Leisure with parents "winter gatherings". Leisure with parents "winter gatherings" Game "Underwater Kingdom"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Gatherings with a parent in the senior group "It was a fun conversation"

Program tasks:
consolidate the ability to sing long, clearly;
to promote the formation of skills in the performance of dance movements;
to acquaint children with the dwelling of the Russian people, with a hut, through objects of ancient Russian life;
consolidate knowledge about the works of Russian folklore.

introduce children to Russian folk culture.

form ideas about Russian life. The hall is decorated like a Russian hut. Along the wall there are benches covered with homespun rugs, in the middle of the "hut" there is a table with a samovar. Russian folk melody sounds. The hostess enters the room.
Mistress: Hello good people! Glad to see you in my room. There will be a big holiday, a joyful holiday - according to custom, according to the old gatherings, it is called. I invited guests from all volosts. And here they are...
Children with a teacher and parents enter the hall to the music.

Mistress: Please, dear guests! Make yourself at home! I have a place for everyone and a word.
Educator 1: Forced guests, where they put them, they sit there (sit on a bench)
The second group of children enters the hall.
Hostess: Come in, dear guests! Honor to the guest, honor to the owner!
Parent 1: Pigeons fly there, where they are welcomed! (sit down on the bench)
Children of the third group enter the hall.
Mistress: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we can’t start the holiday without you!
Child: Sitting at home - you will not sit out anything. We decided to look at people and show ourselves! (sitting down on a bench).
Mistress: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it? Is there enough space for everyone?
Parent 2: The guest, a well-known case, had enough space, but isn’t it a bit cramped for the owners?
Mistress: In crowded but not mad! Here it is burning in the stove, let's blow it to make it hotter. And the samovar puffs. Let's show - how (puff-puff) - ex. to breath.
Guys, look, there are still guests in our room, let's say hello to them and get to know each other
Speech game "Name"
1. name one after another - name, clearly pronouncing the syllable;
2. each syllable, marking with claps;
3. pronouncing the name and slapping on the knees for each syllable.
Mistress. Oh, you guys feel how delicious it smells? It’s our pies that are baked, and so that they bake faster, we will sing a song, and our body will be a musical instrument.
Song "Ladushki"
Ladushki, patty, - to the right in a circle with a round dance
They baked pancakes.
They put it on the window - to the left in a circle with a round dance
Left to cool.
How to cool down, let's eat - we rhythmically clap our hands with eighths, on the last syllable - a quarter
And we'll give it to the sparrows.
Sparrows sat down - squat down and slap your knees in rhythm
All the pancakes were eaten.
Shoo, shoo - flew! - stand up, hands "scare away the birds"
Sat on the head! - put your hands on your head.
The pies are almost ready
It's only worth the wait
Well, in order not to be bored,
Let's sing, joke, play!
Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun
And we have the whole yard
Even better conversation:

Children: Fuck!
hostess: Cats
Children: Spoons!
Mistress: cockroaches
Children: Drums!
hostess: Seagulls
Children: In balalaikas!
hostess: Cuckoo
Children: Beaters!

hostess: And we. Guys, let's play instruments?
Children: Yes.
“Look, we have something in the workshop”
performed by the children's ensemble of Russian folk instruments

What was more fun - everyone to participate, dare,
Let's take the tools
And so that there is no boredom here,
We will play in front of the people: "In the garden, in the garden"
Ensemble with parents "In the garden, in the garden" -r. n.p.
What, dear guests, are you depressed?
What do you say, what do you do?

Guess it guys
Musical Riddles!

Wrinkled Tit
Makes the whole village happy!
What is this Titus?

Children: Harmonica

Mistress: And now a little
Let's play the harmonica. (children imitate playing the harmonica)

And here is my second riddle:
wooden girl
He can sing loudly.
Come on, guess what it is?

Children: Balalaika. (children imitate playing the balalaika)

Listen to the third riddle:
What tools can you slurp on?
Children: Spoons!

