Center for cognitive research activities in the dow. Model of the center of cognitive activity in dow

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

MBDOU D \ S "Sun"

Model of the center of research activities in the preschool educational institution

(preparatory group)

Educator: Kapichnikova.E.A.

“Only through activity can cognitive tasks be realized and cognitive skills developed. It is necessary not to pay off the "why, but to give them the opportunity to feel confident people, to give targets for the unique programs of preschool education that have been and are in our country" (A. G. Asmolov, Chairman of the Working Group for the Development of the Federal State Educational Standard, Head of the Federal Institute development of education.)

Throughout preschool childhood, along with play activities, research activities are of great importance in the development of the child's personality. The activity of experimentation contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children, develops observation, mental activity. According to Academician N.N. Podyakov, in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently influencing the surrounding objects and phenomena in various ways in order to more fully cognize and master them.

In the course of experimental research activities, situations are created that the child resolves through experiment and analysis, draws a conclusion, conclusion, independently mastering the idea of ​​a particular law or phenomenon. Understanding the importance of experimentation for the mental development of the child, we consider the main task of the preschool educational institution to support and develop in the child an interest in research, to create the necessary conditions for this. A well-equipped, rich object-spatial environment stimulates the independent research activity of the child. Therefore, in each age group of the kindergarten, children's laboratories, scientific centers, and experimental activity corners should be created. They should develop not only cognitive interest, but also serve as a specific base for gaming activities. Children conduct experiments, experiments and observations on various topics. Children's experimentation is not an isolated type of activity, it is closely connected with all types of activity, and primarily with such activities as observation and labor. There is also a close connection with the development of speech, visual activity, FEMP.

Experimental work arouses interest in following, develops mental operations, stimulates cognitive activity and curiosity, activates the perception of educational material.

In the corner of research activity (mini-laboratory, science center, etc.) the following should be highlighted:

  • a place for an exhibition where various collections, exhibits, rare items (stones, shells, etc.) are placed;
  • place for appliances;
  • a place for storing materials (natural, waste);
  • place for experiments;
  • place for unstructured materials (sand, water, sawdust, etc.);
  • place to grow plants).

The materials of this zone should be located in the following directions: "Sand-water", "Sound", "Magnets", "Paper", "Rubber", "Light", "Glass and plastic".

When equipping laboratories, the following requirements should be taken into account:

  • safety for the life and health of children;
  • adequacy;
  • location availability.

Children need to be introduced to scientists and their main works, in a form accessible to children, for this, in the center of experimentation and research, it is necessary to place their portraits, where these people are at work, conduct experiments and experiments.

It is desirable to distribute the entire group space into centers that are accessible to children. Research tasks are specific for each age. At the senior preschool age it is:

  • formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;
  • development of the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;
  • formation of the ability to apply these methods contributing to the solution of the problem using various options;
  • development of the desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities;
  • the ability to put forward hypotheses and independently formulate conclusions.

Approximate equipment of centers for children's experimentation

(preparatory group)

Centers "Water Sand" and "Science and Nature"

Flasks, test tubes, rubber pears, different sizes, jars and bottles, lids, buckets, basins, baths, beads, scales, funnels, globe, sponges, wooden objects, children's dishes, planting observation diaries, illustrative material, calendars of nature and weather, map of the world, file cabinets of experiments, oilcloth aprons, a collection of shells, a collection of seeds, a collection of herbs, a collection of cereals, measuring spoons, a magnifying glass, a flashlight, syringes without needles, a mirror, a lamp, magnets, measuring cups and glasses, a microscope, coins, iron objects, wooden sticks, bars, planks, sandglasses, pipettes, natural material (acorns, cones, seeds, shells, corks, lids, buttons, sieve, colander, tubules, salt, sugar, grater, food coloring, rubber gloves, thematic materials, material for playing with snow and ice, molds for ice, material for studying the soil (earth, sand, clay, chalk), material for playing with soap suds, soap bubbles.

Center "Culinary".

Chef cartographers, pastry syringe, can opener, containers, bowls, wooden spatula, ladle, flour, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, kitchen knives, forks, spoons, vegetable cutter, cutting boards, trays, recipe book, hundred, colander, rolling pin, grater, shredder, pusher, aprons, kerchiefs, oven, cookie and muffin molds, whisk, food coloring, plates, saucepan, frying pan.

Book Center.

Alphabet, letters, paper, pens, copybooks, games for practicing the sound culture of speech, a card file of tongue twisters, tongue twisters, cut pictures, finger exercises, homemade books, crosswords, puzzles, riddles, a complex of articulatory gymnastics, alphabet cubes, a tape recorder, audio cassettes, various types of theater.

Center "Art".

Paints, gouache, watercolor, bowls, palettes, brushes, pencils, wax crayons, paper of various sizes and textures, candles, newspapers, sponges and stamps, hole punch, toothbrushes, glue, thread, boxes, cereals, scissors, stencils, polystyrene, plasticine, modeling dough, buttons, synthetic winterizer, stapler, rags, felt-tip pens, art literature, colored paper, colored cardboard, ink, ink, carbon paper.

Center "Manipulatory"

Balance scales, geometric shapes, dominoes, checkers, Montessori games, a collection of covers, a collection of watches, designers, Rubik's cube, Nikitin's cubes, rulers, pens, lotto, board games, puzzles, small toys (matryoshka dolls, mushrooms, etc. .), measuring containers, coins, buttons, Kuizener's sticks, counting sticks, hourglasses, worksheets with tasks, cut-out puzzle pictures, seeds, natural material, abacus, checkered notebooks, numbers, a box of sensations or a wonderful bag, Gyones blocks.

All proposed material should be used with regard to safety, protection of life and health of children.

One of the ways to create a unified educational space for the development of a child, including the adjacent territory, may be the creation of

From the experience of MBDOU 217 in Barnaul Several special educational routes of different complexity categories are being developed on the territory of the kindergarten, depending on the children's health group, age, and interests. On the territory of the kindergarten, several special educational routes of various categories of complexity are being developed, depending on the children's health group, age, and interests.

Educational health paths are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers for cognitive and research activities, ecological and health trails. Educational health paths are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers for cognitive and research activities, ecological and health trails. Walks along the health path are carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and physical activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children. Walks along the health path are carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and physical activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children.

