Riddles for imaginative thinking, Dagestan literature. Riddles for the development of non-standard thinking

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The role of riddles in the development of older preschoolers

Teacher of the senior group “Fairy Tale” Olga Vladimirovna Chumakova

In modern kindergarten, riddles are used as a didactic, exciting tool in teaching children and organizing their leisure time. Guessing riddles activates children's vocabulary and strengthens the ability to identify essential features of objects. Riddles develop curiosity in children and interest in their native language. They force the child to carefully think about each word, compare it with other words, find similarities and differences in them. The answers to many riddles seem funny and unexpected, which means they develop the child’s sense of humor and teach him to think creatively and outside the box.

It is advisable to ask children riddles in the appropriate situation. The riddle can be used on a walk, in games, at home, at work. It makes the child think, develops observation, the desire to think and understand the surrounding reality. The form itself, the riddles, attracts children's attention and makes learning interesting and unobtrusive.


This is not only a game, but also an exercise in reasoning, in the ability to prove. But the content and structure of the riddles are such that they allow children to develop their logical thinking and develop their skills in perceiving and using speech-evidence and speech-description. Thus, a riddle is not only a game, but also a means of education, training, development of children, an exercise in reasoning and the ability to prove.

The correctional and developmental possibilities of the riddle are varied. The most important of them are:

Cultivating resourcefulness, quick wits, and speed of reaction;

Stimulation of mental activity;

Development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination;

Expanding the stock of knowledge and ideas about the world around us;

Development of the sensory sphere.

Types of riddles with examples.

1. Straight riddles , in which, with the help of allegories, direct and indirect features, a mysterious object or phenomenon is described. They can be either colloquial or poetic.

Spoken form:
What is it: it doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house?
Answer: castle.

Poetic form:

Gray neck,
yellow sock,
Swims in the river
Like a float.

Answer: duck.

2. Rhyming riddles . Guessing them is incomparably easier because the right word just begs to be on the tongue. But the benefits of such word games are enormous. Theycontribute to the development of the baby’s intelligence, awaken fantasy and imagination,but, most importantly, they help to get the first ideas about rhyme. The mostLittle “guessers” get simpler riddles.

Oranges and bananas are very popular... (monkeys)

I lost my sock, it was dragged away... (puppy)

There’s a big fight in the river: two people quarreled... (crayfish)

There are a lot of windows in it. We live in it. This is... (house)

I’m not afraid of the word “scatter” - I’m a forest cat... (lynx)

3. Trick riddles They also rhyme, but that's the trick. The answer must be chosen not to rhyme, but according to its meaning. If you say the last word in rhyme, it will turn out to be funny nonsense. Such riddles teach children to think and be attentive, and not to be deceived. They also develop a sense of humor.

An example of a children's riddle:
Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?
Well, of course it's...
( bear, squirrel)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
Jumps deftly...

( cow , monkey)

Neighing on the field in the morning

( kangaroo , horse)

Even a foreigner heard -
Everyone in the forest is more cunning...

( hare , fox)

4. Riddles for imaginative thinking are usually resolved if we consider the issue not literally, but figuratively or broadly. Include factors in the decision that may be implied by ambiguous interpretation of the question or the words used in it.

Thirty-two warriors have one commander. (Teeth and tongue)

twelve brothers

They wander after each other,

They don't bypass each other. (months)

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds. (Goose)

Which year is it for me?

a hedgehog lives in the room.

If the floor is waxed,

He will polish it to a shine. (Polisher)

They knock and knock - they don’t tell you to be bored.

They go and go, and everything is just there. (Watch)

4. Math riddles are solved using calculations, but often involve the use of both figurative and logical thinking. And sometimes it’s pure mathematics, but framed in figurative folk speech. For example:

Seryozha will soon be 10 years old -

Dima is not yet six.

Dima still can’t

Grow up to Seryozha.

How many years younger

Boy Dima, than Seryozha?

(for 4 years)

Near the forest on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.

Can you guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are?

(Mashenka and the three bears).

The five brothers are inseparable; they are never bored together.

They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, and an ax (fingers).

Cheren, but not a raven.

Horned, but not a bull.

Sixlegs without hooves.