4-parent: And now, guys, the most difficult riddle, listen:
Cut branches with sharp knives
Each sang with seven voices.
What kind of tool is it?

Children: Dudochka.
Mistress: The pipes began to play,
Dudki - self-beeps! (children imitate playing the pipe)

Mistress:(takes out a flute)
Oh, doo-doo, oh, doo-doo,
The shepherd lost his pipe.
And I found a pipe
She gave the shepherdess (gives the pipe to the child).

Boy: As if without a pipe, that's the trouble,
Feet don't go there
And how they will feel the pipe -
The legs are dancing! (the boy dances under the r.n. m.).

Mistress: Why are you guests sitting here?
Al dance you do not want to?
Get in the circle,
Take hold of your hands!
Round dance "Were in a round dance" - r.n.p.

Mistress: what's the noise, what's the noise?

Two neighbors come out, talking, interrupting each other.
Neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard?
Mistress: What have you heard? I do not get it…
Relax, neighbors
Yes, tell me everything.
Neighbor 1: At Ivanov's yard
The water caught fire.
The fire was extinguished in the whole village
And the fire was not extinguished.
Neighbor 2: Grandfather Foma came
spreading beard,
He drove the people into the barn,
Put out the fire alone.
Neighbor 1: How Thomas put out the fire
He didn't say anything about it.
Only heard from the side
What did he put out with his beard!

Mistress: Sit down, neighbors. Sit with us, relax.
(neighbors pass, sit down, continuing to chatter)

neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard? Didn't you hear anything?
Mistress: I see, it's time to play silent.
One, two, three, freeze!

Silent game
Neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard? Didn't you hear anything?
Mistress: Well, chatters, the game is not over yet, and you started talking? You will have to complete some task (thinks) ... I thought of it!
To you, chatty girls,
We will have to sing ditties!

Neighbors: Yes, this is the case for us.
Very simple!
Eh! Soul rejuvenated
For… ninety years!
hostess: Ninety??? Yes, this is complete nonsense!

Neighbors: Of course, nonsense!

"Nonsense" - ditties - Russian folk melody

neighbors: Listen guys.
We will sing awkwardly.
A pig grazes on an oak
A bear is steaming in the bath!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense,
Pure nonsense!
Chip-chip, ah-ha-ha-
In fact, nonsense!
Neighbor 1: Nonsense on the fence
Made jam.
I saw a spider
Lost my sight!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...
Neighbor 2: There is a watermelon on the table,
On a watermelon - a fly!
The fly is angry at the watermelon, What does not fit into the belly!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...
Neighbor 1: Camel is grazing on the mountain
In white embroidered trousers.
And behind him a flea rushes
On high heels!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...
Neighbors: We sang ditties to you,
Is it good, is it bad
And now we ask you
To clap us.

Mistress: Thank you, neighbors, for funny ditties!
Where the song flows
Life is easier there!
But in the old days, at gatherings, they not only sang and danced, but also worked. And there will be work in my upper room. While we were singing, my kitten unwound all the balls of thread. You need to wind the balls so that you can knit.
Come on, girls - needlewomen, come out, show your skills!

The game "Wrap the thread in a ball"

Mistress: Our girls did a great job. Thank you.
There is laughter outside the door.
hostess: Who is laughing so merrily? I'll go take a look...
Girls run into the hall - laughter.
Girls: We are funny girlfriends.
We are girlfriends - laughter!
And on a holiday on your
"Lady" for you, we will dance!

Mistress: We love dancing very much.

Dance "Lady" (children of the preparatory group dance)

Hostess: Thank you girls. Come to our room - you will be guests.
Educator 1: Hostess, we sat too long.
Why don't we play "Traps"?
Educator 2: Maybe it's better not to "Trappers", but to "Burners"?
Hostess: So what?
Let's play "Burners" guys,
Entertain guests with a fun game!
The game "Burn, burn clearly" - Russian folk melody

Caretaker 1: Oh, and we had a lot of fun, played, but you also need to know the honor.
Everyone sings: We walked nicely
At our holiday.
Not seen anywhere
We are more beautiful than the holiday!
So be healthy
Live richly
And we're leaving
To the house, to the hut!