The territory of a preschool educational institution, on which several routes for walking (health paths) can be laid, should be a landscaped area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, intended for games, entertainment, physical education and cultural and educational activities for preschool children. The territory of a preschool educational institution, on which several routes for walking (health paths) can be laid, should be a landscaped area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, intended for games, entertainment, physical education and cultural and educational activities for preschool children.

The route includes not only specially created Centers, but also a sports ground, an asphalt play area, a health trail, an ecological trail, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution. The route includes not only specially created Centers, but also a sports ground, an asphalt play area, a health trail, an ecological trail, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Hiking structure: collection and movement to the next stop of the health path; collection and movement to the next stop of the health path; stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults; stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults; a complex of recreational games and physical exercises; a complex of recreational games and physical exercises; independent activity of children; independent activity of children; collection of preschoolers and return to the group collection of preschoolers and return to the group

The content of walking tours depends on the chosen topic, season and weather. In the content of the walk-health course, teachers can include: cognitive conversations cognitive conversations observations of insects, birds, plants observations of insects, birds, plants collection of natural material collection of natural material familiar to children mobile and didactic games familiar to children mobile and didactic games games for attention games for attention

Moving along the health path route from one Center (or House), children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, compose oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games . Moving along the health path route from one Center (or House), children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, compose oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games .

In such a play space, the child learns a lot - to communicate with the outside world, he develops large and fine motor skills, speech, intonation, eye, correlating movements. In such a play space, the child learns a lot - to communicate with the outside world, he develops large and fine motor skills, speech, intonation, eye, correlating movements.

Sports games sports games a complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the season and weather conditions, age characteristics of children a complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the time of year and weather conditions, age characteristics of children

"House of Samodelkin" Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting. Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting. This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various cars, pyramids, mechanisms, etc. This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various cars, pyramids, mechanisms, etc.

Creation of installations The difference between installations and ordinary crafts is that the child does not just participate in the creation of some kind of "art object" for participation in the exhibition, but is an active user of it, a player. The difference between installations and ordinary crafts is that the child does not just participate in the creation of some kind of “art object” for participation in the exhibition, but is an active user of it, a player. If the composition is mobile, for example, with propellers, sound effects, the child can actively knock, rattle, and all this is not only possible, but even necessary, so that the created exposition lives. If the composition is mobile, for example, with propellers, sound effects, the child can actively knock, rattle, and all this is not only possible, but even necessary, so that the created exposition lives.

Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character “Frog Princess”, “Baba Yaga”, “Thumbelina”, “Heel”, “Puss in Boots”, or the skeleton of a “rocket”, “teremka”, “Baba’s house- yagi". Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character “Frog Princess”, “Baba Yaga”, “Thumbelina”, “Heel”, “Puss in Boots”, or the skeleton of a “rocket”, “teremka”, “Baba’s house- yagi". Complexes of playgrounds for groups of different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of the landscape of free use, on which boulders, stumps, tree trunks, etc. are picturesquely scattered. Complexes of playgrounds for groups of different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of the landscape of free use , on which boulders, stumps, tree trunks, etc. are picturesquely scattered.

The experience is presented in the publication of Davydov O.I. Educational paths on the territory of the kindergarten (cognitive and research activities of children on a walk, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). - AltGPA, p. Davydova O.I. Educational paths on the territory of the kindergarten (cognitive and research activities of children on a walk, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). - AltGPA, p. Davydova O.I. Educational health paths on the territory of the kindergarten / Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution. - - 7. - From Davydova O.I. Educational health paths on the territory of the kindergarten / Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution. - - 7. - C

Topic. Research activities of the preschool teacher

Target: give an idea of ​​the content of the research activities of the preschool teacher, continue to form PC 5.3. Systematize and evaluate pedagogical experience and educational technologies in the field of preschool education based on the study of professional literature, introspection and analysis of the activities of other teachers, PC 5.5. Participate in research and project activities in the field of preschool education; OK 8, OK 9, OK 1, OK 2;

update knowledge aboutfeatures of modern approaches and pedagogical technologies of preschool education, the basics of organizing experimental work in the field of education;

to form the ability to compare the effectiveness of the applied methods of preschool education, to choose the most effective educational technologies, taking into account the type of educational institution and the characteristics of the age of pupils; with the help of the leader, determine goals, objectives, plan research and project activities in the field of preschool education; use the methods and techniques of pedagogical research and design, selected together with the leader.

Pedagogical technologies

Technologies of project activity

Purpose: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction. Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and education of preschoolers unanimously note that the life activity organized according to it in kindergarten allows you to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate the inner world of the child.

By type, projects are: research-creative, creative, role-playing, information-practice-oriented.

Project Diagram: Project = Problem + Product

Research technologies

Purpose: to form in preschoolers the main key competencies, the ability for an exploratory type of thinking.

It should be noted that the use of design technologies cannot exist without the use of TRIZ technology (technology for solving inventive problems). Therefore, when organizing work on a creative project, students are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.

Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities: heuristic conversations, solving problematic issues, observations, modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature), experiments.

The content of cognitive research activities: experiments (experimentation), the state and transformation of matter, the movement of air, water, the properties of soil and minerals, the living conditions of a plant

Tell me and I will forget

show me - I'll remember

let me try and I'll understand"

(Chinese proverb)

In a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but also, first of all, tothe ability to acquire this knowledge yourself , operate with them, think independently and creatively, i.e. master universal learning activities.

A child from birth is a pioneer, an inquisitive explorer of the world that surrounds him. Scientists have proven that research is one of the leading activities of a preschool child. In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to feel like a scientist, a discoverer. At the same time, an adult is not a teacher and mentor, but an equal partner, which allows the child to show his own research activity.

By participating in the process of exploration, children experience joy, surprise and even delight. Acting independently or with teacher-directed activities, preschoolers learn to set a goal, solve problems, put forward hypotheses and test them empirically, and draw conclusions. Experiences and experiments help to develop not only memory, thinking, logic, but also personal characteristics, such as will and creativity.

That is why we have set ourselves an annual task: to optimize the conditions conducive to the development of a child's universal learning activities through cognitive research activities.

The problem will be solved in two stages:

Stage I - theoretical (1st year of work)

1. Improve the qualifications of teachers (through consultations, workshops) and create a methodological base (special literature, file cabinets, thematic planning, methodological developments) for cognitive research activities.

