Quotes about the happiness of a woman. Beautiful and philosophical statuses about a happy woman

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I planted happiness in the garden, and now I won’t find it ... Maybe someone dug it up and took it away ..? Just took and robbed me ...

If a woman behaves like a child, then she is happy.

You put on heels - you feel like a chic woman, take off - a happy person))

Every woman is obliged to wake up shamelessly happy, and leave the house, brazenly beautiful.

A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman waits for it.

Happiness is when you thank God more often than you ask!

Women's happiness is living parents, healthy children and a loving husband!

If the woman is happy in the house, then the whole family is happy. If a woman is not happy, no one is happy. A simple everyday rule that everyone knows about, but neglects or underestimates.

When there is someone nearby who makes you happy, you can survive everything ...

Simple FEMALE HAPPINESS... came home from work - took off her heels and unbuttoned her bra)))

The secret of family happiness: a woman should make it pleasant for a man to come home, and a man should make it pleasant for a woman to meet him!

Happiness is when he, who cannot be woken up by any alarm clock, wakes up from the fact that you rolled over on the other side and stopped hugging him ...

Happiness is made up of little things that are available to everyone. You just need to learn to notice them.

HAPPINESS for a woman is not being loved ...
… but to be LOVED TO LOVED!

Family is important! Family is hard! But it is not possible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive insults and quarrels away, I want friends to talk about you: WHAT IS YOUR FAMILY GOOD ...

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply does not understand me ... They often tell me that I am beautiful ... I would exchange beauty for happiness ...

What happiness, to be a capricious woman in the hands of a caring man ...

If you want to be light and comfortable with a woman, you need to light her.

If a guy really loves a girl, then he should see her in 5 states: in tears, drunk in the trash, not wearing make-up, naked and in her critical days and not leave her, this is love, because it can’t be worse.

The happiest woman in the world is of course a mother who has children.

Happiness is when the words "wife" and "desired" refer to the same woman.

Joy becomes happiness when there is someone to share it with.

In a beautiful woman, everything is fine - if she knows her pluses, skillfully hides her minuses and owns the man who loves everything in her - equally !!!

When your child recovers, it's a blessing!)))

The happiest woman is not the one who got the best husband, but the one who believes that he is her BEST!

Happiness comes to a house where they laugh.

Happiness is when you need someone who needs you.

I am a WOMAN, born for happiness!!! There are many reasons for this. But… women cannot survive without participation… love and adoration… MEN!!!

If you find a person with whom you can behave as freely as you behave alone with yourself, then appreciate him as air.

I'M HAPPY!!! The secret of my happiness: hands tremble from gifts..., legs from sex... and heart from love!!!

The happiest woman becomes when she feels life inside herself :)

For complete happiness, you need to forgive yourself yesterday, understand yourself today, and love yourself tomorrow ...

People want so much… I want one thing… If there is happiness in the world… Let it be yours!

They talk so much about women's happiness ... but for me everything is simple and familiar: I am happy when everyone is at home! Even happier when they are all asleep!!!

He who laughs with happiness laughs well.

Happiness does not warn ... Bang, and you are happy! Always be ready for it!

Laughter is a vital injection of happiness available to all.

... And you know, I may be wrong somehow ... But for me, happiness is to raise His children, cook HIM dinners, wash HIS shirts and fall asleep on HIS chest ...

The most beautiful outfit for a woman is happiness!!! Wear it without taking it off!!!

