When to read fairy tales to a child. Why is early development dangerous and when can you teach your child to read? Well, whether it is worth reading books for those who are one, two or more years old is no longer a question - of course, read! Only this is what exactly

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Many zealots of reading argue that you can read to a child from the moment of birth, and even better to start this noble work before birth. In the last months of pregnancy, you sit, stroke your tummy and read some "Winnie the Pooh". And then, as we are told, a born child will certainly “recognize” this book as a familiar one.
I have nothing against. I am for it". It is very useful for an expectant mother to read talented children's books, especially such as "Winnie the Pooh", because they have all the "magical" qualities of art, and even tune in to the child, subtly and unobtrusively tell about the peculiarities of his worldview.
I even believe that it is generally useful for a woman to read - not only during pregnancy, but also without her. And a “reading mother,” moreover, is an important circumstance for the appearance of a reading child in the future. As for the baby, it is not very important to “recognize” the text read to him in the womb or to meet him “on the new one”. Essential to meet.
But as a result, it turns out that the recommendation “start reading before birth” is devoid of any practical meaning, because it does not answer the question of when to start showing the child books, at what age. And how do you do it?

"Reading mom" is an important circumstance for the appearance of a reading child in the future.

Let's try to figure it out.
What is a book? First of all, it is a subject. Unlike a stone or a stick, this is a man-made object, created for certain, specifically human needs. Like a saucepan is created to cook in it, a comb for combing your hair, a chair for sitting on it, a spoon for eating. Accordingly, there are special rules for the use of this item.
The subject "book" is addressed to our imagination. In addition to the action of turning pages, it also requires us to do other, invisible, inner actions.

A book is a special subject for our imagination.

These two circumstances - the specific "objectivity" of the book and the child's ability to perceive it - determine the time of the book start for the little ones.

* * *
Since a book is a "specific object", it means that the child will be able to perceive its specificity when he reaches a certain degree of mental maturity. The surrounding objects begin to interest the baby quite early - when he begins to reach for them with his arms. But for some time (that which is called early childhood), the main purpose of such interest is to perform some kind of action on an object: put it in your mouth, throw it out of the arena, make it make some kind of sound. An eight-month-old, one-year-old and one and a half-year-old child is concerned not so much with the specific purpose of objects as with their properties, manifested in response to an action.
In other words, if you put a pot with a lid in front of your child, he will gladly take it off and put it back in place with noise. But this manipulation of the lid does not mean that the child "comprehends" the true purpose of the pan. At the moment, he comprehends the principle of "in and out". Like a donkey Eeyore, who received an empty honey pot as a gift. If you put a book in front of a child of the same age - large, beautiful, with sturdy cardboard pages, he will most likely find that the pages can be turned. This occupation - turning pages - will become the main one. But so far it has little to do with the perception of the beautiful, no matter how we convince ourselves that the whole point is precisely in the magic of the beautiful. The point is in the thick cardboard and in the volume of the item. Turning pages for a child of a certain age is not much different from manipulating the lid of a saucepan. There is nothing wrong with that. This is useful in its own way - provided that the book does not tear. Or if it doesn’t happen like that of one mother: on the advice of a progressive friend, I bought an expensive fashionable book for my eight-month-old son, and he gnaws at it.
So he is in his right! Explores the world around him in the ways available to him.

Turning the pages of a book for a young child is not much different from manipulating the lid of a saucepan.

The first signs that it is already "time" to show the baby books may be his attempts to use other items for their intended purpose. For example, carry a comb through your hair (and not just count the teeth that appear with it). Or you can independently bring a spoon to your mouth, use a cup. To put on different hats on the head - one's own and those of others, but precisely on the head. This is a signal that the book can also be perceived in its specific purpose - as an object for a special action.

The first signs that the time has come to show the baby books may be his attempts to use other items for their intended purpose.

But the baby himself, without an adult, still cannot perform this specific action. Leaving a small child alone with a book (even if it is made of thick cardboard) means creating conditions for turning the book into an object of arbitrary manipulations, placing it on a par with a saucepan or cubes.
In its true purpose, a book appears for a child only when he communicates with an adult about it.
- Look, Ksyushenka, who is this drawn here? This is a cat. See which cat? Oh, you kitty cat, kitty, gray pubis. Come, kitty, to spend the night, to swing our Ksyushenka (the word "baby" is very correctly replaced by the name of the baby). Look what the cat is doing? Shakes the cradle. Who lies in the cradle? Ksyushechka. Here she is, my Ksyushechka. How do I rock it? Like this…

In its true purpose, a book appears for a child only when he communicates with an adult about it.