2. To create in groups a subject-developing environment for the development of the cognitive interest of children, namely, to organize centers for experimentation in groups (on a competitive basis).

Stage II - practical (2nd year of work)

The inclusion of cognitive research activities in the educational process of preschool educational institutions through the implementation of project activities, experimentation, collecting, travel along the river of time and other forms of work.


The preschool uses a modification of the pedagogical technology for conducting educational research with preschoolers Savenkova A.I., this technology is original, interesting, effective and makes it possible to contribute to the development of the child's giftedness. Children are explorers by nature. This is especially true for gifted children. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constantly manifested desire to experiment, independently seek the truth spread to all spheres of reality.

The teacher poses a problem and outlines a strategy and tactics for solving it; the solution is up to the child to find on their own. The teacher poses a problem, but the child is looking for a method of solving it on his own (at this level, a collective search is allowed). Statement of the problem, search for methods of its research and development of solutions are carried out by children independently.

At the first stages of experimental work, a game-based methodology was used, involving the use of a "research apron" and cards. These devices allow you to guide the research work of the child. Each stage of this work is reflected in the inscriptions on the pockets of the apron. There are four stages of research.

The first step is choosing a topic.

The second stage is asking questions.

The third stage is research.

Fourth - summing up.

First stage. At the first stage, the child independently chooses a topic and writes it down on a card (or takes pre-prepared pictures). The card with this entry (picture) is placed in a pocket with the inscription "Subject".

The second step is to ask questions.

1. What are the types of the object under study

2. What functions do these objects perform

3. What are the properties and qualities of the object data

4. What is affected.

Other pockets of the apron are devoted to questions. The words written on them are the key to the questions.

The third stage is the research stage. Children collect information and write it down on pieces of paper: those who cannot write make notes in the form of drawings or place in pockets, drawings prepared in advance for this, on which this information is contained.

The fourth stage is summing up. The information collected in each pocket is analyzed. By comparison, the most important facts are highlighted. The result of the work is presented in the form of an oral message or drawing.

The activity performed by the child at the level of independence turns into a form and means of self-development of individuality. It is important for us that every child and every educator create their own individual style in this or that activity, master it both to achieve success in business and to realize their uniqueness, special talent. At all stages of this work, we must clearly realize that the main expected result is the development of creative abilities, the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities by the child.

Methodology for conducting educational research with preschoolers. The methodology for conducting educational research includes two to three training sessions with a group, in which each child gets acquainted with the technique of conducting research.

Training. To do this, you need cards with a symbolic image of research methods.

1. Think

2. Ask an adult

4.Watch the video

These cards can be made from cardboard, the images on them can be drawn or cut out of colored paper. The size of each card must be at least half of the usual landscape sheet. On cards of the same size, you need to prepare pictures - "topics" for future research, i.e. stick pictures of animals, plants, buildings, etc.

The first stage is training sessions. Let's sit the children on the carpet in a circle and announce that today we will learn to conduct independent research in the same way as adult scientists do. Two volunteers will be needed to demonstrate the steps involved in conducting research activities. Together with us they will do the work from the first to the last stage: all other children in the first lesson will participate only as spectators.

Definition of the research topic. Selected volunteers determine the topic of their research. So that they can do this, we will offer them cards prepared in advance, with various topics.

Protection of research results. “By teaching others, you learn yourself” - this is the thought of Ya.A. Kamensky came to us from time immemorial. Intuitively understanding this pattern, a child who has learned something seeks to tell others about it. In our case, when conducting educational research, it is important to report what has been learned, first of all, to the one who prepared this message.

Therefore, the project protection stage cannot be skipped. Without it, the study cannot be considered complete. Defense is the crowning achievement of research work and one of the main stages in the training of a novice researcher.

It is not easy to talk about the work done, it, like any real research, must be protected. Naturally, the defense of the project should be public, involving both the authors of other projects and the audience (educators, parents). In the course of defense, the child learns to present the obtained information, faces other views on the problem, learns to prove his point of view. We hold the defense as a festive event. A jury was formed to evaluate the results and award diplomas. As a result, it is necessary to encourage not only those who answered well, but especially those who asked interesting questions.

Rules for teachers when using A.I. Savenkova

Do not instruct; help children act independently, do not give direct instructions about what they will do.

Based on careful observation and evaluation, identify the strengths and weaknesses of children.

Do not hold back children's initiatives and do not do for them what they can do on their own.

Teach children to trace interdisciplinary connections; don't rush into judgments.

Help children learn to manage the learning process.

Get creative with everything.

be able to see the problem and ask questions;

be able to prove;

draw conclusions;

make assumptions and make plans to test them.

Principles for compiling experience:

1. The principle of scientificity:

It involves the reinforcement of all means of cognition with scientifically based and practically tested methods;

The content of the work corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy, while it has the possibility of implementation in the practice of preschool education.

2. The principle of integrity:

Based on the complex principle of building the continuity and continuity of the process of search and research activities;

It provides for the solution of program problems in the joint activities of teachers, children and parents.

3. The principle of systematic and consistent:

Ensures the unity of educational, developmental and teaching tasks, the development of search and research activities of preschoolers;

Assumes the repetition of topics in all age groups and allows children to apply what they have learned and learn new things at the next stage of development;

Forms dynamic stereotypes in children as a result of repeated repetitions.

4. The principle of individual-personal orientation of education:

It involves the implementation of the idea of ​​the priority of self-valuable childhood, providing a humane approach to the holistic development of the personality of a preschool child and ensuring the readiness of the personality for its further development;

Provides psychological security of the child, emotional comfort, creation of conditions for self-realization based on the individual characteristics of the child.

5. The principle of accessibility:

It involves building the process of teaching preschoolers on age-appropriate forms of work with children;

Provides for the solution of program tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of pupils;

6. The principle of active learning:

It does not involve the transfer of ready-made knowledge to children, but the organization of such children's activities, during which they themselves make “discoveries”, learn new things by solving available problematic tasks;

Provides the use of active forms and methods of teaching preschoolers, contributing to the development of independence, initiative, and creativity in children.

7. The principle of creativity:

It provides for the “cultivation” of preschoolers of the ability to transfer previously formed skills in situations of independent activity, to initiate and encourage the needs of children to independently find solutions to non-standard tasks and problem situations.

