Synopsis of GCD in the group preparatory to school Topic: Washing doll linen. Summary of the lesson “Washing clothes Progress of work

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Synopsis "Let's help the doll Masha wash clothes"

Synopsis of direct educational activities in junior 1

Topic: "Let's help the Masha doll to wash clothes."

Integration of educational areas: "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization".

Types of children's activities: labor, play, communicative, cognitive-research, motor, productive.

Target: formation of a positive attitude towards work and its results.



To form in children an idea of ​​​​some labor actions (soaping fabrics, washing things, rinsing, hanging clothes on a rope) and items needed for washing (water, soap, basin).

To form in children the practical actions that they need to put things in order (washing);


Develop creative abilities through productive activities, fine motor skills of fingers;

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary;

Develop visual memory;


Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

Equipment: Masha doll, clothes for the doll (dress, trousers, jacket, socks, hat, basin (2 pcs., warm water, soap, bed, rope with racks, clothespins.

Forms of organization of joint activities.

Labor: washing doll linen, rinsing, drying.

Game: didactic game “What disappeared? ".

Communicative: teacher's story on the topic, questions to the children on the topic.

Motor: finger gymnastics "Washing".

Cognitive - research: observation of the actions of the educator.

Content of organized activities

1. Organizational moment.

Children sit in a semicircle around the table, at which they will wash clothes. The teacher says that in the morning in the group someone wept bitterly. It was Masha doll. She was walking on the street and soiled her clothes: a dress, trousers, socks, a jacket and a hat. Educator: We need to help the doll. What to do? How to cheer up a doll? (showing soiled clothes). Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, we can wash dirty clothes so that the doll is clean. We will quickly fix the problem

We wash all clothes!

2. The main part.

Educator: Before you and I wash, we need to undress our doll (children take turns removing clothes from the doll and putting them in a basket, naming the item of clothing).

The teacher asks the children what is needed in order to wash clothes? As the children name the objects (basin, water, soap), the teacher puts everything on the table.

Educator: And now let our doll rest, she was walking and tired (asks the child to take the doll Masha to the bed in the doll corner).

Finger gymnastics: "Washing".

I wash my socks with soap (we move the fist on the palm of my hand)

The fists rub hard (three fists against each other)

Rinse socks deftly (move hands to the right and left)

And I'll hang it on a rope (raise your hands up and bend your hands)

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to touch the water in the basin and determine that it is warm. Dirty laundry is in the basket next to the basin.

Educator: I will show you how we start work. Wet the clothes first. We lower it into the water, look, the dress is wet. I put the dress in the palm of my hand, take a bar of soap, lather, put the soap in the soap dish, and then start washing. Then we squeeze. The dress was washed, but it still needs to be rinsed so that there is no soap left. Put the dress in another basin with clean water and rinse it.

We rinse clean, clean, so that the linen is fragrant! We squeeze.

The teacher offers one child to wash the trousers, while making sure that the water does not splash out of the basin. In the same way, children wash their jacket, hat and socks. Children are given the opportunity to rinse clothes on their own, feel the warm water with their hands. The clothes are rinsed by those children who have not washed.

caregiver : Pour water out of the basin, rinse. We put clean clothes in an empty basin. Performing all activities by children.

Pronunciation by children: Soap is foaming in the trough, We are washing, look!

Do not interfere with us now, Laundry is urgent with us!

Educator: Now everything is clean. Hang clothes on a line to dry. Rope with racks is prepared in advance. The teacher takes a clean dress, asks the children: “What is this? ". Children's answer.

The teacher offers to hang the laundry on a rope and fasten it with clothespins, the children repeat the word "clothespins". Next, the teacher invites the children to hang up the rest of the clothes, constantly asking what they are hanging up.

Educator: That's it, kids. We all washed the clothes of our doll Masha together. When the laundry is dry, you and I will iron it and put it on our doll.

Didactic game: “What disappeared? »

1. There are several items of clothing on the table. The teacher invites the children to remember them, and then offers to close their eyes and removes one object, after which he asks the children to determine what is missing.