Statuses and saying about women's happiness

  • I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!
  • Every woman is obliged to wake up shamelessly happy, and leave the house, brazenly beautiful.
  • A small woman's happiness is worth a huge man's effort...
  • Life is worth seeing a happy person in the mirror.
  • Finally, I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway.
  • Best statuses and quotes about a happy woman

    • You can make up your eyelashes, lips, apply blush, but only a loved and loving man can “draw” the sparkle in the eyes.
    • It's better to be happy... than to be right and perfect.
    • - Paradox - the more beautiful the girl, the less chance of simple female happiness.
    • Women's happiness - would be cute nearby, but nothing more is needed. In addition to an expensive car, a large apartment, a ring with a diamond, fur coats and much more.
  • If a woman behaves like a child, then she is happy.
  • I changed... I change... And I will change... My Life for the better!
  • Let's go with a friend! She's so chic in heels. And I'm so happy in slippers!!!
  • Dad and mom made me nice, the teachers made me well-mannered, the teachers made me educated, and my husband made me happy.
  • You can not make a woman happy - do not interfere with another.
  • We all have the ability to choose. Choose happiness.
  • She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.
  • A woman is charming when she is happy...
  • Women's happiness is when every morning you wake up in his arms.
  • A woman does not get better when she is reproached or criticized... A woman gets better when she is made happy.
  • Chocolate, eh...but they say you can't buy happiness.
  • What is the difference between women's happiness and men's? Women's happiness begins after marriage, and men's happiness ends.
  • A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman waits for it.
  • A beautiful smile, confident gait, a drop of perfume, heels and a whisper behind her back: "She's still happy."
  • I tried on happiness ... But it suits me ... I will wear it.
  • I should be happy and I don't owe anything to anyone else.
  • Statuses and quotes about a happy woman- Happiness is never enough. And only when you lose it, you realize how much it was.
  • I have an unlimited tariff "Personal happiness!".
  • A married woman is either happy or wise.
  • Charming? Successful? Maybe! I admit ... But I know for sure - happy! Here I am!
  • The more you mean something to others, the more your life is illuminated with a higher meaning. 9

    The soul is like a balloon: if you throw away the ballast, it takes off. 12

    Simply - Love ... Simply - Farewell ... You can’t do it, don’t promise ... Don’t offend and don’t envy, don’t suffer in vain and value time, don’t hold evil in your heart, in your soul ... Just dream, dare, create ... Just live with love in your heart! 18

    Apparently, there is no happiness quick and easy. For some reason, happiness must be suffered.. Pay for every moment. 21

    When your dreams are stronger than your fears, they will come true. 21

    Each of us has something to say, it's just that many use the language for other purposes. 18

    Don't expect it to get easier, better, easier. There will always be some difficulty. So you need to be positive today. 18

    You can't start life over, but you can continue it in a different way... 21

    Do not try to look for someone to blame... There are no people guilty of fate... It's just that someone got something... But this one - you got it. 21

    The French say: "Be polite to a stranger, he may turn out to be an angel in disguise!" 18

    Ask a person: what is happiness? - and you will find out what he misses the most. 23

    The right choice in reality does not exist - there is only the choice made and its consequences. 14

    We are like pencils in this life: everyone draws their own destiny, just someone breaks, someone blunts, and someone sharpens and moves forward ... 22

    The bone of contention is often just a figment of the imagination. 16

    Don't fly low, don't disturb the birds. Take care of your loved ones, believe - and forgive! Do not look askance - just straight, boldly! And away from the nose to see the case. Do not be sad a lot, rejoice, live! 14

    This is how you think about life, and a crazy thought comes to your mind: Anyone can walk like Christ on water... You walk along our roads... 14

    I am not a doctor, not a fabulous healer, but still I can give people advice. Love each other as much as possible. Love is the medicine for our troubles! 15

    The past is in the past, the present is in you. The future is not known, but the meaning is in the dream. 14

    If you're afraid - don't do it, if you're doing it - don't be afraid, if you've done it - don't be sorry... 21

    History repeats itself three times. The first time as a tragedy, and a couple of times - for the stupid. 14

    Have you ever seen how children communicate? They get to know each other as if they had known each other for a long time, and say goodbye as if they would never see each other again. We have a lot to learn from them. 19

    The only thing that everyone is excellent at is throwing words to the wind. 24

    If people could know who thinks about them before going to bed, there would be more happiness in this world. 23

    If you have a conscience, then those who do not have one have you. 22

    If you don’t know what you feel for a person, close your eyes and imagine: he is not there. Nowhere. There was not and will not be. Then everything will become clear. 19

    Before you educate a person in someone else, educate him first in yourself 19

    If you see that someone has fallen, pick him up. After all, you yourself are not immune from falls ... 13

    No matter how beautiful your words are, you will still be judged only by your actions. 18

    A different view of the world - someone enjoys the rain, and someone just gets wet under it 17

    I'm in seventh heaven and I'm not going to go down, don't even try to persuade me! I'm not scared and not high - I'm BEAUTIFUL!!!