Can this be called pure reading? It is rather a parental "ritual" over a book.
Speech improvisation, now and then leaving the written text, constantly appealing to the baby, to his experience, to interaction with him. One wonderful mother, who very early started showing her daughter books, described this process as follows: “How do we read? That's how. We open the book, look at the picture. I'm telling you something about this picture. I show where who is, what is the name, what is doing. And Ksyusha shows me where who is. She remembers well what is drawn here, and she really likes to look at the pictures and listen to how I tell something at this time. But when I start to read what is written, it stops me. She likes to listen to me invent something of my own more. "
This behavior is typical for children who are not yet speaking or are just starting to speak. It is conditioned by the laws of the child's speech development.
Speech - the most important achievement of a child and his most important life tool - grows out of communication with an adult, who in psychology is called a "close adult." In order for a baby to speak by the age of one and a half, he must hear human speech from birth. And not speech in general, not background speech, but the speech of a close adult addressed personally to him.

In order for a baby to speak by the age of one and a half, from birth he must hear human speech addressed personally to him.

Observations of babies in babies' homes lead to sad conclusions: “technical speech” has no influence on the development of babies. The tape recorder can work twenty-four hours a day - "sing" lullabies and tell nursery rhymes. This will not in any way advance the speech development of single children. Even constantly talking nannies can make very little difference in a situation. There are too few of them for such a number of pupils. They too rarely address their words to a particular child. So, orphans experience a communication deficit in general, and a verbal communication deficit in particular. This is one of the most important reasons why such children lag behind their peers in development. Doctor of Psychological Sciences Elena Smirnova writes in her book "Crawlers and Walkers" that it is completely useless to refer to young children (these are children aged from one to three), when they are in kindergarten, for example, with the word "children". They simply “do not hear”, do not refer to themselves as such a “collective” address. Each must be called by name.
Book speech is a generalized address. After all, it was not written for this particular child. To perceive it, the child must learn to “hear” the word “children”. This usually occurs between the ages of two and three. The ability to classify oneself as a member of the “children” group is closely related to the awakening of individual self-awareness (in order to rank oneself, one must first learn to distinguish oneself). We learn that it has "awakened" by the appearance of the pronoun "I" in the child's speech, which, as a rule, marks the most important event - the "crisis of three years." It is clear that the mark "three" is rather arbitrary. Some children experience the crisis six months earlier, others six months later. From the point of view of reading, the main thing is the appearance in the child of a new sense of self, associated with "I".
With the emergence of "I" a new stage of socialization begins, i.e. it is possible to expand the circle of communication, it is possible to establish new relationships with a variety of people - not only with close adults. The expanding social circle certainly includes such "interlocutors" as the authors of children's books. This is the moment that marks the beginning of a new, "book" period - when the child's ability to perceive texts increases dramatically, the number of texts available for understanding greatly increases.
But we begin to read to the baby much earlier, focusing on the child's speech capabilities.

With the emergence of "I", the child's ability to perceive texts increases dramatically.

As soon as the kid begins to speak in sentences (albeit in short ones) and clothe his desires in words, he can no longer only participate in the "ritual" over the book, but also listen to the "hard" given book text. The ability to perceive the book text in each child develops at its own pace, like his speech.
But this ability grows from verbal communication with a close adult, from communication around the book, built on verbal improvisation. The smaller the child, the more adequate verbal communication in the form of storytelling is for him.
So it is necessary to "kamlan" over books.

Many mothers ask themselves at what age should they start reading fairy tales and books to children. Someone will say that not earlier than a year, but better than two, because before that the little one will understand little. I'm sure that you need to read from the moment the baby begins to hear, and this is 16-17 weeks of pregnancy!

"Reading is the best teaching!" A.S. Pushkin

At what age should you start reading fairy tales to children?

1. Pregnancy

I started reading fairy tales to my daughter when she was still in her tummy. The kid really likes to listen to his mother's voice. But I couldn't speak to my tummy psychologically, so I read to him 🙂 It doesn't matter which book you choose, you can take your favorite novel.