8. The principle of effectiveness:

It provides for obtaining a positive result of the ongoing work on the topic, regardless of the level of intellectual development of children.

Project "My family"

Family is a source of inspiration...

Project type: creative research

Project duration: short term (1 week).

Project participants: children of senior and preparatory age of the correctional group, parents of pupils, educator.

Relevance of the problem: The family plays an important role in the life of every person. The development of relationships between a preschool child and his family is of great importance for the development of the child's personality. Unfortunately, love for mom and dad is often associated only with material values, and not with spiritual ones.

Objective of the project: To consolidate the idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other. To cultivate a feeling of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest people - mom, dad, respect for grandma, grandpa.

Project objectives:

Cognitive development:

- expansion of ideas about oneself, one's family, family relationships;

- development of curiosity and cognitive motivation;

- familiarization of children with the concept of "family family tree".

Social and communicative development:

- formation of a value attitude towards the family, raising the status of the family in the eyes of the child;

- development of communication and interaction of children with peers and adults;

- development of emotional responsiveness;

- the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of creativity.

Speech development:

- enrichment of the active dictionary;

- development of coherent, grammatically correct monologue speech.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

- implementation of independent creative art activities of children.

Physical development:

- development of fine motor skills;

- formation of healthy lifestyle values.

Expected result:

- own the concept of "family";

- know information about your family, family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents.

- professions of parents;

- know your rights and obligations;

- make a creative story about the family;

- to be able to draw up a genealogy of the family together with parents.

Project Implementation Plan:

I stage

(preparatory, introduction to the topic)

Determining the topic, goals, objectives, project content, predicting the result;

Discussion with parents of the project;

Determination of the content of the activities of all project participants.

II stage


The content of the activities of a teacher with children, taking into account the integration of educational areas:

Conversations: "What are we", "We are different", "My family";

GCD from the cycle "Me and my family", "My mother". "Family budget", "About my beloved dad", "We're going to visit grandma", drawing "My family";

Acquaintance with literary works: V. Oseeva "Magic Word", "Good", "Sons", "Revenge", V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik", Tatar people. fairy tale "Three daughters", Russian people. fairy tales "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Geese swans";

Selection of poems and riddles about all family members;

Watching the cartoons “Masha is no longer lazy”, “Meet your grandmother”, “The smallest gnome”, “Naughty bear cub”, “Colorful family”, “Beware of monkeys!”, “Mom for a mammoth”;

Making a didactic game "Wonderful Helpers";

Learning songs, poems about the family;

Making the album "My Family", looking at photos

Role-playing games "Family", "Daughters - mothers", "Little helpers";

Building game "House for my family"

Interaction with parents:

Design of the newspaper "Our hobbies"

Drawing up a family tree "My family tree"

Album "My Family"

Stage III


Open event - OD "My family"

Results achieved

During the implementation of the My Family project, the level of formation of a positive family image among children has increased significantly:

Children got to know their roots better, they learned what a clan, pedigree, family is.

In the process of working on the project, educators and children got to know the families of the pupils, their family traditions, and the peculiarities of family education.

Thanks to this project, parent-child relationships have been strengthened, the horizons have expanded, and the vocabulary of children has been enriched.

Parents from observers have reincarnated into active participants in the life of children in kindergarten.

If you, parents, caresses, praisers,

If you, parents, forgivers, lovers,

If permitters, buyers, donors,

Then you are not parents, but simply delighters!

Project "I want to know everything about the BUTTON"

You can become an archangel, a fool or

criminal, and no one will notice it.

But if you don't have a button -

everyone will pay attention to it.

E. M. Remarque

We live in a time of rapid speed and high technology. Every year, the number of technical innovations that amaze with their capabilities is increasing. The world of objects, already huge, is replenished and expanded. All this is reflected in our daily life - we no longer pay attention to the objects that we use every day. It's a pity, because some of them, sometimes even the most ordinary ones, are fraught with a lot of interesting things.

Project type: creative research.

Duration: medium term (1 month)

Project participants: teachers of group No. 2, children of senior and preparatory age of the correctional group, parents of pupils.

Objective of the project: the formation in children of natural-scientific ideas about the objects of the world around them, the expansion of their horizons through cognitive research activities.

Project objectives:

to develop in children the desire for search and cognitive activity;

organize joint search and cognitive activities of preschoolers, teachers, parents;

develop mental activity and creativity;

improve analytical perception, stimulate interest in comparing objects, understanding their features and purpose;

develop communication skills;

enrich children's sensory experience;

develop fine motor skills of the hands;

to educate moral and volitional qualities;

learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in life.

Planned results:

increasing the cognitive activity of children;

showing interest in the objects of the surrounding world;

the ability to establish relationships between the properties of objects and their use.

Practical output:

Design of the "Button Collection"

Exhibition of creative works

Presentation of mini-projects

Holiday Buttons

Organization of activities of project participants

Preparatory stage:

Selection and analysis of information on this topic;

Determining the level of formation of ideas of preschoolers about buttons;

Identification of questions of interest to children on the topic of research activities;

Choice of topics for family mini-projects;

Planning for future activities aimed at the implementation of the project.

The first stage of the project involved determining the level of formation of preschoolers' ideas about buttons. A model of two questions was used: "What do I know?" and "What do I want to know?". Thus, the main research questions were identified:

What does the word "button" mean?

What did people use before buttons were invented?

What were the first buttons?

What are the types of buttons?

What materials are buttons made from?

What are the ways to sew on buttons?;

What else, besides fastening, are buttons used for?

In accordance with the questions of interest to the children, the topics of mini-projects were chosen, which the children, together with their parents, had to prepare for the final stage.

In addition, the stages of research activities were determined, options for searching for information, products of activities that the children planned to receive at the end of the project were discussed.

Main stage:

Educational, labor, productive activity;

Implementation of family mini-projects;

Making didactic games;

Collection of materials for a collection of buttons;

Research and systematization of buttons for the collection;

Experimenting with buttons;

Performing creative work using buttons;

Baking cookies "Buttons".

The second stage was built on the basis of the integration of educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Educational activities were carried out by the teacher during regime moments and in the process of organizing various types of children's activities. So, for example, acquaintance with proverbs and sayings mainly took place when the children were dressing, and they had to fasten buttons. If someone was wrong, he could hear: "If you fasten the first button wrong, then all the others will go awry."

