When to talk about pregnancy? Signs and superstitions for pregnant women Interaction with pregnant women.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The first 12 weeks are the most dangerous. During this period, the body itself can reject the fetus, involuntary miscarriages often occur. Therefore, do not rush into conversations, and even more so with the acquisition of an inheritance for the baby. The fact is that if the fetus is not full-fledged, a mutation or other disorders have occurred, the female body can make a decision on its own. No matter how hard it is to experience it, sometimes the body really knows better. Think it's easier to get through this moment on your own or with a therapist than to accept the often inappropriate words of encouragement. In addition, for a long time you will be asked about how you feel, even more reminding you of a miscarriage. Although most often the pregnancy proceeds safely, it is worth talking about it after 12-14 weeks.

When to tell relatives

How long not to talk about pregnancy to relatives and close people depends on the relationship in the family. If the relationship is good, feel free to arrange a holiday and solemnly congratulate your parents that they will soon become grandparents. If the relationship leaves much to be desired - do not report as long as possible. This will avoid assessments, accusations and other frustrations that can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the child.

With whom and when to share joy is up to you. Who to tell your mom or best friend first is also up to you. To avoid resentment, after giving birth, you can say that there were fears about pregnancy, or you decided to make everyone a pleasant surprise.

What to tell an employer

You most likely already know about the relationship between the employer and the team. If pregnant women are infringed in every possible way at work, hide them as long as possible. Ideal if you go on maternity leave while on vacation. Sometimes you can ask the therapist to write out a sick leave, talking about your situation. You are lucky, and the authorities favor pregnant women - report after 12-14 weeks. This will allow management to find a replacement, optimize the workflow and take you on maternity leave with a clear conscience.

Neighbors, friends and all those with whom you are unfamiliar should not report pregnancy at all, they will find out for themselves when they see your growing belly. Pregnancy is a sacrament, and if you do not want to be disturbed over trifles under a good pretext, it is better to talk about your situation as rarely as possible.

Girlfriends and friends

You should not tell your friends about pregnancy ahead of time who cannot give birth to a child for a long time or have just experienced a miscarriage. For them, this will be a difficult test. It is worth preparing them for the news - say that you had a similar situation and concerns, recommend a doctor and be sure to go with her to a specialist. Friends who consider themselves childfree do not need to talk about the future child either. Lead an active lifestyle, and then surprise them that pregnancy in no way interferes with enjoying it, perhaps they will reconsider their outlook on life.

Who should not talk about pregnancy

Don't talk about your pregnancy to people who treat you negatively. They will perceive such news as an occasion to offend you once again. Do not even think that pregnancy will help improve relations with the mother-in-law, at best, she will defiantly emphasize that care is exclusively for the child, and advice is like an unsuccessful housewife and obviously a bad mother. Tell her later, and in the last dates, when it will no longer be possible to hide your position, take a vacation or say that you are on vacation to avoid visits.

The authorities will not always share your joy

Decide what is important to you: what they think of you or your health and the health of the child. If the management harasses pregnant women, it’s not worth telling. You can always find another job after the decree, go on the next decree, or maybe during this time the management will have time to change. But here and now you need to finalize before the decree and receive payments in full. In order not to justify being late, plan visits to the doctor in the evening or on Saturday. If you are planning a pregnancy, it will be good if the next vacation falls on the time before going on maternity leave and start wearing loose clothes in advance - so wardrobe changes will not arouse suspicion.

How to tell people you don't want to talk about pregnancy

Send a postcard, preferably with a small gift. So you will talk about your situation and save yourself from unpleasant dialogues. Make a note that you have become drowsy, and therefore you may not hear a phone call, indicating e-mail as the most acceptable way of communication. And in the event of a flurry of advice, correctly report that you have already completed the school of motherhood, and the attending doctor turned out to be extremely competent and friendly and filled in the information gaps.

