Synopsis of nodes on femp in the senior group on fgos “journey through a fairy tale. Lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations Femp lessons in kindergarten

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Alsu Khananova
Abstract of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group "Journey along mathematical paths"


Fix the score within ten (direct, reverse);

To form the experience of self-overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher based on the reflective method, the experience of self-control.


To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

Exercise in solving logical problems and tasks of ingenuity;

Cultivate children's interest in mathematics a sense of confidence in their knowledge.

Train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction.

Develop attention, memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, creativity, initiative;

Develop fine motor skills.

Cultivate children's interest in mathematics, a sense of confidence in their knowledge

Cultivate a friendly relationship with each other.

Demo material: a picture of eight butterflies and nine flowers, an image of numbers from 1 to 10 on sheets of A4 paper for physical education, a typesetting canvas, geometric shapes, a magnetic board, a tray, red and green cardboard apples, a poster with an apple tree pattern.

Dispensing material- number cards from 1 to 10; sets of geometric planar figures, album sheets by the number of children.

Methods and techniques: explanation, indication, explanation, questions, display, game technique, encouragement, pedagogical assessment

. Introduction:

Organizing time.

a) greeting children;

c) psychological attitude;

c) a surprise moment;

Guys, do you love travel? Today we will have an unusual math journey. Will go with us Old man - lumberjack, he is everything paths in the mathematical forest knows. We have a lot to go through today and many problems to solve along the way. So, let's go to the fabulous journey.

Main part.

And here is the first catch. And he is called "Difficult Problems".

We'll sit at a halt and solve all the puzzles.

How many fingers are on one hand?

You and I, and we are with you. How many of us?

Name the seasons. (Spring, summer, autumn and winter).

How many ends do two sticks have?

Dasha's grandmother had a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does she have?

Which figure has neither a beginning nor an end?

4 sat on a tree birds: 2 sparrows, the rest are crows. How many crows?

Kolya ran home from school first, and Olya was the second. Who runs faster and who runs slower?

Well done boys! You have completed the task, and we are moving on.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, to the second halt "Guess - ka" came.

And here all the figures ran away, they began to play in the clearing.

I will ask all the guys to build the numbers quickly in a row!

(Children should lay out a number series from cards with an image numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10). Group and individual counting forward and backward.

And now old man- the lumberjack invites us to play a game "Guess - ka".

The teacher calls the number, the children find and show the corresponding card with the number. (The smallest number (1, the largest number (10, the number 3, the number 5; the number living between numbers: 3 and 5, 6 and 8, 7 and 9; neighbors of numbers 4, 8, 3, etc.)

Well done boys! Let's go for An old man - a forester along the path further.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and we came to the third halt. And he is called "Puzzles".

Guys, let's try to solve riddles Old woman - lumberjack?

1) I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

On the ring, on the wheel. (A circle.)

2) My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners.

Who am I? (Triangle.)

3) I've been your friend since childhood,

Every corner is right here.

All four sides are the same length.

I am glad to introduce myself to you.

And my name is... (Square.)

4) I have no corners,

I have no sides.

And I look like a melon.

Well, who guessed

What is my name... (Oval.)

5) There are four sides -

Opposites are equal.

Four more right angles

I'm like a refrigerator.

Well think friends

What is everyone calling me? (Rectangle.)

Well how Old man - lumberjack Did you guys get it right? Go ahead?

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here is the fourth halt ahead. And he is called "Hide and Seek". old man- the woodman and his friends, geometric figures, want to play hide and seek with us.

(The teacher attaches geometric shapes to the magnetic board - a circle, a square, a triangle, an oval and a rectangle, shows them, and the children name the geometric shapes. Then the teacher is talking: "Night". Children close their eyes, and he hides one figure. teacher is talking: "Day". Children open their eyes and show a geometric figure that is not there. And then the teacher returns the figure to its place. The game of hide and seek is repeated for all geometric shapes. Also, the teacher can simply swap the figures in places without removing them.)

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here is the fifth halt ahead. And he is called "Physical education". Look guys, how many trees are here. And the wind that has risen shakes the trees, tears off the leaves.

old man- The woodsman wants to play with you.

Physical education minute "The wind plays with the leaves..."

"The wind plays with the leaves,

He picks up, he throws.

Leaf fall is circling in a waltz.

Late autumn outfit.

On the branches of a white birch

7(3,9,4,6) leaves survived.

Children run to the number that the teacher calls.

The old man - the forester wants so that each of you comes up with a picture and composes it from geometric shapes on an album sheet.

Children complete the task on their own.

Now tell Old man - lumberjack what geometric shapes did you make yours from figurines: boat, fish, flag, tree, etc.

Well done, now old man- the woodsman leads us along mathematical path further and here is our last halt "Counting meadow".