As part of their labor activity, using lacing, the pupils learned to sew on buttons. During artistic creativity, they came up with their own buttons.

As a result of the implementation of family mini-projects, preschoolers prepared samples of methods for sewing on buttons, drew what else, in addition to the fastener, use buttons, picked up material on the types of buttons, systematized the samples by type of material, color, size, structure and shape. In addition, they learned the origin of the word "button".

The acquired knowledge was consolidated in the course of gaming activities. Games "Find a pair", "What is the extra one?" allowed the children to remember what materials buttons are made of, what buttons are in terms of structure and belonging to clothing. Pupils with pleasure laid out patterns from buttons. The result is the so-called button mosaic. The conversation about fashion design was continued by the game "We are designers", during which the children tried to choose the right buttons for things made of different materials (coats, blouses, children's dresses, etc.).

In the course of independent activity, preschoolers examined the buttons on clothes and came to the conclusion that these details are very different. All families of pupils and teachers of the group took part in the collection of materials for the collection of buttons. The guys examined the buttons with a magnifying glass, sorted them by type and material.

Children independently conducted experiments: “Sinking - not sinking”, “Will it attract with a magnet” and others. Then, together with the teacher, they made a toy - the Carousel fun, with which you can demonstrate centrifugal force.

At the stage of productive activity, the pupils, together with the teachers, made applications, panels and other crafts. It turned out that a lot of beautiful things can be made from buttons. The girls were happy to demonstrate interesting jewelry: bracelets, button beads, hair bands. Creative activity captured not only children, but also parents. So the exhibition of creative works was replenished with crafts made in the family.

The children were especially delighted with the process of making "Buttons" cookies. The guys not only made the required number of holes in each button, but also decided to show different sewing methods on edible buttons. And of course, the hand-made cookies turned out to be extremely tasty. The pupils not only tried it themselves, but also treated the kindergarten staff.

Thus, at this stage, preschoolers learned interesting facts from the history of buttons, their classification, proverbs and sayings about this piece of clothing, got an idea about the methods of sewing on buttons and their meaning.

The final stage:

Creating a "Button Collection"

Exhibition of creative works

Presentation of mini-projects

Holiday Buttons

At the third stage, based on the information obtained during the study, the group formed a collection of buttons, in which we collected samples of buttons, grouped by function, type, and material.

The creation of the collection made it possible to present a variety of types of buttons, to determine their belonging, to find out what materials they are made of. The knowledge gained during the design of the collection was consolidated by the teacher with the help of various games.

At the final stage, the presentation of the project took place: each child demonstrated the results of their research on a specific topic. An exhibition of children's creativity was organized.

The final event of the project was Sal Holiday Buttons. It took the form of relay races, games and fun with buttons. Children enthusiastically rolled buttons - who was next, learned to twist buttons, find them with their eyes closed among objects similar in shape.

Results achieved:


Project on environmental education "The natural world of the native land"

Everything good in children from childhood!
How to awaken the origins of goodness?
Touch nature with all your heart:
Surprise, learn, love!
We want the earth to flourish.
They grew like flowers, kids.

So that the environment becomes for them.

Not science, but part of the soul!

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

1. Statement of the problem: Ecological upbringing and education of children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, an ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.

Environmental education is also significant from the standpoint of the child's personal development - properly organized, systematically carried out in educational institutions under the guidance of people with environmental culture, it has an intense impact on his mind, feelings, will.

The world of nature is fraught with great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. The thoughtful organization of training, walks, special observations develops their thinking, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge, feelings, he develops the right attitude towards living things, the desire to create, not destroy.

The educational value of nature can hardly be overestimated. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, awakens the best feelings in him. The role of nature in the upbringing of children is especially great.

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically are formed. Love for nature, the skills of caring for it, for all living things.

To acquaint children with nature, to cultivate love for it, first of all, a corner of the nature of the kindergarten will help, which contains indoor plants, crafts made from natural materials (animals, birds, insects), a vegetable garden on the window.

Children develop cognitive interest - they independently examine plants, willingly participate in observations, make sketches, ask questions. Children systematically observe and care for the grown plants. In the process of caring for them, children get ideas about the diversity of the plant world, how plants grow and develop, what conditions need to be created for them.

2. Purpose of the project: Formation of knowledge of older and preparatory age children about the natural world of their native land through environmental education.

Project objectives:

To create a positive emotional background that contributes to the development of knowledge about the natural world of the native land by the child;

Formation of a system of elementary environmental knowledge accessible to the understanding of a preschool child about the natural world of his native land;

Development of cognitive interest in the natural world of the native land, the ability to reflect this in artistic and productive activities.

Formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself.

Education of environmental knowledge, love for nature, personal responsibility for its safety.

Inviting parents to participate in the competition of crafts made from natural materials.

3. Project participants: teachers of group No. 11, children of senior and preparatory age of the correctional group, parents of pupils.

4. Organization of the activities of the project participants:

Preparatory stage:

Selection and analysis of popular science and fiction on this topic;

Setting goals based on the interests and needs of children;

Planning future activities aimed at the implementation of the project;

Providing a didactic kit for project implementation;

Production (acquisition) of didactic games;

The use of didactic and outdoor games in the free activities of children;

Examination of drawings, photos for this project;

Viewing video material;

Creation of files.

Main stage:

Conducting a cycle of classes, excursions;

Interaction with parents aimed at getting acquainted with project activities.

The final stage:

Open classes for teachers;

Making a corner of nature, a garden on the window;

Design of the exhibition of drawings "The natural world of the native land";

Involving parents in the participation in the competition of crafts from natural materials;

- an open event for parents based on the results of the work.

5. The content of environmental education: Environmental education is a huge potential for the comprehensive development of the child. Along with the traditional methods of environmental education, the project involves the use of a variety of non-traditional technologies: mnemonics, organization of children's experimental activities. The block of joint activities of the teacher and children is the main one in the formation of ecological culture in children. Only with the full use of observations, experiments, experiments, conversations, environmental games, reading ecological fiction, including work in nature in the daily life of children, we can talk about the formation of ecological culture in preschool children.

The leading form of activity is the use of an integrated approach in the environmental education of preschoolers through various activities forms a conscious attitude to nature.