    HAPPINESS is a little prankster that messes around the house all day, throws candy wrappers everywhere from sweets, spills water, breaks dishes ... But for a woman, for a mother - happiness lies in this, in raising relatives, beloved children!

    Happiness is like a moth. The more you try to catch it, the faster and faster it flies out from under your nose ... But if you stop chasing it, it will fly into your hands by itself.

    Unrealistically great male abilities lie in a small female happiness ...

    Best Status:
    The beauty of a woman, paradoxically, leaves fewer chances to find true female happiness.

    I feel happy, because every day my future next to him looms more and more clearly ...

    Nothing inspires a woman like the opportunity to see her ex with an ugly girlfriend!

    Women's happiness has a look, but it is always different, for each of us it is the image of a loved one ...

    Happiness is a wedding, and receiving an engagement ring as a gift cannot be compared with any emotions.

    Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

    I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

    Do not disturb... found happiness...

    You know, I'm happy ... You call me ... And I will smile and look at your name ... And I will not answer the call ... Suffer, dear, but I have happiness ...

    Don't be ashamed of your bad habits. Smoking, wine, impulses of passion - of course, shorten life, but they can prolong moments of happiness.

    And I don’t need someone else’s happiness ... I would like to keep mine in my hands ...

    Stars twinkle in the sky and you and I are alone. We understand the essence of happiness! Just don't forget it!

    I just believed in a dream... and my dream came true.

    People say that impudence is the second happiness! And how to live without happiness? - here you have to look

    Life is worth seeing in the mirror of a happy person.

    Beautiful smile, Confident gait, A drop of perfume, Heels and a whisper behind her back: “She is still happy”

    I'm fine. I'm happy. I have nothing to please you.

    I love the truth, but still I prefer happiness ...

    She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.

    Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he smiles gorgeous!

    Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes! What else is needed for happiness?!

    In my purse you can find only perfume, with the smell of joy, glitter - the colors of the rainbow and orbits, with the taste of happiness.

    a girl should give happiness, not wait for it

    Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy

    Happiness is when wishes come true before you have time to make them...

    Nothing-nothing! They don't die of happiness!

    Female doping is shopping!

    The greatest happiness for a woman is to see how happy her children are!

    My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it ...

    The greatest happiness in the world is the belief that you are loved!

    Dad and mom made me nice, the teachers made me well-mannered, the teachers made me educated, and my husband made me happy.

    Women's happiness is when every morning you wake up in his arms.

    To hell with rose-colored glasses - they don't suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present ... To hell with everything that was - I'm happy!

    Changed .... Change .... And I will change……. Your Life for the Better!

    You need to go to the dream with someone by the hand.

    Happiness for a woman is not only a state of mind, but also a state of her husband.

    I'm happy!.. there is a smile and sparkle in the eyes again... only forward!!! Towards happiness...

    Being drunk from happiness is much cooler than from alcohol!

    Statuses about a happy woman are what we want to hear in the constant fuss. Get your portion of inspiration, and be sure to present it to your friends on social networks!

    To be happy is a decision, and then a state

    1. Beauty is important, but inner state is much more important.
    2. If flowers bring you enough pleasure, then there is no point in waiting for a man to guess to give them ...
    3. Dear women! You can be miserable in heels, but you can be happy in sneakers...
    4. Someone strives for a career and money, but for someone, a quiet sniff is enough nearby. And each of them is right.

    In order for everything to be “strawberry”, set the status “I am a happy woman”.