Question to the psychologist:

Hello! I am completely confused in my life, I don’t even know where to start. I am 20 years old, single, 3rd year student. There is a guy, together for a year and a half, but the relationship is quite complicated. We studied in the same class, there was a first childhood love, but everything was somehow forgotten, I had a young man with whom we met for 3 years. After the break, communication began with the first one, and old feelings flared up in both of them. For the first half of the year, everything was like in a fairy tale, just perfect, until the former intervened, who said a lot of nasty things about me to my boyfriend and his friends, and since we all come from the same small village, all this became "public property". Since then, the relationship with the guy has become difficult, he is very impressionable, he takes it hard, he still cannot forget, although he loves me very much, I see and feel it in those moments when everything is fine with us and this situation is forgotten. But from time to time, he apparently mentally returns to all this dirt, and then a nightmare begins - with quarrels, accusations and misunderstanding on his part, something like - "why did you contact this person, why were you with him, I always loved you, and now he pours mud on you in front of everyone and I don’t understand who to believe.” And this is repeated quite often, it is very painful for me to hear this from him, firstly, because it is not true, and secondly, because I love him. Despite this, I try to constantly calm him down, console him. The situation is even more complicated by the fact that we now live in different cities, I am in a hostel, he has an apartment in his city. When all these quarrels began, I often went to him, I thought - we will be close, and then everything will get better faster. Naturally, this led to problems with my studies, very big problems that I still cannot figure out. It got to the point that now it's easier to pick up documents from the university than to close all debts. Plus, parents. I have a good, strong and friendly family, a little younger brother, whom I just love madly. But this is in appearance. In fact, I'm still afraid to tell them about any of my problems. It's all about mom first. I don't remember hearing from her that she loves me. It seems that she calls, asks how things are, but in reality - she is like a stranger to me, when I try to discuss my problems, experiences with her, I ALWAYS eventually stumbled upon swearing, accusations of my worthlessness. She is also very nervous and constantly breaks down on everyone at home - on me, on her father, even on her little brother. Hence, since childhood, I have a habit of always lying to her that everything is fine, no matter what happens in my soul. So already - problems with parents, boyfriend and studies. But that's not all. I am pregnant. And the term is already very, very solid - 7 months, that is, I will soon give birth. And I became so isolated or something, I became so afraid of everything that no one still knows about my pregnancy (the stomach is small even now, outwardly it is almost invisible) !!! It’s scary for me to tell my parents, because it turns out that I didn’t live up to their expectations about my education, they don’t even know about the problems with my studies, they think that everything is fine with me, and it’s scary to think what I’ll hear enough from my own mother when she finds out everything. And the guy is scared to say, I don’t know how he will react, what we will do with the child now. I just didn't think about anything. I wanted to go to a special shelter for pregnant women without telling anyone, that is, just disappear, I thought about leaving the child in the maternity hospital, and there were even very serious intentions to kill myself. But I do not want. I don’t want to leave my child, I want to be with him and with my beloved, with my family, whom I also love, despite the nightmare that sometimes happens there. But she foolishly drove herself into such a trap and I don’t know what to do - with the university, with my parents, with the guy. I am in complete despair, constantly crying, I don’t know where to put myself, where to turn, who to ask for advice. Please, help me, tell me what to do.

The psychologist Shikolaeva Svetlana Sergeevna answers the question.

Hello Valentine,

You can only be congratulated! After all, soon you will have a baby.

It's good that you made a decision and realized what you want. “I don’t want to leave the child, I want to be with him and with my beloved, with my family, whom I also love.”

The problem is that you are afraid to tell your loved one and family about your pregnancy and declare your desire to raise a child with them.

Valentina, let's take a closer look at your fear. “I’m scared to tell my parents, because it turns out that I didn’t live up to their expectations about my education, they don’t know about the problems with my studies, they think that everything is fine with me, and it’s scary to think what I’ll hear enough from my own mother when she finds out everything . And it’s scary to say to the guy, I don’t know how he will react, what we will do with the child now. ”

Look carefully. The object of your fear does not exist. And it is not certain that it will ever appear. Because you are afraid of something that does not yet exist, but that, according to your ideas, hypothetically supposedly could happen.