2. Children memorize items of clothing, close their eyes, open their eyes, name the missing item of clothing.

3. Reflection.

Educator: Well done, good job! What have we learned today? How about helping moms wash clothes at home? Children's answers.

Appeal to the doll: Doll Masha will be very pleased and will go for a walk with us!

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Irkutsk region

"Angara Pedagogical College"


Direct educational activities

for household work

In the middle group

Topic: "Washing doll linen."

Compiled by: listener

Yuschak Tatyana Vladislavovna

Group 2-2015

specialty 44.02.01 "Preschool education"

Head: Kozlova T.N.




Program content:

1. learn to work together in a certain sequence:

A) sort the linen into colored and white;

B) thoroughly soap the linen and rub between the hands;

C) rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

2. to form the skills of working with water (washing clothes).

3. cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance.

4. to complete the work begun.

Equipment and decoration:

Oilcloth, basins, buckets, soap dish, rope, cloth, aprons, clothespins.

GCD progress (classes):

  1. Introductory part:

Guys, I want to give you riddles.

If your hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without which we will say directly

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We cannot live without ... (water)

Slipping away like a living thing

But I won't release it.

Foaming with white foam

And don't be lazy to wash. (Soap).

They go for water -

They sing loud songs,

And they go back -

Tears are pouring. (buckets)

Here are the toothy cheats.

Grabbed the linen deftly.

Hold tight, don't bite.

But they never let go.

What is it, guess

Guessed? Answer! (Clothespins)

- You have solved all the riddles. Look. And here they are (showing the equipment). And there are many other items here (oilcloth, basins, rags, aprons, ladle, laundry basket). When do you think people can use all these items, what are they for? (To erase).

2.Main part:

- Yes, I want to offer you to wash the doll's clothes.

To remember how this is done, let's look at the diagram that I have prepared. It is necessary to lay out the pictures in the order in which we will work, (children put up, or lay out pictures in a certain sequence) (distribute responsibilities):

Alena and Kirill take off the linen from the dolls, hand it over to Masha and Nastya; Yegor and Alice dress the dolls in clean clothes; Masha and Nastya are washing clothes, separating colored from white; Vanya and Matvey caress; then all together we hang clean linen. But first you need to prepare the workplace and prepare for the laundry. Vanya and Alena are spreading the oilcloth. For what? (so as not to wet the tables). We put basins, pour water, put on aprons. Now everything is ready.

Me and the boys today

Gathered to wash clothes.
This pile of linen

We will sort.

We color together with white,

Well, you can't erase

After all, colored linen can

Shed very heavily

(children sort clothes).

This is a red trough

We need it for laundry.

And here's a blue basin -

Fill it up with water!

(pouring water from buckets into basins).

Ready for work. More action - less words! (I give instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to interfere with each other)

Let's remember the methods of washing by hand. (wet the thing, lather, rub, wash off the soap, wring out).

We try to work together, not to lag behind. "I did it myself, help someone else." (I make sure that the washed clothes are folded separately from the colored ones.)

- Soap foams in water

We are not used to being lazy

Look, baby

A mountain of clean linen.

Washed together. Finished all together. Nobody was left behind. What will we do next? (rinse clothes). For what? (to wash off the soap) (I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white linen; I show how to rinse).

What should be done with washed laundry? That's right, straighten, shake and hang on a rope.

_ For work now together -

We need to hang clothes.

We have worked, we are tired.

We are already big.

(everyone hangs up clothes).

We will always wash

Help our moms.

We got the job done

And let's go for a walk with the hunt.

The kids worked hard

It's time for the sun to dry.

3 . Final part:

Oh yes hostesses, oh yes, well done! Everyone worked a little, but together they did a great job. The entire rope is hung with linen. The linen is clean and fresh. There will be clean clothes for the dolls to replace. Tell me what to do when the laundry is dry? (remove from the rope, fold, iron, put in the closet).

Business before pleasure! Let's play a game. "Guess what we're doing?" (walking in circles saying)

- We will work with you

Let's not forget the order.
Don't yawn, do it.

And repeat after me.

(At the end of the words, everyone stops; I show some kind of movement (I erase, stroke, squeeze, shake, hang up - the children repeat, guess the action, naming it).