    1. If you know that in the morning you will eat deliciously and dress beautifully, it becomes much kinder.
    2. If you are used to being unhappy, then become happy in order to ruffle the nerves of other unhappy people.
    3. If there is at least someone in your life who asks if you have eaten, you already have a reason to rejoice!
    4. Who would I be today? Successful, attractive or lucky? God be with him, I will be happy.

    Create happiness without shame

    The status of a woman about happiness may be melancholy. But we are talking about things that do not stand up to standards or any kind of setting.

    1. The secret of my good mood? I am loved. And if not by someone else, then by yourself.
    2. What is this life worth? Yes, at least in order to constantly look for a reason to smile!
    3. Why does everyone so often wish for spring in their souls? Let it just be good on it, without unnecessary epithets ...
    4. I am quite a brave woman. I'm definitely not afraid to die of happiness.

    Be sure that you are unique, and set the status of a happy wife.

    1. Ladies, make sure that you feel good. And for this, just reach out to those who are ready to appreciate you.
    2. A smart woman knows which girl is prettier than her. Wise - knows, but does not attach the slightest importance to this.
    3. We are modest girls, and far from ideal. Well, what can you do, the ideal did not reach us ...
    4. Let's abandon the unfaithful, let go of the greedy, and leave the indifferent!

    The seventh heaven is not the limit of our happiness

    The status of a happy woman is for those who are used to attracting the eyes of passers-by. Make your status bar just as interesting and attractive!

    1. Often we find happiness in wine, but as soon as we become happy, the head is spinning all the time.
    2. A good period is when all household chores are abandoned a little, and all bad people are forgotten forever!
    3. I tried to give meaning to your words, but then I remembered that I was happy and stopped trying.
    4. They say the bitter truth is still better, but why not make it a little sweeter?

    Your eyes should smile, you deserve statuses about the happiness of a woman.

    1. Girls, remember, if you have a favorite thing, it will definitely help you out in case of problems in your personal life.
    2. If you feel that you have become happy, put slippers near you. And throw them at anyone who tries to spoil your mood.
    3. It's good to have happiness in life. Especially good - when you know what his name is ...
    4. Maybe someday I'll get up and immediately know what outfit to choose. Yes, it will be my wedding.

    May you always be hugged in your sleep!

    Statuses about a happy girl - for those who are ready to become the one and only.

    1. If you feel sad about money too often, then everything is more or less normal on the personal front. Otherwise, you would be sad about it...
    2. For a girl, happiness is more fleeting than for an adult woman. It is important to get enough of them at this age!
    3. Girls, remember that the main thing for family happiness is to be loved. And passionate love is not necessary, no matter what anyone says.
    4. Heels are a strange thing. You put them on, you become a little happier, you take them off - you become even happier.

    Attract reliable men to you, set cool statuses of a happy woman.

    1. In order for a man to make you happy, whatever one may say, you need to be ready for this.
    2. If your boyfriend constantly upsets you, ask him to move away. And suddenly there is someone who will cheer!
    3. If a fire burns in the soul, then the borsch is cooked faster, and the floor is washed faster, and in general, everything, everything is defeated.
    4. All my life I dreamed of a child. The dream came true, and now I'm waiting for her to fall asleep, this dream ...

    Happy with someone becomes easier!

    Short statuses about a happy woman - and that says it all.

    1. I was not happy, now I decided that I would.
    2. Stop being strong and everything will be done for you.
    3. Dear, remember, you have no time to be upset!
    4. Look for someone who will allow you to be a little capricious.
    5. Be sure to prepare your home for the arrival of happiness.
    6. Sometimes coming home from work is already happiness.
    7. To feel happiness is also necessary to be able to.
    8. Happiness exists, and it does not depend on age.
    9. Every feminine joy requires a masculine effort.
    10. A happy woman is a joy for the family.

    Choose only the best for yourself, especially when it comes to statuses. And then only good friends will appear on your page, and gentlemen are wonderful!

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