2. Newborn

From a month on, the baby can be shown beautiful pictures. Better, for a start, black and white. At 1-2 months old, my daughter looked at pictures with pleasure and listened to fairy tales and poems. Basically, we spent all her waking hours with books. We read Agnia Barto and The Adventures of Pinocchio. We both enjoyed it.

It is important to choose books with large colorful pictures, but not to have a lot of text on the page. They will do.

3.From 5 months to 1.5 years

This age of the child was the most difficult for me in terms of reading. She began touching books, pulling them out of her hands, turning pages and often tearing them up. Then I found the only way out - I bought cardboard books! We both read and gnawed them. 🙂

4. From 1.5 to 3 years old

What have I achieved?

At 2 years old, my daughter was already telling fairy tales on her own! I am sure that this is precisely due to the fact that we have read a lot with her since birth.

Each mother reads to her beloved baby. Whether it's fairy tales, children's books, or just a glossy magazine - the kid likes to listen to everything. The main thing for him is not so much the content of what he heard, as his beloved mother's voice, addressed to him with reading.

Everyone has their own approach, but I'll share mine with you.

Gleb's books

I began to read to Gleb while still pregnant. He seemed to like it - he was actively pushing and hitting on the kidneys. I tried everything that I read in those months - to read aloud. From children's books I read only my beloved Winnie the Pooh, and everything else was what interested me. Thus, my child is familiar with the basics of quantum mechanics, baking in an airfryer and the masterpieces of Françoise Sagan.

The books were given to us by relatives and friends, sometimes I bought it myself. Thus, at the moment, we have assembled a good collection - Gleb already has a whole book shelf of his own. There are also children's development books, and fairy tales, and educational materials. There are also my children's books, which my mother carefully preserved, as well as soft plush books and rubberized books for swimming.

Gleb books like very much ... Firstly: they can be gnawed, sucked and licked, and secondly: you can play with them fun - put one book on top of another, collect pyramids from them, thirdly: mom, looking at them, starts to tell something fun ( this, of course, is not as interesting as the previous two advantages of the books, but also not bad). To listen to me performed by Gleb loves Korney Chukovsky ("Telephone", "Moidodyr" and "Cockroach") and Pushkin (collection of fairy tales) - his son loves the classics. I think this love is due to the rhythm of the poems, since he hardly understands the content yet.

Recently, the collection has appeared "Mitten", "The Ugly Duckling" and "Cat's House", donated by my grandmother. There are very wonderful bright illustrations that attract children's attention completely and for a long time.

Find a hero

Once while reading another book, it occurred to me idea of ​​a new educational game for son. We named her "Find a hero" ... Its essence, as you may have guessed from the name, is to find a certain hero of the book. It works like this: we show the little one on the cover, for example, in a book about the ugly duckling of the protagonist - the duck itself itself, and then ask the kid to find the duckling on other pages.

It is advisable to choose such a hero so that he can be found on every page of the book, then the search process turns out to be more interesting. Thanks to this game, firstly: we learn to turn the pages on our own (we must continue to find the duckling), secondly: we develop observation skills (we are looking for a duckling among the other heroes), and thirdly: we learn new words (the word "duckling" itself, and also in parallel - the names of all the other heroes, with whom the son, at first, confuses the duckling).

The game is very funny and developing, my son is absolutely delighted when, at last, the cherished duck or kitten is found. It can be combined with parallel reading of a book, then auditory perception is also involved. In general, this game has a huge field for improvement.


To read or not to read to the baby? From my experience - definitely read! This is a great pastime for both the child and his parents, funny and useful. And it doesn't matter when to start reading to your child: even during pregnancy, or when the baby is one year old. It is important for mom's and dad's attention and joint fun pastime, which reading can easily provide. There is nothing better for a child than parental love and affection! Read to your health!

Enjoy your reading and fun!

Reading fairy tales for children is a familiar procedure for every parent. To calm down the child, many mothers and fathers resort to this method, choosing fascinating children's books with various pictures and interesting stories. But not everyone knows at what age it is not only possible, but also necessary to read fairy tales to a child.

In addition, it is important to correctly select special books that should fully correspond to the development of the baby. This will help him understand what he has read and extract the main meaning from it.

How to understand what can already be read to a child?

You can read books to your child from an early age. Psychologists say that in the future it will be much easier for such children to communicate with their peers, they will easily make new acquaintances and speak faster than other children.