Hostess: Well, dear guests, are you in such a hurry? After all, the hut is not red with corners, but red with pies! See
The samovar is already puffing
Says in my ear:
"It's time to invite to the table,
Treat guests with tea!

Children: We love tea with pies,
With bagels and pretzels!

hostess: Then go to another room, sit down at oak tables, patterned tablecloths, and help yourself to your health! (Children go to the group for tea.)

State budget preschooleducational institutionkindergarten №19 combined typePushkinsky district of St. Petersburg



"Autumn Gatherings"

(with older children and their parents)

Educators: Ukolova N.V..

Excellent L.V.

St. Petersburg

November, 2013

GOAL: Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk art. Awaken love for folk culture.


Educational:to ensure the memorization of the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

Developing: promote the development of cognitive activity and curiosity; to promote the development of children's creative abilities by performing folk songs, dances; to promote the development of stage skills and aesthetic taste in children.

Educational: arouse interest in the history and culture of Russia;show the beauty of the Russian language in the process of getting to know oral folk art; (songs, riddles, ditties, dances);give children the opportunity to feel the joy of the holiday, the opportunity to see the beauty of Russian folk clothes.

Material and equipment:Russian folk costumes for children, teachers; Baba Yaga costume for an adult, Autumn costumes, White and Gray geese, Baba Yaga's hut, trees in the forest, decoration of the hall in Russian folk style, a basket of gifts, Lesovichka costume.

Leisure progress:

Children in pairs to the Russian folk melody enter the hall.

hostess 1. Hello, dear, welcome, long-awaited guests.

hostess 2. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, hear everyone, is there enough space for everyone? Then we can start our gatherings.

1 Child:

On the mound, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

The elderly and the young.

2 Child:

Did you sit by the torch

il under the bright sky -

talking, singing songs

Yes, they led a round dance.

KROVOD festive

3 Child:

Rest is not trifles -

Time for games and news.

Let's start the party!

We open gatherings!


For friends and guests!

4 Child:

If you are "at ease"And they came to us not for an hour

We offer gatherings

Spend right here now.

Presentation "Peasants in Russia" (used by ICT) And we invited you for a reason, but on this occasion: to remember the old days when our ancestors loved to celebrate the autumn holidays, because the field work was completed, animal feed was prepared, and the necessary supplies were made for ourselves. It was time for household chores. Men sewed winter shoes, prepared a team for horses for winter, repaired sledges, felt boots. Women needleworked, spun, embroidered, weaved canvases. And on a holiday they gathered in some kind of hut, in one that is more spacious and lighter, and where the owners are more hospitable, they brought with them the best works to boast of skill and craftsmanship, and not just like that, but with jokes and songs ...

Song "Autumn has come"

Mistress 1:

Well done, you sing well, but can you guess riddles? (used by ICT)

1 riddle:

Like in our garden

Riddles have grown

Juicy and large

Those are round.

green in summer,

By autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

2 riddle:

Unsightly, lumpy,

And she will pass to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

“Well, crumbly, delicious! " (potatoes)

3 riddle:

I was born to fame

The head is white, curly.

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me in them.


4 riddle:

We remember how in a fairy tale she was a carriage,

And porridge with it is fragrant, tasty!

Previously considered the queen of the table,

But she is forgotten today. (pumpkin)

5 riddle:

And in this garden, bitter riddles!

Thirty-three clothes and all without fasteners

Who undresses them

He sheds tears! (onion)

Mistress 2: At our gatherings, no one sits idly by.

Hey girls are chicks

Isn't it time to sing ditties.

And the boys will rise too

Girls will not be left behind.

Perform ditties.(Together with parents)


We are autumn ditties

Let's sing for you now!

Clap your hands louder

Have fun with us!

1. How beautiful everything is around

Golden autumn day

Yellow leaves are flying

They rustle under your feet!