You have come to a beautiful clearing, where many beautiful flowers grow and many multi-colored butterflies flutter.

The teacher shows a picture of flowers and butterflies.

How many butterflies?

How many flowers?

What more? What is less? How much?

Well done, guys, you returned all the numbers to their places, our the journey is over. Everything paths overcame without hesitation.

. Summarizing:

Guys, did you like our journey?

What surprised you?

What do you remember?

Now rate your participation in journey. If you are satisfied with your progress today and evaluate your work on "Great"- take a red apple on a tray and stick it on the apple tree on the poster, and if you think that something did not work out for you and you could do better - take and stick a green apple. (Children evaluate their work.)

- Lesson is over, Thank you old man- a forester for our fabulous journey! Let's say goodbye to him, it's time for him to go to his forest possessions!

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Image Library:

Lesson #1

Program content

To acquaint with the quantitative composition of the numbers 3 and 4 from units.

Get to know the number 9.

Continue to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, identify and name the sides and corners of the sheet.

To consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, determine which day of the week is today, which was yesterday, which will be tomorrow.

Demo material. Dishes (10 items), a card with the image of geometric shapes of different colors (the figures are located in the middle and at the corners of the card), cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

Handout. Colored pencil sets, sheets of paper, number cards with 1 to 7 circles, cards with numbers 1 to 9.


I part.

The teacher invites the children to make up the number 3 using different items of utensils. After completing the task, he asks: “How many items of dishes are there in total? How many utensils did you take? How did you make the number three? How many utensils of each type?

The teacher adds another piece of utensils and asks: “How many utensils have become now? How many utensils? What number are we now? How did we make the number four?"

II part. Working with handouts.

The teacher invites the children to make the number 4 using pencils of different colors. (The questions are similar to the previous ones.)

III part. Game exercise "Let's help Fedora collect the dishes."

The teacher reads the quatrain and asks the children to determine from which work these lines are (K. Chukovsky “Fedorino Woe”),

And behind them along the fence

Grandma Fedor is jumping:

"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come back home!”

The children remember what happened to Fedora and why the dishes ran away from her.

The teacher invites the children to collect Fedorin's dishes and shows the number 8. He clarifies the name of the number and finds out how many items of dishes need to be collected. The called child completes the task on the board.

The teacher asks the children: “What items of utensils have you collected? How many items did you collect? What number marked eight items of utensils?

Children find the number 8 and put it in front of them.

The teacher adds 1 more item of dishes and offers to count how many there are in total. He finds out what number can be used to represent the number 9. Then he shows the number 9.

The teacher invites the children to find a card with the number 9, circle it and determine what the number looks like.

The called child builds a number line from 1 to 9. The teacher, together with the children, calls the numbers in order.

The teacher once again draws the attention of the children to the number 9 and suggests thinking about what number it looks like. Children find the number 6, put it next to the number 9 and determine how the numbers are similar and how they differ.

The teacher clarifies: “How many items of dishes did you help Fedora collect?” and reads an excerpt:

I won't, I won't

I offend dishes.

I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect!

IV part. Didactic game "Remember and repeat".

The teacher shows the children a card with the image of geometric shapes, clarifies their location and color. Then he offers to remember how the figures are located, and asks to repeat them in the same order. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

V part. Game exercise "Name the day of the week."

The teacher, together with the children, recalls the names of the days of the week, their sequence, determines which day of the week is today, which was yesterday, which will be tomorrow.

Part VI. Game "Live week".

Children have cards with circles (from 1 to 7). On the instructions of the leader, the children perform various movements to the music. At the end of it, they line up in a row in accordance with the number of circles on the card, indicating the days of the week. Checking the task is carried out by roll call.

Lesson #2

Program content

Introduce the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.

Continue to introduce numbers from 1 to 9.

Improve your understanding of triangles and quadrilaterals.

To develop the ability to indicate in speech the position of one object in relation to another and its location relative to another person (in front, behind, left, right).

Didactic visual material

Demo material. A fan of 10 petals of different colors, a picture of a bird made using triangles and quadrangles, cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

Handout. Sets of pictures depicting birds (6-7 pieces, 4 of which are pictures of wintering birds); squares divided into triangles and quadrangles, sets of triangles and quadrangles, cards with numbers from 1 to 9.


I part. Game exercise "We collect the fan."

The teacher invites the children to make a series of numbers from 1 to 9. The children call the numbers in order and show them.

The teacher asks the children to collect a fan of 9 multi-colored petals on the board. Children check the correctness of the task and designate each petal with the corresponding number.

II part. Game exercise "Playing with a fan."

The teacher invites the child to use the petals of a fan of different colors to make the number 4. After completing the task, he asks: “How many petals are there? How many petals of what color did we take? How did we make the number four?"

The teacher adds 1 more petal of a different color to 4 petals, asks similar questions and shows the composition of the number 5 from units.