Think like this. A person cannot be responsible for other people's reactions, neither for feelings, nor for emotions, nor for words. Yes, he can, as it were, foresee them, he can exert some influence on them by his behavior, but, of course, he cannot confidently predict, and, of course, cannot bear full responsibility for them. Valentina, whatever the reaction to your confession, it will not bring you as much damage as you have been doing to yourself for many months now, suffering and worrying. In general, one should not attach much importance to the first reaction, whatever it may be. Set yourself up for it. Valentina, you hid everything for a long time, and, of course, a reaction of extreme confusion is possible to your confession, but this will be quite adequate, and after a while it will pass. But you will get relief immediately. Don't be afraid of anything. Remove this heavy stone from your soul.

Let's now look at the other side. Valentina, you have a living little man under your heart, get ready to appear in the light of God. This is your child, you are his mother, you have already fallen in love with him, you wanted to be with him, and how much he loved you in 7 months! Therefore, whatever one may say, any situation now, any “debriefing” will be correctly assessed taking into account this little person, your child. You are no longer alone. There are two of you. “What is mom afraid of? Tell your dad and grandma about me? I would rather tell, otherwise it’s so bad when she is afraid and crying ... And who will help us when I appear?

Valentina, look, you hide your pregnancy from everyone, and your body, obeying you, hides it. Therefore, there is no life. All these psycho-emotional and physiological connections are very important. Think about the fact that now on the scales are absolutely not equivalent things. On the one hand, your anxiety about who and what will think of you, and on the other hand, your health and your child, and this health will affect your entire future life.

Think, Valentina, if it's time to discard children's strategies and scenarios. For example, do your best to maintain the illusion that "I'm fine." Yes, children in a family with unbalanced and quick-tempered parents often come to this strategy, but they do it out of desperation, because they do not have the right to vote, cannot leave the family and are not responsible for anyone. Valentina, why do you now continue to live your life like this? You are an adult. Your sense of comfort and security should no longer depend on the mood and opinion of your parents. And if it is not, then make a decision to change, and make efforts for this. You yourself are already half a step away from parenthood, and now is the time to strengthen your inner personality, feel your strengths, your female maternal resources - and every woman has them - to feel strong, capable, courageous.

Valentina, please calm down, stop crying, tell your loved one, family and friends that you are pregnant, that your baby will be born soon. It is important for you to tell everything, build new relationships, enlist help and support, prepare yourself and your body for childbirth, gain strength - these are your goals now.

In case of an unpredictable reaction, abstract yourself, do nothing right away, do not fall into despair, feel light from the secret removed from your soul, get enough sleep, take a walk, go to the doctor, and give them time to "get used to and think." And then solve problems further as they come. Solve in a new way, without old algorithms, and don't be afraid of anything. As they say, God gave a child, and will give a child. Those. will arrange everything.

Take care of yourself! If you need advice or support, please email.


Shikolaeva Svetlana, psychologist

You can contact me for psychological support, counseling or psychotherapy.

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Sign 1. In advance, before the desired pregnancy, buy a small baby item, for example, a hat, socks. This will help you "visualize desire", the brighter you feel the presence of the baby, the faster he will appear.

Sign 2. Visit places of power that promote conception, where the energy flows of the earth connect, where there were many good people with good thoughts. About "special" places of power for future parents, see

Sign 3. Try "grandmother's signs":

grow ficus in the house;

put in the house or hang a few branches of willow.

Sign 4. Watch your words:

1. do not use swear words;

2. don't say "I'll never have a baby", "I'm barren". Remember - the word is material.

Sign 5. Use folk recipes, herbs for the treatment of infertility. Be sure to consult your doctor. Official medicine has long known about the benefits of herbal medicine. The doctor will help you choose the right dosage and time of admission. Don't use the tabloid press to self-medicate. Some of the recipes there are just poisonous!

Sign 6. The desire for a baby can sometimes be fulfilled by itself at the most inopportune moment when you "let him go."

Sign 7. To receive a string of pearls as a gift is a good sign of a future pregnancy.

Sign 8. Relax with your husband in the south. A lot of couples "bring babies" from the southern regions. For us, residents of a country where climatic conditions leave much to be desired, a visit to the warm seashore can replace years of fruitless treatment for infertility.

Sign 9. One of the most famous harbingers of a future pregnancy is the adoption of a baby. The sign says - adopt someone else's child and your own will appear.