2. On ourselves we always catch

Admiration eyes!

Beauty to us and health

Giving tomatoes.

3. Nothing tastes better than ripe apples

The kids know it!

How can we see apples?

We all shout at once: “Hurrah-ah-ah! »

4. No more flu

We are not afraid of a draft

All tablets are replaced

We have a head of garlic.

5. We love beets, carrots
And cabbage too
Because vitamins
In vegetables and fruits!


Well ditties sang,

Good and okali

We would all like to

For you to clap us.

Mistress 1:

Quietly, quietly sit next to

Again a fairy tale enters the house

In an amazing outfit

colorful, painted,

Here the heroes come to life, miracles are hovering around.

Mistress 2:

I love the story very much, and I give it to you.

And we have in Russia

The stories are very good!

The show starts

A fairy tale is visiting us!

(Autumn comes out to calm music)

Mistress 1: Autumn walks along the path

And knocks on our windows.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? How glad I am

Hello autumn friends,

We haven't seen each other for a whole year

Summer is my turn.

I came to you for a holiday, I sing and have fun,

I want to be friends with everyone here!

I invite you people to stand in a cheerful round dance.

Round dance game "Autumn walked through the garden"

Autumn: I have a basket in my hands
It contains autumn gifts,
Everything I'm rich with
Brought for the kids.
I will feed you
………. (Shows the children a basket)

Baba Yaga enters the hall on a scooter, sings a song to the tune of "Two Merry Geese".

Baba Yaga: Two merry geese lived with granny:

One is cunning, the other is greedy

Geese my geese!

Geese scratch their paws, feel gifts.

One is cunning, the other is greedy

They rub their paws!

Hey, take, geese, a basket for Yagusi!

One is cunning, the other is greedy,

My geese, geese!

Geese run out, grab a basket from autumn and run away.

Baba Yaga:

Well done, redheads!


Ouch! The basket has been taken!

Mistress 2:

What kind of guests have come to visit us?

Baba Yaga:

Grandma Yagusya and her geese! My carriage, my geese, and my basket too!


How is it "your"? Autumn prepared a basket for the guys!

Baba Yaga:

So what! My goslings are guys too! They want to eat too!

Mistress 2:

Baba Yaga! There's a lot! Let's treat all the kids, and your goslings will get it too!

Baba Yaga:

What more! If this is the case, then I'll take Autumn! Let me give you gifts!(He waves his magic handkerchief, throws it over Autumn, and Autumn obediently leaves with her.)


Guys! Yes, what is it! She came - she conjured - and Autumn took ours! What to do now?

Lesovichok appears. (Enters with music)


Hello guys!

I am Autumn's friend - Old Man Lesovichok!

Autumn always helps me -

Supplies my animals with supplies:

Berries, nuts, mushrooms,

Various fruits and seeds.

Why are you so sad? What happened to you?


Lesovichek, yes, we began to tell the guys a fairy tale, and somehow it happened that Baba Yaga herself came to us for the holiday. She began to conjure and Autumn took ours with her!


Ah, Baba Yaga! Ah, the villain! We must hurry to rescue autumn. Guys, can you help me free her?

Children: Yes!

Lesovichok: Dear autumn, we will save you

And again we will invite you to the holiday,

We are not afraid to follow you into the forest

Let's go guys along the forest path.

Take care of me: I will be a needle, and you will be my thread. This is the only way to get into my magical forest.

To the music, the children follow Lesovichok through the hall, “dodge” and get to the house of Baba Yaga. The house is guarded by geese.


Hey goslings! Funny boys! Open up! Miss!

The geese shake their heads negatively.

Shame on you! You were funny and kind.

And they became: one is cunning, the other is greedy!

Baba Yaga must have bewitched you! She sang the wrong song!

Guys! Let's sing right now!

Children sing and dance "Two Merry Geese". Geese begin to dance, and then go out to dance to the guys.

Mistresses hug geese:

You are our good ones! Disenchanted!

Baba Yaga looks out.

