Origami African animals scheme. How to make various origami animals

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The hero of our today's post is a cute deer from origami master Jo Nakashima. These majestic animals have attracted the attention of artists and other creative people at all times. Our today's deer develops quite easily, even beginners can master it. Shall we start?

The bone "sail" on the back and the elongated, like a crocodile, muzzle make Spinosaurus the most recognizable dinosaur. In addition, the spinosaurus was distinguished by a powerful tail, with which it could cause significant damage to the enemy. Spinosaurus, unlike other predators, hunted alone, waiting for its victims in ambush. Spinosaurus hunted mainly pterosaurs and herbivorous inhabitants of that time. However, this pangolin also ate fish, sharks, crocodiles and turtles. We suggest you fold the origami model of this lizard out of paper according to the scheme of the famous master Satoshi Kamiya.

The Cocker Spaniel is an artificially bred hunting dog breed, which is characterized by increased sociability and natural friendliness. These dogs are very sensitive to the mood of a person and show increased alertness and distrust of strangers. We suggest you fold a paper model of a Cocker Spaniel according to the scheme of master Barth Dunkan.

To create a scheme for assembling a realistic animal model is a very large and painstaking work. It is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances so that the model looks believable and can be more or less easily folded. Today we will show you an incredibly interesting model of a horse, which is simply indistinguishable from a real one. This is an origami horse according to the scheme of master Elver Ventura.

Complex complex models are not within the power of every origami lover. Here you need to follow the instructions very clearly and be able to read them correctly and implement them. However, the result will definitely be worth the effort. After all, such origami models are incredibly detailed and realistic. They can only be compared with the sculpture of a very experienced master. Today on our site is a well-known deer head model by Andrey Ermakov.

Complex origami models, the assembly level of which is rated as Complex, require not only a huge amount of time from you (several hours of continuous work), but also special assembly skills and spatial thinking. Such models are often voluminous and well detailed. Each fold leads to a series of others and has a certain weight. Our current model just belongs to the category of complex. This is a white shark according to the scheme of the master Nguyen Ngoc Vu. We hope you will be able to do it.

This cute easy-to-assemble origami panda face model will not only decorate your paper collection, but will also be a great gift for toddlers and a great skill training. Such a simple model, consisting of only a few folds, develops in just some 10-15 minutes. Shall we start?

The simplest origami models are animal faces. Even children 3-4 years old can do them. The basis for such crafts is the basic form of origami "triangle". Explaining to children how to make a triangle, you can do without complex geometric terms. We simply fold a “kerchief” (actually a triangle) from a “handkerchief” (square). The muzzles folded from paper very vaguely resemble those animals that we make. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally decorate them - draw eyes, nose, mouth, etc. with felt-tip pens. If you are working with older children, then you can not draw details, but make an application.

Having made such faces, you can put them in an origami tower, send them on a journey on a fun train, make finger puppets or arrange a table paper theater.

Origami animal faces: cat.

Let's bend our triangle in half, outlining the center line. Then we unfold it again.

Let's flip the figure. Bend back the triangle at the top of the muzzle.

It remains to draw the details.

Origami animal faces: dog.

Let's add the basic shape "triangle".

Bend and then unfold the triangle, marking the center line.

Focusing on the center line, at an arbitrary angle, bend down the sides of the triangle, as shown in the photo.

Bend back the triangles from the bottom and top of the muzzle.

It remains to draw eyes and a nose with a felt-tip pen.

Origami animal faces: fox and wolf.

At an arbitrary angle, bend the edges from the center of the triangle upwards, as shown in the photo.

Let's flip the figure. The muzzle of the fox is ready. It remains only to draw the details.

The muzzle of an origami wolf is done in the same way, but from gray paper.

Origami animal faces: mouse and bear.

Now let's make the faces more complicated. Children 3-4 years old are unlikely to cope with these muzzles. But for 5-6 years just right.

Let's add the basic shape "triangle".

Let's fold the triangle in half.

Let's expand the triangle. Bend the corner as shown in the figure from the center of the figure (we marked the center in the previous step)

Let's bend the corner in the opposite direction. This is a mouse ear.