III part. Game exercise "Let's make a number."

The teacher gives the children a task: “Select four or five pictures depicting wintering birds. How many pictures did you choose? How many wintering birds did you find? What number did you make? How did you make the number four?

The teacher invites the children to find the numbers 4 (5).

Physical education minute "Flies, does not fly."

The teacher names the objects. If the object can fly, the children wave their hands; if they cannot, they do not raise their hands.

IV part. Didactic game "Tangram".

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

Dreaming of a spider at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch.

Long beak and two wings...

Arrives - things are bad.

And who is the spider afraid of?

Guessed? This is ... (bird).

Together with the teacher, the children look at a picture of a bird made up of triangles and quadrangles.

Then the children look at the square, divided into triangles and quadrangles. Determine the figures into which it is divided. Then the set of geometric shapes is divided into two groups: triangles and quadrilaterals.

On the instructions of the teacher, the children lay out the image of a bird from triangles and quadrangles.

V part. Game exercise "What is where."

The teacher asks the children questions: “In front of whom are you sitting? Who are you sitting on the left? What's on the left of the closet? What is to my right?" etc.

Lesson #3

Program content

To consolidate ideas about the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.

Introduce counting forward and backward within 5.

To form the idea that an object can be divided into two equal parts, to learn to name the parts, to compare the whole and the part.

To improve the ability to compare 9 objects in width and height, arrange them in decreasing and increasing sequence, designate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Doll, apple, ball, 9 cylinders of different heights and 1 cylinder equal to the highest cylinder, 5 bows of different colors, cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

Handout. Circles of different colors (7-8 pieces for each child), stripes of different colors and widths (9 pieces for each child), strips for determining the width of the strips (by the number of children), cards with numbers from 1 to 9.


I part. Game exercise "Let's treat the guest."

The teacher says: “A friend came to visit the doll. The doll wants to give her an apple, but there is only one apple. How to help the doll to do this?

The teacher discusses with the children how to divide the apple into parts. Then he cuts the apple in half and asks: “Into how many equal parts did we cut the apple? How can you name each part of an apple? (Half.) How many halves did it turn out? What is another name for one half? (A half.)

The teacher shows two parts of an apple and explains: “This is one part and this is one part (shows each part). There are two of them, so one part can be called one second. What is larger: the whole or one part (one second)? Which is smaller: one part (one half) or the whole? How many parts does the whole consist of?

II part. Game exercise "Let's make a number."

The teacher invites the children to “compose” the number 5 using circles of different colors. After completing the task, he asks: “How many circles did you count? How many circles of what color did you take? What number did you make? How did you make the number five?

III part. Didactic game "I know 5 names ..."

Children stand in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Name three (four, five) names of a girl (boy) and hit the ball on the floor once for each name. The one who rolled the ball is out of the game.

IV part. Game exercise "Hide and seek".

The teacher shows the children a card with the number 5 and invites the children to count as many bows of different colors as the number shows. Children count bows.

The teacher says: “Masha, Dasha, Katya, Sasha and Natasha had different bows: red, yellow, blue, green and white. They were playing hide and seek."

The teacher hides 1 bow from right to left (closes with his hand). Children each time recount how many bows are left, and show the corresponding figure.

Children lay out numbers from 1 to 5 on their tables and call them in forward and reverse order.

V part. Game exercise "Lay the strips in order."

The teacher asks the children to arrange 9 strips of different widths and different colors in descending order, starting with the widest and ending with the narrowest (from left to right). After completing the task, he clarifies the rules for unfolding.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that each subsequent strip decreases by the same amount. Offers to check this with a strip of paper (conditional measure).

VI part. Game exercise "Let's put the columns in a row."

Columns (cylinders) of different heights are randomly placed on the carpet.

The teacher offers to arrange the columns in a row, starting with the lowest and ending with the highest. Previously, the teacher clarifies the rules for laying out objects.

The children take turns doing the task. Each child, choosing the next column, pronounces his actions: “I choose the lowest column from the remaining columns, compare it with other columns and put it next to me.”

One child gets a cylinder of the same height as the previous one. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the cylinders are the same height, and offers to remove one of them.

Then the children talk about the height of each column in the row.

Lesson number 4

Program content

Improve counting skills within 10 and practice counting according to the model.

Introduce forward and backward counting within 10.

Continue to form the idea that an object can be divided into two equal parts, learn to name the parts and compare the whole and the part.

To improve the ability to see in the surrounding objects the shape of familiar geometric shapes (flat).

Learn to compare two objects in length using a third object (conditional measure) equal to one of the compared objects.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Doll, ribbons, cardboard strip, equal in length to one of the ribbons, 4-5 cards with the image of 6 to 10 circles, the outline of the dress, 10 button circles of the same color.