Household work on the topic: "Washing doll linen" Program content: teach children to keep doll clothes clean in a timely manner: wash clothes. Cultivate independence. Learn to work together, quickly, accurately.

Equipment: aprons according to the number of children, basins with water, doll linen, soap.Methodology caregiver Today we will tidy up doll clothes. Who will tell me what needs to be done in order for the linen of our dolls to be clean?

Children's answers. caregiver It needs to be washed properly.Today we will wash doll clothes. We will wash with soap, so that the clothes are washed off, it must be rubbed between the hands. We will carefully look at it so that there are no stains and dirt left on it. After the laundry has been cleaned, it must be rinsed in clean water so that there is no soap.

Listen to how laundry is described in a poem: Foam rose in the trough.Like white snowy mountains.And went here graduallyVery important conversationHow to hold soap more comfortably.So that the soap does not slip?How to wash a stain If it is oily?Our rule isDo not give linen rest!Let's turn it this way and rub it with soap;Clean water in a trough

It is necessary to add more often ... Everything is ready, washed - So, we will wring out! Here is the robe twisted deftly - Became like a thick rope. From a dressing gown in three streams Water flowed murmuring. And then she was tired - She even stopped dripping. This means that the dressing gown is finally wrung out! I hung out the linen of Kuklino and Mishkino, Mom hangs mine And also my brother's. Mishka's shirt - White as sugar! The doll's dressing gown dries; I'll dress up my guys!Educator: Here is how the girl in the poem coped with the laundry. Now we will repeat with you what you need to start work with.(I specify the sequence of work: washing, rinsing, spinning, hanging to dry)Laundry will be washed and rinsed. (I choose a group of girls according to their desire) I suggest the boys hang out the linen.(I distribute the work at will)

During work, after distributing aprons and preparing equipment, I help children, while remembering proverbs and sayings about work. The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man. Business before pleasure. A tree is valued by its fruits, and a man by his deeds. Judge a man by his work. Work feeds, and laziness spoils. Finished the job - walk boldly. Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.I make riddles in progress:The bubble is foaming
Marries Voditsa.
Rolling on the palms -
Dirt backs away in fright.
( Soap.)

Blowed bubbles

Foam climbed up -

And he was gone

All of it has disappeared.

( Soap)

Smooth on clothes
It smoothes wrinkles
Ironing jackets and linen
My school dress
Ironing the arrows at the trousers
Electric ... (Iron)

So that the wind does not blow the clothes off the rope,

Big no skill needed -

I will press the linen with separate teeth.

Have they already met you?


Educator: That's how well we all worked together together. Laundered our dolls' clothes. You worked carefully, did not quarrel, helped each other. They did their job diligently. The clothes were washed and hung up to dry. After it dries, I will iron it and together with you we will dress the dolls in clean clothes.

a basin of water, oilcloth, aprons, rags, toys.

the teacher explains that you need to roll up the sleeves of the blouses, put on aprons and gently wipe the toys, do not splash.

a word of art, a riddle: without labor - you can’t even catch a fish from a pond and says: “Let's do some work so that our toys shine and smile.

First, the teacher takes the toy, explains and shows all his actions: how to properly hold the rag, not to wave the rag to the sides, what humidity it should be, that you need to wipe it cleanly, neatly, in hard-to-reach places, wipe the toys dry and put them quietly in place.

resembles a sequence of actions.

in the process of work, the teacher is always nearby and watches the performance of the actions of the children, encouraged and encouraged each action; duties were given to children who immediately responded to this idea and according to their skills (who had done better before). Demid and Milena removed the toys from the shelf, Nastya and Varya cleaned them, and Anya and Nikita arranged them beautifully.

labor skills and abilities are acquired completely. All work was interesting, lively. Children performed all labor operations neatly, consistently and with joy.

Middle group, duty in the dining room.

1. Preparation of equipment and materials for child labor: aprons for attendants, serving utensils, table setting algorithm.

2. Fulfillment of hygienic requirements for the organization of work: washing hands before doing work, putting on aprons and hats.

3. What methods aroused children's interest in work: conversation, an element of a plot-role-playing game (the doll came to visit).