It's flying and buzzing

falls - digs the ground


Principles for selecting riddles for children of senior preschool age

When selecting riddles to work withchildren of senior preschool age it is necessary to take into account sufficient life experience, developed observation, the ability to reason; it is necessary to offer the child riddles that require a deep thought process and the application of their knowledge reflect the content of the cognitive-speech development program.

Riddles about natural phenomena , about extraordinary properties that we do not notice in everyday life, but for children this is a whole discovery.

Winter glass
It started flowing in the spring.
Answer: ice

Fluffy carpet
Not fabric with your hands,
Not made with silks.
In the sun, in the month
Shines like silver.

Answer: snow

Grow green

They will fall and turn yellow

They'll lie down and turn black

Answer: (leaves)

Especially good for older preschoolersriddles with possible multiple correct answers , where evidence-based speech can develop in the discussion.
Brother with brother
sits next to you all your life,
see white light
but each other - there is no other.

Answer: eyes

There is a bathhouse in the belly,
there is a sieve in the nose,
navel on the head
hand on back.

Answer: teapot.

A riddle for older children can be used as part of a lesson or as a whole lesson. For example, riddles that give an idea of ​​the polysemantic meaning of a word carry so much information that playing it out will take the entire lesson.
Guess what word every tailor has?
The hedgehog wears this word on his back instead of a fur coat.
This word will come to me along with the Christmas tree in the New Year.

Answer: needle

Such riddles will certainly find their continuation in the visual activities of children.
When working with riddles, it is not so important how quickly the children solve it, the main thing is to interest the children, involve them in the process of comparing, contrasting, discussing and finding the answer. Questions, disputes, assumptions - this is the development of speech, creative imagination, imaginative thinking.

Methods of working with riddles

Teaching children to solve riddles requires a lot of patience and preparation work. Learning to solve riddles begins not with asking them, but with developing the ability to observe life, perceive objects and phenomena from different sides, see the world in various connections and dependencies, in colors, sounds, movement and change.
The development of all mental processes of a preschooler is the basis for solving a riddle, and preliminary familiarization of children with the objects and phenomena that will be discussed is the main condition for ensuring understanding and correct guessing of the riddle.

The teacher also needs to know the main mistakes children make when solving riddles.

    Children are in a hurry to answer, do not listen to the end, and do not remember all the details. In younger preschoolers, attention is often attracted by some bright object that is already well known and the thread of attention is broken.

    Children identify several secondary objects at once, but miss the main feature.

    Children deliberately miss one of the signs named in the riddle, replacing it with their own, as it seems to them, correct and, as it were, adapt to the answer, distorting it.

Internet source usedhttp://nsportal.ru/


    Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to solve riddles. -M.: Education, 1976.

    Kudryavtseva E. The use of riddles in didactic games (senior preschool age) // Preschool. education.-1986.-No.9.-P.23-26.

    Journey through the Land of Mysteries / Compiled by: Shaidurova N.V. Barnaul: BSPU, 2000.

    Romanenko L. Oral folk art in the development of children’s speech activity // Preschool. education.-1990.-No.7

Oksana Korneeva
About riddles. Continued consultation for teachers


This is a continuation of my previous post about riddles. I have already told you about the history of riddles. Here:


Today I want to talk about the types of riddles and teaching methods.

All of us, teachers, have already switched to a new standard of teaching. The introduction of new technologies in teaching preschoolers has brought about a change in the modern pedagogical situation, characterized by the humanization of the pedagogical process, and above all: an appeal to the child’s personality.

The main task facing modern teachers is: education of a creative personality.And it is the riddle that acts as one of the effective means of developing a child’s mental activity and speech.

Initially, the riddle served cult purposes. Primitive man was convinced that he was hiding preparations for hunting, without naming his tools, animals, or intentions. (I talked about this in a previous publication).

In the modern world, the riddle has almost ceased to play a cult, mystical and social role. But nevertheless, the artistic and educational functions remained. Riddles are entertainment, used in children's games for educational purposes, and are included in teaching aids.

And we will talk about this in more detail.


1. Straight riddles- these are riddles in which a mysterious object or phenomenon is described with the help of allegories. They can be either spoken or poetic.

