Parent meeting features children 5 6 years. Reflection "Wish Tree"

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Parent meeting in the preschool educational institution on the topic: "Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old." Abstract

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach - on - Don.
Work description: I bring to your attention a summary of the parent meeting in kindergarten on the topic: "Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old." This material will be useful to teachers of early childhood development schools, primary school teachers, preschool teachers and parents.

Target: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
- To form the knowledge of parents about the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old;
- To improve the pedagogical culture and literacy of parents;
- Discuss issues of educational and educational activities in kindergarten and family.
Conduct form: conversation-dialogue of educators with parents of children
Members: parents, teachers, children.
Implementation plan
1. Introductory part.
2. Pedagogical general education.
3. Selection of the composition of the parent committee.
4. Performance of children.
5. Warm up.
6. Presentation of certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks.
7. Final part.
Event progress
I Preparatory stage.
1. Individual invitations for parents.
2. Design of the group, musical accompaniment.
3. Production of scenery and costumes.
4. Preparation of thank you letters.
5. Selection of methodological information.
6. Development of a draft decision of the parent meeting at a meeting of the parent committee.
1. Introductory part.
Nice music sounds. Parents are seated at tables.
Leading: Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you. Today we will talk about the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old, discuss issues of educational and educational activities.
The educator informs the parents about the daily routine of the group, the educational programs according to which the educational process is carried out, about the schedule of directly educational activities (the schedule of classes).
2. Pedagogical general education. Age features of children 5-6 years old.
The age of 5-6 years is the senior preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the cognitive sphere of the child, intellectual and personal. It can be called the basic age, when many personal aspects are laid in the child, all the moments of the formation of the “I” position are worked out. It is 90% of the laying of all personality traits of the child is laid at the age of 5-6 years. A very important age when we can understand what a person will be like in the future.
At the age of 5 to 6 years, changes occur in the child's ideas about himself; the evaluations and opinions of their comrades become essential to them. Increased selectivity and stability of relationships with peers. Children explain their preferences by the success of this or that child in the game (“It is interesting to play with him,” etc.) or by his positive qualities (“She is good,” “He does not fight,” etc.). Children's communication becomes less situational. They willingly talk about what happened to them: where they were, what they saw, etc. Children listen carefully to each other, emotionally empathize with the stories of friends.
At this age, a system of primary gender identity is formed in a child according to essential features (female and male qualities, features of the manifestation of feelings, emotions, specific behavior, appearance, profession). When justifying the choice of peers of the opposite sex, boys rely on such qualities of girls as beauty, tenderness, affection, and girls - on such qualities as strength, the ability to stand up for another. In game interaction, a significant place begins to be occupied by a joint discussion of the rules of the game. Children often try to control each other's actions - they indicate how this or that character should behave. In cases of conflicts during the game, children explain their actions to partners or criticize their actions, referring to the rules. When children of this age distribute roles for the game, one can sometimes observe attempts to jointly solve problems (“Who will ...?”). At the same time, the coordination of actions, the distribution of responsibilities in children most often arises in the course of the game itself.
Large motor skills become more perfect: the child runs well on toes, jumps over a rope, alternately on one and the other leg, rides a two-wheeled bicycle, skates. Complex movements appear: it can walk along a narrow bench and at the same time even step over a small obstacle; can hit the ball on the ground with one hand several times in a row. The posture of children is actively formed, the correct manner of holding on. Endurance (the ability to exercise for a sufficiently long time) and strength qualities (the child's ability to use small efforts for a sufficiently long time) develop. Dexterity and the development of fine motor skills are manifested in a higher degree of independence of the child during self-service: children practically do not need the help of an adult when dressing and putting on shoes. Some of them can handle laces - thread them into a boot and tie them in a bow.
By the age of 5, they have a fairly large stock of ideas about the environment, which they receive through their activity, the desire to ask questions and experiment.
Ideas about the basic properties of objects deepen: the child knows the primary colors well and has ideas about shades (for example, he can show two shades of the same color: light red and dark red); can tell how geometric shapes differ from each other; compare a large number of objects with each other in size.
At the age of 5-6, visual-figurative thinking acquires leading importance, which allows the child to solve more complex problems using generalized visual aids (diagrams, drawings, etc.).
For children of this age, the correct pronunciation of sounds becomes the norm. Comparing his speech with the speech of adults, a preschooler can detect his own speech shortcomings.
A child of the sixth year of life freely uses the means of intonational expressiveness: he can read poetry sadly, cheerfully or solemnly, he is able to adjust the volume of his voice and the pace of speech depending on the situation (read poetry loudly at a holiday or quietly share his secrets, etc.). Children begin to use generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, shades of meanings of words, polysemantic words. The children's vocabulary is actively replenished with nouns denoting the names of professions, social institutions (library, post office, supermarket, sports club, etc.); verbs denoting the labor actions of people of different professions, adjectives and adverbs reflecting the quality of actions, the attitude of people to professional activities. Uses synonyms, antonyms in speech; words denoting the materials from which objects are made (paper, wood, etc.).
The reading circle of a 5-6 year old child is replenished with works on a variety of topics, including those related to family problems, relationships with adults, peers, and the history of the country. The kid is able to retain a large amount of information in memory, reading with continuation is available to him. The practice of text analysis, work with illustrations contribute to the deepening of the reader's experience. At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the outside world, expanding his horizons. The best way to get exactly scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, in which any information about the world around is clearly, scientifically, accessible to a child. The child will get an idea about the cosmos, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.
By the age of 6, a child freely names his first name, last name, address, parents' names and their professions.
When listening to music, children show greater concentration and attentiveness. Creative manifestations of musical activity become more conscious and directed (the image, means of expression are thought out and consciously selected by children).
In visual activity, children can also depict what they have planned. The development of fine motor skills affects the improvement of image technique: preschoolers can draw narrow and wide lines with paint (with the end of the brush and flat), draw rings, arcs, make a triple stroke from one point, mix paint on a palette to get light, dark and new shades, whiten the main tone to get a lighter shade, apply one paint to another. Children are happy to circle the drawings along the contour, shade the figures.
Older preschoolers are able to sculpt from a whole piece of clay (plasticine), modeling the shape with their fingertips, smooth out the joints, pull the details away from the main form with their fingers, decorate their work with the help of stacks and moldings, paint them.
Practical skills of working with scissors are improved: children can cut out circles from squares, ovals from rectangles, transform one geometric figure into another: a square - into several triangles, a rectangle - into stripes, squares and small rectangles; create images of various objects or decorative compositions from cut figures.
3. Selection of the composition of the parent committee.
4. Performance of children. Scene: "How Masha went for mushrooms."