Handout. Rectangular napkins, scissors, cards divided into 9 squares (a geometric figure is depicted in the central square: a circle, a square, a triangle or a rectangle; 4 cards for each child), a tray with a set of cards depicting objects of round, square, triangular and rectangular shapes , cards with the image of 6 to 10 circles, 15 circles - buttons of the same color.


I part. Game exercise "Let's help dolls pick up buttons for a new dress."

The teacher shows the children the dress of the doll and offers to pick up 10 buttons of the same color. The called child, and the rest of the children in the field, count 10 button circles of the same color.

The teacher asks: “How many buttons were counted in total?” Then he offers to “sew” the buttons to the dress, removing one button from right to left and counting how many are left. Children complete the task together with the teacher.

II part. Game exercise "Let's tie bows to the doll."

The teacher shows the children a doll with one pigtail, offers to make her two pigtails and tie bows. The teacher explains that there is already one ribbon and she needs to pick up a pair of the same length.

"What needs to be done to cut the ribbon of the same length?" the teacher asks.

The children make their suggestions. The teacher leads them to the need to use a conditional measure. Children, together with the teacher, consider adequate conditional measures and choose a cardboard strip. Then, the equality of the lengths of the cardboard strip and the ribbon is checked by direct comparison.

Using a cardboard strip, the teacher, together with the children, measures and cuts the ribbon of the desired length, compares it with the first ribbon and ties bows to the doll.

III part. Game exercise "Napkins for dolls".

The teacher draws attention to a rectangular napkin and offers to give the doll and her friend a napkin of the same size.

“What needs to be done to make two napkins from one napkin?” the teacher asks. Children discuss how to divide a rectangular napkin: you need to fold it in half so that the short sides match. Children cut the napkin in half along the fold line and check the equality of the received napkins.

The teacher clarifies: “How many parts did it turn out? What is the name of each part? (Half, one half.) Which is larger: the whole or the part? Which is smaller: the part or the whole?

Children give napkins to dolls.

IV part. Didactic game "Geometric Lotto".

Children are divided into four subgroups. Each subgroup has a map divided into 9 squares. The central square depicts a geometric figure (circle, square, triangle, rectangle). Cards with the image of objects of the corresponding form lie on a common tray.

The teacher invites the children to close the empty squares with cards that depict objects of one form or another. The team that completes the task faster wins. In the process of checking, children name objects and their shape.

The game is repeated 2-3 times with the change of cards.

V part. Mobile game "Cars and garages".

Cards with the image of 6 to 10 circles are laid out on the carpet. These are garages. Children have the same cards indicating car numbers.

The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Each garage has its own number, indicated by a certain number of circles. Your cars have the same numbers. At my signal, put your cars in the garages with the appropriate numbers and explain your choice.

The game is repeated 3-4 times. Each time the children change cards.

The game can be played with musical accompaniment.

Abstract of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group

"Journey to the land of fairy tales"

Goals: to consolidate the skills of ordinal and quantitative counting within 10;

to consolidate the ability to correctly answer the questions: how much? in what place?

Educational tasks:

1. Fix forward and backward counting within 10.

2. Improve knowledge of geometric shapes.

3. Consolidate knowledge of color.

4. Improve the ability to compose and solve problems.

5. Fix the orientation on a sheet of paper

Development tasks:

Develop attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills, visual perception and memory.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate interest in mathematics, the ability to act together, to bring the work begun to the end

Equipment and material:

  1. Flat images of fairy tale characters.
  2. Planar images of sweets in the amount of 7 pieces, different colors.
  3. Poster with the image of the season - spring.
  4. Geometric shapes of different colors.
  5. A set of numbers.

Lesson progress

  • Guys, today we are going on a journey to the land of fairy tales, where fairy tale characters live. What transport can you use? To find out what we will travel on today, guess the riddle:

iron huts,

Attached to each other

One of them has a pipe.

Leads everyone along.

(A train)

Children to the music of "Merry Travelers" depict how they ride the train.

  1. Game exercise "Count"
  • Here we are in the land of fairy tales. In this country, we will be met by fairy-tale heroes. To find out which fairy-tale hero will meet us, you need to guess the riddle:


Little girl running happily

On the path to the house

What is in the forest

This girl needs to go to her grandmother soon

Take the basket sent with her

(Little Red Riding Hood)

Here is Little Red Riding Hood

A picture of Little Red Riding Hood is displayed on the board.

She goes to her grandmother. What is she bringing her? (children's answers)

Well done, and she also brings her candy.

How to find out how many candies? (need to count)

Let's count. How many candies does Little Red Riding Hood bring to Grandma?

The child goes to the board, puts sweets on the board, counts.

How many candies? (10 candies)

Well done! What is the yellow candy? (Yellow candy for a count of 3)

What is the blue candy?

What color is the fifth candy?

