Piggy mask for children on the head. Pig mask made of paper, felt, do-it-yourself t-shirts on your head: templates, description, instructions for making

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Do you want your child to look cute and funny at the New Year's party and be different from other children? Or are you going to a corporate party, a fun party of friends? A great solution would be to make a costume with your own hands. It's pretty easy and fun if you follow the tips.

Making a baby pig costume

First, decide what kind of outfit you want and think over your image. For example, you can make a pig mask or even a whole Funtik costume. If there are several of you, it will be interesting to make masks of three piglets on the head from the fairy tale of the same name. You can be a variety of characters ranging from cute Peppa pig (for girls) and ending with a cute cowardly Piglet from the cartoon Winnie the Pooh (for a boy).

Another option is to make a whole hat on the head. You can simply add pink clothes to it, such as a dress, or dress the pig in denim overalls. There are a lot of interesting options here. Also, using foam rubber, you can make a Smeshariki costume with your own hands. There are many interesting ideas for a costume, where the mask will be the main element.

Pig paper mask

The easiest way is to download and print the paper template. It is done like this:

You can make such a mask not on the whole face, but only half or around the eyes. The pig mask for your New Year's holiday or party is ready.

Cardboard mask

You can draw the template yourself. Even those who do not consider themselves a great artist can do this:

Or try to draw a mask yourself, giving free rein to your imagination. You may need to practice on plain white paper first. Decorate the mask, again, you can do as you like. Alternatively, you can immediately use pink (or any other color) paper or cardboard. A cardboard mask will be stronger and more reliable. If you make three such masks, perhaps even slightly different ones, you will get masks of three piglets per head.

Piglet from a paper plate

Also a fairly simple option is to make a mask from a paper plate.. Take the opportunity to print a ready-made colored muzzle on your head or decorate the plate yourself. Make holes and attach a ribbon, elastic band.

A more difficult option is to use a disposable plate and a glass. From the glass we will make a piglet. To make the masquerade mask stronger, you can use several plates and cups at once. You just need to insert them one by one. You also need to cut out the ears from the plate. You can make them out of cardboard. It will be more beautiful if the material does not differ. Decorate the nose and ears with acrylic or gouache. Make holes for the eyes and mouth. Next, attach the pig's snout from the cup using ordinary glue or double-sided tape.

Attach a ribbon or elastic band for the tie so that the child or you (depending on who will wear the accessory) is comfortable. That's all. Funny pig mask is ready.

Felt pig muzzle

This is probably the most interesting and expensive option, which is also the most unusual. For him, we need felt. Here the singularity will be precisely in the material. You can take felt of two different colors for the patch and muzzle. There are a couple of possible options here:

  • On the felt, you can draw a cute face with felt-tip pens.
  • You can simply circle the downloaded and printed template.
  • You can glue small details (such as a nose and ears) from felt of a different color to the base.

Then you need to cut it along the contour, leaving cuts for the mouth and eyes. It remains to attach a ribbon or elastic band (according to the size of your head) to it. And the funny pig mask is ready.

Mask from old T-shirts

Another rather unusual version of this accessory can be made from old T-shirts that no one wears for a long time. Or buy a pink flannel, outline the template, cut along the contour, overcast and, of course, make holes for the eyes and mouth. This option requires minimal sewing skills. If desired, you can even direct the contour of the eyes with a felt-tip pen. Printing templates for this is quite simple. Fun mini pig mask will surprise everyone.

Other costume decorations

Having printed a mask of a pig on the head, you can change it a little. Draw some small details, for example, freckles. For girls, you can draw or even attach a flower hairpin, like a pig from Smeshariki. You can wear a hoop for a girl or a knitted hat for a boy. You can even make the pig a light make-up, emphasize the eyes. This option is especially good for adults. Beautiful jewelry, earrings or beads can also be appropriate. The main thing is not to overdo it.