Leading: Early in the morning Masha came out to the yard.
And there she was met by Autumn.
Autumn: Hello Masha, here I am Autumn.
Masha: Hello, autumn.
Autumn: I came to visit.
I dressed the forest and parks in my multi-colored outfit.
Both aspens and mountain ash appeared as if on a parade.
And mushrooms grew in the forest-forest,
Large, large, painted hats.
Masha: I'm going to pick mushrooms.
Leading: Masha took a basket and went into the forest.
Oily: We are Butter babies and we taste good.
Masha: I take oil.
Boletus: Under the aspens on a hummock, a mushroom in a raspberry scarf,
Call a boletus.
Masha: And you have to take it.
Chanterelles: And we are red Chanterelles, we are cheerful sisters.
We are always easy to find, we are waiting for everyone on the forest path.
Masha: Oh, how many of you are in the forest, I will take them all and carry them away.
boletus: I grow under a slender birch.
Who will be able to find me, He will not regret.
Masha: Yes, it's a boletus.
Toadstool: Multi-colored Grebes themselves climb into the clearings.
Masha: I bypass them, I do not need any.
Ginger: Next to the needles Ryzhik under the trees.
Masha: I take.
Fly agaric: I am a handsome fly agaric. On a white leg.
I am in a red hat with polka dots on the hat.
At least it’s time to reign, I’m Amanita.
Masha: He is proud of his beauty, but he is not good for food.
Porcini: I am a white mushroom, I am a bold mushroom.
In a thick hat on one side,
The leg is strong as a stump.
Masha: I take the porcini mushroom.
I had a nice time, I found a lot of mushrooms!
The heat began to subside, it's time for me to go home.
5. Warm up. Riddles about mushrooms.
1. This mushroom lives under a spruce, under its huge shadow.
Wise bearded old man, resident of the forest - ... (boletus)
2. Brothers are sitting on a stump.
All - freckled rascals.
These friendly guys are called ... (honey mushrooms)
3. There are no mushrooms friendlier than these, - adults and children know, -
They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose. (Honey mushrooms)
4. A cake lies on the ground, it grows from the rain,
Just touch it a little, it will immediately break!
Puff! And the fire escaped with a smoky cloud of spores! (Raincoat)
5. If they are found in the forest,
Immediately remember the fox.
Redhead sisters
They are called ... (chanterelles)
6. It looks like an umbrella,
Only a hundred times less.
If there is a storm on the horizon,
He is very happy.
If it's raining and warm
He considers himself lucky! (Mushroom)
7. Guess guys:
His hat is furry.
Mushroom, like a pink ear.
What is his name? (Volnushka)
8. This cute little fungus
I chose a quiet place.
Cut it off with a knife
After all, it is edible ... (Russula)
9. She is angry with mushrooms
And venomous with anger.
Here is a forest hooligan!
This is pale ... (Toadstool)
10. You will find this mushroom in spring
At the edge of the forest.
All wrinkled old man
With a funny name ... (morel)
6. Presentation of certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks.
7. Final part.
Reflection (questionnaire of parents in order to identify their opinions on the meeting held on the points:
1) Was the information given at the meeting useful to you?
2) What are your suggestions and wishes regarding the holding of meetings?
Parent meeting decision:
1. Approve the composition of the parent committee (list the names of the parents who are members of the parent committee).
2. Creation of a favorable climate for the upbringing, education and development of children in kindergarten and at home.
Thank you for your time and attention. Goodbye.

Lazareva Irina Yurievna, teacher

MBDOU kindergarten "Sun", Danilov

Goals: familiarization of parents of pupils with the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old. Creating an emotionally positive attitude to work together.

1. To form an active pedagogical position of parents, the correct attitude towards the individual characteristics of their child.
2. Promote the desire and ability of parents to communicate with the child as an independent person.
3. To develop in parents the ability to find the best ways to solve problem situations and behavioral strategies in this case.

Conduct form: round table.

Members: group educators, parents.

Material: presentation "Age characteristics of the development of children of senior preschool age", a memo for parents "Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old", test forms for parents "Me and my child", prizes for participation in the exhibition "Autumn Fantasy".

Event progress.

