Summary of a lesson on application with the use of "Bear" buckwheat groats in the second junior group. GCD for application in an unconventional technique "from cereals. Summary of a lesson on application from cereals at home

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It is necessary to start developing the child as early as possible. This activity should be broadly oriented and educate the kid's imagination, a sense of taste, an unconventional view of things, and creative inclinations. In a wide assortment on the shelves of stores there are sets for children's creativity - modeling, drawing, applications. But you can do with improvised means, use materials for children's creativity that are in every home - threads, napkins, natural raw materials.

Cereals in children's creativity

Surely, in the kitchen of each housewife there is a huge selection of various cereals and seeds, with which you can easily make beautiful crafts with your baby. This type of creativity, as an applique from cereals, is suitable for children of all ages. Together with the smallest, you can create simple pictures such as "Sun", "Fungus", "Flower".

Older masters will be able to independently make an applique of cereals on the theme of autumn, depict pictures of nature.

Play this plot:

In work, you can and should combine different types of cereals, combine colors and textures. The groats can be additionally painted in several ways - after having already glued it to the picture, using paint and brushes. Or by pre-mixing gouache and cereals in a plate. After drying, the porridge must be rubbed with your hands, it will become crumbly again.

How to make an applique from cereals and seeds?

For work, you will need thick cardboard or a board, paints, pencils, PVA glue, porridge, seeds suitable for coloring your drawing.

Draw or translate a picture on cardboard. You can glue the cutout image from the coloring book. Spread glue along the contour of your picture and cover this area with cereals, shake off the excess. Seeds, peas are glued separately. To keep the work longer, apply hairspray to it.

Application from cereals for children "Hedgehog"

We will make a prickly back from buckwheat, and a tummy and a muzzle from millet; dry peas or red lentils are suitable for the image of an apple. Draw the outlines of a hedgehog on a thick cardboard of the selected color. We coat the contours of the prickly back with glue and sprinkle tightly with buckwheat. We wait a few minutes and turn the picture over so that the extra grains fell off. We do the same with the animal's face. We smear the contours of the apple and glue the pea grains one by one with the flat side down. The background can be additionally beaten with dry leaves. Here's a forest dweller turned out.

More options:

1. Choose dense materials for work as a basis. Plain paper gets soaked and deformed, spoiling the appearance of the future product.

2. When doing the work, move in the direction from top to bottom, from left to right, so as not to accidentally smear the finished fragments.

3. Don't spare glue. Apply a thicker layer so that all the grains adhere securely.

Patterns for applique can be cut out, then you get separate figures - baskets, fruits, animals. They can decorate a corner, make a thematic installation or a large panel, like this:

The applique made from pasta and semolina looks especially interesting. Using various curly pasta - horns, stars, bows, other figures, you can play with a lot of plots.

The technology for making the craft is the same as for the appliqués from cereals - we glue the macaroons separately on PVA glue. After the glue has dried, the craft can be painted with paints, or you can pre-fill it with pasta, fill it with gouache of the desired color and mix well. Pour the contents onto the oilcloth, let dry and glue the already colored fragments.

In general, the network contains a huge number of photo and video examples of work. Check them out, take on board ready-made ideas, add something of your own, and you can always diversify your kid's leisure time.

What people do not use in order to portray something! Interesting, for example, is this kind of artistic creation as an applique made from cereals.

Children applique from cereals- this is another type of crafts that do not require special materials.

Materials for creating an applique from cereals

1. Groats are very different, you can use any types of cereals that you have at home. 2. PVA glue (more).
3. Glue brush.
4. Cardboard. The paper does not withstand heavy grains, it is better to use cardboard (from personal experience).
5. Plasticine (used in the "indentation" technique).

Appliques for children from cereals using the "sprinkling" technique

Sprinkling is the easiest way to create children's applique from cereals, for this:

1. Take colored cardboard, draw a drawing with a simple pencil on a sheet of paper, with a clearly defined outline. If you don't feel like drawing, print out a template for appliqués made of cereals, in which most of the details are large, then you need to cut it out and stick it on cardboard.