Spoken form:

What's happened? : doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let you into the house? (lock.)

It is not necessary that only one object be guessed in a riddle. There may be four completely different ones: It burns without fire, it flies without wings, it runs without legs, it hurts without wounds. (Sun, cloud, river, heart).

Poetic form:

Who alone has a horn?

Guess it.

Answer: Rhinoceros

2. Riddles - tricks differ in that they imply one solution, but in fact, behind a play on words or another deceptive device, lies a completely different one.

An example of a children's riddle:

Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course, this is... Bear Squirrel *

3. Riddles for imaginative thinking are usually resolved if we consider the issue not literally, but figuratively or broadly. Include in the decision factors that may be implied by ambiguity in the question or the words used in it.

What stones are not in the river? (Dry)

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons).

4. Math riddles- are solved using calculations, but often involve the use of both figurative and logical thinking.

For example:

The grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren. In total she knitted 3 scarves and 6 mittens. How many grandchildren does grandma have? Answer: 3 grandchildren

5. Story- a special category of plot riddles. Here the plot plays the main role, being both the background and a set of conditions for the riddle. Well, this is the famous game “Danetki”. I talked about this game in my previous publication. If interested, check out my previous publication.

6. Logical- are solved by checking the truth of each judgment separately and various combinations of judgments and they can always be solved using logical equations.

7. Riddles - jokes- usually they are not guessed, but have the character of an anecdote. And they have a question.

For example:

Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain? Answer: under wet.

8. Optical illusions most often they are not riddles. Usually these are just pictures demonstrating certain properties of optical illusion.

Charades, anagrams, puzzles. Their essence comes down to isolating syllables or letters from words and creating new words from them.

Adults, when asking riddles for children, often do not think about whether the child will be able to guess them, do not analyze the child’s train of thought when guessing, and rush the child, forgetting that the main thing is not in the fast pace of guessing, but in the fact that the correct answer is found by the child himself.

Teaching children the ability to solve riddles begins not with asking them, but with developing the ability to observe life, perceive objects and phenomena from different sides, see the world in diverse connections, colors, sounds, movement and change.

The main condition for ensuring a correct understanding of riddles and their correct guessing is preliminary familiarization of children with the objects and phenomena that will be discussed in the riddle. This work is based on observations systematically carried out in the surrounding life and nature. By systematically observing natural phenomena, a child will be able to see this phenomenon at different periods of its development and form a more complete picture of it. For example,:

Fluffy cotton wool

Floating somewhere.

The lower the wool,

The closer the rain comes.


An important source of knowledge is also fiction. It sharpens observation skills and at the same time teaches children the ability to use figurative expressions.

AND the most important What an adult should know when guessing riddles (riddles): ANALYSIS.

That is, for example, a riddle:

“All four petals of the flower were moving. I wanted to pick it, but it took off and flew away.”

What should you look for? A flower, but not an ordinary one, but one that can flutter and fly away. This means the “flower” flies. What is he like? It has four petals, they move. So these are wings. The child, after analyzing it independently, answers: “It’s a butterfly.”

I hope that you find this material useful in your work.


Publications on the topic:

Individual consultations upon parents' requests Dear colleagues! In all kindergartens, teachers conduct individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents. I.

Summary of consultation for parents “Modern family - what is it like?” The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends. F. Adler Family - social.

Consultations for parents “Meals on weekends” The health of children cannot be ensured without a balanced diet, which is a necessary condition for their harmonious physical growth.

Dear parents! This week we will study material on the topic - “My home, my city!”. 1) Familiarization with the outside world. Topic: “Ours.”

This week we will study material on the topic - “Me and my family.” 1) Familiarization with the outside world. Topic: “I learned that I have a huge one.

Many years ago, at school, the teacher gave us a riddle to ask us to think outside the box, and the whole class solved it in 30 minutes. I really liked this type of riddle, but new ones came across very rarely. And then I came across a wonderful book by Paul Sloan: “Tricky Lateral Thinking Puzzles” on Ozone. Situation puzzles or simply “yes/no” puzzles, these riddles are good to solve collectively.

I suggest you solve one of these riddles!