Good evening dear parents! We are glad to see you at our parent meeting dedicated to the age characteristics of older preschool children.

I propose to begin our meeting with games "Wish" or ("Compliment"). The rule is simple: you need to introduce yourself and say some wish or compliment to your neighbor sitting next to you, passing the autumn leaf as a symbol of the coming autumn. Purpose of the game: establish contact between parents, form a positive attitude.

On that positive note, we will continue. Dear parents! What are children aged 5-6? Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children, their age characteristics. This is what I will briefly tell you about.

Anatomical and physiological features. The age of 5-7 years is called "period of the first stretch". In a year, a child can grow by 5-10 cm. According to average data, the height of a five-year-old child is about 106-107 cm, body weight is 17-18 kg. By the age of six, the large muscles of the trunk and limbs are well developed in the child, but small muscles are still weak, especially hands. The spinal column of a child of five to seven years old is sensitive to deforming influences. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the feasibility of the loads. Keeping track of the posture of the child is a prerequisite for its normal development! In children of this age, incompleteness of the structure of the foot is also observed. It is necessary to listen to children's complaints of fatigue and pain in the legs when walking and standing.

Psychological picture. Children have entered the senior preschool age. For the first time, they begin to feel like the oldest among the other children in kindergarten. This is the beginning of active preparation for school. This is the most important period of personality formation. The child develops the ability to imagine and keep in mind a chain of interrelated events. This allows him to understand the past and the future, to accumulate knowledge. The child tries to restore the line of his own life, to remember how small he was, asks adults questions about this: what he ate, how he spoke, how he slept. Children are concerned about the most important issues of life, they know how to restrain feelings and arbitrarily control their behavior. They need an interlocutor with whom they could discuss exciting topics. Five year olds are in love. The object of love can be a person of any age. With love comes jealousy. Often, boys begin to be jealous of their mother for their father, and the girl - on the contrary. This gives rise to aggressive attacks. If until now the child was mainly interested in the world around him, then at the age of five he appears interest in human relationships. The adult's assessments are critically analyzed and compared with their own.

An older preschooler is able to distinguish the whole range of human emotions, he develops stable feelings and relationships. Formed "higher feelings": moral, intellectual, aesthetic. Moral feelings include a sense of pride, a sense of shame, a sense of friendship.
Intellectual feelings include curiosity, curiosity, sense of humor, surprise. Aesthetic feelings include the feeling of the beautiful, the feeling of the heroic.

At this age, the child needs to form a habit moral behaviour. The moral development of an older preschooler directly depends on the degree of participation of an adult in it, since it is in communication with an adult that a child learns and comprehends moral norms and rules. Against the background of emotional dependence on the assessments of an adult, the child develops a claim to recognition, expressed in the desire to obtain approval, praise, and confirm his significance. Quite often, at this age, children develop such a trait as deceit, that is, a deliberate distortion of the truth. The development of this trait is facilitated by a violation of parent-child relationships, when a loved one blocks the development of a child's self-confidence with excessive severity or a negative attitude. And in order not to lose the trust of an adult, and often to protect himself from attacks, the child begins to come up with an excuse for his missteps, to shift the blame onto others.

Senior preschool age is very importantin the development of the cognitive, intellectual and personal spheres of the child. Many personal aspects are laid, the main character traits of the child are formed. Already now you can understand what a person will be like in the future. A child is like a sponge soaking up all the cognitive information. It has been scientifically proven that at this age, a person remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything connected with the outside world, his horizons are expanding. The best way to get scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia. There is a development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. This period is called sensitive- especially sensitive for the development of cognitive processes. It is very useful to play word games with children, as the child already uses synonyms, antonyms in his speech, distinguishes between vowels and consonants, can determine the number of syllables in words, the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end of a word). The designer develops logical thinking well, an important point is folding according to the pattern-sample. Cubes, puzzles, various puzzles, where tasks are based on specific, thematic classification, make the child's attention, visual perception and thinking work.

You can learn more about the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old from the memo that we offer you. Parents are given memo "Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old."

It is important for you as his parents:

- Respect his fantasies and versions without grounding his thinking. Distinguishing "lies" is a defensive fantasizing and just a game of the imagination.
- Support in the child the desire for positive self-expression, allowing his talents and abilities to develop, but not exploiting them. Try to provide the child with opportunities for a wide variety of creativity.
- Be attentive to the desires of the child, but be able to set a boundary where his desires are harmful to himself or violate the boundaries of the people around him.
- Provide the child with the opportunity to communicate with peers, helping your baby only in case of his emotional difficulties, discussing the current difficult situation and together considering options for getting out of it. Provide communication with loved ones, organizing holidays with the whole family, discussing joint plans with the child.
- Gradually reduce control and guardianship. It is important to rejoice at the independent successes of the child, and support him in case of problems, jointly analyzing the causes of failure.
- Remember that at this age (and always) your child will be more willing to respond to a request for help than to a duty. Realize that by referring to him as an assistant, you are developing an “adult” position in him more. By making him a subordinate, you develop his "infantile-childish" component.
- If possible, do not be frightened and do not evade questions that are “uncomfortable”, but very important for the child. Answer clearly and as simply as possible only to those questions that he asks, without spreading and without complicating. Be able to explain to him the specifics of the difference between the sexes in his language, in accordance with his age, in case of difficulties, stock up on children's literature on this topic.
— But questions about death should be answered as honestly as possible in accordance with your ideas, including religious ones. Remember that the lack of information on this topic gives rise to fantasies in the child, which can be more disturbing and scarier than reality.
- Help the child (regardless of gender) to cope with fears without judging him or calling him "not to be afraid." Listen carefully to the child and sympathize with him, sharing his worries and anxieties. Support him in the process of living through fear, being around as much as possible, but also gradually giving him the opportunity to cope with something less scary on his own.