Sign 10. Widespread among the beliefs that promote conception, signs associated with various manipulations of the things of a pregnant woman, for example:

try on things for a pregnant woman;

drink from a glass of a pregnant woman;

sit in the place of a pregnant woman;

pat the pregnant belly.

Sign 11. Start attracting "gratitude" - good, good wishes addressed to you. To do this, try to do good sincerely free of charge, and then soon an aura of gratitude will arise around you, which will help conception.

Sign 12. For quick conception, you can use the practice of Feng Shui and create a “wish map”, where the main role will be assigned to conception and your unborn baby. To do this, glue your photo (photo of your family) with the baby in the center of a large sheet of paper. Along the edges, you can depict, for example, yourself pregnant, guests meeting a happy mother from the hospital, the first steps of the baby, and other attributes symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "scroll of desires". To do this, get a small notebook (preferably for the new moon), where you write down your desire for a baby. A few rules for maintaining a scroll:

a) let this notebook be your secret - do not let anyone touch it;

b) your desire should be formulated positively, for example, “I am not barren” - the wrong wording, correctly - “with deep gratitude I accept my pregnancy from the Universe and the universe”;

c) formulate a wish with gratitude to the Universe and then you will be heard. Do not forget to thank the Universe after the fulfillment of the desire.

Sign 13. A sure sign of the upcoming conception and a signal that the time for action has come is the unexpectedly rapid growth of indoor plants in your home.

Sign 14. A very famous sign about a kitten. In order to get pregnant soon - shelter a homeless kitten. At the same time, the kitten should “attach” itself to you - do not look for it on purpose.

Sign 15. Invest energy in your desire for an early conception. This may simply be the use of the power of one's own desire, the energy of prayers and turning to saints who help from infertility (for example, Joachim and Anna, Perth and Fevronya, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not be inflamed with several desires, otherwise you will not get anything.

Sign 16. Relax and for a while force yourself not to think about the desired pregnancy. Remember, if a desire turns into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, but you must let it go for realization. As often happens, couples who have been fighting for a baby for a long time give up and begin to just live, and at that very moment pregnancy occurs.

Sign 17. Do not think about the bad. Not only will constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, all its work is based on brain signals), but you will also create a negative program around you. Real, correct doctors treat, first of all, with a word - by creating a positive attitude in the patient for treatment, such doctors in the office can find various life-affirming slogans.

Sign 18. Eat foods containing the germs of new life - eggs, caviar, unrefined cereals, nuts, seeds (all of which new life appears). There are also tips for eating the sexual organs of various animals. If, for eastern countries, this can be acceptable, then the average Russian can only be warned against such an extreme.

Sign 19. Try to make your conception horoscope with a professional astrologer. Let him determine the optimal date for conception for you.

Sign 20. Drink a cup of koumiss a day. In our latitudes it is very difficult to find this rare product, but if there is such an opportunity, then why not try it?

Sign 21. Dreams for pregnancy. Pregnancy dreams of: fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewelry as a gift, milk, children's clothes, etc. If we interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all associated either with some pleasant acquisitions, or with objects-symbols of a new life (eggs, grains), or already directly with the kids themselves.

Sign 22. For a successful conception, mentally turn to your most prolific relatives for help, even if they are no longer in this world (for example, to a grandmother with many children). Everyone knows that before, almost every family had 4-7 children, so anyone can easily find such a relative. This belief about the help of "Rod" comes from pagan times.

Sign 23. For early conceptiondon't forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. As a bride on your wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on your lap. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon on a fruit tree.

Sign 24. You can perform a magic ritual with a healer. Just remember that the ritual must be positive (weed, sentences). Find a healer, according to the recommendation. It is better if it is a real village grandmother who works not for money, but for an idea :). First of all, it will help you gain self-confidence and a positive attitude.

Sign 25. Start confessing "extremely optimistic" views on life. Do not communicate with people who currently have more problems than you. We do not call you to spiritual callousness, just for some time before conception, you should be focused only on yourself. Do not sit on forums where it is customary to cry and hysteria about infertility, this will attract negativity.

Sign 26. Engage in self-hypnosis and meditation. Set up your body to work properly. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place for you, for example, at the sea, feel the warm summer breeze, fresh, saturated air... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive organs, ask them to work smoothly, well. Fill yourself with vital energy… All this is rather called the psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can buy books on this topic written by professional doctors. Yes, yes, you can use professional “medical” conspiracies to treat infertility :)).