Baba Yaga:

What else is this!

I have absolutely no peace!

Who woke up Yagusya?

Did you lure all the geese?

Mistress1: It was we who came to help out Autumn and Lesovichok with us!

Baba Yaga: Leave well, well! And then I'll bewitch you all now!

(Children and geese sit in their places)


You can only conjure..
I know guys what Baba Yaga is afraid of!
First, a fearless look:
Brave Yagusa is not needed.
And also - a cheerful laugh:
Laughter is a hindrance for a villain.
From a kind, gentle word
Grandma is ready to cry
And there is neither desire nor joy
Arrange the old nasty things.

Mistress 2: Guys, let's say kind words to Grandmother Yaga

Children say affectionate words to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
Well, okay, touched the grandmother. So be it, I will return your Autumn, but only if you win three competitions.
The first task for smart guys. It's called "Say a Word".

In raspberry understands a lot
The owner of the forest, terrible ...(bear).

Curled up in a ball, come on, touch it!
Prickly on all sides ... (hedgehog).

Who is beating like a drum?
Sitting on a pine...(woodpecker).

Sing songs under the moon
Sat on a branch...(nightingale).

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course the redhead...(squirrel) .

Well, you must! Everyone answered correctly! Then the second task. Let's measure strength.

A tug-of-war game is played.

(Baba Yaga is very angry that the children are stronger than her. She turns away offendedly from everyone.)

Children play the Russian folk game "Babka Ezhka".(The guys come up to her and sing a teaser)
Grandma Ezhka,
bone leg,
Fell off the stove
Broke a leg
And then he says:
"My leg hurts".
Went to the street
Scared the chicken
Went to the market
Crushed the samovar.
One two Three!
Try us, catch up! (
Baba Yaga is trying to catch up with the children).

Baba Yaga:

We won! Offended! Nobody loves me, nobody is friends with me.(crying).


Baba Yaga, or maybe you just don't know how to make friends? Let's teach you.

Song-dance round dance(Together with parents)

Baba Yaga:

Good song! I'll go look for Leshy, put up with it. We had a fight with him the day before.

Baba Yaga leaves.

Mistress 2:

And our Autumn! Where is she!

Lesovichok takes Autumn out of the house, but she is "sleeping".


But Baba Yaga forgot to disenchant her! What do we do now!?


You need to say magical words to autumn

Mistress 2: Guys, let's tell a poem together in autumn ...

Autumn got a brush
Painted all around!
Changed fashion to colors
Decorate Nature:
At the birches, at the sisters -
Ribbons are yellow in pigtails.
The maples are wearing a red scarf.
Lawns in colorful dresses.
On the mountain ash decoration -
Scarlet berries necklace.
Updating everyone's outfits,
Autumn walks with us.

Autumn is waking up.


Ah, how long I slept! Oh guys! And you, Lesovichok, are here! I'm very glad to see you. Where is Baba Yaga?


She ran with Leshy to put up, the guys taught her to be friends.


What good fellows you are! And, interestingly, my gifts are intact?


Targets! Here is the basket!

Autumn gives gifts to children.

Mistress1: And so our meetings are over.

We want to wish you -

Live in the world, be friends with everyone

Treasure your native land

And on holidays cheerful

Sing, dance and don't grieve!

And according to the old Russian tradition, we finish our gatherings with tea.

Purpose: to increase the role and status of the father, to popularize fatherhood.

Program content:

  • develop relationships between parents and children through inclusion in joint activities;
  • to cultivate love, a sense of pride for their father.

Equipment: tape recorder, TCO, phonogram for competitions, gymnastic sticks (per dad), 2 yogurt, 2 spoons, 2 books, 2 dumbbells, 2 napkins, skittles (10 pieces.), steering wheel (2) , 2 bonnets, 2 rattles, 2 bibs, 2 nipples, clothes for children for ditties.

Event progress

The song sounds "Bogatyr strength" . Popes enter and stand in the center of the hall.

