Shoe care. How to keep leather shoes in their original condition for as long as possible

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

For this we need

(cleaning from dust and dirt) or (cleaning from shoe cosmetics deposits)

(milk for cleansing, nourishing and restoring the skin)

(cream wax for basic polishing and color restoration. Colors: neutral, black, dark brown, dark blue)

(wax from 7 natural ingredients, polish and shine)

Natural horsehair.

Natural horsehair.

(water-repellent impregnation)

Due to the busy schedule of life in a metropolis, we often miss important details, such as the condition and shine of our own shoes. However, it is in business leather shoes that you will attend one business meeting after another throughout the week.

Especially for the modern gentleman, we have created simple instructions, following which you can become a shoe care professional right now. Having tried most of the shoe care and shoe cosmetics available in the world, for this instruction we have selected the best of them: French Saphir products, a company with more than a century of history. Its products are made only from natural ingredients such as beeswax, mink oil, lanolin oil and jojoba oil. Follow our instructions and try caring for genuine leather shoes at home:

Step 1. Cleaning from dirt

Caring for leather shoes should certainly begin with cleaning. To prepare a pair for deeper cleaning and restoration, you must first remove visible dirt by simply running our natural horsehair brush over the entire shoe

  • If there is dirt, dust or other natural pollutants on your shoes If there are traces of street dirt, stains, salt deposits and other natural pollutants on your shoes, clean them with Saphir Etalon Saddle Soap. To apply the soap you will need a smudge brush. Dip the bristles of the brush into a container of water and grab a small amount of soap. Use the brush in a circular motion over the shoes until the entire surface is covered with soapy foam solution. Wipe the surface with a cotton napkin (or an old cotton T-shirt) and let the shoes dry. Ideally, let the shoes sit overnight.
  • If there are chemical deposits on your shoes If you want to remove care products accumulated on shoes or, as often happens, deposits of low-quality shoe cosmetics, we recommend using Saphir Reno’Mat. Apply a small amount of product to a napkin wrapped around your finger and wipe the dirty areas in a circular motion. Saphir Reno'Mat will effectively dissolve chemical deposits such as silicone residue or old polishing wax.

Which Sapphire product should you choose? For professional care of leather shoes, it is worth having both products, but if you have to choose, take Saphir Etalon saddle soap.

Step 2. Restoring shoes

In case of relatively minor contamination, as well as if comprehensive care has been carried out recently, we recommend immediately starting cleaning with Saphir Leather Lotion. Apply a small amount to your shoes or a cotton cloth tied around your toe. Rub the sapphire product into your shoes using circular motions. Do not forget to periodically change the working area of ​​the napkin, as during cleaning there will be traces of dirt, previously used creams or waxes on it. This is fine.

Leave the shoes on for 10 minutes and then use our brush to move them from side to side. A slight shine will appear on the shoes, as the lotion contains natural wax.

Step 3. Polishing shoes with cream

The next step in the instructions is initial polishing. For this purpose, you should choose high-quality shoe polish made from natural ingredients. Cheap creams containing silicone and rubber contribute to the formation of deposits and can seriously damage leather shoes. One of the best primary polishes in the world is Saphir Pommadier. This cream wax contains only natural ingredients for a natural shine, as well as high-quality coloring pigment to restore the color of leather shoes. To apply the cream evenly, use our applicator brush. Dip the brush into the jar of cream and grab a small amount of cream. Using rotational movements, evenly distribute the cream over the surface of the shoe. You can also use a cotton napkin for application. Ideally, let the shoes sit for one hour, but if this is not the case, 5 minutes will be enough for most of the cream to be absorbed into the shoes. Once the cream has dried, brush the surface of the shoe with a natural horsehair brush. Use a firm, side-to-side brushing motion and light pressure. Repeat the process 2-3 times until a matte shine appears.