We will do the same for the second ear.

Let's flip the figure. Bend the triangle at the top of the muzzle back, as shown in the figure.

Fold back the corners of the mouse ears to make them more rounded. You can use scissors for this and round the ears.

Let's draw a muzzle.

The bear is made in almost the same way as the mouse. But we make the bear’s ears smaller (we cut them with scissors) and bend the triangle from below, forming a heavy bear jaw.

Origami animal faces: hare and frog.

Let's create a basic triangle shape.

Bend the triangle in half and straighten, outlining the center.

Fold the base of the triangle up.

Bend the small triangle at the top of the figure down.

Bend the bottom edges of the figure up, combining them with the center line.

Let's flip the figure. The muzzle of a hare from origami is ready.

Color the muzzle with felt-tip pens.

The frog is made in the same way as the hare. But you need to cut and round off the “ears” with scissors so that we get eyes. And from the bottom of the muzzle, we bend the triangle back - the muzzle will become more round.

Simple animals for kids in engineering origami- this is entertainment for the child and an occasion for parents to teach him something new. Of the materials at hand, you only need colored one-sided paper, scissors, glue, a black pen or a felt-tip pen. The result is easily recognizable funny faces: a cat, a dog, a panda and an elephant.

How to make paper animals

Simple figures you will collect in just a few minutes. Be sure to have your child next to you. Take the necessary materials and go.

Origami panda - instructions for assembly with children

Take a black one-sided sheet of paper measuring 9x9 cm. Fold it in half in diagonal directions. Place white side out in front of you.

Focusing on one of the central folds, bend the opposite ends to the middle, not reaching the center exactly half the distance.

Fold the workpiece in half outward along the transverse strip.

Bend the lower sharp tip up. Fold the top layer down. Hide the tip inside. The panda has black ears and a nose. It remains to make the eyes. Cut out two circles from black paper and make white centers. Glue to craft.

simple paper elephant

There is nothing difficult in assembling an origami elephant head. Take a 15x15 cm gray square and do the following:

  1. Fold the paper in half diagonally to make a triangle. Divide it lengthwise into three equal parts so that they can be folded together and you get a figure, as in the photo.
  2. Bend the bottom up.
  3. Bend the upper end forward and down so that it is outside - this is the future trunk, and ears on the sides.
  4. Finish off the trunk by making a couple of folds at the top. The paper is folded like an accordion.
  5. Draw the animal's eyes or glue from colored paper.

Origami dog

A funny dog ​​will turn out in just a few simple steps. Bend a one-sided brown sheet measuring 9x9 cm along a diagonal line to make a triangle.

Fold the side corners of the triangle together and iron the center fold well.

Direct the sides to the formed center so that the ends are at the top and a multilayer rhombus is obtained.

Position the workpiece - the outer ends of the rhombus are at the bottom. Bend them up at an angle.

Fold the top corner down. Turn the figure over to the other side.

Form the ears by making squares from the triangles sticking out on the sides.

Bend the bottom of the outer layer up. Point the tip down.

Turn the dog's face over to the wrong side again. Bend the free lower end up so that it is even with the outer one and is not visible on the front side. Remove the side pieces inside out.

Flip the dog's face over. Draw the eyes and mouth.

Paper cat and cat

It is difficult, touching on the theme of animals in the origami technique, to pass by cats. Let's make a cat. Repeat the same steps as with the dog until the workpiece is turned over to the other side.

The ears are ready. We fold the lower part, like a dog, bending up the outer layer. The tip is down again.

On the wrong side, hide the second lower end and side parts. Flip. Draw eyes, muzzle, mustache.

And in conclusion, an easy version of the cat. Fold the 9x9 cm orange square in half to make a triangle.

Lightly mark the middle, making a barely noticeable transverse fold. Bend the top corner to it. Lift the sides of the triangle up.