Host: Good evening, dear parents and guests who have gathered in this hall! Today we invited our dads to celebrate Father's Day together. Thank you for being able to find time in your busy work schedule today and come to us. Let's greet our dads with smiles and applause! (Applause) This holiday symbolizes love and respect for the father. Please accept our sincere congratulations to you - your children and mothers of your children need you endlessly! Be strong, reliable and wise! So, let's get acquainted! Guys, come up to your dads and help me introduce them. (Each child introduces their dad and says in one sentence what dad can do, for example: “My dad Kolya. He drives a car" ) .

Host: Yes, guys, I see that our dads are the most magnificent, omnipotent, just SUPER DADES! Moms, do you agree with us? (Yes) So today we named our holiday "SUPERPAPA" . Your applause! And now we invite our dads to take pride of place in our hall. Children and fathers are seated on chairs.

Child 1:

Father's Day is a sacred holiday!
He needs to be respected!
All fathers, without exception,
We will all congratulate!

Our pride and support!
Our dear fathers!
You are a good example for us!
You are great in life!

Presenter: We present to your attention a video greeting for our dads.

Videos postcard

child 2.

I can't cry anymore!
There is an important reason
Yesterday my dad told me
That I'm already a man.

Men are not afraid
Stay without mom
Men are tempered
And they dress themselves.

The man is very proud
He is not rude to his neighbor,
He has two bowls of porridge
Eats at lunch.

He is not afraid of beeches,
What can suddenly come
The man knows the letters
And count to ten.

But if very, very
I miss my mother
My dad allows me
Shed a man's tear

One - and immediately wipe,
And then they will pour
And so that no one can see
Turn away now.

And I can't cry like that
There is an important reason
Yesterday my dad told me
That he and I are men.

Child 3:

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes sings
The one at the TV sticks out

He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands
He sometimes forgets
That he is the child's best friend.

Dads are different...
And when the days go by
Their children grow up
Dot to dot, just like them.

Host: Your dads, guys, were also once small. Try to guess whose dad will appear on the screen.

Presentation "Our dads in childhood"

Host: In any business, you need a quick reaction and ingenuity. Let's check our dads for knowledge of proverbs. I will tell you the beginning of the proverb, and you must tell me its continuation. Is the assignment clear? Getting started…

A game "Finish the proverb"

  • Do you like to ride... (love to carry sleds).
  • Good word and... (cat is happy).
  • Chasing two hares... (you won't catch one).
  • One head is good... (and two is better).
  • A man with no friends that... (tree without roots).
  • Patience and work... (everything will be crushed).
  • Master's work... (fears).
  • Living with wolves... (wolf howl).
  • Apple from an apple tree... (falls close).
  • Bad world... (better than a good fight).
  • On the fringes... (and crayfish fish).
  • One in the field... (not a warrior).
  • Learning is light... (and not learning - darkness).
  • What will you sow... (that's what you'll reap).
  • Sewing in a bag... (do not hide).

Host: Now we will check how well our dads know their children. Let's do a little poll. (Pick up the microphone). I will take on the role of a correspondent, and I will ask dads questions. Moms carefully monitor the correctness of the answers. Correct if the answer is wrong or suggest if dad is at a loss.

"Interview with Dads"

  1. What part of the day was your baby born?
  2. When did the first tooth erupt?
  3. When did you learn to walk?
  4. What was the first word he said?
  5. What kind of porridge does your child like?
  6. What soup do you prefer?
  7. Does mom help wash the dishes?
  8. Does he like brushing his teeth?
  9. What time does he go to bed?
  10. What does he like to watch on TV?
  11. What are your favorite toys?
  12. Can you play checkers?
  13. Does he play computer games? Which?
  14. What would you like to be when you grow up?
  15. What shoe size?
  16. What is the child's height?

Child 4:

Meet my dad
He is a knight, a gentleman, a hero.
We are very similar - me and my dad.
I'm waiting for him to come home soon.

Together we will surely honor
Books by Mikhalkov or Marshak.
I want to imitate my dad in everything.
Even keep a spoon at the table.