Step 4. Final polishing of shoes

If you are satisfied with the matte shine after the previous step, then you can skip this step. However, if you want to get a Mirror Shine effect (shining effect), then Saphir wax is ideal for this. Using a cotton cloth, grab a small layer of wax (the less the better!) and apply it to the front of the shoe in a circular motion with light pressure. One polishing cycle lasts 60-90 seconds. Please note: if wax gets into areas where shoes bend when you walk, unwanted white cracks will appear (if this happens, clean the area with Saphir Reno’Mat). Allow the wax to dry completely and soak in, then use a buffing brush to go over the shoe in a side-to-side motion using light pressure. Repeat the cycle until desired gloss level is achieved. When applying wax, we recommend avoiding shoe bends where the leather is prone to cracking.

Additionally: impregnation of shoes from water and dirt

The final touch remains to complete the professional shoe care. To subsequently protect your updated pair from the unfavorable urban environment, Saphir Super Invulner shoe impregnation is ideal. Saphir water-repellent spray will reliably protect shoes made of suede, nubuck or leather from rain, snow, as well as from the penetration of dirt into the material. Use 1-2 times a month and this silicone-free shoe polish will help maintain the appearance of your shoes for years to come. At this point, care for leather shoes can be considered complete.

Abraham Lincoln was once asked: - Mr. Lincoln, do you clean your own shoes? - Yes. Whose shoes do you clean? It’s not a shame to clean your own shoes, it’s a shame to walk around in a neglected and unkempt state. And this is exactly the impression a person in dirty shoes makes.

Leather shoes are one of the status elements of a wardrobe. High-quality shoes speak about the owner’s financial situation, his taste, desire or unwillingness to follow fashion. Remember the sensational video of the Leningrad group “Exhibit”? It was not for nothing that the heroine attached such importance to the opportunity to “be seen” in Louboutins (reminder: we are talking about expensive shoes by designer Christian Louboutin, the distinctive feature of which is the red sole). The very fact of owning such shoes characterizes it better than any words. But on one condition: they must look brilliant. Good shoes in poor condition ruin all attempts to achieve a stylish and expensive look. And there’s nothing to say about not very expensive shoes. It should look like new, and then no one will wonder about its price and appropriateness in your wardrobe. How to achieve a truly brilliant result? Experts strongly advise starting to care for your shoes immediately after purchase, before a fly has yet sat on them, as they say. Because treatment is always more difficult than prevention, and much less effective.

General rules for extending the active life of shoes

  1. Shoes, like your face, require daily care.
  2. First treat new shoes made of natural and artificial leather with nourishing cream.
  3. Start cleaning only after the shoes are dry. Use brushes and products specifically designed for the material from which it is made.
  4. When putting on boots or shoes, do not twist the backs. Give yourself the trouble to bend over for a shoehorn. By the way, bending down perfectly tightens the stomach.
  5. Do not rush to place wet shoes on the radiator or dry them with a hairdryer. Stuff them with old newspaper or paper and leave them to dry slowly at room temperature. Yes, this will take longer than with a battery, but your shoes will last longer.
  6. Shoes need 24 hours to dry completely, so it is advisable to have at least two pairs of seasonal shoes and wear them in turns.
  7. Use shoes for their intended purpose: sandals - in dry sunny weather, insulated boots - in frost, rubber boots - in rain, and do not mix them up, because inappropriate use of shoes will wear them out quickly and fatally.

How to properly care for smooth skin

Leather can be smooth, sanded or varnished. Smooth is leather without lint or varnish. Sanded is fleecy leather, such as suede and nubuck. Patent - shiny leather with a polyurethane top layer.

We will talk here about caring for smooth skin.

Proper shoe care rests on three pillars: cleaning, nutrition, protection. The question is how, with what and with what frequency to do this.


Needs to be cleaned after every wear. We came home, put shoes on lasts (if any) or stuffed them with newspapers. Then wipe it with a damp cloth, wait until it dries completely, treat it with cleansing foam or soap solution (if it’s very dirty), wash it off, wipe it dry and put it in a closed cabinet or nightstand so that your beauty is less covered in dust. You should not overuse soap; use it occasionally, in case of severe contamination.