And now we need to put the candy back into the basket.

The child puts candies in a basket and counts down.

Good! You have completed the tasks correctly. It's time for us to go to the next fairy tale, and Little Red Riding Hood needs to go to visit her grandmother.

2. Working with geometric shapes.

At the next station we are met by another fairy-tale hero. And who is he, guess the riddle:


He doesn't know anything.

You know him.

Answer me without hesitation.

What is his name? .. (Dunno)

The teacher puts a picture of Dunno on the board.

Children, Dunno does not know what geometric shapes are and what they are. Do you know geometric shapes? Can we help the stranger?

You have geometric shapes on your tables. Pick up and show the square. What is another name for this figure? (quadrangular)

Why is it called that? (Because a square has 4 corners)

How many sides does a square have? (4)

That's right, and we all see that these sides are equal to each other.

Children, show a geometric figure - a triangle.

How many angles does a triangle have? (3)

Show a geometric figure - a rectangle.

What is another name for this figure? (quadrangular)

What are the sides of the rectangle? (The top side is equal to the bottom side and the sides are equal to each other)

Children show other geometric shapes (circle, oval, rhombus, trapezoid)

Dunno is very pleased and thanks you. And it's time for us to rest.

3. Physical education "Quickly get up, smile"

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, higher stretch.

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower.

Turned left, turned right

They touched their hands with their knees.

Sit down - get up, sit down - get up

And they ran on the spot.

We rested, and now you can go to the next fairy tale.

The teacher makes a riddle to find out the fairy-tale hero.

4. The game "Guess the riddles"


Wooden pointed nose

Everywhere he climbs without asking

Even a hole in the picture

Nose made ... Pinocchio

The teacher puts a picture of Pinocchio on the board.

Malvina gave the task to Pinocchio, but he cannot cope with the task. Let's help Pinocchio solve riddles. I will ask you questions, and you will show me the answer with a card with a number.

How many tails do two cats have?(2)

How many backs do three pigs have?(3)

How many tummies do five hippos have?(5)

How many ears do two mice have?(4)

How many houses does a hundred ants have?(1)

How many days in a week?(7)

How many noses do six dogs have?(6)

How many horns do two bulls have?(4)

Well done boys. Pinocchio thanks you for your help. Say goodbye to Pinocchio and go to the next fairy tale.

5. Game "Make a problem"

The teacher makes a riddle to find out the next character.


They are invited with a friend Gena

Definitely for a birthday.

And loves every bug

Funny kind…(Cheburashka)

The teacher puts a picture of Cheburashka on the board

Guys, Crocodile Gena gave Cheburashka a task.

He can't do this job alone. Children, can we help Cheburashka solve problems?

1. On the way to the clearing

The bunny ate four carrots,

Then he sat on a stump

And I ate a carrot

Come on, count quickly.

How many carrots did the bunny eat?(Five carrots)

Write down the solution to this problem (4+1=5)

Read the entry (Adding one to four makes five)

2. Five fluffy kitties
They lay down in a basket.
One of them ran up to them.
How many cats have become together?(Six kitties)

Write down the solution of the problem and read the entry (5+1=6)

(Adding one to five makes six)

3. Four puppies played football

One was called home

He looks out the window, he thinks

How many are playing now?(Three puppies)

Write a solution to the problem and read. (4-1=3)

4. Seven funny pigs
They stand in a row at the trough.
Two went to bed to go to bed,
How many pigs have a trough?(Five little pigs)

Write a solution to the problem and read (7 - 2 = 5)

Well done boys! Cheburashka says "thank you" for your help and offers to rest.

6. Physical education to the music of "Spring"

What fairy tale can we find ourselves in now?

7. The game "Draw the sun"

The teacher makes a riddle:


The fat man lives on the roof.

He flies higher than everyone

If you go to bed early

You can play with him

Will fly to you in your dream

Lively, cheerful ....(Carlson)

The teacher puts a picture of Carlson on the board

Carlson painted a picture for you. Look carefully and tell me what time of year did Carlson draw? (spring)

Right. What is the name of the first month of spring? (March). How many spring months do you know? Name them. (March April May)

Look at the picture and tell me what Carlson painted in the center of the picture? (Tree)

What is in the top right corner? (A cloud is drawn in the upper right corner)

Who is in the lower right corner? (A hare is drawn in the lower right corner)

What is in the bottom left corner? (Snowdrops are drawn in the lower left corner)

Do you think that he forgot to draw Carlson in the upper left corner of the picture? (In the upper left corner, Carlson forgot to draw the sun)

The age of 5-6 years is an important stage in the life of any child. At this time, fantasy, logical thinking begin to actively develop, the arbitrariness of mental processes and self-esteem are formed. Children are very inquisitive, they are interested in causal relationships (why? how? why?). In kindergarten, systematic preparation for school begins, aimed at developing cognitive activity. This is the goal pursued by FEMP classes in the senior group.