The role of parents in raising a child is irreplaceable. For each parent, their child is the best, the most educated, the most, the most. I suggest you take a break and play a little. Game "Bragging". Each parent should boast of some quality or skill of their child.

Dear parents, you are the main "designers and builders" of the child's personality. I offer you test "Me and my child", which will complement your idea of ​​yourself as a parent, help you draw certain conclusions about the problems of raising children.

Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you for your attention! We wish you success in raising children!

Parent-teacher meeting

Age features of the development of children 5-6 years old

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 5-6 years old; to acquaint parents with the features of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year.

Conduct form: meeting.

Members: educator, speech therapist, parents.

Implementation plan

1. Introductory part.

2. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year.

3. Speech by the teacher Mamontova N.V. "Age features

children 5-6 years old.

4. Features of the educational process in the senior group.

5. Speech by speech therapist Ivanova T.V. "The specifics of training and

raising children in

6. Election of the composition of the parent committee.

7. Miscellaneous.

Event progress

Parents come in, sit down randomly.

    Introductory part.

Educator. Good evening dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! And I propose to begin our meeting.

    Congratulations to parents on the start of the school year.

    Educator's speech: Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old

Each child develops in his own way, each has his own way and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children - these are age-related features.

Whether educational activity will be joyful for a child or, conversely, will be overshadowed by failures, largely depends on us adults, because a child's cognitive interest should be formed in the preschool years.

Your attention is invited to a general age portrait of a child of 5-6 years old, with indicators of different aspects of his development.

The age of 5 - 6 years is the senior preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the cognitive sphere of the child, intellectual and personal.

At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the outside world, expanding his horizons. The best way to get exactly scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, in which any information about the world around is clearly, scientifically, accessible to a child. The child will get an idea about the cosmos, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.

This period is called sensitive, i.e. most favorable for the development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. For the development of all these aspects, the game material becomes more complicated, it becomes logical, intellectual, when the child has to think and reason.

Good at this age to play with the child inword games , since the child already uses synonyms, antonyms in his speech, distinguishes between vowels and consonants, can determine the number of syllables in words, the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word). Below are some of these games.

Constructor well develops logical thinking. Here, the important point is folding according to the scheme - a sample, starting with simple patterns. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape, size.

Develop all analyzers - visual, logical, verbal - variouslogical tables.

For example, the game "The Fourth Extra" - the pictures show various objects. Of the four items, one is redundant. The child must think

and choose this extra item and say why it is superfluous.

"Put it in order." A number of illustrations are offered, related to one topic, but decomposed incorrectly. The child must determine which of the illustrations depicts what happened earlier or later - that is, put it in order. Here the child must see the sequence,

follow the logical pattern and justify.

At the age of five, the cognitive and intellectual spheres are actively developing. And the better developed attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination, the better and faster the child develops, the better he is ready for school.

Development of mental processes:


A 5-year-old child is able to complete a task without being distracted for 10-15 minutes;

Keep 6-7 objects in sight;

Find 5-6 differences between objects;

Complete tasks independently according to the proposed model;

Find 4-5 pairs of identical objects;

Inability to switch attention quickly and often.


Memorize 6-8 pictures within 1-2 minutes;

Recite several poems by heart;

Retell the read work close to the text;

compare two images from memory;

easier to remember visual images than verbal reasoning;

Involuntary memory predominates.


Determine the sequence of events;

Fold a cut picture of 9 parts;

Find and explain discrepancies in drawings;

Find and explain the differences between objects and phenomena;

Find among the proposed 4 items superfluous, explain your choice.


Has a fairly rich vocabulary (3.5 - 7 thousand words).

Can participate in the conversation, express their opinion.

To be able to reasonably and kindly evaluate the answer, the statement of a peer.

Compose a story according to the model according to the plot picture, according to a set of pictures; consistently, without significant omissions, retell small literary works.

Determine the place of a sound in a word.

Be able to select several adjectives for nouns; replace words with another word with a similar meaning.


Count within 10.

Correctly use quantitative and ordinal numbers (within 10), answers the questions: "How much?". "Which one?"

Compare objects by eye (length, width, height, thickness); checks for accuracy by a certain overlay or application.

Place objects of various sizes (up to 7-10) in ascending, descending order of their length, width, height, thickness.

Express the location of an object in relation to itself, to other objects.

Knows some characteristic features of familiar geometric shapes.

Name morning, afternoon, evening, night; to have an idea of ​​the change of parts of the day.


Distinguish and name the types of transport, objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life.

Classify objects, determine the materials from which they are made.

Know the name of your hometown, country, its capital, home address, and. O. parents, their profession.

To know about the interaction of man with nature at different times of the year.

Know about the importance of the sun, air, water for humans, animals, plants.

Carefully treats nature.

Socio-moral development:

A child at this age independently greets, says goodbye, thanks;

Strives for empathy, protection, understanding from adults;

Shows a sense of affection and sympathy for people;

Demonstrates skills of interaction with children;

Actively involved in joint play, cognitive and creative activities with peers.