Foam for cleaning shoes:

Reno Mat Cleansing Foam KIWI Cleansing Foam Cleaning foam for shoes Twist

Folk remedies for cleaning leather shoes:

  • salt stains with smudges will disappear under the influence of table vinegar (a cloth is soaked in 9% vinegar diluted with water at the rate of 1 part water to 3 parts vinegar, after which the solution is rubbed into the stain);
  • grease stains are dissolved with a soda solution (1 tsp per ½ cup of water) - rub until foam forms, then remove with a dry, clean cloth;
  • It is best to remove traces of fat from soft skin with a solution of oxalic acid;
  • to remove the remnants of old cream, you need to wipe your shoes once a week with a cloth soaked in turpentine or gasoline

Feeding leather shoes

It is enough to lubricate shoes with nourishing creams, such as Vilo, Tarrago, Salton, Twist, two or three times a season. This should be done after the cleaned shoes have completely dried. The cream is applied to a textile napkin or small brush and rubbed into the leather in a circular motion until completely absorbed, after which the boots are left to dry. This procedure will protect the skin from drying out and roughening; the fats included in the cream will make it soft and elastic.

Creams for nourishing leather on boots:

Cream for nourishing leather shoes Nano Leather Wax shoe cream Salton shoe cream nourishing Shoe polish Twist

Folk remedies for nourishing natural leather:

Protecting shoes from water and dirt

Treat with protective dirt- and water-repellent agents every three to five wears. For these purposes, you can use water-repellent sprays, waxes, and wax containing beeswax. It is applied in a circular motion using a small piece of fabric or a brush, and then the boot is polished with a large brush or a nylon sock. Polishing shoes to a mirror shine, or glassage, is considered especially chic.

You can watch the video to see how to make glassage yourself:

Protective means

Water repellent spray for shoes Wax water-repellent impregnation for shoes Wax - protects shoes from getting wet Waxing is used to protect shoes from water and dirt and give them shine.

Folk remedies (including for the sole)

You shouldn’t be too zealous with the range and layer of products applied. The skin must breathe, no matter how strange it may sound. Yes, natural materials have their quirks. If we start covering it with thick layers of “cosmetics,” the structure may be damaged, and, as a result, the skin will become dull and take on a “tired” appearance.

Cleaning white leather shoes:

One of the basic rules for caring for white shoes is: “Flies separately, cutlets separately.” Which means: white shoes are cleaned and stored separately from colored ones.

  1. Select brushes, rags, and creams exclusively for white leather shoes.
  2. Dirt and dust are first wiped off with a dry cloth, and only then washed off with a cloth soaked in water with washing powder diluted in it. This will allow you to avoid dark streaks.
  3. The remaining powder is removed with a sponge dipped in warm water.
  4. The boot is wiped dry and, if necessary, stuffed with white paper to dry the inside.
  5. Transparent or white creams are applied first to a brush or cloth and only then to the surface of the shoe.
  6. You can finish by polishing with a piece of velvet cloth.

Traditional care recipes

  • such shoes need to be periodically coated with a mixture of one egg white, beaten with half a glass of milk, then it will retain its original color;
  • can be wiped with a sponge and washing powder, then rinsed with warm water;
  • White leather shoes can be cleaned well with toothpaste; how to do this, watch the following video:

Cleaning colored shoes (brown, red, beige, yellow)

You can clean colored shoes in the same way as black ones - with a soap solution or special foam. Then you need to apply a colorless or matching colored cream to care for natural leather. Experts advise giving preference to colored products, because colorless ones make the skin dull over time.

There are also methods from the home pantry:

  • stains from colored leather shoes can be removed with lemon or onion juice;
  • It is good to clean brown leather with coffee grounds (wrap the squeezed out grounds in a piece of flannel and rub the dull leather, after which it should begin to shine).

Rules for caring for shoes made of different types of leather


Pigskin can be described as follows: rough, porous, cheap.

Does not require any special care. All of the methods described above can be actively used to maintain the “marketable” appearance of products made from this material.