4. Explanation and demonstration of working methods: the teacher said that you need to take the dishes carefully, take your time, be careful. Helped if needed.

5. Fixing the sequence of work: the help of the educator was not required, since the table setting algorithm, the display scheme, was attached to the wall.

6. Management of independent work of children, distribution of responsibilities between children: the teacher encouraged every correct action, praised; the guys who went to the middle group for the second year do more difficult work, and those who go to the first year do it easier.

7. Conclusions (whether labor skills and abilities were acquired): the guys have developed labor skills and abilities, but those who attend the middle group for the first year experience difficulties in the sequence of actions, but this work was done neatly and with pleasure.

Management of collective, joint work, senior group; "Washing Doll Clothes"

1. Preparation of equipment and materials for child labor a: basins, rags, soap in soap dishes, clothesline, clothespins, oilcloth aprons, doll linen, oilcloth, package, letter, pictures - washing sequence diagrams.

2. Fulfillment of hygienic requirements for the organization of work: put on aprons, roll up sleeves.

3. What methods aroused children's interest in work: a surprise moment (the letter was brought by the postman), motivation - helping small children.

4. Explanation and demonstration of working methods: in the course of work, the educator gives advice, helps in organizing, gives instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to interfere with each other. He asks the children to tell and show washing techniques with their hands (wet the thing, lather, rub, wash off the soap, wring out), I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white linen. Shows how to rinse. What to do with rinsed laundry: straighten, shake and hang on a rope.

5. Fixing the sequence of work: the educator used pictures that show the washing sequence diagrams. You need to lay out the pictures in the order in which you will work (children put up, or lay out the pictures in a certain sequence).

6. Management of independent work of children, distribution of responsibilities between children: The teacher says: “Today Dasha, Varya, Misha, Roma, Oksana and Veronika will help me.” Allocates responsibilities. (Dasha and Varya remove the clothes from the dolls, give them to the children, change the dolls into clean clothes; Veronika and Oksana wash the clothes, separating the colored from the white; Misha and Roma caress, then they all hang up the clean clothes together). He also closely monitors the performance of work, evaluates each child, what is good and what is not very good, encourages.

7. Conclusions (whether labor skills and abilities were acquired): in the course of this work, the children's labor skills and abilities are fully acquired. All the actions of washing and its sequence were considered in detail, pictures - schemes were used, in a playful way the children determined the sequence of washing clothes. The children coped with the task easily, because the teacher competently organized the course of this work.

Task number 5.

Topic: " Let's put the toys in their places"

Type of work: household

Age group: junior

Place of work during the day: morning, before breakfast.

Form of organization: order.

Target: training in the simplest labor skills and abilities; to bring the work begun to the end and develop the habit of putting each toy in its place, cultivating interest in work.

Equipment: scattered toys.

Techniques to motivate children: surprise moment. I say: “Masha’s doll will come to visit us now, and she’ll see how we can quickly remove the toys and put them beautifully in their places (Masha’s doll arrives in the group, put her on a chair and explain to the guys that she will look at our job).

show with explanation, conversation, questions and answers, joint action with the child.

positive evaluation, encouragement.


1. Preparation for this work consisted in thinking over the motivation, and creating all the conditions for a successful start and completion of the work begun.

2. Everything planned was carried out in full.

3. Everything that I planned turned out, the guys willingly agreed to remove the toys and put them in their places, and also finished the work they had begun to the end, throughout the work the interest of the children in this labor activity was maintained.

4. My help was required in the correct presentation of motivation and joint performance of actions with children.

5. For the future, I would like to note that it is necessary to give instructions to children at a younger age, as it stimulates children to carry out subsequent types of work and fosters interest in work, and they also become more confident in their actions.

Topic: " Let's help our indoor flowers"

Type of work: labor in nature

Age group: older.

Place of work during the day: morning, before breakfast.

Form of organization: duty in the corner of nature.

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the methods of caring for indoor plants, about the sequence of work. Systematize children's knowledge about indoor plants, continue to instill the necessary knowledge to care for them. To instill interest, develop curiosity and a desire to care for plants, bring up responsibility for the task assigned and the ability to bring the matter to the end.