You can complement the carnival costume with different accessories of cartoon or fairy-tale characters.. For example, you can wear clothes like your character, come up with a completely new character that you like. Perhaps it will differ from others in color or ears. There is a huge opportunity to dream up here. An upturned piglet, pink ears and round cheeks - all these elements create the image of a very cute little pig.

It is necessary to measure the circumference of the head with a centimeter (or immediately with a ribbon). We cut off the required amount of tape, taking into account an additional two to four centimeters for tying. They are needed in order to thread the tape through the small holes on the side and tie. It is best to make holes not too close to the edge, as any mask can tear a little in these places. Especially if it is an accessory made of not very thick paper.

For greater reliability, seal this place from the inside with tape. Also, the tape can be replaced with thick paper, if it is convenient. Then a paper strip the size of your head circumference plus two or three centimeters should be glued to the mask. Gluing is not very close to the very edge, so that the strip holds well. For a cardboard accessory, ordinary PVA glue or all-purpose glue is suitable. Do not forget to decorate such a strip of paper in the color of the mask. Ribbon is also better to match the color of the suit.

Happy work for mom and baby

Of course, animal costumes are often just bought in a store, but a custom-made costume is much more interesting and original. The pig mask can be a great addition to the costume of Funtik, Smeshariki, Peppa, the Three Little Pigs, Piglet or any other fairy-tale boar hero. A funny do-it-yourself pig mask will be a great addition to the New Year's costume. It will help to make a holiday, game or party unusual and exciting.

It will be especially fun if you try to make it with your child. He can help decorate or tie a ribbon, depending on his age. You can turn this into a fun game for the whole family or let your child create with friends. It will be fun if they make masks of three piglets together. Costume making is a great way to spend time together.

Attention, only TODAY!

Kibets Marina Yurievna

Second option

Every child wants to be the most beautiful, interesting and original at a creative event. Mask is a stunning accessory that complements any look. We will make an original New Year's mask do it yourself in the form of a head pigs, which is very symbolic on the eve of the new 2019 - the year pigs.

For manufacturingThis craft will need the following materials:

1. Light pink, dark pink paper;

3. Satin ribbon 1.5 cm wide;

4. Scissors; simple pencil;

5. Glue universal;

6. Paper detail template.

1. Cut out the patterns of parts from paper with scissors.

2. We apply the template of the part itself masks to light pink paper and cut out two identical parts. Carefully cut holes for the eyes. We put both parts together and see that all the edges match equally.

If some parts protrude, carefully cut them off with scissors.

3. Attach the ear template (heart) to dark pink paper and cut out 4 identical parts.

4. In the same way, we apply the nose template to dark pink paper and cut out two identical shapes. We put two hearts together and look so that all the edges are equally even and there are no extra protruding parts.

6. From a satin ribbon we cut off two identical pieces, 50 cm / 60 cm long, glue them.

After the glue is completely dry, the Christmas craft is ready.

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Hello comrades!

At the request of readers, I am writing an article “How to make a boar mask”. Making masks of all sorts of exotic animals is my hobby. I made a boar mask one evening just to prove to myself that I can do it (and for fun). Well, she boasted of a photo on the site and suggested: who is interested - ask, and I will tell you how to do it. After that, I happily forgot. And now - it turns out the boar is in demand!

Greetings to everyone who wants to "reincarnate" in Mr. Chro-Chro.

So, how to make a boar mask? The first one I made out of wrapping paper. To be honest, we need to check how this model will show itself in the cardboard version. By the way, which card to choose? I have a set of black-yellow-blue... hmm, no brown! I agreed with myself: I take white, the reverse undress side is some kind of grayish, let's see how this grayness will look like a boar's suit.

I took out the old boar mask, pasted it up, laid out the details on A3 cardboard, circled it, and cut it out.

I bend my nose, even crush it. Here it is already necessary to show manual dexterity and resourcefulness: the cardboard must be bent both along the nose and across, so that the long snout becomes slightly-slightly folded and not flat, but like a rounded gable roof. In general, at first it is better to practice bending just a large piece of cardboard.