Deciphering the concept

FEMP - abbreviated name. The full name of the discipline sounds like "the formation of elementary mathematical representations." The concept arose within the framework of preschool pedagogy. GEF points out the importance of preparing children for the successful development of school mathematics, while emphasizing their comprehensive development.

According to modern standards, training should not resemble "drilling", blunt coaching. A child should not only be able to count up to 10 back and forth, but also analyze information, compare, classify various phenomena, identify common patterns, be smart, and argue his point of view. All this should be taken into account when organizing classes on FEMP in the senior group. As a guideline for educators, the program "From Birth to School" was developed.

Approximate program according to GEF: senior group

FEMP classes for children aged 5-6 years include the study of the following sections:

  1. Quantity and counting (forward and backward counting within 10, ordinal numbers, the concepts of "less", "equal", "greater", the ability to add and subtract the number "one", writing numbers, creating sets according to various criteria).
  2. Size (comparison of objects by length, height, thickness, width; the ability to divide the whole into parts and determine which is larger).
  3. Form (repetition of well-known geometric shapes, familiarity with the oval, the introduction of the concept of "quadrilateral").
  4. and on a piece of paper (fixing the concepts of "left-right", "front-back", "top-bottom", "forward-back", prepositions of place).
  5. Representations of time (parts of the day, the sequence of events: "yesterday-today-tomorrow", "earlier-later").

Lesson Requirements

Children get acquainted with mathematical concepts in everyday situations, when communicating with parents, during independent games with didactic material, at specially organized holidays. But the leading role belongs to classes in FEMP. In the older group, they are held once a week and last 25-30 minutes.

It is very important that the classes evoke positive emotions in the children and are accessible in terms of the presentation of the material. To this end, educators resort to the creation of game situations. Exciting stories are introduced: travel, competition, treasure hunt, rescue of a character in trouble. Didactic games, various experiments and experiments are widely used. To maintain cognitive activity, the teacher uses clever riddles, creative tasks, creates problem situations that children must solve on their own.

Didactic material

Cards, pictures, measurements, toys and other attributes help to understand the topic of the FEMP lesson in the senior group. The child must attach one strip to another to figure out which is longer; divide the sheet into parts and come to the conclusion that the whole is always greater. Practical work is present at each lesson, so a variety of didactic material is used.

It can be:

  • volumetric figures and cards with their image;
  • tables with a different number of items;
  • small toys, barrels, sticks, geometric shapes for counting;
  • strips of various lengths and widths;
  • pictures depicting different seasons, parts of the day;
  • spatial orientation games: maps, labyrinths, room layouts;
  • entertaining cubes, Gyenes blocks, Kuizener's sticks, Rubik's snakes;
  • numerical and geometric lotto, dominoes;
  • board games "Number houses", "Collect a picture", etc.

Calendar-thematic planning

Work on the formation of mathematical representations in children is carried out during the school year, gradually becoming more complicated. First, the material studied in the middle group is consolidated, then new knowledge is given in portions. They systematically return to the topics covered, improve the acquired skills. At the end of the academic year comes the turn of generalizing, testing classes.

The annual plan, which includes the distribution of program tasks by months, helps to manage the educational process. Educators develop in advance the goals and topics of FEMP classes in the senior group. Pomoraeva, in collaboration with Pozina, released a manual designed to help them with this. The structure of classes proposed by them consistently solves all the tasks provided for by the program, skillfully combining them.

FEMP in the senior group: class notes

Pomoraeva and Pozina developed plans for game lessons, which, in addition to educational tasks, include a description of the necessary didactic material, as well as methodological instructions for the teacher with a detailed list of tasks, exercises, and even physical education minutes. This is a useful cheat sheet for young professionals, on the basis of which they can draw up their outline plans.

The authors propose to abandon boring learning. Interesting tasks for children are offered by Malvina, the wizard and other characters. In the classroom, a lot of visual and practical techniques are used, different organs of perception are involved. For example, the child must put on the table the number of objects corresponding to the beats on the drum; color as many tumblers as you see circles in the picture.

When planning classes, you need to know the measure. Games should not become an end in itself. Preschoolers get tired of a lot of fun, there is no time left to think about the task, explain their point of view, or have a short conversation on the topic.

Integrated lesson

Preschoolers perceive the world holistically. Any material is more firmly absorbed by them if its study involves participation in communicative, playful, artistic, motor or creative activities. That is why the Federal State Educational Standard calls the principle of integration the main one for preschool education.

Outdoor games with numbers, reading poetry, putting numbers out of a mosaic - all this helps the child to feel the abstract mathematical concepts. Such elements can be used occasionally by the educator or form the basis for FEMP in the older group.