Animals and birds live in the world around us. Little people can get acquainted with the natural world through their own observations or practical activities in their space. Of course, direct communication with animals, be it domestic cats or dogs, chickens or cows, or wild animals from the nearest zoo, gives the child more vivid impressions and strong knowledge, but indirect acquaintance with the animal world (games, books, paintings, origami animals ) is also important for the baby. In the process of games, the child's attitude to a particular animal is formed. He understands who is not dangerous, and who needs to beware. He learns the nature of each species, the climatic zones where this or that animal is comfortable. Parents can help the child get acquainted with the diversity of the animal world. It is not always possible to visit a zoo or a circus.

But there is paper in every home. Animals are assembled using the origami technique from the most ordinary paper according to the schemes easily, you just need a little imagination and patience.

Many of the animal figurines can be made even by a child. This kind of entertainment will help the child to acquire elementary knowledge about animals. In addition, imagination, logical and spatial thinking, fine motor skills, and perseverance develop.

Perseverance is not just the ability to sit in one place, it is the ability to focus and maintain a high level of attention for a certain period of time. For modern children, this is a very important quality that must be developed from early childhood. Origami classes will help parents distract their child from the TV and computer for a while.

Being engaged in origami creativity with children, you can make characters from your favorite fairy tales and stage home performances.

Involve children in creativity from childhood.

Many parents get scared at the word origami, they think that this is something complicated and confusing. But who did not make airplanes and boats from a sheet of paper? Who hasn't folded a newspaper hat on a hot day?

This is also origami, which has firmly entered our lives. Paper animals and birds are available to everyone, try folding them, starting with simple patterns. On the Internet you can find a lot of videos about paper animals, many of the videos are in Russian.

We make paper origami animals with diagrams for beginners

Dog: the easiest origami for kids:
  1. Fold a square sheet of colored paper diagonally
  2. Turn the triangle upside down. Bend sharp corners down. Those are dog ears.
  3. Wrap the bottom corner up, draw the eyes and nose.
Funny mouse will cause a smile of tenderness:
  1. Mark a diagonal on a square piece of paper.
  2. Fold the corners diagonally so that the top edges meet in the center.
  3. Fold the corners in as well so that the bottom edges meet. Mark fold lines, unfold.
  4. Bend the rhombus in half. unbend.
  5. According to the lines outlined in paragraph 2, wrap the edges to the center, wrapping the inner corners up along the fold lines outlined in paragraph 3.
  6. Turn the resulting inner corners inward along the previously outlined lines.
  7. Wrap the sharp corner at which the inner corner “looks” halfway down.
  8. In a straight line from the intersection of this fold line with the center line of the product to the left corner, bend the workpiece down. Do the same on the other side.
  9. Fold the product in half along the longitudinal line.
  10. Bend the ears to half the height.
  11. Draw lines to add volume to the ears. Wrap the resulting triangles inside each ear.
  12. Turn the long part of the workpiece about halfway at an angle of 45 °. Mark a fold line and fold inward along it.
  13. Tuck the ponytail up, laying another fold line.
  14. Make the ponytail thinner by wrapping it in half lengthwise inward.
  15. Draw the muzzle of the mouse (eyes, nose and antennae) and the curious mouse is ready.

A biter dog will be an unusual entertainment:

  1. Fold a square piece of paper in half.
  2. Mark the center of the square.
  3. Open the resulting pockets for the top layer of paper, and give them the shape of houses.
  4. Turn the workpiece right side up on the table.
  5. Fold the sides to the center line.
  6. Bend the top sheet of paper of the lower right corner up to the center of the product.
  7. Fold this corner in half again so that the edge touches the center line of the product.
  8. Turn the workpiece over, and follow steps 7 and 8 for the left corner of the product.
  9. Gently open the resulting pocket while pressing in the middle.
  10. Now the biter dog is ready to grab and bite!
Butterfly ring for young fashionistas:

  1. For work, you need to take a sheet of paper measuring 2x15cm.
  2. Mark fold lines along and across the sheet.
  3. Fold the sheet across and fold the top corners, from the side of the fold, to the center line so that the edges meet in the center.
  4. Expand everything. Fold the sheet across, tucking the triangles inward to form an arrow.
  5. Bend the long tails of the arrow up, holding the arrow triangle itself in place.
  6. On both sides, fold the upper corners to the midline, and again get the arrow.
  7. Bend the long tails up, as in step 5, and bend them down so that only the very tip of the arrow is visible.
  8. Mentally divide the strip lengthwise into three parts, and on each side bend the outer thirds to the center, straightening the resulting triangles.
  9. It remains to unscrew the butterfly, and tuck the long tails into each other, adjusting the size of the ring.

