds should be done on the size and shape of the bushes. The basic rule of landscape combinations is: horizontal lines should be adjacent to vertical ones. That is, the wide large leaves of some plants go well with tall peduncles and long stems of others.

For example, broad-leaved hosts and geyhers during the flowering period can become spectacular neighbors in a flower garden. The gaps between them are filled with shade-tolerant ground cover: periwinkle, hoof, creeping tenacious - they will create a wide horizontal line in the lower tier of the flower garden.

Flower bed under lindens - a composition for an openwork shade

A loose shade under the lindens makes it possible to build a composition of decorative deciduous and flowering shade-tolerant plants. This flower bed will be decorative all summer, until late autumn. If you supplement it with spring ephemera (lilies of the valley, muscari, crocuses, hyacinths), then it will be painted with bright colors in early spring.

Flowerbed under the trees: 1 - multi-colored Goryanka, 2 - female nomad, 3 - hosta, 4 - Arends' astilba, 5 - yellow corydalis, 6 - Chinese astilbe, 7 - viola, 8 - wavy hosta, 9 - lungwort, 10 - telipteris, 11 - volzhanka, 12 - linden

A multi-tiered flower bed of an interesting shape will fill a problematic shady area between buildings or trees. In the composition, a high dioecious Volzhanka, bordered by two ferns (ostriches), emphasizes the beauty of small inflorescences of brunners, garden geraniums and astrantias.

Triangular flower bed: 1 - ostrich, 2 - astrantia, 3 - Volzhanka, 4 - hosta, 5 - flat-leaved geranium, 6 - brunner

Flowerbed of shade-loving perennials

This shade-loving flower bed consists entirely of decorative and deciduous unpretentious perennials. Even in deep shade, in the depths of the garden or under dense trees, it will not lose its decorative effect. However, in particularly problematic shady areas of the host, the wavy may lose its white border.

Flower bed in the shade: 1 - wavy hosta, 2 - swollen hosta, 3 - Siebold's host, 4 - astilba, 5 - spreading black cohosh, 6 - fern (ostrich), 7 - heart-leaved tiarella

Flowerbed for partial shade

A spectacular composition could be planted in the shade, if not for the bright bush of daylilies - for flowering they need at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight. Remove daylilies from the scheme and you can safely place a flower bed in the darkest parts of the garden.

Flowerbed for partial shade: 1 - daylily, 2 - brunner, 3 - ostrich, 4 - broadleaf bell, 5 - lungwort, 6 - astilbe, 7 - Siebold's host

A lot of tips on choosing shade-tolerant plants and the rules for growing them are given in the following video clip:

In the morning I found another haven of giants, called Saddle Rock. I tried the new spell "Mute steps", I really liked it. What pleased me was that with each use of this particular spell, the skill increased. But I only managed to steal the meat and skin of the cow, which was brought to the giant as a sacrifice, as it had special marks, and mammoth cheese. To the dead lying near the giant, the magician, and, moreover, to the chest, it was impossible to approach even with a soft step. Therefore, having trained in the Stealth skill, I just left for good, for health. Although, the chest so attracted me with its contents, mmm ...)))

Found a cave deep shadow. This place deserves a separate story. Three unfortunates can be found near the cave at once, but the Nord girl is the first to catch your eye. Near the cave there is a gold vein, in the cave itself there are 2 more. Several trolls live in the Deep Shadow. In addition to the unfortunate victims of completely different races, the trolls do not make out who is a Nord, who is an elf, who is an Argonian, but feast on everyone, you can find quite a lot of valuable items ... I went here very carefully and, in addition to various little things, I found the gilded body of an Argonian, and from the finds , which she took for herself: a copper circlet with a ruby, a Dwemer sword of incineration, a blocking ring, gems, and the book "How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs" by Menin Gsost. When leaving the cave, not far away, we met another troll.

We reached the Tomb of Hilgrund. While we were going to another location, we met M "Ike the Liar. I have a feeling that he is following us. =)))) Maybe he's bored? I don't even mind at all. We reached the Lost Knife Shelter and turned back. Already It was getting dark and I had to get to bed for the night.

Arriving at Fort Amol to spend the night, to our greatest surprise, we found different magicians settled there again ... But only a couple of days have passed since I was there. Fire Mage Apprentice, Fire Mage Adept, Ice Mage Apprentice - all were to our weapons. =)))) But I added two more staffs to my collection: a staff of fire arrows and a staff of zombies. This gang of magicians even organized a pentagram of souls here. Apparently, they thought they were here for a long time. Hehe. And Corvus came and sent everyone to Oblivion. I also found a new book for myself, "The Complete Catalog of Enchantments for Armor" (compiled by Yvonne Bien, Synod researcher), which increases my level in the enchantment skill. After going through all the rooms again, in search of some things and potions, we went to bed.

Parking giants - Saddle rock.


Precious finds.

The gilded body of an Argonian.

Troll in the cave.

Fort Amol was again inhabited by magicians.

A closet filled with things and a pentagram of souls.

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