You can start reading books from the moment the baby has learned to focus his attention on certain objects. As a result, parents can already gradually begin to show the baby bright and uncomplicated pictures. This is the so-called preparatory process before reading fairy tales and other books. First of all, it is important to establish emotional contact between mom and baby. When demonstrating pictures, be sure to say what is depicted on them. Thus, the child will constantly hear the voice of the mother, and try to repeat what he heard.

You need to read books from an early age, sitting the baby on your lap. This is a psychological contact, during which the child learns to trust his parents, hears their voice, tries to contact mom and dad.

In this case, the rule works: the more often the child reads books, the faster he will be able to speak. After all, constant reading is one of the important elements in the development of children's speech. The next stage of regular reading is replenishment of the child's passive vocabulary, expanding his horizons. The kid tries to visualize what he heard, his imagination, fantasy begins to work, and the active development of memory is noted. It is recommended to read fairy tales not only before going to bed, but also throughout the day - several times a day.

And do not force your child to listen to you. You need to choose a time when the baby is not busy with anything and rests after the game. The reading process should not cause negative emotions in children.

Choosing a book by age

Answering the question, at what age can a child read, psychologists say: the earlier, the better. In the process of reading to babies under 1 year old, you need to remember some important nuances:

  • First of all, you need to show the baby pictures - these should be bright images on which one or two characters are drawn (do not overload the brain of a small child too much).
  • At this age, parents can use special toy books, which involve the constant influence of the baby with the book. Thus, the child will be directly involved in the reading process.
  • The ideal solution is considered to be books with appropriate valves, with different buttons and other moving parts. Kids love touching rough pages, pulling strings, touching fluffy inserts, and more.

However, do not overdo it and do not confuse the usual gameplay with the main task - to teach the kid to listen. One of the most important tasks that parents face is to do everything possible so that the child is interested in human speech, and not just pictures. As they grow older, children begin to understand what they are hearing. Over time, the baby will sort it out and understand the meaning of the new information.

Therefore, it is worth choosing books with a small amount of special effects so that it does not turn into a banal game. You will need to give your baby some time so that he has time to look at the picture and focus on its elements.

For children under one year old, you can purchase sensory books - these are soft and educational books that are not devoid of a storyline. Fairy tales “work” very well, where there are a minimum of text blocks and a lot of illustrations, which can be used to tell a story. Parents have the opportunity to acquaint their child with small verses - as a rule, these are light quatrains.

For older children - from 1.5 years old, you can master special children's encyclopedias, where the author raises various interesting topics. First of all, the baby begins to recognize nouns, over time he recognizes verbs. Therefore, closer to two years, you can safely make up short sentences, in which there are only 2-3 words.

But while the baby has not yet learned to speak, the parents speak for him. They can easily interpret any story in their own way.

From 1.5 to 3 years - you can safely move on to reading short stories about different animals, read longer rhymes and not give up fascinating fairy tales. To this list you need to add books with pictures, according to which the kid can independently "read" or come up with a story.

We read fairy tales with children

We read fairy tales to children at least twice a day - before daytime and evening sleep. While reading, it is important to keep a dialogue with your child - ask him about what he read, discuss certain situations that happened in the story. Speak together the actions of the characters (this or that character did a good or bad thing).

If the baby refuses to read a certain book together, it is necessary to resort to an alternative - let him or she independently choose a book that can be read at the moment. When a child independently takes a book and asks mom or dad to read with him, in no case should he be denied.

Reading together with the child helps to establish a bond between the daughter / son, mom and dad. This is necessary for further mutual understanding of the parties. The child will feel warmth, family comfort and trust.

How to read fairy tales to a child correctly

It is important to always listen to your child and take into account his mood: if the baby flatly refuses to listen to any book today, you need to take into account his wishes. A little time will pass, and he himself will offer to read with mom and dad.

This point of view is supported by our expert - family psychologist Irina Karpenko.

Natural process

Brain maturation lasts from birth to 15 years. Neuropsychologists distinguish three stages of this process:

First- from the beginning of pregnancy up to 3 years. At this time, the first functional block of the brain is formed: structures and systems that are responsible for the bodily, emotional and cognitive state of the child.

Second- from 3 to 7-8 years old. During this period, the second functional block ripens, which controls perception: visual, gustatory, auditory, kinesthetic, smell, touch.