Python and crocodile

Reptile leather shoes require special care Caring for snakeskin shoes Features of caring for reptile leather products Crocodile leather products

It's no secret that snakes and crocodiles are not only excellent horror stories for quiet ordinary people, but also food, clothing, shoes and accessories. Products made from the skin of these cute creatures are expensive, soft and durable. And also capricious in terms of care.


Sounds familiar, but is rarely used. Shoes made from untanned leather are now almost never seen, except among indigenous peoples (Eskimos, Indians, Chukchi) or activists of the historical restoration club. Rawhide leather is softer than tanned leather, more elastic, but upon contact with water it changes its properties to diametrically opposite ones, becomes rough, hard and can remain so even after drying.

To soften rawhide, indigenous peoples advise mixing pork fat (4 parts), wax (1 part) and glycerin (2 parts) in a water bath, cool, and apply to dry, cleansed skin. To achieve gloss, you can use a 72% water solution of laundry soap. The recipe is this: boil soap shavings in water until completely dissolved, then cool until a soft ointment is obtained. Apply after softening the skin.

With laser processing

Care for laser-treated leather products Laser skin care Laser can be used to draw and make furrows on the skin Skin after laser treatment needs gentle care

Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. And in this case, the sacrificial lamb turns out to be the skin. A through or printed pattern is applied to it using a laser. The resulting look is far from natural, but it looks original and elegant. In addition, sometimes a pattern is applied that reproduces the structure and appearance of crocodile or python skin. For the same money, mind you.

You should take care of shoes made of such leather according to the already described scheme: clean, soften, protect. The skin that has passed through the laser needs mainly to be cleansed and softened. It is difficult to find a specific product for laser-treated leather, so patent leather products are usually used for these purposes, which are widely available in range and price.

Products that can be used for laser skin care

The product is suitable for the care of shoes with laser treatment Suitable for laser treated skin Can be applied to laser-treated leather shoes

Rules for caring for sports shoes and sneakers made of genuine leather

The first thing you need to do when starting to care for leather sneakers is to remove the laces, if any. Wet sports shoes must first be dried by first stuffing them with newspapers or inserting wooden pads. Then spray with antibacterial deodorant spray. After passing these stages, you can begin the usual processing of leather shoes - cleaning, softening, protecting. You can see the cleaning and treatment of white sneakers in the section “Cleaning white leather shoes.”

The following video shows how to conveniently clean white sneakers:

A common problem with leather sneakers is the appearance of creases and deep wrinkles on the toe box (the front of the sneakers). These annoying defects, which visually age the shoes, can be smoothed out in the literal sense of the word.

  1. Stuff the sneakers with paper or plastic bags so tightly that the wrinkles are smoothed out.

    Moisten the skin and a cotton cloth generously with water.

  2. Place a cloth on the sneaker and iron it with a very hot iron with steam turned on. Iron gently, without using too much force. You need to press, but not too much.
  3. That's all, the sneakers have become “younger” before our eyes. It’s a pity that you can’t remove wrinkles from your face and hands in the same way.

Features of caring for winter and demi-season shoes

And it is clear to the child that winter shoes need more careful care than summer ones. Salt, reagents, sudden changes in temperature, moisture and dirt - all this creates extreme operating conditions for shoes. This means you need to take care of your boots carefully and constantly. The same applies to boots worn in rainy weather.

  1. Every evening after returning home from an environment hostile to leather boots, you should begin by washing off the salt and reagents. Leave it until the morning - the boots are finished. You need to rinse with warm water (not hot), wipe dry. Salt stains are best removed with a 9% vinegar water solution (3 parts vinegar to 1 part water).
  2. If your shoes get wet, for various reasons, you need to dry them. Remove the insole, stuff it with newspaper and leave to dry at room temperature. If necessary, change the newspaper every 2-3 hours. If you don’t get very wet, you can simply unbutton your boots and air them out with the fur turned outward. Leave for a short time, for a couple of hours, so that the boots do not lose their shape.
  3. After drying, the shoes must be treated first with nutritional and then protective agents according to the general scheme.
  4. For winter, it is better to choose shoes with rubberized or synthetic soles. If it is made of leather, it is best to install a preventative (rubber pad), only in this case can you count on its long service life. If the sole remains in its original form, care for it in the same way as the rest of the boot, just don’t get carried away with softening it. The same applies to demi-season shoes that are regularly wet.
  5. In advance, before going outside in winter and during rainy times, you need to thoroughly rub castor oil into the leather covering of your boots (its miraculous properties have already been described in this article). This will be an excellent prevention of getting wet and, as a result, your shoes falling apart.