Rules: the presenter describes part of a strange story, and those guessing must reconstruct the entire situation. The presenter can only answer “Yes”, “No” or “Irrelevant”, which means the questions must be appropriate.

- A man was driving along the highway in a car, turned on the radio, listened for a while, turned off the radio, stopped the car, got out, and shot himself. Why?

With every correct question, you get closer to the answer.

Examples of questions:
- did this happen during the day? - Yes,
- was he being pursued? - No

If you know the answer straight away, please don't ruin the fun for others!

My first post, I would be glad for advice on how to improve it or where to move it :).

Here are questions where the answer is: YES, I submit it at the request of HOBAA:
- Did what he heard on the radio relate directly to him? - YES
- Or to his place of work? - YES
- Was he currently an employee of this job?, Did he plan to work at this job in the future?, Did he already work at this job? - YES
- Was what he heard on the radio supposed to ruin his life forever? - Yes
- was it a famous, or popular, or wealthy person? - Yes
- Was his own work related to radio? - YES!
- Did this happen in peacetime? - Yes
- did he work at this radio station? - YES!
- Was he fired from the radio? No
- Did he listen to the recording of the program where he himself performed? - YEEES
- Did he work as a radio presenter? - Yes
- Did he know that this program was going to air? - Yes
- Were there any distortions introduced into what he was actually going to say (editing, for example)? Answer: some distortion - yes
added on purpose? - No
- Was the program interrupted on the server side? - Yes
- the result of his work was announced on the radio? - No
- did he break the law? - Yes
- Was it a live broadcast? - No
- Recording? - YES
- Was he traveling alone? - Yes
- Did he intentionally break the law? - Yes
- Has the radio station changed its location (broadcasting frequency, physical location)? - Yes
- the server side has ceased to exist? No, the radio station is broadcasting further.
- Did the radio station know what was on the recording? -> Did the cameraman who played the film know? - Yes, and “manager”? - No
- Was the recording interrupted for a technical reason? - Yes
- Was the film put on by the operator who recorded it? - YES
- If there had been no interruption in broadcasting, nothing would have happened? - yes, there would be no suicide
- the violation of the law consisted of words NOT spoken by him? (due to broadcast interruption) - yes
- Did he perform on air himself and edit the sound himself? - Yes
- And in general, is this problem related to the film? - Yes
-was there silence during the broadcast break? - No
interference? - Yes
other radio? - No
Was the broadcast break audible only to him or to everyone who was currently listening to this radio wave? - Everyone

Correct answer:
The man worked at a small radio station, recorded his program on tape and put it on playback (at the radio station, at this time he is alone, and the program is usually broadcast live). He went to kill his wife himself. On the way back to work, he decided to check the operation of the film and heard that the film had jammed. So he no longer had an alibi...

The following riddles were asked (and already guessed) in the comments.

As the baby grows, activities with him should not only be interesting to him, but also useful. Ingenuity riddles allow the child not only to use already known data, but also to think about the answer. It develops this way. Of course, adults will have to rack their brains to come up with such riddles. Although there is nothing complicated about it.

Funny options with a trick

Riddles that require ingenuity do not necessarily have any direct answer. No, the more confusing they are, the more interesting. For example, like this:

  • According to hunters,
  • What was the name of the world's first semiconductor?
  • Work is not a wolf. Everyone knows this. And then what?

Such tricky riddles are also suitable for adults. Not everyone has found the answers, right? And they are simple: a scarecrow of the earth, Ivan Susanin, the product of distance and strength. Older schoolchildren can easily cope with such riddles. And the younger ones, of course, will have a hard time figuring it out. Therefore, they can come up with something simpler.

Options for younger students

Since small children, although they think quite quickly, have less knowledge, then funny riddles for ingenuity should be commensurate with their knowledge. For example, like this:

  • There is cheese in the mousetrap. But what mouse can get it?
  • It won't even fit in the biggest pan.
  • There is such a thing that is often walked on, but driven very rarely. What is this?

It will be quite simple and fun for kids to find the answer to such riddles using their ingenuity. Were you able to find them? The answers are simple: a second mouse, a lid from this pan, a ladder. Finding clues is not only fun and interesting, but also educational. This develops thinking and logic.