Personal development:

Wants to show himself to the world;

He often draws attention to himself, because. he needs a witness to his self-expression;

Strives for greater independence;

He really wants to be like adults significant to him;

Shows strong-willed efforts in overcoming difficulties.

Begins to ask questions related to death.

Game activity:

The actions of children in games become diverse.

Children of the 6th year of life can already assign roles before the start of the game and build

their behavior, adhering to the role.


Designs from paper (origami), building materials, designers according to a model, according to a model, according to a scheme, plan; uses different shapes, colors, sizes, materials.

Children learn 2 types of design:

    From natural material to an artistic image (the child completes the natural material to a holistic image, supplementing it with various details)

    From an artistic image to natural material (the child selects the necessary material in order to embody the image).

Visual activity:

This is the age of the most active drawing. During the year, children are able to create up to 2 thousand drawings. The drawings take on a narrative character. The image of a person becomes more detailed and proportional. From the drawing, one can already judge the gender and emotional state of the depicted person.

Labor activity:

Previously mastered types of child labor are performed efficiently, quickly,

consciously. It becomes possible for children to master various types of manual labor.

Hygiene skills:

    the child himself washes himself, brushes his teeth, rinses his mouth; behaves culturally at the table;

    uses a handkerchief as needed;

    independently dresses, undresses, folds clothes, monitors

her neatness;

    positively relates to health and hardening


Relationships with peers:

Able to play with other children without quarreling, following the rules of the game;

Often attracts attention because he needs a witness to his self-expression;

At this age, the child still needs external control - from his playmates. Children control each other first, and then each of himself;

Becomes aware of gender differences

Relationships with adults:

If until the age of 5 the child was interested in the world around him, then after that interest in the relationship of people joins.

He really wants to be like adults significant to him, so he likes to play “adult affairs” and other social games.

Higher feelings are formed:


Feeling of pride


feeling of friendship






Sense of beauty

Feeling heroic

5-year-old children are amorous. The object of love can be a person of any age. With love comes jealousy. Boys begin to be jealous of their mother to their father, and girls, on the contrary, of their father to their mother.

This gives rise to aggressive attacks.

Often at this age, such a trait as deceit appears, i.e. deliberate distortion of the truth.

The main character trait of the child “I” is formed - the position.

You can already understand what the child will be like in the future.

An important indicator of this age of 5-6 years is the child's evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, they can give personal characteristics to their peers, notice the relationship between an adult and an adult or an adult and a child. But parents continue to be an example for children.

If parents carry positive information, if the child has a good soul, there is no fear, resentment, anxiety, then any information

(personal and intellectual) can be laid in a child.

Take care of the psyche of children.

    Features of the educational process in the senior group.

Teacher message

The teacher tells parents about the daily routine, educational programs, according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of education and training, about the main activities and types of children's activities (class grid).

    Speech therapist "The specifics of teaching and educating children in

speech therapy group. The role of the family in overcoming speech defects.

Implementation plan :

1. What is "speech therapy"? What is a speech pathologist?
2. Features of speech therapy work:
- the content of speech therapy work;
- forms of speech therapy.
3. Familiarization of parents with the results of examination of the speech of children of the senior speech therapy group.
4. The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in children.
5. The positive aspects of teaching and raising children in speech therapy groups.


1. Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders, their correction through special training and education.
The term "speech therapy" is derived from the Greek words "logos" (speech, word), "peideo" (educate, teach). What does it mean "education of speech" in translation. Accordingly, a specialist engaged in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist.

2. How does the work of teachers of speech therapy groups differ from work in mass groups of a kindergarten?
In speech therapy groups, specialized work is carried out with children in the following areas:

Formation of the correct sound pronunciation;
- development of articulatory movements, movements of the organs of speech (lips, cheeks, tongue);
- improvement of phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech, similar in sound, articulation;
- improvement of the grammatical structure of speech;
- enrichment, activation of the vocabulary of speech;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparation of the hand for writing;
- the development of coherent speech, which implies the ability to compose stories, retell texts, recite poems, riddles, proverbs;
- improvement of the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, correct breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All of the above work is carried out in speech therapy groups in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, in individual work. In addition, educators work on the development of speech every day, using regime moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.

3. Work in speech therapy groups is divided into 3 periods depending on the time and correctional tasks. At the moment, the first period of training lasts. One of the main tasks of this period is the examination of children's speech, which is carried out in September. The examination of speech was carried out with each child separately, the results of the examination and questioning of parents were entered into the children's speech cards. You can get acquainted with speech cards on an individual basis. What did the examination reveal?
Of course, violations of sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing sounds, sounds L and R). But, in addition, common to all children of the group is a violation called General Underdevelopment of Speech III level. This violation is characterized by such features as the unformed grammatical structure of speech, a poor vocabulary, the inability to compose a complete story with detailed sentences, and the imperfection of grammatical processes. Of course, within the framework of this disorder, the level of speech development of all children is different. You can learn more about the results of the survey on an individual basis after the meeting.

4. What is the role of the family, parents in overcoming speech disorders in children?
Do not think that speech defects will disappear by themselves over time. To overcome them, systematic, long-term corrective work is needed, in which parents play a significant role, since the child spends more time at home with people close to him. Parents should form the correct attitude towards a speech disorder in a child:

Do not scold the child for incorrect speech;
- unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation;
- do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;
- to carry out a positive attitude of the child to classes with teachers.