Equipment: rags, sticks for loosening, watering cans, spray gun, scissors.

Techniques to motivate children: telegram from the flower fairy. “Guys, in the morning I received a telegram (I print and read the content) from the flower fairy, she saw that our flowers were dusty and the earth was dry, and the leaves, and asked for help, and since you are already big guys, I think you can handle it.

Work skills training methods: I give advice and instructions (loosen the ground around the flower, pour water carefully, you need to spray not only from above, from the side, but also from below); I ask questions: “And what flowers do you need to pour water only into the pan ?, what flowers do you still know?”

Methods for evaluating children's activities: I encourage and give an analysis of the result of the work performed, correctly pointing out the shortcomings.


1. Preparation for carrying out this labor activity consisted in preparing equipment, setting a goal, creating motivation.


3. In general, everything worked out, only the boys were not very accurate (they filled the flower and crumbled the earth when loosening).

4. It turned out to be especially interesting for them, when doing work, the children were polite, helped each other.

5. For the future, she noted that it is necessary to constantly include some type of work in the daily plan, because the guys learn to interact with each other, help their comrades, bring the work they have started to the end, interest, excitement and desire, curiosity develop, and love is also instilled to work, which means they will grow up worthy people!

Topic:"Let's clear the trash alley"

Type of work: labor in nature

Age group: preparatory

Place of work during the day: 1 half day, before lunch.

Form of organization: collective labor (general).

Target: to form in children the ability to work in a team, to arouse an active interest in joint work, a desire to help each other, to teach children to distribute work among themselves in a team, to form the ability to work carefully and bring the work started to the end, to educate children in a friendly attitude towards each other and a positive attitude to work.

Equipment: bags, gloves according to the number of children (10), rags for tying broken branches.

Techniques to motivate children: proverbs about labor (labor feeds, but laziness spoils, etc. d), I say: “Guys, what holiday will be soon?” (May 1), let's put things in order around the kindergarten and on the alley, so that all passers-by admire the beauty of nature and praise us.

Work skills training methods: I explain what needs to be done and how to do it (when tying the branches, one child needs to carefully lift the branch and tie it up to the other; keep the bag carefully, carry the branches to a certain place), give explanations, instructions, remember the rules of behavior on the street (do not push, do not run out on the roadway, do not run). She provided a little help in the distribution of duties (Misha and Vova carry a bag, and Dasha, Ulya, Oksana, Alice, Varya put the garbage, the rest help).

Methods for evaluating children's activities: Well done boys! Look how beautiful, clean and comfortable it has become near the kindergarten, passers-by will not be able to take their eyes off the restored order made by us. At the end, I will distribute candy.


1. Preparation for the event consisted in the preparation of equipment

2. Everything planned was carried out.

3. It was especially successful for motivating the children, they got down to business with joy and great interest, their eyes lit up, they helped each other, there was a great desire to work (they did the job very quickly, no one stood still, everyone moved with pleasure and each of the children wanted to do something more to be noticed and praised).

4. My help consisted only in the preparation of equipment and the distribution of responsibilities.

5. For the future, I gave myself an attitude that I would continue to act in the same way, and every year I would clean up the area around the kindergarten together with the children and involve them more in work. Working with children brought me a lot of positive emotions.


In the course of working with children, Dokuchaeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna showed herself on the positive side. She prepared the necessary equipment and material, the structure of the event was observed; the work motivation corresponding to the age of the children was also selected. In the younger group, children were shown a competent demonstration of the sequence of labor actions, joint work with children was carried out in accordance with the level of development of children's labor skills. In the preparatory and senior group, assistance was provided in the distribution of responsibilities. Dokuchaeva E. V took an active part in joint labor activity and gave a competent assessment of the results of children's work in accordance with motivation.

Task number 6

Purpose of observation: identify which skills the child has developed more.