Attracting children to close contact with nature, to the knowledge of the world of plants and animals, we adults contribute to the active development in children of such qualities as kindness, patience, diligence and mercy. These traits, laid down at an early age, will firmly enter the character of a person, become his foundation. Then you can be calm for nature and the younger generation.

This project is designed for the joint activities of children, parents and teachers of the group. The teacher leads the child gradually: observation of the activities of adults, episodic participation in it, then partnership, and, finally, cooperation. The work of a teacher with a group of children is the consideration of emerging problem situations.

To implement this project, the teachers of the group developed sets of classes aimed at improving the work on the environmental education of preschoolers.

The project is aimed at achieving the optimal overall development of preschoolers, the development of aesthetic taste, their feelings, as well as introducing children to the beauty of the world around them.

The process of cognition of the world by a person begins with the help of the senses, and the most important among them is vision. The world around the child is multicolored. The initial interest of the child in this world in general and nature in particular is enormous. That is why it seems possible for us to begin educating children by the means of nature on the basis of the child's interest in his native land. Naturally, all the senses are involved in the process of cognition of the world, but at preschool age, vision is the main one.

For this project, a purposeful system of classes was developed, which included a variety of games, techniques, experiments, and observations. A large place is given to seasonal excursions.

The main way of the ecological development of the child is the formation of his activity and the desire for creativity. This was also taken into account when developing the training system. Environmental education should become an organic part. It is closely connected with moral and mental education, labor activity.

The relationship of environmental education with all aspects of the educational process provides an integrated approach to the harmonious development of the younger generation.

6. Expected results and their evaluation:

- Questioning of parents when participating in joint activities;

Feedback from parents.

The developing environment has been replenished to ensure a comfortable stay of the child in kindergarten

Replenishment of the group with didactic games; - Replenishment of a corner of nature

indoor plants, crafts made from natural materials, a vegetable garden on the window.

In the process of getting acquainted with nature, children develop observation, curiosity, interest in nature, a caring attitude towards the flora and fauna, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically.

Analysis of the level of formation of children's cognitive interest, creative abilities will be carried out through observation, interest in nature, caring attitude to the flora and fauna;

Assessment of the level of interest and participation of parents in the implementation of the project will be carried out based on the results of the survey and on the results of participation in joint events;

The activity of teachers in the implementation of the project.


1. Weak interest of children and parents.

Ways to overcome: Joint activities with children and parents. Informing parents with information boards.

2. The inconsistency of the composition of children during direct educational activities.

Ways to overcome: Individual work with absent children, making memos for parents, informing children and parents at the end of the week.

The novelty of the project is as follows: Environmental education is represented in all educational areas. The use of an integrated approach in the project makes it possible to monthly solve the problems of environmental education in joint activities, not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments, as well as involving parents in close cooperation.

Prospects for the development of the project:

Expansion of the project, adding new topics, forms of work;

Participation of the project in the "Competition of projects on environmental education";

Presentation of the project in kindergarten.

7. Calendar plan for the implementation of the project:

1. Conversation: "Birds of our region." Conversation: "Poultry"

2. Guessing riddles about birds.

3. Drawing up a story based on a set of pictures with a developing action.

4. Artistic creativity "The bird pecks grains."

5. Game with split pictures.

6. Reviewing albums. Birdwatching.

7. Reading the poem "Let's feed the birds in winter." Memorizing the poem "Bullfinch".

8. D. And "Recognize and name the bird"; "What does a sparrow eat?"

9. Labor: we make a feeder. Feeding birds with millet.

February (Wild and Domestic Animals)

1. Conversations about wild and domestic animals.

2. Conversation “Why do I love ...” - a description of the pet according to the scheme.

3. Making the layout "Farm".

4. Consideration of illustrations depicting forest animals living on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, determining their names, lifestyle.

5. Viewing presentations: "Pets", "Forest dwellers";

6. Riddles about domestic and wild animals.

7.D. I. "Who lives where."

8. Drawing up a photo album "Our favorite pets".

9. Sculpting "Smart kitten", "We will give the baby elephant a sweet pie";

10. Drawing: “Polar bear and northern lights”, “Dressy horses”.

11. Reading: K. Ushinsky "The Blind Horse", Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse", S. Marshak "Cat's House", L. N. Tolstoy "Kitten", "Lion and Dog", "Fire Dogs"

March (Plants)

1. A conversation about the benefits of trees that they bring to the earth. A conversation about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants.

2. Word game on the ability to find and name the properties of an object, “What flowers”? "Find a couple of flowers."

3. Reading M. Prishvin "How a Christmas tree was born from a seed." Reading chapters from the book by D. Rodari "The Adventures of Chipolino"; Russian folk tale "Tops and Roots" And Mityaev "Strawberry", A. Bogdarin "About berries". Fairy tale by V.G. Suteev “Under the mushroom”. K. Ushinsky “Dispute of trees”, S. Marshak “Where did the table come from?”.

4. Design of the "Forest" layout.

5. Drawing: “My favorite tree”, “Spruce branches”, “Bouquet of flowers”.

6. Examining illustrations with images of various trees and bushes growing on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, determining their names. Examination of albums, illustrations, encyclopedias about colors. Observation of indoor plants.

7. Excursion to the park observing trees.

8. Game in the circle "Name the flower."

9. Logical chain "Plant development".

10. Work in a corner of nature, planting seeds for the “Window Garden”.

April (Insects)

1. Conversation "Insects of the natural world of the native land."
2. Conversation "Why do we need insects."

3. Reading the fable of I. Krylov “Dragonfly and Ant”, H.K. Andersen. "Thumbelina", L. Kvitko "Bug", V. Bianchi "The Adventures of Ants"
4. D. I. "Know the insect"; "Flies, crawls."

5. Drawing: illustrations for the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "The Adventures of the Ant", I.A. Krylov "The Dragonfly and the Ant" (blotography).
6. Application: "Butterfly" (breaking application)
7. Modeling: Insects (from plasticine, natural and waste material).
8. Competition of crafts "Insects"
9. Collection of branches on the site.

The filling of activity centers and their opportunities for the development of independence and children's initiative.