Most often it is an interesting game with a consistently developing plot. A happy ending awaits the children at the end. For example, traveling to the winter forest, the children learn about its inhabitants, remember words with the sound "z", solve problems about animals and at the end find a surprise from Santa Claus. A fabulous trip to the city will help you remember the rules of the road, as well as consolidate your knowledge of geometric shapes. The choice of topic depends on the imagination of the teacher. Children usually willingly participate in such games.

Non-standard forms of classes

The use of non-traditional forms of organization of educational activities helps to captivate children with mathematics. These include:

  • conversation classes, in which kids learn to exchange information, logically express their opinion and listen to the interlocutor, prove the correctness of their solution to the problem;
  • quiz classes, competitions that develop ingenuity and teach teamwork;
  • travel classes, when children move from point to point, simultaneously completing tasks and consolidating the material;
  • classes involving work with maps, diagrams (treasure search);
  • dramatization classes during which mathematical fairy tales are played out.

A special form is an open lesson on FEMP in the senior group. Kindergarten workers have to demonstrate their work to parents of children, colleagues, experts as part of a pedagogical competition or certification. The main goal of open classes is to show the experience accumulated by the educator, the innovative application of various pedagogical methods. It is important that children receive the same amount of knowledge and skills that they would receive in a regular lesson.

Analysis of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group

To understand whether the educational process meets the tasks set, control is needed. Classes can be analyzed by a methodologist, psychologist, head of the kindergarten, colleagues or the teacher himself in order to correct working moments. This allows you to identify problems in time, to see which goals have not yet been achieved, in which direction more work is needed. The following points are taken into account:

  1. Class time, number of children present.
  2. Correspondence of the applied methods and techniques to the tasks set, as well as the age of the children.
  3. Clarity and completeness of instructions, explanations of the teacher.
  4. The interest of children, the degree of their activity during the lesson.
  5. Carrying out work on the development of coherent speech of pupils, the ability to logically substantiate the answer.
  6. Organization of independent activities of children.
  7. Application of an individual approach, the use of differentiated tasks.
  8. Summarizing.

FEMP classes in the senior group should gradually introduce preschoolers into the beautiful world of mathematics. They not only prepare for learning in the first grade, but also develop independent thinking, interest in everything new and cognitive communication skills.

Evdokimova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Gymnasium 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro


Abstract of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group on the topic: "Journey to Treasure Island"

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SUMMARY of a lesson on FEMP in the senior group on the topic: "Journey to Treasure Island"

Objectives: 1. Consolidate knowledge of the number series, use correctly

quantitative and ordinal numbers, count within 10 and vice versa.

2. Strengthen the ability to compare adjacent numbers within 10 (based on clarity, determine which number is greater (less) than the other; equalize an unequal number of objects.

3. To consolidate the ability to compare objects of various sizes, placing them in a row in ascending (descending) order of length, height.

4. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

5. To consolidate the ability to express in words the location of an object in relation to oneself, to other objects.

6. To consolidate the ability to name the days of the week, the sequence of parts of the day.

7. Develop mental operations, attention, memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, creativity.

8. Raise interest in mathematics.

Course progress.

1. - Guys, today we will have a slightly unusual lesson in mathematics. We will visit a desert island, Treasure Island, where Pirate Jack and his crew live. Our task is to find a chest with gold coins and jewelry. But the path to these treasures is long and difficult, and we will have to complete many different tasks. (Count together with the children how many tasks in total, noting each time what form the sheet is). Here is the first one.

Card with task number 1. (A leaflet with a task hangs over the board - questions about the days of the week and parts of the day)

Guys, what is the geometric shape of our first card? (triangular, correct)

Captain Veselchak, whom Pirate Jack captured, will help us in our search. And how, we will know only after we read his message.

What season is it now? (Spring)

List all spring months? (March April May)

How many spring months are there? (3)

What day of the week is today? (Tuesday)

What was it like yesterday? (Monday) What will tomorrow be like? (Wednesday)

And how many days are there in a week? (7)

What is the name of the part of the day when we wake up, wash and brush our teeth, do exercises and go to the kindergarten? (morning)

What is the name of the part of the day when children play in the kindergarten, have lunch? (day)

What is the name of the part of the day when children go home from kindergarten? (evening)

What time of day is it when we go to bed? (night)

(Once again we will repeat with you that the day consists of four parts: morning, afternoon, evening and night)

Well done guys, you did a great job! Now we can read Captain Veselchak's message. Listen carefully guys. (The teacher reads the message).

2. Card with task number 2.

Guys, what form do we have the second card? (square)

There are many obstacles on our way to the treasures. We will now need the guys to get over the swamp on the stones. But these stones are unusual, and numbered from 1 to 10. Jumping over the stones in order, without getting confused, we will be one step closer to the treasures. (The teacher calls one child)

Guys, we still have to go back home, let's immediately check if you know the score in reverse. (The teacher calls another child to count in reverse).