Sign 27. Another very good "sign" for conception. Try to work less mentally during the preparation for pregnancy. They have been writing and talking about this for a long time, for example, women who are fully occupied with business, as well as students during sessions, often experience malfunctions in the reproductive system (menstrual irregularities). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the “head” of the entire reproductive system, will not understand that it is time for it to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

Sign 28. Put a few sprigs of willow (willow) at home. It is known to be a very prolific tree that reproduces easily even with branches. The willow has a special vitality and is one of the first to open its leaves in spring. It has long been believed that this tree has protective properties. And willow branches consecrated on Palm Sunday can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three buds from fruit trees that bloom for the first time, or the first fruits of an apple tree, plum, grape

Sign 29. Here are a few amulets and amulets against infertility. Amulets: variegated carnation, wood of an apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz From symbolism - you can use figurines of the goddesses Venus and Aphrodite. Ifsuch a figurinewill be donated, then its owner will find a lover within a year, if there is a lover, then she will become pregnant within a year.

Sign 30. On the day of conception or waiting for the results of pregnancy tests, meeting babies is a sure sign of pregnancy.

Sign 31. You can get pregnant with the help of the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, such as looking at the full moon, to compiling an "almost scientific" lunar conception calendar. There are also rituals performed on the growing moon. The fact that the moon helps to get pregnant was known in ancient Greece and Rome, where women who wanted to get pregnant slept under the rays of moonlight.

Sign 32. You can go to a mud spa. It is known that mud contains hormone-like substances of natural origin, which often helps to normalize hormonal levels and get pregnant.

Sign 33. Have sex to conceive at two in the morning. The sign is justified by the fact that this is the time of the hormonal peak.

Sign 34. Drink consecrated water before conception. Pray for a safe conception before sexual intercourse.

Sign 35. Acupuncture improves blood flow

To the uterus, regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine is just beginning to take root in our country. We cannot talk about any guarantees of curing infertility, so we write about the use of this technique in an article devoted to non-traditional methods of treating infertility.

Sign 36. Girls planning pregnancy are not recommended to use cosmetics, wear extravagant, provocative clothes. All this includes the life program of "search for a new partner", and not the program of "motherhood".

Sign 37. Those planning to conceive should not tell anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician :).

Sign 38. A couple experiencing fertility problems should also enter into a spiritual marriage. For example, get married in a church, go through other ceremonies that correspond to the religion of the spouses.

Sign 39. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, on the wedding night, a baby or a newborn doll was laid first on the bed of the newlyweds.

Sign 40. Also, in the ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception was the first to take a newborn baby in her arms.

Pregnancy: what NOT to tell anyone about?

During pregnancy and after it, there are some topics that you should not or should not talk about to pregnant women and young mothers. Why? Because some stories in others cause envy, surprise, indignation, anger, etc. negative reactions. And these "others" can be both close and complete strangers: girlfriends, work colleagues, neighbors, relatives, acquaintances, women in line to the gynecologist, just those complete strangers with whom you started a conversation ... In short , anyone.

Here is my list of "forbidden" topics of conversation - from personal experience and from the experience of others, even some on this site.