The GEF program is aimed at:
creation of conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creative abilities through cooperation with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;
on the creation of a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.
The content of the program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various activities and cover the following structural units, representing certain areas of development and education of children
socio-communicative development;
cognitive development;
speech development;
artistic and aesthetic development;
physical development.
In more detail we will consider cognitive development.
Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc.), about the small homeland and the Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.
Thus, cognitive development is a process of gradual transition from one stage of development of cognitive activity to another.
In our group there are the following activity centers for cognitive development:
nature center
Center for Experimentation
Center for Sensory and Mathematical Development
Construction Center
Security Center
Center for Cognitive Development
Center for Patriotic Education
Activity center occupancy:
Center for Nature and Experimentation:
- houseplants;
- calendar of nature;
- materials for the development of labor skills;
- plant passports;
- Folder-slider on environmental topics;
- layouts,
- material for conducting elementary experiments;
- educational and didactic games on ecology;
- natural and waste material;
- natural history literature, a set of pictures, albums;

Materials for experimental work, mini-laboratories;
- audio material on natural history topics.
Center for Sensory and Mathematical Development:
- didactic material;
- didactic games;
- desktop printed games;
- educational material;
material for children's experimentation.
Design Center:
- soft building and play modules;
- floor building material;
- plastic constructor;
- large three-dimensional geometric shapes of 4 colors;
-schemes for models from the designer and wooden cubes.
Security Center:
- didactic material;
- didactic games;
- road signs;
- layout of the road;
- material on life safety and traffic rules;
-attributes for a role-playing game;
-board printed games.
Cognitive development:
- material on the theme of the week.
Patriotic Center:
- state symbols of the Russian Federation and the Tomsk region;
- objects of folk arts and crafts of the inhabitants of the peoples living in the Tomsk region;
- samples of folk costumes of the Tomsk region - visual material;
- a selection of children's fiction and books about Tomsk;
- a selection of the collection of minerals mined in the Tomsk region;
- materials on the city of Tomsk.
Development in preschool age is a joint movement of the teacher and the child. Our task is to gently and unobtrusively lead the child in the direction that really corresponds to his own developmental trajectory.
To this end, special attention is paid to creating in the group an appropriate environment that would promote the development of abilities and meet the interests of each child, while recognizing the importance of mutual learning of children and learning work in small groups.
Such work is possible in the created activity centers, which contribute to the research and independent activities of children.
Despite the fact that activity centers have different names, involve different types of activities, are equipped with a variety of materials, each of them gives the child the opportunity to receive social, emotional, intellectual development.
The main goal of the teacher is to contribute to the development of the child, which happens every day in the process of easy learning.
Each activity center is a small creative workshop filled with various stimulating materials, educational games, and didactic materials. Everything is available in the centers. All materials, boxes, centers are signed and labeled. The centers are open almost every day. Sometimes some centers may be closed.
Children move freely between centers. Time spent at each center may be different for each child. If children are passionate about play, they use materials creatively and move from one center to another less often, spending more time in a particular activity.
In the rules of the life of children, a place must be provided for the diverse and free manifestations of the interests of the child himself. These are not only holidays, but also the very time when he can do his favorite thing, knowing that he will not be forced to do any other activities. Having free time and being able to fill it is no less important for a child than participating in collective activities.
In order for the child to be able to freely choose and take his own initiative, he must feel comfortable in the group.
In order for him to exercise his right to choose, this choice must be given to him, i.e. the developing environment should provide him with a wide range of options (toys, materials, activities). The developing environment of the group should be varied.
In order for children to be interested and they progressively develop, the developmental environment itself must be constantly updated, be changeable following the change in his interests and educational needs.
The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various activities. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children.
At the stage of completion of this preschool education, the targets defined by the Federal State Educational Standard provide for the following age characteristics of the children's opportunities:
- show initiative and independence in various activities;
- independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena, people's actions;
- Show the ability to make their own decisions.
The development of children's initiative and independence in a kindergarten is carried out with the help of:
creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, participants in joint activities;
creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;
non-directive assistance to children, support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (game, research, project, cognitive, etc.)
The development of independence is facilitated by the development of children's skills to set a goal (or accept it from the teacher, think about the way to achieve it, implement their plan, evaluate the result from the position of the goal).
In order to awaken initiative and independence in preschoolers, educators use their own methods and techniques. Such methods include:
1) Didactic game.
2) Productive activities.
3) Self-organized activity.
The teacher must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, which should provide the child with cognitive activity, should correspond to his interests and have a developing character. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with their peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities .
4) Labor activity.
5) The method of "projects".
6) Development of communicative qualities.
7) Development of initiative and independence in the process of classes.
In the daily development of classes, we set the following goals: to cultivate independence and initiative, to form the child's self-awareness, self-confidence, to teach the child to boldly express his judgments. At the lessons of drawing, modeling, appliqué, children are given a choice of plot, design, colors at will. Educators take into account the temperament, abilities, features of the style of education in the family, which significantly affect the pace of the formation of independence.
The ability to formulate a goal, to foresee the result are the fundamental components of independence. But they are difficult to fully implement if the child has not formed the skills of different types of activities.
Independence is brought up when children fulfill the duties of serving themselves and loved ones; the level of independence is associated with the development of the social experience of labor activity, the possibility of the child manifesting a subjective position in labor. The independence of children unfolds from independence of a reproductive nature to independence with elements of creativity, with a steady increase in the role of children's consciousness, self-control and self-esteem in the implementation of activities.
“Independence” is a very multifaceted and psychologically difficult phenomenon; it is rather a meaning-forming, qualitative characteristic of any sphere of activity and personality, which has its own specific criteria.
The final touch in the portrait of independence- perseverance in achieving results, when failure does not become a reason for abandoning the plan. In this regard, I would like to say about the educational aspects of instilling independence. Developing willpower, patience and responsibility is very important. The role of the educator is to stimulate actions that bring the work begun to the end. It is especially valuable if the child guesses to join his efforts with someone from those around him. In our case, the teacher.

The direction of the activity and development of the child depends on us, adults - on
how the object-spatial organization of their lives is arranged, from
what toys and didactic aids does it consist of, what is their developing
potential and even on how they are located. Everything around the child
forms his psyche, is the source of his knowledge and social
experience. Therefore, it is we adults who take the responsibility to create
conditions that contribute to the full realization of the development of children, their
opportunities, abilities in all psychophysiological parameters, i.e.
organization of the subject-developing environment. We, as educators, strive
create conditions in the group, both for the conscientious activity of children, and for
individual activities, considering each preschooler.
"Game Center" is the most interesting and attractive place for
children, it contains toys of different directions (toys
vehicles of various types and purposes, toys depicting objects
work and life, plot toys, animal toys, dolls of various
directions, sets of dishes, game modules for a variety of
story games, etc.).