Caring for faux leather shoes

What can I say? There are not a lot of faux leather shoes, but a lot. It costs much less than “natural” one, and often looks no worse, and the fact that no animals were harmed in its production also speaks in its favor.

Eco leather

New cotton based material. Eco-leather is hypoallergenic, breathable, soft and elastic. Today they make everything from it that is made from leather, and even more. It looks much better than the good old leatherette.

Caring for eco-leather is almost the same as caring for natural leather.

Remove dirt, dry, and soak with protective water-repellent agents. If boots made of this material get wet, they must be completely dried at room temperature.

Stains are removed with special cleaners for leather products. If nothing suitable is at hand, you can use a 50% alcohol solution or ammonia. By the way, you can’t use anything like this to clean PVC-based leatherette products, but we’ll talk about that later.


Faux leather or leatherette, as we call it, looks like natural leather, but that’s where the similarities end. Faux leather does not stretch well, does not allow air to pass through, and does not react well to temperature changes. Its lifespan is several times less than that of skin. But there is one definite plus - the price. Shoes made of leatherette are much cheaper, and sometimes look just like leather, and if there is no difference, why pay more, as one famous advertisement says?

Everyone gives themselves the answer to this question. We are now interested in how to care for faux leather shoes.

When treating shoes made of this material, do not use products containing alcohol, acetone or fats.


First of all, let's understand what synthetic or pressed leather is. You can often hear people say that they bought shoes in full confidence that they were made of genuine leather, but it turned out to be synthetic. Why is this happening? Because in appearance, pressed leather is practically indistinguishable from natural leather. And its properties are extremely close to it. The reason is that synthetic leather contains up to 60% of natural leather waste, so it is soft, elastic, vapor-permeable and breathable.

Despite the blood relationship with natural leather, synthetic leather is cleaned and processed in the same way as artificial leather.

Coco Chanel once said: “You can get used to ugly appearance, but never to negligence.” Even if the clothes, hairstyle and nails look neat and well-groomed, and the shoes are shabby and uncleaned, the general opinion of the person will be that of a slob. Shoes are just a touch to the overall picture, but the final touch, and how you will be remembered depends on it. Therefore, take care of your shoes as carefully as you take care of your clothes and hair, and then you will always be at your best.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Published 12/17/2018

It is believed that a pair of shoes should last at least 3 years. Not everyone can achieve this result, because boots and shoes deteriorate due to rain, slush and dirt. To extend the life of your favorite shoes, you need to properly care for them and choose high-quality care products.

Choice of cream

When purchasing a shoe care product, you need to decide which type is best.

There are clear and colored creams on sale. The second option is indispensable in cases where there are scratches or abrasions on the shoes that need to be masked.

  • Water-emulsion cream. Used mainly in spring and summer. This product is quite soft, which simplifies the treatment of shoes. The main advantage of the cream is that the shoes will not be deformed. The composition does not protect enough from moisture, but gives a beautiful shine. The product is available in tubes.
  • Cream based on organic solvents. Ideal for rainy weather. The product must be applied in a thin layer. Once the treated shoes are dry, you can begin polishing them. Such care guarantees the absence of cracks. Moreover, the cream corrodes dirt, repels dust and provides excellent moisture resistance. This product has a subtle waxy smell.

To check the quality of the cream, just study its texture. If lumps are present, this indicates the presence of poorly purified chemicals in the composition. As a result, the protective film will turn out to be uneven, which means you can forget about moisture resistance.