In addition, parents themselves must learn how to perform and show the child simple articulation exercises to prepare the speech apparatus for the correct sound pronunciation. Parents should pay special attention to homework. The speech therapist writes down advice, comments and recommendations on an individual basis.
I note that there are certain rules for working in home notebooks:

Notebooks are picked up every day;
- tasks for the development of fine motor skills of hands (drawing, shading, etc.) are performed with pencils;
- all speech material must be worked out, i.e. parents should achieve the correct and clear performance of the task by the child, even by memorization;
- assignments should be read to the child;
- all tasks are completed.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child's speech environment. Parents should monitor the correctness of their own speech. Speech should be clear, concise, literate, expressive. Read poems, fairy tales, riddles more often at home, sing songs. On the street, watch birds, trees, people, natural phenomena, discuss what you see with your children. Avoid frequent TV viewing, especially adult content. Play with your child, establish verbal, emotional contact.

5. What are the advantages of your child attending a speech therapy group? This:

Correction of sound pronunciation;
- formation of competent, expressive speech;
- teaching reading and writing in the preparatory group;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands, preparation of the hand for writing at school;
- enhanced preparation for school through additional classes on the development of speech, reading and writing, graphics;
- individual approach to the child;
- improvement of mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

I would like to note that only in close cooperation of the family and teachers, it is possible to achieve a good, high-quality and relatively quick result in the correction and development of the child's speech. Continuity in the work of the family and kindergarten is carried out through individual consultations, visual information for parents and in classes that parents can attend by agreement with teachers.

Training for parents "Articulation gymnastics" will be held at individual consultations.

Thank you for your attention.

    Election of the members of the parent committee.

Parents are invited to discuss the nominations. Parental votes are counted, the results are announced, and the personal composition of the group's parent committee is discussed. The parent committee is approved by direct vote.



    The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with kind

thoughts, kind words, good deeds.

2. Be always friendly. Friendliness is the foundation of your health.

3. Live easily, simply and joyfully. See the positive in everything.

4. Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you do will always

will come back to you magnified many times over.

5. Be always in balance, holding back negative emotions.

6. Do not create conflict situations.

7. Get out of conflict situations with dignity and humor.

8. Love the child for who he is.

9. Respect the personality in every child.

10. When your child is talking to you, listen carefully. Not

skimp on the praise.

11. Notice not the shortcomings of the child, but the dynamics of his development.

12. Praise, encourage, approve, creating a positive

emotional atmosphere.

All the best. Thank you for your cooperation!

Parent meeting decision:

1. Establish a schedule for group parent meetings - 1 time per quarter. The start time of the parent meeting is 18:00.

2. Approve the parent committee in the following composition: Suchkova Lyudmila Leonidovna; Rychagova Olga Vladimirovna; Bunkova Irina Vladimirovna; Zharova Elena Petrovna

3. Take note of the speeches of the educator and speech therapist.

4. Teachers and parents should interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating favorable conditions for the education of children in the existing team.

5. If possible, update the game material in the group.

Parent meeting in the senior group

"Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old"

Prepared and conducted

Educators Zhitlova N.G. Zolina T.P.

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: to acquaint parents with the tasks and age characteristics of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year; update the personal data of the families of pupils; to teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace.

Conduct form: meeting.

Members: teacher, parents.

Implementation plan

1. Introductory part.

2. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year.

3. Speech by the educator “Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old.

Event progress

I. Preparatory stage

1. Making autumn leaves for the game.

2. Draw a tree and a suitcase on paper.

3. Preparation of a memo for parents.

II. Organizational stage

Parents come in, sit down randomly. Everyone has a felt-tip pen, an autumn leaf, a questionnaire on the table.

Music is played, helping to relieve fatigue, setting up to work together. The tables are arranged in a semicircle. There is a painted tree on the easel, a suitcase is prepared on the round table.

III. Introductory part

Educator. Good evening dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! Today we have a holiday. Try to guess which one. Our children turned 5 years old, they moved to the senior group of kindergarten! Let's pass on our wishes to them.

Game "Wish"

Parents stand in a circle, the teacher throws a ball around the circle.

You roll, funny ball

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a funny ball

That wish will tell us.

Age features of children 5-6 years old

Your child is 5 years old. He turned into a visionary that even Andersen would envy. The child is ready to turn his fantasies into reality all day long. He believes in miracles and sees them everywhere. This is a very creative, exciting period in your child's life. It depends only on you that his non-standard logical thinking and imagination do not fade away, develop. Let there be a place in your house for both computer games and fairy tales invented by your children. Good luck to you!

motor skills

Between the ages of five and six, your child makes even greater advances in motor skills and strength. The speed of movements continues to increase, their coordination noticeably improves. Now he can already perform 2-3 types of motor skills at the same time: run, catch the ball, dance. The child loves to run and compete. He can play sports games on the street for more than an hour without stopping, run up to 200 m. He learns to skate, ski, roller skate, if he has not yet learned how, then he can easily master swimming.

emotional development

The child already has their own ideas about beauty. Some enjoy listening to classical music. The child learns to throw out part of the emotions in his favorite activities (drawing, dancing, games, etc.), and strive to control them, tries to restrain and hide his feelings (but he may not always be able to do this.) The most difficult thing for children is to cope with their fear . Children may have scary dreams. He learns new concepts: birth, death, illness, disasters, and they are very exciting to him.

social development

From the age of five, the child already clearly knows his gender and does not want to change it even in games. At this age, in the upbringing of a boy, a very important place is given to the father, and for girls - to the mother. Dads teach their sons to be masculine, mothers teach their daughters to be feminine. Only those qualities laid down in childhood harmoniously come into adulthood. The child is laid ideas about the role of the opposite sex in life. The daughter comprehends the role of a man through the behavior of her father, and the boys - the role of a woman, through communication with their mother. After five years, relationships with peers become friendly.