Riddles with deception

Here you need to think of the correct answer, based on what has already been given in the question itself. These ingenuity riddles for children allow you to develop not only innovative thinking and logic, but also attentiveness. For example, like this:

  • Our Yulka has icicles on her cheeks.
  • Our drops floated down the river for a whole week.
  • The snowstorm and the cold are gone. A puddle shines brightly in the sky.
  • There is a knocking sound in the forest. Is it the drumming of the sun?
  • Does the snowdrop always coo cheerfully, fervently, tenderly in the spring?
  • The snow has already melted between the pines. And winter has been replaced by autumn?

The most attentive ones have already found answers to these riddles using ingenuity. These are: freckles, ice floes, sun, woodpecker, dove, spring. Solving will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, you can use such riddles for ingenuity with answers for a family game. Or on the road, when you need to keep your child busy and have fun yourself.

Funny children's riddles

You can come up with a lot of them right on the go. Here are some examples:

  • Who is Winnie the Pooh - a pig or a boar?
  • Masha's dad has five daughters. Four names are: Tanya, Anya, Alena, Sveta. What is the name of the fifth one?
  • Six brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total?
  • If there are more of them, then the weight becomes less.
  • You go on your own, and you leave him behind.
  • What is next to the house, higher than it, but weighs nothing?
  • You can’t grab him in the hand, but if you get him in the eye, you cry.
  • Light as a feather, but you can’t hold it for long.

These riddles for ingenuity with answers are quite simple:

  • Bear.
  • Masha.
  • One sister, since they are all brothers.
  • Holes.
  • Track.
  • Shadow from the house.
  • Inhale.

You can come up with them quickly and without much tension. Or use old, proven options like: which mouse walks on both legs, which duck can walk on two legs, what actions are needed to put an elephant in the freezer. Many adults remember the answers from childhood: Mickey Mouse, any duck walks on two legs, open the freezer, put the elephant in, close the door (3 steps in total).

Logic puzzles for ingenuity

Adults and schoolchildren will find it interesting to look for answers to such riddles, as they stimulate thinking. You will have to work hard to figure out the answers. Here are some examples:

  • Looking at a triangle with a magnifying glass, what cannot be magnified?
  • The easiest time for a black cat to get into the house is when...
  • If a car turns right, which wheel is not spinning?
  • How deep into the forest can a hare run?
  • There were 30 candles burning in the room, 10 of them were extinguished. How much is left?
  • Four birds were sitting on a branch, three of them decided to fly. How many are sitting on the branch now?
  • What can you take in your right hand, but cannot be taken in your left?

Not every adult will be able to find answers to these problems. And they are quite simple and logical, if you think carefully:

  • Corners (they will not become larger under the influence of a magnifying glass).
  • When the door is open (otherwise it is difficult for any cat to get into the house).
  • Spare, all the others spin while driving.
  • Exactly to the middle of the forest. Starting from the middle, he will run out of the forest rather than run into it.
  • There will be 10 candles left, the rest will burn out.
  • There are four left, three just decided to fly, but have not yet flown away.
  • The left elbow can be taken in the right hand, but not in the left.

Jokes for a moment

Many adults are familiar with them, but they can easily be adapted for children. For example, here are the options:

  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
  • Large, with a mustache, completely stuffed with hares. What is this?
  • When it rains, the fox always hides under this tree. What kind of tree is this?
  • Which months of the year have 28 days?
  • When a chicken crosses the road, where does it go?
  • Gray, small, elephant-like.

Such short jokes also perfectly develop logic in children, so you can safely make them in class. At the same time, the kids won’t even realize that these are developmental lessons. And for those who find it difficult to answer, here they are:

  • No, it can’t, birds don’t talk.
  • Trolleybus.
  • Wet. When it rains, all the trees in the forest are wet.
  • All months have at least 28 days.
  • The chicken goes to the other side of the road, this is its own business.
  • The baby elephant is small and grey, similar to adult elephants.

You can come up with such riddles on the go to entertain both yourself and your child. Finding clues will also be fun for both, which is why many teachers and educators use this form of play at various holidays and meetings. If the family is large, then you can even organize competitions with riddles at home. It will be fun and interesting, and also educational, as many parents want. Such quiet educational activities for the whole family will appeal to many.