The entire mass should be homogeneous and have the same shade. If peeling is noticeable near the walls of the container, this indicates a leak in the packaging.

You should not constantly use sponges for express cleaning. They add shine to shoes, but do not mask scuffs. It is worth noting that the shine will disappear after a few minutes, and the resulting film will attract dust.

Thick, greasy cream is not suitable for expensive leather shoes. The product will saturate the surface. Light-colored shoes may stain. In this case, you should prefer a water-based, non-greasy cream.

Other means

The following shoe care products are often found on sale:

  • Colored aerosols. Designed for patent leather and suede shoes. The products straighten suede hairs and restore the original shade.
  • Balms and milk. Helps remove small scratches from the surface of patent leather shoes. These products also make shoes soft and shiny.
  • Oils and shampoos. With their help, any shoes will look like new. You need to be careful when using such products. Careless application will most likely result in a damaged shade.

To care for shoes you will need special tools. These are sponges, brushes, velvet cloths and shreds.

The owner of leather shoes should have a soft sponge, a natural bristle brush and a soft shred to add shine. Bring back freshness
Sponges, abrasive and rubber brushes will help.

Material-specific care

To make shoes last longer, when choosing care products you need to consider what material they are made of.


Immediately after purchasing leather shoes, it is necessary to impregnate them with a protective agent that ensures wear and moisture resistance. Subsequently, the procedure is repeated monthly.

Leather shoes are cleaned 2-3 times a week in several stages:

  • removing dirt;
  • drying;
  • cleaning;
  • polishing

Large lumps of dirt are cleaned off with a brush, and then the surface is wiped alternately with a damp and dry soft cloth. If the shoes are heavily soiled, you can gently rinse your shoes with warm water. After this, the shoes or boots need to be wiped down.

Heating devices are not suitable for drying shoes. Shoes should simply be placed in the room. To prevent the procedure from harming the material, you should put newspaper inside to absorb excess moisture.

For cleaning autumn and winter shoes, products based on organic solvents are suitable. They form a thin film, so you don't have to polish your shoes. For summer shoes, you should choose a water-based cream.

Aerosol will be the best choice for shoes made from several pieces of leather. It is important to remember that you need to apply the cream 10 hours before going out.


Without proper care
quickly lose their attractive appearance. To avoid this, regular treatment is required.

Nubuck shoe care products can be used when the shoes or boots are completely dry. You will also need special brushes.

When choosing creams, you need to pay attention that the packaging is marked “for nubuck.” Products designed for smooth skin are definitely not suitable.


you'll have to forget about the brushes. To care for shoes, only soft cloths and velvet are suitable.

This coating is considered very capricious, so shoes should not be worn often. Also, it should not be worn in cold or rainy weather.

Universal products are not the best choice for patent leather shoes. Such creams can corrode the varnish layer. Only water-based products are suitable for this material.


If your shoes are made of suede, you should buy special shoe care products.

To remove heavy dirt, you will need a regular brush, and to treat shiny areas, you will need a brush with a rubber tip. Colored aerosols are suitable for everyday care and adding rich shine.

After purchasing, suede boots should be immediately treated with a waterproofing agent.

Suede is great for frosty, dry weather. Shoes made from this material are very soft and warm. It should not be worn in rain and slush, otherwise stains and stains will appear on the suede.

Standard care for suede shoes is carried out as follows:

  • You need to brush off dust and dirt from your boots.
  • Glossy areas should be carefully rubbed with an eraser.
  • If the shoes are heavily soiled, the brush should be moistened in a soap solution with the addition of ammonia in a ratio of 5:1. The suede is then washed with cold water to which a small amount of vinegar has been added. 1 tsp. enough for 1 liter of water.
  • To polish shoes, use a lint-free soft cloth. It is also worth holding the boots over steam so that all the fibers straighten out.