Don't tell anyone that:
№1. You are pregnant until other people notice it. There are many colleagues who would also like a child, but so far, they do not have one.
That you had almost no toxicosis.
That you didn’t “vomit” from morning to evening for the first 3 months, without hospitalization, like Kate, that everything went well for you. This is plot #1 for envy! Because not everyone is as lucky as you.
No. 2. That you got a child on the first try(or from the 2nd), some do not succeed so quickly.
No. 3. The opposite is that you got a child after 2 years of trying, treatment, observation, etc. They immediately say that you artificially made it, in a test tube, etc. nonsense, and then they will also tell him ...
No. 4. I advise you not to tell the gender of the child. Everyone asks - a boy or a girl? Those who wanted a boy will envy you that you have a boy, and they have a girl, and they have wanted a boy all their lives. And vice versa.
No. 5. What do you want to raise and raise your child yourself without mothers, grandmothers, nannies, aunts and other assistants ... Almost everyone has a negative reaction: "Yes, how is it! Yes, you" die "there with a child! Oh oh oh, it's so hard! No personal life!" and the like. It’s as if it’s not your own child that should be born to you, but the devil with horns and a despot ...
Moreover, they say this - the closest: my own mother, my best friend ...
Personally, because of this topic, I "lost" a friend.
When I said I wanted to take care of my baby myself. She just said that I was a naive fool.
But I won’t die, you’re all the envy!
No. 5. That your husband helps and constantly supports you. This, unfortunately, is not the case for everyone.
No. 6. That your feet don't swell that you do not want to go to the toilet every half hour, that your chest does not hurt. That you are in perfect health and in a sober mind.
No. 7. About feeding. Here - there are also 2 options that are not worth talking about:
- 1: that you decided to breastfeed and that you are - everything is wonderful, there is milk, and there are no problems.
- 2: that you have decided NOT to breastfeed, not because you don't have milk, etc., but because it is your personal decision and it does not concern others. And causes a storm of indignation!
And don't tell anyone why!
It’s even worse to explain to Aunt Galya why you decided that. Aunt Galya still won't understand.
No. 8. That your birth went wonderfully! Terrible envy! Here, many people like to complain, tell terrible stories, etc. But this does not mean that it will be the same for you!
No. 9. That during your entire pregnancy you gained only 9 kg! Envy terribly those who scored twice as much!
No. 10. What are you - not working and calmly expecting a baby or went on maternity leave earlier.
No. 11. What will you give birth - or gave birth in a good maternity hospital.
No. 12. What did you buy good things for your child, a good stroller, a good bed, etc.
No. 13. Do not say how much you pay for an appointment with a gynecologist if it is paid.
No. 14. What do you - wanted this child and your husband too.
15. That you are very happy with the child and that he does not interfere with your life, like all your family.

In short, if everything is fine with you - it is better to "keep your mouth shut" and answer with short, neutral answers.

There are many reasons for envy. I think over time the list can be supplemented.

When and how were you envied?

There are always a lot of stereotypes around women in an interesting position. You can’t, don’t do this, don’t look here, don’t eat this. Where is the truth here?

Oh, that pregnant brain. Just yesterday, you were laughing at a friend who had not cut her hair for nine months, and today you go around beauty salons for a kilometer, shy away from every cat and hide your growing belly from prying eyes. It seems that you understand with your mind that all these are prejudices, but the subconscious whispers: there is some truth in every superstition.

But in everyone? To dispel (or confirm) the main myths, we were helped by our experts - psychologists, the founders of the center for happy motherhood MammaMia Victor and Alexandra Audren.

Do not eat red berries or fish

Myth/True – 50/50

According to folk wisdom, in the first case, the baby will be born scrofulous, in the second, dumb. We will immediately treat the possible loss of speech with a touch of humor, but the expectant mother really should not abuse any food allergens (and strawberries and red fish among them). Otherwise, the child will already be born red-cheeked, because he will get an allergy to what mommy ate.

Can't play with a cat

Myth/True – 50/50

The child will have many enemies. Do you believe it? Not? And you are doing it right. But cats should not be approached once again, especially homeless people on the street. And it is better to clean up after your pet with rubber gloves. Fluffy purrs are carriers of the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, a very dangerous disease for the baby. And the disease is transmitted through feces. At the same time, a woman may not even understand that she is sick, the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are similar to the usual SARS. If you are worried that your pet is contagious, get tested at the veterinarian.

You can not cut and dye your hair

Myth/True – 70/30

Can I dye my hair and cut my hair while pregnant? It was once believed that hair is the life force of a person. Shorten them - reduce strength. But this prohibition has no practical meaning. But with the coloring is not so simple. There are practically no real studies on this topic. Resistant paint with ammonia is considered more harmful, but it can be replaced with natural or ammonia-free paint. And for greater peace of mind, you should avoid dyeing your hair in the first trimester.

Also, pregnancy is not a reason to give up makeup and other personal care products. But at the same time, it is quite possible that the products that you used before will now cause an allergy. So it's better to switch to hypoallergenic cosmetics for a while.