Usacheva Svetlana Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 136
Locality: Tver city
Name of material: experience
Subject:"The role of riddles in the formation of verbal and logical thinking in children of senior preschool age."
Publication date: 23.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Speech by the teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 136

Svetlana Mikhailovna Usacheva on the topic “The role of riddles in the formation of verbal -

logical thinking of children of senior preschool age"

Relevance.“Riddles are of great value because... develop thinking,







Trains memory and attention. The riddle, being one of the forms of oral folk art,

introduces children to the origins of Russian culture, lays the foundation of love for their people.” All





standard of preschool education (FSES DO). Where one of the main tasks is education

a creative person, and creativity does not come just like that, creativity must be learned. V.A.

Sukhomlinsky urged not to miss that happy period: “...to reach in every person

to the vein from which unique talent begins.” And here, as one of the effective





become such when they appear before children not just as fun, but as fun, but

quite a serious matter. K.D. Ushinsky wrote that a riddle brings something useful to a child’s mind.

exercise, and for the teacher it makes it possible to make the lesson entertaining and interesting.

Riddles teach children the ability to observe, noticing something special, the ability to see the essence

object, its purpose. A riddle always contains a question that requires thinking

activity, concentration, imagination and of course gives the child new knowledge about

the surrounding world.

Systematic work on developing children’s evidential speech skills when explaining

riddles, develops the ability to use varied and interesting arguments for better

justification for the guess. To be able to prove is not only to be able to think correctly, logically,

but also to correctly express your thought, putting it in precise verbal form. Thus,

one of the means for the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of verbal and logical

thinking in children of senior preschool age can be called ordinary riddles.

Hypothesis: level of development of verbal and logical thinking in senior preschool children

age will increase if you use riddles in joint activities.

Target: promotion






preschool age through the use of riddles in joint activities.


Study and analyze psychologist - pedagogical and methodological literature on







preschool age through riddles;






preschool age;












guessing and making riddles;








Tver region.






verbal - logical thinking).


result: at




intelligence, demonstrative speech, broaden your horizons, increase your verbal level -

logical thinking, children will develop an interest in riddles, including riddles

Tver region as one of the folklore genres. Children will be able to identify similar signs

group them and independently compose riddles using tables and without them.

Children know:

A riddle is a type of MFJ;

Different types and types of riddles;

How to write riddles using reference tables and without them;

Mysteries of the Tver region.

Children can:

Based on one or two signs, restore a complete image of an object and solve the riddle;

Find several sequential actions - signs characteristic of one species

the answer. For example, in the riddle “First there is a shine, after the shine there is a crackling, after the crackling there is a splash” (thunderstorm);

Guess different types of riddles based on comparison, comparison of objects and phenomena;

Identify similar features, group them and make up riddles yourself.

Theoretical basis.

In order to better approach solving this problem on the topic “Role






pedagogical and methodological literature. Work on the formation of verbal and logical

thinking using riddles was already reflected by leading teachers such as K.D.

Ushinsky, Yu.G. Illarionova, A.M. Borodich, E. Kudryavtseva, E.I. Tikheyeva, F.A. Sokhin, A.P.

Usova and others.

During the study of various sources it was found that:

The riddle genre is different in that it requires you to guess the object being described. Therefore, it's a mystery






the presence of knowledge, ideas about a number of objects, phenomena of the world around us,

broadens your horizons, accustoms you to observations, focuses your attention on what you are guessing

an object, a word that describes it, a sound that helps solve a riddle, etc.

There is an opinion that primitive people believed in an external conscious force and were afraid

her. In order not to incur anger upon yourself and to protect yourself from failure in the hunt, from fire, flood,

crop failure,



It turns out,


expression, not wanting to say out loud the real name of what defined it

Years and centuries passed, the original meaning of the riddle was gradually lost, but nevertheless it




traditionally asks three riddles? To test his intelligence and resourcefulness.

reality. Society develops, and the themes of riddles also change. Of particular importance is

collection “Mysteries of the Russian People” N.D. Sadovnikova. It has 2500 riddles, not counting variations.

Considering the close connection of riddles with the way of life of people, he arranged the riddles according to the theme of the riddles.

This division is convenient and still exists.