Rules of care

There are several general rules that will help maintain the original appearance of shoes:

  • Before applying any cream, the surface of boots or shoes must be cleaned of dust and dirt with a dry microfiber cloth. The cream is applied to the dry surface with a special brush. When it is absorbed, you need to polish the material with a soft natural bristle brush.
  • For shoes of different shades you need to have separate sponges and brushes.
  • To remove dirt from heels or soles, take a wet flannel cloth.
  • Membrane shoes can only be treated with special products that do not clog pores.

  • Rubber boots and sneaker soles should be washed with soapy water. You will also need a microfiber cloth and a brush.
  • Water-repellent agents are used to impregnate shoes. It should be remembered that different compositions are suitable for nubuck and leather. It should also be taken into account that some waxes and creams have a water-repellent effect. In this case, additional impregnation is not required.
  • Shoes need to be cleaned regularly. To achieve maximum effect, allow the cream to absorb into the surface.

The color of the cream should match the shade of the shoes. As an exception, a lighter shade may be used. It is strictly forbidden to apply a product of a darker color.

  • It is necessary to choose only high-quality products, for example, salamander shoe care products. Such creams and aerosols slow down the aging process of the skin. For complex materials it is worth selecting appropriate compositions.
  • To prevent cracks from appearing on your shoes, you should use shoe trees when cleaning.

To make your shoes, shoes or boots look beautiful, neat and last a long time, you need to properly care for them using quality shoe care products. This should be done regularly, choosing the most effective means.

The best cosmetics for shoes

Our company offers creams, gels, lotions, sprays, polishes, waxes, sponges from Collonil. These shoe care products are known as some of the most effective and reliable. We have been selling the products of these companies for a long time, they are invariably in demand. Choose what you need specifically for your shoes based on the type of material, color, and desired effect. We offer shoe care products for smooth leather, suede, velor, nubuck, textiles, patent leather and other materials.

A huge selection of shoe cosmetics at the best prices for any occasion will please the most demanding buyer. With these shoe care products, your favorite shoes will last a long time and always look great. Choose a product that will protect them from heat, dirt, moisture and at the same time maintain breathability. From us you can buy cosmetics for the most delicate and exclusive types of leather, which will carefully care for your shoes.

Our website provides detailed information on each product; for your convenience, there is a section with tips describing shoe care, explaining which products should be used in each specific case. Being our client is convenient and profitable. It’s easy to place an order in the online store, there are various payment options, and fast delivery. We have been successfully operating on the Internet for more than seven years, earning the trust of many clients.

The Rendez-Vous shoe and bag care service consists of free care master classes conducted by the company's specialists in Rendez-Vous stores throughout Russia. Bring your shoes or bag and we'll show you how to properly care for them!*


  • MEGA Belaya Dacha(Moscow, 1st Pokrovsky pr-d, 5).
  • Fashion Season (Moscow Gallery)(Moscow, Okhotny Ryad st., no. 2).
    Period: from November 27 to January 12. Thursday-Sunday from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Metropolis(Moscow, Leningradskoe sh., 16a, building 4, Sector 10-03).
  • Chocolate(Moscow, MKAD 2 km, no. 2).
    Period: from November 27 to January 12. Wednesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 22.00.

*One pair of shoes (both new and shoes with history) or a bag purchased in Rendez-Vous stores is accepted for restoration and cleaning. Shoes and bags made of textiles, nubuck and suede are not accepted for cleaning. The service is provided free of charge to all Privilège card holders and is provided on the condition that the product is added to the card.

Rules for conducting master classes on care

If you have just bought shoes, we will carry out the initial treatment and tell you how and how to care for them.

If you brought your shoes with you, we will clean them and repair them if necessary. The master will tell you and show you how to properly care for your shoes in the future.

If you come to the store wearing shoes that require care, we will conduct the master class on a special chair, where you can sit comfortably and watch the cleaning and care process. Your shoes will be transformed right on your feet!

We use Avel cosmetics for skin care. Since the 1920s, the company has produced a line of professional care products under the Saphir brand, 100% made in France from natural ingredients. The line includes shades and compositions for exotic, finely tanned and finely colored leathers.

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