The first friends appear. He spends most of his time with them. There is some separation from the parents. The child can already painlessly endure a short separation from loved ones.

intellectual development

By the age of six, a child can already not only distinguish between animals, but divide them into wild and domestic. Can combine objects according to various characteristics, find similarities and differences between them. After five years, the child is interested not only in the names of objects, but also in what they are made of. He has his own idea of ​​the physical phenomena surrounding him, he can explain what electricity is, a magnet. The child is very well oriented in space: on the street, in familiar rooms, at home. Knows where to buy toys, food, medicines. He is trying to learn the alphabet and learn to read by syllables, and also continues to improve the letter in block letters. Can count (sometimes up to a hundred), add and subtract within ten.

Behavioral features

The child already has his own opinion about everything. Can explain who and why he likes or dislikes. He is observant. He is very interested in everything that happens around him. He seeks to find the causes and connections between various phenomena. The child becomes very independent. If he wants to learn something, he can do new interesting things forI am him occupation for more than half an hour. But switching it to different activities purposefully is still very difficult. The child applies his new knowledge in games, invents the plots of games himself, easily masters complex toys - a designer, a computer). By the age of six, he masters most of the necessary skills and improves them right before your eyes - he becomes more accurate, looks after his appearance - hair, clothes, helps you with the housework.

creative development

The peak of the creative development of the child. He creates without getting tired, barely waking up, turning a simple tulip into an unusual scarlet flower, building houses for aliens. He is very attracted to painting, he can look at paintings and paints for a long time. With pleasure he draws himself, tries to copy something from the picture and invent his own plot. At the age of five, a child expresses his feelings in relation to what he draws with different colors. It is believed that children's drawings are the key to the inner world of a child. Now he already draws a person as he really is, detailing a face with eyes so that he can see, with ears to hear, a mouth to speak and a nose to smell. The drawn man has a neck. It already has clothes, shoes and other details of clothing. The more the picture resembles a real person, the more developed your child is and the better prepared he is at school.

Game "Bragging". Parents write with a felt-tip pen on an autumn piece of paper some quality or skill of their child (for example, my daughter Masha ties her shoelaces best of all).

Game "Suitcase". (You will need a pre-cut briefcase from whatman paper and markers in two colors).

caregiver I ask you to add to this portfolio those qualities that you think are necessary for each of us in communicating with your children. What would you like to change, add, wish each of the teachers. (Parents write qualities, for example: kindness, attention, etc.)


Game "Magic ball"

We invite each of you to wind a thread around your finger and answer the question:What quality do you want to reward your child or bring up in him? What do you think your child is missing? (Everyone winds the thread and names the qualities, the last teacher says his wishes)

caregiver: Our glomerulus is magical and the thread that connected us together is also magical, we will now put it in an envelope and it will be stored until graduation. I am sure that all your wishes will come true, because the word tends to materialize.

All the best. Thank you for your cooperation!


    The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with kind thoughts, kind words, good deeds.

    Always be kind. Friendliness is the foundation of your health.

    Life is easy, simple and joyful. See the positive in everything.

    Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you have done will always come back to you multiplied.

    Be always in balance, holding back negative emotions.

    Do not create conflict situations.

    Deal with conflict situations with dignity and humor.

    Love the child for who he is.

    Respect the personality in every child.

    When your child is talking to you, listen carefully. Don't skimp on praise.

    Notice not the shortcomings of the child, but the dynamics of his development.

    Praise, encourage, approve, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

Each child develops in his own way, each has his own way and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children - these are age-related features.

Whether educational activity will be joyful for a child or, conversely, will be overshadowed by failures, largely depends on us adults, because a child's cognitive interest should be formed in the preschool years.



Parent-teacher meeting

Age features of the development of children 5-6 years old (older group)

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 5-6 years old; to acquaint parents with the features of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year.

Conduct form: presentation

Each child develops in his own way, each has his own way and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children - these are age-related features.

Whether educational activity will be joyful for a child or, conversely, will be overshadowed by failures, largely depends on us adults, because a child's cognitive interest should be formed in the preschool years.

Your attention is invited to a general age portrait of a child of 5-6 years old, with indicators of different aspects of his development.

The age of 5 - 6 years is the senior preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the cognitive sphere of the child, intellectual and personal.

At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the outside world, expanding his horizons. The best way to get exactly scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, in which any information about the world around is clearly, scientifically, accessible to a child. The child will get an idea about the cosmos, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.

This period is called sensitive, i.e. most favorable for the development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. For the development of all these aspects, the game material becomes more complicated, it becomes logical, intellectual, when the child has to think and reason.

Good at this age to play with the child in word games , since the child already uses synonyms, antonyms in his speech, distinguishes between vowels and consonants, can determine the number of syllables in words, the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word). Below are some of these games.

Constructor well develops logical thinking. Here, the important point is folding according to the scheme - a sample, starting with simple patterns. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape, size.

Develop all analyzers - visual, logical, verbal - variouslogical tables.