Third- from 7-8 to 12-15 years old. The stage of development of the third block, which organizes active, conscious mental activity.

Blocks are formed sequentially, and attempts to skip a stage distort natural development.

The reaction to early learning may not appear immediately, but it will still backfire after years - inability to build relationships with other people, tics, obsessive movements, stuttering, speech disorders.

In addition, reading at an early age is a strong mental stress, which causes blood flow to the cerebral cortex, which leads to a depletion of the blood supply to the centers of respiration and digestion. As a result, vascular spasms occur, which in turn give rise to a whole bunch of diseases.

Learning to read prematurely is also dangerous for the eyes. Ophthalmologists do not advise teaching a child to read earlier than 5-6 years, while the formation of the ciliary muscle has not yet ended. Visual stress at an early age can lead to the development of myopia.

Game time

Another negative side of the early intellectual development of the baby is desocialization.

In preschool childhood, the basic concepts of moral principles are laid: kindness, pity, shame, love, loyalty, devotion, honesty, justice ... The most important thing for a baby at this stage is to learn how to contact the outside world, interact with other people and feel them. That is why the unconditional love of the mother is extremely important to the baby at a “tender age”. Through the mother's affection, tenderness and care, the baby learns to love the world and those around him.

It is important for a kid of the first years of life to enrich his inner world with positive experiences, and from three to four years old and role-playing games. The famous psychologist Daniil Elkonin said that preschool age is a stage of mental development, the main activity of which is play. It is thanks to play that the most important changes in the child's psyche are made and preparation for a new stage of development - learning - takes place.

When a child in the early stages of development, instead of games, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes and rhymes, are given to study numbers and letters, the formation of the emotional sphere is inhibited. It will be almost impossible to fill this gap. The child will not fully develop such qualities as the ability to empathize, sympathize, love - the key to building a strong family, friendship, cooperation. Remember the famous geeks: the overwhelming majority of them suffered from various complexes, insecurity, depression, caused by the inability to build relationships with peers and with the opposite sex. However, children who were not taught 5 languages ​​from birth, but were simply taught to read from 2-3 years old, experience similar difficulties, because at an early age, when it was necessary to master the culture of communication, they sat at books.

In addition, early learning negatively affects the formation of imaginative thinking. Thus, a neuropsychologist, Professor Vilen Garbuzov is sure that early intellectualization leads to "schizoid intoxication", replacing children's spontaneity and interest in wildlife with abstract things that young children are not yet able to grasp.

We are talking about a dangerous tendency of too early (up to 5 and a half years) teaching to read, write, mathematics, a foreign language, chess, music from sheet music, learning on the display, playing with complex electronic devices. Letters, numbers, diagrams, notes displace and suppress imagination and figurative thinking, the professor warns.

Without understanding

One of the most important aspects of learning to read is motivation. The kid should learn not at the behest of his parents, but of his own free will. The initiative must come from the child. After all, the learning process is not easy, and if the child does not have an understanding of why he needs it, the lesson will quickly get bored, and reading lessons will be associated with tedious and aimless work. Yes, a child at three years old can read fluently, but it is unlikely to bring him joy. At this age, children still read purely technically: the process of folding letters into words is difficult, and while the child reads a sentence to the end, he already forgets what he read at the beginning. There is not enough strength to understand and master the text. These are the age characteristics of younger preschool age - up to 5-6 years. According to statistics, 70% of children under 5 do not understand what they read on their own. But kids perfectly grasp and absorb information when adults read to them.

Love for life

The desire to master the art of reading on his own appears in a child, as a rule, by the age of 6-7 years, in rare cases - at 5 years old.

Aspiration arises when a child imitates older siblings or book-loving parents who can read. Sometimes a child can be spurred on by acquaintance with a peer who has learned to read. At this age, a technical skill is easily mastered, and the child is already able to concentrate simultaneously on the word composition and the meaning of the story.

The kid enthusiastically reads children's books, discovering amazing worlds. After all, an interesting lesson captures the whole, and reading (when it is not out of hand) becomes a real aesthetic pleasure: developing, enriching, helping to reveal the inner world.

Do not deprive the child of the joy of learning, do not drive him forward, and then he will show amazing abilities, having learned not just to put words out of syllables, but by falling in love with literature for life.

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