Surname and age of the child: Farin Matvey, 5 years and 6 months

Time and place of work: 1 half day

Stroke: I suggest that children work with flowers (water, loosen, sprinkle and cut dry leaves). Matvey gladly accepts my offer, but says, what should I do?, then asks Roma to bring him a watering can. During work, he politely asks for help from other guys, performs the actions correctly, but not neatly (in a hurry, often distracted). Shows initiative, but does not feel desire and zeal. He himself determines the sequence of labor actions, but does not complete the work he has begun (he ran away to play cars with the boys) and did not clean up the equipment, but he assessed his result: “How beautiful the flowers have become.”

No. p / p Indicators of labor skills Present Missing
1. Ability to accept the purpose of work:
- accepts social motivation +
- brings the job to the end +
2. The nature of labor actions:
- independently performs +
-performs correctly +
-carries out carefully +
3. Attitude towards the labor process:
- shows initiative +
- performs the task with desire +
4. Ability to plan work
- independently prepares and cleans equipment +
- determines the sequence of labor operations +
- Evaluate your results +

Output: Farin Matvey has the best formed labor skills: the ability to plan work, but the attitude to the labor process and the ability to accept the purpose of labor are not fully formed; labor skills are less developed: the nature of labor actions. I suppose that Matvey needed a strong and interesting motivation in order to have a desire to work, and to bring the matter to the end, not to be distracted.

Task number 7.

Type of productive activity: drawing

Topic:"The sun is shining"

Age group: younger

Form of organization: frontally

Location during the day: 2 half a day

Target: Continue to develop the ability to draw rounded closed lines, improve hand-eye coordination, limit hand movement, draw the sun in the middle of the sheet. Exercise in the ability to hold the brush correctly, do not squeeze too hard, easily drive over the paper, dip the bristle of the brush into the paint. Learn to work neatly and cleanly. Cultivate the desire to draw and aesthetic feelings.

Preparatory work: watching the sun on a walk, drawing rounded shapes (a ball, a ball of thread for grandmothers, snowballs). Examining illustrations. Reading nursery rhymes about the sun, poems about the sun. Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun".

Equipment:½ sheet of paper, gouache, brush, non-spill. Sun pattern.

Motivation techniques: reading an excerpt by K. I. Chukovsky: aroused pity in children (crying, waiting for help).

Productive Skills Training: a visual method (a sample of the sun, then I myself explain to the children and draw the sun on a piece of paper); practical method (imitation in the air, then on a sheet with a dry brush); verbal method (I use questions, I make a hint, for those children who are having difficulty); game method (game "Sun and rain").

Evaluation of the results of productive activities of children: encouragement (I praise each child for their work), I make a photo exhibition.

"Washing Doll Clothes" learn to work together in a certain sequence:

Teach children to sort linen into colored and white;

Learn to thoroughly lather clothes and rub between hands;

Learn to rinse thoroughly, wring out, straighten and hang on a rope.

Develop skills in working with water (washing clothes)

To cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance.

Equipment: oilcloth, basins, buckets, soap dishes, rope, rags, aprons, clothespins.

Work progress:

1. Introduction:

Guys, I want to give you riddles.

If your hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without which we will say directly

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We cannot live without ... (water)

Escapes like a living thing.

But I won't release it.

Foaming with white foam

and do not be lazy to wash (soap)

They go for water

They sing loud songs,

And they go back

Tears are pouring. (buckets)

Here are the toothy cheats.

They grabbed the linen.

Hold tight, don't bite.

But they never let go.

What is it, guess

Guessed. Answer! (clothespins)

2. Main body:

You have solved all the riddles. Look. And here they are, (showing the equipment).

And there are many other items here (oilcloth, basins, rags, aprons, a ladle, a laundry basket).

When do you think people can use all these items, what are they for? (To erase)

Yes, I want to offer you to wash the doll's clothes.

To remember how this is done, let's look at the diagrams that I prepared .. you need to go and lay out the pictures in the order in which we will work (children put up or lay out the pictures in a certain sequence.).

Today they will help me ... I name 6 people. I distribute responsibilities. (the 2nd remove the clothes from the dolls, give them to the children, change the dolls into clean ones; the 2nd wash the clothes, separating the colored from the white; the 2nd they caress, then they all hang clean clothes together). But first we need to prepare the workplace and prepare for the laundry.