For example, the game "The Fourth Extra" - the pictures show various objects. Of the four items, one is redundant. The child must think

and choose this extra item and say why it is superfluous.

"Put it in order."A number of illustrations are offered, related to one topic, but decomposed incorrectly. The child must determine which of the illustrations depicts what happened earlier or later - that is, put it in order. Here the child must see the sequence,

follow the logical pattern and justify.

At the age of five, the cognitive and intellectual spheres are actively developing. And the better developed attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination, the better and faster the child develops, the better he is ready for school.

Development of mental processes:


A 5-year-old child is able to complete a task without being distracted for 10-15 minutes;

Keep 6-7 objects in sight;

Find 5-6 differences between objects;

Complete tasks independently according to the proposed model;

Find 4-5 pairs of identical objects;

Inability to switch attention quickly and often.


Memorize 6-8 pictures within 1-2 minutes;

Recite several poems by heart;

Retell the read work close to the text;

compare two images from memory;

easier to remember visual images than verbal reasoning;

Involuntary memory predominates.


Determine the sequence of events;

Fold a cut picture of 9 parts;

Find and explain discrepancies in drawings;

Find and explain the differences between objects and phenomena;

Find among the proposed 4 items superfluous, explain your choice.


Has a fairly rich vocabulary (3.5 - 7 thousand words).

Can participate in the conversation, express their opinion.

To be able to reasonably and kindly evaluate the answer, the statement of a peer.

Compose a story according to the model according to the plot picture, according to a set of pictures; consistently, without significant omissions, retell small literary works.

Determine the place of a sound in a word.

Be able to select several adjectives for nouns; replace words with another word with a similar meaning.


Count within 10.

Correctly use quantitative and ordinal numbers (within 10), answers the questions: "How much?". "Which one?"

Compare objects by eye (length, width, height, thickness); checks for accuracy by a certain overlay or application.

Place objects of various sizes (up to 7-10) in ascending, descending order of their length, width, height, thickness.

Express the location of an object in relation to itself, to other objects.

Knows some characteristic features of familiar geometric shapes.

Name morning, afternoon, evening, night; to have an idea of ​​the change of parts of the day.


Distinguish and name the types of transport, objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life.

Classify objects, determine the materials from which they are made.

Know the name of your hometown, country, its capital, home address, and. O. parents, their profession.

To know about the interaction of man with nature at different times of the year.

Know about the importance of the sun, air, water for humans, animals, plants.

Carefully treats nature.

Socio-moral development:

A child at this age independently greets, says goodbye, thanks;

Strives for empathy, protection, understanding from adults;

Shows a sense of affection and sympathy for people;

Demonstrates skills of interaction with children;

Actively involved in joint play, cognitive and creative activities with peers.

Personal development:

Wants to show himself to the world;

He often draws attention to himself, because. he needs a witness to his self-expression;

Strives for greater independence;

He really wants to be like adults significant to him;

Shows strong-willed efforts in overcoming difficulties.

Begins to ask questions related to death.

Game activity:

The actions of children in games become diverse.

Children of the 6th year of life can already assign roles before the start of the game and build

Your behavior, adhering to the role.


Designs from paper (origami), building materials, designers according to a model, according to a model, according to a scheme, plan; uses different shapes, colors, sizes, materials.

Children learn 2 types of design:

  1. From natural material to an artistic image (the child completes the natural material to a holistic image, supplementing it with various details)
  2. From an artistic image to natural material (the child selects the necessary material in order to embody the image).

Visual activity:

This is the age of the most active drawing. During the year, children are able to create up to 2 thousand drawings. The drawings take on a narrative character. The image of a person becomes more detailed and proportional. From the drawing, one can already judge the gender and emotional state of the depicted person.

Labor activity:

Previously mastered types of child labor are performed efficiently, quickly,

Consciously. It becomes possible for children to master various types of manual labor.

Hygiene skills:

  • the child himself washes himself, brushes his teeth, rinses his mouth; behaves culturally at the table;
  • uses a handkerchief as needed;
  • independently dresses, undresses, folds clothes, monitors

Her neatness;

  • positively relates to health and hardening


Relationships with peers:

Able to play with other children without quarreling, following the rules of the game;

Often attracts attention because he needs a witness to his self-expression;

At this age, the child still needs external control - from his playmates. Children control each other first, and then each of himself;

Becomes aware of gender differences

Relationships with adults:

If until the age of 5 the child was interested in the world around him, then after that interest in the relationship of people joins.

He really wants to be like adults significant to him, so he likes to play “adult affairs” and other social games.

Higher feelings are formed:


Feeling of pride

Feeling of shame

feeling of friendship






Sense of beauty

Feeling heroic

5-year-old children are amorous. The object of love can be a person of any age. With love comes jealousy. Boys begin to be jealous of their mother to their father, and girls, on the contrary, of their father to their mother.

This gives rise to aggressive attacks.

Often at this age, such a trait as deceit appears, i.e. deliberate distortion of the truth.

The main character trait of the child “I” is formed - the position.

You can already understand what the child will be like in the future.

An important indicator of this age of 5-6 years is the child's evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, they can give personal characteristics to their peers, notice the relationship between an adult and an adult or an adult and a child. But parents continue to be an example for children.

If parents carry positive information, if the child has a good soul, there is no fear, resentment, anxiety, then any information

(personal and intellectual) can be laid in a child.

Take care of the psyche of children.

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