"Motor activity center" This center contains attributes for
outdoor games, a variety of toys that stimulate motor
activity: balls, cubes, sultans, ribbons, sticks, etc., massagers, skittles,
gymnastic wall, Swedish wall with a mattress (exercises only
supervised by an adult), jump ropes, weight bags, ring throwers,
foot massage mats, equipment for walking, running, training
balance, jumping, crawling and climbing, equipment from unformed
material. Manufactured sports equipment from unformed
material stimulates the desire of children to move, participate in games,
evokes joy and positive emotions. It combines physical education with
game, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in
motor activity. The use of bright color aids enhances
children's interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional coloring.

Music Center is one of the brightest and most attractive. Promotes
development of dance-game and song creativity in children. Here
placed musical toys (accordion, guitar, proportionate to the hand
child; rattles; tambourine; drum; pipes; horn; balalaika), folk
toys, sets of noise boxes, pictures for songs performed on
music lessons, tape recorder, audio recordings of children's songs,
fragments of classical music and folklore works,
lullabies, recordings of nature sounds, illustrations depicting
musical instruments, toys with a fixed melody
(music books, postcards, music box).

The Theater Center is an important object of the developing environment, from which you can
start equipping the group, since it is theatrical activity
helps to unite the group, unite children with an interesting idea, new to them
activity. In the theater, preschoolers open up, demonstrating
unexpected facets of his character. Timid and shy become
confident and active. The one who went to kindergarten without desire, now with
happy to rush to the group.
In the "Center of the Theater" fairy-tale characters, puppet, glove,
finger, magnetic and table types of theater. Children are great artists
therefore, they are happy to participate in productions and perform with pleasure in
the role of spectators.

The "on call center" is located at the entrance to the group room so that children and
their parents could immediately know who was on duty today. Our center is made in
the form of a stand with pockets. At the stand in the pockets of educators every day
change the cards chosen by the children.

"Book Center" includes a book corner. The content of the book
corner corresponds to the age characteristics of children of this age,
educational program implemented in a preschool institution. In him
there are books with works of art by children's writers,
fairy tales and other literary forms on the theme of the week. Main principle
selection of book publishing products - minimum text - maximum

The Center for Entertaining Mathematics has important educational functions.
In this center there are normative - sign material: magnetic
board, typesetting canvas, colored counting sticks, logic blocks,
number series, abacus, hourglass, cup scales, sets of cards on
matching numbers and quantities, sets of cubes with numbers and numerical
figures, Posters depicting geometric shapes, three-dimensional

geometric shapes (cube, cone, cylinder, etc.), various types of mosaics,
modern puzzles.
The "center of knowledge" requires partial isolation, the presence of tasks of various
degree of difficulty. The game material is located on open-through
shelves, it is placed in a mosaic, in several places so that children do not interfere

each other. The "Center for Knowledge" contains: lotto, dominoes in pictures,
subject and plot pictures, thematic sets of pictures,
illustrations depicting seasonal clothing, hats, shoes,
transport, dishes "wonderful bags", materials for the development of small
motor skills of the hands, small geometric mosaic.
"Experimentation Center" is represented by a variety of collections
(soil, stones, minerals, seeds, cereals, etc.). It contains material
for the implementation of experimental activities: magnifiers, microscope, compass,
beakers, flasks, measuring cups, watering cans, watches, etc. In progress

experimental activities for growing plants is kept a journal
observations, in which the educator, together with the children, fixes the
conclusions based on the results of daily observation. Our little ones
"why" turn into inquisitive researchers who
conduct simple experiments, determine the properties of various natural
materials. An indispensable assistant in children's research
activity was the Scientist Cat, who lives in our group. cat stimulates
children's activity and curiosity.
"Security Center" reflects the safety of the house, on the street (SDA) and
fire safety. It is equipped with the necessary attributes, toys,

didactic aids and games. Good didactic guide
serves as a model of a fire station based on the Lego constructor, a game with
three-dimensional figurines "Journey along the roads of the streets." The game is equipped
street layout, road signs, figures of people. Creation of the center
safety in the group helps children to familiarize themselves with the rules and
norms of safe behavior and forms the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle

"Design Center" requires free space for
structures made of large building materials. Its practicality is
in that with the content of the building corner (constructor of various
species, large and small wooden constructor) you can move to
any place in the group and organize this activity as a subgroup
children, as well as individually. This makes our children comfortable
feel in any corner of the group. Our students themselves
when implementing their plans, they use schemes and models of buildings. Centre
Complete with small toys to play with.

"Center for Patriotic Education" The center requires partial isolation,
located away from play areas. It contains: Russian flag, coat of arms,
portrait of the president of Russia, manuals reflecting multinationality
of our Motherland, illustrative material to familiarize children with
climatic zones of Russia, portraits of the great people of Russia, a selection
illustrations "Epic heroes", examples of folk decorative
applied arts, etc. Material about the native city was selected
Michurinsk, children can get acquainted with traditions, culture and way of life
residents of their city. Selected literature according to
local history, the albums "My Country", "My Land", "My City",
"My family".
The English writer Oscar Wilde said: “The best way to make children
good is to make them happy…” And all our children are good! AND
creating a favorable development environment for our children, we want to see them
also such: those who have mastered the main cultural methods
activities that have a positive attitude towards the world, with
developed imagination, able to express their thoughts, inquisitive,
hardy and physically developed, and most importantly happy! Advantage
created environment in that it became possible to involve all children in
active independent activity. Each child chooses an activity
on interests in any center, which is ensured by a variety of subject
content, accessibility and ease of placement of materials. It was

it was noted that pupils are less in conflict with each other: rarely
quarrel over games, play space, or materials because
engaged in interesting activities. Positive emotional attitude
of our children testifies to their cheerfulness, openness, desire
attend kindergarten.
Search for innovative approaches to the organization of the subject-developing environment
continues, the main criteria for this are creativity, talent and

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