It is believed that the use of riddles in working with children contributes to their development




think correctly, logically, but also correctly express your thought, putting it into precise





narration of speech patterns, grammatical structures, special composition.

To arouse children's interest and need for proof when guessing

riddles with I set a specific goal for the child: not just to guess the riddle, but to prove that

the guess is correct. I teach children to perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in their entirety.

completeness and depth of connections and relationships. I introduce you in advance to those objects and phenomena about

be offered



Systematic work to develop children's skills

evidentiary speech at

explaining riddles, develops the ability to use varied and interesting arguments

to better justify the guess. In order for children to quickly master the descriptive form of speech,

we turn










develop a taste for precise and figurative words. Taking into account the material of the riddle, we will teach children





syntactic structures.





logical task - entertaining, i.e. we can conclude that the riddle is a logical




riddles gives children the opportunity not only to understand expressions of folk wisdom, but also in their

basis to draw logical conclusions.

Work system.














logical thinking for older children. So I decided to level up







activities with children. Drew up a long-term work plan for joint activities with

children in neighborhoods.

Since the basis for solving riddles is a fairly complete understanding of

objects and phenomena, I took into account the children’s experience, both collective and individual.

Therefore, the first stage in my work is the preparatory stage.

Considering the variety of riddles, in my work I use those that are age-appropriate,

mental development and individual characteristics of the child, and use methodological

sequence (from simple to complex);

consistency (use of riddles on a passable lexical topic).

The first type of preparatory work is an excursion, which is carried out at all times

of the year. During the excursion, I explain unclear words, concentrate children’s attention, and enrich

vocabulary, develop memory and teach you to think logically, since children are constantly faced with

questions: Why? For what? For what?

II type of preparatory work - examination of objects associated with a certain

lexical topic.

Let me give you one example. Topic: “Transport”

We are looking at a bicycle. We determine the signs of appearance: what does a bicycle have? (Wheels

The big one has 2, the small one has 3, pedals, steering wheel, seat, trunk, bell); character

movement (a bicycle rides on the road, a bicycle is ridden on the street); purpose (needed,

so that children and adults can ride it). The knowledge gained during examination is

basis for solving the riddle:

“Miracle, miracle. miracles.

Podmoy two wheels,

I spin them with my feet

And I swing, I swing, I swing.”

After looking at the object, most children guess the riddle correctly. Thus,

by examining various objects, children learn to identify essential features, connections,

dependencies, note the features of appearance, the material from which they are made,

purpose, method of using objects.

III type of preliminary work - comparison.

Carrying out preliminary work, I teach children to peer into phenomena, compare them, see

general and distinctive, asking questions to encourage you to find words and expressions to denote

seen: “What does it look like?”, “What can you compare with?”, “What words can you say about

this?" The more varied the comparisons are, the easier it is for children to learn figurative meaning.

figurative expressions, which is necessary when solving riddles.

IV type of preliminary work - tactile sensations.

A child's mental development is more successful if he receives a large amount

information from your senses. Therefore, at the preparatory stage, work begins with

education of tactile memory. In the process of work, I teach children to recognize objects by touch,

distinguish between heat and cold, metal, wood, soft and hard objects, size, quantity,

smell, taste.

Having carried out the above preliminary work, I began to make riddles of 3 types, taking into account

their vocabulary, auditory perception, memory, mental operations and individual


1 type of riddles - descriptive, in which epithets are mainly used.

“White, fluffy, jumps deftly, nibbles carrots.” (Hare).

Type II - comparison riddles.

"There are arrows above the eyes

A boy and a girl.

Who did it so cleverly

Above the eyes?

This is...” (brows)

III type - metaphorical riddles, built on the principle of complete replacement of one

concepts to others based on their similarities.

“We have a robot in our apartment,

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it hums like a TU airliner.”

In my work I used the following methods:


Observation. For example, to solve the riddle “I swam in water, but remained dry,”

you need to observe this feature of the goose, to understand why the bird’s feathers after bathing

remain dry. This can be seen on an excursion to the reservoir or by watching

video film

Display of paintings and toys. For example, “The baby is dancing, but there is only one leg”

(top) i.e. in this case, the riddle is built on knowledge of such properties, objects in

process of action with him.