The darts on the forehead had to be lengthened - cardboard is harder than paper. I also had to glue not, but. I note that the edges of the tucks should be inclined towards the midline of the muzzle - this visually narrows the forehead of the beast. If it were a human mask, then the darts would be glued in reverse to make the forehead appear wider.

I cut the outer edges of the ears with a fringe and ruffle. I bend the inner edges and hook them at the base with a stapler - the ears have acquired some volume.

I take a "lining" nose - one that should mask the actor's nose well and conveniently (this was used in), bend and try on myself. Fine. I glue it under the boar's nose with a thermal gun. Again I try on and right on the face, bending and pressing down, I give this lining nose the correct shape. Is sitting?

On the inside of the boar's nose, I put two large drops of glue on the folds on both sides and glue it to the lower nose. Now the upper nose does not dangle arbitrarily, but it does not exactly lie on the lower one, there is a gap between them so that you can further bend and "shape" the outer nose. I glue the ears and strongly bend them forward. I'm gluing a patch.

Everything , the boar mask is ready. Oh, I forgot the fangs! I cut out the fangs from whatman paper so that both sides are white (actually, it should be yellow, but ... it didn’t work out very well with the color - the boar did come out an albino).

Nevertheless, if such an animal appears in and says "Hro-hro", respect and respect for him, in fact, are provided.

A funny paper pig mask will make New Year's Eve fun and bring a little fairy tale and miracle to the holiday.

Arrange a carnival party in the spirit of the symbol of the year! To make a pig mask with your own hands, you will need one free evening, a good mood and a little creative inspiration. Craft materials will fit into any budget, so don't look for reasons to give up needlework. We recommend that you start preparing for the holidays in advance and not be afraid to add your own zest to the design.

Materials for creativity

To make a pig mask with your own hands, prepare:

  • whatman paper or two sheets of A4 paper;
  • gouache or wallpaper of a suitable color;
  • glitter and clear polish (for nails) for decoration;
  • glue paper or silicone gun;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil, pen;
  • marker (black or blue);
  • Scotch;
  • tie tape.

Whatman paper is denser, use it if you are going not to paste over the craft with pieces of wallpaper, but paint it with gouache. Keep an eraser handy just in case, so that you can correct the contours if necessary.

Manufacturing and decoration technique

On a piece of paper or drawing paper, draw the outlines of a pig, having previously estimated the width and height of the face of the one who will be hiding behind the character. Consider how much you want to leave your mouth visible.

On the second sheet, draw two ears, a nose and a fastener strip for the piglet's snout.

The dimensions of the drawing paper allow you to draw the muzzle completely, and not draw the ears separately. The author of the master class did not have any drawing paper at hand, so the photo shows an example of cutting on plain paper. Carefully cut out your sketches.

Check if the ears match.

And does the nose fit?

Take a piece of wallpaper and on the reverse side, carefully pressing the edges, carefully circle the contours of the pig mask.

Also carefully circle the nose and ears. Don't forget the fastener strip.

All parts will need to be done in two. You can not circle the second ear and the second patch, but simply leave enough space nearby so that later, evenly folding the wallpaper in half, cut out two elements at once. It is more convenient to sign blanks so as not to get confused. Carefully cut out all circled fragments.

You should get: 4 ears, 2 nickels, 1 base and 1 long strip. Prepare the parts for gluing by laying them out in the correct order.

Carefully glue all the components of the pig mask. Trim the edges if necessary.

The elements will be dense and strong. Check again if all parts fit.

Carefully circle all the fragments with a marker, except for the fastener strip and the folds of the ears.

Circle the ears on the reverse side as well (you can not go all the way to the bottom).

Glue the ears, having previously bent them with a ruler, and glue the fastener strip into a tube.

Glue the snout onto the tube-fastener, and then glue the finished nose to the pig mask.

Here is what should come out as a result of efforts.

Using adhesive tape, make loops for ties, insert ribbons into them that will hold the piglet's muzzle on its head. If you are making a New Year's mask, add the appropriate decoration. Carefully coat the contours with a colorless varnish and sprinkle glitter on top of a fresh layer.