Little fashionistas will love it!

Video on the topic of the article

Origami, or the art of folding a variety of paper figures, is loved by children of all ages. Schoolchildren can be offered schemes of various levels of complexity for the independent production of paper animals, flowers or other products. Fine motor skills in children aged 7-10 are already quite well developed, they love to make beautiful and original compositions with their own hands, and enjoy the results of their work.

How to prepare for an origami class

Of course, to create paper figures, you will first need paper of several colors. It is better that it is not very thin - firstly, it is easier to work with thick paper, and secondly, crafts made from it retain their shape for a long time.

In addition to paper, you need to prepare:

  • a ruler - with its help it is convenient to fold or evenly tear sheets, as well as measure the required distance;
  • scissors;
  • you will need a pencil to mark the fold or cut line;
  • colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens for coloring finished crafts;
  • scheme;
  • accessories for decoration - beads, ribbons, eyes for animals and everything that fantasy tells.

Animals origami scheme suitable for children should be chosen according to their skills and capabilities. Too easy work will not bring satisfaction, and if the scheme is too complicated, then the child may completely refuse to complete the craft.

Origami schemes or how to make an animal figurine out of paper

Origami on the theme "Animals" are great for children of primary and secondary school age. Figures are made from colored or white paper, on which you can later draw the muzzle of the animal. And ready-made crafts are used to play or decorate a children's room.

Origami Bear Head

For this craft, you will need two-color paper - brown on one side and white or beige on the other. The child can be offered to pre-paint the sheet brown.

Stages of creating origami:

  1. Cut out a square.
  2. Fold it in half diagonally, brown side out.
  3. Place the resulting triangle with the fold line up and use a ruler to divide it into three equal parts. In the middle there will be a muzzle of a bear, and his ears will form from the corners.
  4. Bend the corners along the intended line to the center.
  5. Then turn most of them outward from the center.
  6. Complete the formation of the ears by bending their tips back to the center of the craft.
  7. Turn the figure over so that the ears remain on its reverse side. Mark a straight fold line for the bottom corner of the triangle.
  8. Bend the top sheet of paper along the intended line, and then wrap (hide) its corner.
  9. Wrap the corner of the bottom sheet on the reverse side, thus completing the formation of the head.
  10. Draw a face for the bear.

Origami "Whale"

Children can cope with this simple origami scheme even without the help of adults. For crafts, black, gray, blue or white paper is suitable.

Steps to create a figurine:

  1. Cut out a square from paper.
  2. Mark a fold line that connects two opposite corners of the square.
  3. Draw two more lines from one of these corners, to the center of opposite sides.
  4. Bend along the side fold lines to the center.
  5. Bend the remaining corner of the square to the center.
  6. Bend the resulting figure in half, along the previously outlined fold line.
  7. Form a tail by lifting the corner of the resulting figure. Draw or glue eyes on the whale.

Origami "Penguin"

According to this easy origami scheme, it turns out surprisingly cute and attractive. For the penguin, you will need double-sided paper: blue or cyan on one side and white on the other.

Steps to create a figurine:

  1. Put a square sheet of paper with the colored side up.
  2. Fold in half diagonally, then unfold, fold diagonally and unfold again.
  3. Mark a fold line just below one of the diagonals.
  4. Bend the sheet over it. The colored side of the paper is located inside the fold.
  5. Wrap the corner of the paper down - this will be the nose of the penguin.
  6. Turn the paper over with the white side up.
  7. Bend the side corners to the center.
  8. Then turn most of them back.
  9. Turn the top corner down.
  10. Turn the figure over, draw or glue eyes. The penguin is ready!

For children, paper animal origami is a good way to express yourself creatively and acquire useful skills.

By folding the figures, the child learns to concentrate, work in stages and get the planned result. In the future, these skills will come in handy more than once.

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