Examination of paintings, toys, objects, etc. For example, after

while looking at mushrooms, children are asked riddles about mushrooms. For example, “I was born in

rainy day under a young aspen tree. Round, smooth, beautiful. With a fat one

stem and straight” (boletus). The listed features, formed in the form

artistic description in a riddle, are realized more deeply, and therefore more firmly assimilated.


2.1. Conversations within the framework of the lexical topic being studied. For example, you need to ask questions

of a dispersive nature, revealing to the child the one-sidedness of the answer. So a riddle

“The snowball melts, the meadow comes to life, the day comes when this happens.”

2.2. Children's statements from personal experience.

2.3.Reading fiction.

2.4. Problem situations.

3. Practical.

3.1. Didactic games for classifying objects based on any attribute.

For example, “Who needs this?”, “What is it made of?”.

3.2. Speech games. For example, “Who’s the odd one out?” Children guess 3–4 riddles, one about

animals, the rest are about birds. And they choose who is the odd one out, justifying their answer.

3.3. Outdoor games.

3.4. Dramatization games. Here we use riddles - decoys, riddles - rhymes,



3.6.Graphic riddles.

3.7. Problematic - search activity. For example, in order to solve the riddle “It does not burn in fire,

does not sink in water” (ice). We need to conduct experiments with ice. They will be the key to the answer.

3.8. Mathematical riddles.

Thus, the system of work on the formation of verbal and logical thinking

senior preschool age through a riddle involves the development of thinking in all types


You can use riddles in joint activities, both in routine moments and in












All work is carried out in close cooperation with the parents of the students. For

To achieve this, active forms and methods of work are used: joint leisure and entertainment,






consultations. Work is also carried out closely with specialists from preschool educational institutions of music.




are being developed



themed days and weeks using riddles, including riddles of the Tver region.

Together with the “Regional Station of Young Naturalists of the Tver Region” it was held

thematic event “The Red Book of the Tver Region in riddles and pictures.”


A riddle is of great importance in the development and formation of a child’s personality. The easier

the child guesses, the higher his intellect, because here it is necessary to develop the most developed mental

processes: imagination, representation, memory, generalization, perception (form, size),

hearing development.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude: if systematically, consistently

work on guessing and making riddles, increase the level of verbal and logical

thinking in older children.


Types of riddles with examples

1. Direct riddles in which, with the help of allegories, direct and indirect features,

a mysterious object or phenomenon. They can be either colloquial or poetic.

Spoken form:

What is it: it doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house?

Answer: castle.

2. Trick riddles differ in that they imply one solution, but in fact,

behind a play on words or other deceptive device, lies something completely different.

An example of a children's riddle:

Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course it's...

(Bear\ Squirrel)

3. Riddles for imaginative thinking are usually resolved if the issue is not considered

literally, but figuratively or broadly. Include in the decision plane factors that can

be implied because of an ambiguous interpretation of the question or the words in it

are used.

The three tractor drivers have a brother, Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers. Could this be possible?

Answer: (Yes, if the tractor drivers are women).

4. Math riddles are solved using calculations, but often imply

use of both figurative and logical thinking. And sometimes it’s pure mathematics, but

framed in figurative folk speech.

5. Plot riddles

There is a special category of plot riddles in which the plot plays the main role, being

simultaneously a background and a set of conditions of the riddle.

6. Logic riddles are solved by checking the truth of each judgment according to

individually and various combinations of judgments. Also, they can always be solved using

logical equations.

7. Humorous(stupid) riddles are usually not solved, but have the character of an anecdote,

simply expressed in the form of a riddle or question.

What is this? green, white, square and flies?

Answer: Square white and green watermelon!

Methods and techniques used when working with riddles





Toy show,

illustrations and videos;

Looking at paintings and


Statements from personal



Problem situations.

Didactic games;

Speech games;

Outdoor games;

Dramatization games;

Experiences, excursions;


Graphic and

math problems;

Types of joint activities with children that use riddles

Educational activities and activities in

regime moments

Leisure activities

Problem situations

Theatrical activities

Story-based role-playing games


What? Where? When?

Organizational aspects

Evenings of entertainment



Theatrical activities


Physical education

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