And this is how the muzzle of a pig made of Whatman paper, dyed with gouache (glued over with adhesive tape for density and wear resistance), will look like this.

According to this master class, you can make children's masks for the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs".

As you can see, making paper masks is available for craftswomen of any level. It is more difficult to create Venetian masks using the papier-mâché technique, according to this fascinating art.

Use carnival paraphernalia at home for holidays and cooperatives. It's fun and funny. In addition, you can do without makeup.

In the latter case, as an option, you can choose not only numerous cool events, but also.

A homemade mask can be used as part of a New Year's piglet costume or as an independent decoration. If you are preparing a children's costume, then try to make the mask the same color as the rest of the clothes. If desired, the mask can be made of pink, the traditional color of the Piglet, or use the symbolic colors of the year: yellow, brown, all shades of beige or gold.

Original paper Pig mask

This version of the mask is perfect for a child and an adult and will perfectly cheer you up, and it’s absolutely not difficult to make it. To create a mask, you will need thick paper, scissors, glue and some neatness. Cut out the muzzle of the selected animal from paper, and after the ears. The nose, like the rest of the parts, you can draw or glue from another paper. Everything to your taste. Don't forget to leave a little paper for each element in order to glue them later. When both parts are ready, fasten them with glue and wait for complete drying. After that, we cut out a strip that will be the basis of our mask (it will help to “dress” it on a child). We glue the strip into a circle and glue the muzzle of the animal on one side. In just a few hours, your mask will be ready. Remember that before you cut out the elements of the mask, you should first draw them with a pencil.

If you have your own unusual idea and idea, then try to make every effort to make it a reality, especially since nothing is impossible, but it will cheer you up and your child.


paper plate mask

Disposable tableware is very often used for home crafts. Round flat plates made of thick paper are ideal for making an original mask. Do-it-yourself Pig mask from a plate can be made even without a template.

Make small round holes at eye level, and you can draw a patch and a mouth by yourself expressing any emotion. Ears are glued separately - small triangles that can be cut from a second plate or cardboard.

Felt mask

This is a kind of craft that is perfect during the celebration of the New Year. But, as in each individual case, you should first prepare the appropriate materials.

  • Light pink felt. Additionally, a black shade is selected, as well as dark pink.
  • Under a specific option, a color is also selected.
  • Satin ribbon. A width of 15 mm will suffice.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • prepared templates. They can be made, including independently for specific parameters of a person. For them, the mask itself is drawn on paper with slits under the eyes, a rounded patch, as well as hearts. The latter will act as ears.

When all this is available, you can proceed to the process itself. When the templates are already cut out of paper with scissors, they are applied to pieces of felt, depending on the specific color. There must be two instances of each element. We can not forget about the cutouts for the eyes. After that, they stick together, tightly pressing against each other. In this case, the edges must coincide with each other so that everything is really beautiful. But do not worry if the edges protrude. They can be easily cut with scissors later. The nose should be dark pink, with black holes, the mask itself is pink. Dark pink is also suitable for the ears.

Satin ribbon is used for ties. It will be optimal to choose a pink shade. The pieces should be the same in length, about 50-60 cm. During stitching, you should be careful so that the seams themselves are not conspicuous. You can sew ties between two fragments of the mask itself, which will give some reliability to the whole structure. Ears in the form of hearts are sewn to the main part, as well as a patch. In this case, it is necessary to select the color for the thread while sewing.

As for the holes for the black felt patch, it will be enough to glue them with ordinary universal glue. They are made in the form of ovals, about 20 mm long and no more than 10 mm wide. It remains to wait a while for everything to dry and the composition will be ready. You won’t have to spend a lot of time and effort, and the number of masks performed can be as needed for all participants in the New Year’s Eve.

It is worth noting that the physiognomy of the future pig itself can be drawn independently or you can use ready-made templates. The pattern should not only please, but also subsequently be of high quality. Children can also be involved in the task, which will create even more mood for everyone around.

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