We play with dad, we sing with dad
Double the fun if we're together!

Host: A modern dad for his child often becomes something mythical and inaccessible. He leaves early in the morning, spends the whole day doing something important somewhere at work, and returns tired in the evening. Nowadays, a father's love for his children is often expressed in the purchase of an expensive toy. But much more the child needs paternal attention, participation, understanding, friendship and common interests. We present to your attention the results of the survey of your children. Hear what they have to say about their dads.

Movie "Children about dads"

Leading: Our dads have been sitting up for some reason. Isn't it time for them to loosen up a bit? Tell me, which of you rode a horse? Now you will need to imagine yourself as riders. Go to the middle of the hall and stand in a circle. (Give dads gymnastic sticks. Music sounds "Squadron" Gazmanov, dads move in a circle, waving sticks. Music stops). Well, do you remember? And now put the sticks in a circle. Now the music will play again, at this time I will pick up a few sticks. Anyone who doesn't get it is out of the game.

A game "Who is faster"

Child 5:

Everyone knows that I am a princess,
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!

The strongest, the most honest,
The smartest and dearest.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame!

Child 6:

My dad is big
It's not easy to look at:
Gotta get your head up
So that "Hey!" tell him.

He will put me on his shoulders
And rides all evening.
Reading books before bed
During the day we play cat and mouse.

Dad is kind, very strong,
He can do whatever he wants.
I reveal my secret to everyone
That I love my dad!

Child 7:

I have a father!
Ask what is he?
The strongest dad
He is the BRAVEEST!

I have a father! Everything
No matter what he is!
The best dad in the world
Because HE IS MY!

Leading: Dear daddies, your daughters have prepared a song for you.

Song "My dad is good"

Host: And now I suggest you travel in a time machine, go far, far back and find out what our dads were like very, very small. And the kids will help us with this. Your task, guys, is to turn them into babies. Let's see whose team will do it faster. (Two dads and two teams of children of 4 each participate in the game. Children take turns running up to dads and dressing them up: a bib, a pacifier, a cap, a rattle).

Game "Journey to childhood"

Leading: Our holiday continues. It's time to perform ditties for our dads.

Ditties for dads

Host: Tell me, daddies, which of you drives a car? Who has the longest driving experience? (Choose two parents). Have you ever driven without lighting? Now we will check it. (The players are introduced to the skittle highway, given a steering wheel and blindfolded. The host gives commands for the direction of movement).

Host: And now I invite children to the night track. (The children are blindfolded, given the direction, but the pins are quietly removed from the road by the assistants of the presenter. The children carefully turn on bends, not suspecting that the road is completely safe.)

A game "Night Adventure"

Host: It's no secret that mothers can do several things at the same time. I wonder if dads are capable of this? Let's see how they cope with our task? (Two dads with their children are invited). You will have to do 3 things at the same time: read a fairy tale, feed your child yogurt and lift a dumbbell.

A game "Dad can do anything"

Host: Guys, I invite you to sing a song for your dads.

"Song about Dad" (lyrics by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky)

Leading: The influence of the father makes the child more disciplined, responsible, obligatory, open and honest. Klim will tell about an example of such education.

Child 8:

My dad is resourceful, smart and brave.
He can handle even the toughest jobs.
He is also a naughty, mischievous and prankster.
With him, my every day turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny, but strict and honest.
It is interesting to read and play books with him.
And it's boring to go sledding without dad.
No one can laugh that loud.

My dad is a wizard, he is the best.
He instantly turns into what you ask for.
He can become a clown, a tiger, a giraffe.
But best of all he knows how to be a dad.

I will hug him and whisper softly: -
My daddy, I love you very much!
You are the most caring, most dear,
You are kind, you are the best! And you are only mine!

Host: All children dream of being like their parents. Girls imitate their mothers, boys imitate their fathers.

Child 9:

I want to be like my dad.
I want to be like a dad in everything.
How is he to wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.