Well done kids, you did it!

Now let's play. Physical education "Harvesting"

The basket contains fruits and vegetables. Children (4 people each) are divided into two teams. The teacher offers, on a signal, one team to select all the vegetables, and the other - all the fruits.

Well done, correctly identified where the fruits are and where the vegetables are.

3. Card with task number 3.

Guys, what shape is our third card? (rectangular)

The teacher takes a fruit basket and puts it on the table.

Guys, what is in this basket? (fruit)

What fruits are in the basket?

Let's count how many there are? (7)

Where is the banana?

What lies to the right of the apple? And on the left?

Where is the grape? (in the middle because there are 3 fruits to the right of it and 3 to the left)

The teacher removes or swaps the fruits and invites the children to restore the picture.

What good fellows you are, you answer everything correctly!

4. Let's read the following note from Captain Veselchak. Card with task number 4.

Guys, what form do we have the fourth card? (round)

On your tables you see long cards with two stripes. Now we will complete one more task, and we will be one step closer to the treasures of the pirate Jack. Listen to me carefully.

You need to put 8 triangles on the top strip, and 1 circle more on the bottom strip. (How many circles do you need to lay out on the bottom strip)

Where do we have more shapes, on the bottom or top stripe? What is more than 8 or 9? Is 8 greater or less than 9?

Is 9 greater or less than 8?

And how to make it so that there are equal numbers of figures on both strips? (remove 1 circle)

How else can you make it equal? (add 1 triangle)

Well done guys, you're doing the right thing! Done with the task!

Dynamic pause.

Together with you, we counted and talked about numbers,

And now we stood up together, stretched our bones.

Let's clench our fist at the expense of times,

At the expense of two in the elbows we will squeeze.

On the count of three, press to the shoulders,

On four - to heaven.

They bowed well and smiled at each other.

Let's not forget about the five - we will always be kind.

On the count of six, I ask everyone to sit down.

Numbers, me and you, friends, together friendly 7th.

(Guys, what number is heard in the word family? Correctly 7, you are very attentive, well done)

5. Card with task number 5.

Guys, what form do we have the fifth card? (triangular)

Let's arrange the palm trees in a row, starting with the lowest and ending with the highest. (Previously, children remember the rules for laying out objects - from left to right)

What is the height of the first palm tree? (lowest)

What is the tallest palm tree? (the tallest)

What is the tallest palm tree? (slightly above 1-2-3rd and slightly below the last)

Let's now tell about each palm tree, how tall is it? (lowest, lowest, slightly higher, highest, highest)

Then the children line up the palm trees in reverse order, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest. (highest, highest, slightly lower, lowest, lowest)

Well done guys, you got the job done.

6. Card with task number 6.

Guys, what form do we have the sixth card? (square)

Here is the worksheet. Attention task. But first, let's prepare the fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics:

On a visit to the big finger, they ran straight to the house:

Index and middle, nameless and last.

Here is the little finger - baby, knocked on the threshold.

Fingers together are friends. They can't live without each other!

I will now hand out the worksheets to you. And you will need to follow the pattern. Put a dot in all triangles, plus in squares, and minus in circles. Make each one in its place, and then we will check everything together.

Very well done.

7. Card with task number 7.

Guys, what form do we have the seventh card? (round)

The teacher calls four people to complete this task.

Well done, and once again you did great!

Guys, now we will digress from the tasks and dream a little.

Game "Funny numbers". (see attachment)

What do these numbers look like? (guys, answer in full sentences)

Try doing something similar at home with your parents.

8. Card with task number 8.

Guys, what form do we have the eighth card? (oval)

Well guys, we have completed almost all the tasks, we are already very close to the treasure chest. But we have to find him. There is a plan here. Elnar, help me. Let's move from the board to the right 5 steps and maybe we will find something. (we find a treasure chest)

Look, the chest is closed, guys. Let's take the next last ninth card to find out what to do next, what needs to be done to open this chest.

9. Card with task number 9.

Guys, what form do we have the ninth card? (rectangular)

Look at the desk. If we connect the dots correctly (in order, then we will get a key with which we can open this treasure chest of the pirate Jack. (The teacher calls several children to complete this task)

Correctly connected, well done. We open the chest. We find treasures.

Guys, I will give you these treasures when you say what we did in class today, what did we do to find the treasures?

(children's answers - they jumped over stones to cross the swamp, repeating forward and backward counting; they picked fruits and vegetables; they lined up palm trees in a row; they found the key to open the chest by connecting the dots in order ... etc.)

Now put your heads on the tables, close your eyes and imagine that we have returned from a desert island back to our group. In the meantime, I will distribute treasures to you - this is a reward for your work, for the fact that you answered well and always coped with the tasks. Well done!

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