2. Look for cereals. For the first experience, buckwheat, round rice or millet are perfect.

3. Spread the whole picture up to the outlines with PVA glue.

4. Sprinkle the cereal on the glue in one layer, press down hard with your fingers or paper to the cardboard.

5. To prevent the cereal from flying off, you can spread another layer of glue already on top of the cereal

Appliques from different cereals

After the first experience, you can learn how to make more complex applications. Any application is based on one principle - for each part of the picture, different groats, different in color and shape. You need to glue all the details in turn with glue. Take a template or coloring book. Gently smear one part of the picture with PVA glue, sprinkle with cereals. With our fingers we squeeze the cereal a little, it will dry out, shake off the unnecessary. We will smear the next part of the picture with glue. Let's repeat everything several times.

As an example: the clouds are best made from rice, the sun from millet, the earth from beans or oatmeal, and the sky from semolina. You can tint the groats in different colors.

Application of plasticine and cereals using the "indentation" technique

To use this technique, we print the application template with a simple composition, cut it out, and glue it onto cardboard. If you are not acting according to a template, then everything is in the hands of the child. Let him come up with a picture and embody it as best he can. We take plasticine and smear it over the picture. Above we press the cereal into the plasticine. In this technique, you can use any cereals and grains, for example, coffee, nuts, sunflower seeds.

I present to you the work of second graders in the technique of "Applique from different cereals"

labor lesson in grade 3

special school of 8 types

Topic: Applique from cereals



During the classes:

1.Org Moment

Who fulfilled wishes?

Finger warm-up

Circle by shabdon

Arrange a fish

6. Exhibition of works


A pond slumbers at sunset. Circles float on the water - These are small fish Played here and there. Anything they splash with water, Scales for a moment flash, - Fish jump into the air It's all the same that we dive. E. Stewart

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"Summary of the lesson" Applique from cereals ""

Labor lesson outline in grade 3

special school of 8 types

Topic: Applique from cereals


1: to form the ability to repeat the analysis of the product sample after the teacher, to perform the work step by step.

2 to develop fine motor skills during the applique making process.

3 develop a coherent speech of students, enrich vocabulary;

4 continue work on the development of spatial orientation; eye;

5. To cultivate accuracy when completing tasks, perseverance


each child: a sheet of blue cardboard, glue. a simple pencil, a plate with cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat);

fish templates, sample work, portrait of A.S. Pushkin, CD "Music of Nature"

During the classes:

1.Org Moment

The child reads by heart an excerpt from Pushkin's fairy tale.

Who fulfilled wishes?

Today we are going to make a portrait of a fish.

2. see what you have on your tables? (cereal)

What is cereal for? (Cook porridge), and you can also make different products.

3. Before we get to work, stretch our fingers

Finger warm-up

4. let's think about where we will start work

Circle by shabdon

Lay out the dark groats along the contour, which one?

Spread the edge with glue and spread the cereal

Arrange a fish

Physical minute "fish splashing in the lake .."

5. Independent work with music

6. Exhibition of works


A pond slumbers at sunset.
Circles float on the water -
These are small fish
Played out here and there.
Anything to splash them with water,
Scales for a moment flash, -
Fish jump out into the air
It's all the same that we dive
E. Stewart

Nina Chashchina

Target: Teach children to do the craft using unconventional technique of performance(from croup) .

Tasks: 1. Remember the name of the fruit. Expand children's understanding of their beneficial qualities. Continue learning to guess riddles.

2. Strengthen the ability to work with a template, filling the space cereals.

3. To develop artistic taste, eyes, develop fine motor skills, thinking.

4. Use the work of children in the design of the group.

Material: millet cereals, rice, semolina, buckwheat, peas; dried tree leaves, colored paper, glue, napkins, a projector.

Preliminary work: examining illustrations of vegetable fruits, memorizing riddles about vegetables, talking about the beneficial qualities of vegetable fruits.

Stroke: I show slides with the image of vegetables and fruits, I pay attention to the shape, color, taste of the fruits. Making riddles about vegetables.

Round-faced girl

Has grown in the garden

She has a special taste -


And, useful for everyone,

Having a yellow color,

Harvest twice a year

Gives out, cherishing.

What sits firmly in the garden?

Tell me, kids !. (Turnip)

Do you guys like fruits and vegetables? How are they useful?

I propose to go to the tables where the templates of vegetables are and choose the one you like. I draw the attention of children what cereals better to use in work.

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