Be strong, smart, don't be lazy
And do everything like him - for five!
And don't forget to get married!
And ... take our mother as a wife.

Host: Today we had an interesting time, played, gave each other joy. If you, dads, want your children to say Thank you when they grow up, then never lecture them, but teach them life by your own example! We wish you a lot of love and patience with children, let your home be a full bowl! We want to give all dads a diploma of the best dad in the world now. (Graduations). In memory of our meeting, your children have prepared gifts for you. (Children present salt dough medals to their fathers).

We invite everyone to tea!

GBOU secondary school No. 1359 with in-depth study of the English language
named after aircraft designer M.L. Mil
preschool department No. 6 "Brigantina"

Leisure activities with the participation of parents for children of the middle group
"Russian gatherings"

Moscow, 2015

Purpose: comprehensive development of preschoolers, through the familiarization of children and parents with Russian folk art in the space of cultural and leisure activities.
introduce children to the national culture and history of the people, cultural values ​​and achievements through the organization of parent-child cultural and leisure activities;
acquaintance with folk games, songs, dances for the harmonious development of personality;
Corrective tasks: development of the prosodic side of speech (formation of speech and singing breathing, development of the intonation side of speech), coordination of speech with movement, development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Preliminary work: memorizing spring calls, dances, round dances, games.
Design of the music hall: the interior of the Russian hut

On the rubble, in the light
Or on some logs
Gatherings were going
Elderly and young
Did you sit by the torch
Ile under the bright sky -
They spoke, they spoke
And they led a round dance.
And played like! Into the burners!
Ah, the burners are good!
In a word, these gatherings
They were a celebration of the soul.
The life of people is marked by a century,
The old world has changed.
Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel
Our cottages or apartments.
Our leisure is sometimes shallow
And what is there to say
It's boring to live without gatherings
They should be revived!

Under r.n.p. "Saturday" children enter the hall. They perform a dance according to the leader's show.

1 child Dear our guests!
Forget about work for a while!
Forget your worries forever!
Forget all our antics today!
We invite you to Russian gatherings!
2. reb. Today we will have fun, play
Praise spring! AU! AU! Hello!
Let's celebrate spring!

3.reb. March, March, the sun is glad!
April, April, open the door!
May, may, collect flowers!

4 children Spring, red spring
Come bright spring!
Come spring with joy, with great mercy!
Bring the harvest to our happy land!

Children perform a round dance “Winter is passing” (r.n.m., arr. P. Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Tiraji). The children sit down.

Host: We continue our gatherings! People gathered, entertained guests
5. The sun shines all over the world -
There is no greater joy!
With its warmth and beauty
It covered the globe!

6. As soon as the sun rises,
a new day is coming to us again.
And with the first rays it plays with us!
Bright, big, warm!

Presenter - At the gatherings, the people had fun, they sang songs, and what dances they were!
Come on guys, have some fun!
Use "Dance with spoons and bells." Muses. M. Nechiporenko
Host: Get ready, kids! The game starts!
The game "Burn, burn bright!" r.s.m.
Host - Not only dances and games entertained the people. He liked to have fun and play musicians. Musicians come out and amuse the guests.
Use orchestra "Musicians we are now", music. N. Arkhipova
Presenter: Not only with games, but also with songs, they delighted guests at gatherings!
Take the whistles guys!
Spanish children song "Funny whistles" music. E. Bokach
Leading: At the gatherings, the people not only had fun, but also engaged in needlework. Who weaved, who embroidered, twisted the yarn And now we will check which of you is the most dexterous, who can wind the ribbon around the spindle the fastest.
The game "Merry Spindle" (1 time children, 2 times parents)

Ved.- People gathered for gatherings, doing needlework. And today we invite you to make a Vesnyanka doll.
Children together with their parents make a doll.
Leading: We sang and danced for you
But, no matter how tired!
Did you like with us?
Looking forward to visiting you many times!
And for your fun and hospitality, a sweet treat awaits you.

Under the music r.n.p. "Saturday" children leave the hall

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