Let's spread the oilcloth. For what? (so as not to wet the tables). We put basins, pour water, put on aprons. Now everything is ready.

Me and the boys today

gathered to wash clothes.

This pile of linen

we will sort.

We color together with white,

Well, you can't erase

After all, colored linen can

Shed very heavily.

Children sort clothes.

This is a red trough

We need it for laundry.

But the basin is blue -

Fill it up with water.

Pour water from buckets into basins.

“Ready for work. More action, less words! - I give instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to interfere with each other. I ask the children to tell and show washing techniques with their hands (wet the thing, lather, rub, wash off the soap, wring out).

We try to work together, not to lag behind. "I did it myself, help someone else." I make sure that the washed clothes are folded separately from the colored ones.

Soap foams in water

We are not used to being lazy

Look, baby

A mountain of clean linen.

Washed together. Finished all together. Nobody was left behind. What will we do next? (rinse clothes). For what? (to wash off the soap). I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white linen. I show you how to rinse. What should be done with washed laundry? That's right, straighten it, shake it and hang it on a rope.

For work now together

We need to hang clothes.

We have worked, we are tired.

We are already big.

Everyone hangs up clothes.

We will always wash

help our mothers.

We got the job done

and let's go for a walk with the hunt.

The kids worked hard

It's time for the sun to dry.

Ah yes hostesses, ah yes well done.

Everyone worked a little, but together they did a great job. The whole rope is hung with linen. Our linens are clean and fresh. There will be clean clothes for the dolls to replace. Tell me what to do when the laundry is dry? (remove from the rope, fold to iron, put in the closet.

"Business before pleasure!".

Part: Final

Let's play a game "Guess what we'll do"

Children with a teacher walk in a circle, say:

We will work with you

Let's not forget the order.

Don't yawn, do it.

And repeat after me.

At the end of the words, everyone stops. The teacher shows any movement. (erases, irons, squeezes, shakes. Hangs up, children repeat, guess the action, naming it.

Application No. 5

An exemplary summary of the organization of duty

Tasks for the development of labor activity:

To teach children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants: arrange bread bins, plates, put napkin holders, lay out cutlery. Learn how to fold a tablecloth.

To form a responsible attitude to the task (the ability and desire to bring the matter to the end, the desire to do it well)

Tasks of moral education:

To develop the desire of the child to bring joy to other children with his work and to help a friend.

Methods and techniques:

Approval, display, encouragement, reminder, control, evaluation.


Aprons, hats, flowers, napkins, tablecloths.

Preliminary work:

Identify attendants (pictures in the corner of attendants)

Watch progress:

Stage name The activities of the educator Children activities
I Organizational Discussion of issues in the distribution of work - On duty, come to me, now they will bring dinner, and we will set the table. -Maxim, at which table will you be on duty? - Are you Kostya, Natasha? Don't forget to put on your aprons before you start on duty. Wear aprons and hats.
II. Basic Instructions for the management of the process of labor of children Pays attention to the pace and quality of work. Approves the creative ideas of children: - Let's think about how we will please the children today? If the educator is at a loss or the junior educator suggests: “Let's put flowers or lay out new tablecloths.” Explains that the work of the attendants is very necessary, comrades always do this, take care of each other, etc. -That's right, Natasha first moved all the chairs to the table. Now it will be more convenient to go around the table. We carry two plates. -How carefully Kostya lays out the spoons, takes one at a time, puts it on the right side. - Check if everything is in place. - Well done guys, thanks. Guys, look how convenient it is to fold the tablecloth, help me, Kostya. It is necessary to take the ends, fold it in half on the table, and then in half again and only then fold it along the length. Now try it yourself. Everyone did well. Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, put napkin holders, lay out cutlery. -Everything! -Yes! After eating, bread, napkins are removed from the table, crumbs are swept from the table, tablecloths are folded.
III Final Discussion of the results of the work - Well done, guys, you were all real duty officers today, everyone was taken care of! - Kostya, he remembered everything himself, he didn’t forget anything. -Maxim worked as carefully and diligently as a nanny. - And how pleased my mother will be to know that Natasha was on duty today as an adult. Here the helper is growing. Remove aprons and hats.

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