Pregnant women should not go to church

MYTH - 100%

This prohibition has no practical meaning. Most likely, it comes from ancient times, when a woman in position, in principle, was not allowed out of the house in order to protect her from prying eyes. On the contrary, now expectant mothers are recommended to attend church and receive communion, as well as take part in other rituals. Another point is to avoid major holidays when there are a lot of people in the service. The church can be stuffy, smell strongly of incense, and it can also be full of sick people, which means potential peddlers.

Pregnant women should not raise their hands

MYTH - 100%

A few weeks before the expected date of birth, it is really better not to raise your hands up. This can provoke contractions. The rest of the pregnancy is no problem. They say that if you raise your hands up or stretch, then you can put the umbilical cord on the baby. Entanglement in childbirth is a really unpleasant thing. But medicine has proven that it is impossible to achieve this with any movements. But the lack of movement is much more harmful.

You can not sleep on your back and sit cross-legged

TRUE - 100%

As for the back, there is some truth in this. When a woman's belly begins to grow, blood flow to the heart may be obstructed, and the child will lack oxygen. So it’s better to sleep on your side, and if it’s not very comfortable, a pregnancy pillow will help you.

But the cross-legged pose is harmful, and this is true. And there is no benefit from it to anyone, including men. This leads to the outflow of blood from the lower body, can provoke varicose veins, and also gives the wrong load on the spine.

Pregnant women should not knit

MYTH - 100%

Folk "wisdom" sees a connection between knitting and entwining the umbilical cord. Modern medicine does not see such a connection. But he sees a connection between a sedentary lifestyle and hypoxia. So, if you sit and knit non-stop (sew, read, draw), it can really hurt. Any hobby is good in moderation.

Don't talk about pregnancy

Myth/True – 50/50

Our ancestors believed that in childbirth a woman would have to suffer for everyone who knows about her situation, and especially about the date of the expected birth. Well, the evil eye on childbirth to the heap. Did you laugh? Now remember yourself before childbirth. You were very annoyed with questions: “Have you given birth yet?” That's the same. So others know less - you sleep better. And if you really want to please the whole wide world, then wait at least for the end of the first trimester. It is in the first three months that a miscarriage can occur. Do you really need the extra sympathy of strangers?

Don't go to the cinema

Myth/True – 50/50

This, of course, is not a superstition, but it also belongs to a number of self-prohibitions. Future mothers believe that loud sound will harm the baby. In fact, the baby in the stomach can tolerate sounds up to a hundred decibels - it's like standing next to a working jackhammer. So the usual film for him is a quiet sound. The exception is cinemas with surround sound, this can lead to uterine tone. In addition, it is better to go to the sessions in the morning to avoid the crowds. Well, choose not the most "terrible" films.

…and 9 more

There are such "signs", modern and ancient, which are even difficult to discuss. It remains only to be surprised at the imagination of those who invented them, and just smile when you are given such advice.

You can not take pictures in the position. The photograph leaves the future child “frozen”, and the fetus stops developing.

If within three days before giving birth, some of the household utensils or things were given to strangers, the woman will give birth hard and for a long time.

A pregnant woman should not sit or stand on the threshold: this is the border of her home and foreign land, here evil forces can influence the child (we are ready to agree with this sign only if it is very drafty on the threshold).

You can not look at the fire and various deformities - a child can be born a freak.

If a pregnant woman kicks a cat, then the child will have an ingrown hair.

If you swear during a pregnant woman, then the child will have age spots.

Pregnant women should not go to a cemetery or a funeral: demons can move into a baby (and we believe that this is just an unnecessary experience).

If there are fused berries or fruits, eggs with two yolks and other similar products, twins may be born.

You can't comb your hair on Fridays. Thus, you can offend Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. And she will not help during childbirth.

Psychologist Alexandra Audren:

If a specialized specialist can comment on some superstition, then ask this question directly to him. For example, a gynecologist or an exercise therapy instructor. If a woman really believes in all this, then it is better not to convince her much. Let him not do what he fears. Because the power of thought is a great thing, especially a negatively charged one. And I am categorically against communication on this and similar topics in various forums - this is the same set of personal superstitions that spread between women.

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